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Theatrical concepts and terms. Expressive reading, training, workshop

When was the last time you read out loud?

Why people read aloud poorly? Why does this happen? Why does it seem: “Now, oh, I’ll read it!”, but the reading comes out dry? Let's think about this.

When was the last time you read aloud?

That was a long time ago?

In this article will be reviewed (in detail) causes why people are bad at reading aloud, recommendations how to develop reading aloud, practical exercises who will help learn to read aloud well, both for yourself and for public speaking .

Reading aloud

As he writes Wikipedia: Reading- a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols aimed at understanding the text.

When we read aloud? Probably more.

What is the result?

Monotonous reading. Inexpressive. Without the desired voice overtones.

At least that's what it sounds like from the outside.

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What can you do to improve your reading aloud quality?

It is useful to realize that skill “reading aloud” We haven’t developed it for a long time, but practiced reading “to ourselves.” And these, although similar, are different skills of our brain.

After all, many of the texts are well written. They are carefully thought out by the writers. They contain words that are little used in everyday life, words that are useful for the development of vocabulary.

How to sight read in front of an audience

Have you ever seen a speaker reading from a piece of paper? Agree - a sad sight.

Remember, for example, the speeches of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

However, there are modern speakers who read speeches very well.

Why don’t good speakers sight read? - They are reading. And how they read.

Remember Altov, Zhvanetsky, and other pop comedians. They read, and they sight read very well.

Even Barack Obama often speaks while looking at a piece of paper.

But he reads in such a way that no one notices his reading.

Here, for example, is one of the videos where Barack Obama speaks using written text. But it looks beautiful. Why? - Because he can read.

  • And subscribe to our YouTube channel. There are many interesting videos there.

What should have been done? There are two options:

  1. Read and “in your own words” tell this text to the public.
  2. Learn the technique of “public reading”.

Public reading

Proper public reading.

Why “correct” - because there is a rule: you need to look into the eyes of those people to whom the speech is addressed, no matter whether it is written or not.

Public reading (reading in front of an audience) is indeed more difficult than ordinary speech and requires special skills.

Why is it more difficult? Because, as with any public speaking, eye contact with the audience is important here, and during sight reading it is difficult to create, and even more so, maintain this contact.

And not only see, but also feel, how well the audience accepts and assimilates your material.

To see, to feel whether my dear listeners understood the previous words.

Often, very often, the speaker does not notice how quickly he overloads the audience's perception.

Let's remember our wonderful lectures at the institute...

What we pay attention to: pauses, eye contact and the speed of our speech. At what speed can you read aloud? I assume that it will be fast, but we need it so that every word you say is perceived by the audience.

An important technique: read during a pause, and when speaking, look into the audience. And so on alternately.

You need to adjust the speed of speech, the duration of pauses and phrases. All this is achieved through exercise.


How to read aloud correctly

So, let's summarize everything written above.

1. No problem.

If you (or someone else) is bad at reading aloud, this is no problem. This - task. You need to start reading aloud, and this skill will quickly develop.

Moreover, very quickly. You just need to start doing it.

About how to increase lexicon written in great detail here:

How to increase your vocabulary

2. What to read out loud

  • I recommend these
  • And this is a whole site of good parables

3. How to read aloud

Yes. Exactly. Do you have any doubts? And you are doing the right thing. After all, there are many recommendations on the Internet where they recommend reading at a speed of “120 words per minute.” But I am a public speaking coach, I know what I recommend.
At normal reading speed, there is no time to pay attention to pauses, intonations, gestures, and facial expressions. At this speed, 120 or more, the brain only has time to read.
When should you remember words?
At this speed (120 words per minute), you can read only by looking at the text. But you need to look not at the text, but directly, at the listener or listeners, or at yourself in the mirror.

  • This is written in detail in my book “Mistakes of Speakers”: .

4. Reading aloud slowly will help you read beautifully.

Try to keep the phrases different: something louder, something quieter, something faster, something measured, stretching sounds, something higher or lower intonation.
By reading slowly, you can have time to switch emotions and admire them in the mirror.

