home · Other · We build a gazebo with our own hands. How to build a gazebo with your own hands: let's look at how to build a beautiful gazebo step by step, choosing the appropriate option Simple options for country gazebos

We build a gazebo with our own hands. How to build a gazebo with your own hands: let's look at how to build a beautiful gazebo step by step, choosing the appropriate option Simple options for country gazebos

There is nothing more desirable than relaxing in nature after a long work week, there is nothing more pleasant than a noisy company of friends and relatives, and there is nothing more beautiful than such cheerful holidays.

Going to the dacha with a large group or just gathering in the garden in a narrow family circle, it seems that nothing else is needed for happiness, but there is one important detail that can make any holiday more comfortable - a comfortable seating area.

And there is nothing more comfortable than a neat and beautiful gazebo, decorated, equipped and ready to receive guests. The most important thing is that you can build such a gazebo with your own hands.

DIY gazebo made of wood

Before proceeding to the main part, you should focus on the choice of material. The advantage of wood over stone and iron is obvious. This is simple installation, cheaper and more accessible materials, environmental friendliness, harmonious appearance - a wooden gazebo looks better surrounded by nature than an iron or stone one.

But the most important advantage is that working with wood does not require high professionalism - if you choose a simple option - or special tools. Now you can move on to the first and most important point of construction - the gazebo project.

Project preparation

Many people are scared by the question of how to build a gazebo, but if you look into it, there is nothing complicated or impossible about it. The gazebo can be square, hexagonal, open, closed, large or small - first of all, you should decide on these points.

They are individual depending on the purpose of the building, but it is better and easier to start with a semi-open, square or rectangular gazebo. Its size is limited only by the desire and capabilities of the site. Typically this is a 3x3 meter area.

Drawings of the gazebo should be carried out with special care so that, firstly, in the future, you do not make a mistake when purchasing material, and secondly, you get the desired result - a solid and level building. When choosing a tree, price usually plays a major role.

The most inexpensive and common materials are pine and pine needles. They are great for building a gazebo and are easy to work with. To make the tree last longer, it can be pre-impregnated with antiseptic insect repellents or a moisture-proof solution. And the most “win-win” option is, of course, to prepare the necessary tools in advance.

Preparing the site

The next step is selecting and preparing a site for construction. The location is selected individually depending on the conditions of the site. When preparing the soil, the main thing is to thoroughly clear the area of ​​weeds and protruding stumps. It is better to remove the top part of the soil so that water does not flow under the gazebo.

Now you can move on to how exactly to make a gazebo with your own hands, that is, immediately begin construction. The main thing to remember is that if all points are strictly followed, the work will only bring pleasure.


There are several types of foundations and each builder chooses his own depending on his personal professionalism. The most common and, perhaps, the simplest and at the same time reliable of them is a columnar foundation, where cinder blocks are used as pillars.

It is necessary to dig a hole 20-30 cm deep, make a sandy base at the bottom, install a cinder block, fill it with gravel and soil, level it and compact it thoroughly. The number of base pillars depends on the size of the gazebo. In the corners and the very center they are required, then every meter/one and a half.


Next comes the main part of the gazebo - the frame. For its construction, as a rule, 100×100 mm bars are used. At the ends of the base and roof bars, L-shaped jumpers are cut out for fastening together. The pillars of the gazebo are screwed to the base with self-tapping screws using metal corners where provided by the design.

In order for the gazebo floor to be sufficiently reliable, additional transverse bars should be installed after 50-60 cm, fastening them in the same way - with corners and a lintel. And for greater strength, it is better to install one longitudinal one in the middle of the structure (if the frame is square, then stick to the same pattern, regardless of the sides).

For a semi-open type gazebo - that is, with a small fence provided for in the future - it is better to install such a number of pillars and at such a distance that later a horizontal fence and railing can be easily attached to them, leaving only a place for the entrance.


To install a hip-type roof, 150x50 mm boards are required. Their length depends on the size of the gazebo. The boards are installed on the edges in pairs from the corners of the gazebo and fastened with self-tapping screws to the upper frame of the frame.

The ends of the boards, sawn at the required angle, are connected to each other in the center of the gazebo with nails and, in addition, are strengthened and tightened with corners of a suitable shape.

In this way, a rafter system is obtained; all that remains is to cover it with boards or plywood, and then with roofing felt and bitumen shingles. If necessary, the roof frame can be strengthened with additional rafters. To do this, it is best to separately look at a photo of a gazebo with a hip-type rafter roof and choose the appropriate option.


The floor is lined with a board about 30 mm thick and of the appropriate length, depending on the location of the additional longitudinal and transverse bars of the base, screwed with self-tapping screws. It is better to use special floorboards that have a longer service life.


If this item was provided for in advance, then there will be no problems with it. The height of the fence is usually 70-80 cm. The boards are screwed horizontally to the posts of the gazebo as a solid wall or with slots along the entire perimeter of the structure, leaving space for entry. You can install a special beam on top that will replace the railing.

Painting and decoration

The most enjoyable stage is when all the hard and responsible work has already been done. For painting, it is better to use special varnishes for facades and wear-resistant paints intended for outdoor use.

At this point, you can not stop at choosing a color and completely surrender to your own imagination, decorating the gazebo in accordance with your own taste and additionally equipping it with all the necessary items.

After all that has been said, you can, of course, dream about such a “zone” for a long time, and regretfully retreat in the face of future difficulties, but you just need to set a goal, find time, approach the matter thoroughly, and after a while you will be able to please yourself and your friends with an excellent gazebo in the country or in the garden right next to the house, which will at the same time become both a reason for a holiday and a place for it to be held, and for many years will welcome cheerful companies within its strong and reliable walls, built with one’s own hands.

Photos of gazebos with your own hands

Today, few people limit their summer cottage to just a house and a garden. Such a cozy building for relaxation, like a gazebo, decorates every second yard. This article is for those who are ready to independently build a country house on their own site.

Selecting a location

Before choosing a place to build a gazebo, you need to think about the purposes for which it will be used. For many in the summer, the gazebo serves as a dining room or summer kitchen, then it makes sense to make it closer to home. If it is needed solely for relaxation and privacy, then it is better to place it on the outskirts of the site.

But wherever such a country house is located, it must match the style and design of all buildings on the site and not stand out from the overall picture. Therefore, you need to consider not only the location issue, but also the detailed configuration.

The bank of a river or other body of water would be an excellent place for any gazebo, but not every summer cottage has such delights.

If you place a gazebo in the yard in the shade of tall trees, it will certainly become an ideal place for reflection and relaxation.

If the area in front of a private house is very small, then you can place it in the very center, having first laid a path, for example, from the gate. To prevent the open gazebo from being visible to passers-by, you can plant dense tall shrubs near it.

