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Five-pointed star. Magic symbols and stars

Magic has always attracted people. In this sense, our time is no different from other eras. Nowadays a very popular symbol is a star in a circle. Let’s try to figure out what this picture means and where it came from in this article.

The history of the pentagram

This term is composed of the Greek words “ penta gramma", which means five lines . According to archaeologists, it arose approximately 4000 -3500 BC and is associated with the Sumerian civilization:

  1. Ancient astrologers, observing the movement of Venus across the sky, depicted its trajectory during the passage of the entire zodiac circle in the form of a complex figure in which 5 curls stand out. When they are connected, a pentagram is formed;
  2. The ancient Greek scientist and thinker Pythagoras considered it geometrically perfect due to the fact that it has the so-called “golden” ratio. He made this conclusion based on the results of his calculations. The figure was a distinctive sign for the community of Pythagorean disciples in the sense of harmony of body and spirit;
  3. The ancient Chinese world had its own concept Wu-shin about the five elements that form the world and are the basis of its existence, and their interaction can be schematically depicted by a pentagram, which is at the center of the worldview of ancient China.

It was revered by the Indians in America, and the Pentateuch of Moses was considered sacred by the Jews. In Islam the image is used five-pointed star and crescent.

Five-pointed star in a circle: the meaning of the symbol

If a five-pointed star is placed inside a circle, you get a symbol called pentacle . You can also call a star pentagram , defining it as geometric figure, built on the basis of a regular pentagon, on the sides of which isosceles triangles are placed.

  • In ancient times, it was customary to consider this symbol to promote power and authority, as well as help and protection. For this reason it was applied to amulets,

doors of houses, and in Ancient Egypt there was this kind of hieroglyph. Among Arab magicians, the expression “seal of Solomon” was used when talking about the supernatural abilities of the famous king;

  • In the writings of the medieval nun Hildegard, it was argued that the pentagram symbolizes man and even personifies God, who created him in his own image and likeness. Probably, the multiple of 5 played a role here - the number of our sense organs and limbs;
  • In the 16th century, C. Agrippa, in his work “Occult Philosophy,” outlined the theory of “ microcosm", according to which the pentagram began to symbolize the spiritual activity of man in the world around him.

Later, magical and alchemical interpretations of this symbol will be discussed.

How does Christianity relate to magical signs?

Here there is a slightly different meaning of pentagrams:

  • In its early period, people used an amulet with her image as a symbol of spiritual protection, which later became a cross;
  • In the image of the biblical Star of Bethlehem, the symbol of a pentagram was also used, only with the ray directed downward. This is consistent with the explanation that in this way she pointed to the location of the newborn Jesus;
  • Its five peaks were correlated with the number of wounds on the body of Jesus. If we take into account the trinity of God: father, son and Holy Spirit, and the simultaneous incarnation of Christ in the hypostases of divine and human existence, then in total this will amount to the same figure 5;
  • Inverted pentagrams are found on icon paintings, for example, in the famous icon by A. Rublev about the Lord's transfiguration and descent into our sinful world;
  • They were placed on coats of arms, the clothes of clergy, and decorated the walls and windows of temples and cathedrals. An example is the famous St. Petersburg Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, which is mentioned in the famous song by Alexander Rosenbaum.

For Muslims, the sign is associated with the number of basic tenets of the religion or the number of daily prayers.

What does the pentagram “star in a circle” mean?

The symbol has many "names", depending on the interpreter, namely : Star of Isis, pentalpha(five alpha letters forming a pattern), pentageron etc.:

  • The five peaks of the sign correspond to the five elements: the endurance of the earth, the courage of fire, the intelligence of air, the emotions of water, the divinity of the spirit. The circle symbolizes the superiority of the power of the spirit over the material;
  • There is an alchemical explanation of the pentagram, set forth in the work of Baron Tschudi on the theme of the "flaming star" and relating to the Freemasons, who considered it a symbol of human genius, an illumination;
  • At the center of magical interpretation lies inverted pentagram which is called sign of Satan. The perception of him as a symbol of evil is associated with the name of the Frenchman Eliphas Levi, after the life of Alphonse Louis Constant, an occultist. He made such a statement in the mid-19th century. No such interpretations were recorded before him, and a number of his modern followers consider this expression figurative, referring to the assessment of the massacre of the Templar Order.

The twentieth century developed a “devilish” component in the interpretation of this symbol.

