home · electrical safety · It stuck like a bath leaf. Bath sheet: a detailed guide to the Russian bath. "like a bath leaf" in books

It stuck like a bath leaf. Bath sheet: a detailed guide to the Russian bath. "like a bath leaf" in books

Alexey Novikov

Steam massage therapist at Sandunovskie Baths.

The bathhouse is an excellent means for preventing colds and relieving emotional stress. In addition, it helps athletes regain strength by improving blood supply and removing lactic acid. But all these effects can be achieved only if a number of conditions are met.

Who should not visit the bathhouse?

The path to the bathhouse is closed to those people who have:

  1. Neuropsychiatric disorders. This also includes alcoholism.
  2. Any abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Problems with the kidneys and digestive system.
  4. Skin disorders.

But even if you do not suffer from any of these diseases, it is always better to play it safe and consult a specialist.

What not to do in the bathhouse

Before the steam room you cannot wash in the shower with soap, you can only rinse. The fact is that it washes off with soap. protective layer and the skin becomes more sensitive.

Before visiting the steam room, you should not wet your head, otherwise heat transfer will increase and you will get heatstroke. For the same reason, it is better to protect your head with a special bathing cap. Among other things, it prevents hair from drying out.

You should not drink carbonated drinks before the steam room. Alcohol is not recommended either before the visit, or during, or even after the bath.

No need to overeat. But you shouldn’t go to the bathhouse hungry either. and herbal teas are the best choice.

When is the best time to steam?

There is an opinion that it is better to go to the bathhouse in winter. But you can also steam in the summer. In the heat, a sauna helps the body adapt to high temperatures. The pores open, the work of the sweat glands increases, which helps improve heat exchange. Plus the body gets rid of toxins, it just becomes easier to breathe. Coming out of the steam room in the summer, many note this fact.

So experienced bath attendants seasonality is not recognized.

If we talk about the time of day, it is better to listen to your biological clock. For example, many larks come for the first steam (in “Sanduny” it is at 8 o’clock in the morning). They claim that after a bath they work better and get everything done. Owls, on the contrary, prefer evening sessions and after a bath they are only capable of undisturbed sleep.

How to steam

As a rule, the following formula is comfortable for the body: three visits to the steam room for 6–10 minutes with breaks of 20 minutes. But on the fourth run, you can move on to brooms: the body is already prepared for them emotionally and physically.

Which broom to choose

There are two types of brooms: those used for steaming, and those used for inhalation or massage. Oak and birch are excellent for vaping, and eucalyptus for inhalation.

The best steaming is provided by an oak broom. Its leaf is wide, the broom itself is more voluminous and produces more steam in one stroke. This steaming is suitable, for example, for athletes and those who experience heavy physical activity.

But a birch broom is very useful for smokers: it helps remove phlegm. It is also good for rubbing, as birch leaves have antiseptic properties, relieve irritation and soothe.

A good oak or birch broom can be used many times. The main thing is to dry him well after the steam room so that he can breathe oxygen.

Bonus from Lifehacker: broom massage technology

Basic Techniques

Stroking. Slowly walk the broom from your neck to your feet 2-3 times. Pay attention not only to the central part of the body, but also to the sides. Such slow movements are ideal at the beginning of the massage.

Compress. Raise the broom to the ceiling, shake, grabbing hot air, and briefly (from one to five seconds) press it to the body. Best places for compresses - lower back, shoulder blades, feet or problem areas (for example, sore muscles).

Stretching. It is performed with two brooms: both are placed on the lower back, and then simultaneously spread to the sides (one to the feet, the other to the back of the head). The same technique can be performed in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and knees.

Quilting. Quilting movements with the end of a broom, which necessarily end with stroking. Can be performed on almost all parts of the body.

Whiplash. A more powerful technique, before which you need to lift a broom and grab hot air. It is optimal to give 2-3 blows to the body after each air grab. You can combine the procedure with compresses.

Plowing. Swinging movements with a broom towards the steamer, which are performed along the entire body. The goal is to surround it with a pleasant stream of hot air.

Trituration. A treatment ideal at the end of a massage. Hold the broom by the handle with one hand, and with the other, lightly pressing on the leafy part, rub the entire body. The torso can be rubbed in all directions, but it is better to rub the limbs along.