During construction, it is worth remembering that not only the view of the gazebo from the side is very important, but also the view from it, because nothing should interfere with a comfortable rest. For example, a view of a neighbor’s fence or even a wall of a house will not create the proper atmosphere. But in any case, the situation can be corrected with the help of flowers and properly selected furniture.

Before installing a gazebo, you must find out the depth of groundwater in the area and the degree of soil freezing in winter. It would also be useful to have information about the prevailing wind direction, especially if the gazebo has a place to install a barbecue. If necessary, you can contact surveyors for this information.

The installation site should be relatively level. If there are stumps on the site, it is better to uproot them, because overgrown roots can damage the foundation.

To install a gazebo with a stove/barbecue, you should take into account all fire safety standards.

Varieties and designs

All country gazebos can be divided according to the criteria of shape and material from which they are made.

There are 5 types of gazebos based on the type of material used.


The most common option for self-production. Such structures do not require a solid foundation and are quite easy to install, environmentally friendly and multifunctional. If desired, even a large wooden gazebo can be made collapsible and moved if necessary.


This is a much stronger and more durable building when compared to a wooden one. But for its construction you simply need a strong foundation. A brick gazebo can serve as both a summer kitchen and a place for receiving guests and organizing a barbecue. If the gazebo is intended for relaxation with children, you can hang a swing or a hammock inside.


The main advantage of this material is its low cost. But I am pleased with the presence of mobility and resistance to temperature changes. The outside of such gazebos is often covered with paint.


Suitable for any foundation, but making it yourself is quite difficult.


An option close to metal, but more beautiful and, accordingly, more expensive. In addition, a forged gazebo is only suitable for use in the summer. They are not made glazed either. Ideal for summer residents who care more about appearance than functionality.

Gazebos are also distinguished by shape.

Rectangular (square)

A universal solution that can be made of any material. It will fit into every area, regardless of whether it is placed in the middle or along the perimeter.


Often this is a hexagonal or octagonal gazebo, but theoretically you can improvise with the shape. It also requires a foundation and is difficult to design on your own, but it looks much more original than a standard-shaped gazebo.

A multifaceted gazebo is often decorated with a domed roof.


It looks like a kind of tent that can be easily disassembled when necessary. It fits well in a small area because it does not take up much space. The design of the canopy itself is very simple, but installation again requires a foundation. The roof is usually made of tarpaulin or special fabric.


This form will appeal to lovers of romance. A round table, benches or a flower arrangement around the perimeter will fit perfectly into the gazebo. Such a gazebo is comparable in versatility to a square one and will suit any landscape.


This form is very practical and allows you to install a gazebo even in a small area.

Also, according to the type of construction, all gazebos are divided into open and closed. Everything is clear here: in the first there are no walls (or part of them), and in the second they are designed like a real country house: with a roof and walls.

Materials and components

Foundation materials

It could be brick, stone or concrete.

Concrete mortar will require filler, which can be gravel, crushed stone or sand. The required proportions are often indicated on the cement packaging and should not raise any questions.

To build a brick foundation for a wooden gazebo, many people use red brick. It must be well-fired and resistant to moisture.

Roofing felt or roofing felt will do a good job of waterproofing the foundation.

Floor materials

For a building without a foundation, the floor can be well-compacted soil, a lawn, or even a neatly laid slab. True, this can cause inconvenience during rain, for example. Therefore, more often the floor is made of boards or laid with tiles (artificial stone).

Flooring materials should be chosen so that they are combined with the overall design of the gazebo.

If the choice is made in favor of tiles, then ceramic or matte will be optimal. This will reduce slipping and make cleaning easier. Along with the tiles, you need to purchase a special mastic for sealing the seams.

Concrete mortar

Concrete is formed by hardening a concrete solution that has been pre-mixed and compacted. And concrete mortar is a cement mixture mixed with water. You can prepare this mixture yourself or buy it ready-made. Today there is a huge variety of concrete mixtures on the market: they are divided according to density, frost resistance, strength and other parameters.

When purchasing and calculating the amount of concrete mixture, it is worth remembering that after mixing the solution, it will noticeably decrease in volume.

When producing a foundation on screw piles, you should take care of purchasing high-quality piles, having first studied the brand of the product.


These include nails, bolts, screws, staples, dowels, nuts, screws and more. Of course, not a single stage of construction can be completed without the use of nails, so they need to be purchased in sufficient quantities. The most common nails are construction nails. There are also galvanized ones, which have a protective coating against corrosion. There are special roofing felt nails for attaching roofing felt: their heads are wider than regular nails.

Fastening of volumetric parts of a building is usually done using screws.

Wood protection and treatment products

Wood must be regularly treated with an antiseptic to prevent rotting. This should be done in a special suit, protecting your eyes with construction glasses, and your respiratory organs with a respirator.

Cinder block does not require special care products.

Sometimes, before finishing work, rounded logs need to be bleached. To do this, you first need to deresin it with special solutions that dissolve it. So you should pay attention to the amount of resin on the logs at the very beginning of construction.

If wood parts need to be glued together, you can choose from a number of types of glue: synthetic, casein, epoxy or gluten.

At the stage of finishing a log gazebo, paints and varnishes are needed. They come in two types: opaque and transparent. The first includes all kinds of paints and enamels. The second includes various varnishes. Before applying paints and varnishes, the surface must be puttied.

If the frame system of the gazebo is made of plastic or PVC pipes, extensions for 2 parts at 180 degrees, angles and tees for connecting three pipes may be useful. The top trim in such structures is a polypropylene perimeter.

For outdoor gazebos in a natural style, it is more suitable to decorate the roof with reeds, for example, without the use of corrugated sheeting. It also needs to be thoroughly prepared before laying: dry it, check for the presence of insects and beetles, and tie it well.

If the roof is covered with corrugated sheeting, you need to choose the right one.

It differs according to four indicators:

  • sheet thickness;
  • sheet width;
  • wave height;
  • wave width.

The magnitude of these numbers is directly proportional to the quality of the material.


Any construction work begins with drawing up drawings. You can find a suitable ready-made project or create your own, taking into account all the features of a particular site and your preferences. If a sufficiently skilled craftsman begins construction, he can use a hand drawing, that is, a simple diagram. In other cases, it is necessary to take into account all dimensions and proportions in the sketch on paper. Naturally, at the design stage you need to decide on the location of the gazebo.

Based on the type of construction, one can distinguish open gazebos (beams with a roof), semi-open (the presence of one or two walls) and closed (all walls with windows are present).

When choosing the shape and dimensions of the gazebo, you need to take into account the size of the surrounding area, the number of people who will relax inside, the size of the furniture and the intended placement of the barbecue/oven.

If the dacha plot is quite large, a small gazebo can get lost on it. In this case, it is better to build a whole set of a gazebo, a swimming pool, a veranda with panoramic windows - in a word, everything you can imagine.

