home · Networks · Simple ideas for decorating your garden with your own hands. Do-it-yourself useful homemade products for your garden and garden. Vegetable garden in a new way

Simple ideas for decorating your garden with your own hands. Do-it-yourself useful homemade products for your garden and garden. Vegetable garden in a new way

Caring for a summer cottage is not limited to weeding the beds and planting new plants. The aesthetic side of the issue is also worth paying attention to if you want to give your garden the proper look. appearance. However, faced with high prices on garden decorations in stores, many refuse this idea, considering it too expensive. Let's look at how you can make original garden crafts with your own hands: all the new items and some traditional options.

Do-it-yourself garden decor is an excellent opportunity not only to decorate the area in an original way, but also to get rid of many unnecessary things in the house. For crafts, various unused items that can be found are suitable new life as garden design. Here are just a few options for what you can use as a base:

  • old household appliances;
  • clothing and shoes;
  • sections of pipes or fittings;
  • stumps, branches or snags.

We are used to throwing all this away as unnecessary trash, while with proper design, any of these elements can become worthy decoration garden

DIY craft options for your cottage, garden, yard

You should start decorating your site by studying photos of DIY garden crafts. By looking through the available options, you can exactly repeat the solution you like or, based on it, come up with your own, adapting it to your needs. existing conditions, opportunities and preferences.

Simplest traditional version registration flower beds involves the use of pots, flowerpots or ordinary wooden boxes. Old tires are also suitable for the same purpose.

Another option for decorating your garden is to use garden sculptures made from natural materials or any unnecessary items. Here are some simple ideas that don't require too much effort to implement:

  • The easiest way is to use branches and stumps, which are always abundant in garden plots. With their help you can create sculptures of animals, castles and more. Such an element will be an excellent decoration for a flower bed, area near a gazebo or lawn;
  • you can make a sculpture from concrete or cement using a special form into which the composition is poured in liquid form;

Helpful advice! Any cement or concrete structures require additional strengthening. To avoid the destruction of the sculpture or the appearance of cracks, it is necessary to lay reinforcement in the base.

  • abstract figures can be made using wire or fittings. There are two options here: leave the structure hollow inside or fill it with earth, having previously wrapped it in burlap or mesh. In the second case, you can use the sculpture as a basis for planting;

  • A traditional garden scarecrow can be made using unwanted clothes. Contrary to prejudices, such an element may well become a worthy decoration of the site, especially if you use the image of some famous character as an idea for its design.

In order for the made element long time retained its original appearance, it is very important to choose the right one for it Decoration Materials. First of all, this concerns the paints and varnishes used. Best fit acrylic paint, cold enamel or paint designed for working on glass. A durable varnish will provide reliable protection for the coating.

Browse garden craft ideas from waste material. So, you can get rid of a lot of things that you would hate to throw away, giving it a new life and at the same time decorating it. local area. An excellent example can become DIY garden crafts made from computer disks.

DIY garden crafts from scrap materials with descriptions

Spring crafts for the garden differ in what materials you need, as well as the complexity of the manufacturing technology. Let's consider a few not too complex options, which can be implemented with minimum costs time and effort.

DIY garden crafts: photos and instructions for creating painted stones

Using stones to decorate a garden is a classic technique that has been used for quite a long time. However, it is not at all necessary to preserve their original appearance. Elements decorated with an original design will look much more interesting. For example, you can paint stones like cacti, thus creating most interesting element decor.

Technology for making cacti from stones:

  • using dark green paint applied to the stones, the base of the cactus is created;
  • then with more light shade green and a thin brush apply characteristic stripes and dots;
  • dried stones are coated with a layer of varnish and placed in pots or flowerpots previously filled with stone chips.

Another option involves using more large stones for registration summer cottage. Using paint, you can depict various animals, houses, cars, etc. on their surface. The easiest way to initially apply the drawing is using a simple pencil, and then decorate it with acrylic paints.

Helpful advice! Such elements will be an excellent decoration for the area if you have a decorative pond at your dacha.

Original design of flower beds and flower beds with your own hands: new items in all crafts

When talking about decorating flower beds, we mean a whole range of very diverse elements that can transform the appearance of even the most ordinary flower bed. The sizes, as well as color options, are practically unlimited, and you can choose the option that will look most advantageous on your site:

  • using ordinary bricks or stumps you can create flower beds, which are called “ alpine coaster" The main thing is to provide the elements good connection among themselves so that the structure is strong and reliable;
  • using a small motor, you can make a small one, decorated with flowers on all sides;
  • Crafts made from tires for the garden are very popular. There are many options for designing flower beds with their help, including the simplest, hanging and multi-tiered ones;
  • Almost any unnecessary element can be filled with soil and flowers planted inside, including torn boots, ceramic dishes or furniture.

