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Pumpkin - recipes for any occasion. Pumpkin Recipes: Sweet Baking

Delicious pumpkin desserts are one of the healthiest delicacies. Such treats will allow you to pamper yourself with sweets and saturate your body with vitamins and life-giving force. The article contains the best recipes for pumpkin desserts.

Pumpkin dessert with honey in the oven

Ingredients: 430 g pumpkin, a handful of light sesame seeds, a large orange, 1 tbsp. l. refined oil, 2 tbsp. l. bee liquid honey.

  1. For any desserts, it is very important to choose aromatic, sweet vegetables with bright, rich-colored pulp. The pumpkin gets rid of the peel and seeds.
  2. Next, the vegetable is cut into oblong pieces.
  3. In a separate wide bowl, mix liquid honey and oil. Both sunflower and olive oils are suitable.
  4. All the zest is removed from the orange, and a couple of large spoons of juice are squeezed out. These ingredients are added to honey and butter.
  5. Vegetable slices are immersed in the resulting mixture. They should be completely covered with the aromatic citrus sauce.
  6. The blanks are laid out in one layer in a heat-resistant form.
  7. The pumpkin dessert is baked in the oven for 40-45 minutes at medium temperature.

The finished treat should be soft.

How to cook candied fruits?

Ingredients: 1.5 kilos of fresh pumpkin, 820 g granulated sugar, a pinch of citric acid, a cinnamon stick, a glass of filtered water, a large orange.

  1. The pumpkin is washed and cleaned of all excess. Next, the pulp is cut into large cubes. If you make the pieces small, then after boiling and drying in the oven they will turn out to be too small and deformed.
  2. The chopped vegetable is transferred to a deep bowl and covered with all the sugar. The container is placed in a cool place overnight. During this time, the pumpkin will release juice in which the sand will dissolve. The result will be sugar syrup in the bowl.
  3. The orange is thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces along with the peel. The seeds are removed from the slices. The fruits are pureed using a suitable blender attachment.
  4. Pumpkin syrup is poured into a saucepan, combined with water, lemon, cinnamon, and orange puree.
  5. With constant stirring, the mass is cooked over low heat for 6-7 minutes. Immediately after boiling, vegetable cubes are immersed in it.
  6. Next, the mixture is completely cooled and left for 3 hours.
  7. The mass is brought to a boil again and cooked for another 5-6 minutes. The resulting foam is removed from its surface. When the contents of the pan removed from the heat have cooled completely, the procedure is repeated. Again: boiling-cooling.
  8. The mixture is poured onto a large sieve. The remaining pumpkin cubes are selected, placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and dried for about an hour at a temperature of 120 degrees.
  9. The finished, cooled candied fruits are transferred to a glass container and stored under a lid.

Let's continue talking about pumpkin? Today I propose to gossip about perhaps the most interesting way of using it - in sweet pastries. Pies, muffins, cakes, casseroles - there are many options and I'm sure you have a favorite. Would you like to share? And for this I offer you a selection of excellent, proven, delicious recipes with pumpkin, thanks to which you will have a wonderful treat for tea on your table.

I planted a pumpkin
And the naughty one
She went to her neighbor's garden.
At Varvara's
I decided to settle...
Listen up, pumpkin!
Come back!
Grigory Kruzhkov

Pumpkin is good for many people - it is healthy, completely inexpensive, gives baked goods juiciness, and a pleasant orange color is another bonus. There are no reasons not to experiment with this vegetable. By the way, if you don’t like the taste of pumpkin, don’t rush to loudly declare that you won’t try desserts based on it: as a rule, pumpkin does not add any special flavor notes to baked goods. It affects color, texture, juiciness, but almost nothing - the taste.

Let's laugh in the kitchen.

Let's start with - moist, soft, bright, it... it's just incredible. It’s not at all difficult to prepare (I really like recipes in which you don’t need to roll out the cakes), in addition, this cake is very healthy: in addition to pumpkin, which is completely unique in its composition, it can also boast cottage cheese, the benefits of which don’t need to be discussed.

