home · Installation · Homemade heated insoles. Heated insoles - how to make them yourself and features of use in extreme conditions. Field test failure

Homemade heated insoles. Heated insoles - how to make them yourself and features of use in extreme conditions. Field test failure

Our collection useful homemade products for hunting, fishing and tourism has been replenished! Today you will learn how to make heated insoles with your own hands.

Hello site users. I’m glad to share with you my useful winter homemade product - heated insoles. The main task in this is to select materials so that downward heat loss is minimal and heat transfer to the feet is maximum.

To make insoles we will need:

  • purchased felt insoles - the basis of the product;

  • nichrome thread(taken from spiral heating device power 300 W, thickness approximately 0.3 mm);
  • heat-conducting tape - for additional fastening of the thread to the base, in addition, for the convenience of installing insole elements for sewing, without reducing the heating of the thread itself (who is interested in tape, you can look here http://ali.pub/pa5f4);

  • genuine leather for the top layer of the product. It has good thermal conductivity, and it also holds the heat of the thread well (it does not melt or curl like synthetics). But you can use other material with similar characteristics. For example, leather substitute or denim.

  • fuse (for insurance, mounted in the wire cut, in my case 2A);
  • power regulator (was replaced with a lightweight, compact and cheaper one) but it has a power reserve (there is a link in the description of the video).
  • wires for installation (I recommend buying them at an auto store, they are softer, don’t harden too much in the cold and are of better quality, but a little more expensive than those found in electrical goods (the length and cross-section are in the video);

  • Velcro for mounting batteries and regulator.

Dear readers, Additional Information You can see the assembly nuances in the video and its description. Watch, discuss, send your options.

Here's what I needed:

  • felt insoles - 2 pcs.,
  • nichrome wire - 60 cm,
  • MGTF wire (not important) 0.2 (mm. kV) about - 3 m.,
  • battery compartment for 4 batteries - 2 pcs.,
  • three-position switch - 2 pcs.,
  • connector mini jack- 2 sets (socket + plug),
  • crimp sleeve 0.2 (mm. sq.) - 4 pcs.,
  • heat shrink tube - 1 m.,
  • strips of fabric with Velcro fastening,
  • hot glue.

How heated insoles work

I will explain the principle of operation of the entire circuit. As a heater, I took a nichrome thread with a diameter of 0.2 mm and a length of 25.5 cm. The resistance of such a segment was 8.9 Ohms. The circuit provides two modes of operation: from two or from three batteries. In dual battery mode, the insoles will be constantly warm.

When working from three, the nichrome will be hot, but don’t be afraid, there will be no discomfort from this. Before installation, I advise you to do a test run in both modes. It is done simply: you need to take a nichrome thread connected to a power source and put it in a light cloth (a handkerchief folded in half). Hold this fabric between your hands for a minute.

If it’s hot, then the heater should be longer, and if it doesn’t heat well, we should shorten it. This way you will be sure that your heated insoles will not become toasty insoles. The calculated current when operating from two batteries or batteries will be approximately 270 mA, and from three - 400 mA. Knowing the capacity of your batteries, you can approximately calculate the operating time homemade insoles heated.

I attached a 0.2 mm MGTF wire to the nichrome. sq. using crimp sleeves. You need to put the sleeve on the nichrome, then its end is inserted into the stripped stranded MGTF. A sleeve is pulled into place at their junction and crimped. I used a special crimping tool, but pliers can do the job just fine. I took the wires so long that their length from the insole was 50 cm... Just right for my shoes.

Regarding how to place the heater on the insole. I decided that since I don’t get cold in my heels, the main task is to keep warm in the forefoot. The photo shows the styling form that I use. Experience has shown that the decision was correct.

Using neat stitches, I secured the heater in the desired pattern on the insole.

I sewed the MGTF wires to the side of the insole, stretched heat shrink over the remainder, and soldered the ends to the plug. The insole is ready.

The battery compartment had to be redesigned to fit my circuit. I allocated one cell for a switch and a mini jack socket. I re-soldered everything according to the diagram. Afterwards, I filled it all with hot glue.

The remaining cells should be signed, since, as can be seen from the diagram, there is a difference in which cell will be empty - the first or third. The batteries are protected from falling out by a simple rubber band. This is not a deep design, but the lack of battery compartments with a lid in the magazine.

Heated socks can easily be called one of the best inventions of our time.

In the RedLaika online store you can buy heated socks with or without batteries!

Heated feet

Battery-powered or reusable socks provide sufficient warmth for a long time. To do this, they contain modules infrared radiation, due to which normal temperature and blood supply are maintained. Plastic case fits in a special pocket located at the top of the socks.

The lower extremities are heated for a period of 8 to 16 hours, maintaining comfortable temperature and eliminating the health-threatening risk of hypothermia.

