home · electrical safety · Repairing cracks inside a factory fireplace. Self-repair of stoves and fireplaces. Average difficulty of repair

Repairing cracks inside a factory fireplace. Self-repair of stoves and fireplaces. Average difficulty of repair

Major repairs usually include work of increased complexity aimed at radically rebuilding the fireplace. In this case, problems that have arisen in the chimney system, as well as faulty pipe risers, are usually corrected. Among other things, in capital works include switching the fireplace from one type of fuel to another. So, for example, from wood to gaseous fuel. In some cases, it is necessary to turn one hearth into two independent devices.

In the first case, when it is necessary to redo the smoke circulation system, one of the outer walls is first dismantled. In some cases, it is necessary to disassemble the nozzle pipe, if one is installed.

How to properly divide one lesion into two? In this case, it is necessary to disassemble one of the walls, after which they begin to change the internal space. Thus, the result is the formation of two smoke circulation systems. Of course, a similar procedure can be carried out if the area of ​​the unit allows. Subsequently, a separate pipe is required for each; if this is not possible, then both fireplaces can be connected to a common riser.

In any case, when carrying out major repairs, it is necessary to shift the main mass wood burning fireplace or its internal components. Therefore, in order for the new masonry to be of high quality, it is necessary to clean the old structure. To do this, remove soot and soot deposits and do this in a simple way. Wet the surface of the fireplace, and then mop it with a liquid clay solution. If this procedure is not performed, the new masonry will not adhere to the surface of the fireplace.

An important job is to reposition the fuel chamber and overhaul it. To do this, you often have to disassemble one of the walls of the firebox. This can be the front or side walls.

First, the middle brick is knocked out into the interior of the fireplace, after which the remaining elements are either removed or knocked out. In order not to break the masonry of the entire device, disassembling the fuel chamber must be done very carefully. Among other things, it is necessary to provide overlaps for the new laying of the element. After this, the walls of the firebox are disassembled and re-inserted.

Restoring the fireplace masonry

The procedure requires precision. The quality of the material will also directly affect the masonry of the unit, so it is necessary to prepare the brick for the hearth in advance. In order for the masonry to turn out neat, it must first be laid on a dry surface. In this case, all the seams are made, and the elements themselves are cut together in accordance with the rows, and only after that the masonry is disassembled and laid on the floor in the reverse order.

Laying on mortar is done using old bricks that have been cleaned, both soot and mortar removed.

How to properly convert a firebox with a blind bottom? To do this, a special element is installed in the lower part of the combustion chamber, which includes either a grate or a grate. These two elements differ from each other in that in the first case the grate has a monolithic formation, and the grate can be disassembled. Among other things, there is a vent in the fireplace.

Typically, the firebox is converted as follows. Some part of the masonry is removed, instead of which an ash chamber, a grate (grid) and a ash pit are made. It should be noted that there should be about five rows of masonry from the floor to the base of the device. If this indicator does not work, then the firebox is raised several rows. Based on the characteristics of fuel combustion, for firewood they use a firebox with a height of fifty to fifty-five centimeters, and for coal - forty to five centimeters.

Those fireboxes that have been converted to fire coal or anthracite must be provided with special doors that are distinguished by their tightness. These will be the firebox doors and the blower doors. Moreover, the openings for removing smoke must have required diameter, from one centimeter to one and a half centimeters.

If you are converting an appliance that operates on wood to using anthracite, then first of all you need to install a grate or grate. In this case, an element of this type has the same dimensions as a grate for burning wood, but has a larger mass. The second condition is to deepen the grate into two rows and create a slope for solid combustion products.

When remaking the firebox of a fireplace, it is necessary to disassemble the walls of the fireplace, and then begin to remove the grate and ash chamber. The chamber is prepared, you can begin installing a new grate, laying the firebox wall and the blower door.

All capital work must be carried out by a stove or fireplace master, then success is guaranteed, and the heating device will work properly for a long time.

It often happens that the original design of the fireplace, which is built in the house, does not withstand operation due to the fact that some features are not taken into account fire safety. In particular, today it is categorically not recommended to use fireplace complexes with an open flame source. In addition, fireplaces with open fireboxes are much more difficult to keep clean and in addition, such a fireplace becomes a source of soot for the entire house, especially if it is lit when the temperature outside the window is not low enough. Therefore, many people ask to repair the fireplace - cut in the door and make the firebox closed.