Helpful advice! Be sure to consider using hanging elements to decorate your garden. Decorations placed on several levels look much more advantageous.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden: photos and descriptions of the best ideas

A huge number of different plastic containers is thrown away as garbage, while bottles can be an excellent raw material for making many original garden decorations. Let's look at a few interesting ideas their use with step by step instructions on production.

Palm tree made from plastic bottles for decorating a summer cottage

In order to make a palm tree from plastic bottles, you will need the following set of materials:

  • bottles made of brown and green plastic (preferably several different shades);
  • sharp scissors;
  • awl;

  • rods for the base at least 25 cm long (metal or willow can be used);
  • metal bushings;
  • tubes with a diameter of 2 cm;
  • high-voltage cable (preferably 12-14 mm).

First of all, you need to cut the brown plastic bottles in two to get the bottom plus a small margin. In the lower part you need to make a hole of such a diameter that the twig you have chosen fits into it. We also cut green bottles, but in such a way as to separate the bottom and about 1 cm above it. After this, the bottle is cut lengthwise into 3 equal parts (to the point where the narrowing towards the neck begins). In this case, you need to preserve the neck.

In order to make the leaves look like real ones, the edges are cut in such a way as to create jagged edges. After this, the finished elements can be put on the cable. As a result, we get branches that will later be attached to the trunk. One tree should have 7 branches.

After this, you can begin assembling the structure: the rods are securely fixed in the ground, forming a base. The easiest way to achieve this is to first weld them to a sheet of metal, placing them under different angle tilt After this, tubes are attached to them and bushings are put on. The length of each rod should correspond to the number of brown parts that will be arranged in a row and another 3 cm margin for leaves.

Related article:

Photo examples for registration. Plants and garden structures in decoration. Optimal options zoning.

Having assembled the structure, it is securely fixed in the place where it will be installed. Most often, such an element is located near small artificial reservoirs or flower beds.

Helpful advice! If you use rods various diameters, you can create a whole composition that imitates an oasis.

DIY gnomes made from plastic bottles: photos of garden crafts with step-by-step descriptions

We know from fashion magazines and modern films how well figurines of garden gnomes look in the design of plots. But not everyone knows that such beauty can be made from scrap materials. Let's look at how you can make such a decoration without spending a lot of effort and money.

Since the gnome must be large enough to be visible in the garden, you need to use a 5 or 6 liter plastic bottle as a base. In addition, you will need paints for decoration, brushes, an awl, glue that can be used to glue plastic parts, as well as various little things that you want to decorate your creation with: a beard, eyes, a strap, etc.

First of all, you need to paint the bottle the main color. This must be done from the inside to avoid washing off and damaging the layer. The easiest way to do this is to pour the paint inside and twist the container so that only the bottom 2/3 of the container is painted. It is important to wait until the paint is completely dry.

At this time, you can start preparing details for decoration. Smaller plastic bottles are perfect for making them. Applying paint with a brush, from small containers You can make sleeves for the gnome. If you paint the bottom of the bottles beige color, then you can make them look like hands.

The connection of these elements is made by cutting holes of a suitable diameter and additional fixation using wire and special glue. Using the same method, we attach the gnome’s nose, made from an ordinary cap.

Helpful advice! The easiest way is to draw eyes and lips using a regular brush and paints, but for a better effect you can purchase ready-made elements designed for dolls.

In order for the figurine to be stable enough and not fly away at the first gust of wind, you need to pour sand or earth inside the barrel.

Original design of the site: crafts for the garden from mayonnaise buckets

Make beautiful and original jewelry for the street it is possible to use such an unusual element as plastic mayonnaise buckets. The main condition is that the design be resistant to influence external factors and it looked beautiful. Therefore, it is imperative to open the finished craft with waterproof varnish.

Other subtleties that must be observed are to take into account the future location of the craft. For example, if it is located under a canopy or in a gazebo, then the use of various fabric or paper elements is quite acceptable.