Of course, there are ready-made kits for self-assembly of such country houses, but this reduces creativity to zero.

When calculating the size of the future gazebo, you need to take into account that each person needs approximately 2 square meters. Thus, a gazebo measuring 6x4 m can comfortably accommodate up to 10 people. If the gazebo is being built exclusively for the relaxation of a small family, then you can get by with the standard dimensions of such buildings - 4x4 or 3x3 square meters.

The type of gazebo directly depends on whether it will be used in winter. If this is the case, you need a warm glass house with all the amenities. An all-season polycarbonate gazebo with sliding windows can also be adjacent to a blank wall on the back side of the house.

How to do

It is not difficult to build a beautiful gazebo at the lowest cost with your own hands if you follow the recommendations of experienced builders and carry out all stages of the work step by step. Any summer resident can get a simple summer gazebo and will allow him not to spend extra money on production. It's worth starting by looking at a standard work plan.

Gazebo base

Even a light gazebo with the simplest design needs a fulcrum and must be anchored in the ground.

Let's take a closer look at the stages of foundation construction.

  • On the selected site, markings are made along the perimeter of the future building. Usually this is a small area, so you can get by with standard measuring instruments.

  • The best way to level the surface for the foundation is to dig out the top layer of turf to a depth of 200 mm.
  • Next, in the right places, you should dig holes at least 50 cm deep and fill their bottom with gravel, which must be compacted.
  • Log or concrete supports are placed in the pits, which are later leveled and concreted.
  • After the concrete has completely dried, it is necessary to cover the supports with waterproofing and lay beams on top, which can be connected using metal pins.

Floor installation

Laying wooden flooring begins with attaching the beams to the bottom trim. To avoid sagging, concrete blocks or a skull block should be placed under them. A floorboard is mounted on top of the beams.

If you decide to cover the floor with tiles or tiles, you need to level the floor surface using cement screed and cladding.

Construction of the frame

When the foundation is completely dry, you can begin building the frame.

  • Vertical posts are placed in the corners, which can be secured with protruding metal pins.
  • The supports should be carefully aligned vertically and secured with braces.

  • Next, the upper parts of the racks are connected to each other with strapping. For greater stability, you can connect opposite corners crosswise with boards.
  • The rafters are attached to the side frame at a distance of approximately 50-60 cm from each other. The fastening unit can be made by cutting out both parts and fastening them with nails and metal plates.
  • The protrusion of the rafters beyond the boundaries of the frame should not exceed 40 cm. But it should not be made too small either, because then the protection from precipitation will deteriorate.


When the foundation and frame are ready, we can say that the main stages of the work are over. Finishing allows for more freedom and creativity, so installation is hardly labor-intensive.

The process of finishing the gazebo:

  • vertical posts should be installed between the supports to which the filling is attached;
  • if the sheathing is made of clapboard, then it is fixed with nails with small heads;
  • the grille is mounted with self-tapping screws from the inside.

The roof installation process depends on the selected material:

  • a continuous sheathing is needed for tiles or wooden plates, that is, for piece roofing material (a lattice made of moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of at least 8 mm is optimal);
  • under metal tiles, ondulin and polycarbonate, a sparse lathing made of wooden beams will be required;
  • the roof is fixed to the sheathing according to the manufacturer’s instructions, additional protection (drainage system) is installed upon request.

The final stage of work will be arranging furniture, eliminating minor defects, removing construction waste, etc.

It is not so difficult to carry out all the above points yourself step by step, especially if you have at least some experience in construction. This is quite cheap compared to projects carried out by professional craftsmen. Moreover, a homemade gazebo is another reason to be proud of yourself. If, over time, the usual construction does not seem enough, you can complete the upper floor (near the closed gazebos) or design a full-fledged recreation area that can be attached to the house.


In order for the gazebo to stand for many years, you need to take the choice of foundation seriously - this is the most important part for any structure.

The most common mistake novice builders make is purchasing low-quality building materials in an attempt to save money. There is also an opinion that if a gazebo is made of wood, then it is quite light and does not need a strong foundation - this is a misconception.

Here are some tips for building a foundation.

  • First of all, you need to clear the area on which the gazebo will be built in the future. To do this, the top layer of soil is removed to avoid exposure to excess moisture on the materials.

  • Then you need to draw the outline of the future building and choose the type of foundation: columnar, strip or pile. More often, summer residents choose the first.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the degree of soil freezing. This is especially important for a columnar foundation, since it lies deeper. In sandy soil, the foundation should be 40-60 cm deep, for moving soil - about 80-100 cm.
  • Do not forget about waterproofing: without it, no foundation will be strong.
  • Additional materials for the foundation can be metal pipes filled with concrete, concrete blocks, wooden beams, etc.


The frame can be made of timber, metal or natural stone. In any case, it must be stable and withstand not only the weight of the roof, but also the precipitation that may accumulate on it.

The most popular materials are wood and metal. Plastic and brick are used less often.

Advantages of metal:

  • high strength;
  • ease of installation on any foundation;
  • mobility (if necessary, such a frame can be disassembled into beams and moved);
  • fire resistance (in such a gazebo you can install a barbecue and not be afraid of fires).

The disadvantage of a metal frame is the likelihood of rust. But with proper care this can be easily prevented.

Wood is used more often than metal. One of its main advantages is environmental friendliness.

It should also be remembered that not only moisture can damage a wooden structure, but also numerous insects.


The material for the flooring should be chosen based on the type of gazebo: not all coatings that are used in closed gazebos will withstand the tests to which coatings for open structures are subjected.

Having assessed your financial capabilities, you can begin to select the material., because the design of the floor can result in a fairly large sum or, on the contrary, it can be done independently from scrap materials.

It is also important to take into account the design and surroundings of the building.


In a wooden country house, a wooden floor will look better than a tile or concrete floor.

Often, wooden boards are used to decorate the floor in gazebos: it's beautiful, environmentally friendly and cheap. In addition, its installation does not require any special skills, and even a novice builder can handle it.

Installation of a wooden floor begins with laying and securing the timber. To ensure additional reliability, it is possible to use several types of fasteners at once.

The flooring is not made with very thick boards, leaving gaps for ventilation. They should not be made too large to avoid sagging of the boards.

After finishing work on laying a wooden floor, it must be coated with an antiseptic, and then painted or varnished.

Wooden floors are ideal for closed gazebos, as they are protected from moisture.

In addition to wood, there are several coverings from which you can choose the one that suits your specific gazebo.

  • Decking– material for any flat surface without a concrete base. Its huge advantage is that after the end of the season it can be simply disassembled and re-laid in the spring.
  • Terrace board Suitable for those who value durability. This coating will last for decades. With its help you can make a perfectly flat floor.
  • Material like deck board, is very convenient because it is not susceptible to rotting and fungus formation. And these indicators are very important for any type of gazebo.

