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March 25 horoscope date of birth. Chinese calendar based on animal years. Health and Diseases

People whose birthday is March 25th are endowed with irrepressible energy, extremely mobile and they like to live at a fast pace. They can rightfully be called deep individualists; they do not tend to seek leadership; almost everyone born on March 25 has no desire to lead, control, command or be responsible for those who carry out their orders. But, if it happens that they become leaders in any social group, the zodiac sign Aries, born on the twenty-fifth of March, fulfill their duties with honor. Those born on March 25th There is good feature, namely, they do not exaggerate their capabilities and are fully aware of what they can and what they can do. They will not take on a task they know little about. And they certainly won’t promise something to others, knowing in advance that they won’t keep what they promised. Men and women born on March 25 are sensitive to any manifestations of life, and more than anything else they want to escape from the hustle and bustle in which they find themselves. But they cannot live alone, and therefore everything returns to normal.

Those born on March 25th value freedom and are in no hurry to get married

A person whose birthday is March 25th is not too keen on starting a family. And all because they understand that in marriage you need to not only take, but also give. It is with the latter that people born on March 25 have difficulties. IN family union For these people, a balanced relationship is important, and since they themselves are not always able to balance their own character, they expect this from their partner. As we see, those born on March 25th have enough reasons to avoid the shackles of marriage. They can meet their life partner in adulthood, when they learn to dialogue with themselves, or they remain free forever. And, nevertheless, it should be noted that these people know how to be sincere and faithful, but at the same time they understand these characteristics in their own way.

Straightforwardness of the horoscope of Aries born on March 25

Aries born on March 25th are the type of people who prefer to express their opinions to their opponents straight to the face, without caring about the consequences. This trait is complemented by their harsh, unrestrained and very hot-tempered character. Few will be delighted with such straightforwardness. In the end, the result of this approach to clarifying relationships may be problems in communicating with other people and their hostile attitude.

Love compatibility of those born on March 25 with other zodiac signs

The horoscope sign Aries fits well in a love union with Leo, Libra, Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Gemini. But at the same time, they are in no way compatible with the horoscopes of Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces.

Chinese calendar by animal year

  1. MONKEYS - 1920 zodiac year/ 1932 zodiac year/ 1944 zodiac year/ 1956 zodiac year/ 1968 zodiac year/ 1980 zodiac year/ 1992 zodiac year/ 2004 zodiac year/ 2016 zodiac year
  2. ROoster - 1921 zodiac year/ 1933 zodiac year/ 1945 zodiac year/ 1957 zodiac year/ 1969 zodiac year/ 1981 zodiac year/ 1993 zodiac year/ 2005 zodiac year/ 2017 zodiac year
  3. DOGS - 1922 zodiac year/ 1934 zodiac year/ 1946 zodiac year/ 1958 zodiac year/ 1970 zodiac year/ 1982 zodiac year/ 1994 zodiac year/ 2006 zodiac year/ 2018 zodiac year
  1. BOAR / Pig / - 1923 zodiac year / 1935 zodiac year / 1947 zodiac year / 1959 zodiac year / 1971 zodiac year / 1983 zodiac year / 1995 zodiac year / 2007 zodiac year / 2019 zodiac year
  2. RATS - 1924 zodiac year/ 1936 zodiac year/ 1948 zodiac year/ 1960 zodiac year/ 1972 zodiac year/ 1984 zodiac year/ 1996 zodiac year/ 2008 zodiac year/ 2020 zodiac year
  3. Ox / Bull / - 1925 zodiac year / 1937 zodiac year / 1949 zodiac year / 1961 zodiac year / 1973 zodiac year / 1985 zodiac year / 1997 zodiac year / 2009 zodiac year / 2021 zodiac year
  1. TIGER - 1926 zodiac year/ 1938 zodiac year/ 1950 zodiac year/ 1962 zodiac year/ 1974 zodiac year/ 1986 zodiac year/ 1998 zodiac year/ 2010 zodiac year/ 2022 zodiac year
  2. RABBIT /Cat/ - 1927 zodiac year/ 1939 zodiac year/ 1951 zodiac year/ 1963 zodiac year/ 1975 zodiac year/ 1987 zodiac year/ 1999 zodiac year/ 2011 zodiac year/ 2023 zodiac year
  3. DRAGON - 1928 zodiac year/ 1940 zodiac year/ 1952 zodiac year/ 1964 zodiac year/ 1976 zodiac year/ 1988 zodiac year/ 2000 zodiac year/ 2012 zodiac year/ 2024 zodiac year
  1. SNAKES - 1929 zodiac year/ 1941 zodiac year/ 1953 zodiac year/ 1965 zodiac year/ 1977 zodiac year/ 1989 zodiac year/ 2001 zodiac year/ 2013 zodiac year/ 2025 zodiac year
  2. HORSE - 1930 zodiac year/ 1942 zodiac year/ 1954 zodiac year/ 1966 zodiac year/ 1978 zodiac year/ 1990 zodiac year/ 2002 zodiac year/ 2014 zodiac year/ 2026 zodiac year
  3. SHEEP/GOAT/ - 1931 zodiac year/ 1943 zodiac year/ 1955 zodiac year/ 1967 zodiac year/ 1979 zodiac year/ 1991 zodiac year/ 2003 zodiac year/ 2015 zodiac year/ 2027 zodiac year