Installation or fastening flower pots from the mayonnaise bucket also matters. They are quite light on their own, so they need to be filled or secured to ensure stability. If you fill the buckets with earth and flowers, then, on the contrary, they will be quite heavy, so if you plan to hang them, make sure in advance that the rope is strong and reliable.

Helpful advice! You can always attach the bucket being installed to the surface using self-tapping screws or glue, thus ensuring the strongest possible fixation.

Prepare in advance all the materials necessary for the work: paints, brushes, waterproof varnish, napkins if you want to make decoupage, as well as other small elements that will serve for decoration, for example, beads, pebbles, seed beads or small insect figurines that can be bought at store.

DIY garden and vegetable garden ideas: pots made from a mayonnaise bucket

Making a flower pot out of a mayonnaise bucket is the simplest and most common option used to decorate a garden. Wherein best design It turns out if you use the decoupage technique. So, you can not only create bright colored pots, but also make entire works of art: unique and inimitable. Moreover, this technique will become great solution for those who are not very good at drawing.

In order to make an original pot in this way, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • the bucket needs to be degreased by wiping it, for example, with alcohol;
  • then use a sponge and apply one or two coats of white paint to the surface;

  • While the paint is drying, prepare the elements of the napkins that you like with the design. Thematically, it can be anything: flowers, animals, patterns;
  • separate from the napkin upper layer, the one on which the drawing is applied;

Helpful advice! For a more aesthetically pleasing appearance of the finished pot, it is recommended that the edges of the napkins used are not trimmed, but carefully torn off. So, the joints will be almost invisible.

  • Apply a layer of PVA glue to the bucket and carefully attach and straighten the pictures on top;
  • After complete drying, open the finished product with varnish.

DIY crafts from tires for the garden

The areas in which old car tires can be used cannot even be listed. And the design of a summer cottage is no exception. Homemade playgrounds made using this material, as well as flower beds and flower beds, are very popular. On the Internet you can find many different master classes on crafts made from tires for the garden with your own hands. Let's look at a few simple design options.

The most primitive option is a round flowerbed made of car tire. It is difficult to call such a creation a masterpiece, however, with proper design, it can also serve as a decoration for the garden. A little more complicated, but much more impressive - a flowerbed of several tires located one on top of the other.

To create interesting effects, you can use tires of different diameters, placing the larger one at the bottom and gradually decreasing the size. Hanging flower beds made from tires also look great. If you leave the disk inside and secure it properly, you can pour soil inside. The main thing is to take care of reliable fastening, since the total weight of such a structure will not be too small.

DIY crafts made from polyurethane foam for the garden: photo examples and tips

Another unusual material, which has also found its application in decorating the garden exterior - polyurethane foam. Due to a number of characteristics, such as low weight, ease of processing, insensitivity to rain and temperature changes, this material is extremely suitable for garden crafts. Such a decision will an excellent alternative DIY plaster crafts for the garden.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the bottle with the purchased mixture. By itself in the cylinder it has a liquid consistency and hardens due to contact with air. As a rule, it takes 10-12 hours for it to dry completely.

Helpful advice! Do not forget about personal safety measures when working with polyurethane foam. The information provided by the manufacturer on the cylinder will also tell you exactly how to protect yourself.

Here are a few simple tips for working with this material:

  • polyurethane foam does not like cold, so it is better to work with it at positive air temperatures;
  • Before starting work, the container must be shaken thoroughly;
  • When squeezing foam, keep the can with the cap down. Thus, gas will not escape from the cylinder, and you will be able to use all the foam that is in it;
  • observe the recommended (usually 10-15 minutes) period of time between application of layers. Otherwise, uncured foam may fall off under the weight of subsequent layers;
  • To make working with foam more convenient, you can use a special mounting gun.

DIY ideas for garden crafts made from polyurethane foam

Looking through a photo of a do-it-yourself garden, for the design of which figures made of polyurethane foam are used, you can see that the possibilities of this material are practically unlimited, and with its help you can create a wide variety of sculptures. However, in order for the figurine to be durable, it is necessary to provide it with a strong and reliable frame. For this purpose, you can use plastic or tin bottles, as well as wood, wire or fittings.

