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The inner world of a person is an example from literature 15.3. What is inner peace

A.S. Pushkin “Pushchina”

Friendship A.S. Pushkin and Ivan Pushchin.

When the poet was in exile in Mikhailovskoye, his lyceum friend Pushchin, without fear of punishment for violating the ban, visited Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich was grateful to his friend for this last meeting, which was reflected in his poem “Pushchinu”

My friends, our union is wonderful!

He, like the soul, is indivisible and eternal...

A striking example to emulate is the attitude of Wilhelm Küchelbecker towards his lyceum friend A.S. Pushkin. Kükhlya, as his comrades called him, understood the genius of the young poet like no one else and did not hide his sincere admiration for him. And A.S. Pushkin valued his comrade very highly.
"The Snow Queen" by Andersen. Gerda overcame many obstacles to save Kai.

In the story by V. Zheleznikov“Scarecrow” Lenka turns out to be betrayed by her friend. AND similar cases not uncommon in people's lives. But not all people are able to survive this, although those who still cope with the situation will forever remember the bitterness and resentment. The “wind of the past” will “whip” them “in the face.” Lenka turned out to be strong man, able to rise after such insult and humiliation, capable of remaining a merciful and devoted friend.

Let's remember another literary hero- Pechorina, to find a true friend who was also prevented by selfishness and indifference. This man was passionate only about himself, his own interests and experiments, so for him people were just means to achieve his goals.

The hero of the fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupéry also needed a real friend. The little prince lived on his little planet and took care of the only close creature - the beautiful Rose. But Rosa was very capricious, her words often offended the baby, and this made him unhappy. But one day the Little Prince left his planet and went on a journey across the Universe in search of true friends.

Let us also remember one of A.S. Pushkin’s friends - V.A. Zhukovsky, who always came to the aid of the poet, even in the most difficult moments. For example, during the Mikhailovsky exile, Vasily Andreevich petitioned the court for the release of A.S. Pushkin, and in the 30s he tried to achieve reconciliation between his friend and the tsar, believing that this would benefit the poet. A.S. Pushkin saw this, appreciated and loved his elder friend, recognized him as his only adviser.

Here's another sad story about a lost friendship. One of A. Aleksin’s works tells about two friends - Lyusya and Olya, whose friendly relations were doomed, because one of them - Lyusya - always showed concern for her friend, and the other did not. Even when Olenka had the opportunity to do something nice for Lucy, she did not consider it necessary to take advantage of it, which greatly offended her friend. Olya acted selfishly, she did not think about Lucy’s interests and desires, so their friendship came to an end.

Relationships between the main characters of the novel A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers” - classic example true friendship. D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis live under the motto: “One for all, all for one,” the heroes of the novel overcome all difficulties thanks to true friendship.