Necessary clarifications

  1. During the massage, a wet broom is used, that is, it needs to be moistened periodically. If the broom is initially dry, steam it first: first keep it for 10–20 minutes. cold water, then 1-3 minutes in hot.
  2. You should not wave the broom too much if the steam room is very hot (more than 60 °C). Otherwise, you can burn the person steaming.
  3. After the massage, there is no need to suddenly get up from the shelf. You should rest for at least a couple of minutes.

Is it possible to plunge into the snow after a bath?

It is best to plunge into the snow during the bath, and not after: that is, after rubbing with snow, you need to steam again. Under no circumstances should you immediately pack up and go out into the air after rubbing.

Rub yourself with snow or get wet cold water After the steam room, only seasoned and trained people can.

Such temperature changes are an incredible burden on the blood vessels. Therefore, people with varicose veins veins and thrombosis, this is best avoided.

What cosmetic procedures to perform

Peels and scrubs are used in the bath. Some people buy them in stores, others cook them themselves. The most popular homemade scrub is salt and honey.

The purpose of such cosmetics is to cleanse the skin, improve its color and texture, and increase elasticity. Their use is most effective in the bathhouse, because after the steam room the upper layers of the epidermis are prepared for the procedure, and the skin itself better absorbs beneficial substances.

But after a bath it is better not to apply any cosmetics, especially oils. The exception is only for those with dry skin.

When going to the bathhouse, remember that this is not a place for arguments. Everything here happens measuredly and unhurriedly, so you need to adapt to the unhurried rhythm of the bathhouse. Just have fun and rejuvenate. After all, this is precisely why we come to the bathhouse.

What to do if the relationship has already been established, you want to “untie it”, but it is unbearably painful for your ex-chosen one to hear this? So much so that a person does not let go, follows on his heels, asks (and sometimes demands) to return? And all this lasts for days, months, years on end?

The love that will lead us to a happy marriage and a golden wedding is already more a myth than the truth. We search, try, stumble, break up and start searching again. Of course, it would be nice to learn how to find your soulmate the first time. But what to do if the relationship has already been established, you want to “untie it”, but it is unbearably painful for your ex-chosen one to hear this? So much so that a person does not let go, follows on his heels, asks (and sometimes demands) to return? And all this lasts for days, months, years on end?

You can't leave, you can't stay!

I look at my watch: half past five. Andrey works until five and knows that on Fridays I come to visit my mother. I am faced with a difficult choice: go visit my mother and flinch at the next rustle outside the door - or go with my friends to a place where he won’t think to look for me and where he won’t set foot: to a nightclub on the other side of the city.

Yes, my life has become truly crazy ever since I decided to break up with my husband. Everything had been heading towards this for a long time: living with him was boring and joyless. Every year we spent together, I realized that I had made a big mistake. We had nothing to talk about, the sexual attraction to him faded away. This was not life, but an empty waste of time next to a stranger who was not interesting to me.

Andrei did not accept the news that I was leaving. He locked me out at home, changed the locks in the apartment, and nailed up the cabinets. I got scared and ran away without taking a single thing with me. She went to see her mother, who was facing another siege the next day.

Andrey called on the phone and came to our house. He tirelessly watched over me at the entrance and sent his friends to us with gorgeous bouquets of flowers. All this was terribly awkward, humiliating, and shameful. My compassionate mother tried to persuade me to go out to talk to him, because he was “so killed, maybe he’ll start drinking or die from the cold.” I understood that if I left, I would give up.

I screamed: “No! No! I'm filing for divorce! I don’t love you, I don’t love you one bit! STAY AWAY!”

But he didn’t understand, he stubbornly stood his ground. He said: “Explain to me what’s wrong! Tell me what to do - I will do it! I’ll fix it - just tell me how!”

He got down on his knees and cried. He was shaking from cold and grief. And I felt that I was falling into another trap, I screamed at him in impotent anger, I was tormented by pity, but I stood my ground.

Time passed, but nothing changed. I rented an apartment in an area unfamiliar to him, took a confusing route home (I knew he could follow), didn’t invite anyone over, and rarely showed up at home. I've been to places whose existence ex-husband I didn't suspect it. Andrey attacked my parents, called me on the phone (I couldn’t change the number). And I continued to “encrypt” myself, while tirelessly looking for a way to get rid of his persecution.