The cost of these boards is much higher than regular ones, but the quality matches the price.

But a wooden floor, along with many advantages, also has some not very pleasant features. These include the need for careful and regular care of the coating: treatment with antiseptics (1-2 times a year) and monitoring for the appearance of fungus.


Suitable for brick buildings, especially since upon completion of the construction of brick gazebos there is already a rough concrete floor (top layer of the foundation). Many people leave it in this form, but it will look more aesthetically pleasing if it is filled with cement mortar a second time.

Porcelain tiles

This material is compressed clay that has been fired at a very high temperature. It can be compared to tiles, but porcelain stoneware is more durable. Often used for finishing large areas. It is one of the simplest solutions, since it is not at all difficult to equip.

These tiles are simply laid on top of the concrete floor. The main advantages of porcelain stoneware include durability and wear resistance. The only drawback is that the shape and color are presented in a small assortment. And when cutting, you can completely ruin the material, because it is difficult to process.

Paving slabs can also serve as flooring. You'll have to tinker with the installation, but it's easy to clean. Before laying such tiles, you need to carefully prepare the surface. To do this, you need to sequentially pour 3-4 layers of sand, then a layer of gravel, then another layer of sand. Only after this can tiles be laid on the surface.

Immediately before laying, the soil should be wetted in the place where the tiles are laid. It should be taken into account that paving slabs can be very slippery in winter. Also, if not laid carefully, the tiles become deformed over time and lie unevenly, which can increase the risk of injury in the winter.


The gazebo can have a roof of absolutely any shape. The main requirement is that it should not be too heavy. If you want to make a massive roof, then at the design stage it is worth considering a suitable foundation.

The shape of the roof should fit well with the style and material of the gazebo, as well as with the weather conditions of the area. For example, in snowy areas it is illogical to build flat structures: snow will accumulate on the roof, which can lead to a complete collapse of the building. Also, you should not build roofs with a large slope in places with strong winds.

But, in addition to functionality, it is also worth considering the aesthetic features of a particular roof shape.


The simplest form to make yourself is a design. Often, shed roofs are built for structures with four walls. The corresponding shapes are: rectangular, square, diamond-shaped or trapezoidal.


Ideal for rectangular buildings. The rafter system (sloping or hanging) depends on the design and roofing material.

Four slopes

It is this form that is used to cover most country gazebos. There are two types: in the form of four triangles connected at the vertices, and in the form of two trapezoids and two triangles (hip).

If you don’t like the most common forms, you can show your imagination and make a roof with a complex geometric shape. For example, a multi-tiered roof in the Chinese style will look very colorful and unusual.

There are also hip roofs. They have the same principle as the hipped one, but it looks much more original and is perfect for round and polygonal buildings.

Particularly inventive summer residents erect gazebos with domed, spherical, tower, and combined roofs.

A reed roof will be an excellent design solution. Since ancient times, reeds have been used as roofing. And it is no coincidence: the material has water-repellent and heat-insulating properties.

If installed correctly, such a roof will protect you from the hot sun and heavy rain.


The minimum configuration of a country gazebo includes installed light and one or more sockets.

The main thing to pay attention to is the type of wires used. This can be a round or flat cable. The second one is often of higher quality and more durable, but has some installation nuances and a rather high price. These nuances lie in the poor flexibility of flat wires. Accordingly, when placing them in the corners, the outer layer of the wire must be carefully cut at the bends. But still, most summer residents make a choice in favor of flat wires.

You should buy a cable with a margin of at least a meter, because design errors are almost inevitable. This will save time and avoid connecting different cables together, which can be unsafe.

When installing wiring yourself, do not neglect the use of asbestos sheet. It is laid between the wire and the wall, which will serve as protection (albeit not one hundred percent) in the event of a sudden fire in the electrical wiring.

The cheapest and easiest way to conduct electricity is open. This means that wires will not be hidden in the walls. If the work is done well, this nuance will not spoil the appearance of the building.

First you need to make a drawing. It will detail where and how the wiring will run. Next, you need to use a pencil to make markings on the walls along which the wires will be attached.

After this, strips of asbestos are attached to the walls of the gazebo, and the cable is already laid on them. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the fasteners do not pinched the wire too much, but also do not allow it to dangle.

Many self-taught craftsmen choose a very unsafe method of fastening: they simply drive nails into the wiring itself, attaching it in this way to the walls of the gazebo. Under no circumstances should you do this, because in this case the likelihood of a fire or short circuit increases many times over.

After attaching the wires, installation of sockets, switches and other elements follows. The opposite end of the wire must be connected to a separate machine and connected to the network.

Hidden electrical wiring will require greater material costs and more installation time, but the appearance will not change much. Therefore, all novice craftsmen prefer the open type of wiring.

If you have absolutely no skills in working with electricity, it would be wise to turn to professional electricians.

Finishing inside and outside

The assembled country house is only half the battle. When the main stages of construction have been completed, it is worth thinking about interior and exterior decoration. Its main part is the lining of the ceiling, walls and floor of the gazebo. There are many options for cladding.


This material has conquered the domestic market relatively recently, but still remains very popular among craftsmen due to its undeniable advantages.

  • Low thermal conductivity. This means that the walls will be able to trap heat inside the gazebo in winter and coolness in summer.
  • High-quality sound insulation. Extraneous external noise will not be a problem for a closed gazebo if it is sheathed with polycarbonate.
  • UV protection. A special film on this material protects well from the heat of the sun. When laying, you need to pay attention to the fact that the film is on the outside, otherwise it simply will not perform its function.

  • Waterproof. You can stay in a gazebo covered with polycarbonate even during a thunderstorm or heavy downpour: it will definitely not get wet.
  • Wear resistance. Even without special care, the material will last at least ten years.
  • Flexibility. Due to its plasticity, polycarbonate is convenient for finishing round gazebos.
  • Affordable price. Any summer resident can afford this material.
  • Easy to install. You can handle the cladding yourself without involving builders, and this is an additional saving.
  • Large palette of colors. The ability to find a suitable color of material will help you save on paint.

It is most convenient to attach polycarbonate parts to a metal frame, which can be pre-welded or assembled with bolts.

Polycarbonate cannot be called ideal for finishing a country house due to its shortcomings.

  • Chemical origin. It is not suitable for lovers of environmentally friendly materials.
  • When it rains, a polycarbonate roof in a gazebo will respond to the impact of drops with a very loud sound, which can disrupt your rest.


Wooden lining is a good alternative to wood finishing, and it costs much less. Often made from oak, pine, linden or aspen.

Advantages of lining:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • relatively low price;
  • environmental friendliness and natural origin of the material;
  • beautiful and versatile appearance that will fit into any interior.

