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Master repairs sliding interior wood. How to repair an interior door yourself. Overview of typical faults of interior doors

Every day sliding doors become more and more popular interior doors, interior doors Profile doors and partitions. Many people prefer them because they do not take up as much space as regular doors, or rather, they do not take up any space at all. It will not be difficult to install such doors yourself, and it will also not be difficult to repair such doors.

If you have problems with the operation of sliding doors, you should first check the upper and lower guides, as a lot of dust may simply accumulate there, which is why there were problems with their operation. In this case, you just need to remove the dust from the guide rail with a vacuum cleaner. Among sliding doors, a quite common problem is the upper or lower rollers popping out of the guide rail. In this regard, there is also a need to periodically check whether they are in place.

If they do pop out and you are able to put them back in place, do so. In another case, this may lead to a change in the shape of the guides. The rollers must be placed in the grooves of the upper or lower guides. It is also worth paying attention to the stoppers: if they open, and this often happens, they should be closed. Since the rollers deteriorate over time, they need to be changed periodically. First of all, you need to remove the doors to do this. If there are stoppers in the guide rails, you should open them first, and then carefully remove the door. Next, using a screwdriver, you need to remove the old rollers and install new ones of the same type in their place.

In sliding doors, such a nuisance as the loosening of the upper bar on which the guide rail is fixed is also often encountered over time. If this happens, you should fix this bar again or replace it with a new one. To do this, you need to drive the dowels into the already prepared holes or move them slightly to the side from the latter. Next you need to attach the bar, after which you can start screwing in the screws. Please note that the guide rails need to be attached as straight as possible, even if they are distorted. Otherwise, such doors will not work for long and will soon break.

The door system has special carriages for correcting and installing fastening parts. This system can also break down over time. There is also a possibility that such a mechanism was initially poorly adjusted and eventually failed. In this case, you should first adjust the sliding doors, and then reinstall the locknuts from below under the adjustment bolts.

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How to cope with the problem of a small space in an apartment or room that you don’t want to clutter at all? Ways to increase usable area several, and one of them is sliding interior doors.

They consist of a base, which consists of several panels or one solid piece, and guides that provide soft and silent opening and closing of sliding doors.

Thanks to the successful constructive solution a small room will accommodate more furniture, and the entrance to the room will be free. Besides original design These doors will decorate the interior, making it fashionable and elegant. Pay attention to .

There are two types sliding panels– doors and partitions. Their main difference is in their location: partitions are located directly in the room, zoning its space, and doors are in the openings between rooms.

Advantages of sliding-sliding interior doors

Different door options have their pros and cons. U sliding models many advantages:

  • Aesthetics. Thanks to unique design door leaves are attractive in appearance, elegant and unique in appearance design solution. Home owners who prefer sliding doors In the interior, they undoubtedly know how to arrange their home with taste.
  • Versatility. With interior sliding doors, you can decorate the interior in a wide variety of styles - from high-tech to ethnic, and the materials used in the manufacture of the panels (wood, plastic, glass) help create the desired impression. The versatility lies in the fact that for such doors the size of the opening does not matter: large quantity elements of the canvas will successfully close an opening of an unusually wide size.
  • Space saving. Unlike swing doors sliding models allow you to slightly increase the usable area of ​​the adjacent wall.
  • Convenience and safety. The doors provide protection from accidental injuries to hands and fingers, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of small children. In addition, such an interior door will not open due to a draft, and the efforts of pets when trying to get into a closed room will be in vain.
  • Easy to install. Simple installation rules entrance doors even a novice home repair master can master the sliding type.


  • Special locks. Sliding interior doors require locks specially made for them, which, moreover, are not too cheap.
  • Low level of thermal insulation. A door that is not made of a single piece allows almost free passage air currents, so installing sliding doors at the entrance to the house is impossible.
  • Poor sound insulation. Due to the fact that sliding doors easily allow noise from nearby rooms to pass through, they are not recommended for installation in rooms where silence is the main condition for comfort.
  • Difficulty maintaining cleanliness. The niche into which the door hides when folded is a rather inconvenient place for cleaning. Cleaning the dust that accumulates inside is a difficult process, since access to the place is limited. If you do not take care of timely cleaning, the rollers will not be able to roll freely along the guides - they may become skewed or jammed. Models that have removable “pocket” elements will help you avoid problems with cleaning.

