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Knit a bathroom organizer. How to make a bathroom organizer with your own hands? Wall mounted cosmetics organizer

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Crochet bath mat: 4 simple ideas for beginners and experts

Tile used for bathroom floors excellent material: durable, beautiful, easy to clean. But how cold he is! You won’t be able to calmly wash your face or sit mentally “on the throne” if you don’t carefully put on slippers.

There are two ways to solve the problem: install a “warm floor” or cover the tiles with a rug. Both methods are more or less expensive, but there is another way - to crochet a bath mat from... or anything! At the same time, spending mere pennies or even for free. Sharing ideas.

Idea 1 – shaggy

An option for the completely “armless”. The hook will be needed here only as an auxiliary tool.

What do you need:

  • Old T-shirts, T-shirts, towels and other disused textiles, which need to be cut into strips of approximately 10-12 by 2-2.5 cm;
  • Grid with a cell of 1x1 cm or so. This can be construction fiberglass mesh or garden plastic mesh. The shape and size are any, depending on what the rug should be.

Manufacturing couldn’t be easier; even a child of five years old can make such a shaggy rug with his own hands. Each piece of fabric is slipped under the mesh, the ends are pulled out with a hook on front side and tied with a regular knot. Like this:

So, cell by cell, the entire grid is filled. Certainly, It is advisable to think through the design in advance based on the available colored scraps. This can be done either on a piece of squared paper or in a computer program.

You can experiment with the size of the mesh cells, the length and width of the fabric strips to get a rug required density and "hairiness".

Idea 2 – traditional

For those who love and know how to knit, and understand yarn, patterns and other handicraft tricks, crocheted rugs for the toilet and bathroom will be just child's play. Their only difference from the same napkins is the thickness of the yarn.

Which yarn to choose

The answer can be very short: any. It can be wool, cotton, linen, synthetics. The only thing you need to think about in advance is where and how the rug will be used.

If its main purpose is to serve as a soft and warm mat for the feet of a person emerging from the bath, then It is advisable to choose threads that do not absorb water well and dry quickly. Otherwise, it won’t be long before mold appears.

As for the “style” of yarn, these can be:

  • Smooth and plain threads;
  • Section-dyed yarn with color transitions along the thread;

  • The so-called "grass";
  • Boucle – threads of uneven thickness along the length;
  • Yarn with pompoms, etc.

It is very convenient to use leftover yarn. Moreover, they can be completely different types. If you think through the design based on the available material, you will get an exclusive item.

Regular yarn needs to be wound into several threads, depending on the desired thickness of the future rug. If the price of the product worries you much less than its quality and appearance, it is better to buy threads, selecting them by color and composition.

How to knit

You can use any knitting patterns, for example, for napkins or potholders. With unusual fancy yarn you can simply knit in the round.

The method of knitting from individual segments, which are then connected to each other using the same hook or simple stitching with a needle and thread, is also quite applicable here.

In a word, this is the same napkin, only bigger and thicker. But she is needed supply special substrate to prevent the mat from slipping on the tiles. It is sold in the carpet department. You can also sew your product to a thin rubber mat or apply stripes of silicone to the back using a glue gun.

Idea 3 – waterproof

The idea is not mine, and besides, it cannot be called original, but it deserves attention. And it lies in the fact that colored garbage or grocery bags are used as the main material. The products knitted from them are not at all afraid of water, which in our case is very valuable.

What to do:

  • Fold the bags in quarters lengthwise and cut off the bottom seam;
  • Mark the resulting strips into segments about 4 cm wide and cut with stationery or scissors;

  • To get a long “thread”, the rings are connected to each other, as shown in the following picture;

Having knitted several of these parts, hook them together and tie the resulting fabric around the perimeter.

Idea 4 – rope

Another option for “dummies”, those who are not eager to understand complex schemes, as well as for fans of eco-style. To implement it you will need twine, rope, thick hemp or nylon rope or something similar. And a thin thread for tying. For example, floss.

  • To knit a round rug, you first need to make a small ring from the tip of the twine and tie it tightly with a working thread.

Tying a ring with single crochet loops

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more convenient, you should know some tricks.

If you change or add some little things in your bathroom, it can not only be transformed, but also become more comfortable.

If you are not going to do a complete renovation in your bathroom, then these useful tips will help you make it more comfortable, so that all things in it are close, so that everything in the bathroom is beautifully organized, and it is even more pleasant to enter here.

Bathroom ideas

1. Hang 2 shower curtain rods in the bathroom - one will have curtains, and the other will have hooks on which you can hang baskets with various small items.

