home · Other · Research project "miracle cucumber". Research work on the topic: “Growing different hybrids of cucumbers on the windowsill Research work of schoolchildren growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Research project "miracle cucumber". Research work on the topic: “Growing different hybrids of cucumbers on the windowsill Research work of schoolchildren growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

MBOU "Tuzukleyskaya OOSH"

Astrakhan region, Kamyzyaksky district



Completed by: student of grade 2 “B”

Perova Dasha

Head: Kaverina Irina Sergeevna

With. Tuzukley-2015

1. Introduction

2. Goal, objectives, work hypothesis.

3. Research.

4. Research results.

5. Conclusions.


“Without windows, without doors, the room is full of people.” Well, of course - cucumber. And just as the word “lemon” fills your mouth with saliva, so when you mention a cucumber, a green, pimply, firm thing appears in your mind’s eye, and you remember the appetizing crunch and the fresh, incomparable spring-summer smell. They love it for this, and are ready to grow it, overcoming difficulties, even beyond the Arctic Circle, and come up with all sorts of tricks to preserve it for as long as possible.

Among the owners of land plots (large and small) it is almost impossible to find a person who is not interested in this culture. Even those who use their land just for relaxation (lawn, flower garden, barbecue and other pleasures), as a rule, a couple of beds are added to this list - for greens and cucumbers.

In some regions, cucumber can be called a “city-forming crop” - the entire way of life revolves around it. Suzdal in the Vladimir region, Lukhovitsy in the Moscow region, Istobensk on the banks of the Vyatka River, Nezhin in Ukraine or Znoino in the Czech Republic - each of these small cities claims to be the “Cucumber Capital of the World”. Their residents know a thousand and one secrets of a successful harvest. It cannot be any other way, because their well-being largely depends on this.

To confirm the importance of this crop, even monuments are erected to the cucumber. The Vyatichi were the first in such an undertaking - in 2003, in small Istobensk, they “grew” a 6-meter bronze cucumber. Next came a granite cellar, a barrel and a cucumber in Nizhyn. The Belarusians also decided to keep up - in 2007, a miraculous “cucumber” appeared in Shklov in a jacket with pockets. The general opinion is expressed by the inscription on a bronze barrel with a meter-long cucumber in Lukhovitsy: “To the cucumber-breadwinner from grateful Lukhovichi residents.”

And how many fans this “green gentleman” has! Well, it would be delicious, there are minimal calories, it interferes with the absorption of fats, it removes excess water from the body, and it’s also a treasure for the skin.

In our country, we have always loved cucumbers with a lumpy surface; they are considered “real” cucumbers. Europeans, on the contrary, prefer smooth fruits, and those with “pimples” are called cucumbers in a “Russian shirt”.

July 27 is International Cucumber Day; it was on this day that the Cucumber Festival was organized for the first time in Suzdal.

Cucumber records are even listed in the Guinness Book. Thus, the longest cucumber - 1 meter 83 cm - was grown in Hungary and belongs to the Chinese variety of cucumbers. It was possible to grow a cucumber weighing more than 6 kg indoors.

Purpose of the study - Determine whether it is possible to get a harvest of cucumbers on the windowsill in winter period?

Research objectives:

Watch the growth of cucumbers;

Draw a conclusion on the work done.


In winter, our body really lacks vitamins. Vegetables and fruits in the store are expensive. Therefore, we had a question: is it possible to grow cucumbers at home on a windowsill?

The work was carried out in January-April 2015. Observations were carried out during a combination of daytime and artificial lighting and air temperature 25 – 30° C. Watering was done every 2–3 days, and the soil was loosened once a week.

Research results

On January 27, we took 5 seeds of the “Bush” cucumber variety and put them in a wet cotton cloth, wrapping it in a plastic bag (to retain moisture).

On February 6, sprouts of 2 cucumbers appeared, on the 9th, two more plants appeared, and on February 11, the last sprout sprouted. These were two smooth, oblong leaves with white veins.

On February 17, a real leaf appeared on three sprouts, on the 18th on the fourth sprout, and only on February 24 on the last, fifth sprout. They are heart-shaped and have a rough surface.

