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How to become a witch in real life. Real ancient witch spells

How to become a Witch

How to become a witch in real life? This is a question asked by those women who really and truly want to master the true art of witchcraft, and are ready to make almost any sacrifice to become a witch in life.

According to established tradition and old legends, the word WITCH associated with the old poisonous hag, however modern witch- this is no longer that old woman who flies out at night on a broom - this can be a very attractive and beautiful person who, using her charms, can decide the destinies of people.

Most women who want to become a real witch imagine a charming image main character any dreams, and they think that being a witch is like fun and completely easy. Unfortunately this is not entirely true.

Does every woman have a witch inside her? Without a doubt. In order for a real witch to be born, a woman must be completely possessed by a mystical power invisible at first glance, she must master the power of spells, thanks to which the witch can: charm, deceive, spin, or even destroy life.

How to become a good witch? You need to fully and completely demonstrate your will, believe in your strength, accept the ritual of initiation and begin gradual training, improving the qualities of a witch and the abilities that are the basis of witchcraft.

Be a witch- this is definitely a risky art - it is addictive, and there is practically no way back from the kingdom of witchcraft, so if you really decide become a witch, such a step must be conscious and not associated with a temporary hobby or a simple banal impulse.

Who can become a Witch

Can become a witch any capable person who is intensely interested in everything mysterious and unknown. Usually, witches become natural when a person’s abilities are more developed—and you just have to pay attention to them. A person can also become a good witch or sorcerer if only girls or boys are born in his family for three generations in a row - in this case, learning witchcraft occurs many times faster and such people usually become strong witches or sorcerers.

There are generally witches(free) or (not free), the only difference is that free witches train themselves, and non-free witches receive witchcraft power as an “inheritance” from a dying person, often knowing about it - sometimes by force. To become an involuntary witch means to receive magical power as a gift - however, there is very important point. The recipient must first be trained by his mentor - otherwise, if the witch's power was transferred by (accidental) touch before the witch's death,
* without skill- a person is doomed to torment.

How to become a witch - Spell

Witch initiation ritual can take place anywhere, depending on which path the future witch chooses. But it’s better to cast the spell in a bathhouse. The dedication takes place at 12 o'clock at night exclusively on Mondays.

Take an old tattered broom with you as an attribute. At the appointed time, a conspiracy to summon the spirit is pronounced loudly. After the pronunciation, you pour water over it, put the broom into a burning stove and burn it, then you can go to sleep and not talk to anyone that night.

Spirit Summoning Spell

I call here a witness to my teaching. I will wash myself with water from three different sources, break the seven seals of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the seventh day of Sunday. I will take the wisdom of the Snake, the lightness of the Fox, the speed of an arrow from lightning, the dew from the domes of churches, the knowledge of Solomon, King David. The sword in my hand will slay the enemy. I will dress myself with impenetrable shields. I will hide behind an invisible canopy. I will put on armor on my journey. Witness-Are you here?!!! I swear to be stronger than enemies mine and more cunning than theirs! I burn this golik (broom) and with it the deviation from the teaching. I will open the book and break its seven seals and I will flee the Lion of Judah and the root of David. I see Satan falling from the sky like lightning. Lightning is my teaching. AMEN..

How to become a witch - cemetery

A witch who is initiated in a cemetery is considered a very powerful witch. The ritual is also repeated on Monday night. Come to the cemetery gates on your own or with a teacher, and there you read the initiation ritual. Then you return home without speaking to anyone.

For those who sleep in this place, they rest and do not open their eyes. I call to myself a Witness. I have come, I am not afraid, I will not leave, I will not look back. The dead have a shroud and I have a teaching. As steel is strong, so I will be strong in my teaching. AMEN..

How to become a witch - crossroads

Another way initiation into sorcerers or how to become a witch- this is the pronunciation of words of calling the spirit at a crossroads. The time is midnight 12 o'clock, Monday.

Calling a Witness on Four Roads- on foot and on foot - where there is dust from the feet, where the dead were carried - where children ran, where old people walked - where damage and misfortune were carried, where I now stand I call on you, in confirmation of my decision, to know everything. And I won’t back down until I find out everything. And if I deceive, you will WITNESS my ashes and bring them here. AMEN..

