home · Other · Summary of a speech therapy lesson on speech development for the preparatory group "Introduction to the sound, the letter Shch." Lesson summary on the topic "Sound, letters Shch, sch"

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on speech development for the preparatory group "Introduction to the sound, the letter Shch." Lesson summary on the topic "Sound, letters Shch, sch"

Lesson summary on reading in grade 1 “b”

Lesson topic: Soft dull consonant sound [Ш'], letters Ш, Ш.

Target: Consolidate knowledge about the letter Ш and the sound [Ш’]


    Educational: Strengthen the ability to find the letter Ш in words and isolate the sound [Ш’] from spoken speech.

    Developmental: Develop phonemic awareness, reading skills, attention, thinking, speech.

    Educating: Cultivate motivation to learn through a variety of forms of work

Lesson type: Lesson consolidation

Planned results:

    Personal: The basis for the development of creative imagination, interest in reading, and motivation to read a book.

    Regulatory: Carry out the action according to the model and the given rule. Accept trainingtask and follow the teacher's instructions.

    Cognitive: Work with the textbook, navigate through it using icons. Find your way around the speech flow.

    Communicative: Use available speech means to convey your impressions. Understand the content of the questions and statements of the teacher and peers.

Equipment: Textbook, interactive board, presentation, visual aids (letter cards, sound-letter diagrams), pike and scales.

During the classes:

Lesson stage


Teacher activities

Student activity

Org. moment

1 minute

WITH Good morning. The day has begun

First of all, we drive away laziness.

Don't yawn in class

Sit down! My name is Natalya Andreevna, today I will give you a reading lesson!

Greetings from the teachers.


Working with a ribbon of letters

8 minutes

Guess the riddle.

Looks like a hedgehog

But he doesn't ask for food.

Runs over clothes -

And the clothes are cleaner.

(Clothes brush)

What is this?

In the word Brush, what is the first letter? What about the sound? Let's make a diagram for this word. (How many syllables, which one is stressed, what parts does our diagram consist of, characteristics of each sound.)

Look closely at the ribbon of letters. Where is the sound [Ш']?

Let's characterize this sound. What is he like?

Letter Ш, sound [Ш']. two syllables, the first is stressed, the pattern consists of three parts: a merging syllable, a lock, and a merging syllable. Performed by a student at the blackboard.

Consonant, voiceless unpaired, soft unpaired.


1 minute

So, we've already worked a little, so let's rest and do some exercises. In our physics lesson there will be a word that begins with the sound Ш, you need not only to do the exercise, but also to listen carefully.

Get up, get ready, follow me:

The puppy was playing in the yard

Jumped, ran and counted:

One jump and three nods,

Two - head to the right.

Three - left turn

And he rushed to the gate.

Suddenly he stood up, sighed and sat down

And he looked at everyone around him.

What word with the sound Ш did you come across in physical training?

They look at the teacher and repeat the movements after him.


Speech warm-up

Working with the circuit

1 minute

Now we’ll read, but first we’ll do a few exercises to make it easier for us to read.

Breathing warm-up. Tell me, what time of year is it now? Place your pen in front of you, imagine that you have a snowflake in your hands, let's quietly blow it away with the breeze, and now we have three snowflakes on our palms, and we blow them away quickly and sharply.

Elephant. Stretching the lips forward with a tube, as if silently pronouncing the sound u.

I imitate an elephant -

I pull my lips with my trunk.

And now I'm letting them go

And I return it to its place.

The syllables oshch-oshch-esh are written on the board; the teacher reads it first, then the children repeat it, then they read it themselves, under the guidance of the teacher. Read the words you see on the screen. (Puppy, goldfinch) which of the words matches this scheme? (a diagram highlighting sound quality will fit two words)

Perform breathing exercises.

Repeat the exercise after the teacher.

Read the syllables written on the board.

Read the words, determine which of the words this diagram fits.

Skill building

Working with a textbook, riddles

Working with the circuit

Design, work with letters

Working with a textbook, reading poems

Working with subject pictures

30 minutes

Open page 64 in your textbook. Look, there are riddles about vegetables on it, now I’m reading them, and you watch carefully with your eyes and try to guess what kind of vegetables they are.