The three plants developed well, new leaves, tendrils and inflorescence ovaries appeared. On March 14, the first flower appeared.

The cucumbers were watered, the soil was loosened, and the weeds were removed.

On March 20, we transplanted the two strongest plants that had ovaries into pots, one in each. On April 1st we picked the first 6 cucumbers.

Unfortunately, our plants gradually began to wither due to lack of nutrients in the soil.

Conclusion: Our research once again proves that it is possible to get a harvest of cucumbers on the windowsill, but for this, you need to know well how light, heat, water, and soil affect their development.


    Popular articles from the Internet.

    B. A. Bublik, T. F. Bublik. Your garden. Kharkov, 2006

3. Ganichkina O.A. “Cucumbers” / JSC “Young Guard”, 1992

Municipal budget educational institution

« high school No. 3" of the city of Nyandoma, Arkhangelsk region


The daring cucumber has grown in winter. Well done!





Chapter I . From the history of growing cucumbers……………….................................... ...................4

      Monuments to cucumber……………………………………………………….…………………4

      Record-breaking cucumbers………..…………………………………………………………….4

      Growing cucumbers in greenhouses and hothouses……………………………………..4

1.4. Survey of students and teachers about the benefits and cultivation of cucumbers in winter at home...................................................... .....….................................. ............................................5

Chapter II . Growing cucumbers in room conditions………………………………….…..6

Chapter III . Practical work …….............................................. ............................................7



Appendix No. 1. Monuments to the cucumber………………………………………………………..….10

Appendix No. 2. Student Survey primary school……………………………………….11

Appendix No. 3 Planting cucumber………………………………………………………...………12

Appendix No. 4. Observation of the growth and development of cucumber……………………………....13

Appendix No. 5 Result of work………………………………………………………..……….14


Cucumber appeared as a cultivated plant more than 6 thousand years ago. The homeland of this species is India and China, where it still grows in natural conditions. The cucumber came to the Slavs from Byzantium. It began to be widely grown in Russia from the 16th century. Cucumber immediately became one of the popular crops after turnips, radishes, peas and onions. In the summer, cucumbers were eaten with kvass and onions, and in the winter they were pickled. On cucumber pickle cooked meat soup, seasoned with roots and spices. This soup was called black fish soup. The cucumber received its Slavic name from Greek word“aguros”, which translated means “unripe”, “immature”. Cucumber is 95% water and contains sugars, beneficial vitamins and microelements. The water contained in cucumber removes toxins well and has a beneficial effect on our body. In no other country do they eat as many cucumbers as in Russia.

In the lessons of the surrounding world, we learned what can be grown on the windowsill in winter green onions, parsley, dill, lettuce. We spent practical work and raised good harvest Luke. But I wondered if it was possible to grow cucumbers in winter. I decided to try growing this heat-loving plant.

Purpose This work is growing cucumbers in winter at home.

Research objectives:

    Select literature about the plant under study.

    Study the conditions for growing cucumbers at home.

    Create favorable conditions for growing cucumbers.

    Carry out step-by-step observation of the growth and development of cucumbers.

Research methods:



Object of study: cucumbers

Subject of research: the possibility of growing this vegetable at home in winter.

Hypothesis: We assume that cucumbers can be grown at home in winter. In our case, we plan to get a good harvest of cucumbers!

Practical meaning: the prepared material can be used in lessons about the surrounding world in primary school and in biology lessons in 6th grade.


1.1. Monuments to cucumber

It turns out that the cucumber has become so popular that there are even monuments erected to it! In Ukraine, such a monument was opened in Nizhyn in 2005 (Appendix No. 1A); In Belarus in the city of Shklov in 2007 (Appendix No. 1B). In Russia, in the city of Lukhovitsy, Moscow region, in 2007 they even made the inscription “To the breadwinner cucumber from grateful Lukhovichi residents” (Appendix No. 1B).