Pentagram with goat's head

When Levi wrote his teaching, his point of view did not produce a revolution in minds. This happened in the next century.

After the revolution of 1917, the symbolism in Russia changed: its basis was the red five-pointed star, which was used in the army, placed on orders, spiers of buildings and towers. In this regard, allegations appeared about the connection of the revolution with Freemasonry. The opinion of believers also changed for the worse;

Creation in the second half of the 60s of the 20th century in the USA Church of Satan , which chose an inverted pentagram with a goat’s head as its symbol, contributed to a significant change in people’s perception of it. He became associated precisely with the forces of evil. It is also called the “seal of Baphomet” (a bisexual demon).

The spread of this opinion was also “helped” by the wide advertising campaign of this organization, coupled with the horror films that appeared, where this magical sign was also used.

As a result of the incorrect position taken by some high-ranking church officials, she herself is often accused of having connections with “Satanists” due to the pentagrams depicted on temples.

Why do people like to watch mystery thrillers? They are attracted to something unknown, magical, for example, the sign “star in a circle”. We told you what this symbol actually means in this article.

Video: the most popular misconceptions about pentagrams

In this video, Leonid Olegov will talk about the real meaning of the star inside the circle, what mystical properties mistakenly attributed to her:

The star belongs to the ancient symbols of humanity, adopted by the heraldry of different nations, and belongs to the astral signs. Her image is perceived as eternity and longing. In heraldry and emblems, the star symbol differs in the number of angles and color. Their combination gives different national nuances of meaning.

Eight-pointed star - meaning of the symbol

What does the eight-pointed star mean? In different teachings, the octogram symbolizes the symbol of harmony of spirit and matter. The image of an eight-pointed star is considered as two squares, which are superimposed on each other at an angle, and has been associated since ancient times as balance, solidity and refers to the symbol of proportionality. The eight-pointed figure can also be seen as two crosses aligned in the center, which are the basis of the universe. The “star” symbol with eight rays is a common insignia of the order in many Christian states.

The symbol of the number of rays is the endless circular movements of energy in space -. Eastern philosophy explains the merging of two crosses as the law of karma, which represents seven incarnations human soul, and the eighth ray is going to heaven. An octogram in the form of a “star” symbol with eight rays has different meanings:

  • in the zone;
  • in Orthodoxy;
  • among the Slavs;
  • in Islam.

Five-pointed star - meaning of the symbol

Since ancient times, wearing a figure with five rays protected the owner and was considered a talisman of well-being. The fusion of the elements of Earth and Air, Fire and Water, combined with Spirit. What does the five-pointed star mean? The pentagram is a symbol of life. Its protective properties determine the relationship with the beginning and the end. The pentagram can be drawn on a sheet of paper without lifting your hand. This process is characterized as a continuous cycle in which the beginning merges with the end and can be repeated. The pentagram is positioned with the tip up; the symbol is used upside down by witches.

Four-pointed star symbol

A star, which has four rays, belongs to the symbols of guidance (light in the darkness of the night). It is used by a number of organizations that determine the right path. What does a four-pointed star mean? The form associated with the cross is mainly adopted in Christianity. It is used on departmental service awards. The four-pointed star is a symbol of good luck in career growth. It serves as the emblem of combat sports and club badges. The four-beam principle is maintained for all teams. The emblems differ in rotation angle, size and color.

Star of David - meaning of the symbol

Two triangles with equal sides, superimposed on one another, look like a six-ray shape. This ancient image is present in culture different countries and has many names: Solomon's seal, hexagram, magendovid. According to one version, its name is associated with King David, who used the star for his talisman. The letter “D” had the image of a triangle, and in the name of the king there are two of them.

The Star of David symbol is placed on ancient religious and magical books. For Christians, the hexagram served as a decoration for the temple. The image of the symbol was present on amulets and amulets. The hexagram was not always recognized by Jewish culture. The Star of David became a symbol of Israel in the early 18th century, when it was used by the Zionists. There is no single interpretation of the sign. This is very ancient symbol, whose history is complicated. From various sources it has been assigned magical, cult and mythical properties.

Star of Solomon - the meaning of the symbol

One of the ancient and powerful symbols in magic is the star of Solomon. It is suitable for rituals of protection and influence. round disk, what does the star symbolize, It has magical power. Engraving is applied to pendants and rings worn by sorcerers. They are mainly made of silver, less often - of gold. The pentacle is used in rituals by witches and white magicians, which is why it is called the “Solomon Star”.