5. Practice reading aloud to yourself first.

According to the latest research, reading engages most of the higher areas of the brain - in other words, it is the best exercise for keeping it in shape. This applies equally to silent reading and reading aloud. However, the latter method not only has an interesting history, but also has a positive effect on diction, helps in learning and is simply a pleasant way to communicate with children and adults.

Monopoly of recitation

It’s hard to believe, but in ancient times they only read aloud - there were no other options then. Here are a few passages from Lucian of Samosata (“The Ignorant Who Bought Many Books”) that condemn silent reading, ridicule inept recitation, and demonstrate an unusually reverent (in our understanding) attitude towards the classics:

“You look at your books with all your eyes, you just, I swear by Zeus, overeat with them, and you even read some, albeit too hastily, so that your eyes always get ahead of your tongue.”

“You hold in your hands a most beautiful book, clothed in purple leather, with a gold clasp, and you read it, shamefully distorting the words, so that educated people make fun of you, the flatterers who are with you praise you, and inwardly, turning away, they also laugh a lot.” .

“But if you still decide to remain unchanged in your illness, then go, buy books, keep them locked at home and reap the laurels of the owner. That's enough for you. But never touch them, don’t read, don’t humiliate with your tongue the words spoken by the men of antiquity and their creations, which did nothing wrong to you.”

“Demetrius the Cynic, while in Corinth, saw one ignorant man reading a most beautiful book, namely, “The Bacchae” by Euripides, reaching exactly the place where the messenger talks about the suffering of Pentheus and the act committed by Agave. Demetrius snatched the book from him and tore it, declaring: “It is better for Pentheus to be torn to pieces by me once than to be torn to pieces by you many times.”

Today, historians believe that reading aloud was not only a tribute to cultural traditions, but also helped to better understand the meaning - after all, in those days there were no generally accepted punctuation marks or even separation of words. To this we can add that poetry and the literary word in general fundamentally influenced the ear first of all - hence the attention of the ancients to the rhythm and style of both poetic and prosaic speech.

The birth of modern style

History has preserved that moment from which one can conditionally begin counting the long and difficult process of abandoning recitation and switching to reading “with the eyes.” At the end of the 4th century, Saint Augustine described in his “Confessions” a sight that struck him: his longtime teacher Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, was still standing before his inner gaze.

“When Ambrose read, he ran his eyes over the pages, penetrating their soul, doing it in his mind, without uttering a word or moving his lips. Many times - for he did not forbid anyone to enter and it was not the custom to warn him about someone's arrival - we saw him reading silently, always only silently...

After standing for a while, we left, believing that in this short period of time, when, freed from the turmoil of other people's affairs, he could take a breath, he did not want to be distracted, and perhaps feared that someone would listen to him and noticing difficulties in the text, he will ask to explain a dark place or decide to argue with him, and then he will not have time to read as many volumes as he wants. I believe he read in this way to preserve his voice, which he often lost. In any case, whatever the intention such a person, it, without a doubt, was good..."

The last words of St. Augustine show that at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries. The “sinister” silent reading was still puzzling and needed not only an explanation, but even a serious justification. However, ultimately, reading ceased to be a mutual art of the author and the reader - all the “magic” was concentrated at the tip of the pen of the one who created poetry and prose. Reading silently transformed literature, led to the dominance of the written word over the spoken word, and left the reader alone with the author.

Beautiful diction

How to read aloud correctly? Firstly, slowly, at an optimal conversational pace, approximately 120 words per minute (we are used to reading to ourselves much faster, since we are not limited by the pace of speech). Secondly, pronouncing the words clearly. Thirdly, expressively and with placement (with emphasis and pauses). Fourthly, artistically voicing the direct speech of the characters, endowing them with a certain character. When reading for others, it is very important to pronounce the words as if you were expressing your own thoughts - not “reading”, but “telling”.