Aries born on March 25 are wise, experienced fighters who find the meaning of life in solving difficult problem situations. At the same time, you spread an aura of mystery around you that attracts people, and you have an attractiveness that makes you never alone. Dynamic and skillful, you believe in your ability to achieve success and are not afraid to take risks and take on something about which you currently know very little. The ability to separate tasks and tune yourself to each one separately helps you absorb new information and learn while working. Having chosen a goal, you decisively rush forward, and nothing will stop you on the way to achieving it.

Those born on March 25 are so active that they simply do not have enough time to look after their health. Very often they mistakenly believe that health is something given from above. They can carry various ailments on their feet for years, ignoring them. That is why it is extremely important for them to arrange their life schedule in such a way as to undergo a full medical examination at least once a year. Varied physical exercise will help you maintain your shape and correct your weight (those born on March 25 love to eat and drink nourishingly and tastyly, and therefore suffer from obesity). Although no one disputes the assertion that a good appetite is a sign of health, those born on this day can still be advised to avoid excessive consumption of salt, meat, dairy products and alcohol.

Those born on March 25 are restless and dynamic people. Perhaps these are the most active and energetic representatives of the human race. Many of them are simply created for leadership, but it would be much more accurate to define them as loners or soloists. When they happen to lead a certain group, this happens rather due to their extraordinary talents or coincidence of circumstances and is not at all dictated by the desire to rule. Those born on this day are not led through life by blind ambitions. These people are well aware of their abilities and know very well what is under their control and what they are powerless about. They are in an eternal search for peace and solitude from the hectic professional activity in which they are engaged. Without this they simply cannot exist.

Zodiac sign March 25 -

Element of the Sign: . Your zodiac sign is adjacent to the signs of the Fire element, which have the following qualities: fearlessness, honesty, openness.

Planet Ruler: . Aries gets active life from him, as well as ambition. The planet is favorable for actors, officials, teachers, and health workers. The planet in exile is Venus. Responsible for rudeness and directness.

On March 25, charismatic and charming Aries are born, for whom life’s difficulties are only a challenge and a desirable obstacle to overcome. They have some kind of zest that, like a magnet, attracts people to them, something unsolved and incomprehensible. People born on this day are absolutely not afraid of risk, they are self-confident and take on solving a problem even in an area in which they are not very well versed. They know how to structure information and areas of work and work with different projects and tasks in turn, according to the mood or as needed, but the main thing is that they do not mix everything in one pile, do things in turn and therefore easily achieve success. They learn quickly and remember new things easily, perhaps due to such a strict approach. People born on March 25 are persistent and purposeful; having determined a goal for themselves, they inexorably begin to move towards it, and they cannot be stopped.

Right to privacy sacred to them. Marriage is a rather heavy burden for those who were born on this day, since serving another person is possible for them only under conditions clearly defined by themselves. A life partner should not just be a true friend, his task is to to some extent balance the energetic power of his companion. Often, those born on March 25 manage to find their true destiny only at a later age, if at all. This is why they may prefer solitude if the search ideal partner are not successful. Women born on March 25 are highly adapted to do without a spouse, while men see family nest source of warmth and love.