Types of sliding interior doors

The division into types of doors with a sliding structure depends on:

  • number of doors;
  • material for making canvases;
  • opening and closing method;
  • installation mechanism.

Based on the number of leaves, a distinction is made between single-leaf and double-leaf sliding doors. The first option is suitable for rooms with small dimensions, since the door leaf moves to the side when opened (like a compartment). Single-leaf models do not require a door frame, but special attention should be paid to the design of the opening. Doors with one leaf are attached to the wall or ceiling.

Sliding doors with two leaves are often used for non-standard, wide openings. Along with excellent functionality double doors have a pleasant appearance. They are best used in large areas. Usually in such models one of the leaves can be fixed in closed state, and use the other half.

Despite the apparent fragility of glass sliding doors, they are considered quite popular among consumers. Transparent and beautiful, the doors allow light to pass through well. At the same time, they are safe to use - strained glass protected from impacts. Fasten glass doors on an aluminum frame, under the bar of which a retractable system is hidden. A glass sheet stopper is installed at the bottom. Sliding glass doors can consist of one, two or several panels, and the doors fold either independently of each other, or according to the telescope principle. As decorative finishing glass with different color shades or a matte surface is used.

Accordion type interior sliding doors

Doors that fold when closed with an accordion are a relatively new model that owners of small apartments prefer to use in their interiors. Their compactness and functionality are undoubted advantages, thanks to which accordion doors are popular on the market.

They are a structure that operates on the principle of window blinds: several small-sized doors of the door leaf are shifted to the side, moving along a rail on rollers. The lamella segments fold to hold the door in the open position.

The materials used to make accordion doors are varied: solid wood, MDF, plastic, glass, bamboo, aluminum, combinations thereof. Outwardly, they resemble a screen or a folding door, but the number of elements (wide or narrow) is always more than two. By placing them in a niche, you can highlight zones in the room. Fits perfectly into the interior of high-tech, techno, minimalism.

Features of book doors

The best option for narrow corridors, pass-throughs and adjacent rooms there will be a book-door, similar in principle to folding with an accordion. Varied design decoration book doors, regardless of style, fill the house with comfort and beauty.

The interior door-book consists of two elements of leaves, one of which is attached to door frame, and the other moves freely on a roller along a guide.

Pivot-sliding interior doors provide maximum space savings due to the ability to open them in any direction. Rotary system on which is attached door leaf, rotates it in a circle within the door frame.

Roto doors look very unusual, so they can become a real highlight of the interior. Moreover, their soundproofing properties much better than other types of sliding models - the closed leaf is adjacent to the frame, and the lock does not allow the door to swing open on its own. IN open form half of the door leaf ends up in one room, and the other in the next room.

Most often, rotary-sliding models are preferred when installing doors to a bathroom, corridor, or dressing room.

Special attention owners who decide to completely transform their interior spaces should turn to doors hidden in the wall. They are more compact than all previous options, but require much more effort and serious calculations during installation.

Pencil doors consist of two parts: visible (the canvas moving along guides on rollers) and hidden (the so-called “pencil case” located in the wall). When opened, the door leaf deepens into a special niche, and the opening remains completely free.

Types by mechanism used

Each type of interior sliding door has its own mechanism. The fittings differ in the method of fastening, the shape of the guides, the number of gutters and rollers, depending on the size, type of construction, and weight of the door leaves.

Roll-out systems are:

  • with two guides along the top and bottom of the box;
  • with one guide located at the top.

The first option is to move the canvas using rollers mounted at the top of the opening and on the floor. The door is stable, and the absence free space between the canvas and the box retains heat and protects against the penetration of extraneous sounds when closed.

It is important to keep the guide grooves clean at all times to ensure free movement of the rollers.

The second option is just one track above the door, held by an aluminum frame that is fixed to the wall. To install a door with one track you will need: a frame installation kit, rollers, and locking devices.

The number of roller mechanisms depends on the weight of the door leaf: one roller can handle moving a 70-kilogram door, but if the weight is greater, then more rollers will be needed.
To prevent the door from coming out of the grooves of the gutter, reliable locking devices are used, and flags will protect the doors from possible backlash.

pros withdrawable mechanisms are obvious:

  • the doors move along the guides almost silently - the silicone surface of the rollers and the lubrication of the bearings are responsible for this;
  • The durable top guide ensures long service life and safety of the sliding door.

