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Alevtina - the meaning of the name. The meaning of the feminine name Alevtina is fate, character and career

Origin and meaning: 1) Presumably comes from the Greek aleuō - “reflect”, “repel”. 2) Russian Orthodox tradition attributes the origin of the name Alevtina to the distorted Latin name Valentina (strong). 3) Presumably this is the feminine form of ancient Greek male name Alevton (Alet), which means “wanderer”: this was the name of the descendant of Hercules.

Main character traits: Alevtina has a sharp and impetuous character. Devoted, knows how to keep other people's secrets. Quite ironic. Categorical in her judgments.

Emotional manifestations: In terms of its energy, this name is quite soft and light, but there is still some explosiveness felt in it. In addition, the melody of the name can awaken in Alevtina dreaminess and a feeling of being different from others. Her sensitive pride and lack of self-control often allow her to start, as they say, in a half-turn - and where there could be slight discontent, a serious conflict arises.

Health: As a child, Alevtina was susceptible to tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Appearance and sexual temperament: Alevtina strictly monitors her appearance and will not go out unkempt. And yet, not every man can withstand her commanding tone.

Work and career: Alevtina has a hard time with a female team: she often stops communicating with the female half of the team altogether, preferring to communicate with men, with whom she feels much better and much more confident. Conflicts in the team headed by Alevtina are inevitable, even if she takes care of her subordinates.

Love and family: Most likely, Alevtina will take a long time to choose a husband for herself, and will try to choose him from some high circles, which is connected both with her dreaminess and ambition, and with the search for an opportunity to assert herself. It is difficult to be married to Alevtina, although she is a homebody, an economical housewife, and a good mother.

Derivatives: Alevtinka, Tina, Alya, Ala.

Favorable alliances: Anatoly, Victor, Peter

Unfavorable alliances: Alexander, Georgy, Nikolay, Ostap, Semyon

Zodiac sign: Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries.

Heavenly body: Mars

Color: Red, blue, light green, green, white.

Talisman stone: Emerald, jade, onyx.

Totem Creature: Mirror carp.

This is an emotional, sociable, cheerful, but stubborn girl. Little Alevtina often has poor health and gets sick a lot. This girl studies well at school, but sometimes she behaves noisily in class and gets into mischief. Alevtina is often friends with boys and loves to play football and hockey with them. She helps her mother little around the house and does not like household chores.

Adult Alevtina is sociable by nature, but very independent. She is independent and does not tolerate anyone trying to lead her. Alevtina can be flexible and friendly, but it is better not to irritate her or make her angry. This woman rarely considers anyone an authority for herself, but if she does admit it, it will be very difficult to convince her. In general, Alevtina relies exclusively on her experience in everything; she never takes her word for it and prefers to see, hear and check everything herself. A woman with this name is usually punctual and does not like it when anyone is late. Alevtina is self-critical, but also very strict towards the shortcomings of others, often intolerant. This woman is principled, she will never remain silent if she notices injustice, as well as dishonesty. She always keeps her promises and never forgets about them. Alevtina does not like to throw words to the wind, she speaks a little and is always to the point, however, she is not silent; in the company of friends, of which this woman has quite a lot, she can be talkative. In unfamiliar company or at work, this woman is usually reserved.

Alevtina often chooses difficult, male professions. And since she begins to play sports in her youth, the adult Alevtina no longer has any health problems. At work, she is responsible, reliable, collected and copes well with her duties, in no way inferior to men. Before doing anything, Alevtina carefully thinks through everything. She is persistent and not afraid of difficulties. A woman with this name always achieves what she strives for. She is very purposeful, ambitious and usually has a career. Always tries to help others. She is not selfish, and, despite her difficult character, she is a kind and sympathetic woman. She is not boastful and does not like to attract attention to herself. IN free time Alevtina usually works at garden plot or goes hiking; she also really enjoys walking and cycling.

Alevtina always dresses fashionably and very extravagantly, but to suit the person. Usually this woman attracts the attention of men and gets married early. Her family life is not always successful. A woman with this name easily meets men. Although she has many male friends, Alevtina never forgets that she is a woman. But she is not flirtatious and does not like to play with the feelings of fans. Usually Alevtina chooses a partner who is close to her interests and equal in experience. This woman is very demanding of her partner.

