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What awaits the fire snake in the year. Celebrities born in the year of the Snake. What awaits the Serpent

2018, the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, will be an ambiguous period for Snakes. They will face difficulties and obstacles that will shake their self-confidence. They will be tormented by doubts and dark thoughts.

Most difficulties will be associated with excessive demands on yourself and others. In some situations, you will need to lower the bar and look at things realistically. If the Snakes show wisdom, restraint and work hard, then at the end of the year they will achieve material stability and promotion.

Men and women born in the year of this animal will think about relationships with loved ones, raising children, and organizing their lives. They will think for a long time and weigh the decisions they make. The horoscope advises you to listen to your intuition and take into account the opinions of others. Among the family members there will be a person who will support you in difficult times and lend a helping hand.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Snake woman

Snake women in the year of the Dog should remain calm and be careful. During this period, conflicts with family members and colleagues will constantly flare up. At the beginning of the year, there will be misunderstandings and disagreements with management. These ladies will have to make an effort to defend their point of view and earn respect.

At the end of the year, these women's health will deteriorate. They will experience fatigue, irritability, and apathy. A minor cold can turn into serious complications. It is recommended to pay attention to your diet, proper sleep and regular exercise. IN cold period You should dress according to the weather.

A stable financial situation at the end of the year will allow you to rest for good resort or in a health resort. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity and plan your vacation in advance.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Snake man

From the beginning of the year, many problems and tasks will fall on Snake men. Unresolved issues will weigh on them. You should not try to do everything at the same time and make spontaneous decisions. In such a situation, it is better to take a break and change the environment. An unplanned vacation and good rest will help you recuperate and give you fresh ideas.

In the middle of the year, good news and changes await these men.

Throughout the entire period, relations with management will be strained. The management will not evaluate the submitted projects and will make higher demands. You will be able to find support in the team. Colleagues will take the side of these men and help restore justice.

Love horoscope

For free Snakes, 2018 will be full of new acquaintances and communication with people of the opposite sex. They will not miss the chance to start a new relationship.

For family men and women will experience a difficult period in relationships with their other half. There will be disagreements and quarrels between spouses. To maintain mutual understanding and harmony in the family, it is necessary to show restraint and respect.

Snake Woman. Lonely Snake women should be careful when communicating with new acquaintances. These ladies are easily attracted to men. They will be immersed in flirting and romance and will not notice how strong feelings will appear. Fans will not be in the mood for a long-term relationship. As a result, these women will be left alone with their dreams destroyed. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to remain reasonable and not show excessive trust. Married ladies will face family quarrels.

Snake Man. A series of new acquaintances with representatives of the fair sex awaits single Snake men. However, they will not rush into long-term relationships. In choosing their other half, such men are guided by their inner instinct and invented ideals. They will not agree to lower the bar and give up their demands. Married individuals face difficulties in communicating with their spouses. The chosen one will begin to make claims and create scandals. To improve relationships, you will need to have a frank conversation and find out the reasons for the disagreements. The couple will be able to find understanding and find peace in the family.

Business horoscope

In 2018, the Snake will face minor difficulties in professional field. Count on the rapid career not worth it. It is recommended to exercise caution when communicating with superiors. Excessive self-confidence or a carelessly spoken phrase will cause the manager’s indignation. The tense situation will continue until the end of the year. For those looking for a job, it is better to postpone the interview until the spring. The future employer will appreciate professional quality and will offer a highly paid position. During the year, the opportunity to earn temporary income will arise.

Money horoscope

The Year of the Dog for Snakes will be a busy period in financially. They will face financial difficulties. The horoscope advises not to fall into despair, but to reconsider your spending and options for generating additional income. Last year's savings will cover needs and expenses. During this period, it is better to refuse financial purchases and start your own business due to the high risk of remaining bankrupt. You should not make expensive purchases - they will hit the family budget. It is recommended to avoid loans and debts. The money taken will have to be returned ahead of schedule, which will ruin relationships with loved ones.

Health horoscope

2018 does not bode well for the Snakes serious problems with health. During the cold period, colds will bother you. Preventive measures and a diet rich in vitamins will help you avoid them.

