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A spell for longing for a loved one. How to get rid of longing, sadness, nostalgia or the past

Before answering the question of how to get rid of melancholy, you need to understand what it is - melancholy. Synonyms for this word are sadness, sadness. In fact, this is a difficult mental state that is probably familiar to everyone.

Signs of Depression

IN Lately Depression has become a popular disease, most often taken for granted, something inevitable, and treated with all kinds of pills.

In a state of despondency, a person becomes depressed, he is visited by gloomy thoughts, he can “work himself up” to suicide, and so on. The causes of melancholy are memories of failures, heavy losses of loved ones, and even the weather.

How to get rid of melancholy and despondency, because a prolonged such condition can lead to serious consequences? People in this state not only ruin the lives of themselves and those around them, but also endanger their own health.

The consequences of despondency and melancholy

From constant dissatisfaction with himself and the people around him, a person begins to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, from melancholy and tormenting experiences, heart problems arise, from heavy thoughts - insomnia. Many are afraid to move forward, develop, and they have difficulties with musculoskeletal system. Fear of life pushes some to use brain-stupefying drugs or alcoholic beverages.

Let's try to figure out what it is heartache, what it leads to and how to get rid of melancholy and sadness.

Oddly enough, but longing for someone, suffering, pain that a person experiences, also has the opposite, positive side. If a person, when separated from someone, is sad or feels mental pain, seeing injustice, then this indicates that he has not lost everything, he has not completely degraded and is a human being.

Own life script

To understand why a person is sad, you need to carefully remember your past life and try to find out the cause of mental pain, because it does not just arise without reason. We cannot change someone else, but we can change ourselves. Often people become depressed because they live in some kind of fictional world that does not meet their needs, and when reality shows its true face, such people begin to feel sad, offended by everyone and fall into depression and even despair.

Concentrating vitality on a specific scenario own life forces a person to experience pain and does not answer the question of how to get rid of melancholy. But instead, you could enjoy life. And we need to be attentive and accept everything that life presents to us, and not put our demands at the forefront.

How do adults treat a child?

From birth, the child remembers the parents’ reaction to what is “good” and “bad.” If parents and other adults around the child perceive any troubles in life as a disaster, then there is a high probability that, as an adult, he will develop exactly the same approach to life.

If he is constantly reproached and insulted, then he will have a defensive reaction in the form of despondency and sadness, which he directs at himself. But a person cannot constantly be in this state, so despondency, sadness and depression are automatically triggered every time after some failure. My entire previous life was such that I accumulated such machines. Let's look at examples of what can cause depression and how to get rid of melancholy.

  1. Depression occurs whenever such expressions are heard: “Everything is bad,” “Life is a hard thing,” “It’s hard for everyone,” “You can’t handle it,” and so on.
  2. When we remember sad events of the past: the loss of a loved one, breakups, unsuccessful stories, bad grades at school, and so on.
  3. Memories of the dislike of loved ones, for example, such expressions: “You are stupid”, “You are fat”, “Ugly” and so on.
  4. Melancholy and despondency are developed from the habitual behavior of adults who are accustomed to groaning and aahing at any difficulty, telling instructive stories with an unhappy ending, listening to sad songs, watching tragic films.

It is natural that opposite actions will sooner or later be able to bring a person out of “stagnant” depression, the problem is only in him.

How to get rid of missing a loved one

This is the most difficult problem. If a loved one has passed away, you need to understand that this was God’s will and no one fully knows why this happened. The pain of parting, mental pain, the experiences that a person experiences when faced with death is a good state for the soul of the one who experiences it.

Many people, especially women, fall into prolonged depression after the loss of a loved one. They live only in their pain, not noticing anything around them, and thus drive themselves into a dead end. Such people seem to voluntarily stop their lives and freeze at one level. They have no joy and happiness, they only have pain.

This condition is similar to the condition of people with psychological trauma of consciousness, but, unlike patients, such people voluntarily doom themselves to a dependent state. Having become accustomed to living in such a state, people gradually feel the need for it, get some taste for it, and for them mental pain becomes a comfort zone. Under the pretext of tragedy they hide from real life, do not want to solve problems, both their own and those of loved ones.

Taste of Joy

How can we get rid of longing for a person who either passed away or rejected our love for him?

You need to feel the taste of joy and happiness, already forgotten by a person. Try to look beyond the dark streak in order to feel all the joys of the bright streak, in a word, learn to enjoy life again. In fact, no one suffers all their lives, it’s just that people prone to depression forget about the state of happiness, joy, they say that they don’t need anything else in life and so on, but if they look inside themselves, they will understand that a person created for a full life, where there is both grief and joy.