Alevtina, born in winter, is often simple-minded, trusting and curious. She is always aware of all the gossip and affairs of her friends and colleagues. This woman is lazy. She is kind, willing to help, but you absolutely cannot trust her with any secret - she will definitely spill the beans. She dresses well, is easy to talk to, and men really like her. This woman often changes partners. Alevtina is married several times, but usually only the last marriage is successful.
Summer Alevtina is an intelligent, secretive and often proud woman. In all her actions, she never forgets about her own benefit. This woman is marrying for convenience. Since she knows how to get along with people in order to use them to her advantage, this Alevtina’s relationship with her husband is going well. Being under her heel, he nevertheless considers himself the head of the family.

Energy and Karma of the name: In terms of its energy, this name is quite soft and light, but there is still some sense of explosiveness in it. In addition, the melody of the name can awaken in Alevtina dreaminess and a feeling of being different from others. This is further enhanced by the fact that today such a name is quite rare, which makes Alya noticeable in almost any team. Moreover, it is very likely that this very visibility will play a role in the development of Alevtina’s significant pride, since, on the one hand, the name is quite beautiful, on the other hand, something old-fashioned can be heard in it, and in her youth this can cause a lot of trouble. It is possible that Ali’s pride will be very painful, and she will feel somewhat uncomfortable among her friends, although in her soul she may have confidence in her uniqueness and even in her superiority. Perhaps if the name were firmer and more intense, this would not be so dangerous, but it is precisely the firmness in the name that is lacking.

All this leads to the fact that most often Alevtina is not able to calmly endure the usual exchange of barbs in a female team, her sensitive pride and lack of inclination to restraint often allow her to get wound up, as they say, half-heartedly and where there could be slight discontent, arises serious conflict. It must be said that in such a situation it is already difficult to figure out where the cause is, where the effect is, since here a vicious circle turns out - the more conflicts arise, the easier Alevtina begins to break into causticism, which, accordingly, gives rise to new conflicts. Often Alya stops communicating with the female half of the team altogether, preferring to communicate with men, with whom she feels much better and much more confident.

Most likely, Alevtina will take a long time to choose a husband for herself, and will try to choose him from some high circles, which is connected both with her dreaminess and ambition, and with the search for an opportunity to assert herself. However, here, as in communicating with her friends, she should be careful, because any living together, even if the husband is a one hundred percent angel, he is fraught with many misunderstandings and resentments, so if Alevtina does not overcome her explosiveness, frequent family quarrels can bring the family to the brink of divorce.

Secrets of communication. A man need not be afraid when he accidentally entrusts Alevtina with some secret related to women - if she gossips with someone, it’s certainly not in a women’s group. In addition, if you communicate with Alevtina, it would be useful to prepare for her causticity and barbs. They are often quite painful.

  • Female name
  • Meaning and origin of the name Alevtina: The name is believed to be a folk form of the Latin name Valentina, which means "Strong One".
  • Energy named after Alevtin: Daydreaming, emotionality, impulsiveness

In terms of its energy, this name is quite soft and light, but there is still some explosiveness felt in it. In addition, the melody of the name can awaken in Alevtina dreaminess and a feeling of being different from others. This is further enhanced by the fact that today such a name is quite rare, which makes Alya noticeable in almost any team. Moreover, it is very likely that this visibility will play a role in the development of Alevtina’s significant pride, since, on the one hand, the name is quite beautiful, on the other hand, something old-fashioned can be heard in it, and in her youth this can cause a lot of trouble. It is possible that Ali’s pride will be very painful, and she will feel somewhat uncomfortable among her friends, although in her soul she may have confidence in her uniqueness and even in her superiority. Perhaps if the name were firmer and more intense, this would not be so dangerous, but it is precisely the firmness in the name that is lacking.