Remember that many witches and sorcerers, as a rule, do not have a happy personal life, however, this indicator primarily depends on the dark affairs in which they were engaged, and before their death they are obliged to transfer their acquired witchcraft powers to someone because, without this, they cannot they will be able to calmly go to another world of existence, and will suffer for a long time themselves and disturb living people here - until they wait for a certain ritual in their honor.

Magic for Beginners- The power of natural elements

The physical world is made up of four elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Their combination gives us all the variety of things and objects that surround us. Each of these elements of nature has its own energy and strength necessary to change physical and astral space.

Magic interaction- State - "Alpha"

How does a witch work? One of the initial practices for beginning witches is the practice of entering an altered state of consciousness "Alpha". If you want to become a real witch, then before you move on to spells, rituals or other exercises, you must master this technique perfectly.

The name thought form comes from two words - THOUGHT, FORM, that is, a specific thought, a visible image that magic uses effectively.

When you think about something, or passionately desire something and take action towards it, you somehow give birth to a thought form - use the ability of matter to move from solid state into the subtle etheric, astral and mental.


How to become a witch is possession secret knowledge, control of the witchcraft forces of the elements, this is the white magic of angels and the black magic of witches and demons, the witchcraft of success, power and money, the power of defense and attack, witch phenomena and charm. This is a completely new world for a novice witch, the future in which begins right here and now, which means that you yourself are able to control it with the powers of witchcraft, you just have to learn magic and learn the secrets of a witch. Thank you very much for the fact that when searching for free magic, you still paid attention to our section magic for free. We will always be happy to introduce you to magical secrets and offer magic for free, and we will clearly explain the ritual process itself.
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Witch... Immediately in my head there appears the image of an old, crooked woman who, somewhere in the wilderness, is brewing a witch's brew. This image is known to us from fairy tales. But is it so clear? And how to become a witch at home?

What does the word "witch" mean?

Before answering the question about at home, you need to understand the concept itself. The word “witch” means “knowing” and has the Old Russian root “ved”, which roughly means “to know/know.” In Sanskrit, the word “veda” means “sacred/sacred knowledge.”

How to become a witch in real life? First you need to understand and realize true meaning this status. In Rus', the word “witch” was originally used to designate a woman who knows everything. Then this word was transformed into “witchcraft”. And today it has completely lost its original meaning, having transformed into a character from fantasy and horror films: a hunchbacked old woman with gray hair, who lives in an ancient hut, with a black cat, flies on a broom and casts spells on people. But a woman who is wondering how to become a witch at home would definitely not want to try on such an unflattering image.

Witchcraft in the ancient world

The Greek witches worshiped the goddess of night and darkness, Hecate, and the goddess of hunting and forests, Artemis. Famous characters from ancient Greek epics, such as Circe and Medea were also attributed to witches, since the first could turn people into animals, and the second sculpted wax figures and thus killed her enemies. It should be noted that there were also good witches who worshiped the seasons and the heavens, grew roots and herbs to treat other people, had prophetic gifts, and predicted destinies. They were revered and feared. Naturally, many girls wanted to become the same and asked knowledgeable people about how to become a witch in real life. However, a lot has changed since then. Rituals and rituals were declared ungodly acts, led by the Devil.

Witchcraft in medieval Europe

The Paderborn Verdict, issued in 785, officially prohibited the belief in witches, and all people generally followed it. However, Thomas Aquinas later declared that witchcraft and witchcraft still exist and are aimed at causing harm to people.

Since Thomas Aquinas was an illustrious and famous church leader, his words were listened to. In 1264, the first official trial of witches in Europe and their first public burning took place. From that moment on, a bloody witch hunt began. Virtually all the women came under suspicion. Then no one had a question about how to become a witch at home. Rather, on the contrary - how to ward off suspicions of witchcraft? During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, many thousands of women were burned at the stake.

How did you become a witch during the Middle Ages?