We learned that since 2001, the city of Suzdal has annually celebrated the International Cucumber Festival, which attracts all cucumber lovers from different cities. The Cucumber Festival is also celebrated in Istobensk, Kirov Region

1.2. Record-breaking cucumbers

In China and Japan, farmers harvest cucumbers three times a year. They first grow cucumbers in boxes on the roofs, and then plant them in well-fertilized soil and tie them to stakes. And huge cucumber fruits, one and a half meters long, hang from the trellises. True, even larger cucumbers are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The longest cucumber was 1.83 meters long and was grown in Hungary. The largest cucumber grown indoors weighs 6.2 kilograms, while the record cucumber grown outdoors weighs 3.74 kg.

1.3. Growing cucumbers in greenhouses and heifers

Cucumber is the most common light-loving, heat-loving vegetable, because it was not without reason that it was brought to us from countries with warm climates. And Russia is a northern country. Here in March, and sometimes in April, white with snow, cold ground. You can’t ask the sun: start spring early, warm the earth! The man decided to do it himself. He dug a hole, placed a frame made of logs over it, filled the hole with hot manure, poured it over the ground, and sowed cucumbers in it. And the top of the frame was covered with a glass frame. In the old days, when glass had not yet been invented, those who were richer inserted it into window frame plates of mica, whoever was poorer pulled a bull's bladder over the wound. Manure floats the earth, hence the name – greenhouse. It’s like there’s a stove burning underground, without wood, without coal, without fire. The sloping glass sun roof lets in Sun rays, but does not release heat from the sun-heated earth. There is snow in the field, but in the greenhouse, by the will of man, spring has begun and the seedlings have turned green. And the frosts are over, and the seedlings move to the beds, into the soil warmed by the sun. In the middle of the last century, the first warm houses for cucumbers, with glass wall, with a stove. They were called greenhouses. It seemed that the person had defeated the frost, but the plant needed not only warmth, but also light. In the dark winter months, Klin craftsmen did not light the stoves, did not sow cucumbers, and kept the greenhouse locked. But the man did not give up.

The cucumber craftsmen also found allies: chemists, designers, builders, glassblowers. How did chemists participate in the war against frost? They came up with a recipe for making plastic film. It protects the plants from frost, and provides enough light for them. Nowadays, in the north, we cannot imagine a single greenhouse without its covering - film. Now the cucumber has penetrated even to the Far North. On Dikson Island in the Arctic Circle there are greenhouses with steam heating. There is impenetrable darkness outside the windows. The black polar night lasts six months. But as soon as you turn the switch, it’s as if the sun has risen in the greenhouse - the home of the cucumber. Solar-bright lamps are supplied to winterers by the electric plant. A cucumber grows in a warm and bright house - a greenhouse; it also grows in our open ground, when it’s summer outside. polyethylene film in case of frost. But can we grow cucumbers in winter at home without greenhouses and greenhouses?

1.4. Survey of students and teachers of school No. 3 about the benefits and possibilities of growing cucumbers in winter conditions

During the work, we conducted a survey among primary school students, high school students and primary school teachers.

All survey participants were asked three questions:

Do you like cucumbers?

Are cucumbers beneficial?

Is it possible to grow cucumbers at home in winter?

Teachers answered positively to all three questions. High school students do not all like cucumbers, but they consider them useful and think that they can be grown in winter. Among primary school students, 64 people took part in the survey (Appendix No. 2A).

To the first question, 63 people answered “yes” and 1 person answered “no”.

All the guys answered “yes” to the second question.

To the third question, 28 people answered “yes” and 36 people answered “no.”

We concluded that most people, regardless of age, love cucumbers and consider them healthy. Teachers and high school students have great knowledge and experience and therefore believe that it is possible to grow cucumbers in winter. But the majority of elementary school students believe that cucumbers cannot be grown in winter. I think they are wrong, since the guys have little experience and lack knowledge. And I really want to prove to the guys that it is possible to grow cucumbers in winter.


Before conducting the experiment, I selected literature on growing cucumbers in winter at home. In Internet sources, I found many examples of people growing cucumbers at home and even getting good yields. Why don’t I try to grow them?