It can represent God or man. The five rays of the star are the number of wounds that were inflicted on Christ on the crucifixion. The points of the human body are the head and arms and legs outstretched in different directions. The pentacle is embroidered by magicians on clothes and drawn around and inside the magic circle when performing rituals and ceremonies. Amulets with the image of Solomon's star protect magicians from evil spirits. They act as a talisman and allow one to communicate and command demons.

Inverted Star Symbol

Not every person knows the meaning of the symbols that may appear. What does an inverted star mean? This is the pentagram of Satan. Very powerful symbol, which has existed for many centuries. It was used in ancient Rome and Egypt. The black devil pentagram has been depicted in different ways. It could have the appearance of a goat's head, where the beard is the corner of the star below, and the upper two are the horns of the animal.

This sign symbolizes excellence material assets and black magic over spiritual power and elements. A star that has correct location, it was used in magical rites and rituals. The symbol of black devils is often used in horror films and mystical books. IN modern world the symbol of an inverted star relates to the occult sciences.

Slavic symbol - star of Rus'

Knowledge about ancient talismans has survived to this day. The star of Rus' is considered one of the most powerful amulets of the Slavs. He was well known in ancient times. The amulet also has another name, which means the star of Svarog (square). By creating this amulet, the ancient Slavs glorified the memory of their ancestors, restoring the connection between other worlds and the current generation. The ancient Slavs had three of them: Prav, Reveal and Navi. This meant the world of gods, men and the dead.

They must be perceived as a unity in order to maintain the balance of prolonging life on Earth. This connection runs through the past generation, the present and the future. The symbol “star of Rus'” was on the decoration of princes Vladimir and Svyatoslav. The amulet is an eight-pointed star, which consists of intertwined squares and pointed ovals. They are a symbol of the fertility of the earth, justice and honor.

Star of England - meaning of the symbol

What does the star of England mean? Amulet of the ancient Slavs. It represents a star with nine rays, consisting of three triangles with equal sides, and is the main symbol of the Ingliins. The amulet unites the Body, Soul and Spirit of a person and connects him with three worlds: Rule - the Gods, Reveal - people, Navi - the underworld of the ancestors. A circle containing three triangles of elements: Air around Fire, Water and Earth. The amulet has strong energy and helps to maintain contact with ancestors, receiving their wisdom and vitality. The runes used to decorate the star help to enhance its effect.

Erzgamma star - meaning of the symbol

In a difficult situation, a person turns to higher powers, begging for help. It is believed that the symbol of the Erzgamma star is the main talisman. It helps to maintain connection with the Universe. What is an Erzgamma star and what does it look like? It unites the human soul and cosmic forces. The amulet is a star with twelve rays. They are formed by four triangles with equal sides, which create harmony in the soul and body. In the center of the amulet there is a cross, which symbolizes the resurrection of Christ after his death, and the 12 rays are the apostles.

0 Nowadays, people have again become actively interested in various ancient symbols and signs. However, the meaning of many of them is hidden in the fog of the unknown. Today we will talk about one of these images, this is the so-called Star in a circle, you can read the meaning a little lower. Our website tries to provide you with access to useful information and explain various expressions and terms. Therefore, do not forget to add this resource to your bookmarks, and share information about us with your friends.
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So let's continue what does a star in a circle mean??

Star in a circle- in Christian symbolism, this sign represents the five wounds of Christ; this is the comprehension of the dual nature of Jesus and the Trinity (that is, the connection between God and man)

How many circles does Hell have?

Star in a circle- in white magic this symbol means a person, that is, his five hidden centers of power and five human members that must awaken from hibernation

In fact, today no one knows who first began to use five-pointed star. Throughout its existence, the pentagram became very popular, and then again went into the shadows. Nowadays, the popularity of this mysterious symbol is once again breaking all records.

A pentagram, sometimes called a pentaphtha or pentagon, is a five-pointed star shape drawn with five straight strokes.

Pentagrams have been used as symbols since Ancient Greece and Babylon, and are still used today as a symbol of faith for many Wiccans(also called Pagan Witchcraft, is a modern Pagan new religious movement). This phenomenon is akin to the use of the cross by Christians and the Star of David by Jews. The pentagram has magical associations. Many people who practice the neo-pagan faith wear Jewelry containing this sign. Christians most often used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus. The pentagram has associations with Freemasonry, and is also used as a symbol by other totalitarian sects.