Is it possible to become a witch at home? In the Middle Ages, ideas about this were more than specific. It all started with the Devil appearing to the girl. He usually appeared in the guise of a soldier, a handsome youth, a respectable gentleman or a hunter, or her best friend. He consoled the unfortunate, offered money to the poor, food and all sorts of treats to the hungry. When the girl could no longer contain herself, he named the price for his services. Usually the payment was carnal devotion, entry into the witches' circle and renunciation of God and all saints. If the girl agreed, then a deal was immediately concluded, as a result of which her soul passed into the power of Satan for centuries. It was necessary to sign the corresponding document in blood written document. After this, a specific cut appeared on the future witch’s hand. Then the Devil explained to the new servant how to become a witch at home. He put a devilish mark on her body. How to become a witch in real life? In the Middle Ages this was not a problem.

The life of a witch in the minds of the people of the Middle Ages

Some time after the deal was concluded, an assistant was assigned to the witch - the devil, who also served as a lover. It could enter the house through windows and stove pipes in the form of fire or smoke. These pipes, by the way, were the main move for witches, since legends say that “if something is backwards, it is from the evil one.”

Newly-made sorceresses were taught various spells and harmful effects. They were taught how to make a woman infertile, how to cause illness, failure or misfortune. They were taught how to kill a person or cattle with the help of black magic, how to call a thunderstorm, lime milk and so on. Thus, the answer to the question of how to become a witch or witcher during the Middle Ages was this: very easy. At that time, as legends and traditions say, devils and demons walked the earth everywhere, looking for those weak in faith in order to tempt and seduce them.

In the Middle Age?

There are two main methods for recognizing a witch: the water test and the flight test. In the second case, the girl was given a broom in her hands and led to a cliff. If a young woman fell from a cliff and was killed (which usually happened), then she was acquitted and found innocent. In the water test, it was necessary to tie a stone around the suspect's neck and throw it into the water. It was believed that water, as a pure element, would not accept unclean people. If a woman drowned, she was found innocent. If she was lucky enough not to drown, she was recognized as a witch and burned. In those days, the topic of how to become a witch at home was strictly prohibited.

Women's magic

Is it possible to become a witch at home and how to do it?

It is necessary to understand that female nature is magical in itself. Representatives of the fairer sex have a much more highly developed intuition, which means that it is easier for them to approach deep knowledge about the world and themselves. A woman is more closely connected with nature, with the Moon, and it is easier for her to find a connection with secret and sacred forces.

Naturally, girls can use these innate abilities both for good and for harm. Women of ancient times knew simple, intuitive “magic” - how to heal, help, protect their home and hearth, and save a marriage. It was the weaker sex who were responsible for the rituals, magical rituals. It is known that women are more strongly connected to the Moon than men. But all the sabbaths and rituals depend precisely on its position and phase. By by and large The answer to the question of how to become a witch at home is simple: just learn to listen to yourself, nature and trust your intuition.

Hereditary witches

For such people, the question of how to become a witch at home is not relevant at all - they are already born that way. This kind of gift is passed down through generations. Accordingly, if the grandmother has “witchcraft” abilities, then the granddaughter will have them too. But the mother does not. Usually such a gift manifests itself in the very early childhood. There are entire witch families where the child is mentored and taught the magical art from a very young age. There is also a procedure for transferring a gift from a dying witch to her young chosen one, and the presence of a blood relationship is not necessary at all.

How to become a witch?

However, what to do if there were no sorcerers in the family, but you want to do magic? How to become a witch at home today?

To do this you will have to work hard and hard. First, you should strengthen your theoretical base by purchasing books about witchcraft and magic, witchcraft and witchcraft. It is also very important to learn how to tell fortunes with cards. Initially it may be ordinary playing cards, but then you should deepen your skills and practice with Tarot cards. It is advisable to start with regular layouts per day/week. Then you need to learn how to solve dreams and enter the state yourself, and then engage in astral travel in subtle bodies. It is also important to study various rituals and spells. And, of course, practice them!

Is it possible to become a witch at home? Naturally, it is possible. But it requires a lot of effort and training. We must not forget about intuition.


