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Hardware acceleration in browsers. How to speed up Firefox - a few simple tweaks

Mozilla Firefox is considered the most economical browser that can provide comfortable web surfing even on very weak machines. However, users may experience that Firefox uses up the CPU. This problem will be discussed today.

Mozilla Firefox, when loading and processing information, can place a serious load on computer resources, which manifests itself in the load on the central processor and RAM. However, if a similar situation occurs constantly, this is a reason to think about it.

Method 1: Browser Update

Old versions of Mozilla Firefox can put a serious strain on your computer. With the release of new versions, Mozilla developers have solved the problem a little, making the browser more gentle.

If you haven't installed updates for Mozilla Firefox before, now is the time to do so.

Method 2: Disable extensions and themes

It's no secret that Mozilla Firefox, without installed themes and add-ons, consumes a minimum of computer resources.

To do this, click on the browser menu button and open the section "Extras" .

"Extensions" and disable all add-ons installed in your browser. Going to the tab "Themes" , you'll need to do the same with themes, returning the browser to its default appearance again.

Method 3: Update Plugins

Plugins also need to be updated promptly, because... Outdated plugins can not only put a heavier load on your computer, but also conflict with the latest version of the browser.

To check for updates for Mozilla Firefox, go to the plugin check page. If updates are detected, the system will immediately prompt you to install them.

Method 4: Disabling plugins

Some plugins can be very CPU intensive, but in reality you may rarely need to access them.

Click on the browser menu button and go to the section "Extras" .

In the left pane of the window, go to the tab "Plugins" . Disable plugins, such as Shockwave Flash, Java, etc.

Method 5: Reset Firefox Settings

If Firefox "eats" memory and also puts a serious load on operating system, then resetting the settings may help.

To do this, click on the browser menu button, and then in the window that appears, select the icon with a question mark.

An additional menu will appear in the same area of ​​the window, in which you will need to select "Information for problem solving" .

In the upper right corner, click the button "Cleaning Firefox" , and then confirm your intention to do a factory reset.

Method 6: Check your computer for viruses

Many viruses are aimed specifically at attacking browsers, so if Mozilla Firefox begins to put a serious load on your computer, you should suspect virus activity.

Run a deep scan mode on your antivirus or use a special healing utility, for example, Dr.Web CureIt. After the scan is completed, eliminate all viruses found, and then reboot the operating system.

Method 7: Activate Hardware Acceleration

Activating hardware acceleration reduces the load on the central processor. If in your case hardware acceleration was disabled, then it is recommended to activate it.

To do this, click on the Firefox menu button and go to the section "Settings" .

On the left side of the window, go to the tab "Additional" , and in the top area go to the subtab "Are common" . Here you will need to check the box next to “Use hardware acceleration whenever possible” .

Method 8: Disable Compatibility Mode

If your browser is running in compatibility mode, it is recommended to disable it. To do this, click on the Mozilla Firefox shortcut on your desktop. In the context menu that appears, select "Properties" .

In the new window, go to the tab "Compatibility" , and then uncheck the item "Run programs in compatibility mode" . Save your changes.

Method 9: Reinstall the browser

The system may have crashed, causing your web browser to not function properly. In this case, you can fix the problem by simply reinstalling the browser.

First of all, you will need to completely uninstall Mozilla Firefox from your computer.

The question of how to speed up the Mozilla Firefox browser arises not only among inveterate regulars of the Internet - IT specialists, programmers, hackers, but also among ordinary people - schoolchildren and students, housewives, pensioners, ordinary, so to speak, average citizens of any profession. .

And, by the way, the acceleration of Firefox today is difficult to call a user whim. And there are a great many reasons for carrying out this task. Well, for example:

  • quick browser launch;
  • working with a large number of tabs.

And the sum of this entire list, as you probably already guessed, dear reader, is saving time and, in some cases, nerve cells in the process of web surfing. There is no need to sadly or, on the contrary, emotionally wait in front of the computer for the requested page to finally appear in the Ognelis window. But there were such situations? Perhaps there is now, if you are reading this article.