Any pain makes us wiser; an attentive person, having experienced mental or physical pain, learns from it, examines the reasons why the trouble occurred, and tries not to repeat it again.

Is it worth going to the sorcerers?

Mental pain from love is especially useful, as it teaches people to love. Many do not know how to get rid of longing for a former loved one or husband (wife), and resort to unworthy methods, going to the so-called fortune tellers, witches and other psychics. With the help of external influences or “charms” they want to forcefully attract to themselves the one with whom they would like to go through life.

Instead of surviving such a state with dignity, they ruin the lives not only of those people who rejected them, but first of all for themselves. Some go for any conspiracy. They want to get rid of longing for their loved one so much that they don’t take anything into account. But such matters are not to be trifled with, and everything can turn against them.

Conclusion. Life to the fullest

There is only one way out of this situation - learn to look at life realistically and not forget that, in addition to the bad, there is also good in it. Any pain, misfortune, rejected love, and so on makes a person stronger, if only he copes with it with dignity.

Only by experiencing suffering and painful relationships does a person begin to appreciate what he has in life. Finally, he begins to see clearly and notices other people around him, rejoices and becomes wiser and more interesting.

Every person will have to suffer a lot in life, experience grief, love, joy and happiness, sadness and separation. The mistake of many who fall into depression is that they stop, as if frozen and frozen in life. And life is movement, so you need to move on in order to live.

It’s better not to bother your head with thoughts about how to survive the melancholy and pain of loss, but actually survive this state and move forward. Life is multifaceted, and it is impossible to feel it to the end and enjoy it to the fullest if you do not accept what it offers us.

Statistics show that in winter people most often become despondent, apathetic and depressed. Loses joy in life, thinks about bad things. How get rid of despondency and easily transition from winter to spring?

It is known that everything has its time. So there is a time to be cleansed, and there is a time to be filled. Autumn and winter are a time of cleansing. And spring and summer are the time of filling.

That is why in winter we often feel sad and want the sun, but in spring and summer it is so easy and joyful for us to live.

Winter is the period when the goddess Mara reigns, who sends us many mental tests, spiritual and physical. Having worthily passed all the tests of the winter goddess, a person is purified.

To be cleansed and renewed is like taking off old skin. Remember how they talked about this in fairy tales? First you need to go through certain obstacles, take the necessary actions, and then you will be happy.

And Ivan Tsarevich went through his trials in order to find his beloved, and the Frog Princess baked, sewed and danced in order to find her feminine happiness.

Therefore, if a person has not started cleansing in time in the fall, then in the winter “illness,” that is, the blues, will certainly cover him headlong.

If a person has worked well mentally, he has let go of all the worries and insults, his tasks and goals are next year built, then comes in his life spring renewal and joy reside in his soul.

Who is to blame, or what to do?

It’s good for those, you say, dear readers, who know the laws of nature and live according to these laws. Like, to cleanse yourself in winter...

What if it’s already caught? If the dragonfly sang red all summer, and then winter came? If such an unearthly melancholy has attacked you that you don’t want to do anything, and the good light is not nice, things are not a joy, and your desires have completely disappeared somewhere! What to do in this case?

The answer is simple actually. You can, of course, close yourself within four walls, remain inactive, feel sorry for yourself, and slowly but surely, I would say, move with snail’s steps towards the end of such an unhappy and unhappy life.

And then be reborn and... hey! Our song is good, start over!

And, as you, dear readers, have already understood, it’s fun to walk the same way again life path with unsolved and often aggravated tasks from past life, and it’s all fun, or again not fun, to unravel.

And there is another option. Just understand that you are nowhere from your own life programs no escape. You will still have to solve your problems. Not in this life, but in the next. Therefore, it is better to quickly resolve everything, in youth language, stop moping and continue to live in good health and excellent spirits.

Jokes aside. But in fact, when a person becomes despondent, when he constantly wants to cry and his soul is torn from pain and suffering, when his whole insides screams “I can’t do this anymore,” a person really has very little strength left to cope on his own.

At such moments, it is important and vital to tell your family and friends about What do you feel, What are you thinking about. And ask them for help.

If you still see a small, even tiny, straw ahead of you that you can grab onto and heal from despondency and depression, then gather all your will into a fist and... grab it decisively!