Behind the apparent simplicity of the task there are many subtleties, which we will talk about today.

Step 1. Preparatory stage.

Initially, you need to measure the width of the fireplace opening. The fact is that the industry does not produce glass doors wider than 70 cm in width. This heat resistant glass will be quite heavy and the frame of the masonry or fireplace cassette may not be able to withstand it, especially if you often overheat the fireplace with frequent use. Therefore, stove makers try to make the opening no wider than 50 - 55 cm. It is for this opening that you can purchase a door for the firebox in any specialized store.

External view of the door.

For a complete fireplace repair we will need:

  • “grinder” with a cutting wheel for ceramics;
  • asbestos thread 3 meters long;
  • oven mixture;
  • building level;
  • fastening tape.

Step 2. Determine the scope of work.

We were very lucky that the firebox opening turned out to be slightly narrower than the width of the door; this will allow us to make the necessary grooves to insert the door onto Right place.

The firebox door and the fireplace into which we will install it.

First of all, remove the glass from the door to avoid unforeseen situations. More often this operation can be done by unscrewing the clamping bolts on the back of the door. Then, with an assistant, we apply the door to the edge of the fireplace so that it covers the entire surface of the firebox. And draw a cutting line with a pencil.

The arch laid out in the original version will add some work and, in addition, is very beautiful decorative element, so our task is not to spoil this decorative element and insert combustion door as harmonious as possible.

Step 3. Making a groove.

If you can think of the dirtiest and dustiest job, cutting bricks in an enclosed space is it. Usually one worker thins the seam, and the other pours water into the groove, but the power of the “grinder” was not enough, so I had to do it dry.

We start to groove.

The fire door we ordered to fit into the fireplace.

A prerequisite for the work is that the worker making the seam must wear goggles and a respirator.

We make a groove along the entire length of the perimeter and to the depth of the thickness of the door, periodically checking the depth of the seam with a metal cutting file.

After the seam has been made around the perimeter, we make a second cut from the inside of the stove to remove part of the brick and the firebox door will fall into place. We trim the places where the brick has chipped with a chisel.

Step 5. Insert the door.

After the groove is completely prepared, we lean the door against the edges of the firebox. Ideally, it lies completely in its place. However, more often it happens that somewhere the required thickness has not been cut or a part of the brick has not been removed in the corner. Therefore, we remove all such minor defects manually.

Preliminary adjustment of the oven door is in progress.

The fire door is placed in the fireplace.

Pay attention to the worker’s face, it’s all covered in brick dust; if you work without a respirator, it will all end up in your lungs.

After the door is installed and its panel is accurately pressed against the masonry, we begin work on attaching it to the walls of the fireplace.

We screw the fastening tape to the door. We make at least four fastening units, the most ideal if you do this with steel rivets.

After the fasteners are ready, mix the oven mixture for laying the mortar.

We prepare enough solution so that we can work it out in half an hour. Be sure to mix it using a “mixer” for solutions; the speed should be sufficient so that there are no large lumps of unmixed mixture left.

We take an asbestos cord and dip it in the oven mixture solution. Then we carefully wrap it around the perimeter of the firebox.

We wrap the furnace door with asbestos-impregnated cord.

We make a couple of full turns and try to make the cord seem to turn into a single whole, to do this we tap it with a rubber mallet.

We insert the door into place, fasten it to the ceramic dowels, and groove the cord in those places where it is necessary to create perfect tightness of the entire firebox.

A noticeable seam has formed on the left, which must be filled out.

It is best to groove with a regular screwdriver, periodically adjusting the thickness of the tip.

That's it, after all the seams are pierced with asbestos rope with a solution of the stove mixture, we let the solution set and after a couple of days we do a test, short-term fire. We check the tightness and determine the places where smoke can escape.

The only drawback of this work was that the hole for the blower was insufficient; it had to be enlarged using a hammer drill. It took us three hours to repair the fireplace (installing a glass door), I hope everything will work out for you too!

Have you built a hearth such as a fireplace or stove yourself? Not bad, because it will be much easier for you to make repairs yourself later. The fact is that all the components of the device will be familiar to you, so it will not be particularly difficult to correct some shortcomings.

