home · Appliances · Sand waterfall in an aquarium. Decorative waterfall in an aquarium. Making a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands

Sand waterfall in an aquarium. Decorative waterfall in an aquarium. Making a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands

Can be seen completely various options interior design aquarium, even the most unusual ones. Aquascape - exciting activity, and his fans sometimes use unexpected techniques to design space. One such technique is to install an aquarium waterfall.

At first glance, the phrase itself “ aquarium waterfall" seems absurd. And indeed: how, where and where can water fall if the aquarium is already filled with it? Of course, if the “can” is filled, for example, to half, then such a device can be placed in such a way that the top of the waterfall is above the water level. However, will this fully simulate a cascade of water flowing from top to bottom? Of course not.

But a waterfall installed against the side wall looks quite appropriate, and a similar design of terrariums is often found in practice.

However, aquascapers have found a way out of the situation, and waterfalls decorate many home and office aquariums. Only in this case will it be appropriate to talk about sandfall, since it is sand that falls down from a height. However, outwardly a beautiful illusion of a real waterfall is created.

What is the principle of operation of such a device?

Obviously, the sand must somehow rise up and then flow down to the foot of the hill. Indeed, this happens with the help of an air compressor, which creates a vacuum in the tube into which sand flows from a special container.

In applied physics this is called injection. A mass of sand grains rises up the tube and, reaching the outlet, flows down. All that remains is to ensure that this process was continuous and sand did not get stuck in the line.

The business promptly responded to the requests of professionals and aquatic design enthusiasts, and soon “waterfalls” for aquariums of various shapes, sizes, and a wide price range appeared on the shelves of specialized stores. Such decorative aquarium devices come in the form of a sphinx model, in the form of a tower, a rock, or a stalactite.

The kit includes everything basic and auxiliary equipment for assembling and connecting sandfall.

However, many fans get true pleasure precisely when such a device is made with their own hands. In the literature and on special aquarium websites you can find many examples of the manufacture and installation of sandfalls various configurations, power and varied appearance.

How to make your own aquarium waterfall

First of all, you need to determine what to use to create the injection effect. An ordinary one, which is a necessary accessory for almost every aquarium, is suitable for this. The air it blows should capture the grains of sand and carry them up the tube. Thus, to make a “waterfall” you will need:

  • rigid support for the structure, the height of which is calculated based on the size of the entire sandfall;
  • a rubber hose of small cross-section (from 10 to 15 mm), its length also corresponds to the height of the future structure;
  • hoses from the drip system;
  • empty plastic bottle (1.5 liter capacity, for example);
  • scotch;
  • silicone aquarium glue;
  • light stones for finishing the structure to look like a natural grotto or rock.

Any plastic pipe can be used as a support. To make it stable, you can glue a rectangular base to it. Having placed this support in the aquarium, you can then place several stones on the base; this will give the structure stability.

Technical part. It is necessary to attach a rubber hose to the support with silicone so that its top is 1–2 cm above the water level in the aquarium (for air to escape). At the bottom of the rubber tube (5–6 cm from bottom edge) a slot is made. The lower edge of the slot must be bent. A collection bowl will then be inserted into it to collect the falling sand.

Collection bowl sand is made from trimmings plastic bottle. First, the tapering part is cut off and the threaded neck is removed. Then the top trimmed part of the bottle is cut in half lengthwise. It turns out to be some kind of scoop, which will play the role of a collecting bowl. This “scoop” is inserted into the main hose (or pipe) at the slot, fixed with tape (temporarily) and glued with silicone.

Assembly. The system hose (dropper) is connected to the lower edge of the main tube; it is through it that air from the compressor will be supplied. A large slot is also made in the upper part of the pipe, slightly below the water level; Sand will spill out from there.

Please ensure that all joints are thoroughly sealed with silicone. Otherwise the injection will be weakened.

In principle, the sandfall is ready. All that remains is to “turn on” your imagination and decorate it according to the general plan.

When the structure has dried, it is installed in the selected location of the aquarium and put into operation. Naturally, sand must be poured into the storage bowl.

Sand for waterfall

The choice of sand in this case plays a very important role. In order for the illusion of a waterfall to be as complete as possible, you need to select sand based on several factors.

  • Firstly, it should not be too small, since under the influence air flow will scatter in different directions (spray).
  • Secondly, the sand should not be too coarse: large grains of sand can create a traffic jam in the main highway.

