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Color drawing in black and white online. Convert black and white photos to color online

Many people have at least once thought about restoring old black and white photographs. Most of The photographs from the so-called point-and-shoot cameras were transferred to digital format, but never gained color. The solution to the problem of converting a bleached image to a color one is very difficult, but to some extent accessible.

Converting a black and white photo into color

If you do color photo It’s simple in black and white, but solving the problem in the opposite direction becomes much more difficult. The computer needs to understand exactly how to color this or that fragment consisting of large quantity pixels. Recently, the site presented in our article has been dealing with this issue. This is the only one so far quality option, operating in automatic processing mode.

Colorize Black was developed by Algorithmia, a company that implements hundreds of other interesting algorithms. This is one of the new and successful projects that managed to surprise network users. It is based on artificial intelligence based on a neural network, selecting the necessary colors for the uploaded image. Frankly speaking, the processed photo does not always meet expectations, but today the service shows amazing results. In addition to files from a computer, Coloriz Black can work with pictures from the Internet.

  • Save the image divided in half by the purple line (1);
  • Save the fully colored photo (2).

Your picture will be downloaded to your computer via your browser. It looks something like this:

The results of image processing show that artificial intelligence based on a neural network has not yet thoroughly learned to turn black and white photos into color ones. However, it works well with photographs of people and paints their faces more or less well. Although the colors in the example article were chosen incorrectly, the Colorize Black algorithm still selected some shades successfully. For now, this is the only current option for automatically converting a bleached picture into a color one.

You can step over the edges, it’s even better to do it. After you have painted over all areas of the skin without missing a single pixel, press the “Quick Mask” button again. A highlighted area should appear. Make sure all the skin is included:

  • Go to the top menu “Layers”, select “New Fill Layer”, then “Color”, you can give the layer a name. Select the mode “Soft light”, click “Ok” - a palette appears where you need to select a color:

  • It’s not easy with skin, you need to look in yellow and pink shades. If you can’t find a natural color, then choose the tone that best suits your skin color, and we’ll try to correct this later. Click OK.
  • We go to the “Layers” window and see that a new fill layer has appeared there, consisting of two parts. Click on the second part in the form of a black square, a white frame should appear around it.
  • In the tools, we should still have the “Brush” active with the same settings. The main color on the toolbar should be black - this is important. Now the brush will work like an eraser. We remove everything unnecessary - what we painted over by accident, leaving the color only on the skin. We try to do this carefully:

So, we have painted the skin, to adjust its color, go to the “Layers” window, select the fill layer and duplicate it.

Now in the new layer, double-click on the colored square - a palette appears. Choose another color that will be superimposed on the first layer and mixed with it. You can mix pink and yellow shades, then you get a natural tone:

Now go to the “Background Copy” layer, click “Quick Mask” again and continue coloring, creating new fill layers. Don't forget to return to the main layer every time, otherwise nothing will work.

In the example, we dyed our hair in Brown color, then lips red:

And we paint the iris of the eyes green. Next we made the clothes purple:

Then a blue background, since our model is sitting by the water. And they separately painted green the trees reflected in the water, as well as the boards on which she sits, although they are almost invisible. Details are always important. Result:

It is especially interesting to color retro photos. If you have family archives with rare photographs, now you don’t need to take them to the workshop, but you can digitize them and make them in color yourself.

Having mastered this technique, you can also do color on black and white in Photoshop. It's pretty original solution, you've probably seen photos like this.

For example, below we gave the girl red lips and turquoise eyes, leaving everything else black and white:

In exactly the same way, you can change the tones in color photos, for example, change the color of hair, clothing, background, and so on.

There are many ways to convert a color image to black and white in Photoshop.

Now we will show you the 4 most popular methods.

Open your photo in Photoshop.

Let's start by introducing you to the two easiest ways to convert an image to black and white.

1 - function Grayscale(Grayscale)

2 - function Discolor(Desaturation)

We don't argue, these are the most simple ways, but the quality is not the best. Here the contrast is very low, the image is slightly cloudy.

Let's show with an example:

1. Grayscale

Image - Mode - Grayscale(Image - Mode - Grayscale)

Very simple, right?