So, this guide will tell you in all available detail how to speed up Firefox and under what technical factors it is impossible to add speed to Mozilla.

Well, are you ready to turbocharge and speed up work in Mozilla Firefox? We begin.

Warning, or in what cases it will not be possible to speed up the browser

You shouldn’t flatter yourself with the hope that your beloved Mazila Firefox will rush headlong through the sites, faster, that means, faster than before, if:

  • your computer with Windows XP can easily be considered a museum rarity: it was made a very long time ago and is very outdated - from the motherboard to the screws (figuratively speaking!).
  • the speed of the Internet connection on the PC is barely palpable - very low;
  • the connection to the network is constantly interrupted;
  • PC hardware malfunctions (processor, video card, hard drive, RAM).

In these and similar cases, you should not immediately think about the FF accelerator, but rather “bring the computer and network equipment back to life.” Alas!

Everything works and is configured for me - I want it even faster

If your computer is configured, as they say, from a brand new place, and everything is fine with the network too. You can speed up the Mozilla Firefox browser by activating internal hidden settings, which are disabled by default.

To speed up the loading of pages in the browser and its overall operation, follow these steps:

Attention! You can use all Firefox speedup recipes, or one or more of them. After each modification of the settings, check the operation of the web browser, analyze by comparison (before and after) its performance on specific tasks(launch, loading).

Disabling preboot

The Prefetching option in the browser preloads into memory content from links that the user is likely to open. It seems to predict his actions and prepare a web page in advance. Thus, this option makes web pages load faster. But on low-power computers, on systems with a “weak” Internet, Prefetching gives exactly the opposite effect. Pages loaded in the background create an additional load on the performance of the PC hardware (CPU, RAM) and consume traffic (which, by the way, obviously may not be used if the page is not needed). As a result, Firefox slows down. Disabling Prefetching avoids such problems.

Disabling page preloading is done like this:
1. In the address bar, type - about:config and press Enter. Click the “I accept the risk!” button

Attention! Subsequent settings of the same type (internal) are also modified on the same tab (about:config).

2. In the search bar, enter - network.prefetch-next

3. In the panel below, double-click the found option of the same name with the left mouse button so that in the “Value” column the “true” parameter changes to “false”.

All! Prefetching mode is disabled. Proceed to " field tests» FF, increasing its potential speed power.

Tricky Electrolysis mode

In Electrolysis mode, the browser launches each tab as a separate process. Thanks to this feature, the speed of drawing web pages increases by approximately 700%. Plus, the security of the web browser is increased, since the tabs are programmatically isolated from each other.

“Electrolysis” was first presented in version 48 of Ognelis. It is disabled by default. To enable it, change the following settings on the “about:config” tab (how to change the values ​​is described in the previous instructions):

browser.tabs.remote.autostart - “false” → “true”

extensions.e10sBlockedByAddons - “true” → “false”

extensions.e10sBlocksEnabling - “true” → “false”

Restart Firefox to activate the mode.

You give an additional 44% speed!

This recipe, according to the requests of some computer craftsmen, can overclock the performance of Firefox by as much as 44%. So go ahead:

again, in the same about:config tab, change the value of the privacy.trackingprotection.enabled option from “flase” to “true”.

FF used to work quickly, but now it slows down. How to speed it up?

If Firefox previously functioned properly - with the speed and, in fact, performance initially envisaged in it, and then “slowed down”, then the ways to speed it up are somewhat different. The point is that in this case you need to initially return its functional power (set by default) and remove the “brakes”, all sorts of problems and software nuances that slow down the work.

Follow the preventative steps described below. There is a high probability that after they are completed, Firefox will recover and will be the same speed as before.


First, try downloading browser updates. Still, the new distribution brings with it not only external, but also internal changes. Including the arrival of new versions of FF, its performance also increases.

This is done like this:

From the menu, open: Help → About Firefox

In the panel that opens, the update will automatically begin downloading.