Throughout the year you will experience pain in the muscles or spine. They will not result in a serious pathology provided timely treatment and prevention. The horoscope advises to undergo a doctor's examination and follow the recommendations. A course of massage, swimming, and gymnastics will improve your well-being.

In the fall, those born in the year of this animal will become despondent. Taking up hobbies and communicating with loved ones will help dispel gloomy thoughts.

The main message for 2018 for the Snake: be careful and do not hesitate to take risks: this is your year! Now you can move mountains.

2018 for the Snake: general forecast

Even in the previous year, the Snakes had no reason to complain, but the year of the Dog will be even more successful. It's safe to say that this will be one of the best periods. If the Snake wants to succeed, he can now do it. The Chinese horoscope 2018 predicts prosperity and very interesting opportunities for development.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom, but, unfortunately, it does not sin either with modesty or the ability to keep secrets. Her mouth often gets her into trouble. This will be the case in 2018: this person may inadvertently give out information that someone entrusted to him, because of which he will doom himself to anger close friend or life partner. Thus, the Snake must be careful with what he says.

This year is also an exciting time to meet new people and establish profitable business contacts. The snake should leave the house as often as possible and meet people - its social life will blossom, and this circumstance will positively affect almost all areas of life.

In 2018, the Snake will make a deep analysis of priorities, thanks to which it will be able to further increase the effectiveness of its actions - both in work and in personal affairs. The results will be amazing.

The Snake implements most of its plans without problems or serious stress. However, the 2018 Chinese horoscope advises her to remain vigilant. Although great success awaits her in the Year of the Dog, certain events may occur that will not necessarily prove beneficial. Therefore, a certain dose of caution should always be observed, regardless of the situation.

Advice on2018 is the year of the Snake: Stay calm and act judiciously - and everything will be fine.

Warning: Be careful and careful: unexpected situations can arise out of the blue and threaten your most important projects.

What gives the Snakes the greatest chance of success in 2018?: As always, trust in your own wisdom. Thanks to her, you can achieve what is inaccessible to others.

Golden thought: a wise man is someone who looks for answers even in the most unexpected places.

Prosperous periods in 2018 for the Snake: January, March, November.

Unfavorable periods: June, September.

Friendly signs: Dragon, Rooster

Who should you be careful with?: Tiger, Pig.

Lucky numbers: 8, 12, 16, 20, 41.

Lucky colors: turquoise, blue.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Snake

The horoscope for 2018 warns that a Snake woman or man during this period will be much more emotional than is “written” in her nature. She will demonstrate much more spontaneity in her love affairs, stop calculating something all the time and surrender to the will of spontaneity. Effect? He will be amazing!

The snake in 2018 will be a huge success among representatives of... both sexes. Her magnetic personality will attract both women and men. True, this may unbalance the Snake somewhat, but she will feel satisfaction due to the fact that she has such a strong effect on others. Of course, this person will take full advantage of the opportunities that arise and will have affairs without any doubts or prohibitions.

The intimate life of Snakes will be no less exciting and passionate in 2018, especially in the case of people who are in a permanent partnership. They will experience true unity of souls and bodies with a loved one. Although there may be certain temptations to go “to the left,” the Snake will be so busy with his partner that he will not want to risk losing what he has for the sake of a few minutes of physical pleasure.

Horoscope for the Snake for 2018: money, investments

Within 12 months, the Snake will easily acquire new clients and make contacts that will help in business. This is how she will significantly increase her income and come to innovative solutions related to making money. Maybe she will even create some new system first in the world!

In any case, the Chinese horoscope 2018 clearly shows that the Snake will have unprecedented luck in financial matters. The investment will pay off very quickly, in addition, the profit will be much greater than expected at the planning stage. The only danger may arise from overly impulsive decision making. However, if the Snake keeps itself under control, nothing will stand in the way of its success.

This year is also a good time to think about increasing your financial reserves. Saving has always been a Snake trait, but now - due to high incomes - this person will be able to save much more money than in other years. You don't need to spend it all at once. Shopping is, of course, pleasant, but you can’t overdo it in this matter.

