home · Installation · What you need for epoxy resin products. Master classes on creating jewelry from jewelry epoxy resin. What jewelry is more profitable to make for sale?

What you need for epoxy resin products. Master classes on creating jewelry from jewelry epoxy resin. What jewelry is more profitable to make for sale?

Epoxy resin for costume jewelry is a modern chemical material that is very popular among craftsmen who create jewelry self made. Products that completely imitate glass can be made from plastic mass. Natural materials (cones, dried flowers, leaves, etc.) coated in a transparent gloss look extremely attractive.

People who care about beautiful jewelry and those who are keen on creating all kinds of crafts with their own hands, we invite you to find out together what epoxy resin is for jewelry, what the rules are and the subtleties of working with it. As part of the article, we will conduct a small master class on making a pendant.

The word “resin” usually evokes an association with the natural origin of the substance. But in this case we are talking about chemical product. Externally, the glaze is clear liquid, which contains two components: resin and hardener.

When combined, substances enter into a chemical reaction, polymerizing with each other. As a result, the resin completely hardens. Before polymerization begins, solid fillers can be added to the glaze, which can change the properties of the resulting plastic in the desired direction.

Types of modified plastic

Made by hand using well-known brands of glue domestic production- EKF and EDP. You can buy them in stores that sell household supplies. A small package of 280 g costs approximately 70-80 rubles.

The ratio of modified resin to hardener should be in the range of 8:1 - 10:1. The chemical process of polymerization occurs when room temperature and lasts several hours. It will take at least 12 hours for complete hardening. The hardener for epoxy resin affects the polymerization rate: the more of it in the composition, the faster the shape of the product will be fixed. The ratio of components must be measured very accurately - this directly affects the final result.

Another product of the domestic chemical industry is epoxy resin ED-20. It is very convenient to work with it at home, and the price looks more attractive (half the price of EKF and EDP). Significant disadvantage is a large packaging: 6 kg of resin and 1 kg of hardener.

You can also find two-component formulations made abroad on sale. They make excellent epoxy resin products. In addition to the main raw materials, the packaging includes protective gloves, plastic measuring cups, and wooden stirring sticks. Such sets are much more expensive than domestic analogues. The mixing ratio in them can be very different: 2:1, 1:1 or others. It is possible that the proportions will have to be calculated using a special formula. In any case, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Be careful when working

Epoxy resin has wide application in construction, finishing works, as well as in printing production. Raw materials for technical purposes have a pronounced chemical odor, and fumes have an irritating effect on respiratory system. When working with industrial material protective equipment should be used.

Epoxy resin for jewelry and decorative works from proven manufacturers does not cause harm to health. Although safety rules should not be neglected. Usually there is about them detailed information on the factory packaging, but it would be worth mentioning this now. So, precautions when working with chemical glaze:

Maintain temperature conditions

The polymerization process is accompanied by the release of heat. As a result chemical reaction The resin can heat up to 60 degrees. This feature must be taken into account when choosing pouring molds; it is desirable that they be heat-resistant.

Preheating the starting components speeds up the polymerization process. As the temperature increases, the fluidity of the resin increases and its viscosity decreases. Pouring with epoxy resin small parts will happen faster and better if the solution is preheated to 25-30 o C. Then the filler is introduced into it and only after that the hardener.

Lower air temperatures and excess moisture negatively affect polymerization. Under such conditions, the process may take too long or may not be completed at all.

Achieving the desired consistency

While epoxy resin for jewelry has not entered the polymerization stage, it retains the properties of a viscous liquid. If you introduce dry filler into the solution, it can sink down (cement, gypsum) or rise to the surface (wood chips, cork). This feature of the material must be taken into account when choosing and distributing the composition over it.

Use of aids

The main difficulty that you will have to face during the work process is air bubbles. If you let the mixture sit for a while or warm it up slightly, they will float to the top. To get rid of bubbles stuck to the mold, you can use a regular toothpick. To make your own epoxy resin the ideal consistency, pour it in a thin stream through a fine strainer.

When working with glaze, it is convenient to use disposable utensils to prepare a separate portion of the mixture. Plastic jars for dairy products (yogurt, curds) are well suited for these purposes. It is convenient to stir the mixture with wooden ice cream sticks.

To produce exact dosage components, you can use medical syringes various capacities. Please note that in this case, epoxy resin must be poured into the container from above. And the hardener is drawn into the syringe in the usual way.