All this leads to the fact that most often Alevtina is not able to calmly endure the usual exchange of barbs in a female team, her sensitive pride and lack of inclination to restraint often allow her to get wound up, as they say, half-heartedly and where there could be slight discontent, arises serious conflict. It must be said that in such a situation it is already difficult to figure out where the cause is, where the effect is, since here a vicious circle turns out - the more conflicts arise, the easier Alevtina begins to break into causticism, which, accordingly, gives rise to new conflicts. Often Alya stops communicating with the female half of the team altogether, preferring to communicate with men, with whom she feels much better and much more confident.

Most likely, Alevtina will take a long time to choose a husband for herself, and will try to choose him from some high circles, which is connected both with her dreaminess and ambition, and with the search for an opportunity to assert herself. However, here, as in communicating with her friends, she should be more careful, because any life together, even if the husband is one hundred percent angel, is fraught with many misunderstandings and resentments, so if Alevtina does not overcome her explosiveness, frequent family quarrels can cause family on the brink of divorce.

What do you think of the name Alevtina?

The meaning of the name Alevtina: this name for a girl means “alien to evil,” “reflection,” “rubbed with incense.”

Origin of the name Alevtina: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Alya, Alena, Tina, Alevtinka.

What does the name Alevtina mean: A girl with this name does not like female company and gossip; she considers herself above it. In relationships with people, a woman named Alevtina is cold and reserved; in marriage she takes a leading position.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Alevtina celebrates her name day once a year: July 29 (16) - The Holy Martyr Alevtina suffered for Christ in 308.


  • Zodiac – Leo
  • Planet – Sun
  • Color - white, brown
  • Auspicious tree – poplar
  • Treasured plant - angelica
  • The patron of the name is the mirror carp
  • Talisman stone – quartz

Signs: On Alevtina, summer passes the sultry age. The birds fall silent (thoughtful).

Characteristics of the name Alevtina

Positive features: The name Alevtina gives dreaminess. The feeling of being different from others nurtures in Alevtin a feeling of significant pride, confidence in his uniqueness and even in his superiority. Her straightforwardness and sense of justice lead to the fact that most often Alya is not able to calmly endure the usual exchange of barbs in a female group and often stands up for the offended. With men, a girl with this name feels much better and much more confident.

Negative features: Sensitive pride and a lack of inclination for restraint often turn Alevtina, as they say, in a half-turn, and where there could be slight discontent, a serious conflict arises. The owner of this name begins to become sarcastic, which, accordingly, gives rise to new conflicts.

Character of the name Alevtina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Alevtina? Alya is insightful, smart, and impossible to deceive. Being unusually businesslike, the young woman with the name Alevtina does not waste time gossiping with women, but finds interlocutors and friends among men - also because she is prone to smoking and drinking. By nature, the person with the name is a leader, because of this, conflicts arise in the family from time to time. The husband tolerates Ali’s harsh temperament primarily because she is generally incapable of betrayal and arranges the family nest to be a feast for the eyes.

High, often inflated self-esteem does not allow Alevtina to get close to people, so she does not have close friends. As for friendly superficial relationships, Ali will have no shortage of them.

As a rule, the girl has a bright appearance and a loud voice. The meaning of the name is characterized by excessive categorical judgment and intolerance to the opinions of others.

A woman named Alevtina makes her choice of profession independently and should not be prevented from doing so. She is often uncompromising in her relationships with people, which complicates family life and leads to conflicts in the work team.

The name gives a woman many talents both in the visual arts and in music. She attaches great importance to her appearance, is a great needlewoman and a skilled cook. Alya will most likely take a long time to choose a husband, and she will try to choose him from some high circles, since she is always looking for an opportunity to assert herself. Her ambition is not easy to satisfy, and family life can be overshadowed by frequent quarrels that can bring the family to the brink of divorce. But if the one with the name Alevtina meets a man who can tame her restive character, there will be happy wife and a good mother.

When communicating with Alya, you should prepare for her causticity and barbs. They are often quite painful.

Alevtina and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Alevtina promise happiness in love? Alevtina's incontinence leads to frequent family quarrels, which can bring the family to the brink of divorce. An alliance with Valentin, Evgraf, Elizar, Eremey, Miron Timofey is favorable. Difficult relationships names are likely with Vladislav, Boniface, Irakli, Sidor, Ostap, Titus, Tretyak.

