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How to refuse and return Rostelecom equipment? How to set up a Wi-Fi router from Rostelecom

If you decide to change your Internet provider, or move to another apartment, then you most likely will not have to buy a new router. After changing providers, many people have a question: how to configure a router that previously worked with another provider. Nothing complicated, everything standard scheme. True, there are several nuances that I will talk about now.

1 First, I strongly advise you to do reset router settings to remove settings from the old provider. Find the button on the router RESET(reset), it is most likely recessed into the body. Sometimes the button is labeled WPS/RESET. Press it and hold it for 15 seconds. The router's power should be turned on. Most likely, all indicators will light up and the router will reboot.

3 We take our router, connect the Internet connector from the new provider to it in the WAN, go to the router settings, and configure it. The setup process depends on your model. You will need to configure the Internet itself (usually on the WAN, Internet tab), and configure Wi-Fi network: change the network name and

Internet and interactive television Rostelecom has been offering the company's customers in combination with a router for quite some time. The provider uses network equipment from such manufacturers as TP Link, D Link, Fast, Huawei, QBR and Asus. General scheme their settings are approximately the same, but some settings are still different.

What to do if the router settings are lost?

If there are power outages, viruses penetrate the router, or the router is reconnected, all settings are lost. To return the equipment to working condition, you need to carry out configuration, during which you enter data and select the necessary parameters. In some cases, it is necessary to completely reset the router and repeat the above steps. If necessary, you can always contact the support hotline.

How to enter the settings of the Rostelecom router if all the parameters are lost? First you need to make sure that the cable leading to the computer is connected to the equipment. If the connection is detected and works without interruptions, enter the username and password, which are located on the sticker at the bottom of the router. If the network data has been changed, due to which the connection is unavailable, you need to reset the router to the default settings, which is done with the “Reset” button (hereinafter - without quotes).

After a successful connection, go to your browser and enter or the IP address indicated on the sticker in the address bar. In the form that appears, in the fields, type “ admin" (password can be " 1234 "). As a result, the necessary interface will appear network equipment. It establishes the Internet connection data from your contract with the company, the ability to change the name and password of the network, as well as Extra options who already have required values. All that remains is to save all the information and use Wi-Fi in the apartment.

9 instructions for setting up Wi-Fi routers Rostelecom

Each Wi-Fi router model comes with setup instructions. The general algorithm for establishing a connection is the same, but there are individual characteristics each of the devices that will be discussed below.

Setting up TP Link TD w8901, w8901n, w8961n, w8968

TP Link router connection status window

Settings Wi-Fi router TP Link TD for Rostelecom proceeds absolutely the same way. The point is that they use the same interface. How to connect a device to the network was partially described in previous section.

To get to the TP Link router interface, you need to enter or tplinklogin.net into the address bar of your browser. In the right menu, select “Network”, then “WAN”. The “WAN connection type” field is set to “ PPPoE (RussiaPPPoE)", Enter your Rostelecom login and password. Next, you need to click “Connect”, and then “Save”. As a result, the TP Link TD interface will display the “Connected” status.

You can download the new firmware using the link from the official TP Link website.

D Link Dir 615

Main window of the D Link Dir-615 router interface

The first of the D Link devices will be the Dir 615 router, which is configured through a special Web interface. Before entering it, the system will prompt you to fill out the “Login” and “Password” fields, in both of which you need to enter “ admin" Setting up a d link router for Rostelecom itself is the easiest option if you are not a pro.

Having entered the interface, you need to immediately change the language to Russian in the “Language” tab and select the appropriate item. At the bottom is the “Advanced Settings” item, which you need to click on. On the screen that appears, you must select “WAN” under the “Network” heading. An “Add” button will appear at the bottom right, where you need to select a type PPPoE connections, Internet port, enter the network name, Rostelecom login and password. In the “Service name” field enter “ Internet", LCP interval is set to 15, and dips are set to 2.

Video: Setting up DIR-615 Rostelecom.

Important! The Rostelecom TV set-top box via the D Link Dir 615 router can be configured through the IPTV setup wizard, where the device receiving the signal and the corresponding port are selected.

D Link Dir 300

Setting up the D Link Dir 300 Rostelecom router is generally very similar to the previous procedure, but has a number of differences. Logging into the Web interface is carried out in a similar way. Under the “Network” tab, select “WAN”, after which a page familiar from Dir 615 will appear. The difference from it is that in the “Port” item you need to select not Internet, but Ports: 5, 2 (numbers may differ). The remaining parameters, except for the Rostelecom login and password, do not need to be entered. The method of how to connect IPTV through a router was said earlier, so there is no need to describe the procedure again.

Video: wifi setup router DIR 300.

D Link DSL 2640u, DSL 2500u

The question of how to configure Wi-Fi routers D Link Dir series was discussed in the two previous paragraphs. As for the DIR DSL series, working with it is somewhat different from previous options.