Those born on March 25 are devoted to those they love, but they understand devotion in their own way: being faithful, as they reason, does not at all mean tying oneself to certain obligations or marriage ties. Typically, these people are loyal to their families, but sometimes they maintain unconventional relationships with loved ones. At times it seems that the energy of these people is limitless, but in fact they are also susceptible to fatigue and then become irritable. In such a state, the slightest sign of inattention to one’s own person is considered a personal insult. Inflamed, they shower their opponents with curses and abuse and, worse, destroy them with angry sarcasm. Those born on March 25 can be tactful, but still prefer direct frankness, which, combined with their lively temperament, often creates big troubles for them. Fortunately, these people are easily forgiven - perhaps due to the fact that their spiritual impulses (including mistakes) are always on the surface.

For those born on March 25, it is very important to have close friends who form a kind of protective buffer between them and a critical person. outside world, and also protect them from self-destructive impulses. What do friends get in return? Usually this is the satisfaction of meeting a strong and powerful person on whom you can always rely (if, of course, he is nearby at the right moment), ask for advice, and even borrow money. Those who closely communicate with people born on March 25 should learn that they should not interfere with their solitude and desire to live, act, travel, love in their characteristic independent manner. Only in conditions of complete freedom can those born on March 25 generously share their emotions and feelings.

Aries man - born on March 25

Men born on March 25 can be proud of the following qualities: idealism, dynamism, invulnerability, energy. The Aries man is a classic charismatic and leader who does not accept competition with a woman, and therefore, when choosing a relationship for life, he gives preference to gentle and passive women who are ready to completely give him the reins of power. At the same time, Aries categorically does not accept not only cheating, but even flirting on the side.

Aries woman - born on March 25

Women born on March 25 are endowed with the following differences in nature: unpredictability, energy, activity. The Aries woman is bright, strong, authoritarian and active, with inflated self-esteem, feeling a constant need to be independent. By nature, representatives of this sign are optimists, generous and wasteful natures, preferring impractical gifts - emotions are more important to them than material wealth. An idealist, philosopher, the Aries woman often says what she thinks, without fear of offending her interlocutor.

Birthday March 25

March 25 - how does your birth date affect your personality? People born on March 25 with the zodiac sign Aries have a restless and restless character. They are full of energy and are always on the move. They are leaders in any company, but most of all they love independence and separation from the group. They do not at all strive to lead the people, this usually happens by accident, thanks to their outstanding personality qualities, since they are most suitable for this role.

People born on March 25 with the zodiac sign Aries do not follow their passions. They know their strengths and weak sides and intelligently assess their abilities. And, although they are tireless in their work and successfully overcome all obstacles, sometimes they need a break, a certain island of calm and tranquility, isolated from the outside world and securely hidden from prying eyes. There they rest their souls and receive a new charge of energy for their next achievements.

The personal life of people born on March 25 with the zodiac sign Aries is not entirely successful, since taking into account someone’s interests and acting with an eye on someone’s opinion is simply unbearable for them. Their life partner must be a strong enough personality to complement the energy of their half and neutralize its excess. Usually they manage to find a soul mate only in their later years, and some will never meet her in this life. However, they will not be satisfied with part of it and will prefer to be left alone. This is especially easy for women born on this day, since they are completely self-sufficient and independent. But it’s harder for men to do without a cozy family hearth and home warmth.

If people born on March 25 with the zodiac sign Aries are lucky enough to meet their other half, they will be devoted and faithful to her, but they will not rush to put a stamp in their passport, because they do not attach importance to formalities and do not like to force themselves into the framework of generally accepted rules. They are not going to change their view of things even for the sake of loved one, so they are unlikely to change the current state of affairs. Although it seems that people born on March 25 under the zodiac sign Aries have an inexhaustible supply of energy, in reality they are also familiar with fatigue, including spiritual fatigue. In this state, they become like a barrel of gunpowder, and if they are touched, an explosion of uncontrollable emotions will follow, accompanied by abuse and curses.

When communicating with others, people with a birth date of March 25, the zodiac sign Aries, prefer to cut the truth, which often causes a negative reaction from their interlocutor, and, given the temperament of these people, leads to heated proceedings. But usually their opponents do not hold a grudge against them, since the motives of people born on this day are easy to read and understand, they have open character and quick-witted.

What to look for Special attention people born on March 25? Learn to control yourself, and if you need to release negative energy, implement it in other areas - sports, active recreation or other hobbies. Don't ignore those you care about, what is of little importance to you may be of great importance to others.

