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Hydrostop protection against water leaks. Sale of liquid thermal insulation. Hydrostop - quick waterproofing and elimination of leaks

Name Tara Purpose Consumption Note Unit change Price groups
up to 200kg. from 201 to 500kg. from 501 to 1000 kg. from 1001kg.
WATERPROOFING acrylic 12kg. 100-120g/sq.m. BS-26 bucket --- --- 1240.00 1190.00
WATERPROOFING acrylic 20kg. Elastic waterproof coating on acrylic base for waterproofing walls, roofs, bathrooms. 100-120g/sq.m. BS-26 bucket --- --- 2025.00 1940.00
Plast seal 1 kg. For quick elimination of leaks, cracks or holes in concrete and stone enclosing structures; firmly adheres to the surface and blocks leakage. according to instructions BS-27a bucket --- 155.00 145.00 135.00
Plast-hydro 5kg. Penetrates (under the influence of osmotic pressure) into the capillary-porous structure of concrete, resulting in the formation of sparingly soluble crystalline formations that seal the pores. Crystalline formations do not allow water to pass through. according to instructions BS-27b bucket --- 340.00 320.00 295.00

Hydrostop - quick waterproofing and elimination of leaks

When you need to quickly fix leaks or give surfaces water repellent properties, excellent results shows hydrostop - a modern acrylic-based waterproofing, quick-hardening material.

By contacting the Empire Construction company, you can order an acrylic-based hydrostop powder mixture by selecting optimal type packaging. We also offer sealing mixtures that allow you to quickly and effectively solve the problems of waterproofing porous materials, such as concrete or stone floors. Hydro seals - perfect solution if you need to repair cracks or leaks.

Advantages and features of using a hydrostop

One of the important advantages of hydrostop is the ability to quickly harden, forming a moisture-repellent film without joints or seams. In addition, the material is almost ready for use: the dry mixture only needs to be diluted with water in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer, after which it can be immediately applied to the surface. This allows you to carry out waterproofing quickly, with minimal labor.

The elasticity of hydrostop determines a wide range of its application: the material is suitable for waterproofing vertical or horizontal ceilings of various types: from plaster to slate. Hydrostop and hydroseals are effective in sealing water supply and gas pipes, even if it is not possible to turn off the water or gas.

As a result of hydrostop treatment, the base becomes resistant to moisture, and the likelihood of water seepage is almost zero. This allows you to increase the level of reliability of buildings and structures, protect them from rot and mold, and extend their service life.

Among the operational advantages of the hydrostop, the following should be noted:

Possibility of use in wet environments, including underwater work;
- independence from the quality of the base (application on an uneven or cracked base is possible, use in moving seams is acceptable);
- frost resistance after hardening;
- short setting time - from 1 to 3 minutes.

Do you want to get more detailed information about prices or conditions for purchasing a hydrostop? Do you need specialist advice to choose the optimal type of material or correctly calculate the quantity? Employees of the Empire Construction company are at your service, contact us in a way convenient for you.


After using the product, a monolithic seamless waterproofing coating is formed, which, after complete drying, acquires a black color and acquires the characteristics of high elasticity, resistance to mechanical deformation, and absolute water, vapor and gas impermeability. The coating is suitable for the installation of coatings in long-term contact with water.

The coating retains its properties for more than 25 years, is resistant to temperature changes, ultraviolet rays and exposure to ozone, belongs to the G2 flammability class.

The coating is not resistant to long-term contact with petroleum products, chemical solvents, and oil.


The product is non-toxic and does not contain chemical solvents; approved for use as protection for swimming pools and drinking water tanks.


After complete vulcanization, the coating becomes black in color, is resistant to UV rays, and is unusable under heavy loads. It is prohibited to perform mechanical impacts on the coating: strikes, punctures, cuts with various objects, place heavy objects with a small area of ​​contact with the coating (leg, wheel, stop) without special protective flooring, etc.

The coating cannot be exposed to petrochemical products and their derivatives; paint with oil-based paints and varnishes, do not use solvents. Do not perform thermal effects with fire, directed flame, gas welding, electric welding, etc.

If it is necessary to impact the coating with small loads, we recommend performing additional protection in color finishing coat AKTERM HydroStop®, or other coatings without chemical solvents or oils.