For external cladding, coniferous species will be optimal: spruce and pine. They contain a lot of resin, which creates additional protection against moisture.

Some features of the process of self-installation of lining:

  • before installation, it is necessary to treat the lining with an antiseptic to protect it from rotting and the appearance of fungus;
  • Often, at the beginning of repair work, a lattice of wooden slats is installed on the gazebo at a distance of 50 cm from each other, and lining is fastened across these slats;
  • you need to start laying from the corner of the gazebo (this should be done especially carefully, because the final result depends on the correct fastening of the first boards);
  • screws or nails are used to fix the boards;
  • during the installation process, from time to time you need to check the evenness of the panels using a building level;
  • The work is completed by coating the lining with varnish.


Siding is a kind of plastic lining.


  • moisture resistance;
  • It does not require special care;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • large range of colors;
  • long service life;
  • suitable for both interior and exterior decoration;
  • fire safety.

Laying siding is similar to laying lining. Therefore, having such a skill, you can already choose the material based on financial capabilities and color schemes.

Reinforcement mesh

If the issue of inexpensive seasonal design of a gazebo is relevant, then the reinforcing mesh will cope well with this. Its appearance cannot be called attractive, but it can become the basis for growing grapes, which later independently form the natural design of the walls of the gazebo.

First of all, you need to purchase a mesh with section sizes of approximately 10 by 10 cm, and the thickness of the rods should be 7-8 mm. The next step is to cut the mesh into pieces of the required size. It is better to bend all sharp edges to avoid cuts.

The mesh is attached to a wooden wall using nails, and welded to a metal wall.


This material can only be used for wooden buildings. In terms of functionality, it is close to the reinforcing mesh, but looks a little prettier.

When covering a gazebo with slats, you need to consider several important rules:

  • you need to choose parts no more than 5 mm in thickness and approximately 2-4 cm in width;
  • on the wall of the gazebo it is necessary to make clear markings at equal intervals, depending on the size of the cells decided to be made;
  • It is best to start installation from the upper left corner of the gazebo, attaching the slats diagonally according to the markings;
  • By laying the slats in this way, you need to reach the opposite corner of the building, after which you can proceed to the second layer, which is located perpendicular to the first.

Covering a winter gazebo

If the gazebo is being built for year-round use, you should take care of its high-quality insulation. Here standard external finishing will not be enough - additional insulation is required.

It could be:

  • polystyrene foam - an inexpensive material with good ability to repel moisture;
  • mineral wool is a natural moisture-resistant material that is good for its low thermal conductivity;
  • felt is a more expensive material that has excellent thermal insulation.

For finishing the inside of a winter gazebo, wooden lining is best suited.

How to decorate: design options

Now it has become fashionable to create a gazebo not just at random, but according to a specific style. Fortunately, people have been building gazebos for years, and there are a great many original examples that you can use as a basis for your own construction.

A great idea would be to place a small oriental-style oasis in a large gazebo. It could be a fountain with fish or just an aquarium.

Draped mattresses will be an ideal solution for covering seats and benches on the area near the gazebo.

An option without textiles is also possible: carved elements or forged latticework as one of the walls of an open-type building.

Summer residents with artistic abilities often decorate their gazebo with openwork wood carvings, unusual designs made from tree roots and knots, paintings made of straw, statues made of plaster or wood.

For stone gazebos, steps lined with decorative stone would be an excellent solution.

To stylishly decorate a shaded corner, it is enough to plant climbing plants around the perimeter of the building. It could be a vine or grapes. These plants grow quite quickly, framing the hedge and enlivening the entire ensemble. Not only the walls and roof of the gazebo can become alive, but also the benches if plants are also planted near their backs.

When developing a design, you need to remember not only the appearance of the gazebo, but also its functionality. You should decide in advance where to arrange shelves for storing dishes or, for example, place special wicker boxes for blankets and pillows.

For those who like to retreat to a garden house for reflection and mentally merge with nature, a Japanese-style gazebo is ideal. Its main principles are the naturalness of materials in production and aesthetic minimalism in design. The Japanese style does not tolerate excesses and pretentiousness, but at the same time, any building looks original and interesting in itself. Stone blocks, wooden beams, and slats are suitable for its construction.

Color is important in Japanese style. No bright solutions are allowed here, otherwise they will simply “block” the whole idea. Optimal shades are beige tones, pastel. The contrast of black and white is also appropriate. If the gazebo is made of wood, it would be logical not to rack your brains over the color scheme, but to leave it as is, simply covering the surface with varnish.

Many lovers have a passion for Eastern culture, but have little understanding of how Chinese design style differs from Japanese. And there are quite a lot of such differences, so these two styles cannot be put on the same level.

The main feature of the Chinese gazebo is the bizarre shape of the roof with raised corners and unusual color and decorative solutions. The Chinese style is characterized by an abundance of gold and red, which is simply unacceptable in the Japanese style.

There is no question of minimalism here either: the Chinese gazebo should shine with wealth and abundance of decorations. To decorate the inside of the gazebo, you can choose a Chinese-style sofa with many pillows decorated in different fabrics. Inside such a building you can light aroma lamps or incense sticks to create a special atmosphere.

There are a lot of styles and design solutions; they can even be intelligently combined if you have taste. Gazebos in the classic Russian style, made of timber, with minimal finishing and an abundance of natural materials, are becoming increasingly rare, because every summer resident wants his plot to be original and unique.

To learn how to build a gazebo with your own hands, see the following video.

At the dacha, it is not customary to sit in the house when it is sunny and warm outside. Only during bad weather can a summer resident take refuge under a roof. However, you can resort to another option. You can stock up on great experiences outdoors if you build your own gazebo.

Such a building will decorate the garden plot, as well as a place for pleasant communication with family and friends. There are many ready-made schemes for light gazebos. If you assemble the structure yourself, its cost will be 50% lower than that of a finished building. The simplest gazebo can be assembled with your own hands quickly enough. If you work slowly, it can be built in 2-3 days.

Materials and designs

A cheap and practical option is a wooden gazebo. This material looks beautiful and is easy to process. If wooden elements are impregnated with special solutions, they can last quite a long time. In addition, the construction of a summerhouse will not take more than 3 days, even if you do the work slowly.

Another material that is used to construct such structures is metal. When the frame is made of profile pipes and steel corners, the gazebo can last for many decades. You can build it yourself. The work is completed quickly enough, and the materials are quite cheap.

DIY gazebo

How to build a simple gazebo with a minimum of cost and effort? To build such a structure, you will need to create a frame and floor. If it is wooden, the base is made of beams. The flooring is made of planks. It is better to pour a concrete screed as a base. This foundation option will be simple and affordable. Before work, you need to choose the right location for installing the gazebo. The site for concreting should also be leveled.

Important! For the simplest gazebo, you should not combine wooden and metal frame elements.

