home · Other · Carpentry riddles about tools. Riddles about carpentry tools; methodological development on technology on the topic. Riddles about construction equipment

Carpentry riddles about tools. Riddles about carpentry tools; methodological development on technology on the topic. Riddles about construction equipment

It's buzzing, not a bee, not a fly.

The sound is loud - but not a bumblebee.
Hang the picture -
Take it quickly... (Drill)

This stone circle

Tools best friend
Sparks will swirl above you,
Makes a dull thing sharp... (Sharpening)

Whirlwind Spinner
I rested my foot on the screw,
The chatterbox has lost his peace... (Screwdriver)

He is iron, sharp-nosed,

The ice breaks in the frosty winter... (Scrap)

Experienced tool -

Not big, not small.
He's got a lot of worries
He cuts and shears... (Scissors)

I'm a one-eared old woman

I'm jumping on the canvas
And a long thread from the ear,
Like a cobweb, I pull... (Needle)

We are a stand for the sawyer,
We are the coachman's seat.
But try and put it
We have a different emphasis -
Be careful with us:
We gore with our horns... (Goats)

I'm a curious tool:

I find out everything in one moment:
I stick my twisted nose everywhere,
I'll poke a hole in the wall
To find out what's on that one
Reverse side!..(Drill)

Two slender sisters

In the hands of a craftswoman
We dived into loops all day
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka... (Knitting needles)

The tool is in our hands,

In the garden - top class!
We can dig beds for them.
Tell me what to call it?..(Shovel)

Where the tail rests,
There will be a hole later... (Awl)

With a nimble body like a snake,
I screw myself into the board... (Drill)

How the godfather got down to business,
She squealed and sang,
Ate, ate, oak, oak,
Broke a tooth, tooth... (Saw)

Along a wooden river

A new boat is sailing,
Twisted into rings
Its pine smoke... (Plane)

They have hard labour,

They're always squeezing something... (Vise)

The teeth have

but they don’t know toothache... (Rake)

That gardener
With long nose lives.
Where your nose shakes,
water will flow there... (Water can)

The eye will not help,

I need the exact size.
Where necessary, I put marks

If the light suddenly goes out,

I have a faithful friend.
I'm not afraid of anything with him,
I move forward bravely!..(Flashlight)

Suddenly on a rough board
It will go through like an iron.
And then for sure
That board will become smooth... (Joiner)

On the mirror skating rink,
On the only skate
He rode once -
And the whole skating rink fell apart... (Glass cutter)

We will squeeze the nail with our claws:
R-time - and no nails!
The tenacious cancer is angry with those
Who sits on the board in vain... (Pliers)

Tough, gnawing,
Leaky, prickly:
What will they put on her back?
She will immediately devour everything... (grater)

You can both whitewash and paint,
You can draw with it
Just have to be careful
So as not to get yourself dirty... (Brush)

Sharpened a sharp nose
They stabbed my sharp nose.
Sharp nose worked -
They took away the green cart... (Scythe)

If bent in half -
He is unfit for business
And as soon as it straightens up,
Useful for work...(Folding knife)

Guess what the word is?
The parts in it are riddles:
The first is a note,
The second is a game.
The whole will be found at the carpenter's... (Chisel)

She got down to business
She squealed and sang.
I ate, ate oak, oak,
Tooth, tooth... (Saw)

If you squeeze it tighter, -
There will be more strength in it... (Spring)

Brick, iron planks-spruce
Will drill without a problem... (Drill)

1. Riddles about construction specialties

Don't let your parents get angry

That the builders will get dirty,

Because the one who builds

He's worth something!

And it doesn't matter what for now

This house is made of sand!

an old house went for scrap,

Will grow up here new house.

The bricks are already being delivered,

Materials are supplied.

Painters, drivers -

They are all... (builders).

Costs gray wall

She's not pretty.

Came with a dock brush,

I painted everything on time. (Painter.)

Electricity is burning

It's so bright in the apartment.

We must thank

The one who is used to giving light. (Electrician.)

The number and note next to it,

Yes, add a consonant to the letter.

But in general there is only one master,

He makes beautiful furniture. (Carpenter.)

Look how cunning

This little installer:

He's still holding the light

Only where there is no current. (Fitter.)

He needs these things:

Hammer, vice and pliers,

Key, file and hacksaw,

And the most important thing is skill. (Mechanic.)

At work all day long

He controls with his hand.

That hand raises

A hundred pounds under the clouds. (Crane operator.)

2. Riddles about tools.

He tries everything to the best of his ability:

And pine, and elm, and oak. (Saw.)

A new boat is sailing along a wooden river,

Its pine smoke curls into rings. (Plane.)

First note, second game,

The whole will be met at the carpenter. (Bit.)

The tenacious cancer is angry with those

Who sits on the board in vain? (Pliers.)

The skate and the humpback have wooden sides.