Technology of applying liquid to the surface insulating material HydroStop

AKTERM HydroStop applied to a clean, grease-free and dust-free base with a layer thickness of no more than 0.5 mm at a temperature environment not lower than +5°C with permissible base humidity not exceeding 30%. After the insulating layer has completely dried, it can be applied within 1 to 4 hours. next layer 0.5 mm. HydroStop™ liquid rubber is applied using spray equipment or manually with a brush, roller, or spatula in several layers.

on surfaces without hydrostatic pressure (roofs, shallow foundations) - 1.0 - 1.5 mm (2 - 3 layers);

with hydrostatic head (reservoirs, deep foundations) 3 mm (6 layers).

Do not apply to open spaces with a high probability of rain.

Liquid rubber consumption of AKTERM HydroStop modification is 1 kg per 1 m² of surface with a coating thickness of 1 mm. The color of the coating after drying is black.

Conditions for applying AKTERM HydroStop

The product is ready for use.

Do not dilute with chemical solvents.

Mix thoroughly and evenly before use.

The product is applied to a dry, clean, grease-free and dust-free substrate, without coatings or inclusions that reduce the adhesive ability of the product.

When applied to porous materials, a base moisture content of no more than 15% is allowed, subject to a high degree of strength and hardness. In the absence of the necessary strength and hardness of the base (sand screeds, foam blocks), bonding primers are used deep penetration on water based. Metal base it is necessary to mechanically clean and remove oil coatings, corrosive deposits or paint coatings with weak adhesion and remove dust.

The first layer applied to the base is a primer. The second and subsequent layers are applied only after the primer or the previous layer has completely dried.

Application can be combined with geotextile reinforcement with a density from 30 to 200 g/m2. Joints, sharp external and internal corners, as well as places of required resistance to compression or traction with separation.

Cleaning of tools: to remove the product when wet, rinse the tool with water. After hardening, the product is removed with White Spirit.

Precautionary measures:

When applying, use rubber gloves, overalls and other individual means protection.

In case of accidental contact with skin, it does not cause burns or irritation.

IN liquid state washed off with water and soap, then the skin is treated with a softening cream.

Product storage conditions: at a temperature not lower than +5°C. Shelf life in sealed containers is 12 months. Freezing of the product is not allowed.

Packing and container: plastic/metal bucket with a volume of 5,10,20 liters.

Pickup: free from warehouse.

Delivery cost: from 1000 rub. within Moscow/dispatch transport company to the regions.


Waterproofing "Hydrostop"- high-quality, superplastic material for sealing showers and bathrooms, toilets, swimming pools, tanks, incl. With drinking water, garages, building facades, etc. Suitable for outdoor and interior work on concrete, stone, brick, plastered (except gypsum plasters) surfaces. Can be applied to damp surfaces. The waterproofing composition includes cement, sand, a complex of mineral and synthetic additives.

Main characteristics

  • Water resistance, MPa up to 4.0
  • Compressive strength M-250
  • Volume expansion up to 0.5%
  • Resistance to freeze-thaw cycles no less than 350
  • Ability to “self-heal” cracks up to 0.8 mm

For repair and waterproofing of damp and flooded premises, swimming pools, underground garages, basements, tunnels and other hydraulic structures. Suitable for creating drinking water reservoirs.

Cement-sand mixture with plasticizing, structure-forming and multicomponent mineral expanding and calmatizing additives.

Preparation of the solution:
To prepare the solution you need 4 - 4.5 liters of water
for 25 kg of the Pobedi - Hydrostop mixture. Pour into a container convenient for mixing required quantity mixture and mix thoroughly for 5 - 7 minutes.

Apply the solution to surfaces that have been previously cleaned of dust, grease and soot. Use within 2 - 2.5 hours. When plastering, it is necessary to use a masonry mesh. When carrying out work using the formwork method, crushed stone of a 10 mm fraction is used as a filler. Plastered surfaces must be kept moist for the first 10 to 14 days after work. The prepared surface must first be primed with a deep penetration primer, for example, “Pobedit-Grunt”.

Depending on the type and age of the base and the qualifications of the workers applying the waterproofing layer, small cracks may appear on the finished coating, which is not a defect. If shrinkage cracks appear, they must be thoroughly rubbed with the same composition. It is recommended to fill pools and tanks with water 3-4 days after plastering. Waterproof properties appear after 1 - 2 weeks. Full waterproofness is achieved 28 days after curing at normal conditions. Work should be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5°C.