You can't leave, you can't stay...

My dear. My only one. You just don't understand how much I love you. You don’t understand that no one will love you more than me - no one can.

You are capricious, you resist. You're hurting me. But I'll wait.

After all, we lived so well together. We always had something to talk about and keep quiet about. Relax - together, do something - also together, go somewhere - together again. You were happy with our life. What happened?

Maybe you're tired? From me? Just tell me what I'm doing wrong and I'll fix it. Just don’t be silent, tell me - maybe I don’t know what’s eating you? But I won't guess if you don't tell me.

Or maybe you met someone? Yes? Is that what it's all about? Did he fool you?

But you understand that he will not love you the way I do. He won't want to do as much for you as I am willing to do.

Just do not go away. Come back home. It is impossible to live here without you. Please…

History without a future

Break up with a man anal vector really not easy. Not only because his ex-wife is often very sorry for him (such a man usually feels good and comfortable in their union, unlike her), but also because it is difficult for him to understand and accept the fact that his family is falling apart, his wife does not want stay with him under the same roof, and their relationship no longer has a future.

How can you break up? Why? All his wife’s arguments about boredom, lack of common interests, and sexual desire seem superficial and unimportant to him. After all, what is important for a person with an anal vector? Home, coziness, comfort. “We had such a good time together!” - says the analist, and by “good” he means “comfortable”, “convenient”, “calm”. Not understanding that it is “good” for a wife with a different set of vectors (most often with a skin vector from below, opposite to the anal one) - real mortal boredom, a useless waste of life and a synonym for despondency.

He asks his wife to tell him what’s going on, to explain what’s what... Yes, this is in his repertoire: they have a rigid, somewhat clumsy thinking, so they need to be flexible and put themselves in the shoes of someone else in order to understand what the problem is. extremely difficult. However, even after very detailed explanations, insight does not come if there is no understanding that the nature of his wife is completely different: she receives joy and pleasure from communicating with different people, frequent changes of environment, rapid movement around the city, but not from quiet evenings on the home sofa watching TV.

However, this is not the only problem. The representative of the anal vector is monogamous by nature: if he has already chosen a wife, then she should be his only one for life. In his understanding, his wife’s desire to leave is something frivolous, a whim, “temporary insanity” that will definitely pass. With time. We just have to wait. But he is very patient - and he really will wait...

Getting attached like bath sheet, a husband with an anal vector goes to “besiege” his capricious wife, confident that this will help. He gives her gifts, stubbornly waits at the entrance, calls, involves friends and relatives in the attack, not understanding the main thing: such relationships no longer have a future.

Having finally realized that the marriage is over, the representative of the anal vector for a very long time cannot come to terms with the fact that his wife cannot be returned, as well as family happiness with his “only one”. It appears in his soul, viscous and sticky, from which it will be very difficult for him to get out. Resentment consolidates his negative experience in his memory, grows to resentment towards the entire female race, and then a desire to take revenge appears as compensation for the “moral damage” caused.

How will he take revenge? It all depends on the level of development and fullness of his anal and other vectors. It could be just a threat, and one that he will definitely carry out.

This, of course, is the most negative scenario for the development of events. But, unfortunately, this is also the most common: offended, thirsty for revenge, our poor anal lover will not only not be able to build a new relationship, but also has every chance of getting bogged down in sexual and social frustrations.

I realized that if I don't do anything, he won't leave. Shouldn't I move to another city? This is too much.

I recently learned about a new psychology that allows you to find out everything about a person - his true desires and motives for his actions. This helps me communicate, understand myself and others, which means it will help in my difficult situation.

Having studied system-vector psychology, I came to the conclusion that there is a solution, albeit a very difficult one. I have long, serious conversations and exhortations ahead of me. I will take care of Andrei at the time of the breakup worse than his mother, in a confidential tone I will explain that I am to blame for him, that our paths cannot continue to go together, that he deserves a completely different person. I just need to make sure that he doesn’t blackmail or insult me ​​- otherwise I’ll have to run away from him without looking back.

Well, with God!

Love or nostalgia?