The highest probability of a successful marriage is with a man named Alexander, Artem, Vasily, Nikolai, Evgeniy. The name Alevtina is also combined with the names Konstantin or Gleb.

Men named Zakhar, Ivan, Valentin, Bogdan, Kirill, Vladislav or Andrey are not suitable.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Alevtina takes a long time to choose a job, and tries to choose it from any high spheres of activity, which is connected both with her daydreaming and ambition. For her, the search for opportunities to assert herself is of particular importance.

Business and career: In any activity, Ale should be more careful, because the slightest inaccuracy is fraught with many misunderstandings and disappointments for her, so if she does not overcome her explosiveness, she will never achieve a strong financial position.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Alevtin: The troubles of life undermine health and nervous system Ali, they give rise to problems with the intestines, blood, eye conditions, and headaches.

The fate of Alevtina in history

What does the name Alevtina mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Alevtina Stepanova, “the former maid of the Golovlevs,” is a character in Yuri German’s wonderful trilogy “The Cause You Serve,” “My Dear Man,” and “I am Responsible for Everything.”
  2. Alevtina Olyunina (Smirnova, Panarina) - (born 1942) Soviet skier, Olympic champion (1972), two-time world champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970).
  3. Alevtina Dobrynina - (born 1973) Russian theater and film actress.
  4. Alevtina Egorova is a Russian singer, songwriter, ex-soloist of the group “FM”.
  5. Alevtina Kolchina (born 1930) - an outstanding Soviet skier, Olympic champion (1964), 7-time world champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.
  6. Alevtina Leontyeva (born 1977) is a Russian singer, a former member of the Melnitsa group, currently performing solo with her own group, hosting the “Consumer School” program on the Stolitsa TV channel, and working as an announcer on radio and television.
  7. Marya Levtina (born 1945) - real name - Alevtina Nesterova; Chuvash poetess, playwright, publicist. Laureate of the 2nd All-Union Festival folk art, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great October Revolution (1988). Laureate of the First International Competition of Presenters and Performers of Entertainment and Game Programs (Moscow, 1991). She was awarded the “Winner of Socialist Competition” badge, the laureate medal of the Second All-Union Folk Art Festival, and Certificates of Honor.
  8. Alevtina Fedulova (born 1940) is a Russian statesman, political and public figure.
  9. Alevtina Rumyantseva (1929 - 2011) - Soviet and Russian film actress.
  10. Alevtina Aparina (born 1941) - deputy State Duma Russian Federation of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth convocations.

Onomastics experts suggest that female name Alevtina is one of the modifications of another name - Valentina, which in Latin means “strong” or “strong”. Naturally, the characters of the owners of both names should be similar, but in fact they have practically nothing in common. So where did the name Alevtina come from, what is its meaning and what awaits the woman who bears it in life?

Origin of the name

There is a version that the name Alevtina came into our lexicon from Ancient Greece. Indeed, literally translated from the Greek language, it means “a woman who sweetens her body with incense.” And Alevtina, as if confirming this meaning of her name, is a big fan of various cosmetic procedures and pays a lot of attention to her appearance.

Another argument in favor of ancient origin is the fact that the name Alevtina existed during the time of the Great Roman Empire. It was, in particular, worn by one of the great martyrs, about whose life her modern namesakes will be interested to learn.

Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea

The Roman Emperor Maximin II Galerius continued the policies of his predecessor Diocletian and led an open struggle with adherents of the faith in Jesus. Christians were dealt with especially cruelly in African countries.

At that time, two sisters lived in Egypt - Alevtina and Chionia. Both of them revered Christ and took an active part in spreading his teachings among infidels and pagans. More than once, women were persecuted by the indigenous inhabitants of the country, who continue to sacredly honor the ancient Roman gods. They were called atheists, witches, and were accused of all sorts of crimes, including hexing children. Courageous women, with prayer on their lips, endured all reproaches and continued the work of enlightenment.