It is advisable to lubricate the molds for filling. protective solution. It can be replaced by regular Vaseline or parquet mastic. Apply thin layer and it’s convenient to remove excess cotton swab. If the molds are made of silicone, polyethylene or plexiglass, then they will not require pre-lubrication.

Let's talk about fillers

Solid and liquid additives affect how epoxy resin jewelry turns out. Most often, alabaster, cement, chalk, wood chips or glitter are used for these purposes. The additive content in the total volume of the mixture is no more than 50%.

Dry fillers produce a hard but brittle plastic. To neutralize undesirable quality and improve the plasticity of the material, liquid plasticizers are used. The simplest and most affordable supplement may be castor oil. Usually one or two drops is enough.

Choosing the composition for making a pendant

We will use a special transparent epoxy resin for jewelry to help us create the jewelry. As an example, we can take the two-component composition Gedeo produced by the French company Pebeo with a capacity of 150 ml.

The material perfectly imitates glass and is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also for multi-layer coatings, surface decoration, and restoration of cracks. The basis for application can be glass, metal, earthenware, silicone, plastic, painted wood. The glaze is exceptionally transparent, odorless, and easy to prepare. The finished product is characterized increased strength and does not turn yellow with time.

Step by Step Actions

If you don't want to wait a long time, you can speed up the drying process by slightly warming the pan in the oven. Be careful not to overheat, otherwise bubbles may form on the surface.

The hole for the lace can be made using a wooden stick while the product is in a soft state. If you are late with this, no problem, you can carefully drill a hole in the frozen pendant.

Make sure that the surface where the form is located is absolutely smooth. This will prevent the mass from rolling to one side.

After removing the finished decoration from the mold, sand it with light sandpaper to even out the edges. Thread a cord through the hole and wear the pendant for good health.

Both epoxy and jewelry wire, in the sense of jewelry, special. Regular wire is uncoated and darkens over time. This can, of course, be used as an advantage, but it is not a fact that oxides will not damage the product in the process. More or less suitable aluminum wire can be found in flower shops. But again, most likely without coverage.

We take a wire that is soft enough, but not too thin. I have aluminum 1.5 mm coated. We turn the ring. It is advisable to use some known even shape.

Use side cutters to cut off the long end of the wire. Keep in mind that in this case one tip (here it will be on the right) will be sharp, and the second will be perpendicular to the wire, which is what we need.

In the same way, we cut the tail very, very close (or better even with a tiny margin) to the first cut.

Connect the ends of the ring. The closer they fit to each other, the better.

Now we glue our ring onto wide tape, which it is advisable to first secure to flat surface(I have ceramic tiles or glass) sticky side up.

Since it is better to dilute epoxy in at least 10 ml, then several blanks should be made at once, unless of course you want to throw away excess diluted epoxy. It is very important to check the tightness of the ring to the surface.

Next, I fill the frames with artistic waste - inlays. In general, they advise pouring the bottom layer first, and then pouring in the garbage, but since the time from mixing until the epoxy hardens is limited, I do it in a different order.

So, the blanks are laid out, the tightness is checked, and you can breed them.

I use Ice Resin (odorless, liquid and almost no bubbles - the latter is very important). I measure out the same amount of resin and hardener...

It is very important to measure the exact amount of liquids. Epoxy is an insidious thing: a little more hardener and it will start to “goat” (that is, reach for the tool with such horns) too quickly; any less and you'll be waiting forever for the lenses to harden. :)

Once again: special epoxy, jewelry Ice Resin or Crystal Resin. It differs from the industrial one in the absence of odor, greater transparency and less bubbles. I ordered it here: http://vkontakte.ru/club13872192 - here it is:

Once upon a time I tried to make fills with epoxy glue- the quality is an order of magnitude worse, it is more difficult to work with, and in general it is not intended for jewelry purposes.

I knead. At first, the resin becomes cloudy and opalescent stains appear in it - this is normal. Continue stirring for another minute and a half... Until the mixture becomes transparent. Large bubbles will come out on their own, small ones gradually too. However, in the product they will need to be helped to “hatch”. From the start of mixing until the epoxy begins to “rise”, it takes us about 30-40 minutes.

Fill in the lenses. I use a rubber stick for oil (it will be further in the frame), and I also use it to push out bubbles.

The initial filling, as can be seen in the photo, does not completely cover the “garbage”. This is fine. At this stage we only need to create the “bottom” and secure the drawing. You can even pour less - I overdid it in the frames in the lower right corner. :) We have half an hour to do everything: fill it, push out the bubbles with a needle or a glass, make sure that the lenses are filled more or less evenly.
Now we exhale for 8-10 hours and hide our signs with fills on a distant, dust-free shelf and cover it with a lid, leaving a small gap for air between it and the shelf.