I was born to glory.

The head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup -

Look for me in them.

What is this? Find the lines in this riddle that contain the sound [Ш']. Who found these lines? Who's ready to read to us? Now let's read the riddle in its entirety, from beginning to end.

Grandfather is sitting

Dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears.

What is this? Is there a sound here [Ш']? Look carefully at the second line and tell me what other unpaired sound in terms of hardness and softness is there? Let's remember the sound Ш, what is it? Once again, let's read this riddle from beginning to end.

Red maiden,

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street.

What is this? There is no sound [Ш'] here either, but what other unpaired sound is there? In which lines does the sound [Ц'] occur? Let's read the riddle in its entirety.

Cabbage, onions, carrots - VEGETABLES. What other vegetables do you know? Let's make a diagram for this word. So, how many syllables are in this word, which syllable is stressed, let's characterize each sound.

What soup is complete without cabbage? What would it be without beets? You are given a hint in the textbook (Shchi, borscht.)

So, attention, we see letters on the board, let's form syllables from them and read them in unison, (SHCHO, SHCHU, SHCHU, SHCHU, SHCHA), and now vice versa (OSCH, YESCH, USCH, ISCH, ASCH). (I add two more consonant sounds [K] and [N]). From the letters on the board, what words can we form? (Pike, cheek, puppy). And in order to write the word pike correctly, what rule should we remember?

In the textbook, on page 65, at the top of the poem, I read, and you carefully follow me and underline the syllables in which the letter Shch appears.

I brush my teeth with this brush,

This brush is used for shoes,

I use this brush to clean my trousers.

I need all three brushes.

What is this poem about? What name would you give it? Who found the syllables that have the sound [Ш']? Is this the same syllable? How many times does it appear in the poem? Who will read the poem in full to us?

Below, a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov, I read, you follow.

Two puppies cheek to cheek

They pinch the brush in the corner.

Yes, at the broom

There is a stick above your head.

Stick click puppies from the shoulder,

The two puppies left grumbling.

What is this poem about? How would you title it? We will read this poem one more time, one line at a time, starting from the first row.

Below is the task, Marina will read it to us (2nd row, 1st desk). (Come up with words with CHA and SHA, what interesting things did you notice?) I repeat the first part of the task, then the second.

Guys, look at the pictures that are presented on this page. What do they show? Angelina, read the task that comes after the pictures (3rd row, 2nd desk). We named the items, let's find out what they are needed for. (I’ll draw attention to the word pincers (I’ll explain lexical meaning, if the word turns out to be unclear)). Pliers are a tool in the form of forceps; they are used to grip a material or product to make it more convenient to process it.

We have left with you last poem, Irina Petrovna Tokmakova wrote it, listen, use a pencil to underline in which words the syllable SHU appears.

Pike and Shchuryatki

They play hide and seek with me.

I'll look for them in the river,

I'll treat you to some worms.

What is this poem about? In which words does the syllable ШУ occur? Were there any words you didn't understand? (Schuriatki are small pikes, children of pikes). The entire poem will be read by Zhenya Sergienko (1st row, 1st desk).

Cabbage. In the word SCHI and in the word SEEK. One student reads.

Onion. There is no sound [Ш']. The sound Ш. Consonant, hard, not paired, deaf and has a pair of voicedness and deafness - this is the sound Zh. Read by one student.

Carrot. Sound [Ц']. In all lines. One student reads.

Beets, pumpkin, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, etc. A student works at the blackboard.

Children's answers.

They read the syllables at my signal, construct words from individual letters, remember the rule in CHA, SCHA, CHU, SCHU.

About brushes. Children's answers. This is the syllable SHCHYO, it is repeated four times in each line. The student reads the entire poem.

This is a poem about puppies. Children's answers. Read the poem in a chain.

Reads the task. Children come up with words in CHA and SHA. (from the parts CHA and SCHA you can also make a word, and this word is TOWET).

They look at the pictures and say what is shown on them. The student reads the assignment. They answer what these items are needed for.