Principle of operation

Warming socks are made from a specialized material that adapts to the curves of the foot and shin, and the heat is maintained using heating elements. The sock models offered in our catalog consist of natural threads that become more flexible thanks to a small percentage of acrylic or spandex.

The pocket allows you to place a carbon plate or batteries without them getting in the way when walking. The heat is effectively distributed and the entire foot is warmed; the heating elements are located in the areas of the foot that cool first. Heating to a temperature of about 45 degrees provides the desired level of heat.

Advantages of RedLaika heated socks:

  • full preservation of functionality;
  • the small size of the circuit will not cause discomfort;
  • convenient pocket and easy connection;
  • work autonomy;
  • easy control for each sock separately;
  • In case of getting wet, the owner of the socks need not worry about the health risk; this can only reduce the heating temperature.

Heated socks from RedLaika

These are winter insoles with autonomous heating from the battery with adjustable temperature.

What materials are used for this product?

During production, several important principles were taken into account. Firstly, the base of the insole should be made of a material that does not conduct heat well. This is necessary to ensure that there is no heat leakage down to the sole. Accordingly, there should be good heat transfer upward towards the foot. So to create this useful remedy With my own hands, I used ordinary felt insoles 5 millimeters thick.

To save on energy costs, it was decided to install a heating element only in the front part of the insole, that is, only where the foot will touch. For this purpose, a nichrome thread 48 centimeters long was used, the wire cross-section was 0.3 millimeters. This is a nichrome thread from a 300 Watt heating device. This is the thinnest wire that the author has found. Purchased at a regular hardware store for 20 rubles.

The temperature is set by a voltage regulator purchased from this Chinese store. Go and write in the search: Voltage regulator from 4 volts. In the same store you can buy ready-made heated insoles.

How the master combined all the parts into finished insoles

The nichrome wire was laid across the insole so that when bending there would be no creases or displacement of the wires. The wire is evenly sewn to the base. Glued in some places Double-sided tape so that the second layer can be installed. It is made of genuine leather, which is a fairly dense material that transfers heat very well from the thread to the feet with minimal heat loss and can withstand the heating of the threads themselves. The seams will run between the wires.
After the firmware is completed, the excess parts will be cut off and the insole can be prepared for further installation. Two ends of 2 centimeters each are brought out from the insole. The thread is laid in a zigzag, the distance between the strips is 2 centimeters, in the nose part it is 1.5 centimeters.
Take two pieces stranded wire 1.5 meters long. In this case, a wire for car audio was used. It is of very high quality, flexible and less dull in the cold. The wire cross-section is 0.05 millimeters. We connect this wire to the insole. In order to make the connection as thin as possible, it is twisted and clamped with a metal sleeve.

From above it all closes heat shrink insulation. We lay the wire, stitch it along bottom side ordinary threads to the middle of the sole.
So, the insoles are ready, stitched, wires are connected. It turns out neat. If possible, you can put another insole, sew it or glue it. This will significantly reduce heat loss.
Next we measure desired length wires and cut off the excess. Now we connect the insoles in series to the required connections. You can use regular connections purchased from a car dealer.

We measure 15 centimeters and make two cuts. There is one such connection on each insole. We install the remaining part of the entire structure.
Detachable connections create convenience in that you can quickly disconnect the contacts and change shoes and dry the insoles.

Power supply for electric insoles

The entire shoe heating circuit is powered by a nickel-metal hydride battery with a voltage of 7.2 volts, 5000 milliamps per hour. Operating time from 5 to 11 hours of continuous operation. The power source may be different. The degree of heating of the insoles depends on the voltage and current. Heating is noticeable from 4 volts. Quality work from 5-12 volts. The maximum operating temperature is 60 degrees, this is an excessive temperature, but the material can withstand it. The battery and regulator are attached to a leather strap and attached to the waistband.

Heating depending on the regulated voltage (approximately):

4V-0.6A=23-27 C
5V-0.7A=27-32 C
6V-0.8A=32-35 C
7V-0.9A=35-37 C
8V-1A=40-42 C
12V-1.3A=65 C

In our country, winters are quite harsh, despite what was promised global warming, people still need means of heating in cold period of the year. Heated clothing is becoming increasingly popular among hobbyists and those who have to spend a lot of time outside in any weather.

IN very coldy your feet freeze very quickly, and after standing at a bus stop for 10-15 minutes, your fingertips “begin to get numb.” Heated socks are an affordable and convenient way prevent your feet from getting hypothermic winter period. Pragmatic residents of megacities have long realized that the easiest way to buy heated socks in St. Petersburg is through our online store.

Battery-powered heated socks

Everyone knows how the body reacts to hypothermia. Symptoms of ARVI appear literally the next day. Our great-grandfathers also argued that feet should always be kept warm. However, even woolen socks are sometimes not enough to save your feet from the cold. If you don't want to become a hostage to serious complications, you just need to wear heated electric socks.