home · electrical safety · Andromeda freezes. Black screen in Mass Effect: Andromeda when starting or maximizing a window. Solution. Black screen in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Andromeda freezes. Black screen in Mass Effect: Andromeda when starting or maximizing a window. Solution. Black screen in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Some gamers began to complain that Mass Effect Andromeda starts to freeze while playing. In most cases, freezes occur during combat or just before killing enemies. In this article we will tell you what to do if Mass Effect Andromeda freezes when killing using simple ways solutions.

Weak computer

First check if your computer can run ME Andromeda. If your computer is weak, then reduce the graphics settings to a minimum, mainly the quality of shadows and lighting. Also disable third-party programs, this may reduce the likelihood of freezes.

Disable some graphics options

If you have a powerful computer or the game lags even at minimum settings, try turning off triple buffering and vertical sync. You can disable these functions in the graphics settings in the game itself, then restart Mass Effect Andromeda and check whether the freezes have disappeared or not.

Reinstall the game from another repack

If you have a pirated version of ME Andromeda, then it is likely that freezes occur precisely because of its internal reconfigurations. Uninstall the game and download the repack (installer) from another source or torrent, for example from xatab. But if you have a licensed version of the game, then check if a new patch has appeared.

Remove trainers

Some gamers who don’t want to play the game honestly download so-called trainers that allow you to introduce certain cheats, for example, for immortality. Over time, such trainers break the game, which can cause freezes. Delete the trainer and start saving from the moment where you have not used it yet.

Update drivers and Directx 11

In some cases, simply updating the graphics driver or Directx program to version 11 can help with game freezing. You can update drivers via the Internet, just enter the video card model and download the package from the official website, in most cases this is nvidia.ru.

Restarting the game

To temporarily get rid of freezes during a kill, you need to periodically restart the game, at least once every 1.5-2 hours. After all, as a rule, such freezes occur after a long game, but do not forget this is a temporary measure with the hope of a patch or new version drivers.

Summing up

Now you know what to do if Mass Effect Andromeda freezes when killing. It is worth noting that, as a rule, developers solve such problems by releasing a patch. Therefore, people who could not find a solution should not despair.

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The game directory should not contain letters in Cyrillic - only Latin. Check the integrity of the Origin cache.

How to disable Motion Blur (soap).

  1. Go to the folder with installed game. By default it will be located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Mass Effect Andromeda.
    While in the folder, right-click and select the option “create new Text Document».
  2. Now rename the created document to “user.cfg” (without the quotes, replace .txt with .cfg to turn it into a configuration file).
  3. Open this document using Notepad or any other similar program, and then add the line to it: “WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0”.
  4. Save and exit. That's it, from now on the picture will no longer be blurry.

Increase frame rate

In the file created above, add the following values:

  • RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0
  • RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0
  • RenderDevice.VsyncEnable 0
  • PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurFixedShutterTime 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurMax 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
  • WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
  • WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
  • WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 256
  • WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
  • WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0

Correct graphics settings

Intel Core i7, GeForce GTX 1070 and more powerful:

  • The Shadows setting should be set to HBAO, high.
  • It is recommended to reduce the “Effects” option to “high”.

Intel Core i5, GeForce GTX 960:

  • Reduce antialiasing to Temporal AA.
  • The Shadows setting should be set to SSAO, medium.
  • It is recommended to reduce the “Effects” option to “medium”.
  • Activate chromatic aberration.
  • It is recommended to reduce the “Lighting” option to “medium”.
  • It is recommended to reduce the “Vegetation” option to “high”.
  • It is recommended to reduce the “Postprocessing” option to “low”.
  • It is recommended to reduce the “Shaders” option to “low”.
  • It is recommended to reduce the “Landscape” option to “low”.
  • It is recommended to reduce the “Texture Filtering” option to “medium”.
  • It is recommended to reduce the “Textures” option to “high”.

Intel Core i3, GeForce GTX 750:

  • Enable resolution scaling.
  • Set the Shadows option to its minimum value.
  • Lighting should be reduced to a minimum.
  • Enable or disable vertical sync.
  • Other settings can be left on low or medium.