Follow the text. In the words PIKE, PIKE, I WILL SEEK, I WILL TREAT. About pikes. Children's answers. The student reads the entire poem.

Lesson summary, reflection

4 minutes

So guys, let's summarize. What letter were we talking about today? What sound does it represent? Let’s remember once again, the sound [Ш’], what is it?

I suggest you evaluate yourself and your work in class. If you understood everything and worked actively in the lesson, then attach a yellow scale to the pike; if something caused difficulty, then a brown one; and for those who had a hard time, but will continue to try, you need to attach a blue scale.

Thank you everyone for the lesson, you were very active, worked well, well done everyone! Goodbye!

About the letter Sh with the sound [Sh’]. consonant, voiceless, soft, unpaired. They evaluate themselves and their work by attaching scales to the body of the pike. different color. Say goodbye to the teacher.

Problems to be solved (Target ):

Accept learning task of the lesson(introduction to the letter Ш, denoting a dull soft consonant sound)

Realize solving a learning problem under the guidance of a teacher(working on the ability to distinguish between soft and hard consonants)

Planned results (in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards)

Personal results (L):

- Reply to the final questions of the lesson andevaluate your achievements.

Subject results (P):

- Highlight sound sch ' from words, install with the help of the teacher that sound sch ' consonant, always soft, deaf.

- Recognize there is a new sound in the words.

- Characterize his, designate letter.

Metasubject UUD:

- Regulatory (R):

- Define the purpose of the educational task,control their actions in the process of its implementation, evaluate correct execution,find And correct errors.

- Cognitive (P) :

- Read fusion syllables, install based on observations and the teacher’s message that in the syllablenow always written A, and in a syllable I feel always written y, because the sound sch ' always soft, its softness does not need to be shown in special letters.

- Communication (TO)

-Define And justify place the new letter on the “letter tape”.

Equipment: - Textbooks, reading workbooks

Disc for a textbook on this topic

Group Worksheets

Signal cards for reflection

During the classes:

1 . Organizing time.

2.Self-determination for activity

Close your eyes and try to guess the sound riddle-song. Who is this song about? What sound do we most often hear in this song? (Audio recording track No. 28, “About pike and squinting”)

(students highlight the new sound they heard Shch) Who guessed what our topic is today? (Letter Shch, sound shch.)

This is the topic of our lesson today.

3. Setting a learning goal

What new sound did this cheerful pike bring? Why do we need it? (pronounce words, letters, to write, read words, texts,)

What are we going to do with this sound? (look for it in words, explore)

What is the sound Sh? Let's explore and characterize it.

Consonant – we pronounce it with noise; during pronunciation, the air encounters a barrier;

Deaf - because when pronouncing, more noise is heard than the voice and sounds dull;

Is it soft? (yes) What about hard ones? (problem), let’s try to pronounce it firmly...Does it work? Let's try to figure this out (is it hard or soft?) To do this, read the tongue twister.

4. Solving a problem situation :

Let's read the tongue twister from "ABC" page 62.

Working with the textbook : (reading silently, then aloud)

I'm dragging the pike, I'm dragging the pike, I won't let go of the pike .

Sound analysis of a wordpike.

Working with individual sound cards : drawing up diagrams at workplaces with subsequent checking from the screen (drawing from the literacy CD).

Conclusion : select green color, because ь – soft consonant. Why did you do this task? .To confirm that the sound ь is dull, soft, consonant. In writing, this sound is indicated by the letter Ш.

- Introducing the printed letter Ш .

Work in reading notebooks : printing the letter Shch, syllables and words with this letter.


5. Primary consolidation

We got acquainted with a new sound and letter in order to learn to read syllables and words with it.

Reading syllabic columns from a disk.

Choral reading : (emphasis: what does it sound like - hard or soft?)

Now let's work in groups. Let's fill it out sound circuits words with a new sound.

1 group- vegetables, sword; 2nd group- raincoat, brush

Groups create diagrams simultaneously (competitive moment ), whichever draws up the diagrams faster and correctly wins.Rate whether the guys from the other team completed the tasks correctly. (check on the screen) Accent - what does Shch sound like?

