home · Lighting · The universe in a jar with your own hands. Space in a bottle. Bright craft for decoration. Made from foil and rain

The universe in a jar with your own hands. Space in a bottle. Bright craft for decoration. Made from foil and rain

Like these ones beautiful bottles or jars supposedly filled cosmic clouds, you can easily do it at home.
For this craft you will need:
- transparent glass jar or bottle;
- cotton wool;
- food coloring or gouache (food coloring loses color);
- water;
- a tube or wooden stick;
- sparkles;
- cap or stopper.
First of all, you will need to thoroughly wash and dry the container in which you will create “space clouds”. Prepare food coloring and water. The best colors for this craft are blue, purple and pink colors, but you can make the clouds in your favorite color.
The prepared container (jar or bottle) needs to be filled cold water by about a third. In the photo, the required volume is marked with an arrow.

Now add some food coloring of the same color and stir it using a straw or stick. After that, take cotton wool and start adding it to the water, help yourself with a stick. The cotton wool should be completely saturated with water, and there should be no free flowing water left either. The amount of cotton wool you use will greatly depend on the size of the container you use.
All you have to do is add a little glitter on top and shake the jar slightly.
Note: thanks to the experiment, it was found that gouache is very suitable for coloring cotton wool, the color is bright and saturated.

The next step will be a little different. First you will need to put a layer of cotton wool in a jar, on top of the already soaked layer. In a separate container, dilute water and a dye of a different color. You can immediately add glitter to the same mixture, or you can add it on top later.
Add as many layers as you want and as much as will fit into your jar (bottle).

At the end, you can add enough water so that it floats a little in the jar. The jar (bottle) needs to be closed with a lid (cork) and the “cosmic” decoration for your room will be ready.
Just remember that this is a temporary decoration, the water will ferment over time and the contents of the jar and bottle will need to be thrown away and the container should be rinsed thoroughly.
You can also make mini space clouds in small jars (cones).

Nowadays it is very fashionable to make decorative elements or decorations with my own hands. This way you will not only save your family budget, but you will also be able to decorate the house at your own discretion, doing everything exactly the way you want.

What materials will be needed

beautiful and original product is space in a bottle that can be made from materials found in any home. What we need to make such an original craft and what the sequence of actions is, we will analyze in the article.

Space in a bottle makes a great gift.

Before you begin, prepare all the necessary materials:

  • bottle that will serve as a shell. Of course, you can take a small vessel that previously contained medicines or tinctures. But it is much more beautiful to use a bottle of beautiful or unusual shape. At the same time, it is important that it is absolutely transparent, otherwise the whole effect will be ruined;
  • packaging of ordinary medical cotton wool;
  • glycerin, which is also sold in pharmacies;
  • food coloring of the desired color. If you plan to make several bottles at once, it is better to take different colors that will highlight each other’s brightness;
  • sparkles that will complement the composition, making an imitation of the starry sky. They can be purchased in the store household chemicals, where they are sold as nail decorations. To make the composition more voluminous, use several similar shades that will smoothly transition from one to another.

Before starting work, the bottle must be thoroughly washed, dried and rubbed so that there are no streaks left on the glass.

How to make cosmos in a bottle using glycerin

In order to fill a bottle or jar with cosmic clouds, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

The “cosmic universe” made using several colors or shades of the same color looks interesting. In this case, for each layer you will need a separate jar of glycerin and a cotton roll. But the sequence of actions itself does not change at all. If you decide to do such an experiment, it is very important that the contents of the bottle are not mixed. Therefore, try to protect it from any vibrations or movements.

It is important to remember that such decoration can only be a temporary attribute. Over time, the contents of the bottle will ferment, and all that remains is to throw it away.

It will look very interesting if you make several bottles in different color solutions and place them around the room. Small bottles - keychains - also look original.

But what if you and your child prepared everything for the craft and only then discovered that there was no glycerin? Of course, you don’t want to drop everything and go to the pharmacy. Then the question arises, maybe you can replace this ingredient or do without it altogether?

This question is especially relevant in cold and rainy weather, when you don’t want to leave the walls of your home.

In this case, you need to adhere to this simple algorithm:

  1. As in the previous version, take a container the right size and mold, rinse it thoroughly and dry.
  2. Dilute the food coloring, stir it well, and pour about a third of the bottle.
  3. Tear off small pieces of cotton wool and throw them into the paint. To get them wet better and faster, use a drinking straw or a thick knitting needle. You need to fill the bottle with cotton wool until there is practically no free liquid left. In this case, the cotton wool should move freely inside.
  4. Sprinkle a little glitter on top to act as stars on the milky way. Stir a little so that they disperse throughout the entire volume.
  5. The next layer is formed a little differently - dry cotton wool is laid first, and only then paint is poured. This method works especially well if you are using several shades of paint.
  6. At the last stage, add paint to the very top, add a little more glitter and screw the bottle tightly. The lid can be filled with glue to ensure that it does not open at the most inopportune moment.

For the first time, it is better to use a larger bottle so that you can clearly understand the sequence of actions. But then you can make such crafts in very small bottles, which are sold in specialized craft stores.