  1. (49 words) In Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin,” Tatyana Larina is a girl with a rich inner world. She was brought up on quality literature, so she also counts on fateful meeting with the hero of “his novel”. Tatyana is thoughtful and silent, but her soul is painted with bright colors, which Evgeny himself notes, preferring her to the flighty and empty Olga.
  2. (53 words) In Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” Prostakova decides to marry her ignorant son Mitrofan to the heiress of Starodum’s wealth, Sophia. Unlike Mitrofan, the girl is prudent and virtuous. The character of the heroine clearly speaks of her inner world, saturated with true values. Therefore, in the finale she finds happiness, and the Prostakov family becomes as poor externally as internally.
  3. (56 words) Yours inner world can be expressed in creativity, as Zhukovsky did by writing the elegy “The Sea.” The enchanted lyrical hero stands on the shore and admires the elements. It is in it that the soul of the poet is revealed: like everything on earth, the sea reaches to the sky, so the spirit of the true creator soars above vanity. This is one of deep secrets the very elements and man.
  4. (65 words) A person’s inner world can be hidden in his experiences. In Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza,” the main character lives by her feelings. Together with nature, the girl blossoms when she feels happy thanks to her beloved Erast. However, the chosen one leaves Lisa, which she cannot survive, and rushes into the water. For a girl, love and loyalty are sacred, this is evidence of the wealth of her soul, which her chosen one did not see in the peasant woman.
  5. (54 words) External world a person and the impulses of his soul can be completely different. The hero of Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" lives in a monastery, and he himself dreams of freedom and a return to his homeland. His soul is revealed over three days during his escape. The meeting with the Georgian woman, the endless open spaces and the battle with the leopard enriched the young man’s inner world, like a whole life in freedom.
  6. (53 words) Sometimes the essence of a person manifests itself in situations when he is able to win something from the prevailing circumstances. This is how Khlestakov acts, main character Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General", when, having already become accustomed to the role of an inspector, he begins to take bribes. And the laziness and reluctance of officials to work completely reveals the inner world of those in power. Actions speak more about people than words and promises.
  7. (56 words) Loyalty is the dignity of the inner world. Remembering Yaroslavna’s cry from the work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” we imagine and admire the character of a Russian girl who is waiting for her husband, calling on nature to help him. Even without receiving news, she believes in the favor of fate and does not turn away from the difficulties and trials encountered in her life. life path. The heroine's inner world is rich and harmonious.
  8. (55 words) The ancient Greeks believed that each Olympian god had his own purpose and spiritual content. For example, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, and Hera is the patroness of marriage. Since a person should have an inner world, then, of course, the gods also have it, so people believed that each “Olympian” had his own character quality. For example, the god of trade Hermes is cunning and dexterous.
  9. (52 words) The inner world can manifest itself not only in reality, but also in fantasies and dreams. Just like Lewis Carroll’s heroine from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” The girl meets unusual characters - the Cheshire Cat, the Caterpillar, the White Rabbit and others. Wonderland is the inner world of a child, which is so important for an adult to preserve.
  10. (46 words) The eccentric confectioner Willy Wonka embodied his cherished dreams in Roald Dahl’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Wonka is an adult child, so his factory has become a real reflection of his inner secret world in reality. Having put his whole soul into creating the factory, confectioner Willy Wonka revealed his most attractive side to people.

Examples from life

  1. (63 words) Inner peace can be expressed not only in character, but also in creativity. I admire the paintings of the Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh; we can see parts of his soul, gracefully painted with brush strokes. Van Gogh was self-taught and took critics' reviews too seriously, although his self-expression met with many admirers. Seeing his “Shoe”, we understand that the painter expressed fatigue and disappointment, and did not simply depict shoes.
  2. (48 words) You can turn your soul inside out in musical language, as many artists do. It is no coincidence that the British rock group The Beatles made millions of people fall in love with themselves and their songs. Not only the form, but also the content of the tracks was a great success. The musicians opened up their inner world to the listeners, which is why they were so warmly received by the public.
  3. (44 words) Walt Disney not only shared his talent in cartoons, but also brought his ideas to life. Disney has delighted billions of children and adults by making their fantasies come true, giving the world fairy tale characters, come to life in an amusement park. The inner world of Walt Disney turned the real world of each of us upside down.
  4. (54 words) When I first meet people, for example, I don’t open up to them right away. At first they only see appearances, but over time, when I begin to share my impressions, stories, interests, they notice my personality. Only by trusting close people will I reveal my secrets to them and, thereby, invite them to visit my inner world, like an amusement park.
  5. (59 words) Not long ago I met a girl who told me that when she reads a poem or any other text, periodically she imagines what color is inherent in each letter. She sees the letter “A” only in black, and the letter “I”, for example, exclusively in red. Having opened the door to her imagination a little, I realized that this person has a rich inner world.
  6. (50 words) Many people gave names to their toys in childhood. What is this if not our own inner world? By comparing a separate group of toys, we imagined them as a family, arranged meetings for them and made their plans for life. Our imagination is our inner world, therefore, from a very early age, any person is interested in his soul.
  7. (65 words) Dreams are an integral part of a person’s inner world. One girl told me that she wanted to learn to sing and dance. As a child, her stage was her room, her microphone was her hairbrush, and her audience was her reflection in the mirror. Over time, she decided that it was time to get serious about what she loved. Now she is engaged in singing and dancing and is glad that she did not leave a piece of her world in her room, but tried to realize it.
  8. (65 words) My dad said that since childhood he imagined a certain image of his beloved: his wife should be interested in the same things that he himself is. At the history department, he met my mother and immediately fell in love. Dad realized that she was the same girl from the world he had imagined. Only he was lucky to meet her in real life. So you don’t need to be afraid of your inner “I,” you need to give it the will to open up.
  9. (44 words) Dreams – essential element the inner world of man. I remember dreaming that the far side of the moon was covered in white chocolate, and nearby there was a deep lake of light green color. Then, of course, I learned the truth, but my fictitious stories about a specific location remained a bright fantastic canvas in my inner world.
  10. (59 words) One boy told me how he loved comics. He was seriously interested in many characters: he studied history, the abilities of each of them, and as a child he sincerely believed that only they were capable of miracles. The boy couldn’t imagine his world without superheroes, so he decided to become one in real life - to help people. Sometimes our inner essence grows into a calling; we just need to give it a voice.
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(According to the text by A. Aleksin)