Something has changed in my relationship with Anya. I began to understand that she was still not my person. Nice, sweetie, but I really probably need someone else. I don't know, I'm not sure yet.

Anya stopped hiding from me and running around like a stupid girl. And I stopped being angry with her. We meet in a cafe, drink tea and talk. It turns out she can be a great friend. I like that Anya admitted her mistakes. But before, she kept pointing her finger at me, saying that it was all my fault. Still, this is unfair - after all, both are to blame.

She is still so dear and close, so sometimes I still want to return our family life. But as soon as Anya opened up and wanted to solve our problems as human beings, it became much easier for me. I don’t know what will happen next, but I calmed down. Perhaps this is no longer love, but just nostalgia...

The science of breaking up

The science of separation is a complicated thing, especially if the couple has a person with an anal vector. However, having knowledge of system-vector psychology, you can solve even the most complex problem. You just need a little patience and desire.

How to properly part with a representative of the anal vector? Don’t hide, don’t run, don’t destroy relationships in one fell swoop (unless, of course, you’re facing a sadist, a murderer, or someone close to that). This behavior will be for an anal man with a strong blow, which is very difficult for him to cope with alone. Having failed, he will plunge into severe conditions resentment and thirst for revenge, which can be directed specifically against you.

Remember that such an event in the life of a faithful, devoted, loving man with the anal vector it is always tragedy, shock, injustice and the feeling that he was not given enough. Neutralize this feeling with carefully selected intonations, words, meanings that spare his mental health (use his own key words: “sorry, forgive me, I’m guilty, I’m ashamed”). Communicate with him in a friendly manner, listen to his complaints, support him - but do not give up, be true to your intention to leave. Slowly but surely, he realizes that there has been a break. And this will not be as tragic for him as your abrupt departure that means nothing to him.

Breaking up with a man with an anal vector correctly is important not only for you, but also for him, for his future, which he can enter without resentment and disappointment, and with the knowledge of who is next to him, his life can be happier.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

What is "LIKE A BATH LEAF"? How to spell this word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