The word pentagram comes from Greek wordπεντάγραμμον (pentagrammon), from πέντε (pente), "five" + γραμμή (grammē), "line". The word "pentacle" is synonymous with "pentagram".

Early history

Among the Sumerians, the cuneiform symbol of a five-pointed star in a circle served as a logogram for the word "ub", which means " corner, nook, small room, cavity, hole, trap" This later led to the appearance of the cuneiform sign " UB", consisting of five wedges, further reduced to four in Assyrian cuneiform.

Word Pentemychos(πεντέμυχος lit. "five corners" or "five recesses") was the name of the cosmogony of the Peretsidas of Syros. In this case, the "five corners" are where the seeds of Chronos are placed on Earth to give birth to the cosmos.

In Neoplatonism, a star in a circle is said to have been used as a symbol or sign of recognition by the Pythagoreans, who called the pentagram ὑγιεία hugieia "health".

Western symbolism

The star in a circle was used in ancient times as a Christian symbol to represent the five senses, or five wounds of Christ. This sign plays an important symbolic role in the 14th century English poem about Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, in which the pentagram adorns the shield of the hero Gawain. The unnamed poet believes that the origin of this symbol is directly related to the king Solomon and explains that each of the five interconnected points represents a virtue tied to a group of five people. Gawain is perfect in his five senses and five fingers, sympathizes with the Five Wounds of Christ, takes courage from the five joys that Mary received from Jesus, and illustrates the five virtues of chivalry.

Henry Cornelius Agrippa and others perpetuated the popularity of the pentagram as a magical symbol by attributing the five Neoplatonic elements to the five points in typical Renaissance style. By the mid-19th century, another difference in orientation was developing among occultists. pentagrams. With one ray upward, it depicted the spirit dominating the four elements of matter, and was essentially good sign. However, the influential writer Eliphas Levi called it evil if the symbol was depicted upside down.

"An inverted pentagram with two rays projecting upward is a symbol of evil and attracts demonic forces because it overturns correct order things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. This is the goat of lust, attacking the heavens with its horns."

“The fiery star, which, turned upside down, is the hieroglyphic sign of the goat Black Magic, whose head may be drawn in a star, two horns on top, ears on the right and left, and a beard below. This is a sign of antagonism and death. This is the goat of passion, attacking the heavens with its horns.”

“Let us keep the figure of the Five Pointed Star always upright, with the uppermost triangle pointing to the sky, for this is the seat of wisdom, and if the figure is reversed, the result will be perversion and evil.”

Apotropaic use of the pentagram symbol in German folklore (the so-called Drudenfuss in German) is mentioned by Goethe in Faust (1808), where a star in a circle prevents Mephistopheles from leaving the room (but does not prevent him from entering in the same way).

East Asian symbolism

Wu Xing(Chinese: 五行; pinyin: Wǔ Xíng) are the five stages or five elements in the Chinese tradition (medicine, acupuncture, feng shui and Taoism). They are similar to the ancient Greek elements, with more emphasis on their cyclical transformation than their material component. The five phases are fire (火 huǒ), earth (土 tǔ), metal (金 jīn), water (水 shuǐ) and wood (木 mù).

Based on Renaissance occultism, the star in a circle is reflected in the symbolism of modern occultists.

Following Anton LaVey, and ultimately based on a drawing by French nobleman and occultist Stanislas de Guaita (La Clef de la Magie Noire, 1897), the Sigil of Baphomet, a pentagram with two arms inscribed in a double circle with a goat's head within the pentagram, is the copyrighted logo of " Church of Satan."

Aleister Crowley used the pentagram in his Thelemic system of magic. An inauspicious or reversed pentagram represents the descent of spirit into matter, according to Lon Milo Duquette's interpretation. Crowley contradicted his old comrades in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, who, following Levi, saw this orientation as symbolic of evil, and associated it with the triumph of matter over spirit.

Use in new religious movements

The five-pointed star is a symbol of the Baha'i Faith. In the Bahá'í Faith, the star in the circle is known as Aikal (Arabic: "temple"), and it was initiated and established by the Báb. The Báb and Bahá'u'lláh wrote various works in the form of a pentagram.