Today there is an entire witchcraft religion called Wicca. This is an occult neo-pagan teaching that is based on the worship of Nature, God and Goddess. At the heart of Wicca magic is unity with the forces of Nature. Such magic is the natural and harmonious movement of energy for the necessary impact and transformation. This religion is distinguished by the practices of folk witchcraft and natural witchcraft rituals. Magic in Wicca is very diverse - these include talismans, amulets, incantations, spells, and invocations. Wiccans are known for their healing abilities.

It is very important to decide on the most suitable time of year for yourself, because it determines what kind of witch you will turn out to be.

The following relationships are distinguished:

  • Spring. A woman will retain her youth for a long time and will look very good throughout her life. Spring witches have a particularly strong connection with nature and the water element; they can cause rain and floods. But their main talent is the ability to accelerate growth. This ability can be used both for good (to speed up the process of fruit ripening) and for harm (to provoke the accelerated development of a malignant tumor in an enemy).
  • Summer. The warm season gives a woman passion and strength. The witch will be able to subjugate the will of people - and they will happily fulfill all her whims. Summer witches get along well with animals and know how to love magic, they know how to cause drought, hear unspoken thoughts and see hidden treasures (not only ancient, but also quite modern stashes in apartments).
  • Autumn. The period of gradual extinction of nature - best time to become a knowledge witch. A woman will acquire true wisdom and understanding, thanks to which she will equally be able to cope with the problems of the universe and everyday troubles. Autumn witches are impartial. They are soothsayers, keepers of ancient secrets, healers. They are interested in everything related to knowledge. Witches can communicate with birds and use them as their messengers.
  • Winter. The end of the natural cycle brings with it numbness, coldness, but at the same time resilience, severity, and the ability to survive. Winter witches are the most powerful, as it is almost impossible to destroy their power. A woman who performs the ritual in winter gains power over the dead, the ability to communicate with spirits and demons, and a talent for necromancy. The sorceress can travel in dreams and even move into another body. She is not afraid of amulets and talismans used by people.

The time of year gives only the general direction of the witch's development. In any case, a woman will reveal all the talents available to her, just some of them will be more pronounced. If the ritual is carried out at the junction of periods, then the characteristics are a little blurred. For example, by becoming a witch at the end of August, a woman will not only acquire summer properties, but will also receive the gift of knowledge, although less manifested than if autumn had been chosen for the ritual.

Conspiracy to become a witch

Since the witch nature is gifted to women by nature, activating it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Difficulties may arise only with collecting the necessary tools.

You will need the following items:

  • sharp knife;
  • black scarf;
  • thirteen red and the same number of green candles;
  • white poultry feather;
  • a tuft of black cat fur;
  • tooth of any animal;
  • thirteen yellow coins.

You need to determine the place for the ceremony yourself, taking into account your inclinations. This could be an abandoned church, an old attic, your own bedroom, a field, a crossroads, an unused stable, etc. The main condition is that there should be no people or animals larger than a mouse there.

You need to arrange the lit candles in a circle: green on the left, red on the right. Then you should let your hair down, undress if possible, wrap your head in a scarf and recite the spell from memory:

“The black mare neighed, gave me her strength, the bird flew swiftly, conveyed its will to me, the silent stone lay there, gave me its peace. Just as winter comes to the earth, how spring revives the earth, how summer decorates the earth, how autumn covers the earth with fruits, "So I also gain power, I awaken my witch soul. Let the true power be revealed to me, let the human and animal will submit to me, let the elements bow before me, let the incorporeal creatures obey me, I call myself a witch, I call on the heavenly spirits as witnesses."

After this, you need to remove the scarf and spread it in front of you. Having cut off a lock of hair on the left side of the head with a knife, you should throw the hair on a scarf and put a feather, a tuft of wool and a tooth there. Each coin must be spoken individually, saying:

“I call myself a witch, I pay off sins, I put powerful powers into my service.”

Each time you cast a spell, you need to add a coin to the rest of the things on the scarf. At the end of the ritual, you should tie a scarf and bury it under a birch or aspen tree. This place will become a source of power, on which the witch will be able to restore energy reserves at any time.

Signs of a successful ritual

The spell works within nine or forty days - the time depends on the strength of the sorcerer. In rare cases, the waiting period extends for a whole year. You can find out in advance about the success of the ritual by certain “symptoms” that appear literally from the next day after the ceremony.