LIKE A BATH LEAF stick, stick Intrusively, annoyingly. This means that a person or group of persons (X) constantly and annoyingly makes requests, demands, nagging, mockery of another person, another group of people (Y), and also relentlessly pursues them and continuously tries to capture their attention. Mainly about men. Spoken with disapproval. unformed ? X stuck to Y like a bath leaf. unism. Usually with verbs owls. V. In the role of obst. The order of the component words is not fixed. - Well, Mitka stuck like a leaf. “Let’s go,” he says, “to the barracks, let’s go in and see how I’m living.” Well, I'm kidding you, I think we'll go in. A. Chakovsky, A Year of Life. - And there was one guy pestering me. Everyone called him Beaten. It stuck like a leaf - come on, he says, here’s the money, otherwise I’ll shoot you right here. He threatened with a pistol. A. Tamantsev, The Law of Meanness. I got involved in a private viewing of the final copy, saw you, was stunned and stuck like a bath leaf - introduce me and introduce you. So I’ll introduce you. D. Veresov, Flight of the Raven. At noon, the company orderly Karasev stops us: - Get up! Sleep through lunch! His voice is loud, loud. “Like a bath leaf has stuck,” Lykov mutters displeasedly. N. Pustyntsev, Through the lead blizzard. - Sweat, tell me, my dear, how you respected her! - What stuck like a bath leaf to one place? M. Alekseev, Cherry Whirlpool. Vlad took a breath. “Some kind of maniacs. They stuck like a bath leaf. And for good reason. They only surround criminals so tightly for whose heads a large reward is promised, or especially dangerous witnesses... But witnesses of what?” D. Cherkasov, Night over Serbia. Klava didn’t have to pay attention to him from the very beginning, but he stuck like a bath leaf. V. Chivilikhin, About Klava Ivanova. - What are you, Saint? - asked Vitaly, the youngest of the programmers. - Your eyes have brightened with anger! - Come on, what are you talking about? - Svyatoslav answered nervously, sitting down. - She got me. It stuck like a bath leaf. D. Kazakov, Become a man. The foreman again went to the commandant. - Comrade Colonel, this American stuck like a bath leaf, he says he has an important, urgent matter. - I have no time to bother with him! - answered the commandant. (Speech) cultural commentary: phraseology. goes back to the most ancient mythological form of awareness of the world - animistic, i.e. personifying the inanimate: the creation of an image is based on the analogy “plant - man”. The image is based on phraseols. also lie the most ancient archetypal oppositions “friend - foe”, “man - woman”. Phraseol component. bathhouse (from banya “a room where one washes and steams”) correlates with the architectural and house-building code of the culture, and the leaf component - with the plant one. Image of phraseology. is created by a construction of comparison based on the comparison of a leaf, which, coming off a bath broom, sticks tightly to a wet body, and an annoying, intrusive person. In the form of phraseologists. ideas about the traditions of the Russian bathhouse, rooted in ancient times, have reached us. The bathhouse in Rus' had a special meaning. The Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea (VI century) wrote that the bathhouse accompanied the ancient Slavs all their lives: here they were washed on their birthday, before the wedding and after death; Russian warriors, known for their bravery, always went to the bathhouse before a decisive battle. The cleansing ritual was available to everyone, young and old, regardless of class and other differences. The Russian bathhouse is, first of all, steam bath, an integral attribute and symbol of which is a birch or oak broom. By folk proverb, the broom in the bathhouse is master of everyone. In the chronicles of the X-XIII centuries. about the Russian bath it was also mentioned that in Ancient Rus' The defeated tribes even paid tribute with birch brooms. One of important stages bath ritual - whipping, beating the body with steamed brooms, after which leaves remain on it, which stick so tightly to the body that it is difficult and not immediately possible to get rid of them. Hence in the image of phraseols. the idea of ​​importunity and intrusiveness is formed. Image of phraseology. displays stereotyping about violation of behavioral etiquette: too persistent and unrelenting treatment, pestering someone. causes irritation and reluctance to deal and communicate with someone who pesters, and is also condemned and perceived as arrogant, impudent behavior. Image of phraseology. is also associated with the idea of ​​the intrusive behavior of a man, trying to achieve the favor of a woman he likes, bothering her with his incessant attention, as a result of which he becomes unpleasant, disgusting and unbearable for her. phraseol. in general, acts as a standard for an overly intrusive, annoying manner of behavior.

stick, stick

Intrusive, annoying.

What is meant is that person or group of persons ( X) constantly and annoyingly makes requests, demands, nagging, mockery of another person, another group of persons ( Y), and also relentlessly pursues them and constantly tries to capture their attention. Mainly about men. Spoken to disapproval. unformedX pestered Y-y like a bath leaf . unism. Usually with verbs owls V. In the role obst. Order of component words unfixed

Well, Mitka has arrived, like a bath leaf. “Let’s go,” he says, “to the barracks, let’s go in and see how I’m living.” Well, I'm kidding you, I think we'll go in. A. Chakovsky, Year of Life.- And there was one guy accosting me. Everyone called him Beaten. Stuck like a bath leaf“Come on,” he says, “here’s the money, otherwise I’ll shoot you right here.” He threatened with a pistol. A. Tamantsev, The Law of Meanness.

I got involved in a private viewing of the final copy, saw you, was stunned and pestered like a bath leaf- introduce me and introduce me. So I’ll introduce you. D. Veresov, Flight of the Raven.

At noon, the company orderly Karasev stops us: - Get up! Sleep through lunch! His voice is loud, loud. - Like a bath leaf stuck,” Lykov mutters displeasedly. N. Pustyntsev, Through the lead blizzard.

Sweat, tell me, my dear, how you respected her! - What stuck like a bath leaf to one place? M. Alekseev, Cherry Whirlpool.

Vlad took a breath. "Some kind of maniacs. Stuck, like a bath leaf. And for good reason. Only criminals who have been promised a large reward for their heads, or especially dangerous witnesses are so tightly surrounded... But witnesses of what?” D. Cherkasov, Night over Serbia.

Klava didn’t have to pay attention to him from the very beginning, but he stuck, like a bath leaf. V. Chivilikhin, About Klava Ivanova.

What are you, Saint? - asked Vitaly, the youngest of the programmers. - Your eyes have brightened with anger! - Come on, what are you talking about? - Svyatoslav answered nervously, sitting down. - She got me. Stuck like a bath leaf. D. Kazakov, Become a man.

