home · electrical safety · Replacement of glass in stained glass windows. Showcase glass price including assembly and installation. When replacement is required

Replacement of glass in stained glass windows. Showcase glass price including assembly and installation. When replacement is required

The glaziers working in the company can urgently cut custom-made display glass to your dimensions and frame it with a rubber seal.

When replacing display glass, the price is determined both by the complexity of the work and by the size, thickness, and properties glass surface. Considering the large dimensions and the degree of windage effect of the display cases, we recommend the installation of hardened modules with a thickness of 10 millimeters or more. They are durable and extremely practical. As a compromise, it is possible to replace display glass at a lower cost - the necessary safety in case of destruction is achieved by gluing a transparent protective film, which does not allow fragments to fly apart.

Prompt, high-quality replacement of display glass in Moscow by the OknaDel company rarely takes more than 2-3 hours of working time. Consultations and a specialist visit for measurements are free of charge. Write down our number or add the address of the company's web page to your browser favorites. Will definitely come in handy!

If double-glazed windows are damaged, they require urgent replacement. If only one glass in a multi-chamber structure is broken or cracked, you can get by with repairs. This will save you a fairly large amount. But if the glass unit is completely damaged, only its complete replacement will help. It is labor intensive and difficult process, requiring special skills. That is why repair and replacement of double-glazed windows is a job for qualified craftsmen, especially when it comes to display glass.

How to urgently replace window glass quickly and efficiently? Everything is very simple:

  • Call us or fill out the form feedback
  • We will arrive at a time convenient for you
  • We will take measurements/determine the cost
  • We will offer a replacement option
  • Get a new display glass

Possible causes of damage to display glass

Urgent replacement of display glass is required in the following cases:

  1. Due to temperature changes, cracks formed.
  2. The display window was broken due to a mechanical impact.
  3. The glass unit has become depressurized, causing condensation to constantly form on the surface of the display case.

Good specialists will be able to quickly assess the scope of work and eliminate defects as quickly as possible.

What is the difficulty of replacing display cases?

Showcase glass installed in shops, entertainment venues, offices, and other commercial premises. Their key feature - big sizes and thickness. Accordingly, they are very heavy, so it is impossible to replace them without special equipment.

Storefront replacement should only be done by experienced professionals who have a proven track record of performing similar tasks. This work is different from replacing conventional window designs. Installation of display glasses becomes significantly more complicated due to their scale and large mass. One inept or awkward movement and it can crack. Purchasing new glass will require larger material investments than cooperation with good craftsmen. This is important to consider when choosing specialists.

Often, double-glazed windows are installed on aluminum windows, since they can withstand such a large weight of double-glazed windows. But even such aluminum windows require repairs.

Urgent replacement of display glass: stages of work

Replacing shop windows and other establishments requires strict adherence to the work algorithm. It provides for the implementation of the following stages:

  1. Removing shards of damaged glass.
  2. Thorough cleaning of the frame.
  3. Installation of a new structure.
  4. Final fixation and fastening of the new glass.

At the request of clients, replacement of display glass can be completed by covering its surface with a special anti-vandal film. It will significantly increase strength and therefore extend service life.

When replacing broken shop windows on a very large scale, special techniques and equipment are used. Machine manipulators are often used.

A professional approach to repairing and replacing shop windows

Repair and replacement of display windows is one of the priority activities of the MosRemOkno company.

Advantages of cooperation with MosRemOkno:

  1. State professional staff- window repairs will be carried out by qualified craftsmen, whose experience will allow them to perform the work clearly and competently.
  2. Efficiency - the company’s employees realize how important it is to restore the integrity of the display case, so they act as quickly as possible.
  3. Quality materials-we use only reliable components and materials.
  4. Implementation of tasks of any level of complexity - replacement of display cases non-standard shape, works at height.
  5. Flexible pricing policy - the cost depends on the number of glasses, their area and characteristics.

All work is provided with a multi-year guarantee.

Fill out the form and get a 5% discount

The quality of glass used to make display cases is carefully checked by specialists. However, the operating conditions of the products can subject this fragile material to a difficult test, as a result of which the glass becomes covered with a network of cracks or scratches, loses its transparency and breaks. Such a breakdown makes further operation of the display case impossible and poses a threat to the safety of visitors. point of sale.

To save you from the need to purchase new equipment, Optima Group specialists are ready to perform professional repairs of glass display cases in Moscow. Experienced specialists:

  • They will thoroughly inspect the product and outline a list of works;
  • They will carry out turnkey repairs and provide the product ready for further use;
  • They will provide guarantees for the work performed;
  • During repair work will take into account the features of the product, the specifics of the operation of the outlet and the wishes of the customer;
  • They will prevent possible further destruction of the display case and give recommendations for its operation.

Repair of glass showcases in Optima Group is carried out using the same materials that were used in the production of the product. As a result, the repaired showcase will fully retain its appearance and sizes. This will allow you to install and operate it on same place, and also - leave the selected principles of display and demonstration of goods unchanged.

Benefits of professional glass display repairs

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Hooligans broke a window? Don't know where to order a new one? Are they asking too much everywhere? Contact us! We manufacture and install showcases of any size (including double-glazed windows) at any height faster and cheaper than others!

The showcase is the face of the store or office center. Unfortunately, display cases sometimes break due to environmental influences or the actions of third parties. Work on replacing display glass cannot always be carried out by a regular glass installation company, because... Installers must have extensive experience in carrying out this type of work. The specificity of this type of work lies primarily in the fact that the display glass has a very large area. Cutting and delivering glass sheets of this size is a challenge in itself. Well, installing it is even more difficult.

Replacing display glass consists of the following steps:

  • removing fragments of a broken display case;
  • cleaning and preparing the frame for installation of new glass;
  • installation of a new translucent structure (a visit by our measurer is required, as the dimensions must match perfectly);
  • final installation and fastening of the new display glass in the frame.