Great snack - . Ginger, which is part of the recipe, allows you to think that the threat to your figure is minimal, and the taste that is obtained thanks to this component perfectly lifts your spirits. Biscotti are always delicious, but pumpkin biscotti with ginger are doubly delicious.

Perhaps, only those who really love this orange beauty will appreciate it - nevertheless, the taste of the pie is very rich in pumpkin flavors. However, thanks to the orange notes, it turns out very, very original and non-standard. Should we talk about the fact that the shapeshifter looks unusually bright and positive?

The recipe is from the “mix and forget” category. It's very easy to prepare! And it turns out very tasty! Here’s a strange twist: with a minimum of effort, the most delicious baked goods appear on the table. Of course, elegance and grace are not its advantages, however, as a treat for a family tea party, it is the most excellent option.

Of course, not a classically fluffy, weightless cake. On the contrary, it comes out quite dense and low, but at the same time incredibly tasty and pleasant to the taste. If you have guests coming up and don’t have time for anything special, you can easily stick to this recipe, it won’t let you down.

There will be emotions here. If you put them aside as much as possible, you can dryly remark that this is the most delicious cupcake I have ever made. It is perfect - not cloying, not heavy, not tasteless, not greasy and hundreds of other “nots” that can turn you off from cupcake baking. At the same time, it is moist, juicy, aromatic and with a persistent creamy flavor. Ideal.

However, no, I still nominate the most delicious, it’s even more delicious! True, it’s hard for me to say which is better, I love both recipes dearly, and they’re both really worth it. To decide which tastes better, I recommend cooking both. And it's better right away. And in double size.

Pastilles, syrups and other sweets. We share with you our favorite recipes for simple and healthy pumpkin delicacies.

Pumpkin marshmallow

A tasty and fragrant sweet that can legally replace any candy. It doesn’t get your hands dirty - you can take it into your room and chew it while sitting on the sofa with a book. Pastila is stored well in a dry place, in a paper bag or glass jar.

Ingredients: 1.5 kg pumpkin pulp, 2 hard apples, 300 g honey, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla sugar, 1 tsp. ground ginger. Refined vegetable oil - 3 tsp.

Peel and seed apples and pumpkins, cut into small pieces and simmer for 10-15 minutes with a small amount of water until softened. Drain, let cool slightly, and puree until smooth. Add spices to the pumpkin mixture, mix thoroughly, and put on low heat for 25-30 minutes so that the puree reduces a little. Add honey to the boiled mixture, stir and let cool.

Line a baking tray with baking paper so that its edges extend beyond the sides. Lubricate it with vegetable oil. Spread the pumpkin mixture over the paper in an even layer of 5-7 mm. This is convenient to do with a spatula dipped in water. It’s not a problem if excess moisture gets on the marshmallow - it will evaporate during drying. The thinner the pumpkin layer, the faster the marshmallow will dry.

You need to dry the marshmallow at a temperature of 60-80 degrees, in a slightly open oven. The process will take 5-6 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer. The marshmallow is ready when it feels elastic to the touch, without protruding drops of syrup or wet spots.

Remove the marshmallow from the baking sheet and, together with baking paper, cut it into strips. After cooling, remove the paper, roll the marshmallow into tubes and store in a jar or paper bag. If desired, you can sprinkle the tubes with powdered sugar, vanilla and cinnamon.

Pumpkin jam

Few people, having tried this jam, will guess from the first time what it is made from. This is because of the lemon, which gives the pumpkin an interesting, subtle flavor.

Ingredients: 1 kg pumpkin, 800 gr. sugar, 2 lemons, 2 pcs. cloves, 5 peas of allspice.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes and simmer over low heat until softened. Add sugar, stir and cook for another 20 minutes. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and add to the jam. Throw in cloves and allspice there. Continue cooking, stirring, until thickened. Remove the cloves and pepper from the prepared jam, package it in dry, sterilized jars, and place it in a cold place for 5-7 days to let it brew.

Candied pumpkin

Absolutely natural sweetness that does not burden the waist. Raw foodists and any other sweet tooth will rejoice.