2. Discolor

Image - Correction - Desaturate(Image - Adjustments - Desaturate)

Fast and easy - but the image contrast is very low, the image looks dull and flat. This is not at all what we are striving for. What we especially like about quality b&w photographs- this is depth and high contrast. Okay - it's time to introduce you to more serious methods!

3. Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer

The method we are going to tell you about is to use several adjustment layers. Hue/Saturation. This means that you can return to its original appearance at any time. Plus, you are NOT changing the original image. Now go to the menu Layers - New Adjustment Layer - Hue/Saturation(Layers - New Adjustment layer - Hue/Saturation).

Leave all layer properties unchanged. Change the layer blending mode to Regular(Normal) on Chroma(Color).

Then add another adjustment layer Hue/Saturation(Hue/Saturation) - but this time in the layer properties, move the slider Saturation(Saturation) to -100.

So, get ready... This is what the image looks like now:

Now the fun begins! Double click on the first adjustment layer you made, or just open the properties. And now the slider Color tone(Hue) move to this position until you are satisfied with the resulting effect. You can also work with Saturation ( Saturation ) .

These are the settings we used to get the image you see below. Now it looks much better, although it still seems like something is missing...

Now change the blending mode of this newly created layer to Chroma(Color) on Overlap(Overlay), and reduce it a little Opacity(Opacity), in our case up to 65%.

This is what happened now. Contrast has increased noticeably. No detail is lost, adding depth to the image.

Please note that each image requires an individual approach. What suits this image may not suit yours. So don't be afraid to experiment with settings, layers and modes yourself :)

4. Channel mixing

The last technique you'll learn about in this tutorial is using an adjustment layer. Mixingchannels(Channel Mixer). With the original image active, go to the menu Layers - New Adjustment Layer - Channel Mixing(Layers - New Adjustment Layer - Channel mixer).

When this window appears, check the box next to the function Monochrome(Monochrome).

Now select the shades of black and white simply by moving the sliders that correspond to the red, green, and blue colors of the image. Important: try to total quantity The values ​​were around 100 to avoid blurry areas in your image. We set the red and green channels to 0 and the blue to 100. This gives the skin intense black and white tones.

Final step: duplicate the adjustment layer. Then change the blending mode from Regular(Normal) on Overlap(Overlay) and reduce Opacity(Opacity), for example, for this image it turned out to be 44% - but often it is necessary to lower it to 20-30%. Look, below is the result of our labors.

It turned out to be a very atmospheric image. We are waiting for your impressions. We hope this article gave you a lot of useful information.

See you in the new lesson!

​One of the most familiar themes of sepia-to-color is The Wizard of Oz.

Translator's note: we are talking about the film "The Wizard of Oz", the film begins in sepia, and then colors appear, which was unique for the cinema of that time.

In this tutorial I'll show you how to tint a photo to sepia to create a color image.

Coloring a sepia or black and white photo can seem like a real challenge and can take time and patience, although it can be a lot easier than you think. Today I will show you the process of colorizing a photo in the program. Adobe Photoshop.

Final result:

Source materials

The image I'm going to use in this tutorial is shown in the screenshot below:

Note: photo taken from http://www.loc.gov/

In my opinion, black and white photography is much easier to work with than sepia, so the first thing I did was convert the photo. This is just my personal preference and you don't have to, if you want and you like working in sepia, then work in sepia.

Translator's note: the author converted a sepia-toned photograph into a black and white image using correction Black and white(BlackandWhite).

1. Select the desired mode for the picture

Once you've uploaded the photo, you'll need to make sure the picture mode is set to RGB and not on the regime Grayscale(Grayscale), even if your image is monochrome or black and white. To check the mode, for this we go Image - Mode(Image >Mode), now make sure there is a checkmark next to the RGB mode.

2. We begin to color large fragments of the image

Step 1

Using a tool Quick selection (Quick Select tool), select the sky or any other large fragment of the image that is represented by one color shade.

Using a tool Quick selection(Quick Select tool), select a fragment of the image that is represented by one color shade, for example, the sky.