What determines the long-term operation of a fireplace? Of course, from correctly executed masonry as well as high-quality operation and timely maintenance. But be that as it may, over time, one way or another, some certain problems will occur, which, if desired, can be eliminated.

What repair work can you do yourself? It is not difficult to independently strengthen the firebox doors and ash doors, valves and dampers, and eliminate the gaps between the cast iron plate and the main body of the device. Simply cover up the cracks that appear on the fireplace lining and eliminate blockages in the chimney system.

It's also easy to replace bent grates and fix cast iron plates. A little more difficult to fix hot water boxes and those already mentioned cast iron plates due to their burnout, as well as to replace the tile that has become unusable.

Among other things, you almost always whitewash a heating device yourself.

All types of repair work can be divided into several groups. These are current, medium and capital.

The simplest, of course, is routine repairs, which include such minor work as filling up cracks, replacing grates, views and valves, as well as strengthening tiles and replacing old bricks with new ones.

How to replace the firebox door? To do this, you need to remove it from the masonry along with the frame. If possible, you need to do this as carefully as possible, trying not to damage the main masonry of the device. After you have taken out the door itself, carefully look to see if such an element as the door claws is working properly. If it becomes unusable, it needs to be replaced.

After preparatory work were made, you need to thoroughly clear the place of masonry in the fireplace and moisten it with ordinary water, only after that the frame with the door is put back in place. As a rule, the resulting seams need to be filled with new mortar and the seams need to be grouted.

For your own safety, a small gap (about five to ten millimeters) is left between the frame and the door, which is later sealed with a special asbestos cord. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase such a cord, you should lay the fireplace end-to-end. After the frame has been installed, it must be secured with a clay solution and left until completely dry.

How to properly repair cracks in stove and fireplace tiles? To do this, use a pre-prepared gypsum solution. Fireplace specialists advise mixing it with a solution of aluminum-potassium alum. In some cases, chalk mixed with ordinary egg white is used.

If old tiles are worn out, they must be promptly replaced with new ones. To do this, elements are first selected by color and pattern, and then removed old material. The resulting area is cleared and a new tile is fitted. Only at the end of all preliminary procedures, a tiller (special box) filled with clay mortar mixed with small crushed stone is installed in the cleared area. At the second stage, the tile itself is attached to the tiller.

Medium repairs differ from current or minor ones in that they involve the correction of more serious problems that were noted during current repairs. This includes damage such as the removal of blockages in the chimney system, as well as malfunctions in the operation of chimney pipes and replacement of the internal part of the fuel chamber (its lining).

To remove the blockage, you need to use an ordinary wire, with the help of which it is passed through the chimney system and thus removes the blockage that forms in it.

Do not forget to promptly replace the lower part of the fuel chamber; the fact is that it gradually wears out, which leads to incomplete combustion of fuel. In this case, it is necessary to sort the bricks in advance. After this procedure has been carried out, the old material is removed, and in its place is special solution laying new bricks. It is important to remember that this part of the fireplace or stove is made at a slight slope to roll the burnt fuel into the ash chamber of the hearth. To prevent flue gases from entering the home, all seams in the main body of the fireplace should be filled with fine crushed stone and coarse river sand.

If you produce on time necessary repairs fireplace or stove, you can use it heating device for a long time.

Repair of brick fireplaces or stoves is carried out in case of functional or external damage. For example, the stove started smoking, or the bricks burst and the seams fell out. There is no point in thinking about repairs if the stove was initially built poorly and its internal design does not allow it to work fully.

Let's take a closer look at the prices for repairs and the cases that most often can be repaired with your own hands.

Prices for repairing stoves and fireplaces

Repairing brick stoves is an interesting job for a passionate craftsman, but, as everyone understands, it is downright dirty, physically difficult and painstaking work. The stove maker, who has been smeared in ash and repaired the stove, is sincerely extremely happy!

Prices for repairing brick stoves are just as difficult to predict as for masonry without seeing the exact scope of work. But for reference, 1 working day of a master will cost you about 5-6 thousand rubles. During this time, he will be able, for example, to replace a stove, a door, and several burnt bricks. Working time will inevitably increase if dealing with bricks internal structure, which are inconvenient to get close to.