Black screen

Press the Alt+Tab button combination, it didn’t help, let’s move on using several methods.

  • If you are using Corsair Utility Engine, then you will have to remove it. This is the only way you can get rid of the black screen.
  • Install the latest drivers for your video card (check the “clean install” box when loading Nvidia).
  • Disable your antivirus or add the game to the exclusion list.
  • Disable the Origin overlay (you can find it in the client settings).
  • Make sure the game is fully downloaded and updated. You should not try to play when the client reports that the project is playable - wait until the installation is complete.

no way? then try this:

  • Go to C:\Users\username\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect Andromeda\Save and open ProfOps_Profile.
  • Scroll down until you see the line GstRender.FullscreenMode. There should be a number “1” next to it. Change it to "0" and then save.
  • Launch the game, it should be in windowed mode. Go to settings, then to video option and change the display mode to “borderless windowed”.

The development team at BioWare has put a lot of effort into eliminating all the bugs in their Mass Effect product, but, alas, not everything remains flawless. Unfortunately, the optimized version also produces a lot of errors, no matter how hard the developers try.

In the event that you encounter bugs during the game, Mass Effect crashes or does not start, our guide will tell you what to do in most known cases.

Almost all errors that users encounter have been discovered a long time ago - everything has been done so that everyone can fix them on their own. Manufacturers also periodically release patches that fix one or another common error. Also keep in mind that you need to be a confident PC user in order to fix errors yourself. Otherwise, if you have no idea what you’re doing, it’s better to invite a person who will understand at least something about setting up a PC.

Mass Effect: Andromeda has a lot of bugs

Mass Effect won't launch or install

Mass Effect Error Number One: Direct X Install Critical Error Fix

This error occurs in some parts of the game series, for example, in the third. If you install Mass Effect using Origin, you run the risk of not being able to install DirectX. As a result, a message will be displayed stating that a Direct X Internal Critical Error has occurred. In order to solve it, you should go to drive C, then to Program Files (x86). There, select the Origin Games folder, then in Mass Effect 3 - __Installer. In this folder, select directx, there find redist, in which you should delete: DSETUP.dll, dsetup32.dll, DXSETUP.exe. After this, the error is eliminated.

The second error also occurs while playing the third part of Mass Effect

Its name is VC++ Runtime Distributable Package Not Installed Error. To resolve it, you should first download latest version Microsoft C++, for this use the installation directory in Mass Effect 3. You can go to the official Microsoft website, and then download Microsoft C++ 2010 x64.

You can uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 on your PC, as well as any other Microsoft programs that you have. After that, go to drive C, find the Program Files (x86) folder. There select the Origin Games folder, then in Mass Effect 3 -__Installer. After that, follow the vc path, after vc2008sp1 and into redist. There delete vcredist. After that, on drive C, in the same folder where you are, drop the Microsoft C++ pack. After this, the problem of Mass Effect not starting should not arise.

One of the common problems is that in Mass Effect there is an installation window where the installation takes forever. To solve this problem, you should go to regeditor, then follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE, Wow 6432Node, EA Games, and finally Mass Effect. Open this folder and go to GDFBinary. There, add Install Dir to the value. After that, copy this text and add it to the path C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Mass Effect (the installation path may differ). As a result, you will get this: ab (Default) REG_SZ (not installed); ab GDFBinary REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Mass Effect \GDFBinary_en_US.dll; ab Install Dir REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Mass Effect. Finally, restart your computer.

If Mass Effect does not start and the error Mass Effect 3: Failed to Initialize The Physics System pops up, this means that there are problems with the physics in the game. Fam should clean up the physics drivers and then update them. If everything happens again, then you should copy PhysXCore.dll and paste it into \Mass Effect 3\Binaries\Win32\.

If Mass Effect is slow, there is a way to check its performance. If it is low, you need to increase it - this often happens when using a laptop for gaming. You should open the nvidia control panel, then go to “3d settings”, and then “manage 3d settings”. After that, go to the program settings, find mass effect, and then change to high performance nvidia processor.