The main features include:

  1. Excitement, restlessness, inability to concentrate. Such a state indicates an ongoing energetic restructuring, which is necessary for reincarnation into a witch.
  2. Unusual dreams. They can be either vague and poorly remembered, or very bright and even conscious. Most often I dream about a road and a journey, someone’s eyes, dead relatives, wild animals.
  3. Strange memories. Often, a newly-minted witch comes up with pictures supposedly from the past, although such events did not happen in real life. This indicates the connection of the mind to the cosmic sphere, which stores information about the past of all people.
  4. The ability to foresee. A woman becomes prone to sudden insights. For example, she sees images of all kinds of accidents, robberies, etc. The scale of visions can be different - from global catastrophes to everyday trifles concerning acquaintances or strangers. Consciousness is simply training to work with the talent that has been revealed to it to recognize the future.
  5. Knowledge from nowhere. Information begins to appear in your head, the origin of which cannot be determined. The data received can be from any field - cosmetology, physics, construction, etc., even if the woman has never come into contact with this field.
  6. Increased attractiveness. Witches are always beautiful - you can’t take that away from them. A woman who connects to a witchcraft channel becomes very charismatic and attractive to both sexes.
  7. New acquaintances. Other witches always feel that a “newborn” witch has appeared next to them, and they strive to get to know her. You should pay close attention to new friends - there may be a magical background to meeting them. Sometimes witches send the lower magicians who serve them on reconnaissance: in this case, the man will make the acquaintance.

It is impossible to describe everything that happens to a woman after she becomes a witch. You need to observe your condition - your inner essence will tell you the right line behavior. When the configuration stage is completed, a complete understanding of one’s own personality will come, and then all questions will disappear. It happens that a woman does not turn into a witch after the ceremony. This indicates her closedness and immunity to external energies. There is no need to despair - if your determination to become a real witch is strong, you need to repeat the ritual, trying to feel each action as fully as possible.

Being a witch is the prerogative of the strong. Discovering this side of yourself, you should be confident in your readiness to face enormous responsibility, and sometimes danger. After all, there will be no way back.

My dear guys, I ask you, never, absolutely never use this spell... It can get out of control and destroy everything around. But I can’t hide it anymore, because it’s as beautiful as it is dangerous!

Ready to find out the most terrible secret and the secret to completely transforming into a dark sorceress? In that case, keep reading, otherwise stop now!

Why are witches stronger than fairies and what is the secret of their strength? First, it’s worth answering this question so that you understand the reason why tens of thousands of girls throughout the history of mankind have risked not only their lives, but also their souls in order to subjugate black magic.

Real witches never ask for energy from the world around them, as pixies and fairies do, they grab it and tear it out, upsetting the balance and the fragile edge of natural equilibrium. For this reason, the universe curses them and never allows their souls to find peace. But such magic also gives tremendous power. One experienced witch can easily deal with a dozen ordinary sorceresses!

In addition, all dark witches know how to use where large quantity advanced spells, suppress other people's life energy and negotiate with demons. If the latter come to the aid of their friends, then no amount of light magic will save...

As you can see, this transformation has its pros and cons. It is also worth mentioning that some light creatures turn to the dark side in order to gain new power, and then help their friends and family, restore justice. However, even such good deeds do not make them light magicians and are unlikely to give them a chance to make peace with nature and the universe again.

So what does it take to become a witch now? Absence of any fear or doubt. Witches are free from excitement or fear, because they themselves are pure horror for others! If you have doubts or are at least a little afraid, then you should not follow all the following steps, otherwise you are guaranteed to die or turn into a terrible ugly creature, as in the first picture.

To transform, you will need to concentrate a sufficient amount of magical energy near you and deceive the protective mechanism of natural balance, and only then cast the last dark spell. As you already understand, all this is not so easy to pull off, but if you want, it can be done in less than a month!

First stage. We attract energy. On left hand tie a small red bandage or bracelet of the same color, after keeping it in the dark for at least a week. You need to put it on your hand only after sunset and before dawn, but you can wear it at any time. To find out whether this headband or decoration has been activated, just hit it with your finger three times, and if after that it darkens at least a little, then everything is going according to plan - you have a real trap for energy.