Step 2

Click the button Refine edge(Refine Edge).

Use the tool Refine edge(Refine Edge) to improve the boundaries of the selected area.

Step 3

In the tool settings window that appears Refine edge(Refine Edge), check the box Smart radius(Smart Radius). I changed the radius value to 5 px, but you can set a different radius value that best suits your image. I also increased the value Smooth(Smoth) up to 3 pixels to soften hard edges. You can also apply other settings of this instrument to improve the boundaries of the selection. When you're ready, click the 'OK' button.

Select the correct value for Smart radius(Smart Radius), as well as for the option Smooth(Smooth).

Step 4

So, we have created an active selection, now click the button Add a New Adjustment Layer(Add New Adjustment Layer) at the bottom of the layers palette and in the window that appears, select the option Color(Solid Color).

Add an adjustment layer Color(Solid Color) via bottom part layers palette.

Step 5

Choose the color shade that you think best matches the sky in your image. For now, it doesn't matter whether you chose a color tone that's too bright or not, we'll fix that in a minute. Once you have chosen a color tone, click the 'OK' button and you will see the selection on the adjustment layer mask.

Choose a suitable color shade.

Step 6

Change the blending mode to Overlap(Overlay) and the selected color will look much better. If you are not satisfied with the selected color, then simply double-click on the blue rectangle next to the mask so that a window appears Color palettes(Color Picker), select the color shade that suits you best.

Change the blending mode to Overlap(Overlay).

Step 7

If you are satisfied with the result, you can restore the missing areas of the image or correct them using a soft black/white brush, which you can apply on the adjustment layer mask.

Correct any defects left after selection.

3. Select pieces that have similar color tones

Step 1

Repeat the selection technique detailed in the previous steps, this time highlighting the greens of the carrots and watermelon. Don't select the cucumber yet, so that not all elements are the same shade of green. This time I changed the meaning Smooth(Smooth) up to 2 px when refining the edges, but again, use the values ​​that work best for you.

Apply the tool Refine edge(Refine Edge) to carrot greens.

Step 2

Without removing the active selection, add a new adjustment layer Color(Solid Color), just like you did before, select a shade of green. On this moment, save your degree Opacity(O pacity) for each adjustment layer at 100%. This can be adjusted later when we finish the coloring.

Add a new adjustment layer Color(Solid Color), select a shade of green.

Step 3

Change the blending mode to Overlap(Overlay), and then select the appropriate color shade. Do the same for the cucumber, but use a different shade of green. Once you've finished coloring the vegetables, we'll move on to coloring the skin.

Change the blending mode to Overlap(Overlay).

The result so far in the lesson.

4. Skin tone and eyes

Step 1

Color the man and woman separately, because... They don't look like they have the same skin tone. A man might have a little more weathered skin!

Select areas of the skin using the selection technique you used earlier and also apply edge refinement. Next, when you press the 'OK' button, press the 'Q' key to enter the Quick mask(Quick Mask), and then use a brush to paint in the man's eyes, as well as other areas of the man's image that you don't want to add skin tone to. Press the 'Q' key again and you will see that the areas that were painted red are not included in the created selection.

By using Quick mask(Quick Mask), select any small areas that you do not want to be included in the created active selection.

Step 2

When choosing your skin tone, try applying multiple color shades to see which color tone suits you best, but remember that due to the blending mode Overlap(Overlay), the color tones will not look truly 'true'. So, use a very muted pink/brown shade instead of a peachy color, otherwise you'll end up with an orangey glow to your skin!

Choose pale pink or light brown shades instead of peach.

Step 3

To color the eyes, add a new adjustment layer. Color(Solid Color) without first creating any active selection, select a color tint. Click on the adjustment layer mask, and then press Ctrl+I to invert the mask. Now using a white brush, paint over the eyes on the mask. If you cannot see the man’s eyes behind the glasses, then reduce the value Opacity(Opacity) of the adjustment layer to 40%, thus adding just a slight hint of color.

If you are coloring a photo where you can see eyes, then remember that you only need to color the pupils of the eyes.

