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I dreamed of a wounded leg. Miller's dream book about ambition and humiliation. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

In reality, even a small, non-painful wound can lead to death, then why dream of such a plot? The dream book interprets this dream content in different ways: the upcoming future is determined based on the smallest details sleep.

Before starting to explain what any injury to the body means in a dream, you should remember the main details, such as the area of ​​damage, superficial view wounds, the presence of blood, weapons that served as the object of infliction of pain.

Seeing wounds in a dream - good or bad?

The idiomatic dream book explains what a bloody wound means in a dream, from a subconscious point of view. In reality, you feel a lack of protection, as well as vulnerability. You can get rid of such feelings only through intense efforts to control your own emotions.

Why do you dream of sewing up a wound? When you have to stitch up another character's open wound, it represents your valor and care. If you stitch yourself without anyone’s help, then the dream book foretells a number of troubles. You will overcome them with great losses.

According to Miller's interpreter, a wound on the skin of a sleeping person is a symbol of troubles and losses. However, if other people are damaged, then the basis unfavorable stage the dreamer’s comrades will become in fate, due to their misunderstanding, multiple plans will become incomprehensible.

Why do you dream about cut wounds? We examined in a dream how you have to apply bandages to the injury site, treat medicines, and generally take care of the injured person - in real life you will be unexpectedly lucky, after which you will acquire financial and spiritual benefits.

Predictions from Nostradamus's dream book about what a knife wound means in a dream are closely compared with friendly relationships. There are deceitful friends around you who do not care about your friendship. Use your time to your advantage, bring it to clean water enemies, and difficulties will not stand in your way.

For those born in spring, a dream with a wound into which may mean a change in a love relationship. Very soon your passion will be so great that you will not be able to contain it. An unprecedented love affair awaits you.

When in reality you are unable to prevent discord and squabbles in the family, then in the near future everything will return to normal if in a dream you heal the damage. The dream book predicts well-being and harmony in the family.

A wound located on the palm is interpreted differently by dream books. Palmists predict the future according to the hand, and such a dream promises events that can completely change the usual way of life. However, what these changes will affect will depend only on the sleeper.

What part of the body was injured?

Any part of the body is assigned a special role, therefore, you need to remember where exactly you were injured - this moment is the most paramount in the interpretation of a dream vision. Thus, a wound on the leg means that all the well-coordinated enterprises of the sleeper will soon finish delivering the desired profit.

An abrasion on your hand in a dream represents a meeting with a person, on whose initiative you will not have friendly relations in your future life. Do not cause anything bad to anyone, only in this case they will not want to take revenge on you. It is necessary to be careful when communicating with strangers, they hide a threat to life.

When your life is out of order love relationship with the chosen one, then the wound seen on the stomach is a harbinger of an upcoming separation. When you want from the bottom of your heart that love does not collapse, you should not bring out your soulmate’s emotions, become a peacemaker.

A head wound in a dream is directly related to the mental activity and inner consciousness of the sleeping person. Because your mental work is too high, you experience excessive fatigue. Take time to relax and delegate tasks to someone else. At a similar pace, there is a high risk of the onset of depression.

The neck is considered the personification of life and existence; when in a dream you feel a wound on it, then in real life your enemies will literally interfere with your life. You will not be able to do anything without the participation of enemies and ill-wishers.

In reality, a situation will arise where, as a result of misunderstanding between the two parties, a misunderstanding will arise when you examined your wound in a dream. The Dream Interpretation recommends finding answers to questions, taking into account only your own thoughts, while maintaining the greatest objectivity.

For young people, a wound in a dream is explained by the interpreter as a game of inner consciousness. You do not feel confident in your appearance, or, on the contrary, you love yourself too much and are afraid that you will lose your natural attractiveness.

The betrayal of old friends is foreshadowed by a wound on the back. Protect the betrayal of a person close to you when you trust him more. Any problem should be solved independently, without relying on outsiders.

To see a wound in the chest area in a dream - the dream book indicates the prevailing pain in real life. You probably have ailments with the respiratory system, you need to seek help soon medical assistance. A wound on the finger indicates a circulatory disorder.

What does the damage look like?

According to the explanations of Grandmother's Dream Interpreter, for a married person, an open dream promises the departure of her spouse or lover. For representatives of the stronger sex, such a picture personifies the betrayal of a beloved woman.

Why dream of a bloody wound that has healed essentially? According to Nostradamus's dream book, it is explained: the greatest caution must be observed when traveling on any trip. An accident can happen in an instant, because an evil fate hangs over you. For those born in the summer, such a dream foreshadows the revenge of those people whom you offended in the past.

From a psychological point of view, what a bleeding wound means in a dream represents a feeling of responsibility for the indecent actions carried out. The dream book gives advice: try, at least in your thoughts, to say words of apology to the person to whom you caused pain. This way you will ease your soul, and troublesome dreams will stop tormenting you.

When in a dream you accidentally injure a person, but there is no blood, in reality you will offend a relative or loved one by telling him a lie. When a lie is discovered, attitudes towards you will likely change forever, and trust in your personality will disappear.

Consider in a dream how pus is released from a cut located on the lower or upper limb, according to the Zhou-Gong interpretation, in reality, stunning success awaits you. If your name day is in summer time years, in the near future you will suffer a serious illness that will be difficult to fight.

Why does someone whose birthday is in the fall dream of a festering wound? When you have to open it in your night dreams, be prepared for betrayal or a big conspiracy against your personality. In particular, this interpretation poses the greatest danger for businessmen - they can suddenly lose everything that they have achieved with great effort.

To injure a stranger in a dream - the dream book predicts difficulties in the undertaking. When a deep wound is located on your body, you feel upset because of love. This interpretation of the interpreter is especially reliable when it is located next to the heart in the chest area.

A lacerated wound in night dreams promises major disappointment in a loved one. Expect betrayal, and everything will happen in a harsh manner. In the future, everything will depend on you - forget the grievances or break up with the liar forever.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 03/01/2019

The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

In general, wounds in a dream foreshadow troubles, failures, and experiences.

Being wounded in a dream means future troubles and associated experiences or financial losses. Sometimes such a dream portends danger.

A dream in which you saw healed wounds portends relief and improvement in your affairs. The dream predicts that a stone will fall from your shoulders.

Wounds with blood in a dream foreshadow suffering due to the discovery of some secret or big troubles. Seeing wounded people in a dream is a sign that you should not interfere in other people’s affairs, so as not to harm people and not lose yours good name. Seeing wounds on your palm in a dream is a harbinger that you will go into debt in the hope that you will not have to pay for them. However, such a dream warns you that you will still have to pay. To be wounded in the chest or heart in a dream means that great experiences, losses, suffering from love, from insults or humiliation await you. Such a dream can also mean quarrels. Seeing many wounds on your body in a dream means that shame or slander awaits you, because of which you will be very worried. Getting hurt in a dream is a sign of an imminent illness or great worries. Healing a wound in a dream is a sign of great success in business or personal. See also the names of the wounded body parts.

Why do you dream of wounds according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

If you dreamed of wounds on the body:
A dream in which you saw wounds on your body is a bad omen. In reality you don't acknowledge the existence spiritual world and divine powers, so you are deprived of help and support.

Someone hurt you in a dream:
If someone hurt you in a dream, this means changes in your personal life.

Assisting a wounded person in a dream:
In a dream, you help a wounded person, trying to heal his wounds - in reality you serve goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors.

Old wounds bleed in a dream:
You dreamed that your old wounds were bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances and you will relive heartache and suffering.

If you dreamed that a loved one was wounded:
A dream in which you saw that one of your loved ones was wounded foreshadows illness and loss.

Why do you dream of wounds according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Receiving a wound or injury in a dream symbolizes mental pain. If such a dream recurs, you may really be sick. To be wounded - friends will support you in difficult times. Seeing or inflicting a wound on another is an obstacle, a quarrel or the loss of a friend. Getting injured in an accident or accident is a threat to the health of your loved ones. Put a bandage on the wound - you will help those in need of money. Wounded people are in a dejected state. Wounded animals - receive sad news. Wounded birds - you will part with a friend.

Why do you dream of wounds according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

Having wounds in a dream means major troubles await you from loved one; seeing wounds in a dream - an accident will protect you from a large monetary loss; inflicting wounds on someone - you can do a bad deed towards the person who was wounded in a dream.