Therefore, in order to achieve the desired effect of a falling flow, the sand fraction for each specific product is almost always selected experimentally.

In addition, you can purchase painted artificial sand, which will give the “waterfall” unique beauty and grace.

Perhaps every aquarist who is in love with his business wants his brainchild to stand out with some special decorative element. Handmade underwater waterfall, fits well into general interior an aquarium can become such an important element.

You can see that the “sandfall” in the aquarium looks as impressive as a real waterfall in the video:

Those who have at least once seen what a waterfall looks like inside an aquarium often get excited about the idea of ​​installing the same beauty at home. This seems quite a difficult task at first. However, let’s try to figure out in more detail whether this is realistic to do.


The main feature of an aquarium waterfall is that it works not on water, but on sand. Accordingly, it has its own technology and specifics. To achieve the lifting of sand, and then gently flowing it down, a compressor is used. It creates a vacuum in the tube through which the sand circulates.

If you want to install at home sand waterfall, you can choose 2 ways. Of course, the easiest way is to buy it in a store. On the shelves this product presented in a fairly wide range - you can find one that suits your shape and will have the required dimensions.

All that remains is to assemble the device and connect it, which anyone can do.

However, some aquarists still prefer to make a small or larger waterfall with their own hands. They use their imagination and come up with the most unusual options this decorative element. It should be noted that the process does not require special skills and can be done by any person who has an understanding of the essence similar work. Its principle is to lift sand using a compressor to a certain height, from which it will fall.

The condition necessary for organizing work is keeping the pipe through which the sand will rise clean. It is also necessary to ensure that the process is not interrupted.

Necessary materials

Before you start work, you need to prepare materials that will be useful along the way. The process is slow, rather painstaking, and requires concentration, so you will have to be patient. However, the result will not be long in coming, and the aquarium waterfall will delight the eye for a long time.

So first of all you need to select a compressor. It is he who is responsible for the continuous rise of sand grains and ensures injection. In addition, it is worth taking care of a rigid support. It can be used as a plastic tube, which is fixed on a hard surface shaped like a rectangle.

The size is selected according to the size of the finished aquarium waterfall.

You will also need rubber hose. Its cross-section should be from 10 to 15 millimeters. You will need a drip hose, tape, a 1.5 liter plastic bottle and silicone glue. In addition, you need to prepare stones that are not too heavy, which will serve as decoration.

Step-by-step instruction

After necessary materials prepared, it’s time to design the parts of the future composition. We offer instructions, following which will save time and prevent mistakes.

First, prepare the base. You need to attach a rubber hose to it; this must be done using silicone glue. Here we must take into account that it must be possible to get rid of excess air, therefore the hose must be led higher than the level water surface.

Its lower part is slightly cut in order to place a bowl for collecting sand in this hole.

In order to make the bowl itself, you will need a plastic bottle. Its upper part is cut off to the point of narrowing. The lower one is divided into 2 more parts, one of which will serve as a bowl for sand.


Next stage - creation of the main structure from prepared parts. A bowl is installed in the place where the rubber hose is cut. It must be secured with silicone glue, secured with tape for strength. A hose from the drip system is attached to the bottom of the hose, through which air from the compressor will flow.

It is necessary to make another cut on the rubber hose, quite large, which should be located below the water level. Sand will come out of it, which creates the effect of a waterfall. The excess air rises higher. In order to achieve the filter principle, the incision is covered with padding polyester.

After this, you need to check whether all elements are securely fixed. If there are weak spots, you need to glue them again. Just in case, you can also secure connections that look strong.

Choosing sand

Exactly how a waterfall will work depends greatly on the sand circulating in it. The choice of this component should be taken very seriously.

Very fine sand is not suitable for operating an aquarium waterfall. The fact is that it is too light in weight and therefore subject to too much spraying. With large grains of sand the opposite problem occurs.

Being inside the rubber hose, they may not rise completely, thereby creating blockages.

Experts recommend considering option with colored sand. A waterfall with it looks more elegant and unusual, creating a magical effect. However, you can try different options and eventually settle on what you like best.

Experts give some advice that may be useful to those who are planning to make sand waterfall in aquarium.