Chinese horoscope 2018 Snake career

In the professional field, perhaps, there are no things that the Snake could not successfully resolve this year. If she dreams of opening own business, Right now. The Snake's horoscope for 2018 is such that a woman and a man can implement many new career development strategies and start projects that will turn out to be very profitable - including not in terms of finance: they will bring prestige, position in society, more influence. All of this can be just as important as money.

Any Snake may attempt to achieve promotion and hierarchy in their organization this year. You just need to share your ideas with your superiors - this way the employee will earn sympathy and respect, deep enough to open a path to advancement. And if the Snake uses its innate cunning for this, then it can bargain for much more than a higher position or a high salary.

The eastern horoscope shows that the year of the Dog for the snake 2018 can become a time when the opportunity to make serious changes in the course of its career will arise. If you want to change the industry, then don't be afraid. Even if you have to start all over again, things will go great, similar positions will be quickly filled, and maybe even better.

What awaits the Snake in 2018 in the family, at home

Family will be a great source of relaxation this year. Person of this sign Chinese calendar will spend wonderful moments with those closest to you, which will add energy and inspire further action. Snakes will draw enormous strength from the ties that unite them with family members and can count on the help of loved ones in any situation, even the most difficult one that requires sacrifice. 2018 for the Snake woman and the Snake man is such that she can safely ask for help if she needs it, and will not be disappointed even in the case of people whom she does not really love.

What will the Snake’s health be like in 2018 and what needs to be done to maintain it?

There is a high probability that in 2018 the needs of her body will not be important for the Snake; she will begin to ignore them. She will be more interested in issues related to development - professional, intellectual, emotional. This person will not want to waste time on physical exercise or scrupulous care about the diet. In his understanding, these are unimportant things.

Snakes in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog can be cobras, boa constrictors, and even pythons - depending on who surrounds you. You can show your sting to your competitors, and curl up next to your business partners - in 2018, they will be delighted with you. There will be legends about your intuition and wisdom - Snakes calculate any situation dozens of steps ahead, and always do right choice. You will especially succeed in creative activities - there is room to expand, and the world will gasp at your talents. You can become the masters of the copper mountain (and it doesn’t matter that you are not lizards, you are still one team).

On the love front, miracles and fairy tales are expected - the Snakes will hiss only from pleasure. At the same time, learn to fly - just think, someone said that you were born to crawl (this is always easy to correct and rush off to seventh heaven). If the Snakes have not yet met their soulmate, then in the year of the Yellow Dog the situation will change - Cupid, of course, will find it difficult to hit your iridescent skin with an arrow, but he will try. Family Snakes can safely crawl out of a cozy hole and rush to meet a team of builders - it’s high time to make repairs or expand your home, because you’ve been enchanted by a new addition. Storks are active in 2018 and can throw up several packages with babies.

Snakes are friends with money, and in the year of the Dog the financial situation will improve several times. When talking about the crisis, Snakes shrug their shoulders, and when you hear that someone has gone bankrupt, you rush to help the poor fellow. Well, of course, with such reserves as the Snakes, you can be philanthropists. The Snakes have one amazing property– you are able to find advantages in any situation, and are chosen as winners from the most hopeless enterprise. But don’t rush to crawl onto the throne and tell your subordinates about your successes - capitalists love silence and do not tolerate arrogance.

Horoscope for 2018 for Fire Snakes

Year of birth 1977

The period of calm is over, and it’s time for the Fire Snakes to move forward. You bypass obstacles, solve problems as if by magic, and turn competitors into partners. The dog will stretch out its paws to you and wag its tail - the four-legged creature is in admiration of the talents and abilities of the Snakes. Your Fiery skins shine with pleasure - how could it be otherwise when the whole world is at your feet? On top of everything else, Snakes are amazingly risky guys - you don’t miss a single deal, Fortune appreciates the desire for adventure, and helps you get out of all adventures (dry and unharmed).