2. Using several small magnets or one self-adhesive magnetic strip, you can store pins, tweezers and scissors in one place.

3. To hang several rolls beautifully toilet paper, you can make a special case.

You will need:


Needle and thread or sewing machine.

3.1. Measure the circumference of the roll and multiply this by the number of rolls you want to keep in the case (in in this example 2). It is advisable to leave a few centimeters (15-20 cm) for reserve.

3.2. Now measure the width of the roll and add 5 cm.

3.3. Cut two pieces of fabric the right size. You can use thick fabric and then you will only need 1 piece.

3.4 (If using thin fabric). Connect two pieces of fabric with a stitch (measure 2-3 cm from the edge), leaving one short end untouched. Also cut the cushioning material to the correct size.

3.5 (If using thin fabric). Cut off the corners.

3.6. Iron the fabric.

3.7. You can make an edging.

3.8. To be able to tie the cover to the toilet paper rack, you need to make handles. To do this, cut two wide strips of fabric, fold them as shown in the picture, fasten them with a stitch and attach them to the cover.

4. A regular cutlery organizer can be used to store toothpaste, brushes and other small items.

Useful for the bathroom

5. You can buy or make a simple organizer with your own hands, in the pockets of which you can store sponges, rags, bathroom cleaning products, etc.

To make such an organizer with your own hands, you will need:

Thick fabric


Pen (marker) and ruler (to measure the size of the pockets)

Thread and needle or sewing machine

Self-adhesive hooks

A thin rod (plastic or wood) so that you can hang the organizer evenly.

5.1. Do necessary measurements fabrics and oilcloths using a ruler and marker.

5.2. Cut a piece of fabric of the required size - the oilcloth should be 1.5 - 2 times wider than the fabric, depending on the size of the future pocket. Using a marker, divide this piece of fabric into as many parts as you have pockets in the organizer (in this example, 9 parts/pockets).

5.3. Cut a piece of oilcloth suitable size and cut it into three strips. Using a marker, divide each strip into 3 parts (if your organizer has 9 pockets).

5.4. Attach the oilcloth strips to the fabric with pins, leaving 2-3 cm of fabric on top. Connect the fabric and the oilcloth strips with a stitch. Sew the oilcloth to the fabric in the marked places and at the bottom to create pockets.

5.5. Attach the rod to the top of the organizer. To do this, you need to wrap the rod with fabric and sew on the edge of the fabric.

5.6. You can sew trim around the edges.

6. To ensure that the curtain in the bathroom can be easily moved and does not get stuck, use regular Vaseline.

Simply apply a little Vaseline to the curtain rod, which will allow the hooks or rings that hold the curtain to slide easily.

Ideas for the bathroom (photo)

7. How to clean your bathroom with grapefruit.

7.1. Cut the grapefruit in half and sprinkle the halves with salt.

7.2. Wet the bathtub and sprinkle the bottom with salt.

7.3. Use half a grapefruit as a scraper and go over the entire surface of the bathtub.

7.4. Rinse everything off with water.

Useful bathroom accessories

8. A hanging shoe organizer can be attached to a curtain rod and to a door and can be used to store various bathroom-useful items in its pockets.

9. The pipe can be used as a stand for a hair dryer.

10. Hair dryers and other small appliances you may need in the bathroom can also be stored in a basket or filing rack attached to the cabinet.

11. A multi-level stand, a rotating shelf or simply a fruit bowl can be used to store small items such as cotton pads, cotton swabs, small towels and other things.

12. Cotton buds, discs and other small items can be stored in jars attached to the wall in this way.

Useful things for the bathroom

13. The wine rack can be used for compact storage of towels.

14. TO wooden door You can attach several hangers or towel hooks.

15. You can use a regular ladder as a towel holder.

16. Try hanging a wrinkled T-shirt in the bathroom. While you shower, it will gradually smooth out.

17. If the mirror in the bathroom is fogged up, you can blow hot air on it from a hairdryer.

18. This original organizer is suitable for storing things in the bathroom.

19. Toothbrushes can be attached to plastic lids from large plastic bottles.

You will need:

Plastic lids

Stationery knife

Double-sided tape or self-adhesive fasteners (Velcro)

Spray paint (if desired).

Here's how it's done:

The lids can be glued to the cabinet or wall using double sided tape or self-adhesive Velcro.

You can also paint the lids a matching color using spray paint. Only in this case, you need to paint in a well-ventilated area, and preferably with safety glasses and a mask that will prevent contact with toxic substances into the body.