Ingredients: pumpkin - 800 g, orange - 1 piece, water - 0.5 cup, sugar - 0.5 kg, cinnamon - 1 stick.

Cut the pumpkin into 2*2 cm slices, 3-4 mm thick. Place everything in a deep enamel bowl, cover with sugar and leave overnight so that the pumpkin releases its juice. If there is not enough juice in the morning, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of boiled water. The sugar should completely dissolve in the liquid that has formed in the bowl. You can help it by stirring the contents periodically.

Remove the zest from the orange, peel it and blend with the zest in a blender. Add the syrup drained from the bowl with the pumpkin, a cinnamon stick to the orange puree, add water and boil the mixture over low heat.

Pour pumpkin into the boiling syrup, stir and let it boil without increasing the heat. Boil for 5 minutes after boiling, remove from heat and leave to steep for a day. For three days in a row, bring the candied fruits to a boil, boil them for 5 minutes and cool. After this, collect the boiled pumpkin pieces in a colander, drain the syrup and place them on parchment paper.

You can dry the candied fruits in the air, this will take 2-3 days. You can speed up the process and dry them in the oven at 130 degrees. This will take 1-2 hours. Sprinkle the finished candied fruits with powdered sugar and store them in a paper bag or glass container.

After cooking the candied fruits, an exceptionally tasty syrup remains. It can be used for sweet cereals, for fruit salads, you can pour it over buns with butter and simply eat it with tea. Store it in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar.

Pumpkin is easily absorbed by the body and is considered a dietary product. The list of beneficial properties of pumpkin is long. Here are some of them:

  • has a positive effect on intestinal function;
  • reduces the risk of developing hypertension;
  • stimulates kidney function;
  • has a positive effect on vision;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • increases immunity;
  • pumpkin seeds are a good anthelmintic;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Pumpkin is a healthy and low-calorie product, which is also often present in children's kitchens. Pumpkin recipes are usually simple, and the results exceed expectations.

Pumpkin pieces in lemon caramel

This original dessert has a simple recipe. To prepare it you need the following components:

    1 kg pumpkin

    1 large lemon

    100 g sugar

Peel the pumpkin and remove all seeds. Next, cut into cubes and place in a mold. Add sugar.

Peel the lemon and cut it into small cubes. Transfer the lemon to the pumpkin and stir. Cover the pan with a lid and place in the oven, heated to 175°C. After 30 minutes, take it out and mix; place in the oven without a lid for 10 minutes. The finished dish must be cooled.

This pumpkin dessert can be served with orange or tangerine, as well as raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits.

Pumpkin casserole

To prepare this healthy pumpkin dessert you will need:

    300 g pumpkin

    2 medium apples

    2 tablespoons semolina

    2 chicken eggs

    20 g butter

    2 tablespoons sugar

Place the pumpkin, cut into pieces, into a saucepan, add water, and cook for 25 minutes. Then drain the remaining water and crush the cooked pumpkin.

Peel the apples and grate them on a coarse grater. Mix grated apples, pumpkin puree, softened butter, semolina and sugar thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes.

Beat the eggs with a mixer, then pour them into the pumpkin dough. Mix everything well. Line a baking pan with parchment and place the pumpkin dough in it. Place in the oven for 40 minutes, heated to 200°C.

Let the finished pumpkin casserole cool slightly, remove from the pan and place on a plate. Dessert is ready.

"Orange Lemon Pumpkin"

To prepare the Orange-Lemon Pumpkin dessert you will need:

    500 g pumpkin

    1 small lemon

    1 orange

    5 tablespoons sugar

    half a teaspoon of cinnamon

Peel the pumpkin and cut it into large cubes. Peel and cut the lemon: orange into small cubes, lemon into small cubes.

Mix sugar with cinnamon.

Place the pumpkin in a mold and sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Place lemon and orange slices on top.

Cover the pan with foil and place in the oven preheated to 180°C.

Bake for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and cook for another 15 minutes. Mix the baked pumpkin pieces with orange and lemon so that they are evenly saturated with the resulting juice. Dessert is served cold.