Love and Compatibility

Home and family play a big role in your life, but close relationships are quite difficult to maintain. You feel best when you are in control of a situation. If your partner tries to impose his point of view on you, you become indignant and begin to think about leaving.

With other Fire signs - Leo and Sagittarius, Aries can create a wonderful couple where mutual understanding will be high level. Although in any combination of these couples, both will have to restrain their ardor in order for the family to develop equally. Aries promises to have a good and even promising alliance with representatives of the sign of Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. Air signs will not allow Fire to cool down, but you need to be careful so that the fire does not turn into a huge flame. Aries are not at all compatible with Pisces, Capricorn and Scorpio. They don’t perceive some of them at all, and they won’t find a common language with others.

Work and Career

On March 25, people are born with a real perpetual motion machine inside. They are constantly doing something, are busy with something, cannot sit quietly in laziness, energy splashes out of them. These people are quite intelligent and soberly assess their strengths; they cannot be called ambitious. They prefer to work alone, but if necessary they can take on the role of team leader. They know exactly their strengths and weaknesses. Strengths and these people usually have a very long list of advantages. They do not strive for leadership. Often these people dream of rest and a period of solitude, but they structure their lives in such a way that they rarely have such quiet periods. Personal life is extremely important for them, but these people often meet a suitable second half already at the end of their life’s journey.

Firstly, they do not like to put their ego on the altar of another person, secondly, they demand a lot for themselves, like real egoists, and thirdly, they need a partner of similar strengths and energy. Often these people remain alone for the rest of their lives. Moreover, oddly enough, among the latter more women than men: they somehow tolerate loneliness more easily. Often, those born on March 25 understand loyalty and devotion somehow in their own way, which is why numerous scandals and quarrels are possible in their family. They can be ideally faithful to those with whom they are not connected by any officially recorded relationship, and at the same time calmly cheat, for example, on their official spouse. Very often, these people communicate in extremely unusual ways with their loved ones, but, nevertheless, they very rarely completely break off relations with their family.

Health and Diseases

People born on March 25th are quite negligent about their health. Firstly, they consider it a given, a gift from heaven, something taken for granted. Secondly, in the schedule of such business and active people There is simply no time left for visiting doctors and playing sports.

Those born on March 25 are accustomed to all their chronic diseases endure it firmly, on your feet and without complaining. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, they should leave time for an annual preventive examination. Sports activities are also necessary, since people born on this day tend to be overweight and often commit gluttony. In terms of diet, they should limit their intake of meat, salt, alcohol and dairy products.

Fate and Luck

On this day, contradictory, perhaps with great ambitions, natures are born. Their mood can change rapidly, sometimes they are brave and strong, sometimes they are weak and nervous. Those born at this time are usually endowed with musical abilities, their field of action is the theater, they are born artists, they are attracted to art. Most likely, their life will be filled with unexpected situations; Unpleasant events are possible if they do not change their character and tame their ambitions. IN family life problems are possible and remarriages. In life you have to earn everything by your own labor. They can achieve material well-being, fame, and fame through perseverance, effort, and correctly using the talents given to them. Everything that they will have in their lives will be created thanks to their efforts; they can hardly hope for outside help. But they don’t need it, since they are endowed with enormous powers, and if they correctly manage what the Creator has given them, they will be able to achieve a lot in life, fulfilling their desires, achieving well-being and prosperity.

SIGN: 5° Aries


CHARACTER. Tireless; active and dynamic throughout the year. At first glance they may seem like dictators, but they know the value of their abilities and almost never go beyond the norm. As a rule, they prefer to act alone, cannot stand the frantic pace of life, and sometimes they need time to relax and switch off from the routine. It seems that they never get tired, but this is not so: if their strength runs out, they become very irritable and touchy. They are easily angered and have a sharp tongue.
LOVE. Bright individualists, they experience practically no problems in their personal lives. People who are accustomed to deciding everything on their own often forget about their partner, so the partner must be able to resist their violent energy. In most cases, they find their soul mate in adulthood - this is due to the fact that they are not satisfied with little, but prefer the best.
CAREER. They prefer to work independently, however, if they lead a group, they achieve good results.