Despite the fact that the sisters did not cause any harm, they were accused of malicious intent, arrested and brought to the Palestinian city of Caesarea to be tried by Maximin himself. First, with promises and then with threats, they tried to force women to renounce Christ and recognize the Roman gods. When Alevtina and Khionia refused, they were subjected to severe torture.

The eyes of the martyrs were gouged out, their skin was torn off alive, they were burned with fire, but they could achieve nothing. Then they were brought to a pagan temple and demanded to bow to pagan idols and make sacrifices to them. In response, Alevtina took a handful of stones and threw them into the sacred fire.

Realizing that all efforts were in vain, Maximin ordered the execution of the women. And on July 29, 308, the sisters Alevtina and Khionia were burned in the city square. Several centuries later these martyrs were canonized Orthodox Church and canonized as saints.

Women bearing this name come to the icon of the martyr Alevtina to pray and ask for help in family matters. And in church calendar July 29 is considered the name day of all Alevtins.

Variety of names

The short form of the name Alevtina is Alya. In addition to this, there are other options - Ala or Tina. Quite rarely, instead of Alevtin, the abbreviated name Tia is used.

The affectionate diminutive name for a girl or woman is Alevtinochka, Alevtinonka, Alechka, Alyonochka, Alyunya or Alka. Sometimes they say briefly Tinonka, Tinusya, Tinunya or Tinka.

The name Alevtina is used in only three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Moreover, in Belarusian language It is written not Alevtina, but Alyautsyna or Alyautyna. In Ukrainian it sounds unchanged.

Famous namesakes

The name Alevtina is one of the rare ones. Perhaps that is why among famous women only a few have it.

  1. Alevtina Viktorovna Kolchina (born 1980) is a Russian singer, composer, and poetess.
  2. Alevtina Gennadievna Leontyeva (born 1977) is a Russian TV presenter, singer, lead singer of the group “Alevtina”.
  3. Alevtina Alekseevna Rumyantseva (1929-2011) - Soviet and Russian actress.
  4. Alevtina Pavlovna Kolchina (born 1930) – Soviet skier, Olympic champion.
  5. Alevtina Nikitichna Nesterova (pseudonym Marye Levtina) (born 1945) – Chuvash poetess, playwright.
  6. Alevtina Konstantinovna Konstantinova (born 1936) is a Soviet and Russian actress.
  7. Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina (1941-2013) – Russian politician and statesman.

The name Alevtina was also used in literary works. It belongs to one of the heroines of Yuri German’s trilogy “My Dear Man”. In addition, in Irina Velembovskaya’s story “Women” main character name is Alya Yagodkina.

The character and fate of Alevtina

The owner of the name Alevtina is not used to listening to the opinions of others. On any issue, she has her own point of view, which she considers to be the ultimate truth. Therefore, in the life of this woman there are many conflict situations, from which she has to constantly “climb out.”


The girl Alya grows up quiet, sweet and harmless. Both in appearance and character she resembles her father and, probably, that is why she is more attached to him than to her mother. Since childhood, she has liked men's work more than women's hobbies. IN adolescence Alechka can easily hammer a nail, fix an electric kettle, or sort out the wiring. But cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning do not appeal to her at all.

Sometimes in early childhood the girl is embarrassed by her rare and, as it seems to her, common name. But then he sees exclusivity in him and begins to behave accordingly. As a result of this, Alya grows up to be quite selfish and categorical in her judgments.

Another quality that manifests itself already in school years is causticity. Possessing a caustic tongue and a fair sense of humor, which often turns into sarcasm, Alechka makes apt remarks left and right, literally dumbfounding not only her peers, but also adults. This does not help her find friends, since many classmates simply avoid Alya.

Teachers also don’t always like Alina’s “performances,” so even despite her extraordinary intelligence and diligence, she studies, jumping from three to four. But Alevtinka does not consider school grades the most important thing in his life. The girl begins to develop a craving for creativity or sports early. If her parents pay attention to her abilities in time and send her to a section or music school, then Ali can turn out to be quite a talented singer, musician or athlete.