To improve the device, It can be equipped with a protective cover. It will allow the sand not to spill out, and moreover, to get out of the hose in the right direction. To do this you will need a 0.5 liter plastic bottle. You need to cut the lid out of it. required size, and then secure it to the structure. The main thing is that the lid does not unnecessarily block the place where excess air comes out. To prevent the glued part from looking foreign, it can be decorated with pebbles or other decorative elements.

For a volumetric waterfall, you can use a 5-liter bottle. The upper and lower parts are cut off from it, after which the corner is cut out. After this, the material is glued to the hoses.

Decorative elements will also not be superfluous at such a waterfall. The pebbles can be fixed with silicone glue. In addition, the thresholds will look beautiful and elegant.

Aquarists say that often the glue is visible in the open parts of the structure, giving it a not very presentable appearance. This problem is easy to fix; smudges are masked if the bad areas are properly sprinkled with the same sand. This can act as a kind of decorative element and will hide various defects.

To learn how to make a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands, see below.

Nowadays, aquarium owners prefer waterfalls as a stylish and original decorative element. It looks very beautiful and impressive. At first glance, the phrase “waterfall in an aquarium” seems absurd. Where and where does the water fall when the tank is already filled with it? Sand comes to the aid of aquascapers, because it is sand that flows from top to bottom. Thanks to this, the illusion of a waterfall is created. Is it possible to create such a decoration at home? And what do you need to make a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands?

The principle of operation of a waterfall in an aquarium

Today we are ready to offer a large assortment decorations in the form of a waterfall. Aquatic design enthusiasts can purchase such a device by choosing suitable form, size and cost. Waterfalls in stores may have various shapes, such as a sphinx, tower, stalactite or rock. The kit contains all the necessary elements needed for assembly and connection.

But aquascapers get real pleasure when they make this spectacular decorative element at home. How to make a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands? First of all, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The effect of falling water is achieved by the flow of small grains of sand. First of all, you need to understand how the sand will rise to the surface and then sink to the bottom. This happens thanks to an air compressor, which creates a vacuum effect in the tube in which the sand is located. defines such a phenomenon as injection. The grains of sand rise up the tube and, having reached the outlet, flow down under the influence of their weight. Consequently, the main tasks when designing a waterfall are to ensure two things: the continuity of this process and the patency of the tube through which the sand rises.

Necessary components for making a waterfall

Making a waterfall will require patience and precision. But if everything is done correctly, the result will definitely please you with its beauty and originality.

How to make a waterfall First of all, you should determine which unit will provide the injection effect. Perfect for this purpose which is necessary attribute almost any home for fish. The forced air will pick up sand grains and lift them up the tube. The compressor is the first and main component for the manufactured device. You will also need the following items:

  • Waterfall support made of rigid material. Its height corresponds to the size of the entire decor structure. Any plastic pipe is perfect for use as a support. To ensure stability, it should be attached to a rectangular base.
  • Rubber hose with a cross section of 10-15 millimeters. Its length will correspond to the height of the support from the previous point.
  • Tube from the IV system.
  • Scotch.
  • Plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters.
  • Light weight stones for decorating a structure.

Making waterfall parts

How to make a waterfall in an aquarium? To a support made of plastic pipe, using silicone you need to attach a rubber hose. Its upper part should rise one to two centimeters above the surface of the water in the aquarium to ensure air escape.

A slot should be made at the bottom of the hose at a distance of five to six centimeters from the edge. Subsequently, a bowl will be inserted into this hole to collect falling sand. It is recommended to make such a container from a plastic bottle. To do this, cut off the top tapering part, then get rid of the neck and threads and cut the remaining funnel lengthwise into two halves. This element, which looks like a scoop, will serve as a bowl for collecting sand.

Assembling the waterfall structure

When all the components of the structure are ready, you can begin the layout. To assemble a waterfall in an aquarium, you first need to insert the manufactured sand collection container into a rubber hose in the place of the slot that was made earlier, temporarily fix it with tape and glue it with silicone glue.

In the upper part of the main rubber hose you need to make a large slot from which sand will pour out. This hole should be located just below the water level in the aquarium. For proper and uniform operation of the device, this slot should be covered with a thin padding polyester, which will function as a filter.

The waterfall for the aquarium is almost ready. It is recommended to ensure that all joints of the structure are well sealed with silicone to avoid loosening of the injection. Next, it remains to show your imagination and decorate the device.