I wanted to emphasize that the girl is very proud, dreams of leadership and unlimited power over people. But this leadership should exist just like that, just because she wants it that way. Throughout the text, the author proves that desire alone is not enough. The desire to simply rule, regardless of the opinions of others, is a dubious basis for authority. In order for people to respect you and therefore follow your instructions, other qualities are needed. Often, unlimited power and silent submission are demanded by people who are unsure of themselves, afraid of the realities of life, and who do not understand that dreams of subordinating the will of another person are offensive.
So, the author says that in life the girl is afraid of animals, but in the game, as if taking revenge for her fears, she can easily force them to follow all her instructions.
The author puts the idea of ​​​​the offensiveness of the desire to subjugate into the mouth of the girl’s mother (sentences 21-31).
Thus, the author, speaking about the girl’s desire to command and subordinate everyone to her will, emphasizes how wrong such behavior is, indicating only self-doubt, the limitations of a person’s inner world.

I believe that the inner world is a reality created by the human consciousness. The inner world includes life values, moral and ethical ideas, dreams, interests, and life experiences. Sometimes a synonym for the phrase “inner world” is the expression “ spiritual world" But, in my opinion, the inner world of a person consists of the spiritual and intellectual worlds. If a person does not develop intellectually and spiritually, then they say that he has a poor inner world. In contrast to the poor, there is a rich or harmonious inner world. A person’s inner world shapes his personality, his attitude towards the world around him.
As evidence, we can give an example from the text of A. Aleksin. Thus, the main character has an inharmonious inner world. We largely forgive her for this because she is still too young, although she is already early age she dreams of limitless power and uncomplaining submission not only of dolls, but also of people. Perhaps this behavior is largely due to the child’s complexes and the influence of others on her worldview (sentences 5-9). It was these complexes that formed her selfish attitude towards everything.
In contrast to the poor and inharmonious worldview of the girl from A. Aleksin’s text, one can give an example of the spiritually rich inner world of the heroine of A. Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryonin’s Dvor”. Matryona is not very intelligent, but her kindness, selflessness, and mercy compensate for her lack of education. It was kindness and selflessness that allowed the author to call the heroine the “village righteous man”, without whom the earth would not stand.
To summarize, it can be argued that a person’s personality and attitude towards the world is always a reflection of his inner world.

Every day we are surrounded by tens and hundreds of people. We meet new personalities and find like-minded people in some of them, while we eliminate others. What does this depend on? We find it pleasant and easy to communicate with people whose worldview coincides with ours. The inner world of a person plays one of the most important roles.

From childhood, our parents instill in us love for our neighbors and certain life values ​​that shape our inner world. They explain to us how to treat people, how to behave in certain situations, how to react to something and how to make decisions. What is this for? The answer is simple: for happy life. Our parents want to be a worthy successor to their family, to be surrounded by true friends and people who will be there and lend a shoulder in any situation. But not every person can boast of having at least one friend. We find reasons in another person, but see nothing in ourselves. We love to utter such a loud phrase as: “The main thing in a person is the soul, not the appearance,” and later we contradict ourselves. Do you really want to know a person’s soul if appearance rejects you? Of course not. It’s like candy, we choose it based on its beautiful wrapper, and don’t unwrap each one to see what’s inside.

Each person's inner world is different. Every day we are influenced by many situations that radically change our view of things. We love, we miss, we get angry or we are happy, all this influences us. We must remember that our inner world is visible to the naked eye, so we need to be able to control our emotions so that those around us receive only positive emotions from us, which in turn will show that you are exactly the person with whom you want to communicate.

It is important to remember that in any situation, you must, first of all, remain human and not forget that you are surrounded by dozens and hundreds of people who may depend on you, and your task is to do everything to keep their lives safe. Listen, help them and show them that your inner world is versatile and worthy of being among an educated society.