If during the loading process of Mass Effect it is interrupted and the AWC.Dll Exe Loader error is displayed, then you should contact a Bioware moderator. Often this error appears in the second and third parts of the game.

Mass Effect crashes

Sometimes the game may crash to the desktop. It’s clear that you want to eliminate this error, which is interfering with normal progress. To do this, you need to go to the toolbar, where you click on quality and then select Performance.

If you also have a low frame rate and the picture freezes, then you should pay attention to the video card driver. After all, Mass Effect often slows down precisely because you need to update the driver. In order to do this, you need to go into Nvidia settings, then go into 3D control, select Program Settings, and then go to the “Add” line. At the same time, enter the game folder, and then follow the path “Mass Effect \Binaries\Win32” and select “MassEffect.exe”. After that, select the “preferred graphics processor of this computer” column, and then apply “NVIDIA High-Performance Processor”

After this, reboot

If the Origin mode in Mass Effect does not start, then you need to check if the Internet is working. You can also turn off your antivirus program.

If Mass Effect crashes during startup, turn off Origin. If a Black Screen occurs during the process, you can lower the resolution level, update the driver, activate software compatibility mode, or use launch via an exe file or config.exe.

If Mass Effect does not load, you can also try selecting MassEffect through the task manager, and then selecting Set Affinity. Then change the cores to two.

It also happens when Mass Effect crashes and loads very slowly, then you need to remove the checkbox from the Enable Origin In-game item in the game settings.

You can fix all errors in the game yourself

Other errors

  • Sometimes there is a small problem with the fact that your hero seems to get stuck. To do this, you should restart the game, logging in next time through a previously saved option.
  • If you are in multiplayer mode Mass games Effect voice chat does not turn on, you should double-check the microphone connection using the Tab button or reinstall the toy on your PC. Also, if your microphone icon is blinking red, you should update the driver. Alternatively, you can restart your PC.
  • But if using hotkeys does not work in multiplayer mode, then you should re-enter Mass Effect, and then select another hero in the lobby.
  • But if Mass Effect is slow and you have problems using the chat, then you should restart your PC.
  • Errors in textures may occur during the game. Then you should update the driver.
  • If you get disconnected during the process, then you should look for less complex toys.
  • If you encounter an error while searching for friends in multiplayer mode, then it is not your fault - the developers did not work the search properly.
  • If during the game the hero stops moving, you can try to make a jump and go for cover.

We hope our tips helped resolve all the issues and now the Mass Effect error will no longer occur.

It gives many reasons for complaints: faces are poorly animated, optimization on PC is poor, and bugs are often annoying. But BioWare promises to fix most of these shortcomings soon. In the meantime, we wait - here is a list of what it is quite possible to cope with on your own.

PC version optimization

Andromeda barely produces 60 frames per second at high and ultra settings, even with recommended configurations; most players with GTX 1060-level video cards are forced to settle for a frame rate of no higher than 55 fps. The difference is small, but still not pleasant.

Fortunately, this can be resolved with more fine-tuning. You can learn more about this, but, but in short - lower the quality of the shadows, and performance will noticeably improve.

General measures

This may seem obvious to some, but check that your video card drivers are fresh - some of the loading and performance problems may arise precisely because of outdated software.

Also make sure in the game settings that it is running in full screen mode - windowed and frameless windowed mode They consume more resources of your PC.

And one more banal, but not outdated piece of advice. Open the system unit and see if there is a lot of dust in it. You can take a ruler and measure the thickness of the layer - if it is more than two millimeters, then this can no longer be attributed to a statistical error. Dust greatly affects the heating of components, and this, in turn, affects their performance and lifespan.

When cleaning, disconnect your computer from electrical network and open the windows wider - it’s better not to inhale dust. And don’t go into the components with a wet rag - we remove large clumps with a vacuum cleaner (preferably with a brush attachment, so as not to damage anything), then blow them with a hairdryer (preferably near a window and always with cold air), and then go over them with an alcohol wipe. If the computer is more than two years old, it is better to check whether the thermal paste on the processor is dry, but if in doubt, it is better to entrust it to a professional or at least call a friend.

Known solvable bugs

Black screen at startup or when minimizing the window- the problem can be caused by various utility programs like Corsair Utility Engine. Remove them and restart the game.

The process is activated, but the game itself does not start- here, most likely, the antivirus or firewall is to blame. Find this file ActivationUI.exe (standard C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesMass Effect AndromedacoreActivationUI.exe) in the folder with the game installed and add it to the list of exceptions in your security system.

When activated HDR mode the picture looks incorrect- A compatible monitor or TV is required to use HDR. If everything matches, simply restart the game. Sometimes Radeon video cards have problems displaying colors in the extended range, try going into the video card settings and checking the HDR section.

It’s hard to hear surrounding sounds- change the sound output mode in the audio settings, perhaps the one you have installed does not correspond to the actual speaker configuration.

The game freezes on the loading screen - this can happen at any time, not only when starting or loading a save. Close the program and go to Origin settings. There, find a way to disable cloud saves, and try to restore the game - something might have gone wrong during installation.

The sound disappears- restart the game.

Rider gets stuck in texture or falls through- take out/put away your weapon, activate the scanner, jump. If it doesn’t work out, you can always use fast travel or just save and load the game in the same place - the character will be freed.

Scripts required for missions do not work- leave the location and return, the animation should activate.

Problems with playing online- reboot the router, turn off the VPN if you have one. In addition, the game uses a peer 2 peer connection in multiplayer. so if your “host” happens to be on the other side of the planet (although matchmaking is usually carried out in one region), the lag due to high ping can't be avoided.

Also, check in settings network connection computer the following ports:

  • TCP: 443, 17503, 17504, 10000-19999, 42210, 42130, 42230
  • UDP: 3659, 10000-19999

Bugs that will be fixed soon

BioWare has promised to release a patch soon that should resolve several common bugs. Here is a list of problems that will definitely be fixed in the update:

  • Video cards in Crossfire provide almost no increase in power
  • PC version does not support Dolby Vision
  • When running on 4:3 screens, the image is stretched unnaturally
  • FPS drops significantly in Storm Canyons location
  • teammates teleport uncontrollably or get stuck in one place
  • Objects in space behave incorrectly and tremble
  • Autosave happens too rarely
  • Main mission scripts don't work
  • If you skip cutscenes too often, the Ryder may end up hanging in the air.
  • If you run in a zigzag pattern, the rider may get out of control and begin a cycle of random animations
  • Disappearing sound
  • If you create a new character immediately after exiting the menu from an existing walkthrough, some quests and Journal items may be transferred

The update will be released in the coming days.

Unfortunately, like other major releases, Mass Effect: Andromeda was not able to avoid technical problems. But fortunately, they are extremely rare, but if you encounter difficulties, this guide will help you solve them.

List of Mass Effect: Andromeda technical problems and their solutions

Black screen when minimizing the game (Alt+Tab)

If you have the Corsair Engine utility installed, uninstall and run the game again. If that doesn't help, use windowed mode (Alt+Enter). In the settings, set windowed mode without frame.

Mass Effect: Andromeda won't launch

Most likely you have not downloaded all the necessary files. Wait for the “Ready to Play” notification to appear, this is approximately 42% of the downloaded files. Or wait for the game to fully load.

The game does not start, but is visible in the “Task Manager”

Disable firewall and antivirus. If you don’t want to, then set the ActivationUI.exe file to trust mode. This file is located in the folder: ...Origin Games\Mass Effect Andromeda\core\ActivationUI.exe

Hero stuck

Use fast travel to the nearest point.

Hero stuck

Switch Combat mode to Exploration, jump up and reopen the scanner. If it doesn't help, download the game again.

The picture in Mass Effect: Andromeda looks strange

If you have Radeon, disable HDR and enable it again. If you have Nvidia and use HDR, press Alt+Tab to exit and enter.

Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer errors

If you use a proxy or VPN, you will have to abandon them. This solution helps with errors such as: 10044, 5800, 5801, 5802, 5803, 9001