Latter Day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began using both upright and inverted five-pointed stars in temple architecture, beginning with the Nauvoo Illinois Temple on April 30, 1846. Other temples decorated five-pointed stars in both orientations, include the Salt Lake Temple and the Logan Utah Temple. These customs come from the symbolism found in chapter 12 of Revelation: "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars."

Because of its alleged association with Satanism and the occult, many schools in the United States attempted to prevent students from displaying the pentagram on clothing or jewelry in the late 1990s. In public schools, such actions by administrators were determined in 2000 to violate a student's First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion.

The star in a circle (called the plaintiff's tentacle) was added to the list of 38 approved religious symbols to be placed on the tombstones of fallen service members at Arlington National Cemetery on April 24, 2007. The decision came after ten statements from the family of fallen soldiers who practiced Wicca (also called Pagan Witchcraft, a modern Pagan new religious movement). The government paid the families $225,000 to settle their pending lawsuits.

After reading this article, you learned Star in a circle meaning symbol, and now you won’t be stunned when you discover this sign again.

Greetings, dear readers. Do you know what a pentagram is?

Yes, that's right, this is one of the most recognizable protective occult symbols, it is a five-pointed star pointing upward. This is a straight pentagram. Or, to make it more clear, five isosceles triangles located on the sides of a regular pentagon.

A star inscribed in a circle is called a pentacle. But today we will also discuss the meaning of the inverted pentagram.

Various interpretations of the symbol

The first mention of the sign dates back to approximately 3500 BC. It is believed that this symbol arose in Mesopotamia due to the observation of the movement of Venus. IN different times and by different religious classes the sign of the pentagram was interpreted differently. For example, you can trace its following meanings (now we are talking about a straight, not inverted pentagram):

The general thing is that this sign is characterized by special protective properties. Do you remember how Mephistopheles managed to get into Faust’s house? The scientist did not complete the pentagram (designed to protect against evil spirits), leaving a small gap in the corner.

Sign of the Devil or Strongest Defense?

With the straight pentagram everything has now become clear. What does the inverted sign symbolize? We are all accustomed to the fact that the antipode always carries opposite qualities. Day and night, sun and moon, light and darkness, God and devil...the pentagram is straight and inverted. Let's try to figure it out. To do this, let us again turn to history.

With the “light” hand of the French occultist Alphonse-Louis Constant (known under the literary pseudonym Eliphas Levi), the inverted pentagram became a symbol of Satanism. Levi, in his work “The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic,” argued that a star with one end up is the sign of the Savior, with two ends up is the sign of Satan (or the devilish goat Baphomet at the Sabbath). The upper ends of the star are the horns, the sides are the ears, and the lower end is the muzzle of the goat. However, on the forehead of Levi's depiction of the goat Baphomet (with the body of a woman) there is an upright pentagram, while on his hands are written words translated from Latin as “disintegrate” and “freeze.” Where is the logic? Unclear.

The founder of the Church of Satan organization, Anton Sandor LaVey, registered trademark in the form of the “seal of Baphomet”. It is believed that Eliphas Levi, with his statement that the sign of the inverted pentagram belongs to Satanism, created a kind of trap for the uninitiated.
As we see, in our time, Satanists have absolutely “taken possession” of the symbol of the inverted pentagram. However, this is not its original purpose. This symbol is widely used by various sorcerers and occultists. It signifies physical and mental omnipotence and is capable of repeatedly enhancing the energy-information flow. Symbolizes the power of matter over spirit, the triumph of the magician over the elements, and his power.

This symbol is widely used in horror films and in modern mystical and magical books, attributing to it the negation of the holy trinity (three corners pointing down).

In magic there are even special ways of drawing an inverted pentagram. Those who are familiar with them are able, by drawing it in a certain way on a photograph of a person, to strengthen or, on the contrary, weaken his power.
This concerns the diabolical interpretations of the symbol of the inverted pentagram. However, not everything is so mundane and unambiguous, friends, because anything can be turned upside down, but will there be truth in it?

The Pythagoreans associated this symbol with the chaos from which everything arose, with the darkness that hid in five different corners, this darkness was the source of wisdom. It was the inverted image that was the first.
In early Christianity, an inverted five-pointed star symbolized the Star of Bethlehem. And the explanation for this is simple: when the Magi walked into the light of the star, it showed them with a ray directed downwards where the birthplace of Jesus was located. Gradually, this symbol began to characterize the transfiguration of Christ, as well as his descent into the world (indicating his coming with its ray). Thus, in Christianity the symbol of an inverted star was and is widely used, although Lately less and less due to the widespread misconception about its involvement in Satanism and the occult.

Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor who elevated Christianity to the rank of state religion, had on his seal the symbol of an inverted pentagram.

In the works of Andrei Rublev, in particular on the icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Christ is depicted against the background of an inverted pentagram. Such signs can be seen on stained glass drawings and frescoes in some Catholic and Christian cathedrals and churches.

Currently the highest military award in the USA (Medal of Honor) is the shape of an inverted five-pointed star.

If the upright pentagram is a symbol of the elevation of the spirit over matter, then in the inverted pentagram the spirit descends from above as grace. Aleister Crowley adhered to a similar interpretation; he believed that this is a symbol of the rays of the sun, which, falling on the earth, spiritualize matter.

If there is a need to communicate with evil spirits(entities carrying negative energy), or to confront them, but so that they cannot harm you, you should use the symbol of an inverted pentagram. With its help, black magicians subjugate the forces of evil, and this symbol is able to protect everyone else from these same forces.

Magicians and sorcerers charge amulets with images of both the forward and reverse pentagrams in a special way. Of course, if you believe in it and if there is such an opportunity, then it can be done. But for us, ordinary people, to use protective equipment For such a talisman, all you need to do is use your imagination. The five-pointed star is a very multifaceted sign, so it is able to bring to its owner what the owner himself puts into the concept of this symbol.

The use of the pentagram comes down not only to wearing protective amulets, but also to meditative practices, to imaginary and real outlines of figures in certain ways.

You have the right to form your own opinion about the meaning of the pentagram inverted.

Don't forget to share useful information with friends, good luck and prosperity to you.

The star sign with 5 rays became widely known many thousands of years ago. The first mentions appeared in the third millennium BC. e. Then the 5-pointed star was famous in Sumerian culture. The pentagram was used in several meanings: corner, hole, small room.

The ancient Pythagoreans also used a star with 5 points. They depicted the symbol with two rays upward. For the ancient Pythagoreans, the meaning of the symbol meant the five refuges of Tartarus. In the shelters of Tartarus at the time of the creation of the whole world there was primeval chaos. Darkness and Chaos were considered by the ancient Pythagoreans to be the source of wisdom and soul. By the way, “pentagramos” translated from ancient Greek means five-line.

The five-pointed star was also associated with the goddess Hygieia. Hygieia is the mistress of the other world, where not everyone has a path. Also, the symbol of the goddess Hygieia was an apple. And it was not chosen by chance. If the apple is divided in half, you can see a star with 5 ends in the center.
There is a version of the rationale for the symbol of a 5-pointed star with the god Yarilo, who embodies the flourishing of life, love and happiness, flowering. In addition, Yarilo is a god who patronizes brave warriors. Each ray of the star embodied its own meaning and name: Winter, Wet, Spring, Summer - refer to the seasons, the Upper ray of the star - unity with parents.

The star was associated with the elements: Fire, Spirit, Water, Earth and Air. During idolatrous cults, the 5-pointed star was drawn with both ends up. But, with the emergence of Christianity, everything was transformed. The sign is now depicted with a ray upward in order to exclude associations with the demon. For Satanists, an inverted star symbolized hell. In the center of the 5-pointed star, the goat’s head of Bamofet, who patronized base passions, was often depicted. Provided that the 3 ends of the star looked down - this symbolized the rejection of the trinity.

A star in our time
Currently, the symbol of a five-pointed star is used in the cult of Wiccans, Druids, and Neopythagoras who adhere to paganism.
The pentagram in cabal with 1 ray upward is related to the messiah. The star was the official seal of Jerusalem for some time.
Among Islamists, the star symbol is considered the five pillars of faith and a symbol of obligatory prayer 5 times throughout the day.

In Western Christian culture, the star symbol had several interpretations: a symbol of the 5 senses, the five joys of the Virgin Mary, a sign of health, a designation of the five wounds on the body of Christ. The pentagram additionally pointed to the Star of Bethlehem. It should be noted that in Russia the star had seven rays.

An inverted star with 5 rays can also be seen among Mormons and representatives of the "Saints" church last day". There was also a multi-colored star - this is a sign of the fraternalist association of Freemasons or the Order of the Eastern Star, known for charity.