How to get rid of despondency. 11 ways to wake up

Before listing the list of saving “straws” for getting rid of despondency, I want to say the following.

However, it would be more effective to gradually add the next one to one perfect action, and then the next one. Until you start to invent for yourself OWN ways to get rid of despondency.

It will also be important to note that depression, apathy, despondency, melancholy, reluctance to do anything, reluctance to live - all these are signs of spiritual illness.

This is a sure sign that your life goals, you don't know where to move next. Life is “like a fog.” Or you don’t live your life, you don’t achieve your goals, but those imposed on you, you don’t want your own desires.

Give yourself time to think: what is my meaning in life, why do I live, what, in my opinion, is my purpose.

If you want, you can use the help of your family, ask them about your talents and skills. They will contain the answer to why you were born and what tools you have to fulfill your destiny.

Look for reasons why you live. Seek and find.

May the force be with you in this endeavor. And generally speaking.

Let's summarize

So, dear readers.

As you can see, there are enough ways to get rid of despondency. To tell the truth, the most difficult thing in this work is to force yourself to overcome “weakness” and powerlessness and do something. But anything is possible.

The most important, if you feel that you are falling into despondency, you should not give in to this feeling. Drive him away before it's too late.

Getting out of a deep ditch is more difficult than getting out of a small hole or, walking and catching on a bump, to stay on track.

Come up with your own ways getting rid of despondency, apathy and depression. By the way, you can assign yourself awards for the work done and give out prizes. Agree on this with your imagination.

Remember, if you have at least one ray of hope that everything will be fine, if you have even a drop of desire to smile and feel happiness in your chest again, if your soul is glad for the light of day even for a second or kind words- that means all is not lost!

Cling tighter and more confidently to the straw that life hands you. Grab and hold on.

Look, the straw will miraculously turn into a strong stick, the stick then into a strong pole, and then you will completely get out of the swamp onto the shore and joyfully run through the expanses of life.

Then the long-awaited spring update will come!

Every day, take confident steps towards your joy, overcome sadness and melancholy, perform the most incredible actions for you - the main thing is that you feel yourself again happy man who wants to live, create and enjoy life!

With love to you, dear readers!

PS: And at the end of this story, I want to give you Alla Pugacheva’s composition “Hold me, straw”.

Alla Pugacheva “Hold me, straw.” Listen

P.P.S.: What methods of filling you with joy do you use? Write in the comments, please. It is very interesting to me!


Do you want to know practical ways cleansing from despondency, depression, fears?

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Various methods and methods of baptism.
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“... Recently I accidentally met a woman whom I had not seen for more than 20 years (we had a close relationship, I almost married her). A melancholy awakened in me, a love that seemed to be gone forever, it does not give me peace. I constantly think about her, I have become absent-minded, and my behavior has begun to alarm those around me. Give me some useful advice free myself from the painful feeling (my attraction is one-sided).”
Victor Yu., Donetsk region.

In folk magic this is called “relieving melancholy.” It would be easier if you turned to someone, in which case everything would happen easily and quickly. For example, to rid a person of melancholy, I need one session. To do this, I use frozen but slightly melted water and wash my face with certain words across the threshold. That's all.

You can do this yourself. Wash your face cold water from under the tap (or in a running reservoir), saying something like this: “As this water is cold, so my heart is cold towards the servant of God (name). Just as this water flows away, so does my melancholy flow away from my heart and soul forever, forever, for the rest of my life.”

You can throw a hot coal into a glass of water, and at the moment when it hisses, say (while the hissing continues): “As this coal has cooled down, so my heart has cooled down from love for (name). Then drink water.

Getting rid of love's melancholy is easy, but finding love is very difficult. Whatever happens in your life, never renounce love (“I’ve had enough of this love!”, etc.). For what a person renounces, it no longer comes into his life. Emotions will pass time will pass, and you will again want to love and be loved (beloved), but that was not the case. And if you go to a healer, they may well tell you that “you have a curse on loneliness.” But you did this damage to yourself. And how difficult it is to get rid of this!

Another way to get rid of boredom

Try to buy a woman's handkerchief, a comb, and 2 candles exactly according to your calculations. Come home, and when no one is around, set up candles, first scratching your name on one with a needle, and the woman’s name on the other. Place them next to each other, the one where your name is written, set it on fire, let it burn. When it burns well, take a handkerchief and carefully move it near the candle flame, but so that it does not catch fire, but only chars around the perimeter. At the same time, from time to time, say a spell to get rid of melancholy: “What has gone does not come, what has floated does not float, what has disappeared does not arise. Amen". Pronounce without counting - at some point you will understand that enough is enough.