Reinforcement output – We investigated the sound sch and made sure thatsch – always soft

6. Consolidation and systematization of knowledge.

- Working from the textbook – reading a poem about a pike and a brush p. 63, emphasis on writing (pay attention to how the combination is writtenSHCHA, SHCHU )What did you notice? Is it necessary to soften the letters i and yu? And why?

(it already sounds soft, it’s not required). Therefore, what is the rule about writingshui now can we formulate?(independent conscious conclusion of the rule)

SCHA – write with the letter A! SHU- write with U! Reading the rules about writingnow And I feel according to the textbook. Let's return to the text of the poem once again. Furtherconversation about predatory fish and ecology of rivers - connection with the lesson of the surrounding world.

Who is the poem about? (about pike) What do we know about pike from the lessons of the world around us? (what kind of fish is this - river or sea? What does it eat? Therefore it is a fish.... (predatory) What other predatory fish do you know? Will there be fish in any water? What is needed to maintain the purity of the water in the river?

- Work on speech development (on disk):

Watching a cartoon according to the drawings. Retelling based on plot pictures.

So, we explored a new sound . Let us now find it in words.Working with individual cards . Students have pre-prepared sheets of paper with assignments in their ABC book. Composing words (on disk) - at workplaces with individualself-esteem. (magic rulers) Further check on the screen.

How do you rate yourself?

Add. material for children who read well (page 64 of ABC) and text on the disc (letter Ш)

7 . Lesson summary : Thank you for your work. You did a good job in class today.

Reflection :

What goal did we set at the beginning of the lesson? (learn and explore a new sound and a new letter)

What knowledge have you discovered? (Ш – consonant dull sound. It is always soft)

Let's see, have we achieved our goal? Magic fish will help us with this. Everyone has paper fish on their desk. Let's put them in buckets: A green bucket for those guys who understood everything in class today and are happy with their work. Blue - for those who doubted something, yellow - for those who did not understand the topic of today's lesson. Let's see which bucket has the most fish.

You did it today. You have discovered new knowledge and are satisfied with your work in the lesson. Well done!

Lyubov Pronkina
Lesson on introducing the sound and letter Ш

Subject classes: Sound and letter"SCH".

Program content:

1 Educational objectives.

Introducing sounds and letters"SCH".

Characteristic sound"SCH" on articulatory and acoustic signs.

Pronunciation sound"SCH" in syllables, words.

Sound analysis of a word"cloak".

2 Corrective tasks.

Development of phonemic representations

Development of fine motor skills

Improving the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus.

3 Educational tasks.

Cultivating long exhalation

Fostering organization and developing interest in the learning process.


Subject pictures. Individual mirrors. Articulation profile sound"SCH". Workbooks, pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

1 Organizational moment.

Let's turn into little old men. And now to the children who go to the group "Titmouse". Show us how we clean our teeth, shoes, and trousers with a brush?

2. Subject message

Today we Let's get acquainted with a new sound and letter. And with which one you have to guess.

Selection sound"SCH" from Tongue Twisters: “Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.”. Which sound is repeated more often than others? (SCH)

3. Characteristics sound according to articulatory characteristics.

Let's consider the articulatory profile

What do lips do when we speak? sound"SCH".

Where is the tongue? (behind the upper teeth).

What is it, narrow or wide? (wide, cupped). Teacher's demonstration

do as I do.

The tongue, teeth, lips prevent air from freely leaving the mouth. Means sound"SCH" consonant or vowel sound? (consonant) And what else sound"SH"? (Voiced or unvoiced). Deaf. Let's check. Let's put our hand on the neck and say sound"SCH". How did we feel? (neck trembles).

Sound"SCH"- consonant, voiceless, always soft sound.