Pumpkin jam with orange

Jam is a classic dessert. However, not everyone has tried pumpkin jam. This treat will not leave those with a sweet tooth indifferent. The recipe is quite simple, so it’s worth experimenting. For preparation you need:

    1 kg pumpkin

    1 large orange

    1 kg sugar

Cut the peeled pumpkin into pieces. Peel the orange and remove the seeds; grind with a blender. Place the pumpkin in a thin layer in a saucepan and cover with sugar. Place crushed orange on top. Repeat alternating layers until all components are gone. Next, leave the pan for 15 minutes. Then add a glass of water and turn on the gas. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for half an hour.

Preparing dessert in a slow cooker: pumpkin with nuts

To prepare this simple and healthy pumpkin dessert you will need:

    500 g peeled pumpkin

    30 g butter

    100 g mixture of nuts: cashews, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts

    40 g honey

    a pinch of salt

Remove the seeds from the pumpkin, peel and cut into cubes. Chop the nuts. Place the pumpkin in a slow cooker and add salt. Set the “Baking” mode and cook for 20 minutes. Next add butter and

We often want to pamper our children with sweets, but constantly eating store-bought sweets is harmful to health, because they contain a lot of chemical dyes and various “E” additives.

I suggest making homemade pumpkin candies - a delicious, healthy dessert that will delight your kids, and adults won’t refuse to try this delicacy.

Pumpkin is a very healthy dietary product; this bright orange berry is simply a storehouse of minerals and trace elements that are so necessary for humans. Pumpkin dishes are recommended for use in cases of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular diseases, and in dietary and baby food.

This wonderful berry is simply unique; you can use it to cook a variety of soups, porridges, bake casseroles in the oven, and for dessert make delicious pumpkin candies at home.

I will share with you very good recipes for candy and candied pumpkin. You can add honey, nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), oatmeal and cookies to these sweets.

Vanilla, cinnamon, ginger or orange zest are used for flavoring. This will allow us to prepare amazing desserts with a delicate taste and spicy aroma.

Preparing healthy treats with your own hands is very easy and exciting, the main thing is to do it with love and take into account the tastes of your loved ones. I am sure that they will like homemade pumpkin candies much more than store-bought ones.

Candies “Tender Pumpkin”

The taste of these pumpkin candies is reminiscent of flower honey with a pleasant spicy aroma and a slight nutty undertone.


  • Ready pumpkin puree - 200 grams;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • ground walnuts (you can use a mixture of hazelnuts or almonds) - 100 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground ginger - a little, on the tip of a knife;
  • cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt;
  • cocoa - 1 tablespoon.

From this quantity of products we will get 24 candies.


  1. Let's prepare pumpkin puree: take 400 grams of pumpkin, cut into pieces (do not cut off the skin). Then place the pieces on a baking sheet and place in the oven to bake. Bake at 200 degrees until the pumpkin is soft.
  2. Let the baked pumpkin cool slightly and remove the skin, then puree it using a blender. If you don’t have a blender, mash the pulp well with a fork.
  3. Place the finished puree in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add milk, sugar, vanilla sugar, a little salt and mix everything well. Place over high heat and bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook for 35 - 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. When the pumpkin mixture has boiled down well and begins to caramelize, you must stir constantly so that it does not burn. The mixture will be ready when it looks like marmalade and easily leaves the bottom of the saucepan.
  6. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add butter, a third of the ground nuts, ginger and cinnamon, mix everything well until smooth.
  7. Transfer the candy mixture into a bowl, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator for two hours.
  8. Mix chopped nuts with cocoa.
  9. We form balls from the cooled candy mass - one teaspoon is one piece of candy. Roll each ball well in a mixture of cocoa and nuts.

Place the finished candies on a dish and store in the refrigerator.

Pumpkin candies "Lakomka"

I offer another delicious recipe for pumpkin candies, you will definitely like them.


  • Pumpkin pulp - 200 grams;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • cookies (you can take any) - 150 grams;
  • one orange, 50 grams of walnuts;
  • natural honey - three tablespoons;
  • coconut flakes - 50 grams;
  • cinnamon - optional;
  • cognac - 30 grams; if you prepare sweets for children, then do not add alcohol.