Video: Setting up a Rostelecom D-Link DSL2640U T3 router for ADSL (PPPoE + IPTV).

After entering the interface, you need to click on the “Click’n’Connect” item. The system will begin ADSL setup. Sequentially, you need to select the PPPoE type, enter the values 0 And 33 in the “VPI” and “VCI” columns, respectively, click “Next” until the connection message appears. The remaining fields are filled in exactly the same way as in other D Link routers.

Sagemcom Fast 1744 v2, Fast 2804 v7

LAN interface window Sagemcom routers Fast.

Setting up the router Rostelecom Sagemcom Fast 1744 v2 is not particularly difficult, but its Web interface is somewhat confusing, due to which the process takes a lot of time. It is accessed in the same way as D Link DSL 2640u. First of all, remove the PPP connection, which is set by default by the router (in latest versions Fast 1744 v2 firmware does not have it). To do this, go to “Advanced settings” and select “WAN service”. There will be one connection in the list that needs to be deleted. Next, go back one step and click on the “Second Layer Interface” tab, under which “ATM PVC Interface” will appear. Here you also need to delete the only existing item.

Video: Sagecom 1744 v2.2 configuration in Routing mode when using PPPoE.

At the location of the remote connection, click the “Add” button to create a new one. For Rostelecom, the VPI and VCI parameters are set as 0 and 33, respectively. The DSL Link type should remain EoA since it complies with PPPoE. After clicking the “Apply” button, you need to create a new connection in Fast 1744 v2. To do this, in the window that appears, click next (if the atm0 interface is not selected, but find it in the drop-down list). In the configuration that appears, select “PPP over Ethernet” and click “Next”, and then “Apply”. The system will prompt you to enter your Rostelecom login and password, as well as the network name. After several clicks “Next” and “Apply”, the configuration of the Sanjemcom Fast 1744 v2 router will be completed.

Note! After the next “Next”, in some Fast 1744 v2 firmware the “Enable NAT” item appears, as well as the accompanying “Enable Firewall”, on which you must also leave a checkmark.

Internet connection window in the Asus RT N12 router.

Setting up the Asus RT N12 router is one of the easiest among the devices under consideration. After entering the interface, you need to click “Internet Setup”, and all the necessary fields immediately appear in front of the user. Select the connection type “PPPoE”.

Video: ASUS RT-N12 Connection and configuration.
After it, in the first, second, fourth and fifth points, put the value “ Yes", in third - " No». Just below - Rostelecom login and password and save the changes. For detailed settings (protection type, network name and password), you can go to the “Router Setup” tab from the main interface screen.

Download the latest firmware for ASUS RT-N12 You can follow the link from the official website of asus.

Window for entering login and password for connecting to the Rostelecom network in the router Zyxel Keenetic DSL.

Question about how to configure a Rostelecom Zyxel router Keenetic DSL, depends on the firmware version that is installed on the device. Older versions work with the interface password " 1234 ", and new ones - with "admin". In addition, the difference lies in the location of the menu items and the absence of the “IPv6” tab. Otherwise the procedure is identical. The web interface is available at my.keenetic.net (sometimes does not work) and Opening the “Internet” and “ADSL” sections one by one, proceed to filling out the form. Set the “VPI” and “VCI” fields to standard values 0 And 33 , and the encapsulation type is “LLC”.

Important! Don't forget to check the "Use to access the Internet" checkbox. After saving the data, go to the “ PPPoE/VPN" Here, only all the main fields are filled in, as in routers from other manufacturers. It is important not to forget to check the “Enable” box.

Download the new firmware from the official Zyxel website.

Window for entering IP addresses for working in the Rostelecom provider network in the QBR 2041ww Wi-Fi router.

Connecting and setting up the popular QBR 2041ww among Rostelecom clients is quite simple.

Video: Universal router QTECH QBR-2041WW configuration in Routing mode when using PPPoE.
Access to the interface is carried out at the standard address using the login and password “admin”. In the “Interface Settings” tab in the “Internet” section, all the necessary items appear at once. The permanent virtual circuit must remain at " 1 " “VPI” and “VCI” are set to the usual values ​​0 and 33. Encapsulation – “PPPoA/PPPoE”. Next, the Rostelecom login and password are indicated, “DHCP IPv6 mode” is set with the “ SLAAC”, and “Enable DCHP PD” - with the “Disable” checkbox. After these interactions with 2041ww, the setup is completed.

Window of the main settings of the Huawei HG8245H router for working with the Rostelecom provider.

Setting up the Huawei HG8245H router is as simple as the QBR 2041ww. To get to the Web interface, after going to the interface page, you must enter one of the login and password combinations, of which there are two options: “telecomadmin” and “admintelecom”, “root” and “admin”.