What kind of stove repairs can you do yourself?

Let's consider the situation. Have you arrived at the dacha or Vacation home After winter, we decided to light the stove, but it doesn’t light up and smoke comes into the room. In this case, most likely, they are clogged smoke channels, for example, ash swollen with moisture or crumbled clay solution. Here are our tips for repairing brick stoves yourself.

If the stove has cleanout doors to access the channels, then the owner can easily clean the stove. There are stoves that do not have cleanout doors; they were not installed before, but the stove makers, respecting their fellow workers, as well as the owner of the stove, left the bricks at the channel level slightly extended. They are easily recognized; they were taken out, cleaned, and then put back with clay.

Of course, today it is more convenient to have special doors, and if they are not there, but the stove is still good, it makes sense to install them. It’s worse if there are no cleaning stations and they are not marked in any way. This is bad form; the channels must first be found, then cleaned, and then it is certainly better to install the doors.

If the stove is lit, but the draft is not very good or the stove is smoking a little, you can clean it by burning aspen or alder wood.

We will also give an answer to one of the most frequently asked questions - how to seal the cracks in the oven between the bricks or between the metal door and the masonry? Everything is simple here. Take basalt cardboard and use heat-resistant mastic to glue the cracks with it. If the vault or smoke ducts collapse, then you cannot do without craftsmen. This will require a major overhaul of the stove.

Replacing broken and burnt bricks

Brick, like any other material, has certain period services. And it is very difficult to name it in advance. If there is a factory specification of brick for frost resistance in the number of winter cycles, then for the brick in the kiln there will be many factors that will influence its durability in the future. The operating mode, the quality of the brick (initially it is assumed that the brick is made from a stove), the presence of a lining of the firebox, the type of stove, the uniformity of heating of the mass and many others. Burnt brick has a changed color and a characteristic sound when tapped. Don't wait for it to burst. Such a brick already brings little benefit, without accumulating a sufficient amount of heat. This part of the repair consists of the master carefully cutting out unusable bricks and replacing them with new ones.

Replacement of doors, hobs

The firebox door fastening burns out - no problem. The door can be reinstalled. It is the combustion door, which accounts for the main thermal load, it is better to place it on a steel strip. Others (blowing, cleaning) can be used on nichrome wire. Burst hob- unpleasant, but you can replace it with a new one in an hour.

Furnace maintenance

Furnace maintenance can be divided into 2 components: caring for the owner’s stove and maintaining its functionality by the master. The habit of going to the doctor when everything hurts also extends to our patients. When half the stove has burned out, the chimney has shifted, fire is coming through the seams - it’s time to call the stove maker and ask him to fix it, but he doesn’t want to. Let's look at what is the responsibility of the stove owner, and what should be delegated to a specialist.

You should start servicing brick stoves by studying the operating instructions. Studying it will save you from mistakes and help you save on stove or fireplace repairs. Each stove has its own characteristics, and the master stove maker should tell you about them.

A person who regularly heats a stove must choose the most gentle and economical mode for it, and in no case overheat it, especially carefully after a break. It is very desirable that the stove has one owner. It is necessary to remove accumulated ash through the ash and cleaning doors regularly. In the first year, the oven “shrinks”, small cracks may appear and this is normal. If the owner has time and is not afraid to get dirty with clay, he can get rid of them himself.

The owner of the stove should, if possible, regularly (at least once a year) inspect the stove for internal and external cracks, burnouts, displacements, etc. possible malfunctions on initial stage. Clean, seal, replace on time. If you suspect a serious malfunction, you need to call a technician.

Operating mode is one of the most important factors oven durability. A stove that is regularly heated in a gentle mode and that practically does not cool down in cold weather will work the longest. And, accordingly, the country houses suffer, which once a week are hastily melted by owners tired of traffic jams.

To not do frequent repairs brick oven at the dacha - there is a way out. This is a metal stove that heats up quickly, but, unfortunately, it heats for no more than 6 hours from one bookmark. If you have a thermos house, it will be great, if not, you will have to get up at night, and a lot of wood will burn. If it is brick, then it is worth considering a fireplace stove or a heating and cooking stove with a stove. The point is that while the stove mass is heating up, reflective heat comes from the fireplace stove with the fireplace door open, and from the stove with the stove - through the stove.