White shavings run from under his hooves. (Plane.)

She gnawed and bit the board and scattered crumbs on the floor.

But I didn’t eat a single piece, you know, it’s a tasteless board. (Saw.)

Wonderful buddy: wooden hand

Yes, the iron butt is a hardened comb.

He is held in high regard by the carpenter -

Every day with him at work. (Axe.)

She started dancing like a screw,

And he got stuck spinning around on the board. (Screwdriver and screw.)

He pokes his twisted nose everywhere, pokes a hole in the wall,

To find out what's on the other side. (Drill.)

And they have hard work -

They press something all the time. (Vise.)

3.Riddles about construction equipment

A hand walks across the sky, touching the clouds.

And underneath there is din and thunder - a new house is growing. (Tap.)

I’m not alive, but I’m walking, I’m helping to dig the ground.

Instead of a thousand shovels, I’m happy to work alone. (Excavator.)

I twist my long neck and pick up a heavy load.

Wherever they order, I’ll put it. I serve man. (Crane.)

Like a planer I plan the earth, I help to do it.

Where is the new building - attention everywhere

A nice car with a difficult name. (Bulldozer.)

Digs the earth into the depths,

He puts his hand into the hole.

He will throw more than one ton,

Will do it quickly, without fuss. (Excavator.)

Performance by the team “Happiness is building cities”

1. Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked at the street

Tolya sang, Boris was silent,

Nikolai shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys


2.-A on Sadovaya Street

A large house has been built, new!

4.-And the roof is so high,

then the birds cannot reach it.

5.-The house has 10 floors,

There are thousands of people in the house!

All: - Who built this house where we will soon live?

6. AN ARCHITECT is building a house.

The house is multi-storey.

Builds a house with a pencil.

On a sheet of paper.

I need to draw everything

Calculate, check,

Stairs and doors.

May it stand for many years

So that there is light in the apartments.

Baths, washbasins for big and small.

7.The plan is ready and around

One hundred works for a thousand hands.

The forests reach up to the sky.

Where the work is difficult

The winch is squealing there,

Raises beams

Like sticks.

Will drag the bricks

Oven hardened.

8. I'm at work all day - every day

I control with my hand.

That hand raises

A hundred pounds into the clouds.

9. It’s a hot time at a construction site,

The signal has already struck.

Today BRISONER in the morning

Started work.

Lays bricks fastest

Young builder.

Lays brick by brick -

Growing floor by floor,

And with every passing hour,

Every day

Higher, higher is the new house.

10. To keep the house dry and warm,

To prevent snow from blowing into the house in winter,

So that people in the house do not get wet in the rain,

A ROOFER covers a house with iron.

11. They have mounting straps-

They would have given me one like this!

I would also climb up without fear.

And down there someone would gasp.

I wouldn't be afraid of heights

Leaning towards hot work.

And flowers would grow in the sky -

Electric welding lights.

12.Electricity is burning -

How light it is in the apartment.

We must thank the ELECTRICIST,

What light is used to giving.

13. White sawdust is flying,

Flying from under the saw:

This is what the CARPENTER does

Frames and floors.

With an axe, a plane

Planes the planks.

Made window sills

Without a hitch.

14. From school to construction site

A girl came to us.

She is confident and smart

Plastering the ceiling.

Plaster is applied to the walls

With a small spatula

To have these walls

Even and smooth.

15. Here on the edge with caution

A PAINTER paints iron.

He has a bucket in his hands,

It is colorfully painted.

16. A LOCKMAN needs the following things:

Hammer, vice and pliers.

Key, file and hacksaw,

And all you need is dexterity.

17. I love watching new residents

They are moving into new houses!

Everywhere there is a roar, a cheerful noise,

All the apartments are a mess.

18. And the first light will flash in the windows,

The wind will pick up someone's song...

There is no happier moment

Than this good minute.

19. I love watching new residents

They are moving into new houses!

I firmly decided: after school

I'll go to work as a builder myself!

20. The old house was scrapped.

A new house will grow here.

The bricks are already being delivered,

Materials are supplied.

Architects, masons,

Installers, roofers,

Electricians, carpenters,

Painters, plasterers,

Locksmiths, plumbers,

Drivers -

They are all builders. (All.)

Along a wooden river
A new boat is sailing,
Twisted into rings
Its smoke is pine.

The senor has a quirk:
The lord himself - of his own free will -
Head banging everywhere
But he doesn't feel pain.

That little tool
But so remote.
Without it, a brick house
We will never build it.
He is the bricklayer's friend,
With a handle, light...
Master OK

He sticks his twisted nose everywhere,
He will poke a hole in the wall,
To find out: what’s on that one,
The downside?

If only pine trees ate
They knew how to run and jump,
They would run away from me without looking back
And they would never meet me again,
Because - I'll tell you without bragging -
I am steely and angry, and very toothy.