4. Development of tempo and rhythm of speech. Pronunciation sound"SCH" in syllables.

Shcha-scha-scha - say quietly

Shcha-scha-scha - say louder

5. Development of phonemic hearing.

A game “Clap if you hear Sh in the words”.(puppy, table, vegetables, box, car, goldfinch, book, tongs)

6. Determine position sound in words.

Name where we hear sound"SCH", at the beginning, middle or end of a word. (BRUSH, GROVE. LIZARD, BREAM, CLOAK, COMRADE)

7. Dynamic pause.

The pike lived in the river

Chalk water with a brush,

I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

She treated the minnows.

8. Collect the word first sounds of words.

Pillow, Boat, Orange, Pike. (cloak).

9. Sound analysis of a word"cloak".

Which one is the first? sound in a word -"P"

Which is the last one sound -"sch"

Which sound after sound"P" - "l"

Name all the vowels sounds. "A"

Name all the consonants sounds"p, l, sch".

How much in total sounds? (4 sound) .

Name it all sounds. (cloak).

10. Introducing the letter"SCH".

Today we will find out which the letter represents the sound"SCH" (exposed letter) . What does this remind you of? letter? (children's answers).

It looks like a comb.

Three teeth in total? Well, what then?

11. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

I brush my teeth with this brush

With this brush the shoes

I clean my trousers with this brush,

I need all three brushes.

Hatching letters Ш in notebooks.

12. Summary classes.

With which we met through sound? thanks for class!

Literacy Lesson Summary

in 1st grade.

Teacher: Moshnikova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Lesson topic: Sound [sch"]. Letters Shch, shch.

Lesson objectives:

1. Introduce the consonant sound [sch"], the letters Shch, sch. 2. Form an idea of ​​the sound [sch"] as a soft unpaired consonant.

3.Develop phonemic hearing and sound pronunciation culture, practice the skill of sound analysis of words.

4.Cultivate an interest in reading.

During the classes.

1. Org. moment.

Snow flutters and sparkles

In the golden glow of the day.

Like it's falling down

All roads and houses.

It's pouring and pouring snow and snow.

Let's start our lesson.

Just as the snow falls quietly, sit down just as quietly.

2. Repetition of the material covered.

Look how many snowflakes gathered in a round dance, how the blizzard swirled them around.

Try to place the snowflakes correctly. Think about which snowflakes will fall on the red roof, which ones on the blue one, and which ones on the green one.

There are 3 students at the board.

What snowflakes fell on the house with the red roof? (The letters a, y, yu, i indicate vowel sounds).

Which snowflakes are special? Why? (yu, i denote the softness of consonant sounds, can denote two sounds).

What snowflakes will fall on a house with a blue roof? (zh, sh, always indicate hard consonants).

What snowflakes will fall on green roof? (th, ch always denote hard consonant sounds).

How do vowels differ from consonants? (vowels form syllables; air does not encounter obstacles during pronunciation).

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Today we will go winter fishing, where we will get acquainted with a new sound and a new letter. Which? You'll soon find out. And for fishing to be successful you must

help each other, be attentive, remember the rules of fishing - don’t make noise.

4. Introduction to the topic.

Anyone who has been fishing will tell us what to take with us. (Fishing rod, worms, bucket, etc.)

Let's make an ice hole, cast a fishing rod and try to catch the first fish. Listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale. Find out what kind of fish was caught on the hook.

Emelya went to the river. He cut through the ice, scooped the oxen into buckets and set them down, while he looked into the hole. And Emelya avoided a pike in the hole.

He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand.

- This is a sweet soup!

Suddenly the pike says to him in a human voice:

- Emelya, let me go free, I will do whatever you want.

“Okay, just show me first that you’re not deceiving me, then I’ll let you go.”

Pike asks him:

- Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

What fish did we catch? (Pike).

What is the name of the fairy tale? (“At the command of the pike”).

Who will continue the fairy tale, what Emelya wanted? (So ​​that the buckets move on their own without spilling water).

Did his wish come true in the fairy tale? (It came true)

How did the people's dream come true that water would flow into the house itself? (Buckets of water have been replaced by a water supply system. You open the tap, and water flows out of it.)

Should we conserve the water that flows from the tap? (Yes).

5. Work on new material.

1) Isolation of sound [ш "].

What fish did we catch? (Pike.)