It is also useful to record the text you read on a voice recorder. Subsequent listening to it helps to notice from the outside some nuances of speech - both advantages and disadvantages that a person usually does not notice during the reading process. Such Feedback allows you to correct your speech and improve it: work on intonation, adjust the timbre of your voice, and so on.

How to find time for these exercises? Mix business with pleasure! Many parents read fairy tales to their children before bed. Moreover, not only children love this pastime, but also schoolchildren who can read independently, and even teenagers. Of course, the point is not at all to get new information without straining - many children enjoy listening to the same stories many times in a row. It’s just that this is the time of communication with parents, which modern children most often lack. This is also relevant for adults, for example, for spouses - the main thing is that the selected literature is interesting to both.

The phrase “expressive reading” began to be actively used in the middle of the 19th century and implied skill artistic word and the discipline of teaching this skill to children. Expressive reading is the skill of displaying in words the sensations and reflections that fill highly artistic work, showing the performer’s individual assessment of the author’s work.

Expressive reading involves reciting from memory or reading from a book while adhering to the principles of literary pronunciation. At the same time, the figurative and ideological essence of the work is most fully expressed. Expressive reading is used as a technique for teaching language.

Reading is characterized by four criteria:

  • Fluency is the speed of reading. Determines the perception (understanding) of the text read. Fluency is typically measured by the number of words or characters read per minute.
  • Correctness implies leisurely reproduction without altering the essence of a literary work.
  • Consciousness is an understanding of the author’s idea, comprehension of the artistic methods with which the idea is embodied, and an understanding of one’s own attitude to the work.
  • Expressiveness of reading is formed during analysis literary work.

To read a text expressively means to find a way, through oral speech, to truthfully and accurately convey the intentions and feelings contained in the composition. This means of transmission is intonation.

Intonation represents the interaction of the components of oral speech (tempo, sound, stress, rhythm, pauses). The components support each other. The interaction between them is generated by the content and emotions of the text, the goal that the author sets for the reader.

Characteristics of the principles of teaching expressive reading

The principle of expressive reading is comprehension of the artistic essence and intent of the composition. It is important to identify the extent to which the text is clear to listeners. Understanding the task, the goal that is pursued when reading, will help make reading effective. The success of transmitting a work largely depends on the beauty, literacy, and brightness of the reader’s speech. The content allows you to accurately identify which means to use when transmitting the text.

Expressive reading involves persistent, labor-intensive work on the means of conveying the intent, feelings and content of the work. Proper breathing, distinct pronunciation of sounds, and skills in accurately conveying emotions through speech are important.

Expressive reading involves the use of brightness means, such as:

  • Intonation.
  • Logical stress.
  • Pause.
  • Pace.
  • Height and strength of voice.


The importance of intonation and its elements when reading is very great, therefore, when forming speech expressiveness should Special attention pay attention to the development of intonation brightness.

Intonation components:

  • The force that manifests itself in stress and determines the dynamics of oral speech.
  • The direction that predetermines the melody of speech and is manifested in the following of the voice along the sounds with different heights.
  • Hue or timbre that determines emotional coloring.
  • Speed, which is expressed in prolonged speech and pauses. Predetermines the rhythm and tempo of speech.

The recitation of a literary work by a teacher, a schoolchild and an actor differs, since the conditions of expressiveness are different for them. The actor has perfect command of his voice and other means, and also has the opportunity to thoroughly prepare for reading. There are other requirements for the student. By watching videos of performances by professional readers, you can learn to read a work with the correct intonation.

Principles of Expressive Reading

The rules of expressive reading are a set of recommendations that help quickly and effectively develop skills literary reading among schoolchildren. The reading instruction is aimed at developing a culture of handling the book and contains recommendations on preparation and correct reading.

A lesson in expressive reading should arouse interest in literary creativity and cultivate a love of figurative words.