The foreman again went to the commandant. - Comrade Colonel, this American has arrived exactly like a bath leaf, he says, he has an important, urgent matter. - I have no time to bother with him! - answered the commandant. ( Speech)

cultural commentary: phraseol. goes back to the most ancient mythological form of awareness of the world - animistic, i.e. personifying the inanimate: the creation of the image is based on the analogy “plant - person”. At the heart of the image phraseol. also lie the most ancient archetypal oppositions “friend - foe”, “man - woman”. Component phraseol. bath(from bathhouse“a room where they wash and steam”) correlates with the architectural and house-building code of culture, and the component sheet- with vegetable. Image phraseol. is created by a comparison construct based on comparison sheet, who, coming off the bath broom, sticks tightly to a wet body, and an annoying, intrusive person. In the image phraseol. ideas about the traditions of the Russian bathhouse, rooted in ancient times, have reached us. The bathhouse in Rus' had a special meaning. Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea (VI V.) wrote that the bathhouse accompanied the ancient Slavs all their lives: here they were washed on their birthday, before the wedding and after death; Russian warriors, known for their bravery, always went to the bathhouse before a decisive battle. The cleansing ritual was available to everyone, young and old, regardless of class and other differences. A Russian bath is, first of all, a steam bath, an integral attribute and symbol of which is a birch or oak broom. According to the popular proverb, broom in the bathhouse is master of everyone. In Chronicles X-XIII centuries It was also mentioned about the Russian bath that in Ancient Rus', defeated tribes even paid tribute with birch brooms. One of the important stages of the bath ritual is whipping, beating the body with steamed brooms, after which leaves remain on it, which stick so tightly to the body that it is difficult and not immediately possible to get rid of them. From here in the image phraseol. the idea of ​​importunity and intrusiveness is formed. Image phraseol. reflects a stereotypical idea of ​​a violation of behavioral etiquette: too persistent and unrelenting treatment, pestering someone. causes irritation and reluctance to deal and communicate with someone who pesters, and is also condemned and perceived as arrogant, impudent behavior. Image phraseol. is also associated with the idea of ​​the intrusive behavior of a man, trying to achieve the favor of a woman he likes, bothering her with his incessant attention, as a result of which he becomes unpleasant, disgusting and unbearable for her. phraseol. in general, acts as a standard for an overly intrusive, annoying manner of behavior. I. V. Zykova
  • - persistent Wed. Well, really, I would take it! I beg you by God! - the wife repeated... - “That’s how the bath leaf stuck... well, where will I take it?” Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. Owner and worker...

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  • - stick, stick Intrusively, annoyingly...

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  • - LIKE A BATH LEAF stuck. Razg. Disapproved Intrusive, annoying. - Well, really, I would take it. I beg you by God! - the wife repeated, wrapping the scarf on the other side. - That’s how the bath leaf stuck... Well, where can I get it...
  • - Disapproval of an annoying, annoying person...

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  • - ...

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  • - Sticks like a leaf. Wed. Well, really, I would take it! I beg you by God! repeated the wife... “That’s how the bath leaf stuck... well, where can I take it?” Gr. L. N. Tolstoy. The owner and the worker...

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  • - ...

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"LIKE A BATH LEAF" in books

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Bath day The authorities were nervous: some were already near Berlin, but here they were stuck, stuck in the Baltic states, so they could miss out on their fortune. Nothing has changed in the division over these few days, except that day after day the sound of “Language!” was becoming more and more harsh. "Language!" "Language!" Shakhmatov

Bath floor

From the book Bathhouse, sauna [We build with our own hands] author Nikitko Ivan

Bath floor Sometimes it’s surprising how dirty water remains after we take a bath, although we do it regularly. A strange gray-white coating remains on the walls, which you don’t even want to think about, that half an hour ago it was on our skin. Something like this settles and

Bathhouse idiocy

From the book Encyclopedia of Russian Life. My chronicle: 1999-2007 author Moskvina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Bathroom idiocy In Orthodox speeches that America is our enemy, the Taliban bell can be heard Kabul has been liberated - and the whole nightmare of Afghan life in the era of the Taliban has appeared to a surprised world. Of course, it’s not so easy to surprise us Russians, but the Taliban managed to do it. We


From the book Traveling with House Plants author Verzilin Nikolay Mikhailovich

BATH DAY Plants also need hygiene. When plant leaves are covered with a layer of dust and even cobwebs, they cannot grow well. Plants need to be washed. To do this, heat the water, prepare green (liquid) or plain soap, a sponge or soft cloth, a soft brush

From the author's book

4.7. Having pasted one sheet, the forger prepared a place for the second, which was soon “luckily found” Chronological sheet of the Radzivilov Chronicle A curious note was glued to one of the tattered corners of the “Norman” sheet of the Radzivilov Chronicle. It is written

4.7. Having pasted one sheet, the forger prepared a place for the second, which was soon “luckily found” Chronological sheet of the Radzivilov list

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4.7. Having pasted one sheet, the forger prepared a place for the second, which was soon “luckily found” Chronological sheet of the Radzivilovsky list A curious note is glued to one of the tattered corners of the “Norman” sheet of the Radzivilov Chronicle. It is written like

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Banny Bridge The bridge is located opposite Dekabristov Street. The length of the bridge is 35 m, width - 15 m. The bridge received its name from the bathhouse building located on Matisov Island. Since 1821, there was a wooden bridge. The modern bridge is single-span, cantilever, made of pre-fabricated

Bath bread

From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic culture, writing and mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

Bath bread The original bread in the wedding ceremony, which is baked by the mother of the bride (known in Russia). The bread is sprinkled with salt, the mother blesses the newlyweds with it for the crown. Then the bread, along with fried chicken, other food and two cutlery, is sewn into the tablecloth and given to

Bath dictionary

From the book Construction of baths and saunas author Shukhman Yuri Ilyich

Bath dictionary The storage capacity of a stove is the ability of a stove to absorb and accumulate heat during combustion and release it afterwards into the surrounding space. Beam - a solid or composite rod used to cover rooms. Baluster - figured columns,

Bath massage

From the book Cleansing the Body. The most effective methods author Malakhov Gennady Petrovich

Bath massage After any warm, and especially bath procedures, the body becomes soft and pliable. In this regard, it is good to knead it with various massage movements. Using massages, you further increase the usefulness of the procedure, work on deep-lying tissues,

Bath King

From the book Generous Heat. Essays on the Russian bathhouse and its close and distant relatives (4th edition) author

Bathhouse King Boris Bedny faithfully described the ritual of our bathhouse in the story “The Owner.” The old turner Semyon Grigorievich is going to the bathhouse. My wife is skeptical about this. “And you want to go to the bathhouse every weekend?” - Ekaterina Zakharovna protested. - Eat,

Bath King

From the book Generous Heat. Essays on the Russian bathhouse and its close and distant relatives (2nd edition) author Galitsky Alexey Vasilievich

The bathhouse king succinctly and extremely reliably described the ritual of our bathhouse Boris Bedny in the story “The Owner.” The old turner Semyon Grigorievich is going to the bathhouse. My wife is skeptical about this. “And you want to go to the bathhouse every weekend?” - Ekaterina protested


From the book Throwing Out Old Shoes! [Giving life a new direction] by Betts Robert

OLD SHOES: “BATH LEAF” OF THE PAST Many people perceive their past as a heavy burden without realizing it. They regret and grieve, they complain or rage, they feel sorry for themselves and hate what they have experienced. It doesn't matter how difficult your childhood was,

4. And all the heavenly host will decay; and the heavens will be rolled up like a book scroll; and all their army shall fall as a leaf falls from the vine, and as a withered leaf from the fig tree.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

4. And all the heavenly host will decay; and the heavens will be rolled up like a book scroll; and all their army shall fall as a leaf falls from the vine, and as withered leaf- from a fig tree. The heavenly host of the yoke of the star will decay as paper or matter smolderes from the heat of fire. The heavens will curl up. Sky

Bath leaf

From the book Kama Sutra in French. Only for women by Gato Michel

Bath leaf It is easy to recognize. He always goes through a period between one unsuccessful love and another. He cannot live alone, but he never manages to get along with anyone. He has more of a “feminine” sensitivity. He is great as a confidant. He is easy to seduce.