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Biology project 6. Research project biology project (grade 6) on the topic. This project will help you quickly and objectively assess the knowledge of your students

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school №117


The influence of root growth stimulants on root formation in cuttings of indoor plants

Research project

Direction: biology.

Slipenky Dasha

Head of work: Chernikova Evgenia Petrovna,

Biology teacher


  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….3
  2. Phytohormones…………………………………………………………….4
  3. Research work……………………………………………………………6
  4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………7
  5. Sources of information……………………………………………………………...8


Object of study: phytohormones

Objective of the project : To study the effect of root growth stimulants on root formation in cuttings of indoor plants.

Find out which root growth stimulator is most effective.

Project objectives:

1. Study what phytohormones are.

2. Check the effect of phytohormones on the formation of roots in cuttings of indoor plants.

Leading activities:

Search engine


Subject area:


Form of project activity products:


Experiment results.

Equipment: phytohormone preparations, houseplant glassware, camera,computer, projector, scientific literature, Internet resources.

Problem: Some indoor plants can only be propagated vegetative way- cuttings. However, the rate of root formation in cuttings can be very slow and not all cuttings have time to take root. It is necessary to find out what methods can increase the percentage of rooting of indoor plant cuttings

Hypothesis: Plants will take root better if you use phytohormones.

Research methodology:

  1. Study the scientific literature on phytohormones.
  2. Select phytohormone preparations for indoor plants.
  3. Process the cuttings indoor plant phytohormones and conduct observations.
  4. Record the results of the observation.
  5. Draw a conclusion based on the observation results.


For multicellular organisms characterized by a type of regulation that is associated with the interaction between individual cells, tissues or even organs. To carry out such coordination, hormones are produced in the body. Plant hormones are called phytohormones. Phytohormones - these are substances produced in the process of natural metabolism and exerting a regulatory effect in minute quantities, coordinating physiological processes. In this regard, the term natural growth regulators is often applied to them. In most cases, but not always, phytohormones are formed in some cells and organs and affect others. In other words, hormones are capable of moving throughout the plant and their influence is remote. Majority physiological processes, primarily the growth, morphogenesis and development of plants, is regulated by hormones. Hormones play a leading role in the adaptation of plants to environmental conditions. The following five groups of phytohormones are known: auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins.

Auxins - These are substances of indole nature. The main phytohormone of the auxin type is b -indolylacetic acid (IAA). The discovery of auxins is associated with the research of Charles Darwin (1860). This substance is produced in one part of the plant, and in another it causes a physiological effect; it has been classified as plant growth hormones - phytohormones. Research conducted by academician N.G. Cold, showed that growth various types plants, as well as various organs of the same plant, are regulated by the same hormone - auxin.

The most striking manifestation of the physiological effect of auxin is its effect on cell growth in the elongation phase. Under the influence of auxins, the direction of cell differentiation can change. According to Torrey, auxin causes xylem differentiation and induces root formation. IN Lately these data have been confirmed.

The discovery of plant hormones gibberellins is associated with the study of rice disease. In southeastern countries, particularly in Japan, rice bakane disease, or bad shoot disease, is common. Plants affected by this disease have elongated, pale shoots. Japanese scientists have shown that this disease is caused by the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi. From the secretions of this fungus it was obtained crystalline substance - gibberellin . Later it turned out that gibberellins are substances widespread among plants, possessing high physiological activity and, like auxins, are natural phytohormones.

Gibberellins noticeably increase stem elongation in many normal plants. Thus, the height of the stem of many plants under the influence of spraying with gibberellin increases by about 30-50%.

Discovery of cytokinins associated with extensive research on the cultivation of callus formed from isolated tobacco stem core tissue on a nutrient medium (F. Skut and K. Miller). In 1955, relatives were found chemical compounds regulating the process of cell division - cytokinins.

The very first synthetic phytohormone, which was obtained in laboratory conditions - “ Heteroauxin" or indolylacetic acid.

It is good to use for rooting cuttings, for quickly restoring the root system of seedlings after transplanting them into the ground. Has the same properties"Kornevin" (indolylbutyric acid), but its effect on plants is milder and longer lasting. Epin-extra (epibrassinolide) – a universal anti-stress adaptogen. Effectively protects against frost. Helps restore damaged plants.