Option 2

The inner world is a set of life goals, plans, desires, hobbies, interests, principles, personal views on the world. It is often hidden from other people, representing something intimate, secret, known directly to the individual himself. The proof of my position can be easily proven based on examples from literature and life experience.

People use the term “inner world” to characterize someone in terms of erudition and general attitude to the world and interests. We often say: “Your inner world is so rich, it’s very interesting to communicate with you and it’s easy to find a topic for conversation!” People assume that behind this “wealth” is hidden continuous work on oneself, as well as high level spirituality, intelligence.

By school curriculum we are studying one of the most famous works era of sentimentalism, written by N. M. Karamzin - “Poor Liza.” main character- an example of a person with a rich inner world hidden from people. She often thinks about various situations, is a very emotional and sensitive person, but hides his feelings due to various factors. Lisa sincerely loves Erast and, unable to survive his betrayal, kills herself. Often we do not see the wealth of a person’s inner world, just as Erast did not see it in the poor girl. Lisa's actions and thoughts indicate her awareness of the value of love and fidelity, which are among the most important moral values.

In life, we often meet people whose inner world we are not able to fully reveal, but what we know about them is of great interest. One day I also met a man whose fantasy-created world was unusually multifaceted. She was like Alice from Lewis Carroll's book, with her own invented reality. Lera reads a lot and creates illustrations for what she reads. She is sensitive and impressionable, internally experiencing everything that happens, she writes stories filled with sincerity and kindness. Lera loves all living things, often helps those who need it, but even such bright people like her can be sad or angry. Few people know about the reasons for her negative feelings; she often hides them.

I think that the arguments I have given prove that I have correctly understood the meaning of the term “inner world”.

Essay on the topic The inner world of man

There is a whole world inside a person! Of course, they are talking about thoughts and so on, and not about the body, although it is very complex. Man has developed his brain very much; a lot of things can fit in there!

From childhood we absorb knowledge, at school we also add information, create a system. We have many memories. They say that a person remembers everything! I mean, under hypnosis you can remember any little thing that you didn’t pay attention to.

There is also a thinking process in a person, the brain constantly analyzes and synthesizes everything... we just don’t realize this work, just as we don’t feel what processes are going on in the cells of the body.

A person also has his own beliefs. They may coincide with morality (beliefs of society), or they may not coincide...

There are also dreams and fantasies, desires. Some people want to go to the sea, and others to the mountains. A person can set goals, motivate and control himself. He can look at himself from the outside and choose what is best to do.
In fact, people are all very different, their content is also different. The perception of some things can be the opposite, which depends on experience and principles.

I heard about different people, they say, this one has a rich inner world, but that one does not. If one thinks only about food, watches TV, believes everything they say, doesn’t read, doesn’t have his own opinion, doesn’t create anything... In principle, he knows how to think, but he tries not to use his brain. It is clear that he seems to be covered with dust! And the other may think too much, worry, and have internal conversations. (At the same time, he remains normal, he simply imagines: “And I’ll tell him like this! And he’ll answer me like this, then I...” By the way, in reality, everything often turns out differently than you imagined, you get lost right away.”) So he thinks too much, his brain is overworked too.

And someone can come up with poetry or music. He has a special inner world that needs to be protected. Don’t interfere with the creative process, don’t allow bad things to happen.

A person’s inner world can be full of stupid fears, unfinished things (when he wanted something, started doing it, but gave up), jokes... anything!

The main thing is that the person feels comfortable. Some people have formulas in their heads, others have pictures... everything is needed in the world!
Mom sometimes asks me what's on my mind. But she's being a little kidding. In my inner world I have many stories about super heroes and courage. I really love comics and movies based on them.

What is the inner world of a person? In my opinion, the inner world is a world consisting of feelings, emotions and experiences of a person. Each of us has our own inner world. To prove this, I will turn to the text I read by A. Aleksin and my life experience.

For example, the original text tells about a girl who was very complex about her “frailty” 5, 8. . She felt truly good only among her toys; for her it was a special world in which no one humiliated her and in which she could do whatever she wanted 12-16. .

In addition, I would like to refer to life experience. I once had a friend Sveta. In appearance she was silent and modest. However, when we began to be friends with her, my opinion about her changed. Sveta could carry on any conversation, and she also sang very well. She only revealed herself to people close to her.

Thus, we are convinced that the inner world of a person is his thoughts, emotions and his idea of ​​the world around him.

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