Second stage. We get strength. To accumulate enough energy, you need to remain silent, not give in to any emotions and gain as much knowledge as possible (read encyclopedias, watch science channels, etc.), exercise also helps. Your willpower and inner fire will begin to generate forces that the trap will collect day and night.

It takes about two weeks to complete. You will know that you have accumulated enough energy to transform into a witch when you put your ear to homemade trap on your left hand and you will hear a quiet but audible noise. Everyone has their own, mine, for example, is similar to the sound of the ocean and the rustling of grass in a light wind.

Third stage. We deceive the universe. Nature trusts people and does not use any serious protection until a person tries to break through to the dark side. Therefore, you only have one chance, if you fail to complete the following steps or do something wrong, you will turn into an ugly old woman, at the very least, and possibly die.

With your left hand, without removing the energy trap, touch a tree that is at least 66 years old. Touch the ground with your right hand, and then lift it up and point it towards the sky. Say the phrase “Vito Queliz Mantio”, immediately after this a strong wind will begin. Wait a minute and shout “Ito No.” The wind will subside, and the tree will catch fire and turn to ash in a couple of minutes.

Ready! You have crossed the line, destroyed the natural barrier and become visible to dark energy. You will feel it and immediately understand how to use such tremendous power. There is very little left to complete the transformation.

Fourth stage. The last spell. To become a witch completely and bind the forces of evil to yourself, all you have to do is say ancient spell, created by the very first dark witches. It sounds like this:

“Different world and dark eyes,
There will be no more bright days.
I and my sisters will stay,
We are united under the eternal night.
Let darkness take over my heart
I’m here and with you forever!”

That's all... Now you are on the dark side of the force...

P.S. By becoming a witch in real life, you will not change in appearance and will grow old and mature if you want to. Most likely, due to witchcraft, your eye color will turn bright green, this is the first sign of people who practice black magic. With a 90% probability, you will learn to fly on the first day, and will also be able to speak and subjugate any black animal.

In this article:

The ancient spells of hereditary witches are considered one of the most powerful in magic. Their spells always had a special text, often incomprehensible. In many cases, witches used words in their speech Latin, since their strength is several times stronger than the others.

Using the power of magic words, the witch was able to almost instantly influence her enemy. She could send curses not only on him, but also on his entire family, so the spells cast by the witch were considered very dangerous.

Who is a witch and how to become one

Since ancient times, people with witchcraft abilities have been feared and respected at the same time. Previously, it was believed that witches were single women leading a solitary and solitary lifestyle. Most often, they settled on the outskirts of villages or in deep forests, where they could perform witchcraft without attracting the attention of others. They collected various berries, roots, herbs, plants and performed magical acts.

Witches' magic could be either black or white. In the old days, not only evil witches were called witches, but also herbalists, healers and herbalists who practiced only white magic. Most of the spell words used by such women have survived to this day.

How to become a witch? Those who are most often born as witches are girls who, from the moment of birth, are given magical abilities, may not even perform special rituals and read spell words in order to feel the witchcraft power in himself.

In addition, a magical gift can be inherited from a witch. It is known that a dying witch must transfer her witchcraft power. Typically, witches anticipate their demise 2-3 days in advance, and during this time they can prepare to pass on the legacy. But if there is no such opportunity, she understands that the evil spirits will not let her go, but will begin to harass her. Therefore, during agony, witches often throw off their power on anyone random person. Having received witchcraft power without knowledge, a person may not be able to cope with it and for him it will turn into real torment.

However, magical power can also be obtained by mutual agreement - this method is called “confession of a witch.” Depending on the witch's well-being, confession can last several nights. The witch begins her monologue at midnight and finishes speaking as soon as the first roosters crow, and continues at next night. The successor does not have the right to write down all the information received, so she has to remember everything. To facilitate the process, the elder witch in ancient times passed on knowledge in the form of a story, which is why people used to say “the confession of a witch.”