Video card driver update

Processing graphics in a browser with outdated video card drivers can also cause stutters. Today's websites are very saturated, as a rule, with all sorts of graphic things. Even news portals, and what can we say about online games. So, in terms of graphics, both in the browser and on the PC, everything should work like a Swiss watch.

Of course, you need to update the drivers for your video card on the official website. If you have, for example, GeForce hardware of some kind GTX, you definitely need to visit the manufacturer’s website http://www.nvidia.com and select the appropriate software support package there.

Checking Flash settings

Check the Flash platform applet to see if the acceleration add-on is enabled. When launching interactive elements, games, videos, music, in its absence, Firefox sometimes slows down.
1. Right-click on any flash element on any web page (video player, animation).

2. From the menu, select Options.

3. Make sure that on the first settings tab, in the “Enable hardware acceleration” line, the checkbox is checked. If it is not there, left-click on the empty window.

Reconsider Firefox's RAM-hogging appetites. The optimized load on RAM and CPU will immediately make itself felt in terms of restoring the previous speed of the web browser.

In the “about:memory” tab, click the “Minimize memory usage” button.

Deleting the content-prefs.sqlite file

In the user profile of the browser directory, the file content-prefs.sqlite stores add-ons for websites. If this file is damaged, FF may place additional load on the processor and will therefore run slower.

To remove and restore this configuration file, do the following:
1. Click the "menu" button in the upper right corner of the browser window.

2. In the list of options, click “Help”.

3. In the submenu, click on the item “Information for solving problems.”

4. On the “Details...” tab, click the “Open Folder” button.

5. Close Firefox.

6. In the window that opens, find the content-prefs.sqlite file and right-click on it. In the context menu, click "Delete".

7. Restart FF. The web browser will automatically restore the missing file and create it again.


In Ognelis, like in all other browsers, traces of visiting web pages are accumulated - temporary files (cookies, cache). If you do not remove them, they do not go away, grow to gigantic sizes and become a serious obstacle to the correct operation of Firefox.

To quickly perform “cleaning” in the web browser, press the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + Del”. In the “Delete” line, set the value to “All”, check all the elements and click “Delete Now”.

What's on the home page?

Due to inattention and negligence, users, especially beginners, often agree to install some resource on the Ognelis start page. And when you start the browser, this very resource is loaded with all sorts of resource-intensive elements and turns the start of Firefox into a painful wait.

Open in a web browser from the menu:

Settings → General

Review the line parameter " Homepage", remove suspicious links from it, if any, enter the URL of a trusted search engine. For example, google.com.

Beware, virus attack!

Extra addons and “heavy” themes

Sometimes users abuse the connection of addons. At some “wonderful” moment, there are too many of them, and they drag the browser to the bottom like heavy ballast. And all because running each add-on also requires both processor and RAM resources.

The picture is approximately the same with individual graphic themes. HD images and design improvements of elements also load the system.

Therefore, make a revision in the add-ons and themes department - leave only the most necessary, delete the rest. After such a purge, Ognelis has every chance to expand to its full potential in the online space.

Open the section: Tools → Extensions. Click the “Delete” button in the columns of additions that are not needed.

Go to the "Themes" tab and follow the same steps.

Is Windows okay?

If your operating system is sick and dirty, no amount of accelerators or modifications to “revive” Firefox will help you. You need to start with it - Windows. Set up the PC shell, and then, lo and behold, things will work out with the browser.

To help, CCleaner is one of the best system cleaners.

Download its free version from the offsite, install and run.

First, go to the Cleanup section and destroy all unnecessary files and folders. Then open Registry and fix any errors in the registry. Restart your computer.

Attention! You may additionally need to clear space on drive C. The system partition reserve should have at least 10-20 GB.

Content Level Cleaning

With the help of special addons you can get rid of them and, therefore, increase the page loading speed.

There are quite a few solutions for filtering traffic. We offer the most popular addons (they can be downloaded from the Mozilla addons website):

Limiting the launch of scripts on loaded pages. Increases browser security.