Even without deciding to devote her life to creativity, our heroine tries to choose a profession where she will have the greatest opportunity to achieve career heights. After all, the most important thing for Alevtina is to be the first, no matter what field of activity it concerns. A girl can become a journalist, a financial worker, or go into politics. Possessing a masculine mentality and strong character, she will certainly achieve her goal.

Alevtina often starts her own business. However, her imperiousness and inability to take into account the opinions of others will lead to problems in the team and will not bring much success. It happens, however, that Alya replaces the authoritarian method of leadership with a democratic one, which benefits not only the entire company, but primarily the boss herself.

With age, Alya does not lose her causticity and hones this quality on acquaintances and strangers. She knows how to get wound up out of the blue and does not calm down until she pours out a whole range of witticisms and caustic remarks on her interlocutor. Moreover, Alevtina does not understand ranks and titles and is capable of being rude even to her own boss.

A woman named Alevtina has a very attractive appearance. She knows how to dress elegantly and tastefully and will never appear “loose” in public. Her hairstyle and makeup are always sophisticated and do not look pretentious or vulgar. As soon as a financial opportunity arises, Alya buys fashionable and expensive things for herself, believing that saving on appearance it is forbidden.

Love and family

Men like beautiful, relaxed and sociable Alevtina. She discovers all the attractiveness early love relationship and skillfully puts into practice the acquired skills. Alya does not even strive to fall in love with her gentlemen, she simply collects them for the sake of her own whim or to annoy her friends.

Having had enough fun, the girl begins to think about marriage and look for a suitable candidate for the role of a life partner. Again, not caring about feelings, Alevtina puts practical side. And since it is not easy to find a candidate who meets the high demands of our heroine, Ali’s marriage happens quite late.

For reference household Alevtina approaches with all the practicality inherent in her nature. She takes finances into her own hands and tracks her husband's expenses. Trying to become a zealous housewife, she learns to cook and, to her credit, achieves considerable skill. The woman treats her children with love, but raises them with severity, punishing them for any pranks or bad grades at school.

Name compatibility

A man who wants to tie himself into family ties with Alevtina should know that in a home environment her explosive, sarcastic character will not go away. Moreover, it will manifest itself more strongly, since it is on the members of the household that our lady will be able to sharpen her tongue and vent evil with almost impunity.

Such a moral burden can only be sustained, patient and to a loving person. Who is suitable or not suitable for this role can be seen from the table.

Despite her eccentricity, Alevtina will be faithful to her husband. And if he finds out about his adventures, he will throw a huge scandal and expel the traitor from the house “without the right to pardon.”

Health and hobbies

As a child, Alya got sick a lot, her weak point was her throat, hence the sore throat and other illnesses. Also in early age she needs her tonsils removed to avoid complications from colds.

Women bearing the name Alevtina are prone to hypochondria, that is, they are always looking for the source of an imaginary illness in their body and have the habit of discussing it for a long time with others. Alya not only loves going to doctors, but also studies medical literature herself, being interested in new pharmacology and applying them on herself.

Explosive character sooner or later becomes the cause of nervous and cardiovascular diseases. At an older age, problems with the intestines and joints may occur.

The passion for sports that our heroine had in her youth subsides over the years, and Alevtina turns into a heavy-going homebody. When vacationing at resorts, she travels on foot only between her hotel room, restaurant and beach, refusing excursions and sightseeing.

Alevtina's main character traits

The arrogance that characterized Alevtina in her youth smooths out over the years. A woman begins to understand that she needs to listen to the opinions of others and try to command less. However, many negative and positive qualities characteristics inherent in the bearer of this name will remain with her for life.

As you can see, the description of the owner of the name Alevtina is not at all flattering. Many of the traits inherent in this lady not only do not help, but also prevent her from achieving success in life. However, if Alya comes to her senses in time and “takes control” of her shortcomings, then fate and luck will definitely smile on her.

The name Alevtina usually belongs to strong and purposeful people. Since the thirties of the twentieth century, it has been gaining popularity, but by the sixties it had lost its position and is considered rare.

Thanks to this, representatives of the name are willful, are not afraid to go against the opinion of the crowd and are very original. The meaning of the name Alevtina is revealed through the origin and analysis of sounds.