Say the first sound.

Describe the sound [ш"]. (Consonant, voiceless).

What does this sound sound like? (to hiss)

The sound [u"] is hissing.

How to pronounce the sound [u"]? (Soft.)

Who knows the words where this sound is pronounced firmly? (There are no such words).

Let's draw a conclusion about the new sound.

Conclusion: this means that the sound [ш"] is always soft and does not have a pair of hard sounds.

2) Phonetic exercise.

Now let’s practice our ability to hear the right sound in a word. If the word I pronounce contains the sound [у"], raise your hands up and name where this sound is: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.

Box, key, cloak, ball, pike, cloud, bream.

The sounds [ch"] and [ш"] are very close in sound and are often confused in words. Let's practice pronouncing them in a tongue twister:

The pike swallowed the brush.

The brush tickles her throat.

Do not confuse the sounds [h"] and [sch"].

3) Game for attention “What is extra.” (Visual exercise).

Let's see how attentive you are, because fishermen simply need patience and attention.

What is shown in the pictures? (Vegetables, puppy, detective, oven.)

Which drawing is the odd one out? (Bake.)

Why? (The word oven does not have the sound [ш".)

Make up a sentence with the item you liked best.

4) Sound-letter analysis of the word pike.

Look, another pike caught the bait.

Let's make a diagram of the word pike.

One student draws up a diagram at the blackboard, the rest at their desks. Check.

Give a description of each sound.

[ш] - consonant, deaf, soft.

[u] - vowel, stressed.

[k] - consonant, deaf, hard.

[a] - vowel, unstressed.

How many syllables are there in a word? (Two.)

5) Introducing the letter Shch.

The sound [ш"] is indicated by the letter Ш.

What does the letter Ш look like? (Brush, fence, comb)

6) Work from the ABC book.

Find the word pike in the ABC book.

Let's read the first column.

What is a thicket? (Dense forest)

Let's read the second column. How are the spellings of these words different? (t was replaced by l).

Let's read the third column. How are these words different? (Differentiated by the first letter).

In words starting with the letter combinations сч the sound [ш" is pronounced. Read the words correctly.

Looks like there's another fish on the hook.

Find its name according to the diagram given in the textbook.

What fish did we catch? (Bream).

How many sounds and letters are there in this word? (Four).

Describe the first sound. (Consonant, voiceless, soft).

Read the words with the combinations SHCHA, SHCHU, CHA.

Listen to a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there were hissing Ch and Sh in the world, and not far away lived the vowels U, Yu, A, Ya. They lived together. And then one day the letters decided to play hide and seek. It fell out to be hissing. The rest ran to hide. The letters sit in hidden places, waiting for people to look for them. The hissing ones looked into all the cracks, searched hard, rustled - they had already found A and U. But they just couldn’t find the vowels Y and Y. They searched, hiccupped, lost their feet, and searched until evening. And so, stumbling, offended, tired, hungry, they decided to go home. They pass by the neighboring house and see that Me and Yu, as if nothing had happened, are sitting, laughing, watching TV, drinking tea with gingerbread. The hissing ones were offended, and since then they have been apart from each other. They never stand together, but only like this: CHU - SHCHU, CHA - SHCHA.

This is what the fairy tale says. What do you guys think, why is it not necessary to put the letters YuiYa after the letters CH and Ш? (The letters ch and u always denote soft consonant sounds. And there is no need to soften them with the vowels i and yu.)

Read the rule in the textbook.

Remember this rule.


6.Formation of reading skills.

Let's put a worm on a hook and cast a fishing rod.

What do we see? I got hooked on "The Pike Counting".

Reading counting rhymes to yourself and out loud.

What kind of pike did you see? ?(Predatory, toothy, evil).

What kind of bream? (Agile and smart)

7.Work in pairs.

- Guys, where can counting rhymes come in handy? (In Game).

Remember the rhymes and play in pairs.

8. Lesson summary.

Our fishing lesson is over... Let's summarize.

How many fish were caught? ?(Three pike and bream)

What will you do with the fish? (We'll cook the fish soup and fry it)

And who will release it back into the water?