Filters analytical tools that track user actions, scripts, and metrics.

When starting to speed up Firefox, first make sure that your computer and network equipment are working properly and that there is a stable connection to the Network with sufficient connection speed. If there is a problem with the equipment, fix it. The reason for the “brakes” may lie precisely in them. If the browser works flawlessly, you can immediately try to create add-ons in about:config. In cases where the operating speed of the default FF (without changing options in the configuration) has decreased, it is advisable to perform preventive maintenance (cleaning, checking for viruses). And only then can you start activating the “turbo options”.

Good luck setting up Firefox!

It's no secret that almost all web browsers have similar operating speeds, even if the developers claim the opposite. They differ only in their sets of add-ons, so the concept of “speed” actually comes down to performance and how you use the program.

Regardless of whether you use the popular Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, which is slightly less popular, opening many tabs at the same time will slow down the work of both the first and the second. All of them, to one degree or another, will use the RAM and processor resources of your device.

And the more, the slower the web browser will function. Other individual settings for each application will also have an important role on your Internet browser.

In this guide, we'll show you how to speed up Firefox by changing a few of its settings. You shouldn’t hope for super-speed after making changes, but you will be able to slightly reduce the consumption of computer resources.

We will stick to the latest stable version of the web browser. It is important to understand that it is not the Android version, although it also has some interesting features, but the desktop browser.


Enable hardware acceleration. The new Quantum engine can use your computer's GPU to load web pages faster and play online videos more smoothly. But on some PCs this feature is not enabled by default. So check the following.

Go to the settings menu, find the “Performance” subsection in the “General” section, uncheck the “Use recommended performance settings” checkbox. Check the “Use hardware acceleration when possible” checkbox if available.

Apart from this, you will see another option called “Maximum Content Processes”. If your computer has a dedicated GPU and more than 8 Gigabytes of RAM, set it higher than 4. Otherwise, leave it at the default value of 4. We recommend the following values:

  • for 16 GB of RAM – 5;
  • for 32 – 6;
  • for 64 – 7.

Hardware acceleration and number of processes are the settings that you need to check and change first so that the question of how to speed up Firefox gets the first solution. Now let's move on.

Disable data collection. The browser continually collects anonymous data about how you use it. It then sends this data to its servers to improve features. This doesn't compromise your privacy, but it does make it slower.

First, you need to turn off data collection. In the “Privacy and Security” section, find the “Data Collection and Use” subsection at the bottom. Uncheck all checkboxes and restart the application.

Disable telemetry. Here you need to go to a separate configuration page at:


and click on the “I accept the risk” button. Search using the copy/paste option and change the following settings to “false”:

Browser.download.animateNotifications network.prefetch-next (only if ) browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.telemetry browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.telemetry browser.ping-centre.telemetry toolkit.telemetry.archive.enabled toolkit. telemetry.bhrPing.enabled toolkit.telemetry.enabled toolkit.telemetry.firstShutdownPing.enabled toolkit.telemetry.hybridContent.enabled toolkit.telemetry.newProfilePing.enabled toolkit.telemetry.reportingpolicy.firstRun toolkit.telemetry.shutdownPingSender.enabled toolkit.telemetry.unified toolkit.telemetry.updatePing.enabled

and install


Firefox should now be noticeably faster because you've simply turned off unnecessary animations, stopped the countdown timer when installing extensions, and told it to stop preloading web pages when you're on a slow connection.

Disable support access. Find the “Permissions” subsection in “Privacy and Security”. Check the “Prohibit accessibility services from accessing your browser” checkbox. Restart using the button that appears.

Undoubtedly, the answer to the question of how to speed up Firefox does not stop with these recommendations. Individually, you can try to use extensions such as “Speed ​​Tweaks” with many useful options, use instead of add-ons, tools for managing the automatic unloading of open tabs, for example, “OneTab”, etc.

Alternatively, use the function to return to original settings if a lot of time has passed since installing the Internet browser. These tips and tricks are: great ways Speed ​​up your slow Firefox browser.