After the handkerchief is charred, place it in front of you and begin combing your hair with a comb, reciting the above spell 24 times. After each reading, place 1 coin of 1 kopeck anywhere on the table. (prepare in advance), when you put it in, say: “Truly.” Upon completion of the ritual of relieving melancholy, transfer the coins into a handkerchief, place a comb, a candle with female name, wrap it up as best you can, and bury it in a deserted place (you can drown it in a pond). Carry out at any time.

Parting with a loved one is a very difficult situation, especially for women. According to statistics, women worry about this much more often than men, and often even bring themselves to nervous breakdowns. A break with a former lover on the stress scale will be approximately close to his final loss (death). In order not to completely bring yourself to nervous exhaustion, you should understand that it is quite difficult to cope with this problem on your own. But if you don’t have a personal psychologist at hand to help you come to your senses faster, you can try to follow our advice.

So, how to overcome longing for your loved one?:

1. First of all, you need to understand that all your worries are mainly due to the fact that you feel sorry for yourself. And this is already selfishness. You think that you will not find such a wonderful person as your partner was. Maybe. But you yourself are no worse than him. Look at you! Think about how much positive qualities you combine yourself. Most likely, it is your lover who should regret that you broke up. Regain your faith in yourself and look at the world more optimistically.

2.Second, take your mind off thoughts about the loss. In general, throw all worries out of your head. In this case, any job (except mental work), hobby, or sports is very suitable. Try to remove from your home all the things that will remind you of what happened. If you have children or relatives in need of care, then it is best to devote all your time to them. Constant employment will quickly bring you to your usual working state, and everything will not look as gloomy as it seemed before.

3. Try to bring love back into your life. Of course you shouldn't kill everything free time on dating sites or try to return ex-lover. Look around, perhaps there are people around you who care about you. Attend social events more, meet new people and communicate.

4. You need to be patient; strong feelings don’t go away quickly. Only time will help drive away the melancholy. The main thing is to endure the first week, then you will feel that negative thoughts come less and less often, and life goes on.

5.If all else fails, you can try to communicate with those who are this moment experiencing the same thing. Together it is much easier to cope with any mental trauma.

6. And finally, start enjoying at least something. Give yourself a gift, buy something you've been wanting for a long time, or go travel to other countries. Good films and books are also a great way to take your mind off reality. Try something new.

Therefore, in order to understand how to overcome longing for your loved one, you must first understand yourself. A thorough analysis of the situation, a pleasant pastime and close people - this is what should become the main medicine. Think only positively, and then everything will be fine!

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The state of sadness not only brings emotional discomfort to a person, but can also negatively affect health. Lack of appetite, apathy, Bad mood, exposure to stress - all these are symptoms of sadness, which in the future can transform into prolonged depression.

This conspiracy will help you forget about sadness and mental suffering once and for all.

Come out, bless, go, cross, From door to door, from gate to gate, Under clear sky, under the clear stars, under the clear sun, under the moon, under the whole chariot of God.

I’ll go straight to the blue sea, I’ll come closer, I’ll bow lower. You, blue sea, are a stone in my heart - Stumps, roots, yellow sands, Steep banks. Wash away the sadness, melancholy, sadness, Mother Holy Mother of God. Wash away all the disease and help, Lord. Accept, Lord, my prayer and bless. Glory to You, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This is one of the most popular rituals to cure the soul of melancholy, to forget about the feelings that are burdensome. You can read the plot for yourself or loved one. The ritual also helps with depression, stressful situations and emotional stress. It is recommended to read the words of the conspiracy to alleviate the condition after the funeral of a relative or the move of a loved one far abroad.

The plot is read for one week; it is important not to miss a single day so that the ritual does not lose its power. Best timeearly morning. These words must be said at the same time

In the bottomless blue ocean, on the distant sharp Buyan, in a blooming, colorful meadow, under a spreading tree, the servant of God (Name) sits - sad, sad.

Seven elders, uninvited guests, are coming, saying - stop sitting and spinning, let your misfortune find its home in a distant land, where there is no path, leave your head and your heart.

Let your misfortune and sadness know no peace, wander around the world - from sea to ocean, from east to west, so that no one accepts that sadness, does not give shelter. I conjure the servant of God (Name) for joy and happiness forever and ever.

No one can break my word. Amen!

The prayer is repeated three times daily. After a week, the person feels much freer and happier

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