Video: Setting up the Huawei HG8245 router under Rostelecom.
After selecting the “WAN” tab, a page appears on which you need to specify all the necessary data. You need to check all the first boxes, and also select SSID1 and LAN2 at the bottom. The remaining settings of the Huawei router are quite familiar: entering the Rostelecom login and password, setting the WAN type to “PPPoE”. Additional configuration is carried out on the WLAN tab.

Setting up IPTV in the router

Video: Setting up an IP-TV TV through a router.
Setting up interactive TV through a router is done through the router interface. How to set up Rostelecom television via a router? The instructions are useful only for models that support this feature. To set the required port for redirecting the signal to the set-top box, in the settings, select the port to which the cable connecting the set-top box and the router is connected. Not all routers can configure IPTV; cheap device models do not support this function.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, the article makes it clear how to enter the settings of the Rostelecom router, how the Internet is connected through this network equipment, and what to do if the device parameters are lost. After you have configured your Wi-Fi router, check the speed of your Internet connection. Perhaps your device is outdated and slows down the speed, then it will differ from that stated in the tariff. IN modern world setting wifi router This process is so frequent that it would not be advisable to invite an ad specialist every time. Our instructions will help you avoid problems with operating the device and accessing the network.

Recommendations regarding routers for creating a network based on Rostelecom will not surprise users who have at least general idea about the operating principle of such equipment. The main parameters of modems, as in any technology, are speed, reliability, as well as ease of setup and use of devices, which is important when installing equipment without the help of specialists.

Recommendations for replacing an Internet router from Rostelecom

Router manufacturers keep all parameters to top level often practically impossible. Eg, low cost equipment will lead to deterioration in performance or reliability, and sometimes both indicators. In cases of ensuring maximum ease of setup and use, not everything is so smooth. An intuitive interface with the ability to quickly configure is usually characteristic of devices for home Internet, where there are not so many options and modes of operation of the router. When using equipment to connect to the Internet on a corporate network with additional services, for example, your own proxy server or multi-level routing, you won’t be able to configure the device in a few clicks.

When replacing standard Rostelecom routers with new devices, you need to take into account the main criteria that are important specifically for your case. If you use the home Internet for multimedia entertainment and simple work, for example, searching for information, watching videos, participating in multi-user online games and other methods of exchanging data with network clients, the range of routers recommended for purchase will be significantly narrowed. In this case, you can select a model starting entry level, which does not have a high cost and not very impressive characteristics. But even here there are features that may influence the final choice. If you have a high-quality Internet connection with high speed, for example, fiber optics, you need to pay attention to modems that support the appropriate speed characteristics.

For optimal performance You can exchange a standard router for another, more advanced model. Accordingly, with the characteristics of the equipment, its cost also increases.

Home Internet in practice is divided into several cases:

  • various DSL options;
  • Ethernet (works on GPON basis);
  • optical fiber connected to the apartment itself.

DSL in most cases provides the most low speed work, with the exception of VDSL access options, which have not become widespread. Ethernet is the most best option, which is not too expensive, but allows you to get a connection that can be compared in speed to optical fiber.

The optical fiber itself differs from the previous version only in its direct supply to one or several users, which without a doubt allows you to get the maximum possible flow for downloading and uploading data to the server.

Attention! Is it possible to increase throughput channel, after changing the Rostelecom router to another, you need to look at the type of connection and the ordered service package of the provider.

The choice of equipment for setting up corporate networks should be made by a professional, based on the scale and other characteristics of the planned connection.

For optical fiber connected directly to an apartment, house or office, you need to use terminals that support GPON technology. Prominent representatives Such equipment are models from the manufacturer Eltex, for example, NTP-2C.

Attention! Keep in mind that terminals often do not have built-in Wi-Fi connectivity. To create a network with wireless Internet access, you need to purchase additional equipment– a router that is connected directly via an Ethernet cable.

Wireless routers with an Ethernet connector are one of the most common types of network devices for home use, since providers most often distribute the signal to apartments themselves using a fiber-optic terminal installed throughout the entire house, and transmit to the user a ready-made and easy-to-configure Internet signal.

Buying an Ethernet router for any type home connection, it is worth paying attention to the new TP-LINK TL-WR940N model, which supports over-the-air data transfer rates of more than 300 MB per second, which is ensured by the use of several antennas for parallel operation.

In the case of using a DSL connection via telephone line You can also choose one of two options:

  • DSL modem in conjunction with an Ethernet router for Wi-Fi distribution;
  • wireless router with built-in DSL modem.

If you choose the second option, you can safely purchase one, which will allow you to set up and connect to the Internet in just a few minutes.

How to change Rostelecom modems and routers to others

You can replace a standard Rostelecom modem with a universal one with a built-in wireless routing function yourself, since the wiring does not need to be updated. First of all, for this you will need to correctly install and connect the equipment.