For example, to make a snail, just follow a simple algorithm:

  • on a previously prepared surface (you can do this on a regular table covered with oilcloth), apply the first layer of foam, which will become the base;
  • after drying, apply a second layer of foam and insert a plastic bottle into it, which will act as the snail’s neck;
  • Cover the plastic bottle with foam and give it the desired shape with your hands;
  • the head and horns of the snail are also formed by hands;
  • to make a shell, apply foam to the snail's body, giving it the appropriate rounded shape. At this stage, you can insert a small bucket or pot into the shell, intended for planting flowers;
  • Using the same foam, make characteristic curls on the snail shell. Using paint and foam, decorate the resulting craft.

A foam frog can be made as follows:

  • use an old pan and jar as a base. Fill them with foam and let dry. The pan will play the role of the body, and the jar will become the head of the frog. In order for the structure to be solid, it is recommended to fasten the parts with wire;
  • in order for the frog to have legs, use a fairly strong wire, also covered with foam;
  • Give the not yet hardened foam a characteristic shape with your hands;
  • use paint to give the frog the color you want and give it eyes.

To give stability to the resulting figures, you can pour sand inside the containers used. Then it will be more stable and will not succumb to strong gusts of wind. All inaccuracies and excess pieces of foam can be easily removed using a stationery knife, giving the sculpture the most accurate shape. And in order for the foam figurine to serve you longer, you can additionally apply a layer of putty on it, which will perform a protective function.

Helpful advice!In the process of registration garden sculptures can be used LED backlight. So, in evening time the figurine will glow and create a unique festive atmosphere in the garden.

Decorating your garden yourself is easy and there are many ideas you can use for this purpose. After all, not only flowers and trees can help you properly design your territory. DIY crafts will be an excellent alternative to purchased models, giving your site uniqueness and adding a unique twist to its appearance.

In the time of our parents, the garden was decorated with lilac bushes and many different flowers. All kinds of vegetables grew in the garden. The beds were laid out, and even the most small plot soil with cucumbers and tomatoes, dill and parsley. Now everything has changed greatly and modern gardeners decorate their estates according to the European model. You can come up with a design yourself, and make decorations from any available materials - the more unexpected, the better.

  1. Making a design plan
  2. Vegetable garden on new way
  3. DIY garden and vegetable garden decorations
  4. Ideas from plastic bottles
  5. Unusual garden decorations
  6. New Year's fairy tale in the garden
  7. Conclusion

Making a design plan

Like any undertaking, designing a garden needs to start with planning. To do this, you need to determine the boundaries of the site, then think about what exactly you would like to see on your site. Divide the territory into several parts and come up with a theme for each of them. There must be a driveway along which it will be pleasant to approach the house. The layout must indicate everything that is on the site, any building or path.

It is not recommended to plant trees on the side of the main entrance to the house, because over time they will simply become an obstacle to access to the house. And they will cast a permanent shadow on the house itself. It is best to lay out a garden behind the house or on the side. It's better to decorate the yard. At the same time, plant the flowers in such a way as to create the impression.

The perimeter of the site can be decorated instead of high fences or wood. To do this, low-growing bushes are planted, which are periodically trimmed for an aesthetic appearance.

Vegetable garden in a new way

You can decorate it no worse than a garden. Each bed can be designed to match the style of a flower garden or flower bed, to which you can lay a path. The path itself can be decorated with garden greenery. It could be parsley, dill, horseradish or even carrots, the leaves of which will be green until late autumn. In addition, pepper “lanterns” along the path will look good. The beds themselves can be made of any shape. It depends on the imagination of the garden owner.

The garden can also be planted around the perimeter with bushes or decorative trees. Then a small piece of paradise will be hidden from prying eyes.

crazy hands

When a plan has been created and all the plants in the garden have been planted, you can think about the decorations of the garden and vegetable garden. Because it will be very unexpected and original to see an unusual thing for a garden, or even an animal, among the greenery. To make decor, you can use the most unusual things that you can find at home. It can be:

  • Old irons;
  • Buckets;
  • Plastic bottles;
  • Old tires from wheels;
  • Wooden wheels from a cart;
  • Old beds;
  • Clay pots and other rags.

Each of these things will be an excellent garden decoration. You can plant bright flowers in an old bucket or plastic watering can, which you can use to decorate the stairs at home or display on a wooden block in the middle of the garden. To create a bright island in the flower garden, you can also use an old cart or bed, a broken chair or some kind of basin.

In addition, various kitchen utensils can be used as unusual flower beds. These could be old saucepans, pots, bowls, teapots. All this will be very unusual look. All this can be painted in different colors and add color to the garden.