Do you think our fishing was successful?

What sound did you recognize? ( [sch]).

Which letter did you meet? (SCH).

What rule did you learn in class? (CHA - SHCHA write with A, CHU - SHCHU write with U).

If anyone was interested in the lesson, everything was clear, you completed all the tasks confidently, put your fish in the red bucket.

If you felt unsure and did not understand the material well, put your fish in the blue bucket.

Topic: “Sound , ], letter Ш,ш".

Lesson type: lesson on discovering new knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson:


To form children's idea of ​​the sound [ ь "], as a dull, soft, unpaired sound; continue work on the classification of sounds and letters; develop phonemic hearing, thinking, memory, attention; develop the skill of coherent speech, expressive reading, working with text;


develop critical thinking, analytical skills, creative imagination of students.


maintain interest in reading based on interdisciplinary connections with lessons, the surrounding world, history; cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding world, a sense of friendship and camaraderie.

Lesson objectives through planned results


    create conditions for the development of communication skills of cooperation with adults and peers;

    work on the development of the emotional and sensory sphere of students and the development of initial forms cognitive and personal reflection;

    to form students’ abilities for self-development;


    to form children’s idea of ​​the sound [ ь "], as a dull, soft, unpaired sound; continue work on the classification of sounds and letters;

    develop phonemic hearing, thinking, memory, attention;

    develop the skills of coherent speech, expressive reading, and working with text;


Regulatory UUD

    develop the ability to formulate the topic of a lesson, accept and maintain a learning task, master ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    develop skills to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

    collectively plan actions to solve educational tasks, carry them out using mastered methods of action;

Communicative UUD

    develop the ability to work with information in the classroom, express thoughts coherently;

    learn to express your opinion and argue your point of view, answer questions, ask your own questions, listen and understand the speech of others;

    teach compliance with the rules of working in pairs, learn to negotiate and come to general decision V joint activities, follow the rules of communication;

    create conditions for nurturing a sense of friendship and camaraderie;

Cognitive UUD

    create conditions for the development of phonemic hearing in students, formulate children's understanding of the sound [ ь "], as a dull, soft, unpaired sound; continue work on the classification of sounds and letters;

    Isolate from words an unpaired consonant sound [ sch "], denoting the consonant sound [ sch" ] with the letters Shch, sch, remember their styles and names;

    develop the skill of expressive reading and working with text; explain the meaning of words, observe their structure, family ties; participate in a group conversation about what you have read; notice unfamiliar words and ask about their meaning;

    develop logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization;

Equipment: Textbook “ABC” (author V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin) publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”, M., 2012, visibility, handouts for reading, syllabic table, word diagrams, cards for sound-letter parsing of words, interactive board.

Methodological support : Goretsky V. G. Teaching literacy. 1 class

During the classes.

I. Motivation. (1-2 min)

Guys, we have guests today. Turn around, smile and greet them politely. Thank you.

“Hello” - you say to the person.

“Hello,” he will smile back.

And probably won't go to the pharmacy

And you will be healthy for many years!

Sit comfortably, smile at each other and at me.

II. Updating knowledge and carrying out the first trial action. (5-6 min.)

1. Repetition of learned sounds and letters.

What two groups are sounds divided into? (Vowels consonants)

What groups are vowels divided into? (Stressed, unstressed; softening, non-softening; iotized, uniotated)

How many vowels are there in Russian? (10)

How many vowel sounds are there in Russian? (6)

Name them. (a, o, y, s, i, e) – 1 student each

What vowel letters can have 2 sounds? (I, ё, yu, e) - In what position do they have 2 sounds? (first and after vowel)

What other role do vowels play? (form a syllable)

What groups are consonants divided into? (voiced, unvoiced; paired, unpaired, hard, soft)

Name the paired consonants. (b-p, v-f, d-t, w-sh, z-s, g-k)

Always name hard consonants. (f, w, c)

2. Warm up. (slide 1)

I read the sentences, you repeat loudly, clearly, expressively.

Shchi-schi-schi! - If you don’t have a friend, look!