Attention! Before changing your Rostelecom router to another, make sure that you have all the data to set up the connection (login/password pair for PPPoE or other options). If they are absent, initialization of new equipment for the network will have to be postponed until you find out the information corresponding to your connection type.

If all the data for reconnecting the network to the Internet from Rostelecom is available, changing the configuration of the main devices will not take much time.

You can replace a modem or router for the Internet from Rostelecom with various equipment options, working in pairs or separately. The configuration of devices will primarily depend on the type of connection, as well as the speed indicators of the selected tariff plan.

The constant development of technology makes it possible to connect the Internet to apartments more and more high speeds. One of the methods of such connection is Gpon technology, which is also offered by Rostelecom.

Gpon – general job description

Passive optical technologies (Pon) appeared not very long ago, but are confidently replacing traditional ways organizing Internet access, working on copper cables. Optical cable has huge advantages over copper cable:

The "G" prefix assumes that the connection is at gigabit speed. Passive this technology called because there is no active network equipment between the provider’s node and the end consumer, and the optics are laid directly into the client’s apartment.

No equipment is required, because the length of the optical cable without additional signal amplification is up to 20 km, and in the near future developments are underway to increase the line to 60 km.

The connection can be carried out in synchronous and asynchronous modes. Typically providers give preference asynchronous mode. Maximum speed limited to 2.5 Gb/s for reception, and 1.25 Gb/s for information transmission.

The principle of connecting to Rostelecom

In order to connect, a future subscriber must contact the nearest Rostelecom office and leave a request. You can connect one or more services to choose from:

  • Internet;
  • City (landline) telephony;
  • IP television.

Any connection to a provider via wire requires additional costs.

Those clients who have previously been connected to Rostelecom using ADSL technology know this from their own experience; new subscribers will be told about this when submitting an application.

The main difficulty is the installation of the cable, which, due to its specific qualities, is not advisable to bend too much, so usually all equipment is installed in the hallway. The equipment includes a special ONT router designed to work in fiber-optic networks, which can be rented directly from a provider or purchased independently. It is advisable to have it installed in the hallway electric outlet. End devices are connected via regular twisted pair Ethernet or via WiFi.

Gpon network diagram provided by the provider Rostelecom.

Once agreed with the client technical issues, a router has been purchased, a service contract is concluded. The cable is being installed, laid, and the router is configured.

Setting up connection equipment

If the router is purchased or rented from Rostelecom, then its initial configuration is performed during installation directly by Rostelecom employees. In cases where the subscriber is purchasing a router himself or he already has equipment, the configuration options may vary depending on the model and manufacturer of the network equipment, as well as on its capabilities. You can find plenty of information on the Internet with step by step instructions, which you can use to configure it yourself.

Rostelecom offers its customers several models of ONT devices, one of which is G PON ONT RFT620. This is a fairly successful and universal model that allows you to connect up to 4 devices to the LAN, and an unlimited number of wireless technology, it is possible to watch streaming television and connect up to 2 landline phones.

All settings are made via the web configurator. To do this, you need to type the address “” in the browser and enter the user name and password: user/user. There is no need to enter any Internet settings; this has already been done by the provider. You just need to configure your home network to suit your needs:

  • enable the WiFi wireless module;
  • change security settings;
  • set static or dynamic IP addresses, etc.

Services and packages

Rostelecom offers its customers a variety of various options and service packages, the most popular of which are the following:

  • home Internet via fiber optic line with selectable connection speed;
  • interactive television with more than 160 channels;
  • home landline phone, with the ability to choose a call tariff;
  • mobile telephony;
  • ONT router rental at a low price.

All these services can be selected separately or combined into packages. The monthly subscription fee will depend on your choice. The company holds constant promotions and discounts, information about which can be found on their portal. Also, for each region the price for services is different.

Pros and cons of connecting using Gpon technology

Connecting via GPON, like any other method, has its positive and negative sides. The positive ones include the following:

  • The cable is pulled directly between the provider's PBX and into the user's apartment, i.e. There are no intermediate nodes, which significantly increases the speed of information transfer and signal stability.
  • Signal in fiber optic cable transmitted not by electrical impulses, but by light impulses. This means that there is no risk of injury from electric shock at all.
  • Possibility to connect several services at once through one ONT device.

There are, of course, disadvantages to this connection method:

  • The optical cable is very susceptible to sharp bends, which means that it will be difficult to route it around the apartment to distant rooms. It is also not recommended to place furniture and other heavy objects on the cable.
  • Although there is nothing valuable for sale in the cable, main lines and wiring in entrances are constantly under threat from vandals.
  • The cable does not transmit electricity, which is why animals are of increased interest in it. It is advisable to hide it in a box.