Ideas from plastic bottles

If a person has a well-developed imagination, then plastic bottles can become the most valuable material for creating the most unexpected characters on garden plot. To create them you need several things:

  • Knife for cutting bottles;
  • The bottles themselves and the caps;
  • Paints and brushes;
  • Rags and ropes.

With this set you can create many flower beds and figurines for garden decoration. Lawns decorated with plastic bottles will look original. To do this, a mound of earth in the shape of an animal is formed. It could be a crocodile. The bottoms of plastic bottles are placed along the perimeter of the figure. The middle is planted with grass, and the eyes can be made from the top of plastic bottles.

You can also make a figurine of a swan from plastic bottles, in whose back you can again plant flowers. They also make original palm trees from bottles and display them in the middle of the garden. By cutting a hole in the bottle, the top of the bottle will be the pig's snout. The lid is painted with a snout, eyes are drawn, and ears are cut out from parts of the bottle. The ponytail is made in the same way. The result was an original pig. The empty middle of the decorative pig is filled with earth and planted.

You can hang a pot made of plastic bottles on the wall of your house. Holes are cut out in them, filled with soil and flowers are planted, preferably ones that send out weaving runners. You will get a green wall strewn with flowers.

Unusual garden decorations

In this case, you can use old shoes. These could be old shoes or elegant women's shoes. They are also covered with earth and planted with flowers. You can make it out of old bowls decorative mushrooms. To do this, you will need a little cement, which is poured into a bowl, a piece of pipe is placed in the middle, it will serve as the stem of the mushroom. Allow the cement to harden, and dig the mushroom stem into the ground. The top is painted the color of the fly agaric or boletus mushroom.

In addition to these garden decorations, you can create a decorative spring in the middle of the garden. To do this, water is supplied to the designated area. You can use an old broken jug for a spring. From which you can let water flow in a thin stream. The spring will look very impressive and original. You can do it around the spring.

You can also use cobblestones to make various beetles or other decorative ornaments for garden. In this case, stones and glass, paints and brushes, as well as stencils are used. Wooden figures or simply logs are used to decorate the garden.

New Year's fairy tale in the garden

New Year and Christmas are a special occasion to give free rein to your hands, especially creative hands. Before their arrival, it is customary to decorate your home and garden. First of all decorate front door and a gate. The main decoration of which is considered wreath of spruce branches. For design that can be used not only Christmas decorations, but also rowan and viburnum berries. They also use cones and various New Year's tinsel. Don't forget about the horseshoe. All this is considered not only to decorate doors, but also a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

The garden can be decorated with snow figures, provided there is a snowy winter. All family members take part in decorating the garden. This will not only be work, but also fun for the children. You can make not only simple snowmen, but also figures of various animals and people.

To decorate the garden, you can also use sleighs that no one uses anymore. They can be decorated with a figurine of Santa Claus with gifts, garlands, pine or spruce branches. And also various tinsel

If there is a spruce growing in the yard, you can decorate it with homemade toys and a glowing garland. You can also add glass toys to the tree; during the day they will add a special shine to the tree.

To decorate the walls and windows of the house, you can use various illuminations, snowflakes and applications. All decorations can be made with your own hands, with the exception of garlands. Snowflakes can be made from foil, white paper or knitted from thread. Applications for decorating windows are also made by hand. For this I use cardboard, paper, brushes and paints, as well as adhesive tape. The walls and roof are decorated with garlands. You can create various illumination from garlands.

A dacha is a place where people are used to relaxing. And when a person is about to purchase a dacha plot, he needs to take care of what he will have in his dacha. Naturally, the first thing will be to build a house in which you can spend the night or even live for a while. The next buildings will be a garage for tools, a gazebo for relaxation, which can be landscaped with grapevines.

Today, in specialized stores you can find a huge variety of decorations for the garden.

Cheap and cheerful?

However, despite this, master classes on making crafts for the garden are extremely popular. After all, many summer residents and owners country houses They prefer to decorate the area themselves.

And for this they use those decorative elements that were created with my own hands. This popularity of crafts is due to the fact that every person in his soul wants to become the one who independently turns his plot into a fabulous place.

And if earlier this was only possible for those people who had a good imagination and could figure out how to use available materials, now it is available to everyone.

It is worth noting right away that the main advantage of such structures is not their cheapness compared to those sold in stores. The person who creates such a craft first of all receives moral satisfaction. After all, he can feel like a creator.

In addition, he creates a thing that will be unique and original. And this is important, because in our time such things are rare.