Stage two. After 8-10 hours, the lenses are ready for secondary filling. Mix the epoxy again and carefully apply the second layer. It should cover all protruding parts.

Epoxy does not contain solvents, so it does not shrink when cured. In addition, it is viscous, so if you pour it “heaped”, it will flow to the edge and stop there. But here it is important not to overdo it.

After another 8-10 hours, we remove our lenses from the tape. On
At this stage they look scary. Now we take the solvent and wash off the remaining adhesive tape. Alcohol, gasoline, white-spirit, acetone or nail polish remover will do.

Pour the third layer from the inside out and dry for another 8-10 hours. Voila. :) You can drill, insert into a frame, braid with wire and anything else your heart desires.

And more epoxy work

My favorite is heather. :)

Bracelet with heather

The poppies are plastic, but the lemon balm petals and blades of grass are natural (that’s where the herbarium came in handy).

Bracelet " Fresh water". Freshwater pearls, mother-of-pearl and other garbage. :)

Jasper chips, aventurine glass, fluorite sand and mother-of-pearl chips in jewelry epoxy and gilded wire. Tie pendant

Lapis lazuli chips, mother of pearl, dried heather, fluorite sand in epoxy and gilded wire. Bracelet.

Bracelet and medallion.

Epoxy resin - modern material, which jewelry masters use to create pendants, earrings, bracelets and many other jewelry. They always look very stylish and unusual, because “epoxy” almost completely imitates smooth and shiny glass.

You can put any decor you like into your jewelry: dried flowers and leaves, insects, beads, glitter, shells, clockworks, gears and much more. The choice of filler depends solely on the flight of your imagination.

A little history

Before the advent of modern epoxy compounds (or, in simple terms, “resins”), craftsmen tried to work with epoxy glue. But after the products hardened, an unsightly yellow color appeared, and when pouring the molds, many bubbles formed, which were difficult to get rid of.

The appearance on sale of special epoxy compounds for making jewelry has become a real gift for absolutely all craftsmen. Is it true, for a long time Finding this “treasure” for sale was not so easy. But now in almost every craft supply store you can buy epoxy, or even order resin delivery to your home, as in our Beadstree online store.

The choice of epoxy resin depends, first of all, on what result the master plans to get - a colorless product or with a colored tint.

For volumetric coatings, it is permissible to choose compounds with a slight yellow tint, but for pouring into a mold and creating an imitation of water, a completely colorless base and hardener are required.

How to prepare epoxy for work?

Epoxy resin - Chemical substance or a composition that consists of two components:

  • An epoxy base consisting of resin and various modifying additives (defoamers, bleaches, plasticizers, etc.).
  • A hardener or crosslinking agent is a component due to which the “epoxy” hardens and becomes hard like glass.

Before starting work, you should carefully read the instructions and become familiar with the curing time of the resin in order to finish working with this material in time. After this, you need to mix the base and hardener and slightly heat the resulting mass; this procedure will remove bubbles and make the mixture homogeneous.

Safety precautions when working with epoxy

When working with epoxy resin, it is necessary to take a number of protective measures:

  • Wear protective gloves and a medical mask while working.
  • If the resin does get on your skin, wash it off immediately with clean, warm water and soap.
  • Do not use epoxy resin to create products that will come into contact with food.
  • Before starting work, cover work surface plastic film or wax paper. After completion of work, the film or paper should be disposed of.
  • Be sure to take care of ventilation: harmful fumes of epoxy resin should not remain in the room. If you do not plan to constantly work with epoxy, a regular open window will do.

How to create jewelry from epoxy resin?

The main stages of working with epoxy:

  1. Add resin and hardener to a previously prepared dry container. Using the wooden stick from the set, carefully mix the ingredients and leave the resulting mixture for 40-60 minutes.
    Make sure there are no bubbles in the liquid. If they do appear, carefully pierce them with a toothpick.

  2. Prepare a mold for future decoration, then pour part of the mixture into it and wait 15-20 minutes. Then carefully place into the mixture decorative elements. There are many options, here are just some of the most popular:

  3. Pour the remaining mixture into the mold. Pour just above the edges as the epoxy level will drop slightly as it cures.

    Leave the mold for a day - during this time the resin will completely dry and harden. It is advisable to cover the mold to prevent dust and dirt from getting into the resin.

    Carefully remove the product from the silicone mold and begin sanding.