Add an adjustment layer Color(Solid Color) without first creating an active selection

We're done adding skin tones.

5. Lips and hair

Step 1

Once you've finished coloring the skin and eyes, we can add some light and shade by painting the lips with a slightly different shade. Select a red/brown color and also use a low opacity brush to add some color.

When coloring your lips, use a slightly different color shade from your skin tone.

Step 2

When coloring your hair, try to pay attention to the color tone of the hair in the photo to choose a more suitable color tone, even if it is a sepia or black and white photo. For a man's hair I used dark shade, reducing opacity(Opacity) layer up to 90% to slightly soften the tone of the hair, because... It is obvious that the man is already elderly. As for the woman, it doesn't look like she has dyed hair, so I used a dark gray color.

Choose a natural hair color and do not forget about age when choosing a hair shade.

6. Finishing touches

Finally, color your clothes. Once you've finished coloring the image, play with the opacity of the coloring layers to make the image look more natural.

One rule to remember is that less is more, and if you're going to recreate an "authentic" look, be more pragmatic with your color choices, taking into account the colors that were worn at the time, and use low saturation to give the image an "old" look. photos. If you want to be eccentric in your choice of color, then forget what I just told you - just go ahead and do it!

We colored the image, but the colors look too harsh.

Congratulations! We have completed the lesson!

When choosing old photographs that you are going to color, remember that the more detail there is in the photo, the longer and the more difficult it will be to color the photo. Try to first choose photos with large fragments of the same color, and then move on to more complex photos, because... It will be easier for you to use this technique. This is a truly exciting process, so I wish you a pleasant time coloring your photos.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!

Today. digital camera Almost every person has one in one form or another. And photography, in itself, has become a truly massive hobby. Digital technology is developing so quickly that now, in order to receive high quality photos, it is not at all necessary to have an expensive, professional camera. After all, today, even cameras on phones have learned to take good photographs. For example, the same iPhone now shoots no worse than a full-fledged digital camera. What can we say about semi-professional or professional mirrors.

But just recently, cameras were exclusively film, and photographs were mostly black and white. And the process of developing photographs itself was a whole mystery. Now we remember all this with a smile, and some, in a fit of nostalgia, even purchase or restore old photographic equipment, trying to repeat the unforgettable experience of taking analog photographs.

But it’s one thing to apply the effects of an old photograph to a finished photo, and quite another to restore it. old photograph to new condition, or make a photo color in photoshop.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely eliminate all defects in old photographs, because... it all depends on general condition photographs, as well as factors such as:

  • Age of photo
  • Burnout of colors in the photo
  • Scratches and microcracks on the front surface of the photograph
  • Irreversible loss of some image elements

In most cases, an old photograph can be significantly improved, or even completely restored to its original characteristics. And you can do it even better than the original source. About one of these operations, namely, as from black and white photography make a color one, we’ll talk about it in today’s material.

Color selection

Making a photo in color in Photoshop will be more difficult than performing the reverse operation, where the whole process can be reduced to just a few mouse clicks. This will require painstaking handmade in a graphic editor Adobe Photoshop. Therefore, in order to turn a black and white photo into a color one, it will be necessary hand color the image. At the same time, for some areas of the image, you can show your imagination and color them arbitrarily, choosing individual colors.

For example, a black and white photograph shows a portrait of a man in a quilt suit. Let's say we don't know the original color of the suit, so we can color it at our discretion, for example, beige. The color of other elements of the image can be determined by certain obvious signs. It goes without saying that we will paint the sky mainly blue, and the clouds gray-white. Definitely, grass and foliage on trees should be colored green.

But still, in most cases, the original colors of some elements of the photo will remain unknown, and they will need to be selected in order to obtain a photo image that is natural in color

Therefore, before turning a black and white photograph into a color one, you must first decide color design all elements of the photograph. If you find it difficult to select colors, you can look at color analogues of photographs that are similar in structure, or ask for help from people who understand this, for example, photographers or graphic designers.