When installing a waterfall, it is recommended to place several stones on top of the rectangular base. They will simultaneously serve both as design objects and as elements that give the device stability. To decorate the structure, use a sheet of waterproof material to hide the support and rubber hose and leave only falling sand in sight. For additional decor, you can place driftwood and plants next to the waterfall.

If you place the structure in the center of the aquarium, the tank will be divided into two parts. It looks unaesthetic. Therefore, you should install a waterfall near the walls or in the corner of the house for fish.

The completeness of the illusion of a waterfall is influenced by the sand used in the design. It should be selected based on the following principles:

  • Do not use sand that is too fine, because the air flow can spray it in different directions.
  • It is not recommended to use too large a fraction of the bulk substance, since grains of sand large sizes may create a blockage inside the rubber hose.

A waterfall in an aquarium will look more impressive, elegant and unique if you use colored artificial sand.

Before finally installing the structure in the tank, several experiments should be carried out using bulk material different fractions and choose the appropriate one that will create the desired falling effect.

A waterfall in an aquarium is a fashionable and unusual element of modern art for creating an underwater landscape. Every fish breeder dreams that his pets' home will stand out as special, original element decor. It is the waterfall, created with your own hands, that will be such a highlight, successfully fitting into the overall interior of the aquarium. Moreover, making such a device is not too difficult.

You can see completely different options for the internal design of an aquarium, even the most unusual ones. Aquascape is a fascinating activity, and its fans sometimes use unexpected techniques for designing space. One such technique is to install an aquarium waterfall.

What it is?

At first glance, the very phrase “aquarium waterfall” seems absurd. And indeed: how, where and where can water fall if the aquarium is already filled with it? Of course, if the “can” is filled with water, for example, up to half, then such a device can be placed in such a way that the top of the waterfall is higher than the level of the water. However, will this fully simulate a cascade of water flowing from top to bottom? Of course not.

But in a terrarium, a waterfall installed near the side wall looks quite appropriate, and a similar design of terrariums is often found in practice.

However, aquascapers have found a way out of the situation, and waterfalls decorate many home and office aquariums. Only in this case will it be appropriate to talk about sandfall, since it is sand that falls down from a height. However, outwardly a beautiful illusion of a real waterfall is created.

What is the principle of operation of such a device?

Obviously, the sand must somehow rise up and then flow down to the foot of the hill. Indeed, this happens with the help of an air compressor, which creates a vacuum in the tube into which sand flows from a special container.

In applied physics this is called injection. A mass of sand grains rises up the tube and, reaching the outlet, flows down. All that remains is to ensure that this process is continuous and the sand does not get stuck in the pipeline.

The business promptly responded to the requests of professionals and aquatic design enthusiasts, and soon “waterfalls” for aquariums of various shapes, sizes, and a wide price range appeared on the shelves of specialized stores. Such decorative aquarium devices come in the form of a sphinx model, in the form of a tower, a rock, or a stalactite.

However, many fans of aquascaping get true pleasure precisely when such a device is made with their own hands. In the literature and on special aquarium websites you can find many examples of the manufacture and installation of sandfalls of various configurations, power and varied appearance.

How to make your own aquarium waterfall

First of all, you need to determine what to use to create the injection effect. An ordinary aquarium compressor, which is a necessary accessory for almost every aquarium, is suitable for this. The air it blows should capture the grains of sand and carry them up the tube. Thus, to make a “waterfall” you will need:

  • rigid support for the structure, the height of which is calculated based on the size of the entire sandfall;
  • a rubber hose of small cross-section (from 10 to 15 mm), its length also corresponds to the height of the future structure;
  • hoses from the drip system;
  • empty plastic bottle (1.5 liter capacity, for example);
  • scotch;
  • silicone aquarium glue;
  • light stones for finishing the structure to look like a natural grotto or rock.

Any plastic pipe can be used as a support. To make it stable, you can glue a rectangular base to it. Having placed this support in the aquarium, you can then place several stones on the base; this will give the structure stability.

Technical part. It is necessary to attach a rubber hose to the support with silicone so that its top is 1–2 cm above the water level in the aquarium (for air to escape). A slot is made in the lower part of the rubber tube (5–6 cm from the bottom edge). The lower edge of the slot must be bent. A collection bowl will then be inserted into this slot, where falling sand will be collected.