15 kg of Pobedit - Hydrostop mixture per 1 sq.m. surface with a layer thickness of 1 cm.

Bags with the mixture "Pobedit - Hydrostop" should be stored in closed in dry rooms for up to 6 months.
Products comply

The Hydro-Stop company offers concrete protection services using penetrating waterproofing. We use modern materials and proven technologies. After a detailed diagnosis of your facility, our specialists will perform a full cycle of work using this technology.

By such waterproofing we mean penetrating waterproofing compounds, including Portland cements, fillers and a complex of active chemical additives, which can be polymer elements, as well as salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals.

IN modern construction when carrying out measures to protect foundations, walls from moisture, roof spaces And underground structures, most often used Various types waterproofing materials. To obtain complete information about penetrating waterproofing, we will examine other types of protection of structures from water and moisture:

1. Pasting– this includes the well-known traditional roofing felt and special insulating mats.

2. Coating mixtures, which are used to process target surfaces. Such mixtures can be bitumen mastic, cement-sand plaster, containing water-repellent modifiers, liquid glass and rubber, polymer resins, etc.

3. Cast waterproofing. This is done by adding to concrete mortar special components (in particular, silicate liquid glass) that give it the necessary properties.

4. Injection waterproofing. Widely used for protection internal structure structures, filling their cracks and cavities.

Backfill technology is also used to waterproof foundations.

Cost of work

How waterproofing works

Surprisingly, the history of the existence of penetrating waterproofing goes back several decades. In 1952, Vandex developed and began producing innovative compounds for moisture protection of concrete. Such compositions were finely dispersed cement-sand mixture, intended for connection with water. The formed liquid layer becomes reliable protective coating, as happens with coating waterproofing, but at the same time it has the property of penetrating into the structure of surfaces through cracks, holes and micropores.

When hardened inside concrete, such solutions crystallize, being extremely durable and resistant to water, which determines the duration of their action.

Well-known to many roll and coating waterproofing, which has an acceptable cost, also has characteristic disadvantages. So, after applying it to the working surfaces, a dense layer is formed, which does not allow the walls to “breathe”. This prevents the removal of moisture vapor, which results in mold appearing everywhere.

The operating principle of penetrating waterproofing is different: the liquid solution enters the micropores of concrete and, during its crystallization, pushes moisture out. The crystals continue to grow in size until all moisture is bound and removed, and then a protective film.

Penetrating waterproofing can penetrate concrete up to 40 cm deep, filling cracks up to 4 mm wide.

And here it is worth once again drawing a comparative parallel with coating materials that provide their effect for 25-30 years. Penetrating waterproofing shows much better results, maintaining its properties for up to 100 years ( great importance has a mixture composition), which is close to the operational period of the concrete itself!

Benefits of penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing compounds differ from similar materials in a number of positive features. Let us highlight the main ones:

  1. Such waterproofing can be used on objects of any type, including underground and above-ground structures.
  2. Penetrating insulation can be used to effectively treat any concrete structure. So, these can be new houses or old buildings in which it is necessary to carry out major renovation or carry out reconstruction work.
  3. The properties of deep penetration make it possible to protect the structure of reinforced concrete structures from the destructive effects of moisture, preventing corrosion and thereby extending their service life.
  4. When working with penetrating compounds, there is no need for serious preparatory work. In particular, they can be applied to damp surfaces without requiring prior drying.
  5. No harm to human health or the environment. The compositions are absolutely non-toxic.
  6. Penetrating waterproofing, when treating any structures (foundations, walls, floors, areas where utility lines are located), forms a smooth, seamless and completely airtight coating.
  7. There is no need to pre-prime the walls and floors for the purpose of their subsequent finishing.
  8. The compositions can be used in fairly difficult environmental conditions. Mid range permissible temperatures is -30/+75°C, and with the help of some mixtures work can be done on concrete surfaces whose temperature is up to 105°C.
  9. The protective film formed is characterized by high resistance to chemical and mechanical factors. It is not subject to cracking or peeling throughout the entire operational period of the treated structures.

These advantages determine the growing popularity of penetrating waterproofing in the construction world, when carrying out work to protect foundations, walls and any underground structures.

Where are such compounds used?