This is due to the fact that the assortment presented in the store is aimed at mass buyers. And that’s why no one thinks about creating a unique design.

Simple and original crafts for decorating a vegetable garden

Pay attention to the photo of crafts for the garden, which is presented below. On it you will see a simple craft, which, despite its simplicity, seems quite original. To create it you will need minimum set tools and materials.

Anyone can create such a creation. In addition, it is ideal for a small summer cottage where it is necessary to clearly delineate paths and planted areas.

Decorative pond

Very often in areas you can see a decorative pond. But most people believe that creating it requires a lot of effort and spending a significant amount of money. However, this is not quite true.

Of course you can purchase ready-made system in a specialized store and use it. However, its cost will be quite high. In this case, it does not matter at all what dimensions the structure will have.

But we suggest you build a small decorative pond in your garden using ordinary car tire. This will not cost you any money, especially if you find an old and unnecessary tire in your garage.

In the instructions for making such crafts for the garden, which is presented below, the entire process is divided into stages for greater convenience.

  • The first thing you need to do is determine where exactly your homemade pond will be located. At the designated location, dig a hole that will ideally fit the tire.
  • After this, it is necessary to completely remove tree roots and small stones, if any, from the hole.
  • Next, you should compact the soil at the bottom and pour a sandstone cushion 50 mm thick.
  • Using a knife, separate one side as shown in the picture below.
  • Place the tire in the hole and spread a polyethylene film on the bottom, wrapping its edges.
  • Fill the container with water and decorate.

As you can see, such a craft made from a tire for the garden will become an indispensable decorative element. Your guests will undoubtedly be amazed by it. And you yourself will enjoy this beauty every time you go outside.

You can also organize at personal plot a whole system of reservoirs. In this case, tires of different sizes can be used for their construction.

Specialists involved in the creation landscape design, note that small fountains look very nice in the areas. However, to create them, of course, you will need to purchase special systems.

Difficulty of crafts

Quite often from those who are just starting to create crafts, you can hear the question of how to make simple crafts for your DIY vegetable garden to make them look more sophisticated. After all, creating truly luxurious designs often requires considerable time and certain skills.


But experts are confident that even the lack of necessary skills cannot become an obstacle to creating a masterpiece.

For example, if you want to make a simple craft into a more complex one, use the principle of multi-layering.

If we look at the example of the homemade reservoir described above, it can be visually complicated if we use three or more identical reservoirs.

However, you should take one caveat into account. Such a multi-layer structure should look harmonious and holistic. Otherwise, all its charm is lost.

This principle works very well with garden crafts made from plastic bottles, when several small elements are placed nearby. But it should be borne in mind that piling up is completely inappropriate.

Photos of crafts for the garden



To collect good harvest in your garden or garden, you don’t need them at all best tools and fertilizers, but enthusiasm, golden hands and pleasure from work. And it’s doubly pleasant to work on a site that also pleases the eye with its cleanliness, neatness and individual beauty. Of course, afford to purchase garden decor items or services landscape designer Not many people can afford it, and therefore you should know that doing your own gardening is much easier and more valuable. And in this article you can find clear and detailed algorithms for making them for yours.

DIY materials for the garden and vegetable garden

Absolutely anything that is unnecessary in the house or that has been hidden in the closet for a long time can be used as a raw material for the manufacture of decorative elements, and therefore it’s time to look for priceless things among the seeming trash! So, you should collect empty bottles different sizes, paints, building materials (gypsum, cement, polyurethane foam), various containers(barrel, trough, wheelbarrow, pan), and even trampled shoes or a broken chandelier.

Remember that literally anything you find will work for creativity, because with a little imagination, a supply of enthusiasm and simple handicraft techniques, any thing can be turned into an amazing craft for the garden. For example, you can make wonderful figurines and figurines, organize flower beds and shrubs in the form of interesting compositions, update all the items in the yard, starting with the bench and ending with the cladding of the house, lay paths of decorative stones between the beds, and in a quiet corner of the yard set up a flower garden with real . This way, you can create a charming atmosphere in your garden, in which it will be doubly pleasant to work.

Garden crafts made from plastic bottles

For such work, you should choose the most available materials, so that homemade projects for the garden can become your favorite way to spend time, into which you can put all your inspiration. For example, from ordinary plastic bottles of different sizes you can make a donkey as a symbol of the hard work of garden owners, and beginners in such creativity can try to make simple lampshades for lanterns.