Collection bowl sand is made from scraps of a plastic bottle. First, the tapering part is cut off and the threaded neck is removed. Then the top trimmed part of the bottle is cut in half lengthwise. It turns out to be some kind of scoop, which will play the role of a collecting bowl. This “scoop” is inserted into the main hose (or pipe) at the slot, fixed with tape (temporarily) and glued with silicone.

Assembly. The system hose (dropper) is connected to the lower edge of the main tube; it is through it that air from the compressor will be supplied. A large slot is also made in the upper part of the pipe, slightly below the water level; Sand will spill out from there.

In principle, the sandfall is ready. All that remains is to “turn on” your imagination and decorate it according to the general plan.

When the structure has dried, it is installed in the selected location of the aquarium and put into operation. Naturally, sand must be poured into the storage bowl.

Sand for waterfall

The choice of sand in this case plays a very important role. In order for the illusion of a waterfall to be as complete as possible, you need to select sand based on several factors.

  • Firstly, it should not be too small, since under the influence of the air flow it will scatter in different directions (spray).
  • Secondly, the sand should not be too coarse: large grains of sand can create a traffic jam in the main highway.

Therefore, in order to achieve the desired effect of a falling flow, the sand fraction for each specific product is almost always selected experimentally.

Perhaps every aquarist who is in love with his business wants his brainchild to stand out with some special decorative element. A self-made underwater waterfall that fits well into the overall interior of the aquarium can become just such an important element.

You can see that the “sandfall” in the aquarium looks as impressive as a real waterfall in the video:

When we plan to decorate our aquarium, we naturally try to select the most amazing and interesting elements decor that will help bring our underwater kingdom to life in an unusual way. One of these is the underwater waterfall in the aquarium. This amazing miracle aquarium is actually a stream of fine white or transparent sand circulating in the system. It falls from the bowl into the tube, with the help of a compressor with air bubbles it is forced out, creating the desired waterfall effect, and then falls back into the bowl.

You can make a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands quickly and easily following simple instructions. This does not require special skills, and such a device is quite cheap. In our master class we will show you how to make a waterfall in an aquarium. For this we will need:

  • 1.5 l plastic bottle – 1 pc.;
  • plastic bottle 0.5 l;
  • dropper – 1 pc.;
  • rubber water hose with a diameter of 1.2 cm - 30 cm;
  • plastic water pipe 37 cm;
  • silicone sealant;
  • compressor – 1 pc.;
  • narrow tape;

Making a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands

  1. Take a plastic water pipe and cut it in three lengthwise. We bend them and get support for the future waterfall.
  2. We glue the tube and hose together with sealant.
  3. Stepping back 3 cm from the bottom edge of the hose, make an incision oval shape size 2x1 cm.
  4. From a 1.5 liter bottle and cut it off top part and a threaded neck.
  5. We make a cut along the resulting bowl and put it on the hose, bending the previously made cut (2x1 cm).
  6. We adjust the diameter of the bowl and glue the curved ends with thin tape.
  7. Thoroughly seal the joint between the bowl and the hose with sealant and leave to dry.
  8. At the top of the hose, from the edge diagonally, we make an oval cut, measuring 2.5x1 cm.
  9. We take a plastic tip from the dropper and, using glue, attach it to the lower end of the hose and leave it to dry.
  10. We put the tube from the dropper onto the tip, and connect the other end of the tube to the compressor.
  11. Let's check the operation of our handmade waterfall in an aquarium. If everything works, we proceed to making the visor cover. It will regulate the release of sand.
  12. We take a 0.5 liter plastic bottle and cut off the top part, cutting off the threaded neck. You will get a bowl 3 cm high.
  13. We make a cut on the side of the bowl and attach it to the top of the hose, so as not to block the hole for air bubbles to escape.
  14. We secure the visor with narrow tape and glue it to the hose with sealant. We leave our almost finished waterfall in the aquarium to dry.
  15. When everything is ready, you can start decorating the waterfall with stones at your discretion. It is better to paste over the area of ​​​​the future rock where the sand will crumble directly with smaller stones to form a depression. This is what we got.

Nowadays, aquarium owners prefer waterfalls as a stylish and original decorative element. It looks very beautiful and impressive. At first glance, the phrase “waterfall in an aquarium” seems absurd. Where and where does the water fall when the tank is already filled with it? Sand comes to the aid of aquascapers, because it is sand that flows from top to bottom. Thanks to this, the illusion of a waterfall is created. Is it possible to create such a decoration at home? And what do you need to make a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands?