Space in a bottle - very original craft, which will successfully complement almost any interior and will greatly surprise guests. And in order to do it, you will not need much effort, energy, or material costs. And if you also involve children in the matter, you will receive not only excellent decor, but also a lot of positive emotions from the common cause and communication. And this evening will always remain in the memory of the kids. a pleasant memory, which will last for many years.

In contact with

If your child is delighted with books about space, throws his head back during a walk to count the stars, or studies the planets, invite him to make his own little Universe. Although it fits in a jar, it can be viewed from all sides. Space in a jar can become an original gift for a friend, as a room decoration or as a pendant that can be worn on a chain.

How to make cosmos in a jar at home

To work you will need:

  • Jar. This can be an ordinary small jar or a special decorative jar with a stopper, which are sold in craft stores.
  • Coloring: food grade, acrylic paints, watercolor or gouache.
  • Glycerin (the amount of glycerin will depend on the size of your jar).
  • Sequins, glass beads that will be stars in space. It is better to take gold or silver.
  • Cotton wool, glue gun.

Let's make a multi-layer space with several colors in it. Such a jar will look more advantageous than just one color.

To do this, take a jar and pour glycerin into it so that it covers the bottom. Now put cotton wool in it, which should absorb the solution. Now add some glitter and spread it out using a wooden stick.

Dilute the paint on a palette (or any other convenient container). For example, you can take blue, purple, pink, or just blue and purple. The color combination can be any: blue and pink, orange and green, etc. Add some paint to the jar.

Make a layer again. Place a few more pieces of cotton wool and fill them with a little glycerin so that it is completely saturated. Add glitter and paint.

In this order, fill the entire jar to the neck. Apply hot glue to the edges of the lid and seal the jar. This is necessary so that nothing spills out of it. If you have a cork lid, then you also need to lubricate it with glue.

These are the kind of space jars you can get.

Today in stores you can buy decorative items and accessories for every taste, but it’s much more interesting to make them yourself! For example, space in jars. This original craft is easy to make, but looks absolutely fantastic!

Of course, such a product has nothing to do with space. It got its name thanks to appearance, because it resembles the beautiful depths of the infinite Universe. In fact, it’s easy to make cosmos in jars, and the most suitable ones will be used. simple components, which will not be difficult to find.

You will need to take a transparent glass bottle, which can be of any shape and size, cotton wool, glycerin, multi-colored sparkles, dyes (you can use different shades). You still need a small amount of simple clean water, as well as a wine bottle cork.

DIY space in a jar: manufacturing method

Once all the ingredients are prepared, you can start working. Ideal option It is considered the use of small bottles intended for pharmaceutical drops, which are perfect for creating your own little Universe.

Taken wine stopper, from which a lid is carefully cut, ideally suited in size to the selected glass container. You must act very carefully so as not to spoil the material.

The bottle is filled approximately 1/2 with glycerin, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

Now a small amount of the selected dye is added to the container (you can use the dry version - undissolved grains will look interesting and unusual). And any glitter is poured on top, it is advisable to use smaller ones.

Mix everything well with a stick or toothpick. But the most main secret the creation of real space is ordinary cotton wool. You need to tear off a relatively small piece and carefully place it in a jar. If desired, you can sprinkle a small amount of glass beads on top. This is a type of bead, but with an interesting oblong shape.

Once filling is complete, a relatively small amount of water is poured on top. It is important that all the cotton wool can be thoroughly wetted. At the end, the container is sealed with a prepared cork - the space souvenir is ready!

In order to prevent liquid from leaking out of the container, you can seal the stopper using hot glue (use a hot glue gun).

Of course, a cork sealed with glue will not look aesthetically pleasing, so you can use any decorative elements to decorate it. Eg, top part The jars are wrapped with a beautiful ribbon in the color of the selected dyes. You can use any interesting pendants or decorative elements as decoration.

How to make space in jars for accessories and decor?

Using this pattern, you can make keychains or neck pendants, or original night lights. In this case, you will need the same components as to create simple space in jars, since the technology is almost the same.

To make a night light, take glass jar(preferably round shape), cotton wool is laid out on its bottom, and glitter is poured on top. It is advisable to use several types of sparkles, which makes the decorative item more interesting and original.

It is worth considering the fact that the more a piece of cotton wool is used, the clearer and brighter it will be visible in the finished night light. Now a small amount of glycerin is poured in, after which it is the turn of food coloring.

To create a night light, you will need to take 4 identical jars of transparent glass, and it is recommended to use dye of different shades for each. You need to take just a little bit of it, literally on the tip of a knife, which is used to pierce the cotton wool in several places. This will make it possible to make some areas darker.

At the very end it is poured into jars plain water from the tap to the very edges, but you must make sure that it does not overflow. Then the containers are tightly closed with stoppers and sealed with glue.

As soon as the space in the jars is ready, you can start making the stand. For this purpose, you can use the simplest base for pans, made of cork. You will also need glue, a battery, wires, switches and colorful LEDs.

Just in case, it is better to purchase several cork mats in case 1 gets damaged. First, you need to cut 4 holes on the litter (as many as the jars will be used).

The glue is mixed with a small amount of multi-colored glitter. The entire stand is lubricated with the resulting solution. Now we need to do the wiring: the LEDs and the power supply are connected, and a switch is installed to control the inclusion of the night light.

Jars are installed in the holes of the stand, secured and decorated according to your wishes. From the remains of the stand you can make legs for a night light.