Fire Snakes are not particularly sentimental, but your fans will become overly emotional and sensitive. You’ll have to meet the suitors halfway and fulfill a couple of conditions (first, run to the registry office, there, in 2018, it’s fun and not scary). Meeting storks is quite possible, but Snakes must say goodbye to bad habits– birds will not drag babies to those who are irresponsible about their health. The heirs will save you from sad thoughts, and only pleasant worries will appear - diapers, baby vests and renovations in the children's room (after all, you have long dreamed of turning it into a princess's palace, or a king's castle).

Hardworking and determined Fire Snakes do not know what lack of money and poverty are. And the most famous spendthrifts are jealous of your spending - Snakes can blow your salary on all sorts of nonsense in a day, and tomorrow your wallets will be bursting with brand new crisp bills. Impulsiveness usually interferes with solving money matters, but in the case of Fire guys, the opposite is true - you have a nose for good deals, but what can I say: Snakes can find treasure without a map or compass. And the Yellow Dog is always nearby - with such an honest partner, the Snakes will definitely not be lost.

Horoscope for 2018 for Water Snakes

Years of birth: 1953 and 2013

Water Snakes have broad and sociable natures, kind and hospitable. It is not surprising that all partners are happy to communicate not only in a business setting (they sleep and see when you will invite them to your place for tea). Water guys know how to get around sharp corners and conflict situations - competitors are in shock, and are already preparing a retreat plan (don’t let your rivals go, but invite them to join your friendly team - it will be fun). Snakes love and know how to lead - in the year of the Dog there will be room to turn around and show off their talents. Open your own business, why wait - any business is tough for the Water Snakes.

Falling in love and frivolity are not characteristic of Water Snakes, but not in the year of the Dog - it is impossible to resist temptations. Fans are happy - nosy guys are ready to invite you on dates every day and organize competitions for the cutest or wittiest suitor. The choice is yours - family life The thing, although serious, is also funny. Snakes, which have long and firmly settled in the family boat, can be calm - the Dog will decide both household and domestic issues. But there is no need to wrap yourself in rings around your household members - relatives need freedom and personal space, sometimes it is even useful to go to your own rooms and dream in silence.

Where can we get money so that each relative has their own room? – the Water Snakes ask in bewilderment and piteously look into the wallet. No problem! – Yellow Dog barks joyfully and advises you to check your bank account. Just don’t faint when you come to cash out your money - the staff themselves can barely breathe in the presence of the Water oligarchs. In general, there is nothing to worry about - water creatures are the first candidates for the title of Lucky. But be careful with your spending - why do you need two crowns or fifteen gold rings? This is all tinsel, it’s better to make capital work.

Horoscope for 2018 for Wood Snakes

Year of birth 1965

Stubborn and determined Wood Snakes will have room to turn around in 2018. You get along with people easily - this will help you make useful connections. Just remember that influential and respectable guys can be cunning, and don’t show all your cards to them (unless they are your relatives). Efficiency and hard work Wooden creatures The dog will notice right away that there is a sea, or even an ocean of profitable offers waiting for the Snake. But periodically come up and look around: are your competitors catching on?

No precipitation is expected on the love horizon; the Wooden boys will not be overtaken by a storm, a hurricane, or rain. Maybe some rival will flash by, but no one will dare to compete with you - Wooden Snakes are pure charm! Cupid even shed a tear of happiness (he almost fell in love, poor fellow). But you need to learn something in 2018 - part with annoying fans gracefully, without unnecessary scenes and showdowns. If you are family guys, then there are no problems at all - the children are like angels (flexible and sweet), the chosen one has set out to turn life into an endless honeymoon, and the elderly members of the household are sitting on the sofa and writing a book about their happy destiny.

The money issue worries everyone, but Wood Snakes will not worry. Although, depending on how you look at it, the rich are always shaking over their chests of jewelry. In order not to be afraid of scammers and other unpleasant personalities, whistle to the Dog - no one will come close to the Yellow Guard. Wooden guys are always looking for something new - 2018 is just the right year for you to realize your talents in any field you like. And the reward is just around the corner - Luck is already standing nearby and adding gold coins (order suits with huge pockets).