Folding door mechanism

For doors that fold like an accordion or book, the mechanism is slightly different. So, a profile is attached to the wall adjacent to the doorway, to which one side of the canvas is attached. A guide is installed on top along which carriages with rollers move, opening and closing accordion doors and books.

Features of mechanical and automatic sliding doors

The most common sliding interior doors found in homes have manual principle opening and closing, that is, just pressing the hand door handle. Automatic sliding doors have a more complex design and, accordingly, require greater financial costs. In this case, the door leaves are controlled infrared sensor, triggered by movement.

The ease of use of such models is undeniable, but the cost of equipment and installation of the system can surprise even a well-to-do person - about $700. Price is the deciding factor when choosing to install manual or automatic sliding doors, which is why automation is rarely found in residential buildings.

Installation conditions

It is better to entrust it to specialists who are able to make all the calculations and install the door in place so that there are no bevels or inconsistencies between the guides, rollers and frame.

The installation technology is available, but requires accurate measurements and care when performing work. Particular attention must be paid to cabinet doors, since arranging a niche to hide a door can only be done in a wall that does not have sockets, switches and internal wiring.

In the category | with tags |


Installation of a single leaf sliding door (Laminated) 2500
Installation of a single leaf sliding door (PVC) 3000
Installation of a single-leaf sliding door (Eco-veneer) 3000
Installation of a single-leaf sliding door (Veneered) 3000
Installation of a single leaf sliding door (Wooden) 3000
Installation of a single-leaf sliding door (Massive) 3500
Design of the opening up to 50mm. 700

Installation of double-leaf sliding doors


Name of services for sliding doors


Installation of double-leaf sliding doors (Laminated) 6000
Installation of double-leaf sliding doors (PVC) 6000
Installation of double-leaf sliding doors (Eco-veneer) 7000
Installation of double-leaf sliding doors (Veneered) 7000
Installation of double-leaf sliding doors (Massive) 7500
Installation of double-leaf sliding doors (Painted) 7500
Decorating the opening with a portal 1000

Installation of sliding doors COUPE


Name of services for sliding doors COUPE


Installation of Coupe doors (Laminated) 5500
Installation of a compartment door (PVC) 5500
Installation of a Coupe door (Eco-veneer) 6500
Installation of a Coupe door (Veneered) 6500
Installation of a Coupe door (Massive) 7500
Decorating the opening with a portal 1500


Name of services for additional work


Removing the old door 300
Installation of extensions (up to 5cm) 500
Installation of extensions (up to 10cm) 700
Installation of extensions (up to 20cm) 1000
Installation of extensions (up to 40cm) 2500
Installation of extensions (up to 50cm) 3500
Expansion of the opening (up to 5 cm) concrete 600
Expansion of the opening (up to 5 cm) brick 600
Narrowing of the opening made of timber (5cm) 600
Narrowing of the opening made of timber (10cm) 800
Cutting the blade (bottom) 1000
Cutting the platband lengthwise (1 piece) 150
Installing an additional roller 300
Setting the threshold 300
Setting the limiter 300
Visit of a specialist in Moscow 500
Additional visit of a specialist (due to the fault of the customer) 1500
Travel outside the Moscow Ring Road to the Region (up to 10 km.) 500
Departure of the master outside the Moscow Ring Road from 10 km. at a rate per 1 km. +30

Do you live in small apartment? Then the issue of saving space is probably relevant for you.

In this case, you should abandon the usual swing doors. When open, they take up quite a lot of space. The most successful solution in this situation is to install sliding interior doors.

How it works?

This type door designs consists of the following elements:

  • door leaf;
  • sliding mechanism;
  • rails.

The mechanism allows the door leaf to slide freely when opening and closing. Rails are installed at the bottom and top of the door jamb.

In the open position, the canvas is completely adjacent to the wall.

The main task of installation specialists is to correctly install the mechanism and rails. In order for the door leaf to open and close freely, it is necessary to take accurate measurements. The installation technology must be followed as carefully as possible.

Contact real professionals - the Nevis Doors company. We install interior sliding doors at reasonable prices. Over several years of work, we have completed hundreds of orders. All our clients are satisfied with the work we have done.

Our specialists are ready to travel to any district of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Sliding door installation cost

Our basic prices are presented in the price list. To find out the exact individual price, call us at: