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Durable and lightweight materials. The lightest materials. Neutron stars - superdense objects of space

Durable materials have a wide range of uses.

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There is not only the hardest metal, but also the hardest and strongest wood, as well as the strongest man-made materials.

Where are the most durable materials used?

Heavy-duty materials are used in many areas of life. So, chemists in Ireland and America have developed a technology by which durable textile fibers are produced.

The thread of this material is fifty micrometers in diameter. It is created from tens of millions of nanotubes, which are bonded together with the help of a polymer.

Particularly durable textile materials are in demand

The tensile strength of this electrically conductive fiber is three times higher than the strength of the web of the orb-weaving spider. The resulting material is used to make ultra-light body armor and sports equipment.

The name of another durable material is ONNEX, created by order of the US Department of Defense. In addition to its use in the production of bulletproof vests, new material can also be used in flight control systems, sensors, engines.

Special nano-tubes make materials particularly durable

There is a technology developed by scientists, thanks to which durable, hard, transparent and light materials are obtained by converting aerogels.

Based on them, it is possible to produce lightweight body armor, armor for tanks and durable Construction Materials. Novosibirsk scientists have invented a plasma reactor of a new principle, thanks to which it is possible to produce nanotubulene - heavy-duty artificial material.

This material was discovered twenty years ago. It is a mass of elastic consistency. It consists of plexuses that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The thickness of the walls of these plexuses is one atom.

Russian scientists have invented a super-reliable nanotubule material

The fact that the atoms are sort of nested into each other according to the “Russian nesting doll” principle makes nanotubule the most durable material known.

When this material is added to concrete, metal, plastic, their strength and electrical conductivity are significantly enhanced. Nanotubulene will help make cars and planes more durable. If the new material comes into wide production, then roads, houses, and equipment can become very durable.

It will be very difficult to destroy them. Nanotubulene has not yet been introduced into widespread production due to the very high cost. However, Novosibirsk scientists managed to significantly reduce the cost of this material. Now nanotubulene can be produced not in kilograms, but in tons.

Nanotubulene has not yet found wide application

The hardest metal

Among all known metals, chromium is the hardest, but its hardness depends largely on its purity. Its properties are corrosion resistance, heat resistance and refractoriness. Chrome is a whitish-blue metal. Its Brinell hardness is 70-90 kgf/cm2.

The melting point of the solid metal- one thousand nine hundred and seven degrees Celsius at a density of seven thousand two hundred kg / m3.

This metal is in earth's crust at a rate of 0.02 percent, which is a lot. It is usually found as chromium ironstone. Chromium is mined from silicate rocks.

Chromium is considered the most durable metal

This metal is used in industry, smelting chromium steel, nichrome and so on. It is used for anti-corrosion and decorative coatings. Chromium is very rich in stone meteorites falling to Earth.

The most durable tree

There is wood that is stronger than cast iron and can be compared with the strength of iron. We are talking about "Schmidt's Birch". It is also called the Iron Birch. Man knows no more durable wood than this. It was opened by a Russian botanist named Schmidt, while in the Far East.

Schmidt birch - the most durable tree Wood exceeds cast iron in strength by one and a half times, bending strength is approximately equal to the strength of iron.

Due to such properties, iron birch could well sometimes replace metal, because this wood is not subject to corrosion and decay. The ship's hull, made of Iron birch, can not even be painted, the ship will not be destroyed by corrosion, the action of acids is also not afraid of it.

Schmidt birch is stronger than iron

Schmidt's birch cannot be pierced by a bullet, you cannot cut it down with an ax. Of all the birches on our planet, it is the Iron Birch that is long-lived - it lives for four hundred years.

Its place of growth is the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve. This is a rare protected species, which is listed in the Red Book. If not for such a rarity, the heavy-duty wood of this tree could be used everywhere.

But the most tall trees in the world, sequoias are not a very durable material. But, according to uznayvse.ru, they can grow up to 150 meters in height.

Most durable material in the Universe

The most durable and at the same time lightweight material our universe is graphene. This is a carbon plate, which is only one atom thick, but it is stronger than diamond, and the electrical conductivity is a hundred times higher than the silicon of computer chips.

And it was the lightest material, known as "frozen smoke", for more than 80 years.

Last year it was replaced by another material called airbrush. It is a synthetic foam that consists of tubular carbon fibers. Its density reaches 0.18 mg / cm 3. . But this material did not hold the palm for long.

Recently, another material has been created, which is called graphene airgel.

It was created by a group of scientists from Zhejiang University. Its density is lower than the density of gaseous helium and slightly higher than the density hydrogen gas. Its density is 0.16 mg/cm3. Graphene was used to create it. The scientists used the freeze-drying method. As a result, a porous carbon sponge was created that completely repeats the given shape. The resulting graphene airgel is not only the lightest material, but also extremely strong and resilient. It is able to absorb organic materials. For example, in one second it absorbs 68.8 g of oil, which will allow it to be used to clean up oil spills from the oceans.

“It is quite possible that one day when there is an oil spill, we will be able to use this material to quickly absorb it. Due to its elasticity… airgel can be recycled.”

In addition, it can be used in energy storage systems, as well as a catalyst for a number of chemical reactions.

To demonstrate how light the material is, the scientists placed it on the petals of a cherry blossom.

The lightest and most durable materials are called the future of construction. These materials will help create more energy efficient and environmentally friendly facilities in all areas of people's lives - from medical technology to transport.

Among the many innovative materials, which not so long ago seemed just a fantasy, especially advanced and promising are:

3D graphene

Made from pure carbon, this ultra-thin graphene is considered one of the strongest materials on Earth. But recently, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were able to turn two-dimensional graphene into a three-dimensional structure. They created a new material with a spongy structure. The density of 3D graphene is only 5 percent of the density of steel, but thanks to its special structure, it is 10 times stronger than steel.

According to the creators, 3D graphene has great application potential in many areas.

As for its technology of creation, it can be applied to other materials, from polymers to structural concrete. This will allow not only to produce structures that are stronger and lighter, but also having increased insulating properties. In addition, porous structures can be used in water filtration systems or chemical plant waste.


Last spring, a group of Austrian researchers successfully synthesized Carbyne, a form of carbon that is the strongest known material and even surpasses graphene.

Carbyne consists of a one-dimensional chain of carbon atoms that is reactive, making it very difficult to synthesize. The inflexible material is believed to be twice as strong as carbon nanotubes. Carbin can be used in nanomechanics, nano- and microelectronics.


Created from a network of porous carbon tubes, airbrush is a synthetic foam. It is one of the lightest structural materials ever created. Aerographite was developed by researchers from the University of Kiel and Technical University Hamburg. Aerographite can be made in various forms, its density is only 180 g/m 3 , which is 75 times lighter than expanded polystyrene. This material can be used in lithium-ion battery electrodes to reduce their weight.


Also known as graphene airgel, it is a lightweight material with a density of only 0.16 mg/cm3, which is 7.5 times less than air. In addition, it is a very elastic material, and it is able to absorb up to 900 times more oils and water than it weighs. This property of airbrush is very important: it will be able to absorb oil spills in the oceans.

It has similar properties, which is already being tested by researchers from Argonne.

Durable materials have a wide range of uses. There is not only the hardest metal, but also the hardest and strongest wood, as well as the strongest man-made materials.

Where are the most durable materials used?

Heavy-duty materials are used in many areas of life. So, chemists in Ireland and America have developed a technology by which durable textile fibers are produced. The thread of this material is fifty micrometers in diameter. It is created from tens of millions of nanotubes, which are bonded together with the help of a polymer.

The tensile strength of this electrically conductive fiber is three times higher than the strength of the web of the orb-weaving spider. The resulting material is used to make ultra-light body armor and sports equipment. The name of another durable material is ONNEX, created by order of the US Department of Defense. In addition to its use in the production of bulletproof vests, the new material can also be used in flight control systems, sensors, and engines.

There is a technology developed by scientists, thanks to which durable, hard, transparent and light materials are obtained by converting aerogels. On their basis, it is possible to produce lightweight body armor, armor for tanks and durable building materials.

Novosibirsk scientists have invented a plasma reactor of a new principle, thanks to which it is possible to produce nanotubulene, a heavy-duty artificial material. This material was discovered twenty years ago. It is a mass of elastic consistency. It consists of plexuses that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The thickness of the walls of these plexuses is one atom.

The fact that the atoms are sort of nested into each other according to the “Russian nesting doll” principle makes nanotubule the most durable material known. When this material is added to concrete, metal, plastic, their strength and electrical conductivity are significantly enhanced. Nanotubulene will help make cars and planes more durable. If the new material comes into wide production, then roads, houses, and equipment can become very durable. It will be very difficult to destroy them. Nanotubulene has not yet been introduced into widespread production due to the very high cost. However, Novosibirsk scientists managed to significantly reduce the cost of this material. Now nanotubulene can be produced not in kilograms, but in tons.

The hardest metal

Among all known metals, chromium is the hardest, but its hardness depends largely on its purity. Its properties are corrosion resistance, heat resistance and refractoriness. Chrome is a whitish-blue metal. Its Brinell hardness is 70-90 kgf/cm2. The melting point of the hardest metal is one thousand nine hundred and seven degrees Celsius at a density of seven thousand two hundred kg / m3. This metal is found in the earth's crust in the amount of 0.02 percent, which is quite a lot. It is usually found as chromium ironstone. Chromium is mined from silicate rocks.

This metal is used in industry, smelting chromium steel, nichrome and so on. It is used for anti-corrosion and decorative coatings. Chromium is very rich in stone meteorites falling to Earth.

The most durable tree

There is wood that is stronger than cast iron and can be compared with the strength of iron. We are talking about "Schmidt's Birch". It is also called the Iron Birch. Man does not know a more durable tree than this. It was opened by a Russian botanist named Schmidt, while in the Far East.

Wood exceeds the strength of cast iron by one and a half times, the bending strength is approximately equal to the strength of iron. Due to such properties, iron birch could well sometimes replace metal, because this wood is not subject to corrosion and decay. The ship's hull, made of Iron birch, can not even be painted, the ship will not be destroyed by corrosion, the action of acids is also not afraid of it.

Schmidt's birch cannot be pierced by a bullet, you cannot cut it down with an ax. Of all the birches on our planet, it is the Iron Birch that is long-lived - it lives for four hundred years. Its place of growth is the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve. This is a rare protected species, which is listed in the Red Book. If not for such a rarity, the heavy-duty wood of this tree could be used everywhere.

But the tallest trees in the world, sequoias, are not very durable material.

The strongest material in the universe

Graphene is the strongest and at the same time lightest material in our universe. This is a carbon plate, which is only one atom thick, but it is stronger than diamond, and the electrical conductivity is a hundred times higher than the silicon of computer chips.

Soon graphene will leave scientific laboratories. All the scientists of the world talk today about its unique properties. So, a few grams of material will be enough to cover an entire football field. Graphene is very flexible, it can be folded, bent, rolled up.

Possible areas of its use - solar panels, cell phones, touch screens, super-fast computer chips.
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If you follow the latest in the world of modern technology, then this material will not be big news for you. However, to consider in more detail the most lightweight material in the world and it is useful to know some more details.

Less than a year ago, the title of the lightest material in the world was given to a material called airbrush. But this material did not manage to hold the palm for a long time, it was intercepted not so long ago by another carbon material called graphene airgel. Created by a research team in the laboratory of the Division of Polymer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University, led by Professor Gao Chao, the ultralight graphene airgel has a density slightly lower than that of helium gas and slightly higher than that of hydrogen gas.

Aerogels, as a class of materials, were developed and produced in 1931 by engineer and chemist Samuel Stephens Kistler. Since then, scientists from various organizations have been researching and developing such materials, despite their dubious value for practical use. Airgel consisting of multilayer carbon nanotubes, called "frozen smoke" and having a density of 4 mg / cm3, lost the title of the most light material in 2011, which moved to a metal microlattice material having a density of 0.9 mg/cm3. And a year later, the title of the lightest material passed to a carbon material called aerographite, whose density is 0.18 mg / cm3.

The new holder of the title of the lightest material, graphene airgel, created by the team of Professor Chao, has a density of 0.16 mg/cm3. In order to create such a light material, scientists used one of the most amazing and thin materials today is graphene. Using their experience in creating microscopic materials such as "one-dimensional" graphene fibers and two-dimensional graphene ribbons, the team decided to add another dimension to the two dimensions of graphene and create a bulk porous graphene material.

Instead of the molding method, which uses a solvent material and which is usually used to produce various aerogels, Chinese scientists have used the freeze-drying method. Freeze drying of a cooloid solution consisting of liquid filler and graphene particles, made it possible to create a porous carbon sponge, the shape of which almost completely repeated the given shape.

“There is no need to use templates. The size and shape of the carbon ultralight material we create depends only on the shape and dimensions of the container,” says Professor Chao, “The amount of airgel produced depends only on the size of the container, which can have a volume measured in thousands of cubic centimeters.”

The resulting graphene airgel is an extremely strong and resilient material. It can absorb organic materials, including oil, by weight exceeding 900 times its own weight with high speed absorption. One gram of airgel absorbs 68.8 grams of oil in just one second, making it an attractive material to use as an absorber for oil spilled in the ocean.

In addition to serving as an oil scavenger, graphene airgel has the potential to be used in energy storage systems, as a catalyst for some chemical reactions, and as a filler for complex composite materials.