By reading literature, I learned what to grow fresh cucumbers on the windowsill in winter exciting activity, but far from so simple. The main prerequisite for harvesting cucumbers indoors is the presence of windows, balconies, loggias facing east or west. Best option, when the windows, balcony, loggia face the south, if they are located to the north, nothing will work.

To grow indoors, you need seeds of high varietal qualities intended for indoor conditions. Of great interest for growing cucumbers indoors are hybrids that bear fruit without pollination. You should stock up in advance on dishes and some other equipment for growing cucumbers on the windowsill. To cultivate plants during the seedling period, you need to have a container with a volume of up to 0.5 liters. It is easier and more affordable to use metal cans with a capacity of 0.6 liters (from squash caviar, beans, etc.). These jars are coated inside with a layer of food paint, which is what is required. Can not use aluminum cookware. Cucumber seedlings must be transplanted (for further cultivation and fruiting) into containers with a capacity of at least 5 liters. Keep the vessel with the cucumber plant in a tray, on some supports so that it does not touch the bottom. To ensure high-quality watering, to avoid erosion of the root system and the formation of depressions (holes in the soil) during watering, it is advisable to make your own irrigation container. You can use containers from detergents, attaching a rubber hose through a screw-on plug. To obtain fresh vegetables in winter or in early spring, you need to have some equipment for growing seedlings in late or very late early dates. The intensity of ripening of cucumbers on the windowsill in winter can be increased by supplementary illumination with fluorescent lamps, increasing the daylight hours to 10-12 hours. The conditions of our school classroom are suitable for growing cucumbers in winter, since:

1. In the office big windows, they face west, so there is a lot of light in the classroom. In addition, there are fluorescent lamps.

2. The temperature in the office is constant and favorable for the growth of heat-loving plants.


The work was carried out in January-March 2013. All the children in the class took part in the work. We purchased a special vegetable soil, a container with a tray. We chose the “Nastya” variety for planting, since its characteristics suit our conditions. This is a hybrid. Cucumbers of this variety are suitable for growing in open ground, are early ripening, resistant to diseases, have a female flowering type and do not require pollination by insects.

On January 16, we prepared the soil and planted 5 cucumber seeds (Appendix No. 3A).

Observations were carried out under a combination of daylight and artificial lighting and an air temperature of 18-20°C (Appendices No. 3B). We could not install additional lighting to increase daylight hours, as this is prohibited for safety reasons. Watering was carried out every 2 - 3 days, once a week the soil was loosened and weeds were removed. On January 24, the first shoots appeared. We concluded that germination took more than a week because the seeds were not germinated in a humid environment, but were planted dry. Although some vegetable growers recommend planting dry seeds in winter. For fast germination It was necessary to soak the seeds and germinate them. Of the 5 seeds planted, only 3 sprouted. We concluded that not all the seeds in the bag were of high quality (Appendix No. 4A). On February 11, one true leaf appeared. After watering well with melt water, we fed the seedlings mineral fertilizer(Appendix No. 4B). On February 15, the second true leaf appeared, the height of the plant was approximately 10-11 cm. On February 22, there were already 4 leaves on the plant and 3 ovaries had formed. On February 27, we saw one flower bloom. By March 15, rapid flowering of cucumbers was observed. Cucumber ovaries began to appear (Appendix No. 4B, D). On March 20, we discovered a cucumber among the seedlings, which was indeed increasing in size every day. At first it was approximately 3-4 cm in length, and then grew to 5 cm (Appendix No. 5A). We recorded the results of our observations in a table (Appendix No. 2B). On March 22, we completed practical work, which began on January 16 and ended on March 22 (Appendix No. 2B). It lasted 66 days (Appendix No. 5B).


Using special literature, I studied the conditions for growing cucumbers at home. With the help of classmates, parents and my teacher, I created the conditions for growing this heat-loving plant. I conducted step-by-step monitoring of growth and development and achieved positive result. I concluded that the hypothesis I put forward was confirmed. Cucumbers can actually be grown at home in winter. But it is impossible to achieve a large harvest, since it is not possible to create all the necessary conditions.

List of used literature

    Gusev A.M. Indoor vegetable growing. – M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1989.