But the most common reason why it is slow is because you have a lot of open tabs. Unless you make every effort to manage them wisely, none of our recommendations will have a lasting effect.

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Some problems with Firefox are caused by extensions, themes or hardware acceleration. This article will help you determine whether one of these is causing your problem and, if it is, describe how to make Firefox run normally again.

Note: The Refresh Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information. Consider using it before going through a lengthy troubleshooting process.

Table of Contents

Start Firefox in Safe Mode

When you start in Firefox's Safe Mode, all extensions are temporarily disabled, hardware acceleration is turned off and the default theme is used. This will help determine whether one of these is causing your problem.

After Firefox starts in Safe Mode, test for your problem.

The problem still occurs in Safe Mode

If your problem persists in Safe Mode, it is not being caused by an extension, theme or hardware acceleration. Other possible causes could be plugins or changes made to Firefox preference settings, which are not disabled in Safe Mode. For additional troubleshooting suggestions, see these articles:

The problem does not occur in Safe Mode

If your problem did not occur in Safe Mode, it is most likely because of an extension, theme or hardware acceleration. Continue following the steps in this article to determine the cause of your problem.

Turn off hardware acceleration

With some graphics processors and graphics driver setups, Firefox may crash or have trouble showing text or objects on pages when using hardware acceleration. You can try turning off hardware acceleration to see if it fixes the problem.

If the problem is no longer happening, then hardware acceleration was likely the cause. You can try updating your graphics drivers to see if that fixes it or simply run without hardware acceleration. Otherwise, your problem is likely related to extensions or themes. Continue with the steps in this article to see if they help.

Switch to the default theme

If you are using a theme other than the default Firefox theme:

After you restart Firefox, test for your problem. If it no longer occurs, the theme you were using was causing it. If it still occurs, continue following the steps in this article.

Disable all extensions

To determine whether a faulty extension is causing your problem, you can disable all of your installed extensions:

After you restart Firefox, all extensions will be disabled. Test for your problem.

If the problem no longer occurs with all extensions disabled, one of your extensions was causing it. To find the extension that was causing your problem, continue as follows:

Test for faulty extensions

To determine which of your disabled extensions was causing your problem, you can re-enable each extension one at a time.

After you restart Firefox, test for your problem. If the problem comes back, the extension you just enabled was causing it.

Note: If you have a large number of extensions, it may be quicker to enable more than one extension at a time. The method with the fewest number of restarts required is: Enable half the extensions in this list, then restart Firefox and test for the problem. If the problem reoccurs, you know that the faulty extension is one of the ones you just enabled. If the problem does not occur, you know the faulty extension is one of the disabled ones. Repeat the process until the faulty extension is found.

After you find the extension that was causing your problem, disable or uninstall the faulty extension and re-enable the other extensions in the Add-ons window.

Updating extensions

If an extension was causing your problem, it may have an update available that will fix it:

After Firefox restarts, your extensions will be updated. If the extension that was causing your problem had an update, re-enable it and test for your problem again.

The development of web technologies and competition with such a strong rival as Google Chrome has made the Mozilla Firefox browser better. Today "Fire Fox" is a modern, functional and fast browser. In principle, it has always been modern and functional. As always, Firefox was a fast browser, however, until the first overload with add-ons (extensions and plugins) that made its work more difficult. But if in terms of modernity and functionality Firefox has evolved all the way, then the issue of the speed of the browser as you work with it, alas, is still relevant today. The problem of slow browser operation with a large number of active extensions and plugins on board is officially recognized by its developer, Mozilla Corporation.

How to speed up Mozilla Firefox? Let's look at several ways to optimize this browser below.

1. Hardware requirements

Firefox is considered an undemanding browser. Firefox itself and its clones, browsers based on the Gecko engine, are often used on low-power computers. Any PC with low performance, in particular, with only 2 GB of RAM, can provide more or less comfortable work with Firefox. “Fire Fox” does not consume as much RAM as Google Chrome. Unlike the latter, Firefox does not clog up RAM with separate background processes, and all megabytes consumed by the browser can be seen in a single application line in the Windows task manager. The mechanism of RAM consumption is simple: the more open tabs and active add-ons, the greater the memory consumption.