The principle of operation of a waterfall in an aquarium

Today, specialized stores are ready to offer a wide range of waterfall-shaped jewelry. Aquatic design enthusiasts can purchase such a device by choosing the appropriate shape, size and cost. Waterfalls in stores can have different shapes, such as a sphinx, a tower, a stalactite or a rock. The kit contains all the necessary elements needed for assembly and connection.

But aquascapers get real pleasure when they make this spectacular decorative element at home. How to make a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands? First of all, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The effect of falling water is achieved by the flow of small grains of sand. First of all, you need to understand how the sand will rise to the surface and then sink to the bottom. This happens thanks to an air compressor, which creates a vacuum effect in the tube in which the sand is located. Applied physics defines this phenomenon as injection. The grains of sand rise up the tube and, having reached the outlet, flow down under the influence of their weight. Consequently, the main tasks when designing a waterfall are to ensure two things: the continuity of this process and the patency of the tube through which the sand rises.

Necessary components for making a waterfall

Making a waterfall will require patience and precision. But if everything is done correctly, the result will definitely please you with its beauty and originality.

How to make a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands? First of all, you should determine which unit will provide the injection effect. An aquarium compressor, which is a necessary attribute of almost any fish home, is perfect for this purpose. The forced air will pick up sand grains and lift them up the tube. The compressor is the first and main component for the manufactured device. You will also need the following items:

  • Waterfall support made of rigid material. Its height corresponds to the size of the entire decor structure. Any plastic pipe is perfect for use as a support. To ensure stability, it should be attached to a rectangular base.
  • Rubber hose with a cross section of 10-15 millimeters. Its length will correspond to the height of the support from the previous point.
  • Tube from the IV system.
  • Scotch.
  • Plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters.
  • Silicone glue.
  • Light weight stones for decorating a structure.

Making waterfall parts

How to make a waterfall in an aquarium? A rubber hose must be attached to a support made of a plastic pipe using silicone. Its upper part should rise one to two centimeters above the surface of the water in the aquarium to ensure air escape.

A slot should be made at the bottom of the hose at a distance of five to six centimeters from the edge. Subsequently, a bowl will be inserted into this hole to collect falling sand. It is recommended to make such a container from a plastic bottle. To do this, cut off the top tapering part, then get rid of the neck and threads and cut the remaining funnel lengthwise into two halves. This element, which looks like a scoop, will serve as a bowl for collecting sand.

Assembling the waterfall structure

When all the components of the structure are ready, you can begin the layout. To assemble a waterfall in an aquarium, you first need to insert the manufactured sand collection container into a rubber hose in the place of the slot that was made earlier, temporarily fix it with tape and glue it with silicone glue.

In the upper part of the main rubber hose you need to make a large slot from which sand will pour out. This hole should be located just below the water level in the aquarium. For proper and uniform operation of the device, this slot should be covered with a thin padding polyester, which will function as a filter.

The waterfall for the aquarium is almost ready. It is recommended to ensure that all joints of the structure are well sealed with silicone to avoid loosening of the injection. Next, it remains to show your imagination and decorate the device.


When installing a waterfall, it is recommended to place several stones on top of the rectangular base. They will simultaneously serve both as design objects and as elements that give the device stability. To decorate the structure, use a sheet of waterproof material to hide the support and rubber hose and leave only falling sand in sight. For additional decor, you can place a composition of stones, driftwood and plants next to the waterfall.

If you place the structure in the center of the aquarium, the tank will be divided into two parts. It looks unaesthetic. Therefore, you should install a waterfall near the walls or in the corner of the house for fish.

The completeness of the illusion of a waterfall is influenced by the sand used in the design. It should be selected based on the following principles:

  • Do not use sand that is too fine, because the air flow can spray it in different directions.
  • It is not recommended to use too large a fraction of the granular substance, since large grains of sand can create a blockage inside the rubber hose.

A waterfall in an aquarium will look more impressive, elegant and unique if you use colored artificial sand.

Before finally installing the structure in the tank, you should conduct several experiments using bulk material of various fractions and select the appropriate one that will create the necessary falling effect.