Right now! - Take care of your comrade!

Squee-squee-squee! – I’m not sad in class!

Well done!

3. Isolation of the sound у in words.

Let's work in pairs. Don't forget about the work rules.

There is an orange card with words on the desk. One sound was lost. Your task is to read the words and say what unites them. For those who find it difficult, there is a hint on the screen. (slide 2)

Ya.ik, .uka, .yotka, pla.. (In all words we hear and pronounce the sound u)

What can you say about the sound ?

III. Setting the goal of the activity. (2-3 min)

What will we talk about in class? Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Sound sch, Letter sch, sch)

How will knowledge about the sound u and the letter that represents it be useful to you in life?

What tasks will you set for yourself? (Get acquainted with a new sound and letter; learn to read words and sentences with a new letter)

IV. Building a project for getting out of a problem. (10-11 min)

1. - Look at the words again and say which word is the odd one out. Why? (pike-live)

Construct a diagram of the word pike.

Check (slide 3)

Green - well done, everything was done correctly

Yellow – good, there were some minor errors

Red – teacher’s help needed

Name the first sound. (sch)

Why did you choose the color green to represent it?

Let's try to prove you're right.

2. Work in a group.

a) - Take the sound characteristics diagram in your hands and unite into 3 groups. Remember the rules of cooperation in a group.

b) - Select with a tick those signs that characterize the sound sch.

We give the floor to those responsible (Check)

Green - well done, everything was done correctly

Yellow – good, there were some minor errors

Red – teacher’s help needed

c) Questions for groups:

Why do you say that ь is a consonant?

Why do you claim that sh is deaf?

Why do you say that w is soft?

How to determine that sch is unpaired?

d) Conclusion: the sound Ш – consonant, voiceless, unpaired, always soft (slide 4)


I name a word with the sound ь, and you depict its meaning.

I drag, sad, clean, tickle, search, wrinkle, cheek, powerful, screaming, furious, dancing, jumping, clicking, sitting.

V. Primary consolidation in external speech. (4-5 min)

1.Introduction to the letter Ш,ш

Open your textbooks on page 63. In the red field you see a letter that represents the sound sch.

Who already knows what this letter is called? (now)

Place your fingers on this letter and circle it.

2. Constructing the letter u from counting sticks.

Form the letter u using counting sticks. (slide 5)

What does the letter sha look like? (brush, fence, comb)

“The letter Shcha will help us

Brush your teeth in the morning"

“Sha looks like a comb.

Three teeth in total? So what!"

3. Reading syllables.

Read (in chorus and one at a time) the syllables on page 63.

Why are there no syllables with the letters I, Yu? (Because sch is soft and there is no need to soften it)

4. Introduction to the rule.

Read the rule in the red frame in unison.

This rule must be remembered in order to... (write words correctly)

VI. Independent work with self-test against the standard.(4-5 min.)

1. - Now let’s work with our eyes. Without turning your head, find the words on the green cards with your eyes and read them.

Goldfinch Pike with a brush. tickled

Read words of 2 syllables, 3 syllables, 4 syllables.

What does the word goldfinch mean? (Slide 6)

2. Make a sentence from these words. (slide 7)

Read the sentence at different paces (Day - Night)

VII. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition. (4-5 min)

Work on a poem by G. Vieru

1. Pre-text.

Look at the illustration for the work by G. Vieru p.63

Looking at the illustration, what can you say about the work?

What genre is the work? (poem, fairy tale)

Identify the main character.

Come up with a title.

2. Text.

Name them. (pike, brush, brush, tickles)

Read line by line and determine what roles this poem can be divided into?

Read by role.

3. Post-textual.

Make up questions about the content of the poem.

4. Summary.

What does pike eat?

Green - well done, everything was done correctly

Yellow – good, there were some minor errors

Red – teacher’s help needed

VIII. Reflection (1-2 min)

1. Children answer questions according to plan.

2. Self-assessment of mood (smiley)

Slide 8

The lesson is completed and the plan is completed,

Thank you guys, thank you very much

For working hard and together,

That you weren’t lazy in class.