The study was carried out using the most common phytohormone preparations Epin, Heteroauxin, Kornevin.

The object of influence is the indoor plant Waller's Impatiens, which is characterized by the presence of a herbaceous stem and rapid root formation.

Progress of the study:

  1. We prepared solutions of phytohormone preparations, following the attached instructions.
  2. We prepared balsam cuttings by taking them from one plant.
  3. Three cuttings were treated with different phytohormones, and one was placed in a glass with clean water, as a control sample.
  4. We observed the cuttings for a month
  5. The results were recorded.

results research work


Cuttings treated with Epin

Cuttings treated with Heteroauxin

Cuttings processed by Kornevin

Cutting placed in clean water

4 day

no roots

no roots

no roots

One root appeared

Day 7

no roots

no roots

Several roots appeared at the same time

A few more roots have appeared

Day 14

no roots

no roots

The roots have lengthened

The roots have lengthened

21 day

no roots

no roots

Many lateral roots appeared

A small number of lateral roots appeared

Day 28

There are no roots, the stem is rotten

There are no roots, the leaves have withered

Well developed root system

Poorly developed root system.


  1. Phytohormones affect plants in different ways; some inhibit plant growth, while others stimulate it.
  2. For plants with herbaceous stems, it is better to use the drug Kornevin, since under the influence of this phytohormone a well-developed root system is formed.


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Slide captions:

Biology research project. Topic: “Conditions for seed germination.” Performed by 6th grade students of the Nesterov secondary school: Anastasia Stepanova, Elizaveta Illarionova, Svetlana Andreeva, Nikolay Kobylkin, Muslim Ibragimov, Ilesbek Zakirov, Ruslan Ratkin. Head: biology teacher R. E. Belova. Presentation was made by A. Stepanova.

Target. Find out what conditions are necessary for seed germination.

Hypotheses. For seed germination you need: 1. Light. 2. Water. 3. Air. 4. Soil. 5. Warmth.

Group No. 1: Nikolay Kobylkin, Muslim Ibragimov. The factors water and soil were studied. Pour 10 wheat seeds into 3 glasses. In 1 we added soil, in 2 a little water, in 3 we left the seeds dry.

Group No. 2. Elizaveta Illarionova, Anastasia Stepanova. They studied the light factor. Pour 10 wheat seeds into 2 glasses and moisten with water. One glass was placed on the window, and the other in the closet.

Group No. 3: Svetlana Andreeva, Ilesbek Zakirov. The factors air and heat were studied. Pour 10 wheat seeds into 4 glasses. 1. Air. In one glass, the seeds were moistened with water, the other glass with seeds was filled with water to the brim.

2. Warmth. In both glasses, the seeds were moistened with water. One glass was placed in a warm place, and the other outside.

A week later we checked the result.

Group No. 1. 1.The seeds have sprouted in both glasses. 2. The seeds sprouted in a glass with water, but not in a glass without water.

Group No. 2. The seeds sprouted both in the dark and in the light.

Group No. 3. The seeds sprouted in a glass with some water. The seeds sprouted in a glass that was in a warm room.

Conclusion. For seed germination you need: water, air and heat.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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6th grade

5th grade

Medicinal plants in human life.
Poisonous plants with benefits for humans.
Onions are our green friend
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Moss for the forest and people.
Is there a lot of iron in ironwood?
Is it possible to hug Sequoia?
My guinea pig
General characteristics of plants
Living myths (images of animals).
Features of insectivorous plants.
Features of keeping the giant Achatina snail (Achatina fulica).
Palm oil: harm or benefit?
Ferns on a room window.
The fruits are exotic.
Through the pages of the Red Book. Animals.
Useful properties of interior plants
Receipt fermented milk products in the apartment.
Dog breed "Siberian Huskies"
Why is the Amur Goral disappearing?
Why are there legends about ferns?
Why when long-term storage Does even pasteurized milk turn sour?
Plant adaptations to pollination
Adaptation of steppe plants to arid living conditions.
Birds straight from the pages of fairy tales

Is ironwood stronger than iron?
Plants are asphalt crackers.
Plants are symbols of different countries
Plants in legends and traditions
Plants from the Red Data Book of our area.
Do strawberries grow on the Strawberry Tree?
Do melons grow on the Melon Tree?
Do tulips grow on the Tulip Tree?
Rare indoor plants in the interior of our school.
How much space does a Banyan tree need?
Modern understanding of the role of animal images in heraldry.
Modern understanding of the role of plant images in heraldry.
Andromeda constellation
Edible algae.
Is this juice “Good” so kind?
The silkworm is a butterfly with a secret.
Habitat conditions of the rhinoceros beetle
Breadfruit - a fairy tale or reality?
Healing properties of indoor plants.
Pure water
Cap mushrooms.