Practice has shown that even when wooden supports are protected with roofing felt or bitumen, when placed in concrete, the elements begin to rot. Subsequently, this can cause their destruction. For this reason, it is better to immediately exclude contact between wood and concrete.

For this purpose you should:

  • Concrete round metal pipes.
  • Then screw wooden posts to them. Metal rods should protrude 30 cm from the concrete base.
  • Holes are made in them for fastenings.

A gazebo can stand on such supports for decades. Any roof can be mounted on the resulting supports. It is quite simple to build a wooden structure with your own hands.

For an ordinary light gazebo, there is no need to erect brick fences. You can limit yourself to a simple fence made of eurolining. Its height usually does not exceed 90 cm. Such a fence is attached to longitudinal bars. A gazebo will help you hide from the scorching rays of the sun, and will also allow you to avoid the strong wind blowing your back. The fencing for the walls of the structure is fixed to wooden supports using self-tapping screws.

Eurolining can be replaced with cellular polycarbonate. This material looks great and does not overshadow the space of the gazebo. It is also easy to install. The material is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and high humidity.


For the roof frame it is better to find 50x50 mm timber. It is necessary to create a frame from it, on which the sheathing will be installed, and then the roofing material. The frame is installed on the top frame. The roof is covered with the following materials:

  • ondulin;
  • metal tiles;
  • slate.

When choosing the optimal roof width, it is worth calculating it in such a way that when installing the roofing covering you do not have to cut the sheets. To do this, you first need to measure the dimensions of the panels used, and then subtract the overlaps of the sheets over each other, which will be done during installation. The result obtained will be taken into account when calculating the length and width of the roof. It is also worth considering the side overhangs and end overlap. You can make a gazebo with your own hands quite quickly. The main thing is to choose the right materials, including for roofing.

For example, for slate with 8 waves in each panel, the length of the arbor is chosen as a multiple of 1 meter. The length of the slopes can be equal to 1.75 m. If several panels are laid along the slope, the estimated length of each of them is reduced by 15 cm - this is necessary to create an overlap.

When choosing the best option for roofing, you should pay special attention to polycarbonate.

Distinctive features of the material:

  • It is an excellent option for the construction of lightweight structures.
  • Fencing is also made from it.
  • Polycarbonate is a transparent plastic with low mass.
  • A metal profile is often used in combination with it.

Such gazebos are especially attractive and practical if they are located in the shade of trees. If there is a translucent roof and shade created by dense foliage, the atmosphere in the gazebo will be as comfortable as possible for relaxation.

Garden gazebos made of polycarbonate are simple and affordable. To create them, you need to have several tens of meters of steel angle, as well as polycarbonate panels and a steel strip. Also, before constructing such a structure, it is worth preparing planed boards, which will be needed for making benches and a table. The original photo of the gazebo can be seen below.

Manufacturing stages

To understand how to make a gazebo with your own hands, you should get acquainted with the main stages of the work. It's better to choose the simpler option. First you need to equip the foundation. The support posts of the gazebo are concreted in it. After this, they should be scalded with a 25x25 mm corner. After this, 2 corner belts are welded to the racks. One of them is placed in the middle of the supports. The second one should be placed on top - the roof will rest on it.

Polycarbonate sheets have the ability to bend perfectly. For this reason, they can be used to create an arched roof. For this purpose, it is necessary to weld steel strips, which have a width of 50 mm, to the racks. They are installed on support posts. And then holes are made in them to fix the polycarbonate. You can assemble a simple gazebo for your summer house with your own hands (as in the photo) quite quickly.

Also, roofing is often made of tiles. For the base, OSB sheets should be prepared. The material does an excellent job of holding bitumen shingles on the roof. The thickness of such sheets can be 10-12 mm. It has fairly high strength and rigidity. That is why you do not have to assemble a spatial frame from wooden elements for it. You just need to firmly attach it to the harness.

Features of simple gazebos

A simple gazebo for a summer house does not have to be made with a frame frame. The foundation for it is a concrete screed, which is reinforced with steel rods. You can put a barbecue on such a surface. The safety of this design is quite high, because the concrete floor is not afraid of hot coals. In the case of the winter option, it is better to equip the floor with planed boards, and cover the area around the grill with steel sheets. This winter design looks simple and beautiful.

Inexpensive to construct and easy to install is a columnar foundation. In order not to overpay when building a gazebo for your dacha with your own hands, you can prepare red brick. To install the foundation, you need to dig holes for the support pillars, and then lay brickwork in them, place reinforcement and fill them with concrete. 20 cm anchor bolts are placed in the masonry. There should be a thread at their free end.

Supports are placed on the pillars. It is better to make the frame from 50x100 mm timber. If you put antiseptic boards on it, you can get an excellent heated floor. Subsequently, the gazebo can be equipped with an open fireplace. With this decoration, you can relax comfortably in the room even during severe frosts.

To figure out how to build a gazebo, you should get acquainted with the main features of simple structures, as well as learn more about popular materials. You should also understand the sequence of construction of simple gazebos.


As you can see, you can build a simple structure with your own hands, without the help of professional builders. First, an exact drawing is made, and then all the necessary work is carried out in accordance with it. It is important to consider the capacity of the gazebo, its location and materials. In order to avoid mistakes during the work process, it is worth performing the correct calculations.

Gatherings with guests, dinner with your family in the fresh air, relaxing after work in the garden - an economy class summer gazebo will be very useful to you in any of these situations. It is not always advisable to make it large-scale and spacious; in most cases, a small and budget building is enough, which will delight you and your guests.

Classic sizes of a summer gazebo

The optimal size of a small summer gazebo is 3 by 3 meters. This is enough for both a family circle and a small group of people.

Today's problems sound like this:

  • How to build a budget summer gazebo with your own hands?
  • What materials can be used to make a summer structure at the lowest cost?
  • How much would such construction cost?

This publication will discuss the step-by-step process of constructing, with photos and videos, a small gazebo made of timber with dimensions of 3 by 3 meters. This option is one of the cheapest and most practical for construction, but if for some reason it does not suit you, at the end of the publication I will provide links to similar articles on construction.

Before taking active steps, I suggest studying the final result of the work and its technical characteristics.

Most budget gazebos are built according to the same principle, the cost of materials is also approximately the same, but still I would like to emphasize this - it is important to understand what and from what we are going to build.

Technical characteristics of the finished gazebo

The photo is shown to the right of the characteristics. When you click on the photo, it will open in a larger size.

The final result of construction

  • Material: Beam 100 by 100 mm;
  • Dimensions: 3 by 3 meters;
  • Foundation: columnar (made of bricks);
  • Roof: single slope;
  • Roof: Euro slate (ondulin), but you can use a more budget option - corrugated sheeting;
  • Wall cladding: oriented strand board (OSB);
  • Floor: board 40 by 100 mm “magpie”;
  • Painting: antiseptic Senezh Ultra in 3 layers.