Tips for parents on developing a child’s reading interest

  • You should buy books for your child that are colorfully designed and have exciting content.
  • It is not the duration of reading that is important, but the frequency. That is, it is better to read many times for 15 minutes than once for an hour and a half. A gentle reading mode for a child is preferable - read three lines, rest.
  • To form a habit of communicating with a book, you need to read to your child every day.
  • The read work should be discussed with the family and the child should be told about the author.
  • When remembering a work, you need to slightly alter the text, this will help you understand whether the child remembers the content well.
  • Advise your child about the works of your childhood, share your impressions of them.
  • Buy books from authors your child likes and create his own library.

Many years later, already in adult life The child will associate books with near and dear people, with the warmth of his home.

Memo to parents

  • Reading is an entrance into the world of knowledge; it is a guarantee of a child’s success in school.
  • A child will love books only thanks to the combined efforts of the school and family.
  • Familiarize yourself with the main requirements of expressive, fluent, conscious reading.
  • The recommended list will help you choose books for your child.
  • Your own children's library will allow you to exchange books with friends, which will help increase interest in reading.

Knowledge of works of children's literature and the works of children's writers and poets makes it easier for parents to choose books for their child. Such knowledge is also indispensable integral part professionalism and competence of a teacher or educator, specialist working with children.

The discipline “Children's Literature with Workshop on Expressive Reading” is designed to familiarize parents and teachers with the literary works of children's poets and writers. The purpose of the subject is to improve the skills of analyzing children's literary works, and examines the importance of literary reading in the development of a child's personality.

The structure of the discipline “Children's Literature with Workshop on Expressive Reading” is a historical, chronological way of presenting material on literature for children. It also includes a logic-based workshop on expressive reading.

Student Reading Guide

Memo No. 1: Reading rules

  • You need to spend at least a quarter of an hour a day reading, sitting comfortably, preferably not lying down.
  • If you read with the TV or music on, it will be difficult to understand what the text is about. Therefore, you should turn off the TV, music, and remove all objects that distract your attention.
  • There is no need to rush when reading and concentrate on time, otherwise the meaning of the text or poem will remain unclear and slip away.
  • It is necessary to take breaks, pauses, and exercise minutes.
  • You need to analyze the actions and actions of the characters in the work and draw conclusions for yourself. Discuss what you read with friends.
  • Mark the place where reading was interrupted by placing a bookmark between the pages.
  • Entertaining and interesting information can be written down in a notebook. It will be useful in the future.

Cheat Sheet #2: Expressive Reading

Expressive reading is impossible without understanding the meaning of the content of the work.

  • Maintain the correct pace and rhythm when reading. There is no need for haste here.
  • Diction - pronunciation should be intelligible, loud, and distinct.
  • Be sure to pause when there are punctuation marks.
  • Using logical stress, highlight the key words of a literary work.
  • Poems or text, when read, should have an emotional connotation.
  • Understanding of the content is required readable poem or prose.

Memo No. 3: Correct work with the book

The ability to work correctly with a book and process information from printed sources is of exceptional importance for high school students. The inability to work with a book will affect your performance at school, since homework and class work will take up a lot of time. This state of affairs will lead to the student getting tired, and the ability to absorb knowledge will decrease.

  • It is necessary to develop the skills of correct, fluent, meaningful reading.
  • Expressive reading. Read the text or poems, determine the main idea of ​​creation, find individual elements in the content and their semantic significance, read again.
  • Define chronological order actions of a literary work.
  • Extracurricular activities involves keeping a diary of works read, using a list of books recommended by the teacher, and the skill of recording data about a work from the title page.

Expressive recitation of a poem

Poetry the best way Gives the child an understanding of the essence of expressive reading. When a good reader recites poems or texts that have long been familiar to them, listeners begin to understand them in a new way. They get into the mood of the person uttering the words.

Actors, thanks to their talent, knowledge and professional skills, read poetry, captivating the audience. By carefully watching videos of performances by famous artists, you can borrow interesting techniques for reading poetry and prose.

The literature lesson at school is designed to arouse interest in artistic, figurative words, and cultivate a love for books. Expressive reading is an important skill that allows you to convey to listeners the intent of a work and its ideological content. Reveal the subtlest nuances of feelings, experiences, and sensations of the characters in a literary text or poetry. Videos of performances by professional readers will help you find a way to penetrate into the heart of your listeners while reading the text.