Name of the figure: Chariot, Lord of the Triumph of Light.
Image of the figure: a cart with four columns, driven by a victorious king. The cart is pulled by two horses connected in the middle in the belly area: one pulls to the left, the other to the right.
Symbol: journey to the spiritual world.
Meanings: loyalty, balance, glory, prudence, triumph, prosperity, success.
Analogies: ASTROLOGY: Venus in the sign of Libra; HEALTH: general well-being; PROFESSIONS: pilot, driver, travel agent.


VENUS (2+5=7): symbolizes change, transformation and metamorphosis. Focus on what is different from others, and also what is far from generally accepted norms.


NUMBER 2: indicates inner world and sensitivity. People with the influence of the number 2 are highly sensitive individuals who need stimulation and protection. Distinctive Features are vivid imagination and creativity.
NUMBER 5: Symbolizes the pentagram, nervous energy that can either turn everything upside down or stimulate it.
HEALTH. Claustrophobia, acne.
PROFESSIONS. Writer, driver, businessman.
ADVANTAGES. Strength of spirit, honesty, independence.
FLAWS. Excessive criticality, absent-mindedness, masochism.

Aries born on March 25 are wise, experienced fighters who find the meaning of life in solving difficult problem situations. At the same time, you spread an aura of mystery around you that attracts people, and you have an attractiveness that makes you never alone. Dynamic and skillful, you believe in your ability to achieve success and are not afraid to take risks and take on something about which you currently know very little. The ability to separate tasks and tune yourself to each one separately helps you absorb new information and learn while working. Having chosen a goal, you decisively rush forward, and nothing will stop you on the way to achieving it.

Those born on March 25 are so active that they simply do not have enough time to look after their health. Very often they mistakenly believe that health is something given from above. They can carry various ailments on their feet for years, ignoring them. That is why it is extremely important for them to arrange their life schedule in such a way as to undergo a full medical examination at least once a year. A variety of physical exercises will help you stay in shape and adjust your weight (those born on March 25 love to eat and drink nourishingly and tastyly, and therefore suffer from obesity). Although no one disputes the assertion that a good appetite is a sign of health, those born on this day can still be advised to avoid excessive consumption of salt, meat, dairy products and alcohol.

Those born on March 25 are restless and dynamic people. Perhaps these are the most active and energetic representatives of the human race. Many of them are simply created for leadership, but it would be much more accurate to define them as loners or soloists. When they happen to lead a certain group, this happens rather due to their extraordinary talents or coincidence of circumstances and is not at all dictated by the desire to rule. Those born on this day are not led through life by blind ambitions. These people are well aware of their abilities and know very well what is under their control and what they are powerless about. They are in an eternal search for peace and solitude from the hectic professional activity in which they are engaged. Without this they simply cannot exist.

The right to privacy is sacred to them. Marriage is a rather heavy burden for those who were born on this day, since serving another person is possible for them only under conditions clearly defined by themselves. A life partner should not just be a true friend; his task is to, to some extent, balance the energetic power of his companion. Often, those born on March 25 manage to find their true destiny only at a later age, if at all. This is why they may prefer to be single if their search for an ideal partner is unsuccessful. Women born on March 25 are highly adapted to do without a spouse, while men see the family nest as a source of warmth and love.

Those born on March 25 are devoted to those they love, but they understand devotion in their own way: being faithful, as they argue, does not at all mean tying oneself to certain obligations or marriage ties. Typically, these people are loyal to their families, but sometimes they maintain unconventional relationships with loved ones. At times it seems that the energy of these people is limitless, but in fact they are also susceptible to fatigue and then become irritable. In such a state, the slightest sign of inattention to one’s own person is considered a personal insult. Inflamed, they shower their opponents with curses and abuse and, worse, destroy them with angry sarcasm. Those born on March 25 can be tactful, but still prefer direct frankness, which, combined with their lively temperament, often creates big troubles for them. Fortunately, these people are easily forgiven - perhaps due to the fact that their spiritual impulses (including mistakes) are always on the surface.

For those born on March 25, it is very important to have close friends who form a kind of protective buffer between them and the critical outside world, and also protect them from self-destructive impulses. What do friends get in return? Usually this is the satisfaction of meeting a strong and powerful person on whom you can always rely (if, of course, he is nearby at the right moment), ask for advice, and even borrow money. Those who closely communicate with people born on March 25 should learn that they should not interfere with their solitude and desire to live, act, travel, love in their characteristic independent manner. Only in conditions of complete freedom can those born on March 25 generously share their emotions and feelings.