    Experienced craftsmen master the process so well that polishing the product is practically not required. However, at first you will most likely have to work hard with fine-grained sandpaper to remove any irregularities and give the decoration the ideal shape.

    By the way, a regular nail file or manicure machine is also suitable for polishing.

    After sanding, the piece must be polished to make it as smooth and shiny as glass.

    You can polish the future decoration manually or using power tools, for example, a drill with a soft foam or felt attachment. Sometimes craftsmen use polishing paste for cars - with it the product acquires faster smooth surface and bright shine.

We invite you to try your hand right now and with my own hands make a decoration from epoxy resin. You will find everything you need for work in our online store. Choose, place an order and realize your creative ideas!

  • Conclusion

Original jewelry attracts attention and enjoys well-deserved popularity, combining beauty, elegance and individuality. The fashion for such products can be used for your own purposes. One of the options, which, if implemented correctly, can bring a good income to the craftsman, is making jewelry from epoxy resin.

If you creative person and have free time, desire and opportunity, then starting a business creating jewelry from an unusual but fashionable material will not cause any difficulties. The article below will help you understand where to start, what tools you will need, how much money you will need, and what kind of income you can achieve.

How to turn a hobby into a successful business making epoxy resin jewelry?

About, , receiving real income, there is plenty of information on the Internet. However, not all data will really help you open a business, achieve success and prosperity. Our article on how to createand promote them among target audience, will allow you to make your dream of owning your own business a reality. Just read the material carefully and follow the instructions.

What is jewelry epoxy resin?

A fashionable and easy-to-use material called epoxy resin is a clear or colored liquid of artificial origin. This is a combination of two components - a resin and a hardener. Epoxy resin used to make jewelry was created in the middle of the last century. The material has several important advantages:

  • beauty, uniqueness, ease of use;
  • lack of response to shock, vibration, exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • high strength, resistance to external influences;
  • long service life.

The epoxy resin contains no toxic, harmful Negative influence on human health, components. This material is easy to process. When using it, you must comply simple rules security, which will be discussed below. During application, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the room.

What jewelry is more profitable to make for sale?

Modern epoxy resin jewelryare in deserved demand not only among the fair sex. Men also do not remain indifferent to such jewelry. Having studied the demand for products, we can conclude that rings, earrings, brooches, bracelets, and pendants have received recognition. It makes sense to produce all these products and offer them to customers who value originality, uniqueness, originality and tenderness.

What materials are needed to create epoxy jewelry?

To achieve success in developing and making jewelry from epoxy resin, patience and free time alone will clearly not be enough. To create original jewelry you will need special materials and tools. In order for the process to proceed quickly and without unplanned delays, you will need:

  • high-quality epoxy resin with the required level of transparency and ductility;
  • materials for decoration (the choice depends on the preferences of the master and customer demand);
  • gloves for work, Silicone forms(molds), respirator, stirring sticks or toothpicks;
  • To protect the table you will need cleaning napkins; you can use plastic film.

Of all the items noted, materials for decoration are of greatest interest. These can be plants, leaves, flowers (dried herbarium), buds, inflorescences, wood blanks. In addition to these materials, you can use decorative sand, pebbles, shells. All products that will be used in work must be clean and dry.

It is worth noting the fittings, which are important element when creating jewelry. These are components without which it is difficult to make brooches, earrings, pendants and other jewelry. The quality of the fittings must be high. If you do not have independent experience in making such products, then it is better to order them in a specialized store or online.

What tools do you need to make epoxy resin jewelry?

In addition to the materials that are listed just above, the jewelry maker needs to stock up on special equipment and tools. We are talking about jewelry scales, a mini drill with different attachments, sanding paper and several medium-sized syringes. They will be needed for a set of resins and hardener.

What is silicone mold and how to work with it?

To make three-dimensional products you will need a silicone mold. This is a special form that can last a long time, subject to the rules of use specified by the manufacturer. Depending on the needs and preferences of the jewelry creator, molds are selected that are optimal in size and pattern.

Financial plan for a home workshop for making epoxy jewelry

Thinking about or other persons who have free time, it is necessary to resolve the issue related to the financial component. Everyone will agree that one of the most important factors for a new businessman is making a profit. Every entrepreneur strives to earn money, recoup initial costs, and enjoy the highest possible income. Will it give such results?can be found out by calculating all expenses and potential profits.

How much money do you need to start your own business?

At the stage of launching your business, you need to spend money on purchasing materials, components, and consumables. The main expenses will be associated with the purchase of epoxy resin. There is no need to save money here. High quality material will quickly pay for itself.