    Lebedeva A.T. Cucumber. Agricultural cultivation technology, detailed description varieties. – M.: Knowledge, 1991.

    Oktyabrskaya T.A. Cucumbers. Preparation of seeds, growing seedlings, protection from pests and diseases, procurement and storage. SME Publishing House, 2002

    Sections S.Yu. Everything about medicinal plants in our beds. St. Petersburg: S3KEO LLC - 2010, pp. 49-53

    Dadykin V. Cucumber Festival// Magazine “Science and Life”. - 2006. - No. 7.

    Borisov N. Growing cucumbers on the windowsill // Homestead newspaper. - 2010. - No. 19.

Materials used and Internet resources

1. LoveDacha.ru›vyraschivanie-ogurcov-doma-na…

2. Photos from personal archive.

3. 4.

Monument to the cucumber in the city of Lukhovitsy, Moscow region



Growing cucumbers in winter conditions



Planting seeds


It’s winter outside, but the cucumbers on the windowsill are light and warm


First shoots


Appearance of the first true leaf


Rapid flowering


The appearance of cucumbers


The result of the work


Our harvest

Problem: In our climatic conditions impossible to grow vegetable crops in the garden all year round, and the human body needs vegetables and fruits to be constantly present in the diet. In our climatic conditions, it is impossible to grow vegetable crops in the garden all year round, and the human body needs vegetables and fruits to be constantly present in the diet. I was interested in the topic “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”, and I decided to grow cucumbers, since I love them very much. I was interested in the topic “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”, and I decided to grow cucumbers, since I love them very much.

Hypothesis: If I learn more about the conditions for growing cucumbers on a windowsill, I can do it myself and get a good harvest. If I learn more about the conditions for growing cucumbers on a windowsill, I can do it myself and get a good harvest.

Objectives: Study scientific literature. Study scientific literature. Search for information on the Internet. Search for information on the Internet. Prepare conditions for growing cucumbers. Prepare conditions for growing cucumbers. Buy seeds of three varieties of cucumbers. Buy seeds of three varieties of cucumbers. Select dishes. Select dishes. Prepare the soil. Prepare the soil. Germinate the seeds. Germinate the seeds. Grow cucumbers (watering, loosening, lighting). Grow cucumbers (watering, loosening, lighting). Harvest. Harvest.

Material and technical resources: Soil, cucumber seeds (for comparison I took 3 different varieties), containers for growing cucumbers, twine, additional lighting. Soil, cucumber seeds (for comparison I took 3 different varieties), containers for growing cucumbers, twine, additional lighting.

Observation diary Sowing – Sowing – Shooting – Shooting – Appearance of the third leaf – s Appearance of the third leaf – s Appearance of the tendril – Appearance of the tendril – Flowering – Flowering – First cucumber – s First cucumber – s First ripened cucumber – First ripened cucumber –

Conclusion: During the project I learned: During the project I learned: You can grow cucumbers not only in the garden, but also on the windowsill at home. You can grow cucumbers not only in the garden, but also at home on the windowsill. The growth of cucumbers is affected by water, light and heat. The growth of cucumbers is affected by water, light and heat. Not all varieties of cucumbers are suitable for growing cucumbers on a windowsill. Not all varieties of cucumbers are suitable for growing cucumbers on a windowsill. Cucumbers need to be pinched and tied. Cucumbers need to be pinched and tied. Cucumbers need fertilizing in the form of minerals and organic fertilizers. Cucumbers need fertilizing in the form of mineral and organic fertilizers. During the winter you can get more than one harvest of cucumbers. During the winter you can get more than one harvest of cucumbers. Cucumbers grown on a windowsill in winter time much tastier and more aromatic. Cucumbers grown on a windowsill in winter are much tastier and more aromatic.

Anushkova Daria

Project work on the topic "How to grow cucumbers at home." Purpose of work: learn how to grow cultivated plants at home, is it possible to get fruits at home, study the varieties of cucumbers.




Anushkova Daria Alexandrovna,

Born November 23, 2004, 2nd grade student

MBOU secondary school No. 7

Kalininsky district.