Example of a recently refurbished furnace

And this is the result of repairing a fireplace in a spa. Previously, it smoked and there was no draft. Now you can evaluate his work for yourself!

Over time, even the most reliable and properly operated fireplace requires minor repairs. Such repairs are called cosmetic, and are either repairs or replacements. individual elements Your hearth. In most cases, it is necessary to replace a loose combustion chamber door, grate, pre-furnace sheet and individual bricks. In addition, it is also possible for cracks to form in the masonry and repair of the fireplace portal.

A very common problem associated with the use fireplace, is the loosening of the combustion chamber door. Fixing this problem is not at all difficult. First you need to remove the door along with the frame from the masonry fireplace. If the door has been installed thoroughly, you will have to remove several bricks from the masonry of your fireplace. It is quite possible that the loosening of the door occurred due to the fact that the legs of the frame frayed and broke. In this case, you will only have to replace the paws. If the door itself has become unusable, then when replacing it you will also have to install new claws. Otherwise, without the claws, the door will fall out of the firebox.

When installing a new fireplace firebox door, you should measure and moisten the fireplace masonry with water around the perimeter of the hole in which it will be installed. Then you should attach the frame, making sure that the legs of the hearth fit exactly into the seams of the masonry. After which it will be necessary to rearrange the necessary fragments of the rows, while tightly filling the seams with mortar. Most likely, you will also have to replace several bricks if they partially collapsed when changing the door. Be sure to leave a one-centimeter wide gap between the fireplace masonry and the frame. An asbestos cord will be laid in it. And, finally, you will need to cover up all the cracks that you notice in the masonry with clay mortar, and you should also wipe away any mortar leaks.

Fireplaces have grates that deteriorate over time. Removing such a grating is quite simple, although sometimes you have to dismantle remote sections of the masonry along with the pressure bricks. After you have removed the old grate, you should be sure to clear the area on which the grate was installed from ash. The new grille is installed with the exact same placement of the old one. So, for example, if the old fireplace grate was tilted, the new one should be installed in exactly the same way. It must be remembered that metal expands under the influence of high temperature. That is why it is necessary to establish a gap of five millimeters between the masonry and grate. This gap should be filled with sand.

Problems associated with laying a fireplace

A common problem is the formation of cracks in the masonry joints of the fireplace. In order to restore cracked seams, it is necessary to clear them in such a way that you can penetrate three centimeters deep. In addition, it is necessary to hollow out and remove the old solution. It is also necessary to wet the cleaned empty seams. After preparing them, you should tightly fill the seams with clay mortar, carefully wiping away any smudges that appear.

Over time, the masonry of the fireplace also begins to deteriorate. In most cases, not a single brick has to be replaced. And immediately whole fragments of order. Despite this, a new brick to replace the old one is always selected separately, carefully tried on after the place of the old brick has been carefully cleared of mortar. It is necessary to moisten both the prepared area and the new brick with plenty of water. Brick should be installed only after treatment with clay mortar. It is possible that you will not be able to fill the seams with mortar completely, so you should lay an additional groove of mortar in them, while covering the seam and carefully pressing the mortar into the seam.

No matter how strange it may seem, even the steel sheet of the fireplace pre-furnace sheet can wear out to holes. The fact is that not only are sparks constantly falling on it, but also heavy buckets and dishes are placed and moved. It is clear that appearance the pre-furnace sheet deteriorates greatly over time. In addition, the risk of fires in the house increases. In this case, it is necessary to tear off the collapsed sheet and remove from the floor all the nails that secure it. After this, you should cover the floor with a sheet of asbestos or a piece of felt, which should first be soaked in clay solution. By insulating. You just need to lay a new sheet and nail the nails along the edges.

Thus, it becomes clear that over time, most of the steel elements of the firebox become unusable. Both bricks and elements made of steel deteriorate. You should not leave problems that have arisen until tomorrow, as this may end major repairs. It is best to take these tips and start repairing your fireplace, if not today, then tomorrow. It would be best to seek help from a specialized Art Room store. Here you will not only be replaced with unusable elements, but will also be helped with their installation.