A waterfall in an aquarium is a fashionable and unusual element of modern art for creating an underwater landscape. Every fish breeder dreams that his pets' home will stand out with a special, original decorative element. It is the waterfall, created with your own hands, that will be such a highlight, successfully fitting into the overall interior of the aquarium. Moreover, making such a device is not too difficult.

At first glance, placing a waterfall inside an aquarium is an impossible undertaking, but many aquarists successfully implement it, adding originality to their home pond. It is difficult to imagine how to make a waterfall in an aquarium with your own hands, because it is not at all clear where and where the water flows from, but in this case, sand is used to create a spectacular waterfall illusion.

How to create such a decoration without the help of specialists?

The waterfall can be obtained in two ways:

  1. The easiest one is to buy it at a specialized pet store. There you can choose a set to your liking: any shape, size, etc. After purchase, it is ready for assembly and connection, so there is no need to come up with special decoration features.
  2. The second method is suitable for more experienced aquarists. They are interested not only in adding a waterfall decorative element to the aquarium space, but in creating it with their own hands. There is nothing complicated in this undertaking, the main thing is to clearly understand the essence of his work. From a physics point of view, this process is called injection. In this case, fine sand is lifted with the help of a compressor, and then voluntarily sinks to the bottom under the force of its weight and fall.

To make a waterfall with your own hands you will need to follow:

  • cleanliness of the pipe (through which the sand will move upward);
  • continuity of the process.

What is required to make a waterfall with your own hands?

Making waterfall decor is a painstaking process that requires attention, precision and patience. If the aquascaper has these psychological factors, then the result of making a waterfall will be irresistible and effective.

The main attribute is the choice of compressor. With its help, grains of sand will rise and provide an injection effect.

You will also need:

  1. Rigid waterfall support. A plastic tube attached to a rigid base is best. rectangular shape. The size of this component must correspond to the size of the finished structure.
  2. Rubber hose with a cross section of 10-15 mm.
  3. Scotch tape and hose from the drip system.
  4. 1.5 liter plastic bottle.
  5. Silicone based adhesive.
  6. Medium weight stones to effectively decorate the finished product.

Beautiful waterfall in the aquarium:

The process of making an aquarium waterfall

Preparing the waterfall parts

First of all, let's construct the parts of the waterfall:

  1. Let's prepare the base.
  2. Using silicone glue, glue the rubber hose to the base. Its height should be slightly higher than the water surface to make it possible to utilize excess air. At the bottom of the hose (about 5-7 cm from the bottom) you need to make a small cut in order to subsequently insert a cup collecting sand there.
  3. Next you need to make a sand collecting bowl. To do this you will need to cut off the top part from plastic bottle(at the narrowing point) and remove the neck along with the thread. Divide the resulting part into 2 parts. One of them is already ready for use as a bowl for collecting waterfall sand.


When all the main waterfall parts have been completed, you need to assemble them into a single structure:

  1. Initially, you need to take a rubber tube and insert a ready-made bowl intended for collecting sand into the pre-cut hole at the bottom. Next, you will need to temporarily fix it with tape and firmly glue it with silicone glue.
  2. You will need to glue the tube from the drip system to the lower end of the rubber hose. After making the waterfall, air from the compressor will flow through it.
  3. Take a rubber hose and make a large cut in it (it needs to be made slightly below the water surface). Sand will come out of this hole, creating a waterfall effect, and excess air will rise higher through the hose. It is recommended to cover the incision thin layer padding polyester so that it works as a filter device.
  4. Next, you should examine all connecting places for weak fixation. Secure them again with silicone glue to ensure high-quality injection.
  5. The last nuance of manufacturing the structure is. This depends on the imagination of the aquarist and is done at his own discretion.

Sand for aquarium waterfall

The effect of a waterfall depends on the sand, so to ensure its impeccable effect, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Do not use very fine sand for the structure, because it is very light and will be sprayed heavily by the compressor.
  2. Avoid sand that is too coarse. This material can create blockages inside the rubber tube.
  3. To increase the effect, it is recommended to use colored sand, which adds elegance and unusualness.

Before fixing the aquarium in the water space, it is recommended to try each sand species and choose the most suitable one. Different sand can create different visual effects.

Options for decorative elements

To finished design stood firmly, you will need to put an impenetrable sheet on its base. This way you can hide the details of the waterfall and give it stability, and you should lay it on top large stones. If desired, plants and driftwood can be placed near the waterfall. They will allow the waterfall to take on a natural look.