20. If the shower head is clogged limescale, then it can be cleaned using plastic bag and vinegar.

*Pour vinegar into the bag.

* Wrap the bag around the watering can and secure with an elastic band.

*Wait about 1 hour.

21. Fragrance for a toilet or combined bathroom.

Drop a couple of drops essential oil on a roll of toilet paper.

22. To avoid having to reach for shampoo, shower gel and/or washcloth, use convenient clothespins that can be attached to the curtain rod.

23. How to get rid of mold in the bathroom.

* Buy a pack of cotton wool or simply roll several long tubes out of cotton wool. You may also find cotton pads or cotton strips helpful.

* Soak tape or cotton pads in bleach and place overnight on the area where you have mold.


How to go to the toilet correctly

According to scientists, many do not relieve their needs quite correctly. Moreover, improper fit can even be harmful.

They advise placing a small bench in the toilet near the toilet. The video shows how to sit on the toilet correctly.

I’ll say right away that the idea for these pockets is not mine, but when I saw it on the Internet, I realized that it was a cool thing and took note :)

The thing is really very convenient and practical!

I sewed these pockets for toys in the bathroom.

It’s quite simple and quick to sew, and even easier to cut!

But the coolest thing is that using this idea you can sew not only pockets for the bathroom, but also a lot of other things :)

I'll tell you briefly about the materials.

Because This is for the bathroom, and there it is constantly, either steam or water, so the most important requirement for materials is that they dry quickly and fungus does not develop.

I chose the stiffest mesh (tulle) and edged it with piping.

Tulle dries quickly, is almost invisible on the wall, and holds its shape well.

In general there are only advantages. I haven’t found any downsides yet (maybe they will emerge over time).

Now a little about cutting and footage.

It’s clear that everyone’s bathroom is different, and the amount of free space is also different, but I will write the dimensions that I personally used and which can be seen in the photographs.

2 vacuum suction cups.
Tulle I bought a total of 70 cm with a width of 180 cm;
Bias binding needed - 4.40 m (but I would advise you to buy at least 10 cm more - maybe they won’t cut it very accurately, maybe you’ll add a bias somewhere);
The basis– 66 cm (length) * 40 cm (width);
Lower pockets– 66 cm (length) * 24 cm (width), 4 folds 3 cm deep;
Medium pockets– 66 cm (length) * 21 cm (width), 4 folds 3 cm deep;
Top pockets– 66 cm (length) * 17 cm (width), 6 folds 2 cm deep.
Dimensions are given with allowances for edging and seams.

Pocket pattern:

In general, everything should be visible and understandable from the photograph, but I’ll explain a little.

1. I divided the top pockets into 3 pieces. From the top edge of the base to the top edge of the pockets 2 cm. 6 folds, 2 cm deep.

2. From the bottom of the upper pockets to the top of the middle ones 2.5 cm.
The pockets are divided into two. 4 folds 3 cm deep.

3. From the bottom of the middle pockets to the top of the lower ones 2.5 cm. Also 2 pockets and 4 folds, 3 cm deep.

That's it with the pattern and we'll reveal everything. Now I'll tell you about how to sew.

1. I started by processing the lower pockets - it was more convenient for me.
We edge the top cut of the pocket blank with bias tape.
Then we mark the middle on the base and on the pocket blank, lay it on top of each other, aligning the marks and adjust it. Now let's move on to the bottom cut.

We combine the sections and edge them, not forgetting to add folds.
We do not place the folds from the very edges, because... then you will need to edge the edges.

2. We edge the top of the middle and top pocket blanks, as well as the top of the base itself.

3. Next I sewed on the top pockets. But they are not sewn on like the bottom ones, but a little more complicated.
We divide it into three equal parts and somehow mark it (with pins, laying threads - everyone has their own technique).
We first apply tulle (already with folds in place) and adjust it.

4. Then we turn the pockets up, combine the pocket separator marks with the marks on the base (we also divide the base into three equal parts in advance and put some marks) and lay down the separator lines.
For greater strength and aesthetics, we secure the laid seam by stitching 1 mm along the bottom of the pocket.

5. Using the same principle, we sew the middle row.

6. Well, now all that remains is to finalize the sides.
We edge them too, but remember that we need to make loops at the top on which this work of art can be hung.
I made loops 12 cm in finished form(plus allowances for stitching, don’t forget).

7. This “bathroom helper” has taken up residence in my bathroom.

The little thing is very convenient and helps a lot, because... competently organizes the work space.

If this master class of mine helps anyone, I will be very happy!