The materials used for construction are the simplest and cheapest. However, they are quite enough for a reliable and strong building that will last for many years and withstand hundreds of rains.


For such a structure, a columnar foundation was chosen. It consists of nine brick pillars, which are the basis for the entire gazebo. The foundation construction process is as follows:

  1. 9 holes are dug with a depth of 70 cm;
  2. The first 30 cm are covered with sand (ideally, put some crushed stone at the bottom) and compacted;
  3. The remaining 40 cm is filled with construction waste and filled with concrete;
  4. Two bricks (ideally fired ceramic red) are laid on top of the concrete;
  5. A layer of bitumen is applied on top of the bricks and, ideally, a sheet of roofing felt is laid.

Ready-made foundation pillars

Such a foundation is extremely reliable for small buildings. A summer gazebo is an ideal building for such a foundation. Therefore, it was he who was given preference during construction.

Bottom harness

A lower frame is laid on top of the foundation, which consists of wooden blocks fastened together. The beams are fastened to each other “into the floor of the tree.” The connection must first be treated with an antiseptic or bitumen. Four self-tapping screws are screwed onto the connections for security.

In addition to the four beams around the perimeter, one additional one is installed in the center - the so-called “log”. In the future, it will be needed to attach the floor board to the frame (more on this in the chapter on flooring).

Finished bottom harness

Posts and top trim

Pillars are installed on the lower frame, which will serve as the basis for the walls and the top frame. Four posts are installed at the corners of the gazebo, and one additional post is installed next to the entrance at the height of the railing.

The height of the front pillars is 230 cm, the height of the rear pillars is 200 cm. This is done for the further construction of the roof slope.

Fastening poles to metal corners

The top trim consists of two beams installed parallel to each other on top of the pillars. The fastening is identical to the bottom trim - into the floor of the tree.

Installed poles and top trim

Erection of the roof and laying of the roof

The whole process will be more clearly described in the form of a step-by-step approach:

  1. On top of the bottom trim we attach 9 rafters in increments of 30 cm;
  2. We install 9 boards parallel to the rafters, also in increments of 30 cm;
  3. If you did everything exactly according to the instructions, then you should have a roof in the form of lattice;
  4. We lay sheets of ondulin or corrugated sheets on top of the roof, depending on your capabilities.



The rafters are attached to the frame using metal corners and screws. The result is a fairly reliable structure that can withstand not only the roof, but also winter snow.

Finished roof


After installing the pillars, you can begin laying the floor. You will need about 30 3m long boards, some of which will need to be fitted to fit the posts. The floor is attached with self-tapping screws to the bottom trim and the joist in the center.

The secret to a level floor is to place the first board level. If you succeed, then the process will become more fun.

Finished floor

Railings and OSB cladding

For the railing, a beam with a section of 50 by 50 mm is used, which is attached to a height convenient for people. In addition to the timber, it will be necessary to install additional supports on which the oriented strand board will be attached in the future. All this is clearly shown in the photographs that will be presented below.

Fastening railings to corners

Finished railings

The OSB board is fastened with self-tapping screws, plus it is additionally pressed down with bars in the center. This creates not only reliability, but also additional aesthetics.

Laying the first OSB boards

A few words about antiseptic and paint

The proposed version of an inexpensive gazebo turned out to be extremely beautiful and effective. The main secret lies in a well-chosen color, which plays in contrast between the dark and light shades of the wood.

You can use your own options for protecting the tree, but the owner of this building recommends antiseptic Senezh Ultra, which is applied to three layers. This will allow you to achieve reliable wood protection and a beautiful appearance.


I express my deep gratitude to the user of the channel with the name “ Vasya Vasin" It was he who prepared this video on construction, and also commented on some of the questions that were asked to him in the comments.

If you have any questions, you can ask them both in the comments to his video and in our feed after publication. We can forward your questions to him, and then receive and write you his answer.

Photos of summer gazebos

Wooden gazebo with decor for summer holidays

In one of the publications on our website, we examined in detail the variety of summer gazebos made not only from wood, but also from other building materials.

You can view options with different types and designs, as well as pick up some ideas for your dacha using the link below.

Options for building other structures

For various reasons, this construction option is not suitable for everyone. In view of this, I offer you construction instructions similar in writing style, which also clearly and clearly explain the process of building a gazebo with your own hands.

Several links are provided below.

Among the presented options, all buildings are made of wood and in a fairly budget format. Any elite building materials such as decorative plaster or wild stone are not used here.

Is there enough space for small architectural structures on your dacha or house plot? Then use it to build an open gazebo, where in the summer you can have a snack and relax in the shade, or celebrate an important event. If you do not have such experience, then for manufacturing it is better to take available materials from wood - beams, boards and logs; erecting walls of stone or brick is a more difficult task. But first you need to figure out how to build a wooden gazebo with your own hands, which is discussed in this article.

Selecting a gazebo project

The first stage is choosing a design suitable for your dacha. If everything is calculated correctly from the very beginning, then you won’t have to redo anything later, which means the construction will be inexpensive. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. How much area are you willing to allocate to make a gazebo? Sketch out a detailed plan of the site and indicate on it not only the future structure, but also other planned and existing objects - a garden, a vegetable garden, an outdoor barbecue and even a children's swing. This will help determine the exact location of the building and its dimensions.
  2. How many guests and residents of the house will be in the gazebo at the same time?
  3. What should be the design and decor of the new building, including the interior?
  4. What materials are available and how much more will need to be purchased.

Note. The dimensions of the open pavilion depend on the planned number of vacationers. To freely accommodate 2-3 people, a room of 2 x 2 m is enough (including a table and benches), and for 10 guests you will need a platform of 4 x 4 m.

For homeowners without construction experience, a rectangular or square design is recommended; this is the simplest and cheapest option. Hexagonal and octagonal gazebos look much more beautiful, but they are also more difficult to build. The same applies to round structures, where during the assembly process it is necessary to provide for smooth turns of the walls. An example of an original DIY gazebo is shown in the photo:

The main difficulty in the construction of hexagonal and round structures is the installation of the roof. A budget option with a pitched or gable roof, which covers square pavilions, will not work here. You will have to make a hipped roof in the form of a tent or dome, shown in the photo below, and this complicates the task.

Reference. Landscape design uses unusual architectural forms that do not have a roof at all. These are pergolas - canopies covered on top with grapes and other climbing plants. The roof covering in such gazebos is a sheathing made of boards or timber, which is subsequently entwined with vines.

This is what a pergola looks like - a gazebo without a solid roof

As for building materials, it is better for beginners to build their first gazebo from wood - boards, timber, OSB boards. People with experience can take on the metal gazebo with a polycarbonate roof shown in the picture. But you need to understand that metal, in particular pipes and profiles, will cost more than timber.