Experts have calculated that at the initial stage an amount of 5,000 rubles will be required. Of course, this is an average. It may be less or more depending on what materials, additional components and the consumables will be purchased by a master who decides to start such a business.

How much can you earn selling resin jewelry?

The answer to this question lies in how the jewelry maker approaches his craft. At competent organization production process you can make good money. Firstly, Russian market lacks epoxy jewelry.

Little competition allows new participants to quickly find their audience. You can promote such products using social media, forums, your website on the World Wide Web. The price of the product will depend on the cost of materials and the premium set by the creator himself. Original jewelry will definitely be in demand.

Technology for creating jewelry from epoxy resin with your own hands

When all the materials have been purchased and prepared for work, you can begin the creative and interesting process of creating real masterpieces. The basic rule is strict adherence to the proportions of hardener and resin. Typically, manufacturers of substances indicate such data on the packaging. The standard option is a hardener to resin ratio of 1:10.

  • thoroughly mix the resin and hardener (it is necessary to achieve homogeneity and uniformity, the absence of air bubbles);
  • lay out the prepared decorative material in mold;
  • pour decorative elements with resin in a thin stream to the top;
  • leave until completely dry (on average a day);
  • remove from the mold and polish the resulting products using a mini-drill or manicure machine;
  • enjoy the result!

If inaccuracies were made the first time, then do not be upset. Experience comes with practice. Finished jewelry that turned out great can be safely put up for sale.

If it became clear that producing jewelry from epoxy resin is an impossible task, then here’s anothera few other ideas for . Everyone will be able to find an interesting and profitable activity that will not require significant financial resources at the initial stage.

How to work with jewelry resin: safety precautions

When performing any work, you must follow safety precautions. When using epoxy resin, you should also not neglect generally accepted rules. So, the main recommendations are as follows:

  • use of a respirator, safety glasses and clothing;
  • The resin should be stored in a closed container;
  • work in rooms equipped with ventilation;
  • if resin or hardener gets on the skin, rinse with water and treat with a disinfectant;
  • Avoid contact with eyes (hazardous to vision).

Epoxy resin is a chemical substance. Therefore, when working with it you need to be careful and attentive.

A simple algorithm for making a designer bracelet

A bracelet is one of the most popular jewelry. To make this type of jewelry from epoxy resin, you do not need to develop a complex design solution. All you have to do is think through the drawing and act as follows:

  • preparing the mold for the bracelet;
  • prepare the resin;
  • preparing decorative filler(its composition and design can be anything);
  • after the resin has settled, pour it into the mold;
  • we lay down decorative elements (you can fix them using a regular toothpick);
  • let the mold harden and remove the product from the mold;
  • remove sharp edges with sandpaper;
  • The finished bracelet can be coated with clear varnish.

A beautiful product will delight the fashionista who loves individuality. This bracelet will highlight the unique taste of the owner. The process of producing a stylish and elegant accessory is simple. Worth a try!

5 secrets from craftswomen on how to master the art of creating epoxy jewelry

  1. Careful attention to the choice of casting molds and epoxy resin. High quality These components will guarantee excellent results.
  2. Don't skimp on accessories. Framing epoxy resin products – the most important stage, on which the demand for finished products also depends.
  3. Removing air bubbles. Here we can recommend one trick - after pouring the resin, you need to let the mixture settle. After this, it should be warmed up. Thanks to this operation, the bubbles will float to the surface, where they can be carefully removed.
  4. Particular attention to the consistency of the mixture. It all depends on the initial components - resin and hardener. Their most rational ratio will allow you to obtain a composition that is ideal in terms of its characteristics. Advice: carefully read the information on the packaging and listen to the advice of experienced professionals.
  5. Proper organization of the workplace. The maker of epoxy resin jewelry should be comfortable and comfortable while making the product. All necessary materials and the components must be on hand. A tidy desk is the key to productive creativity.


Production of epoxy resin products – great option which allows you to open . Having learned all the features and secrets of creating such products, you can declare yourself as a talented and fashionable craftsman. Good luck in mastering a new, interesting and profitable business!



One of the largest fashion trends in the fashion and beauty industry is the creation of hand-made jewelry. Therefore, I bring to your attention an ultra-fashionable technique for creating original jewelry made of epoxy resin.

To create epoxy resin jewelry you will need:

Silicone forms (molds),

A variety of natural materials (dried flowers, shells, etc.),

Epoxy resin,

- container for stirring, toothpicks, disposable gloves.