Wound in a dream - Seeing someone's wound in a dream- to quarrels with loved ones.
Seeing a bleeding wound in a dream promises you impending danger.
If you dreamed of a wound on your leg, it could mean that you have a long trip ahead of you. An old unhealed wound is a dream of memories.
If you dreamed of a wound on one of your relatives, this is a sign of illness.
If you dreamed of a wound on an animal, it means to see in a dream that best friend inflicts a wound on you - to loneliness.
If you dreamed that a wound on your hands prevented you from working, it means that in reality you need to accept someone’s help and not reject it.
If you dreamed that you were wounded, it means that in reality you really need someone’s support. A bleeding wound in a dream means the loss of a loved one.
If you dreamed that you inflicted a wound on yourself, it means that everything you planned will come true.
If you were wounded in a dream, then real life you risk getting injured, financial affairs will not go well. Trouble awaits you in the near future.
If in a dream you inflict a wound on someone, it means that in reality you will soon have to repent of something.
If in a dream you feel severe pain from a wound, which means that in reality you will have to endure a lot of difficulties.
If you bandage your wound- the dream prophesies an improvement in the state of affairs, hope for the best and the fulfillment of desires.
A rotten wound is a dream of great discord in family relationships.
A wound healing before your eyes in a dream- this is a symbol of the fact that, despite the tricks of enemies and envious people, you will find a way to realize yourself, become rich and successful.
Heal a wound in a dream- to good luck.
When in a dream you hurt someone- this means that in reality you will have to offend a person, make a choice between two of your fans or between several applicants for a high-ranking position.
Treating, bandaging or stitching a wound in a dream portends success in secular society; you will make a splash in a prestigious public place(museum, restaurant, theater). You are a bright individual, an interesting person. Your date will be proud to appear in public with you.
Injure a stranger- a vision in a dream suggests that your pride and arrogance scares away many people, even those who sincerely love you. If you continue to behave this way, you risk never knowing about true feelings several representatives of the opposite sex.
Ill-wishers are plotting against you, there is a chance of getting into an accident and losing something very valuable. Your family may be destroyed due to the appearance of a homewrecker or your spouse’s betrayal.
Bandaging a wound in a dream- to luck and fortune.
A wound from which blood flows- be more gentle and kinder to your parents or other elderly members of your family. Your indifference and irritability greatly hurts their souls.
A wound received from an animal dreams of adventure.
Wounded animal or bird in a dream- pay attention to hidden meaning words and actions of representatives of the opposite sex, study non-verbal vocabulary (gestures). You will discover a lot of new and interesting things, and you will also understand which of your friends treats you truly positively.
Being wounded in a dream promises an awkward situation, shame, refusal of a loved one to communicate with you, and discord in the family.
Seeing a wound on someone in a dream means that in the real world things will not go well; there will be a person who can ruin even your most thoughtful plan.
To dream of a newly opened old wound - to suffering.
Seeing another person wounded means that in reality you will face injustice and ingratitude on the part of your friends.

1. Wound- (Modern dream book)
To dream that you are wounded is a harbinger of trouble and unfavorable progress in commercial affairs. Seeing others wounded means that friends will treat you unfairly. Bandaging a wound predicts that you will have the opportunity to congratulate yourself on great luck.
2. Wound- (Miller's Dream Book)
To dream that you are wounded is a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn in affairs. Seeing others wounded means injustice on the part of friends. To soothe a pain or bandage a wound - foretells that you will have a reason to congratulate yourself on great success.
3. Wound- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
With blood - loss of husband, lover (for a woman); slander (for a man).
4. Wound- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
Any bleeding wound symbolizes monthly problems in women. In some cases, such a dream may symbolize the loss of innocence. Inflicting a wound on yourself, even accidentally, symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life, for which you tend to blame your sexual partner. Injuring another symbolizes your attraction to a new sexual object. A man inflicting a wound on another man symbolizes his homosexual tendencies. If a woman inflicts a wound on a man, then this symbolizes her bisexuality or even her desire to change gender.
5. Wound - (Esoteric dream book)
A blow, a quarrel, see what. (For example, on the hand - a quarrel with friends). To inflict a wound is to be the initiator of a quarrel or confrontation. To heal a wound - in the end everything will be settled, after a quarrel there will be peace.
6. Wound- (Intimate dream book)
Seeing a wound on yourself in a dream - such a dream indicates that love disappointment will befall you in the near future. This is due to the fact that you idealized the person, unaware of many bad things in him. Naturally, closer relationships showed that this person is sharply different from the image you painted in your imagination. Seeing a wound on someone in a dream means that in reality it is you who will become the cause of the person’s love suffering. You are mentally deaf and do not notice that there is a person living next to you who is suffering. Be more empathetic.
7. Wound- (Dream Book of Michel Nostradamus)
To see wounds on your body in a dream means that one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering. A dream in which you injured someone close to you is a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act. Treating wounds in a dream means hearing good news. Seeing a wounded dove in a dream is a threat to peace. If you were wounded with a knife or dagger in a dream, beware of imaginary friends. Their gossips can cause you heartbreak. Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream means experiencing remorse in reality. If in a dream you saw already healed wounds starting to bleed, be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