So, first you just need to cut it with a knife top part bottles with a neck, and bottom edges shape the blanks into petals so that, in the end, the lampshade looks like a tulip bud. We put it aside, and at this time we cut out leaves from the extra walls of the bottle, dip them or paint them with a brush in green color, and the flashlights are red, orange, purple, etc. We screw the lid on the neck, make a small hole in it, and pull a strong thread or even a string through it. Now all that remains is to “string” a couple of leaves on it and secure it inside the flashlight LED light bulb and hang it on a support. Believe me, these will look very cute on tree branches near benches or on the porch of your house.

Donkey with flowers

To implement this idea we will need:

  • 1 bottle with a capacity of 5 or 8 liters, 3 - 2 liters each, 4 identical - 0.5 liters each and 1 container with the shape of a barrel or a closed cylinder;
  • gray and red paints;
  • ribbon (4-5 m), artificial flowers and plastic eyes for toys;
  • black cord or a coil of thin cable (3-4 m);
  • self-tapping screws and tape for fastening parts.

So, to begin with, we cover all the bottles, except two two-liter ones, with gray paint and leave them to dry in the sun, after which, using tape and screws, we connect the structure into the one shown in the photo of handmade garden crafts. Immediately after this, we cut off the two lower parts from the remaining bottles and cover them with contrasting color paint - these will be our flower pots. Now we decorate our donkey: we make a curly mane and tail from a cord, a bridle from a ribbon, and ears from the walls of an extra bottle. We attach “pots” with artificial flowers to it, and then place our donkey in the shade of a strong tree on the site or at the entrance to the veranda.

Crafts for the garden from tires

This material is much less common than plastic bottles and is quite difficult to handle, but you can use it to make a very interesting homemade product for the garden in the shape of a crocodile. It should be taken into account that even an inspired woman is unlikely to cope with this matter, and therefore you need to call your friend for help. strong man so that he “cuts” the tire into sections, helps you cut out all the parts and cuts out a large wooden block.

Now let's get to work ourselves:

  1. Using nails, we attach a long strip of rubber to the block, forming a back, insert triangular “teeth” and “legs” between them, as in the photo, and also cover the sides with rubber.
  2. Now we make the head: it consists of two open jaws and bends for the eyes, into which we later place bright table tennis balls.
  3. We glue it with tape to internal parties jaws, “teeth” cut out of thick white cardboard, the mouth cavity is painted pink, and the crocodile skin is painted dark green.
  4. We place our crocodile in the grass, but in a more visible place, so as not to inadvertently scare anyone.

Crafts with floral motifs

Flowers and textiles create a bright, charming and cozy atmosphere best of all, and therefore you can make unusual ones as crafts for the garden. Yes, for climbing plants can be used as a support old chandelier, brought into proper shape by washing and painting, but for blooming ones, instead of trivial pots, you should choose a broken cart, paint cans, and simply decorated wooden boxes.

In addition, you can make garden path tiles in plant forms. For example, you can spread a large burdock leaf on a hard surface and coat it with a thick layer of diluted cement on top. After drying, they can be painted, the failed edges can be sharpened, and then literally buried 1 cm deep into the ground in the form of a path. And if you make such a slab on a sand mound, you will get a wonderful bowl for water or fruit in the garden. Finished stones can simply be painted in solid colors or in the form of bugs, and then scatter them throughout the garden or near the pond.

Homemade products for the garden video

June 14th, 2013

You can prepare a huge number of crafts for your garden, vegetable garden, cottage or just a plot of land. You can find out how to make some of them here. Crafts can be either simply decorative or useful for the garden. Get ideas and use your imagination to create beautiful crafts, which will appeal not only to you, but also to the children. You can also involve children in the process of making some crafts. The main thing is to be careful and follow the process and you will succeed.

DIY garden crafts. Self-watering pots

These pots are suitable for initial stage growing vegetables at home. You can place them on the windowsill and keep an eye on your plants. The whole process is quite simple.

You will need:

2L plastic bottles

Soil potting mix

Thick lace (cotton or polyester)



Knife (blade). To cut bottles.

1. Cut the plastic bottle in half.

2. Using a screwdriver and hammer, punch a hole in the middle of the bottle cap, after unscrewing the cap.

3. Cut about 5-7 cm of thread or lace and fold it in half.

This cord will absorb water and conduct it from the lower water storage to the ground.