So, epoxy resin - what is it? This is a product that consists of two components: the resin itself and the hardener. When they are mixed, the material hardens and then polymerizes. The hardener is a significant component in the working mixture, so it is added 1:1 in relation to the resin or more (depending on the type of resin). Epoxy resin after hardening turns into a transparent and very hard plastic, externally imitating plexiglass or even real glass, only unbreakable.

Epoxy resin has high strength (much higher than regular glue), it resists wear better, and its ability to accept the required form during polymerization even at low temperatures - this is what is required when making jewelry at home.

Dried flowers, pebbles, shells, beads are original decor, which is used in epoxy resin jewelry. These natural materials add variety and define color scheme decoration

Master class on making a bracelet from epoxy resin

And now I bring to your attention a simple master class on making a bracelet from epoxy resin from needlewoman Ekaterina, known under the nickname Devona Sun Design.


Bracelet mold (can be purchased at craft stores or online stores that stock epoxy resin)

Disposable resin mixing cup

Mixing stick

Dry leaves

Toothpick, scissors

So, first, wash and dry the silicone mold. Mix the resin with the hardener (in this case in a ratio of 1:3, but each manufacturer has its own proportions, so you need to carefully read the instructions for the resin). Stir well until smooth and set aside to release any bubbles.

Prepare the dry leaves by cutting off the excess with scissors so that they do not protrude from the mold.

After 10 minutes, when the resin has settled, pour it into the mold. The more carefully you pour the resin into the mold, the less you will need to sand the finished product later.

Then use a toothpick to place the leaves into the resin. Spread them out carefully. In order for the remaining bubbles to come out of the resin and for faster hardening, place the mold with the bracelet in the oven for 10-15 minutes, heated to 80 degrees and turned off. Then you should remove the mold from the oven and leave it to harden for a day. When the bracelet has completely hardened, carefully remove it from the mold.

The sharp edges of the bracelet should be sanded with fine sandpaper. Then the bracelet needs to be opened with varnish (any acrylic will do). The bracelet is ready!

Bracelets made using the same technique.

Besides natural materials you can use photos

and other materials.

Master class on making pendants, rings and earrings with rose buds from epoxy resin

You can make not only bracelets from epoxy resin, but anything you want, any unique jewelry. I offer you a master class on making pendants, rings and earrings with rose buds from epoxy resin from the wonderful craftswoman Rusalina.


Silicone forms

Two-component epoxy resin (with hardener)

Dried rose buds

Metal fittings

Hot glue gun

Prepare silicone molds: wash with soap and dry well. Rosebuds should be taken with a color transition or with inclusions - they will not change their color after complete drying. They should be dried with their heads down.

The epoxy resin must be diluted with the hardener according to the instructions using a wooden stick to a uniform transparent consistency. To avoid bubbles in the resin, you need to put it in an oven preheated to 60 degrees for 5 minutes.

Then, using a syringe or using a wooden stick, fill the silicone molds halfway with resin, place the rose buds in them head down and top up with the remaining resin.

Then you need to leave the mold until completely dry in a warm, dry place for a period of 24 to 72 hours (depending on the depth of the mold).

After complete drying, you can remove the product from the mold; this is easiest to do under running water. The edges of the product, where it was open space, not hidden in the mold, must be sanded using sandpaper. Then take the hardware you want and use a hot glue gun to glue the epoxy resin product to it.

Master class on making jewelry from epoxy resin with dandelions

And one more interesting master class from craftswoman Anastasia Parfyonova known under the nickname NikaLiza. This time there will be dandelion parachutes in epoxy resin. Dandelions in jewelry evoke associations with lightness and serenity.


Two-component epoxy resin (with hardener)

Silicone forms (molds)

Dandelion parachutes

Disposable gloves, cups, syringes, mixing stick

First you need to wash and dry the molds. Then, wearing gloves, pour the resin and hardener into the cups. Having measured required quantity resin and hardener using syringes, pour them into another glass and mix together with a wooden stick. You need to knead thoroughly, in a circular motion, so that all the air comes out - this will take about 10 minutes. After this, you should leave the epoxy resin for half an hour.

Then place the dandelion in the mold and carefully fill it with resin on top. For complete hardening, wait exactly one day and remove the product from the mold. If necessary, sand a little with fine sandpaper.

You can also make similar decorations with sea pebbles, shells, pieces of glass, gold leaf, etc. And if you add a little stained glass paint to the resin, you can get products with a variety of colors.

Jewelry made using the same technique.