In their nightly dreams, men and women, unfortunately, see not only pleasant things. What does a wound on the leg mean? The dream book will help you understand what this alarming symbol promises. The interpretation depends on the details that need to be remembered.

Esoteric dream book: leg wound

So, what does this mean, based on the interpretation of this guide to the world of dreams? Does the dream book make a good or bad forecast? A wound on the leg symbolizes the losses that the sleeper will have to suffer in real life. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to prevent this; all that remains is to learn from the mistakes made.

Treating a wound is a good omen. Such dreams promise a man or woman the onset of a long-awaited white streak in life. Everything will work out the best way, the sleeper only needs to surrender to the will of Providence.

Predictions of Nostradamus

What does a dreamed wound on a leg prophesy for men and women? The dream book of Nostradamus informs the sleeper that he needs to take a closer look at his immediate surroundings. Next to a person there are hypocrites who pretend to be friends and dream of doing harm. This symbol can also warn that close people in a difficult situation will betray the dreamer.

Does the sleeping person injure one of his friends or relatives? In reality, he has reasons to fear for his reputation. There are people who make every effort to discredit the dreamer. Did the girl dream that some animal was harming her? Such a plot warns that she will soon fall under the influence of others. The person who will dictate his will to the sleeping woman will turn out to be a real despot and tyrant. Unfortunately, attempts to free yourself will not be successful.

Freud's interpretation

Based on Sigmund Freud's interpretation, what does the wound on the leg symbolize? The dream book makes an unfavorable prognosis for a young girl who dreamed of something similar. In reality, the sleeping woman will soon begin a relationship with a guy. At first the young man will make a pleasant impression on her, but soon the girl will be disappointed in him. Relationships, unfortunately, will only bring suffering, so you should think carefully before starting one.

Is blood oozing from a wound on your leg in your night dreams? In reality, a person will be forced to regret that he entrusted his secret to a friend or relative. If such dreams disturb a pregnant woman’s nightly peace, then she should be more attentive to her well-being and not ignore alarming symptoms.

Another possible explanation is sexual dissatisfaction. A person who dreams of a wound on his leg is categorically not satisfied with his own intimate life.

Where did she come from

The interpretation depends on where the wound on the leg came from. Dream Interpretation is considering various options, which are listed below.

  • The sleeper injures himself. In reality, a person makes one mistake after another. With his actions, he harms not only himself, but also those around him.
  • Damage occurs spontaneously, the source cannot be determined. Such dreams are a sign that a person needs to blame himself for all his troubles and troubles. We are talking not only about what has already happened, but also about what is about to happen soon.
  • Someone acquaintance inflicts a wound on the sleeping man's leg. The dream book connects this with the appearance of enemies in humans. There is a high probability that people who dream of doing harm have gotten very close.
  • The dreamer is wounded by a stranger. Such a plot indicates that the sleeper should be afraid of an accident in the coming days. It is advisable to refrain from actions involving risk.


On the leg with warns a person that he will soon have to experience the betrayal of someone close to him. For example, the other half of the sleeping person may cheat on him. Or his best friend will let him down in a difficult situation and refuse to help.