Teacher: Umantseva

Natalya Alexandrovna

Boykoponura – 2013


Goal of the work:

find out how cultivated plants grow and whether it is possible to obtain fruits at home; study the varieties of cucumbers, where and how they are grown.

Methods and techniques:

Data received:

Cucumbers grown by yourself turn out to be much tastier! They can also be grown in basements.

Conclusions: growing cucumbers at home is possible.


The main part of “How to grow cucumbers at home”…. ..5

  1. Where to plant cucumbers?
  2. The soil needs to be moistened.
  3. Temperature conditions.
  4. Care.
  5. This is interesting

Conclusion……………………………………………………………......……………… 8



Introduction :

Everyone in my family loves cucumbers.There are probably no people in the world who do not like, or at least do not eat, cucumbers - fresh or lightly salted, salted or pickled. The fresh ones are especially good. Strong, juicy, they increase appetite.But in winter and spring there are none! It would be nice to grow them all year round.

Once, in a lesson about the surrounding world, we covered the topic “Development of a plant from a seed.” The teacher and I germinated cucumber seeds and planted them in a pot.

I became interested in how they will grow, how they need to be properly cared for and what is necessary for the plant to grow. To do this, I had to learn a lot: I read articles from the magazine " Homestead farming“, but my teacher Natalya Alexandrovna told me a lot of her own experience.

Objectives: find out how cultivated plants grow and whether it is possible to obtain fruits at home;

study the varieties of cucumbers, where and how they are grown.

Hypothesis: You can grow cucumbers at home and get a harvest.

Research methods:reading specialized literature, caring for plants, observations, analysis.

This is how I learned that the cucumber belongs to the pumpkin family, and warm India is considered to be its homeland, although since ancient times cucumbers grew in both Africa and Greece.

Cucumber is the only vegetable (and from a botanical point of view, a fruit) that we eat unripe. Cucumbers are very popular in vegetable salads, as well as in salted or pickled form.

For numerous “merits” in 2007, a monument to the cucumber was even unveiled in Shklov (Belarus).

The length of the fruit ranges from 5 to 30 centimeters or more. The seeds are white. At proper storage seeds do not lose their viability for 8-10 years.

I found out that cucumber is a plant short day, loves warmth, light and moisture.It consists of 95% water and contains sugar, as well as useful vitamins and microelements. Cucumber juice is one of the bestnatural skin care products .

From books I learned that cucumber varieties can be divided into three groups:

greenhouse - with long smooth fruits up to 30 centimeters or more in length;

garden beds - For open ground with fruits measuring 10-15 centimeters;

gherkins - fruit size does not exceed 10 cm.

So, during the course of my research, I decided to answer many questions for myself: at what temperature do cucumber seeds germinate? What happens to plants when the temperature drops? Under what conditions do they grow and bear fruit better? Does the crop require soil and air moisture??

First, I found out that the location for planting cucumbers should be well lit by the sun (partial shade is acceptable) and protected from the wind.

Step 1. Where to plant cucumbers?

We brought in the soil mixed with humus in advance and warmed it up to room temperature during the day. The soil for cucumbers should be loose and fertile. We decided to plant our cucumbers on the windowsill classroom- it was a well-lit and sheltered place from the wind.

The next day, March 5, we sowed cucumber seeds in pots and placed them on the windowsill. I watched them every day, when will they sprout?

Step 2. The soil must be moistened.

I found out that cucumber loves water.Watering especially important for cucumbers during active growth and fruit formation.

Water the cucumbers with warm water.

I had to water the plants every 2 days, as they dried out and the plants were lethargic. If the plant slightly curled its leaves, I watered it and immediately watched how these leaves unfolded before my eyes.

With the appearance of the third true leaf, the vines and leaves of cucumbers grow rapidly.

Step 3. Temperature.

The optimal temperature for the normal development of cucumbers ranges from 23-30 degrees. Air temperatures below 15 degrees lead to inhibition and cessation of plant growth at any stage of development.