The construction industry is increasingly resorting to the use of penetrating waterproofing to achieve the following goals:

  • protection of foundations in buildings of any type;
  • treatment ground floors and basement spaces (to prevent negative impact groundwater);
  • waterproofing of swimming pools, treatment facilities and any containers intended for water;
  • application to walls and other surfaces in rooms with excessive humidity levels;
  • protection of underground utility systems.

However, the use of penetrating waterproofing has certain limitations. Thus, it is not recommended to use it when working with the following materials:

  • gas, foam, shale ash and polystyrene foam concrete;
  • foam and gas magnesite;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • shungizite concrete;
  • asbestos-cement and other types of large-porous materials.

Penetrating compounds when processed by them listed materials, retain their properties, but their use will be inappropriate: due to large number pores in the structure of the structures being treated, the consumption of waterproofing will be prohibitively high. Therefore, in these cases more rational decision other materials will become.

Which ready-made penetrating mixtures are most effective?

Within domestic market can be purchased following types compositions:

  • OSMOSIL. Actively used in construction industry when working with private and industrial objects. The use of such compositions involves preliminary preparation working surfaces by plastering them. Production - Italy.
  • PENETRON. The compositions are known for their effectiveness when working with old and new concrete with cracks up to 0.5 mm. If there are more extensive damages on the surfaces, they must be treated with a special PENECRIT compound before applying the waterproofing layer. If the situation is complicated by the presence of external pressure leaks ( wastewater treatment plants, swimming pools), for pre-treatment the drug PENELAG is used. Production - USA.
  • HYDROTEX and HYDROHIT. Mixtures are classified into two main types - for internal (B) and external (U) use. Production - Russia.
  • AQUATRON-6. The product belongs to the category of double-action sealants and can penetrate deeply into porous structures (up to 40 cm). Production - Russia.

Also popular waterproofing materials domestic production Kristallizol, known for its optimal cost-effectiveness ratio.

Waterproofing process

Penetrating waterproofing materials are easy to use. Working with them involves the presence of main stages, namely:

  1. Preparation of working surfaces. They must be thoroughly cleaned, and sandblasting must be used effectively to open the pores. If mold fragments are present, treatment is carried out with antiseptics.
  2. In order to improve the degree of adhesion of the waterproofing mixture with concrete surface, it is necessary to make grooves at the seams and joints, artificially increasing the depth and width of the cracks to 2-2.5 cm.
  3. Working surfaces are wetted with water.
  4. Prepare the mixture in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is recommended to mix fractional portions, which will be enough for half an hour of work, and then prepare new ones.
  5. Application of waterproofing. The application method is usually recommended by the manufacturer.

A total of two layers should be applied at intervals of 60-90 minutes, without vigorous rubbing. Thickness – no more than 1 centimeter.

When waterproofing brickwork Holes with a depth of about 70% of the total wall thickness are drilled at a distance of several centimeters from each other. They're filling up plaster composition, after drying, a waterproofing material is applied.

Thus, penetrating waterproofing is superior to coating and roll types of protective materials in a number of properties, showing high efficiency and differing in service life. Perhaps the only drawback of this technology is the relatively high price, which makes its use irrational when working with porous materials.

In the construction of buildings and structures great attention is given to waterproofing. It is especially relevant for indoors high humidity. To protect them you will need Hydrostop waterproofing - one of the best modern materials. Its popularity is due to its excellent waterproofing properties, environmental safety, simplicity and ease of use, and speed of work.

HydroStop waterproofing is a product of the international concern AKZO NOBEL. This is a new generation of high-quality seamless waterproofing, the so-called “ liquid film", used for interior treatment of buildings.

Hydrostop waterproofing is used to protect wet areas, including rooms with direct water exposure. Used in waterproofing systems before laying ceramic or tiles, gluing PVC and other elastic materials. Swimming pools and buildings that constantly contain moisture are an exception; Hydrostop insulation is not used to protect them from leakage.

HydroStop is a thixotropic (non-drip) compound that, when applied, forms a membrane-type film on the surface, impervious to water, and is well combined with leveling mixtures and tile adhesives.

The thixotropy of the material allows it to be applied to walls in a thick layer using a spatula, as well as brushes and rollers

The moisture barrier is sold in plastic containers, ready for use. It does not contain organic solvents or components that cause irritation to the skin and respiratory organs. It dries quickly and is absolutely harmless for use in rooms where people are often and for a long time. You can use it enough for a long time. Twelve hours after applying the waterproofing, it is already possible to lay tiles and carry out other finishing work.