7th grade

A variety of species of spore plants used in landscaping premises and gardens.
The diversity of gymnosperms and their significance.
Mosaic Vision
Soft paws, and scratches in the paws.
Watching a domestic cat
Insects are carriers of human diseases. Disease vector control.
Insects - orderlies of gardens and vegetable gardens
Record-breaking insects.
Insects with complete metamorphosis
Are protozoa really that simple?
Social insects. Bees and ants.
Domesticated insects
Be careful - ticks!
The pillow and its effect on sleep
Why are amphibians called amphibians?
Coastal aquatic plants of the reservoir of our village.
Primates are our smaller brothers
Natural thermolocators.
Protozoa or Invasion into the secrets of the invisible.
Fast lizard
Birds are record holders.
Bird talk

Bees and ants are social insects.
Development of animals with and without transformation.
Diversity of ancient reptiles. Reasons for their extinction.
Record breaking flyers
Pisces and amazing care for offspring.
Deadly flowers
Dogs. Character of dachshunds.
Spiral in nature
Daily activity of aquarium inhabitants.
Such different care for offspring among birds
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Electricity in living organisms.

Topics for project activities 6th grade

1. Winter forcing of common lilac (practical focus)

2.Study vegetative propagation using the example of a decorative indoor plant - Saintpaulia (Uzambara violet, practical orientation)

3.Study species diversity ornamental plants our school, conditions of detention and care (practical orientation).

4. Study of algae in aquarium conditions (practical focus)

5. Study of representatives of the kingdom Fungi using the example of the mold fungus mukor.

6. Study of the diversity of plant adaptations to the distribution of fruits and seeds (practical focus).

7. Role research medicinal plants In human life.

8. Indoor plants as a factor in improving the microclimate of indoor spaces (practical focus).

9. Observation of the growth and development of beans (practical orientation).

10. Observations on qualitative and quantitative changes during the growth and development of plants from grains (wheat, rye)

11.Features of lifestyle and behavior decorative rat at home.

12Lichens are indicators of the state of the environment.

13.Methods of propagation of indoor plants (practical focus)

14. Poisonous mushrooms of our region.

15. Poisonous plants in our region.

Sequence of actions when performing project work in biology for 6th grade students.

Stage name

Your actions

lead time



Determine the relevance of the topic

Beginning of work

Write everything in text in Microsoft OfficeWord

2. Purpose of the work. Tasks. Novelty.

The goal is always the same. There can be several tasks (no more than three or four).

Beginning of work

3.Chapter No. 1

Scientific substantiation of the problem. Analytical review of the literature.

Find literature on this topic. Decide on the main points.

Find the required pages of text. Choose.

Know which page you are taking this material from, because you will indicate the page number from the found source in the bibliography.

4.Chapter No. 2.

Results of the topic study

a) Working methods

b) Practical study of the problem and results

c) Analysis of the results obtained

d) Conclusions

a) methods can be different: bibliographic - study of literature;

setting up an experiment;

sociological opinion poll.

B) in practical terms, these are observations, descriptions, experiments, modeling. Whatever suits your topic.

c) The analysis is done based on the assigned tasks. As many tasks as there are so many analysis data.

D) In ​​your conclusions, write about the achievement of your goals and objectives when studying this topic.

All results must be carefully displayed and analyzed in January-February. Conclusions must be drawn based on the number of tasks assigned.

tions on this topic.

All aspects related to setting up experiments and writing the work and performing the presentation itself are on the day of the consultation. Schedule of consultations on the stand in the classroom.

Especially!!! Global tasks don't put it. Take the solvable ones!

Samples of the work will be shown at the consultation.

The expected day for consultations is Saturday. We will consult in groups.