Horoscope for 2018 for Earth Snakes

Years of birth: 1929 and 1989

The dog will notice the Earth Snakes on the first day of his reign - he is already enthusiastically stretching his paw to greet you. Although Earth creatures do not like large companies, in 2018 you cannot escape corporate parties and all kinds of events; moreover, you will have to organize them. Don't worry - it's just time to manifest leadership skills, and give a little command. You can also hire a personal secretary - this is customary among business people. And there will be a tailor, a cook, and even a driver - you have no time to steer or look at the road, because issues have to be resolved every minute.

But you still find time for love and personal happiness. In the year of the Dog, Cupid takes you seriously - magical gnomes forge arrows in the dungeon, and Cupids fly around the world in search of soul mates. Earth Snakes in great demand - not only fans have their eyes on you, even the registrars at the registry office are crying into their pillows and trying to bewitch you.

Courage and relaxedness will come in handy for free Snakes, but family Earth guys will have to keep their emotions under control - the chosen one in 2018 will turn into a real Othello. Storks will save you - with the appearance of heirs, jealousy and mistrust will disappear from the house, and when to sort things out, if children demand either milk, or candy, or a rattle with the smell of cheese.

The financial situation is excellent, and if you forget about the universal crisis and the endless rise in prices, the Earth Snakes can consider themselves lucky. The Yellow Dog will find for you a couple of suitable banks where to store your savings - all that remains is to accumulate a substantial amount. Or you can do without deposits and use the money to build housing. Well, what, you live in one house, rent out the second one, and you can use the third one for a store or some kind of salon (just have time to go get rent money).

Horoscope for 2018 for Metal Snakes

Years of birth: 1941 and 2001

Metal Snakes love to brag about their successes and achievements, but in the year of the Yellow Earthen Dog it is better to slow down - there are simply tons of envious people these days. You are already great, and those who need it are proud and admire you - for example, business partners As soon as they hear your name, they start clapping their hands and jumping up and down joyfully. The dog doesn’t get off the throne at all – she barks enthusiastically all year long. The stars suspect that the Metal guys are chess players at heart - this is the only explanation for your ability to calculate moves.

On the love front, Metal Snakes will not need any abilities - you will have to spend the entire 2018 on a pedestal. Well, as you wanted - the fans went crazy from your charm, and spent all day rehearsing serenades, and running through the flower beds, stealing roses and daisies. Family Metal creatures will finally be able to understand that mutual understanding was not enough for happiness. In the Year of the Dog, everything will change - sometimes you will come up with reasons just to diversify the idyll with some tiny quarrel, or a tiny scandal. Are you dreaming of replenishment? Dial the number of the storks (if you don’t remember the numbers, ask the Yellow Dog).

IN financial sector continuous oohs and ahs – don’t worry, these are exclamations of delight. Either a rain of money, or a golden snowfall, or even a diamond avalanche. Metal backs are not afraid of precipitation, but it’s time to think about where to store jewelry. Chests and mattresses are not in fashion - build your bank, the stars see no other options. A couple of millions can be spent on charitable purposes (we are, of course, talking about dollars). To some, this forecast may seem like a utopia, but not to the Metal Snakes - you know how the Dog and Her Majesty Fortune treat you.

People born under the sign of the snake stand out for their mystery and boundless wisdom. Such persons become thinkers and have a good sense of taste. Usually these are born aesthetes, whose even thoughts are particularly elegant. But when communicating with other representatives of the human race, they begin to show arrogance, since for Snakes any interlocutor is a priori stupider. In fact, representatives of this sign like communication, but only when they can learn something important for themselves from it.

Snakes very rarely react to other people's opinions, even if they are expressed by close people. This happens due to overconfidence. At some points, a frivolous attitude towards other people's advice drives the Snake into a real dead end due to its own stubbornness. But if necessary, such individuals will always come to the rescue, and will even begin to spew out millions of practical instructions. All that remains is to study the horoscope for Snakes for 2018 to find out all the ins and outs of this wayward representative.

What should Snakes expect?

During the reign of the Yellow Dog, all 12 months will not be very clear for the Snakes. Their every action will be filled with uncertainty and anxiety regarding the correctness of the decision already made. Similar doubts will overwhelm all areas of life of “creeping” people. At the same time, even beloved Snakes will suddenly lose confidence in the sincerity of their partner’s feelings, while careerists will throw to hell the development strategies that have been developed over the years.