A RAM capacity of 4 GB or more, a good modern processor, and an SSD drive instead of a regular hard drive will have a positive effect on the performance of any browser. However, the productive operation of Mozilla Firefox largely depends on the software component.

2. Theme and home page

To ensure performance, it is better to avoid decorating the “Fire Fox” with colorful themes. As well as not using extensions built into the browser start pages With visual bookmarks and beautiful effects. Mozilla Firefox will work faster only with its native nondescript theme. The colorful theme you previously installed from the browser store can be disabled or completely removed. To do this, click “Add-ons” in the Firefox menu. The “Add-ons” section is also available on the browser’s home page. And the fastest way to get into it is the hot keys Ctrl+Shift+A.

In the add-on management section that opens, switch to the “Appearance” tab and disable the active theme. Both the current theme and inactive themes can be completely removed from the browser.

You can get rid of a third-party express panel with visual bookmarks by disabling its extension. And to return to the Mozilla Firefox home page, if it has been changed by third-party software, in the browser settings, click the menu, then “Settings”.

And in the first tab “Basic” we click the inscription “Restore to default”.

3. Removing extensions

Browser extensions and plugins are a dual thing. Most of Of these, while expanding the functionality of the web browser, at the same time it takes away its speed. Because when starting the browser, time is also spent sorting and launching extensions and plugins. It is necessary to work only with really necessary Firefox extensions and plugins, and remove unnecessary ones or at least disable them. In the browser window, press the Ctrl+Shift+A keys, switch to the “Extensions” section, use the corresponding buttons to delete unused add-ons and disable rarely used ones.

4. Work with Firefox in safe mode without add-ons

You can evaluate the work of “Fire Fox” in absentia without enabled extensions and a colorful design theme, if you are sorry to part with them for now, using the browser’s safe mode. This is a troubleshooting mode that the developers have provided to identify problems. In safe mode, all active extensions and hardware acceleration are disabled, and the default theme and toolbar are installed, just like when you installed Firefox. To start the browser in safe mode, open the menu, click the help button and select the “Restart without add-ons” option.

You can also launch the browser in safe mode by holding down the Shift button while launching. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm starting in safe mode.

If it’s a pity to part with the Firefox extensions and theme, then safe mode can be used on an ongoing basis, and you can switch to normal mode only from time to time, when the maximum power of the browser is required.

5. Disabling plugins

Not all installed plugins are needed in everyday work, and some of them may not be used at all. The current version of Mozilla Firefox as of the date of writing this article is installed with two plugins enabled: the H.264 video codec plugin, which is necessary for playing video online, and the Primetime content decryption plugin, which is used to check the right to use protected licensed content on individual media portals. After installing Adobe Flash Player into the operating system, another plugin will appear - Shockwave Flash. H.264 and Shockwave Flash video codec plugins are needed; they will be used when playing multimedia content and Flash animation. But the Primetime content decryption plugin, if there is no need for access to licensed materials on special media portals, naturally needs to be disabled.

Firefox plugins can be managed in the add-on management section. This is, accordingly, the “Plugins” tab. To disable any unnecessary plugin, if it does not provide the ability to enable on demand, you must set its activity value to “Never enable”.

6. “about:config” settings

Mozilla Firefox has the usual settings section with a visual interface, which can be accessed from the browser menu. But there are other settings - hidden ones. This is specifically designed so that only experienced users or those who strictly follow the instructions can get into them. To get to these hidden settings, enter the following value in an empty Firefox tab and press Enter:

These settings involve a complete transfer of responsibility to the user, and the developers want to emphasize this. In the window that appears, click the inscription “I promise that I will be careful!”

There is no need to worry about such a strict approach: the settings can be returned to their original state at any time or, as a last resort, the browser can be reinstalled. The main thing is that your bookmarks are exported, backed up, or synchronized using your Firefox account.