The interior design of the gazebo is left to your discretion. But the arrangement of furniture and various fixtures needs to be thought out in advance so that there is enough space. The minimum set is a table and benches for vacationers; how to arrange them is shown in the photo. A stove with a barbecue grill, a fireplace and various furniture, such as wicker chairs and cabinets, can be added to the interior.

How to make a simple gazebo

We present a rectangular structure measuring 2.2 x 3 m, assembled from boards using only two tools - a screwdriver and an electric jigsaw. To build a wooden gazebo shown in the diagram, you will need:

  • board 150 x 40 mm – approximately 1 m³;
  • sheets of ondulin or corrugated sheets – 10 pcs.;
  • ridge shaped elements – 5 pcs.;
  • galvanized self-tapping screw 4.2 x 75 mm – 450 pcs.

The idea of ​​this building is to apply the method of rapid construction of frame houses, when all the walls are assembled on the ground, and then placed in a vertical position and connected to each other. Due to this, you can make a gazebo literally in one day, as shown in the video at the end of the section. Next, we will look at the work in stages, starting with the construction of the foundation.

Preparing the base

Before you build a simple garden gazebo for your dacha, you need to clear the area, remove all interfering objects from it and level the ground. Since the structure is very light, the ground settlement under its weight will be minimal. Here, the columnar foundation will rather serve as an anchor so that the structure does not move from its place due to strong gusts of wind.

Note. The video below shows that the master does not make a foundation for his structure at all, but only lays concrete tiles.

Scheme of a cinder block base

To install a columnar foundation, use the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Mark the area and locate the 4 corner posts. Dig holes at the designated points for brick pillars measuring 380 x 380 mm. The depth of mini-pits is 0.7-0.8 m.
  2. Compact the bottom of the holes and pour a sand cushion 10-15 cm thick. Prepare 4-5 buckets of M150 concrete and lay it on the sand to form a platform.
  3. After the concrete mixture has hardened, lay out the columns with a cross-section of one and a half bricks. Cinder blocks laid in pairs with a bandage are also suitable.
  4. Cover the walls of the pillars with bitumen, then fill the remaining gaps with soil. Place waterproofing made of 2 layers of roofing material on top of the foundations.

For subsequent fastening of the wooden frame, iron rods are inserted vertically inside the posts. There is another way - installing beams on anchor bolts. This type of base is also suitable for building a pavilion on an iron frame welded from round and profile pipes.

Important point. If you plan to lay a brick oven inside the gazebo, then you need a separate foundation for it. How to build it correctly is described in.

Construction of walls and roofs

In short, your task is to twist the 2 end walls, install them in a vertical position and connect them with beams. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Make frames for the end walls as shown in the photo. For corner posts, use 2 boards, between which the bottom crossbar and rafters are attached with self-tapping screws. For rigidity, screw a small jumper between the boards that form the roof ridge.
  2. Install the frames in the designed position and secure with supports. Connect them together with boards from below and above.
  3. Cut the floor joist and secure it in the middle of the building between the two boards connecting the gables.
  4. At a height of 0.8-0.9 m, attach railings that will serve as additional rigidity. Tie them with vertical posts to the bottom board of the roof sheathing.
  5. Finally form the roof frame from longitudinally laid boards. Lay ondulin or corrugated sheet on top and screw the ridge elements.

Advice. It is not necessary to repeat the inclined design of the walls, as the master does in the photo. For simplicity, make gables with vertical posts, and then proceed in the same order.

Before assembling the frame, do not forget to soak all the wood with an antiseptic compound and let it dry. This operation is mandatory if you want to extend the life of the structure. Priming and painting will be done upon completion of construction.

Floor installation and decoration

In this design, floors are laid very simply: you need to lay boards on 3 existing joists, aligned along one edge. Then screw them with self-tapping screws to the joists and cut off the ends sticking out on the other side. Leave a gap of about 1 mm between the floorboards so that they do not rub against each other or creak.

Advice. Before laying the floors, attach vertical posts to the central joist; they will serve as supports for future benches.

When the floors are ready, it is worth making stationary benches from the same boards along the side walls. To do this, you need to install short racks in the corners (the middle one is already there) and connect them with crossbars. The role of the backrests will be played by the horizontal jumpers mounted earlier.

To design the resulting gazebo, you can give full rein to your imagination. Instead of unsightly ondulin, you can put reed mats on the roof, and decorate the side openings with decorative grilles. It wouldn’t hurt to light the gazebo inside and paint it the desired color or cover the wood with several layers of varnish.

Construction process on video

Construction of a hexagonal gazebo

Building an arbor with six corners is somewhat more difficult, although the order of work remains the same. The following materials are usually used for construction:

  • timber 15 x 15 cm - on horizontal beams;
  • timber 10 x 10 cm for racks;
  • board 10 x 5 cm is used for roofing.

Foundation drawing with laid beams

To begin, draw a sketch of the future structure on the site plan - a regular hexagon. Enter it into the area allocated for construction and determine the location of the center of the structure. Now you can start marking the yard.

Since hexagonal garden gazebos differ in shape, marking the area will take more time. To mark the mounting points for the foundation pillars and vertical posts of the gazebo, find the center of the structure and drive a peg into the ground, referring to the drawing. Then tie a rope to it, the length of which is equal to half the external size of the pavilion, and attach a stick to the end. You will get an improvised compass with which you will draw a circle on the ground. By dividing it into 6 equal segments, you will determine the position of the supports.

  1. Lay out columnar foundations at the designated points, as described in the previous section.
  2. Having placed roofing material on the foundation columns, attach beams made of timber to them, connected to each other in half a tree. In the middle, install 3 intermediate logs (can be made of round timber) for laying the floors.
  3. Place 6 vertical posts and fix them to the beams at the corners. Connect the upper ends of the supports with boards and install railings, thereby strengthening the frame of the gazebo.
  4. Assemble the rafter system. The base should be a hexagonal element hewn out of wood, adjacent to it are rafters extending from each corner and the middle of the face (shown in the photo). Make the sheathing and lay the roofing from the selected material.
  5. Lay the floors and finish the walls.

Note. The rafter system does not have to be assembled locally, at a height. The structure can be put together on the ground, and then lifted with helpers and attached to the posts.

Construction of the rafter system

If desired, you can make a winter garden from a large hexagonal gazebo. To do this, you will need to glaze all openings and provide for the installation of a stove with a chimney. The procedure for conducting construction work is shown in detail in the video:


Garden gazebos are not permanent structures because they are light in weight and do not require massive foundations. Therefore, their construction does not take much time, provided that all materials are available. As you can see, in some cases you can handle it alone. To build more complex structures, for example, a Chinese-style gazebo or domed roof, you definitely need to involve help.

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