To avoid waves of doubt, you should learn to make decisions in a few seconds, without much thought. The less time left to think, the lower the likelihood of another worry. At this moment, it is very important to listen to the opinions of others, so it’s time to overcome your own beliefs and turn to loved ones for help.

Despite the year of worries, Snakes will find time for dreams and long-term reflection at this time. They will have plenty of work, through which many years of dreams will take on real features. All that is required from the Snake is to reduce the demands to those that are actually feasible and then the planet will spin in the right direction.

Strong Snakes will have to find time for rest next year, because due to a long pause they will be able to achieve the desired peaks in business and overcome many problems. Otherwise, men will have to face very unfavorable period. For the desired result, you just need to calm down your own ambitions, and not try to take the initiative to yourself in any circumstances.

At the beginning of the year, unexpected conflicts with your superiors may arise, but you should not worry too much about them. Colleagues in the trade will be on the side of the Snakes, therefore the solution to the problem will be favorable for the Snakes. True, such a coincidence of circumstances will affect the material side of men - despite quite large savings, they can disappear in a few minutes. In order not to end up broke, you will have to work hard and constantly.

In the middle of the year, the Yellow Dog will give the Snakes a small but real miracle that will radically change their lives.

In the coming year, all the wonderful representatives of the marked sign will have to remember caution. The Mistress of 2018 can either shower the Snakes with generous gifts or take away what the lovely ladies have become attached to with all their hearts. Otherwise, the announced 12 months will be full of various conflicts.

Lonely Snake women will face considerable difficulties in trying to establish communication with the opposite sex. Therefore, a relationship that seems promising at first glance will end in nothing. The bottom line is that you should not rush headlong into the pool, because in the case of the described opportunity it is better to show a cool mind. By the way, you don’t need to place high hopes on new boyfriends. If you allow such figures too close, they can offend, betray and hurt.

By the end of the year, most areas of life will have settled down, but health problems may arise. That is why, in the allotted time period, you should devote more time to yourself: sound sleep, physical activity, a nutritious diet and regular sex can work a miracle. It’s also a good idea to take care of preventing colds, so that even a small runny nose cannot lead to more global consequences.

Love horoscope

Lonely Snakes in 2018 will finally find their long-awaited acquaintance. In this regard, they will need the innate aristocratic taste inherent in most “creepers”. When choosing a life partner, you will have to use your own manners and never fall below what every real Snake deserves. It is best to rely on the call of the heart, or as a last resort use your gut feeling. Only versatile developed people will be able to become a wonderful couple for such sought-after personalities. And the problem lies not at all in selectivity - more ordinary people It’s easier to offend someone whose psyche is too sensitive.

Family Snakes will do everything in their power to avoid quarreling with members of the household, although in some cases this will prove to be an extremely difficult task. But you can’t blame everything on the representatives of the sign being described, who, by the way, will agree to seek compromises and are always willing to listen to loved ones. Only the accommodating behavior of both partners will help defuse the situation.

The end of the year will be marked by some kind of love adventure, affecting both single Snakes and those who have been in relationships for a long time. All initiative will come entirely from the partner, so all that remains is to succumb to temptation.

Money horoscope

IN financial matters The Yellow Dog will want to become harmful and show its fangs to the Snakes. Most representatives of this sign will have to face a complete lack of cash, because of which the savings put aside in reserve will be used. At the same time, both respectable residents and real adventurers are equally not immune from such a turn. It is very important not to start panicking and continue to do what brings profit. You should completely forget about debts or loans, because such help will not be enough for a long time, but you will still have to give the money back. By the fall, the situation will stabilize and Snakes will again be able to save for a “rainy day” without compromising the fulfillment of their primary desires.

Next year you will have to not only be careful when you don’t have enough money, but also try not to lend to anyone, even in case of emergency. Even ridiculous debts can ruin long-term friendly relationships forever.

If you evaluate all your expenses in advance and manage your funds correctly, there shouldn’t be any catastrophic situations.