Mozilla Firefox has a lot of hidden settings, so for quick access to them there is a search field at the top of the window.

Changing any of these settings requires a browser restart.

6.1. Disable tab opening and closing animations

To benefit browser performance, you can get rid of the added latest versions animations of opening and closing tabs. In the settings search field, enter the following name for the setting and press Enter:

On the settings line highlighted in blue, double-click with the mouse so that the default value “true” is changed to “false”.

6.2. Disabling Prefetching

One of Firefox's features, Prefetching, allows it to preload into memory the contents of links that the user is most likely going to open next. In theory, Prefetching speeds up the opening of web pages, but on slow computers, loading pages in the background can significantly reduce system performance as a whole. Moreover, this function consumes too much traffic.

To disable link preloading once and for all, find the setting named network.prefetch-nex t and double-click to change its value from “true” to “false”.

6.3. Speed ​​up loading web pages

To get to the site, its server needs to send a request. Taking into account the possibility of working with a weak Internet channel or an overloaded server, Firefox is configured by default to send a small number of requests. By increasing the number of these requests in the browser settings, we will seriously speed up the process of loading web pages. This tactic, alas, cannot be called 100% effective, since the servers of some sites (usually actively visited) may not be able to cope with the load. In this case, instead of the page loading, you may see the message “Service Temporarily Unavailable”. If it is not engineering works on the site, then you need to wait a minute or two, and you can try to get to the site again.

To speed up the loading of web pages, enter the following setting name in the settings search field and press Enter:

We do the same with the settings network.http.pipelining.ssl And network.http.proxy.pipelining, if you are using a proxy).

Settings network.http.pipelining.maxrequests determines the number of simultaneous requests that will arrive to the site server. The recommended value is 32.

Another way to speed up page loading in Firefox is to enable new system HTTP caching, which is disabled by default.

Finding the setting browser.cache.use_new_backend, open and change the value from 0 to 1. Click “OK”.

7. Fasterfox extension to speed up loading web pages

An alternative to the previous method of speeding up Mozilla Firefox is the Fasterfox extension. It, in fact, is a visual interface for the “about:config” settings that were described in the previous paragraph. Fasterfox can be installed for free from the Mozilla Firefox store.

In add-on management (Ctrl+Shift+A) we get access to the settings of this extension.

In the settings window, you can select one of the proposed sets of browser performance settings. For example, a lightweight option with optimization of only the visual part of the browser or an extreme option with maximum number requests to the site server.

This is a more suitable way to speed up Firefox for less experienced users, since if something goes wrong, Fasterfox settings can be used to set different sets of optimization settings or return to default values. As a last resort, the extension can simply be disabled or removed.

8. Return to original settings

Any unsuccessful experiments with Mozilla Firefox settings and add-ons - no matter whether it is related to performance or other problems - can be removed without reinstalling the browser. It can be returned to its original settings. In the Firefox menu press the button help, then select “Information for solving problems” in the pop-up sidebar.

In the tab that opens, click “Clean Firefox” and confirm the decision in the dialog box.

This isn't exactly a return to your browser's original settings, as some data will be retained, which is for the best. During this cleaning process, a new Firefox profile will be created, into which bookmarks and authorization data (logins and passwords) on sites will be transferred. Everything else - settings, extensions, themes - will disappear.

9. Clear cache

One of the rules for speeding up any browser is to periodically clear the cache. To clear it, in the Mozilla Firefox window, press the Ctrl+Shift+Delete keys. A window for deleting browser history will open, where you can select the period for which cache data has been accumulated and the ability to set other parameters. To see these options, you need to expand the “Details” option.

We will see a list of data that will be deleted. You can delete the data selected by default, but in order not to re-enter logins and passwords for authorization on sites later, it is better to uncheck the preset checkbox from “Form and search log”. That’s it – all you have to do is click the “Delete Now” button, and the Firefox cache will be cleared.

Have a great day!