The name Alevtina is a corruption of the name Valentina, which means "strong" in Latin. Latin origin the name leaves its mark on it. Any name depends on the culture and time when it first came into use. It contains exactly those positive features, which were valued by the people of that time - according to the ancients, the fate and character of a person were laid down at the moment of naming.

People whose name refers to civilization Ancient Rome, are usually disciplined and intelligent. They have strong character, persistent moral guidelines. They fight for freedom, their own and others' rights, are very focused on work and strive for independence.

At the same time, it is difficult for them to live without an idea, without inspiration, this means that Alevtina needs to have an ideal and a goal, the embodiment of which she will strive for. The Romans preferred a life regulated by rules and norms, therefore, although a girl’s character will directly depend on her upbringing in early childhood, she will be able to change a lot in herself thanks to iron discipline.

Some researchers attribute the origin of the name to ancient Greek culture - based on this version, the name Alevtina means “reflection”. But the translation does not yet reveal the meaning of the name Alevtina. To understand how a name affects its owner, you need to analyze the sound content of the name.

The emotional pattern contained in each word is unique. Sounds create it, and in the future it is their energy that fuels many of man’s endeavors and his positive sides, therefore, the character of the namesakes is often strikingly similar. However, differences are more common, this is explained by the fact that upbringing and heredity have a much greater influence, and it is worth creating a tandem, revealing and developing the best in a person by focusing on the meaning of his name and the demands of the time.

Energy of sounds

According to statistics, people whose names begin with the first letter of the alphabet are much more active and energetic than others. The letter “A” contains a powerful creative force that is just waiting for the chance to manifest itself. The girl has a lively character, she is talented and artistic, so she very easily seduces young people.

In addition, Alevtina knows how to engage in interaction with loved ones, builds pleasant and trusting relationships in which knowledge and feelings are exchanged with her chosen one or friend. Alevtina’s character allows her to act as a mediator in conflicts; she will easily find a compromise that will satisfy both sides.

The name Alevtina belongs creative individuals who are not accustomed to acting according to a template and being guided by established opinions. They are very picky about incoming information and know how to choose the most important thing in order to achieve what they want.

The use of the most common abbreviated forms - Alya, Tina, Ala - does not significantly affect the main characteristics of Alevtina’s personality. The most striking features of the owner of the name:

  • Independence.
  • Determination.
  • Strength of spirit (able to survive in any conditions and achieve what you want, having frankly crappy cards in your hands).
  • Charm.
  • Kindness and desire to care for the world around us.
  • Peacefulness.

The process of growing up

Baptism does not cause any problems. Saint Alevtina's feast day falls on July 29. It is worth considering that at baptism we choose a spiritual guideline expressed in the path of our heavenly patron. Thanks to the special qualities that he had in life, we can make our existence more meaningful and whole.

Since childhood, the girl has a very pronounced responsibility and desire for perfection. Although Alya is active, loves games and fun, she is very serious about her responsibilities. The girl’s openness and sincerity captivate those around her, and her friendliness and desire to help loved ones make her an excellent friend.

With age, the girl’s character becomes firm, and a future strong-willed woman is visible in her. She is very self-confident and unbending, and is demanding of herself. She attaches great importance to reciprocity and trust; Alevtina is suffocated by the lies and hypocrisy of those around her.

Adult Alevtina is focused on helping people and usually chooses a profession related to this. In general, she is able to master any field of activity, her mentality and some character traits will allow her to achieve success even in purely male professions.

Has husband's status great importance, Alevtina is ambitious and smart, so she may well catch an important bird. On the other hand, if she meets a person who is able to tame her character and at the same time accept the girl, she will love him with pure and unquestioning love. To do this, a man must have courage and responsibility.

All words convey their energy to people and, of course, each one is unique. The ancestors named their children in order to develop exactly those qualities that would help the younger generation cope with difficulties and move forward. The fates of people with the same names are often different, but if you look closely, you can notice amazing coincidences.

Proper upbringing and a person’s subsequent responsibility to himself will help not only in finding personal happiness - a harmonious and satisfied person with life is able to help others and change the world for the better. Author: Ekaterina Volkova