Career horoscope

At the beginning of the year, conflicts may arise with senior colleagues, for example, with the head of the department where the Snake works. Despite the insignificance of the essence of the quarrel itself, in just a few days it will develop into something more deplorable. Nevertheless, close workmates will not allow undesirable consequences to occur, and the situation will resolve itself. True, no one is going to change the boss, which means that in the future he will begin to “sharpen his teeth” and “trip him” at any convenient opportunity. Only the results of the work carried out over the year will be able to smooth out the vicissitudes within the team.

Those snakes who still have not managed to find a favorable position for their personal ambitions are better off giving up going to serious interviews for a while - at least until spring. IN winter time It’s easy to find additional sources of income that bring in completely normal income. As soon as it gets warmer, nature itself will awaken, along with the interest of employers in such a sophisticated candidate. There is no need to praise yourself too much during interviews. It is better to stay calm and answer direct questions in monosyllabic sentences. After all, no one wants to outshine the applicant himself with his intellect, although if such a situation does happen, he will have to see it through to the end. In the summer the Snakes will have several interesting offers, but with their approval you will have to forget about vacation this year forever.

Health horoscope

The primary task for all Snakes throughout 2018 is to support the immune system. The time has come to fill the bins of your own body with a sufficient amount of vitamins, but you don’t need to be too zealous in doing so, so as not to fall from one extreme to the other. In the damp season, colds may worsen, during which you will have to forget about your favorite ones. folk methods– only timely and correct treatment can quickly cure an annoying illness.

In general, during the reign of the Yellow Dog, Snakes should not have any serious health problems, be it a woman or a man. The psyche will also remain in order, although the blues may appear in the fall. This condition can be easily eliminated with a short rest alone.
At the end of the year, the psychological and physical state will reach a certain balance, and the Snake’s well-being will level out. Most of them will feel an unexpected surge of strength, which is important for properly meeting the coming 2019.

Snake Celebrities

At one time, under the lucky sign of the Snake, the following were born: prominent figures Stars: Sarah Jessica Parker, JK Rowling, Oprah Winfrey, Boris Grebenshchikov, Shakira, Robert Downey Jr., Muhammad Ali, Mikhail Prokhorov, Björk and Condoleezza Rice.

The Snake is rightly called a deep thinker, an incredibly wise and talented sign eastern horoscope. She is characterized by such qualities as seduction, excellent manners, elegance, sophistication and an excellent sense of humor. The wise Snake rarely reveals all her cards to the enemy; she is excellent at keeping both her own and other people's secrets.

The snake thinks a lot, but trusts only its own judgments. She listens to advice, but ultimately does what her heart tells her. Sometimes the Snake can be too straightforward and stubborn. She will not tolerate objections; it is difficult for her to make demands. However, having lost vigilance, the Snake can allow itself to be drawn into a dirty dishonest game.

At a moment of danger, this sign is able to calmly calculate everything and hide, indifferently waiting for the right moment to attack. If the Snake is offended, hypocrisy can also become its weapon. The Snake's revenge is terrible, so you shouldn't cross its path.

If you were born under this ambiguous but very interesting sign, you might want to know horoscope for Snake for 2018. Here you will find some cautions and general tips that will help you do the right thing in any situation.

General horoscope for the eastern sign – Snake

In the year of the Dog, all representatives of the sign should behave extremely carefully. Depending on your attitude, the mistress of 2018 may behave in completely different ways: either she can give you excellent well-being and real stability in the financial sphere, or she can create all sorts of conflicts and squabbles both in the workplace and within the family circle.

We can say that “all the way”, that is, all year, the Dog’s mood will change, exactly as the good in your life will replace the bad. And vice versa.

The beginning of the year will be marked by misunderstandings with management. Not everything will be smooth with your financial situation either. But the Snake’s reserves will last for a long time, so you won’t have to worry about lack of money. In the middle of the year, a certain secret will come to the surface, which will turn the Snake’s usual way of life upside down. The good news is that changes will only happen for the good.

The dog promises to do tricks regarding communication with the opposite sex. By the end of the year, everything will normalize and return to its usual course. Some representatives of the sign will tie the knot. Only health can let you down, and then only if you don’t worry about the state of your body in time.