  1. Peel the pumpkin, wash and cut into pieces. Pour them with water in a saucepan and boil until tender so that they are soft.
  2. Drain all the water from the finished pumpkin, let it cool slightly and puree it using a blender or masher. You can rub the boiled pumpkin through a sieve.
  3. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder to flour. You can use oat bran or oat flour instead of cereal.
  4. Grind the cookies into fine crumbs. Instead of cookies, you can use waffles, sponge cake, vanilla crackers or regular gingerbread cookies.
  5. Add the chopped oatmeal to the cooled pumpkin puree and mix everything well. Leave for 30 minutes so that the oatmeal swells and absorbs the pumpkin juice.
  6. After this, add the cookie crumbs and mix well.
  7. Then add honey to the candy mass. If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with condensed milk or maple syrup. You can also use linden honey, as it is hypoallergenic.
  8. Then add well-softened butter and cognac, which can be replaced with whiskey, rum or gin. If the dessert is being prepared for a children's table, then alcohol must be excluded from the recipe.
  9. Stir the mixture until smooth and add the crushed walnuts into small pieces.
  10. Mix everything thoroughly again and add the zest of one orange, grated on a medium grater.
  11. Mix the candy mass well again and place it in the freezer for half an hour, stirring it every 10 minutes. This is necessary so that the mass hardens so that candies - balls - can be formed from it. If the mixture seems too thick, you can dilute it a little with orange juice.
  12. Once the candy dough has hardened, form small balls from it and roll them in coconut flakes. Place our dessert on a tray and place it in the refrigerator for one hour.

After a short period of time, the delicious sweets are ready and can be eaten. Serve healthy homemade pumpkin candies with a cup of aromatic tea or a glass of warm milk.

This dessert will appeal to children and adults, and due to the presence of oatmeal, these sweets can become a complete breakfast for you.

Quick candied pumpkin

Candied fruits, another type of homemade sweets made from pumpkin. Children really like this tasty and healthy dish; it can easily replace store-bought sweets.

Now I will tell you how to prepare candied pumpkin quickly and very simply.


  • Pumpkin pulp - 1 kilogram;
  • lemon or orange - 1 piece;
  • ground cinnamon or powdered sugar;
  • water - 200 milliliters.


  1. To prepare this dessert, let's take a sweet (porridge) variety of pumpkin. Peel it and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Make syrup from water and sugar. Add lemon cut into pieces along with the peel to the syrup (lemon can be replaced with three grams of citric acid).
  3. Boil pumpkin pieces in syrup until soft. Cooking time is approximately 10 minutes. We will cook in two batches, since we won’t get very much syrup.
  4. Place the boiled pumpkin pieces on a baking sheet, which must first be lined with baking paper.
  5. We dry our semi-finished candied fruits in an oven preheated to 130 degrees. Drying time is about one hour.
  6. Remove the finished sweets from the oven, cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar or cinnamon.

Candied pumpkin with cinnamon and orange

If you have a little more time, you can make candied pumpkin and orange and make them jelly-like and transparent.


  • One medium sized pumpkin;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram;
  • one large orange;
  • two buds of cloves, two sticks of cinnamon;
  • water - 650 milliliters.


  1. Wash the pumpkin well, remove the skin, seeds and cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Place the water and sugar on low heat and cook the syrup.
  3. Place the pumpkin pieces in the hot syrup and boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Then remove the pumpkin from the syrup using a slotted spoon and cool to room temperature.
  5. Add sliced ​​orange, cinnamon and cloves to the syrup, bring to a boil again, put pumpkin cubes in it and boil for another 5 minutes.
  6. Then remove the pumpkin from the syrup, cool and boil again in the syrup. We repeat this procedure 4 times so that we get translucent blanks for candied fruits.
  7. I study various latest research and methods of the world's leading experts in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

    I am a big fan of Ayurveda, Eastern and Tibetan medicine, I apply many of its principles in my life and describe them in my articles.

    I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants in my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast food, which I write about on my website.

    All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern kitchen. Fitness and health.