I noticed that as soon as the heating in the classroom was turned off, and the air temperature outside did not exceed 10 degrees, the growth of our plant stopped.

Step 4. Care.

Caring for cucumbers comes down to weeding, watering, fertilizing (if necessary) and tying them to trellises.

With the onset of stable air temperatures of about 20 degrees, our plants began to grow actively.

On April 18, I saw the first three flowers on the cucumbers. And the next day the number of flowers increased to ten.

After the May holidays, I noticed that the first ovaries on the cucumbers had increased and reached 5 centimeters.

Step 5. Root system cucumbers need air!

In order for the cucumber roots to breathe, I had to carefully loosen the soil around the plants so as not to damage the roots.

Step 6: Give the cucumbers room to grow.!

My cucumbers grew on the windowsill. To ensure their normal growth, I tied them up and they began to grow in height.

I only had three roots in the box, and that was enough for them to grow.

The “bitter” truth about cucumbers.

Sometimes cucumbers are bitter. It turns out that most cucumber plants contain substances called cucurbitacins, the presence of which causes the bitter taste of the fruit. If the content of these substances is low, the bitterness is unnoticeable, but if there is a lot of them, the cucumber can be very bitter - so bitter that it is impossible to eat. If a cucumber plant is stressed, its cucurbitacin content increases. And stress for a cucumber, as I understand it, is a drop in temperature, a lack of daylight or moisture.
Varieties without bitterness have a mild taste. These are varieties such as “Courage” or “Quadrille”. Imagine my surprise when my cucumbers turned out to be tasty and without bitterness!

Step 7. Pick cucumbers correctly!
Some gardeners, when picking cucumbers, quickly break them off the vine. Cucumbers must be picked carefully without damaging the vine.

The more often you pick cucumbers, the faster the rest grow.

This is interesting!

During my research, I learned that inquisitive people have long been interested in the question of whether vegetables can be grown in basements, cellars, or in underground mines in general. The first experiments, says the magazine "Homestead Economy" (N2 1, 1986), were carried out in 1875. The light source was kerosene lamps, gas-burners and other primitive means. Currently using modern lamps incandescent

The results of experiments carried out in underground premises exceeded all expectations. Thus, in the laboratory of light physiology and light culture of plants of the Agrophysical Research Institute, Professor B. S. Moshkov received an unprecedented harvest of tomatoes during the year.

Air temperature, it chemical composition, Atmosphere pressure in underground workings are close to external ones. All this is very useful for growing vegetables in cellars and basements, especially such as onions, sorrel, lettuce, and dill. But for cucumbers and tomatoes, the underground technology had to be “adjusted”.

The difficulty was the light mode. It turned out that the length of a day underground should be no more than 18 hours. Cucumbers need 10 hours of daylight, tomatoes -12.

Step 8. Draw conclusions.

So, in the course of my research, I answered all my questions and came to the following conclusions:

  1. With a temperature drop of less than 10 degrees per long time growth stops, they are exposed various diseases and do not produce a harvest.
  1. Cucumbers can be grown not only in the ground, but also on a well-lit windowsill.
  1. They grow and bear fruit best at an air temperature of 25-32 degrees, soil temperature - 20-25 degrees.
  1. Plants need constant watering.
  1. They need to be systematically weeded.
  1. Cucumbers grown by yourself turn out to be much tastier!
  1. They can also be grown in basements.



  • 1. Aleksashin, V.I. Handbook of vegetable growing. 2nd ed. reworked and additional /IN AND. Aleksashin, A.B. Alpatiev, P.A. Andreeva. D.: Kolos, 1982.- 511 p.
  • 2. Leopold, A. Growth and development of plants / A. Leopold - M.: Mir, 1968. -267 p.
  • 3. Nikolaeva, I.K. Growing cucumber in winter-spring rotation at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Farm "Teplichny" / I.K. Nikolaeva // Gavrish. 2007. - No. 6. -S. 12-15.81.Nikolaeva, M.A. Commodity research of fruits and vegetables / M.A. Nikolaeva M.:
  • 4. Magazine "Homestead farming" (N2 1, 1986)
  • 5. Internet resources