Reading aloud is one of the best exercises for speech development. Why out loud and not to yourself? Because reading aloud is speech practice, while reading silently is silent absorption of information. In the same way, to learn to dance well, you need to dance, and not just watch others dance.

Typically, written texts, unlike spoken speeches, are of higher quality in structure, concise and do not contain errors and minor miscalculations that abound in spoken speeches, since the authors, unlike speakers, had more time to edit and improve the texts. Therefore, regular reading aloud allows you to learn to speak smoothly, as if from writing.

How to read aloud correctly? Firstly, slowly, at an optimal conversational pace, approximately 120 words per minute (we are used to reading to ourselves much faster, since we are not limited by the pace of speech). Secondly, by pronouncing the words clearly. Thirdly, expressively and with placement (with emphasis and pauses). Fourthly, artistically voicing the direct speech of the characters, endowing them with a certain character. It is also very important to pronounce the text not in the tone of reading, but as if you were expressing your own thoughts - when reading aloud, you should not “read”, but “tell”.

What to read? You can do anything (poems, novels, articles, short stories, reference books, legal contracts, fairy tales for children, etc.), but it’s better to write those works that, from your point of view, are beautifully presented and contain a rich vocabulary and useful information.

How much to read? The bigger, the better. Optimally - half an hour a day - then literally in a month you will see obvious results - rough speech will become smoother, and you will easily select the right words to express your brilliant ideas.

It is also useful to record the text you read on a voice recorder. Subsequent listening to it helps to notice from the outside some nuances of speech - both advantages and disadvantages that a person usually does not notice during the reading process. Such feedback allows you to correct your speech and improve it.

Reading aloud - great way fill free time instead of stupidly killing him. Work out good habit read aloud - and your speech will always be in excellent shape and continuously improving.

You can find a lot of materials for reading aloud in the following sections of our website.

Editorial, project; peeking, reading, pronouncing, reciting, reading, perusing, reading, reading, speed reading, melodic recitation, recitation, itacism, reading, reading, recitation, literature Dictionary of Russian synonyms. reading reading... ... Synonym dictionary

recitation- and, f. 1) The art of expressive reading; just such reading. The actor was brilliant at recitation. ...When reciting, [Demosthenes] put a pebble in his mouth in order to achieve maximum mobility of the articulating organs and thereby ensure good diction...... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

recitation- reading, melodic recitation, reading, reading Dictionary of Russian synonyms. recitation n. reading Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012… Synonym dictionary

Declamation- or expressive reading. Have been known for a long time practical techniques D., transmitted through training from the voice, with completely subjective and unsystematic instructions from the teacher. Only recently has a view of D. been established as... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

DECLAMATION- (Latin, from declamare to speak loudly). For the ancients, it meant the art of expressing sublime thoughts and feelings in an eloquent Form. We have the ability to read works of poetry expressively. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

DECLAMATION Modern encyclopedia

Declamation- (from the Latin declamatio, an exercise in eloquence), the art of expressive reading of poetry or prose (rhythmic text, emphasizing key words with intonation, etc.). In the era of classicism in Western European and Russian theater, ownership... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

reading aloud in front of an audience- noun, number of synonyms: 2 recitation (10) recitation (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

recitation- 1) Expressive reading of works of art; the art of expressive reading of poetry and prose; 2) transfer pompous, artificially elevated manner of speaking; pompous words, speeches. lat. declamatio “exercise in eloquence; ... ... Historical and etymological dictionary of Latin borrowings

Declamation- or expressive reading. For a long time, practical techniques of D. have been known, transmitted by training from the voice with completely subjective and unsystematic instructions from the teacher. Only recently has a view of D. been established as... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

DECLAMATION- (from Latin declamatio), pronouncing works of art out loud. In antiquity, this was the name given to the delivery of mainly ceremonial speeches (especially educational ones), in modern times - poetry. D. poetry differs significantly from D. prose: it (a) ... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary