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Phase who stopped human development watch online. What is a phase state? See what “phase” is in other dictionaries

position; separate moment Ph.D. movement, when a phenomenon appears to us modified in comparison with the previous and subsequent moments; for example, phases of the moon.

Complete dictionary foreign words, which have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .

see Phase.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


(gr. phasis appearance)

1) moment, separate stage in development of some, phenomenon or process in nature or society;

2) in astronomy - a certain moment in some periodic phenomenon, eg phases of the Moon and planets associated with a change in the appearance of the celestial body illuminated by the sun (certain phases of the Moon have their own names: new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter); phases in the light curves of variable stars or radial velocity curves of spectroscopic double stars, etc.;

3) physical a quantity characterizing the state of the oscillatory process at each moment of time;

4) a set of parts of a complex physical and chemical system with the same physical and chemical properties. properties ( eg, a system containing ice and liquid water, consists of two phases);

5) email one of the circuits forming a multiphase system alternating current.

New dictionary foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .

phases, g. [ fr. phase from Greek phasis]. 1. Same as phase (book). 2. This or that moment or period in the process of changing the type of something. planets depending on the different position of its illuminated part relative to the earth; appearance of the planet at such a moment or period (astro.). First phase of the moon. 3. A separate moment or period in a change in the form or state of something. substances; the form or state of a substance at such a moment or period (physical). Solid phase.4. The smallest unit of time, the cut corresponds to a certain character of rocks (geol.). 6. A separate group of windings of a multiphase generator (physical technology).

Big dictionary foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


s, and. (German Phase Greek phasis appearance (about heavenly bodies).
1. Moment, separate stage during development and changes something., as well as the position itself, shape of something. V this moment; same as phase. New f. development of society. Moon in the first phase.
|| Wed. period, stage.
2. physical The quantity characterizing state of some. process at every moment in time. F. pendulum swings. Gaseous f. substances.
Phase- related to phase 1, 2, phases.
3. email Separate group of windings generator.
Phase- relating to phase, phases.

Dictionary foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what “PHASE” is in other dictionaries:

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What's happened phase state?

Phase state - a special normal state normal person, such as you, in which your body sleeps, but your awareness of what is happening around remains. Particular cases of this state are lucid dreams (LU) and “astral” travel (astral projection), so-called “out-of-body” travel (OBE or OBE).

This site tries to provide objective information about this phenomenon without distortion or assumptions. The main emphasis is on practical techniques.

How to cause this condition? Free practice materials

  1. Always keep a diary of both successful phase exits and a dream diary. This is important, as it helps to tune in to the theme of the phase and increases the frequency of entering the phase.
  2. Free book "M. Rainbow. PHASE. practical textbook" (PDF)

Telegram group for communicating with friends about the phase

Communication with practitioners can help set the mood for constant practice.

To enter the chat, you need to install the widely used messenger program Telegram.

(in the group we stick to the theme of the phase :))

A channel has been created to practice logging into the OS:

Make your lucid dream something you expect:

1. Hit targets throughout the day

2. Do a reality check of what is around you.

This practice will transfer to a dream in which you can become conscious.

Nice videos

  1. Video seminar 2015 “out of body in 3 days”: audio only (you can listen in your free time from work, remembering the instructions) (the video itself is also available on YouTube(10 hours) and the same video

You can often hear about phase in conversations about electricity. But, of course, the word has a much broader meaning. its cycles, how it relates to grounding. We will learn about this and much more in the next article.

What is a phase

In physics, a phase is understood as one of the states of a substance (for example, water can be in liquid, liquid-crystalline, crystalline and gaseous forms) state of aggregation). In addition, it refers to a stage in a cycle of oscillation (for example, in wave motion).

In astronomy, the word has a slightly different meaning. What a phase is in this science can be understood from observations from Earth celestial body(for example, the Moon). That is, it can be denoted as visible part illuminated hemisphere of a celestial object from the Earth.

In economic theory, it is widely known what cycle phases are. This is when in a certain period of time (cycle) regular activity is observed.

Let's look at what this term means in electricity.

Phase in electricity

Do you know, at power plants? Everywhere the principle of its occurrence is the same: the rotation of the magnet inside the coil leads to the appearance of this effect. This effect is called EMF, or electromotive force induction. The rotating magnet is called the rotor, and the coils attached around it are called the stator.

Alternating voltage is obtained from constant voltage when the latter is bent along a sine line, as a result of which either a positive or a negative value is achieved.

So, the magnet comes into motion, for example, due to the flow of water. As the rotor rotates, it changes all the time. That's why it's created AC voltage. With three coils installed, each of them has a separate electrical circuit, and inside it the same variable value appears, where the voltage phase is shifted around the circumference by one hundred and twenty degrees, that is, by a third relative to the one located nearby.

Or maybe we can power it at home like before?

This circuit is called three-phase. But you can safely power the house using one such coil. In this case, the first end of the coil is simply grounded, and the second is led into the house, where this wire is connected, for example, to a kettle plug. The second pin of the plug is grounded. The result will be the same electricity.

Three-phase current propagation

Three-phase current enters homes through power lines (where the voltage reaches thirty-five kilovolts). It is believed that it is the most economical and in all respects more advantageous compared to conventional current.

In industry, food goes precisely three-phase current, since it is easier to build a rotating structure on it, and in general it is more mobile and has more power.


Let's figure out what phase, ground and neutral wire, in details.

It's easy to imagine with a star connection. The phase connection point is called neutral.

Usually it is grounded to increase safety, since if the device fails, then in the absence of grounding, a danger will be created for humans. If you touch the device, it will simply give you an electric shock. But if there is grounding, excess current will leak and no risk will arise.

So, all together - the earth and the phase of the wire are necessary to ensure the safety of people. New houses under construction have just such a system, while older ones do not have it.

Phase definition

Sometimes it is necessary to determine where the phase wire is located. For a regular outlet, this may not be necessary. But when connecting, for example, a chandelier, the phase should be supplied directly to the switch, and zero - directly to the lamps. Then, if the light is turned off, a person will not receive an electric shock when replacing the lamp. And even when the device is turned on, if it accidentally touches the lamp, although it will be hot, there will be no impact.

There is a very simple and convenient device for determining phases. It looks like a regular screwdriver. But inside the device there is a light bulb that will light up when you touch the phase. In this case, the finger should touch the metal patch of the device at this time.

Some daredevils decide to determine the phase using completely unsafe methods. These include the so-called “control”, when the wire is placed under running water, touched with a neon light bulb, or brought into contact with a battery.

Needless to say, it is better not to resort to methods that become dangerous not only for the experimenter, but also for those around him. Moreover, it is currently quite inexpensive.

At correct installation electrical cables throughout the premises of blue color will mean zero, yellow-green will mean ground, and black or any other color will indicate phase. But, unfortunately, the work of electricians is not always conscientious and qualified. Therefore, the colors may not match the intended purpose.