Fill color

After the colors have been selected, we proceed directly to the process of coloring the black and white photograph. Ways make a photo in color using photoshop, there are several. We will look at one of them, namely - method of color filling of individual adjustment layers. For this we need:

  1. Original photo file

  2. Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop

  3. Layout with selected colors for filling (let me remind you, we should have determined it in advance)

  4. Time and a little patience, because... The operation is quite painstaking

In order to black and white photograph To make it color, we perform the following steps step by step:

1) Uploading a photo to Adobe Photoshop
2) In order to always be able to return to the original file if our experiments go too far, we create duplicate layer
3) In the layers palette, click on the icon " New adjustment layer", and in the proposed options for creating a layer, select - Color or Chroma (Solid Color)

After this, a color palette will appear in which you need to select the color closest to the color of the area of ​​​​the photo image that we intend to fill. For example, if it is grass, then select green color, if the sky, then blue, if the sun, then yellow. Again, we rely on the color layout that we drew up earlier before we started turning a black and white photograph into a color one.

Let's say we decide to start coloring our photo from the face. Accordingly, select a dark beige color from the color palette of the new adjustment layer ( closest to the color structure of the face, in our case).

So, the color for the face is chosen, but now it completely fills our entire photo. To exclude this, in the layers palette, select from the drop-down list of options - Color or Chroma. By default, it is on the option - Blend Mode, and that needs to change.

Great! Now the adjustment layer only affects the color of the bottom layer, and we see our photo with a tint of the color we chose for the face. Now our task is to leave this color only in that area of ​​the photo image for which it is intended. In our case, this is the face. To do this, click on the icon Layer mask, after which an outline will appear on the layer thumbnail.

Now select in the Photoshop tools palette - " Eraser", and erase everything except the face.

Attention! As you can see in our example, the neck and part of the chest are similar to the face color characteristics. But we will also erase them, and create for them separate adjustment layer. This is explained by the fact that the color shade between the face and neck is still quite different. And, subsequently, these differences will be possible to emphasize only on different layers.

The more adjustment layers we create, the better quality we will eventually be able to color a black and white photo into color.

Editing a finished layout with adjustment layers

So, we filled it with a color similar in color, our first element is the face. The same must be done with all other elements of the photographic image. Those. simply repeat the above operation for other elements of the photograph, taking them into account color features. Don't worry that the colors will be hyper-exposed and unnatural. We'll fix this a little later by editing each adjustment layer. Now the main thing is to fill in the main elements of the photo image flowers similar in color. Moreover, the more elements are selected into a separate adjustment layer, the better!

After we have worked out all the elements of the photographic image, it will be much easier for us to cope with the task of making a color photograph from a black and white one. Of course, now the colors look artificial, but, nevertheless, we have a ready-made layout with different layers that are available for processing separately, which will give us undeniable manufacturing advantages color photo via Photoshop. Actually, we will now begin this processing.

Let's go in order and start with the first layer. We need to adjust the color scheme of the face. As you can see in your original version, the skin color is hyper-colored, and of course, does not look natural. Let's try to fix this.

4) Double-click on the layer thumbnail in the Layers palette and experiment with the adjustment layer settings. It is necessary to work with the existing color, so you do not need to touch the tone settings, but operate with the sliders responsible for the brightness and color saturation of the edited area. We need to achieve the most natural color rendition by controlling changes in color parameters in live preview mode.

Well, that's a completely different matter. We do the same with the other layers. That is, we simply double-click on the thumbnail of each layer, and in the settings we change the color parameters to the most natural colors. This is very convenient, because working with many layers, we are able to convey color shades much more accurately than in the case of manual painting individual elements photo, described in most ways, teaching how to make black and white photos color.

At the very last stage, we change the corrective color of the background and eyes. For a more harmonious visual effect, you can choose colors for the background to match the color of the eyes, or vice versa, the color of the eyes to match the background color ( unless of course this contradicts the general concept of the photo).

When creating an adjustment layer for small elements of a photo, for example, for the same eyes, you need to erase the entire image with an eraser, except for the iris itself. This is a rather painstaking operation, so in case of an error, just switch to the mode - Brush, and re-paint the area where you erased the excess. In this case, it is recommended to set the brush strength to 50% .