Category: Birth horoscope

Aries born on March 25th are very dynamic and active. They attract others with their inner mystery, incomprehensibility, and enigma. They are not afraid, and even attracted by risk; they are so self-confident that they are ready to solve any problems that lie outside the scope of their knowledge. Under this zodiac sign and on this day, born leaders are born.

The twenty-fifth of March is the birthday of singles who prefer to do everything on their own, using assistants only in the background. They build their own lives and careers. If they work in a team, then only as a leader. Moreover, such Aries always have a special charisma and charm that attracts people to them. Life's difficulties for them are not a test or a problem, but a welcome obstacle that they overcome with great zeal.

The fate of individuals born on this day of March is completely in their hands. They are characterized by innate artistry, and if they do not realize it on stage, they play beautifully in the real world.

People born on this day are purposeful and talented. They are driven by ambition, but not blind, but completely justified. They may suffer from weakness and powerlessness, but this will be completely invisible to others - their fatigue is manifested by increased aggressiveness, nervousness and even moodiness. Very impulsive, emotional, expressive.

In general, their character is quite complex. They can easily offend a person, but not on purpose, but because they do not like to lie and fawn. At the same time, those born on March 25 live as if they were playing a role on stage, but they do this not deliberately demonstratively, but very naturally, often without even knowing about their performance.

Relationships with others.

Under the zodiac sign Aries on March 25, people are born who are very frank and open in expressing their feelings. This becomes especially noticeable when they are angry. They can shout loudly, swear, without being shy in their expressions. They often like to make poisonous ridicule and offensive jokes. They are very rarely soft and tactful; they prefer the brutal truth rather than false flattery. For this reason, casual acquaintances do not like them, but their friends value them very much, because such people do not hide anything, do not play a double game, and do not weave intrigues.

They are always faithful to friendship, ready to help at any moment, and this will be real and confident support. For people born on this day, friends help them get rid of stress and channel their energy into a creative direction. To do this, it is enough to show respect, accept him as he is, not control his behavior and not try to re-educate him. After all, only with such an attitude will a representative of the Aries zodiac sign of this birthday be able to maintain friendship and warm relationships.

Harshness in behavior, frequent mood swings, artistry, ambition and other unsightly character traits often lead to failures in love affairs and family destruction. At the same time, they easily and quickly find a replacement for their lost love, and according to the horoscope, people who celebrate their birthday on March 25 often get remarried.

Build family relationships It's very difficult with this person. Marriage is a real burden for them, because they do not know how to give in, adapt, or be helpful. A marriage can be successful if the spouses become good friends. People of this day remain devoted and faithful to their partners, but for this they do not consider it obligatory to enter into an official marriage. Therefore, they very often live in open relationships or start a family in adulthood.

People born on this day of March are very demanding of their partners. Their chosen one must strictly comply with the requirements put forward and energetically balance the overly active Aries.

Those born on March 25th usually lead a stormy life. professional activity, constantly busy with business, energetic and assertive. They understand well the limits of their abilities and never grasp at what they cannot do. Usually, each such Aries has a “safe haven” in reserve, where he “swims” from time to time to put his thoughts in order. But the “perpetual motion machine” sitting inside quickly returns him to his usual course.

According to the horoscope, these people work best alone or as a team leader. Career They are of little interest, but promotion is quite natural for them. At work they stay away from various intrigues and gossip.

People born on March 25 do not take special care of their health, rarely visit doctors and do not like to exercise, considering all this a waste of time. They consider health to be a given, a gift from heaven, something taken for granted. Diseases, including chronic ones, are tolerated calmly, do not complain and do not make a problem out of it.

When they are young, their health is quite good. But due to neglect, addiction to junk food and alcohol, refusal to exercise and visiting doctors, it can worsen over time. Therefore, you should control your weight and limit excesses in your diet.

Tips for a better life

Learn to manage your emotions, remain calm and not strive for external effects - the inner essence is much more important. Develop self-discipline and the ability to tame intemperance.

Try to defend your own opinion with restraint, avoid heated disputes and scandals.

Make friends with those people who will limit your self-destructive impulses and help you withstand your eternal confrontation with reality.

If your principles do not allow you to tell lies for the sake of flattery, it is better to remain silent.