home · Appliances · Download the game on your phone monopoly Russian. Download the board game Monopoly for Android

Download the game on your phone monopoly Russian. Download the board game Monopoly for Android

Here is an exact mobile copy of the board game of the same name. Take your chance to own a monopoly!

Rules of the game

Up to four participants can play Monopoly at the same time. Each of them takes turns throwing the dice. The move is made for the number of cells that appear on the die.

The Monopoly playing field is a rectangular piece of paper, along the perimeter of which there is a path divided into cells. Each of the latter represents a company that players can acquire. If you have already acquired a specific company or corporation, then another user who lands on this cell will have to pay you taxes in in-game currency.

The starting capital of each participant is 1500. Yours the main objective will be to be the richest businessman by the end of the game.


Becoming a monopolist is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You will have to bargain, buy companies and develop them - in a word, do everything to become the best entrepreneur compared to other participants.

All companies differ from each other in color. By purchasing all companies within the same shade, you will be considered a monopolist. This is a special status that will constantly bring you income. The fact is that another player who stops at “your” square will be forced to pay you even more money as a fine.

You can download the original version of the Monopoly game on Android on our website absolutely free of charge!

Fans of Android devices have the opportunity to play the world's favorite Monopoly game by creating the Monopoly app for Android. The creators of the application have kept the usual rules for the game - there is still a field divided into sectors - locations in which there is a distinction between cells - specific factories or cities.

The bank where you can get a loan and buy shares of an enterprise, but which must pay taxes, has also remained unchanged. In addition, the application contains a “Surprise” cell - completing a task or receiving a reward; “Prison” cell – skip a turn; “Chance” – the opportunity to receive cash; "Compulsory taxes." As he progresses across the playing field, the player can be given individual tasks.

Up to four players can take part in the game simultaneously, and these can be real people, or the application itself will simulate the actions of the players. There is no possibility to play via the Internet. The application provides three difficulty levels, depending on the player’s experience.

At the beginning of the game, each participant chooses a chip that will reflect his movements on the playing field. Moreover, in the Monopoly application for Android, they are presented in the form funny figures. Movement in the game is accomplished by rolling dice. The point of the game is to earn money large quantity game currency than other players. The user can purchase enterprises, entire locations, and sell them. Earning money in the game occurs by receiving payment from other players - for the fact that they stand on the owner’s cells, receiving a reward from the game bank.

The design style of the game is three-dimensional and textured animation. An interesting musical accompaniment has been developed to accompany the game.

The game itself is quite interesting, especially for fans of the classic monopoly, since the creators of the application did not introduce anything radically new, they simply transformed monopoly from a regular game for noisy company into the Monopoly app for Android, allowing you to enjoy the game electronically.

This game will definitely appeal to those who have an interest in business and entrepreneurial activity generally. Here you will need to create your own monopoly.

Rules of the game

Up to four people can take part in the game. Each player takes turns rolling the dice. His piece moves the number of cells that appear on the dice. The game, in turn, is played on a rectangular field, along the perimeter of which there is a path divided into cells. Each of them represents some kind of corporation or company.

Monopoly participants can purchase them. If another player stands on a square that already belongs to someone, he will have to pay taxes to the owner. At the very beginning of the game, each participant is given a certain amount of in-game currency, which can be spent on purchasing various companies.


This game is one of the best Monopoly simulators ever created. The adaptation turned out to be incredibly interesting, bright and fun. One of the main advantages of this application is that the gameplay is highly customizable. You can play with both real players and virtual opponents. Unfortunately, there is no Russian localization of the application. However, true Monopoly fans probably haven't forgotten how to play it. At the top of the screen there will be a records panel that displays all game events.