Male Snake

What the stronger half will need is rest. Courageous Snakes will have to take a break from work and immerse themselves in complete relaxation for a while. This will help cope with the burden of tasks and problems that hang over Snake men.

If you “run away” from rest, deciding to deal with difficulties first, then you risk getting bogged down in business and losing your sweet vacation for a long time. Try to calm down your own ambitions and do not take the initiative into your own hands.

In a conflict with the authorities, loyal friends and colleagues will come to the aid of the Snakes. You will have to work hard and hard in the second half of the year to regain financial stability on your side. Something very good will happen in the middle of the year. The Yellow Dog has prepared a real miracle for the representatives of the sign, which can completely change your life.

Woman – Snake

In the Year of the Dog, you should exercise caution. The patroness of 2018 can both give gifts and trip people up. In general, the year promises to be conflict-filled, but virtually unproblematic in the areas of finance and health.

Lonely Snakes face difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. To the point that promising acquaintances will end in complete ignorance, which cannot but hurt the sociable Snake. Therefore, do not rush headlong into a new relationship, show restraint and truly feminine coolness. You shouldn’t let new men get too close to you, so as not to make a cruel mistake in your choice.

By the end, almost all areas of life will return to a calm state, but health can make itself felt. It is necessary to listen carefully to the slightest “calls” from the body and respond to them in a timely manner. Take care of the prevention of colds, accumulate vitamins, strengthen your immune system.

Health in 2018

The number one task for the Snake will be to maintain immunity. In the summer, you need to eat more natural vitamins, but do not get carried away too much, as an excess of microelements can negatively affect your well-being.

In autumn and spring, the likelihood of colds increases. To prevent a runny nose from developing into something more serious, it is best to turn to good pharmacological medications in a timely manner. A disease detected at its very beginning is easier to destroy without any consequences. It would be a good idea to use preventive measures to completely avoid sick leave.

Representatives of the sign need not worry - 2018 will not bring them serious health problems. But colds can bother you just at those moments when you need to throw all your energy into work.

With the arrival of wet weather, the autumn blues can sneak into your life and wrap their sticky paws around your heart. In order to immediately overcome the onset of depression, the Snake needs to change the environment and spend more time with family and friends.

Love horoscope for the Snake for 2018

Lonely representatives of the sign can expect an abundance of new interesting acquaintances. A romantic by nature, the Snake will not shy away from the chance to start a relationship. When choosing a future partner, you cannot lower the bar. Believe me, you deserve the best! Choose not only with your heart, but also rely on your mind.

The Dog has prepared a test for the family Snakes - try to pass it with honor. In any conflict situations With your significant other, give in to your loved one, show tact and patience. If everything works out, the Snake will receive a rich reward for his compliance.

By the end of the year, both married and unencumbered representatives of the sign will have an unforgettable adventure. In most cases, the initiative will come from your partner. Give in to the situation and you will receive amazing emotions as a gift!


The beginning of the year will be difficult. There may be a conflict with senior colleagues. At first glance, the quarrel may seem insignificant, but its consequences will have to be dealt with for a long time. Your closest employees will help you cope with difficulties and help resolve the situation in favor of the Snake.

For snakes looking for a good job, it is best to postpone important interviews for a while. The best period to start work is spring. True, in winter there may be irregular earnings. Do not disdain such work, otherwise your financial position may turn out to be disastrous.

But in the spring, employers will awaken an increased interest in the wise and hard-working Snake. And you, in turn, need to try not to praise yourself left and right, but to remain modest and restrained.

The work situation will calm down in the summer. Representatives of the sign will stand firmly in the workplace, without the risk of being fired. You may have to miss your summer vacation. This necessary measure will help you in the future.

Finance and business

The dog may be capricious and show its fangs to the Snake instead of a friendly smile. There is every chance of being left with pennies in your wallet and starting to rummage through the stash left for a rainy day. No one is immune from such a turn of events, so there is no need to complain and feel sorry for yourself. The best thing is to roll up your sleeves and plunge into work to the very top.