What does the old bleeding wound on this part of the body symbolize? A person cannot live in the present; his thoughts constantly return to the past. Again and again he recalls the insults inflicted on him by other people. Until the dreamer frees himself from painful thoughts, his life will not change for the better. A person must make an effort and forgive his offenders.

What do old wounds on legs without blood mean? The dream book informs a man or woman about the need to show firmness. Now is the right time to bring long-cherished projects to life. Fortune will favor a person for a long time.

Open, deep

What does the open wound on this part of the body symbolize? The dream book predicts quarrels and conflicts with others for the sleeping person. The sleeper himself will not be to blame for this; everything will happen as a result of the actions of other people. Also, such dreams can warn that a person has many ill-wishers. These people are aggressive and determined, ready to make every effort to harm him.

Why do you dream of a deep wound on your leg with blood? The dream book warns a person that disappointment awaits him. There is a high probability that the sleeper will fail on the personal front. For example, his feelings may not be reciprocated.

Pus, worms

What does a purulent wound on the leg promise? The dream book, oddly enough, gives a positive assessment of such a symbol. The troubles experienced in the past have strengthened the character of the sleeper. He became stronger and more confident in himself, figured out what he wanted to achieve. A new period will soon begin in life, the black stripe will be replaced by a white one. Problems that now seem very serious will resolve on their own and will no longer be able to harm a person.

What does a wound with worms mean? Such a dream signals that a man or woman needs to see a doctor immediately. There is a high probability that the sleeper is developing a serious illness, which is best detected at an early stage. Also, a similar dream can be seen by someone who in reality is worried about the health of loved ones.


What does a laceration on a leg seen in a dream mean? Such dreams foreshadow problems in relations with your chosen one. Misunderstanding may arise, lovers will move away from each other. This situation is easy to fix, you just need to pay more attention to the second half.


Why do you dream about a wound on your leg and predict an acquaintance with the person who is destined to play significant role in the life of a sleeper. His appearance on the horizon will be the beginning of important changes.

Also, such dreams may indicate that a person will succeed in any business he undertakes. This is only true if the dreamer really wants to finish what he started. There is no doubt that the efforts made will be worth it. The reward will be much greater than what the person expects.


Why do you dream about a deep wound on your leg? The Dream Interpretation also considers this option as an attempt to treat it yourself. Such a plot indicates that the sleeper’s life is beginning to change for the better. Soon the person will receive the good news that he has been waiting for a long time.

What does it mean to bandage a wound in your dreams? In reality, the dreamer will finally be able to deal with the accumulated problems. He will have free time, which he can devote to things that give him pleasure.

In a dream, someone else is wounded, and the sleeping person is trying to help him? Such dreams are a sign that kindness and justice are not alien to man. He dreams of improving the world that surrounds him and takes certain steps in this direction. Also, treating someone else’s wound may foreshadow the resolution of conflicts in the family that oppress the dreamer.

Various stories

What other interpretations does the dream book contain? A wound on the leg with blood may have different meaning.

  • Dreaming of a bullet wound means participation in a large-scale project. This is true if there is no blood oozing from the wound.
  • If it bleeds, then such dreams indicate that a person is worried before meeting with management.
  • Did the dreamer hurt his leg during a fire? Such a plot informs that in reality he is destined to become famous.
  • Was the limb injured as a result of a blow or fall? In reality, a man or woman will soon have to go through many unpleasant moments.
  • Why do you dream about being on your feet? The enemies of the sleeper will make him worry with their actions.
  • An open fracture is not a good sign. Such a plot is a warning that the dreamer will soon lose close friend. The sleeper can try to avoid this, but with most likely nothing will work out for him. Important person will still disappear from his life forever or for a very long period of time.

What else do you need to know

What else can the dream book tell? Why do you dream of a deep wound on the leg without blood or with blood? Suppose that someone is wounded by the sleeper himself. The meaning depends on who exactly the person harms in his dreams.

  • The dreamer dreamed that he was hurting a friend or relative. Such a plot warns that in reality a person will offend someone who is important and dear to him. It is better to try to prevent this, since it is unlikely that you will be able to earn the forgiveness of the victim.
  • A man inflicts a deep wound on a stranger. Such dreams inform that the dreamer will face serious obstacles on the way to his goal. Fortunately, the sleeper will be able to successfully overcome them and will complete what he started.