Two arms, teeth all over his belly.

Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle.

Knock-knock -
If you took
You're in my arms,
So don't hit me
To the finger
It didn't hit.

On nails during the working day
He knocks with his iron forehead,
Without any fatigue,
Nails feel it!

At the horse's, at the little hunchback's
Wooden sides.
From under his hooves
White shavings are running.

Has an iron character,
But it is afraid of moisture - it rusts.
He's wearing a hat, as if he's going to a parade.
People always hit him on the hat, but he is happy.
There was a whole bunch of blows.
But he didn’t bend, he’s strong...

He is iron, sharp-nosed,
Ice chips in frosty winter.

Round round,
There is no bottom or lid.

Brick, iron, boards, spruce
Will drill without problem...

She's with a screw
Started dancing
And he, spinning,
Stuck in the board.
Screw and screwdriver

Me, my friend,
Even though it is iron,
But he’s so kind.
If you get caught
Uneven board -
I'll trim her sides in a moment.
I will give her a hundred bows,
The board will immediately become smoother.

If he suddenly comes to visit
There is a rusty old nail on the boards,
Grab it tighter
And they will help you extract...

A toothy animal gnaws an oak tree with a whistle.

This stone circle
Tools are your best friend.
Sparks will swirl above you,
The dull will become sharp.

Outwardly he is not a throwback,
He'll plank the board in no time.
I work with him early in the morning.
What's in my hands? -...

Where the tail rests,
There will be a hole later.

Wonderful friend,
Wooden hand
Yes, an iron butt,
Seasoned comb.
He is held in high esteem by the carpenter -
Every day with him at work.

Thickness of the short rail
Can be measured with a ruler
Measure the length, kids,
Better with...

You go into the forest - he looks home,
You walk out of the forest and look into the forest.

They have hard work:
They are always squeezing something.

The tool is in our hands,
In the garden - top class!
We can dig beds for them.
Tell me what to call it?

The stone circle is spinning and spinning.
Sparks are flying and glowing all around.
The ax will be sharp again.

On the mirror skating rink,
On the only skate
He took a ride once
And the whole skating rink fell apart.
Glass cutter

It will curl up like a snake in a box,
And if necessary, it will turn into a meter,
Measuring everything accurately will help,
And your height will tell too.

He rang in the forest all day
Thick, whitish from frost.
And at night, approaching the fire,
He fell asleep with his nose buried in a log.


He tries everything: pine, maple, and oak.

She gnawed and bit the board, scattered crumbs on the floor, but did not eat a single piece, - You know, the board is not tasty.

If pines and spruce trees could run and jump, They would rush away from me without looking back, and would never meet me again. Because, I’ll tell you without bragging, I am steely and angry, And like a pike - toothy!

He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.

She got down to business: She screamed and sang, She ate, she ate, oak, oak, She broke a tooth, a tooth.


On a mirrored skating rink, On his only skate, He skated once - And the whole skating rink fell apart.


They hit Yermilka on the back of the head, but he doesn’t cry, he just hides his nose. ***

Wooden neck, Iron beak, Knocks: “Knock, knock, knock!” ***

He's thin, his head is about as big as a pound.

I am a business worker, I throw myself into work with my head. Well done to me, the hat suits me very well!

The fat one will beat the thin one, the thin one will punch something. I am the most active worker in the workshop. I pound as hard as I can - Day after day.

I'm always popular with people, Even though my character is cool. Where you need to knock, I will come, - After all, my shock work.

When I see a couch potato lying around uselessly, I press him to the board, and when I hit him on the head, the poor thing hides in the board, his cap is barely visible.


They have hard work - they are always pressing something.


This stone circle is the best friend of tools: It will whirl up sparks above itself, and make the blunt sharp.


Guess what the word is, The parts in it are riddles: The first is a note, The second is a game. The whole will be met at the carpenter.


The hunchbacked skate has wooden sides. White shavings run from under his hooves.

A wooden river, a wooden boat, and a wooden smoke curling over the boat.


I'm a curious instrument: I find out everything in one moment: I stick my twisted nose everywhere, I'll poke a hole in the wall, To find out what's on that other side!


She started dancing with the propeller, - And he, spinning, was in the elm board!


We will squeeze the nail with our claws: R-time, - and no more nails! The tenacious cancer is angry with those who sit on the board in vain.


I’m great, I’m so good, you won’t find me better! So I will make friends with pieces of wood: Planks, slats, buns, That you can’t spill with water!


I, my friend, Although I am iron, I am so kind,

If I come across an uneven board, I’ll instantly straighten its sides. I will give her 100 bows, the board will immediately become smoother.

A wonderful friend, a wooden hand and an iron butt, a hardened comb. He is held in high esteem by the carpenter - Every day with him at work.

He bows, he bows, When he comes home he will stretch out.