The plant will take exactly as much as it needs.

5. Screw the cap back on and insert the top of the bottle upside down into the bottom part.

6. You can use a marker to make the necessary notes on the bottles.

7. Add water to the bottom of the bottle and soil with seeds to the top.

8. You only need to water the soil from above once so that both the soil and the cord get wet, after which add water only to a specially made storage.

DIY garden crafts. Good old bicycle wheels

Crafts for the garden and vegetable garden. Train.

Crafts from bottles for the garden. Waterer

This is perhaps the simplest and most famous craft for home and garden. It is very easy to use without special effort. Just pour water and water.

So you can decide for yourself how many holes the sprinkler will have and what diameter they will be.

You will need:

Plastic bottle


To make holes, you need to heat the needle with a lighter (hold the needle over the fire for a few seconds), and then pierce the bottle cap.

Repeat this each time before making a new hole.

*You can use different sizes of needles, for example, have a large hole in the middle and smaller holes around it.

* Be careful not to get hurt.

* If the needle gets a little dirty, just wipe it off on a napkin.

*You can use bottles of different sizes.

*You can make several different lids and just change them on the bottle.

Garden crafts made from bottles. "Bee"

This craft will decorate your garden and make it brighter. Plus, it can be done with children. If you have empty plastic bottles, you can use them to make some bees and hang them around the garden.

You will need (for the 1st bee):

Two plastic bottles

Paint (color: yellow, black)


1. Paint the bottle yellow.

2. Use black paint to paint the stripes of the bee.

3. Prepare a second plastic bottle and cut out 2 pieces from it shaped like bee wings.

4. Paint the wings yellow.

5. Glue the wings to the body.

6. Attach a string to your bee and hang it on a tree or bush.

Plastic crafts for the garden. Feeder

In winter, the birds want to peck the grains and for this you can make a feeder for them from improvised materials.

It's very easy to make a feeder out of plastic bottle, which you can then hang on any tree or on the balcony.

You will need:

Plastic bottle (preferably wide)

Insulating tape

Wooden skewer


1. The bottle should be wide so that the wind does not knock it over. Make 2 holes in it.

The holes must be made opposite each other.

Cover the holes with duct tape to allow the bird to rest on the edge of the bottle.

Make 2 opposite holes just above the larger holes and insert a wooden skewer.

Attach a paper clip to the skewer and bend it into a hook shape.

2. We make the fastening.

Make a hole in the bottle cap and thread a string through it.

3. Pour in the seeds and place a piece of lard on a skewer.

You can hang your feeder and you will help the birds cope with the frost.

Crafts for the garden and garden. Daisies as a garden decoration

When spring begins, vigorous flowering and harvest are still a long way off, but you can improve the situation by decorating your vegetable garden or garden bright colors made using the quilling technique.

You can also make labels on the flowers and place similar signs on your site. This way you will know where to plant vegetables and herbs.

You will need:

Colored paper or ready-made paper strips for quilling


If you have prepared colored paper, then you need to cut strips 1 cm wide from it.

1. Use a toothpick to roll the paper into rolls. Don't screw it too tight.

2. The free end of the paper must be glued to the roll.

3. Shape the petal by squeezing it in the places you need.

4. After you have made several petals (6-8), you can start gluing them together. You can also make a center and add it.

5. Now glue your flower to the skewer. Also add labels with the names of the plants.

Crafts for the garden and vegetable garden. Master class on creating decorative grass balls

With these balls you can decorate your favorite garden, making it more original and soulful.

You will need:


1. To start making the ball, you need to collect herbs into bunches, and also prepare short-cut plants and moss.

2. You need to cut a ball out of foam plastic.

3. Use glue to attach torn grass, plants and moss to foam ball.

* When using a plant of the genus Moss, when the craft dries, it will not lose its attractiveness.

Crafts for the cottage, garden, vegetable garden. Heated bed

The idea is quite simple: the sun heats the air inside the bottle, and then the warm air passes through the neck of the bottle into the ground and brings warmth to the plants.

This layout small size It will help you understand the essence, and you can already use similar technology for larger areas.

1. Prepare glass bottles wine, beer and/or soda.

2. Position them as shown in the image and secure them with cement, leaving the neck of each bottle intact.

3. Your structure must be at least three bottles high.

4. Fill the bed with good soil.

5. Plant a plant that likes warmth (peppers, tomatoes, melon, etc.)