Another way to become a witch is to teach yourself witchcraft. Magicians believe that every girl, woman, if she wants, can become a witch. To do this, she needs to learn the rules of magic, believe in herself, and most importantly, perform a special witchcraft ritual and read the real words of the spell of powerful witches.

Before starting any practice, study the theory

How to perform the initiation ceremony

According to experienced sorcerers, witch magic spells should always be cast during the full moon, secluded in spacious room. Moreover, in the old days, a girl who wanted to gain witchcraft powers had to full moon go to the river, turn around 3 times clockwise and lie down on the sand. Then, in this position, extend your legs and arms and place large stones prepared in advance next to them. Such stones should lie on the chest, heart and forehead. It was in this position that a certain spell had to be read.

After the charming words, the girl had to turn over on her left side and rise to her feet. She threw stones into the river, saying spells over each one. After the ritual, the girl became a witch.

Over time, everything has changed and now you don’t need to go to the water and cast a spell. For modern women and girls who dream of becoming witches can perform the ritual in the room, having prepared for this in advance.

Witch initiation ritual

Before conducting the initiation ceremony, the future witch should undergo a strict fast for 3 days and put on clean clothes. You should not drink alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating drugs. You should choose a clean room where no one will enter and interfere with performing the ritual and casting spells. You need to light a lamp in this room and leave it for 40 days. After these days, you must enter the room at midnight and say the following words of the witches:

“I am a slave performer. I am a faithful servant of the Divine. I conjure in your name of God, the morning star you created. Your will is worshiped by 40 spirits of evil and all the forces of existing good. Among them there is a prince and a king from the dark valley. He sits on a high throne of eternity, with 7 gold rings on his fingers, and a golden crown on his head. The keys of darkness hang on the prince’s chest; they burn with a fiery flame. Under the prince’s feet lies a strong book, Satan himself guards it. It is sealed with 7 locks and locked with keys throughout the Lord's week.

I come close to the prince, bow low and take the book from under his feet and take the keys off him in your name. Slowly I go around the entire abode of the spirits of evil, I unlock the strong doors, I dedicate myself to a witch with Your Theurgy. I (my name) know the holy devilish trinity, and I read their names in the book.

God Almighty, who created the world out of nothing, grant me to know his wisdom through the selected keys of Solomon. You, who gave to everyone eternal life through your death, give your blessing for healing. Let me (your name) know the secret hidden from the human mind, the birth of a miracle and the death of oblivion. You were fed for good purposes. I want to use your valuable gift. O spirits and half-spirits, Angels and Andragines, Tetragrammaton, Turner. Appear to me now. I will draw a hexagram with coal, and a pentogram with fire. Reveal Theurgy, Tetragrammaton begin, act. The mighty power of the kingdom stand under my left foot, the forgotten power of the sacraments stand under my right hand. I will pass unshakably between the high columns holding the temple. May the shine of wisdom not disappear. May my spell be completely fulfilled. With the light of the night star, fear is legion. And I will be filled with secret power like a container. Hallelujah".

After the ceremony, the woman must go to bed and at the same time she cannot communicate with anyone or look back.

Are there good witches?

Some girls wonder if there are good witches and how to become one? When you pronounce the word “witch,” many people immediately picture in their minds the image of an evil and terrible witch practicing black magic. However, this is a misconception; not all witches practice dark magic. To become good witch, you will need a lot of strength and patience. Firstly, you need to cast a certain spell, but in this case you need to turn not to the dark forces as described above, but to the light ones.

The choice of tradition is very important for subsequent practice

Secondly, you will have to spend a lot of time studying special magical literature, and what kind of future witch will be told by her intuition and heart. You should also learn the magical abilities of various medicinal plants, etc. In addition there is a large number of practitioners, such as meditation, hypnosis, etc. You must constantly try to develop extrasensory abilities, the ability to concentrate on something and control your emotions.
And most importantly, you need to believe in yourself and own strength, since the white witch is called upon to help others.

Things to remember

Many girls want to change just because they want to learn how to use witchcraft spells. But before you try to become a real witch, you need to know that practicing magic is very serious, and in some cases even dangerous. After becoming a witch, you will need to carefully monitor your actions and words, since the careless word of a real witch can influence the destinies of many people.