home · measurements · Prolonged sitting on the toilet. Why can't you sit on the toilet for a long time? Rules for using the toilet - comfort or health

Prolonged sitting on the toilet. Why can't you sit on the toilet for a long time? Rules for using the toilet - comfort or health

Having successfully completed the complex, long and laborious repairs in the restroom that you did with your own hands, it is possible to enjoy comfort and cleanliness every time you visit the toilet with an emotion of complete satisfaction. But, do you understand how to sit on the toilet correctly?

Ignoring the seeming naivety of the question, non-observance of some simple rules not only makes it difficult to defecate, but can also lead to significant health problems. Instructions on how to behave in the toilet are presented below.

Rules for using the toilet - comfort or health?

Toilet visit procedure

Before you figure out why it is harmful to sit on the toilet for a long time, it would be useful to determine the correct order of application of this engineering success. Since in case of doing certain rules, you will be able to empty your intestines more efficiently and quickly, and avoid quite significant health troubles.

The organism is conceived by nature in such a way that in order to perform an act of defecation, you need to take a squatting position (crouching and bending your knees as much as possible), thereby placing your fifth point as close to the ground as possible.

The man himself, striving to make his life more comfortable, invents different devices, which, although they provide more amenities, are not always needed from the standpoint of medicine.

Since at the time when the first ergonomic plumbing fixture appeared, no one was interested in the consequences of prolonged sitting on the toilet. Certain studies in this area began to be carried out only in the last century.

Otherwise, to completely abandon the benefits of civilization would be, at least, rather stupid. But this is not required, it is enough just to take the right posture while sitting on the toilet.

The essence is the following:

  • sitting on the toilet, you need to tilt upper part the body is slightly forward so that the rectum is bent at a minimum angle;
  • this position of the internal organs allows the feces to come out with minimal resistance;
  • the legs should be directed to realize higher (for this it is possible to use a special stand or bench);
  • when finding lower extremities in the position described above, the puborectalis muscle, clasping the large intestine, relaxes and does not interfere with the act of defecation.

Note! You take the correct posture when visiting a public toilet, which is equipped with a toilet bowl built into the floor. Approximately the same position must be taken in the home restroom. The only point is to provide ergonomic support for your legs: put a bench in front of the toilet or something like that. On sale, in addition, there are special toilet seats, the price of which, however, is higher than that of classic toilet seats.

What is the danger of sitting on the toilet for a long time?

Having dealt with the correct order to visit the toilet, let's move on to the discussion of the question of whether it is harmful to sit on the toilet for a long time. Since many people perform in toilet room for quite a long time, playing on the tablet or reading intentionally stored newspapers and magazines. (See also How to toilet train a cat: highlights.)

It goes without saying that raising your level of education by rereading Crime and Punishment, or getting to know the current political situation in the world by browsing news sites, is a necessary thing. But is it harmful to health?

According to the point of view of medical experts, who have conducted quite long and important studies to answer the question of whether it is possible to sit on the toilet for a long time, using the toilet for other purposes, apart from bowel movements, is not required and dangerous. It is possible to buy a lot of health troubles.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. During the act of defecation, you need to strain your muscles abdominal cavity, thanks to which human waste moves through the large intestine to the anus.
  2. Muscle tension, for its part, increases blood flow, as a result of which the veins penetrating the rectum increase in volume.
  3. If you spend a longer time on the toilet than is necessary for the process of emptying the intestines, the blood in the veins will stagnate, which is very bad for health.

Having decided on this, let's figure out what specific diseases can appear in a person who prefers to get acquainted with the latest press or works of the classics in his bathroom:

  1. Thrombosis. This is a dense bump that appears in blood vessels and plugs them, interfering with the normal circulation of blood in the human body.
  2. Haemorrhoids. Appears due to the prolapse of the so-called hemorrhoids. This disease is a direct consequence of the expansion of the veins of the rectum. It is characterized by very unpleasant and painful symptoms, in the advanced stage - anal bleeding.

Advice! In order not to suffer from very painful symptoms inherent in the above diseases, it is recommended not to stay in the toilet for 30-40 minutes, but to empty the intestines as soon as possible.

Rules for choosing toilet paper

Regardless of the design and design of the toilet, the toilet bowls and covers used for them, toilet paper is an essential attribute of any restroom. And despite the fact that few people think about it, the convenience of observing hygiene procedures at the end of the visit to the toilet and the health of the rectum depend to a large extent on it.

The modern industry produces a huge number of varieties of the mentioned hygiene item.

It is necessary to choose it very carefully, paying attention to the following highlights:

  1. Softness. Toilet paper is in contact with fairly gentle areas of the body, so its surface should be soft so as not to injure the skin.
  2. Relief. The complex texture and perforation present on the surface of the paper increase its absorbent properties.
  3. Environmental friendliness. Paper must be made from raw materials that are reliable for humans, and decompose in sewer treatment facilities under the influence of special substances (the necessary information is indicated on the packaging).
  4. break line. Better take toilet paper, which has a special separation line.


Compliance with the rules of visiting the restroom, no doubt, has a beneficial effect on human health and gives a warning of the development of quite terrible diseases. But in order to be as comfortable as possible on the toilet, you need to correctly choose the plumbing device itself and the lid for it. For more details about this, see the video in this article.

For most people, the morning starts with going to the toilet. It's good if you have a certain regime, because this way you can accustom the body to play by your rules. Typically, people spend between 5 and 30 minutes in the restroom when it comes to going to the “big” toilet. But did you know that sitting on the toilet can be unhealthy?

It turns out that doctors do not recommend sitting in the toilet for more than 15 minutes. And trying to relieve the need by force is not the best idea. The thing is, the more effort you put in sitting on the toilet, the more you increase the risk of hemorrhoids!

What is hemorrhoids?

These are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids cause discomfort and bleeding. In addition to these symptoms, there are others, such as pain, itching and irritation in the anal area.

In the first stages, hemorrhoids can be cured by conservative methods, that is, medicines and diet. More serious cases require surgery. But even after successful treatment, there is no guarantee that hemorrhoids will not return in the future. He needs to be followed.

Now you understand why you need to go to the toilet only on business. You can read books and solve crossword puzzles elsewhere!

We all visit the toilet every day and, oddly enough, most often we do it not quite right. There are certain medical advice which should be adhered to. How to sit on the toilet, we will understand in this article.

The act of defecation

The natural emptying of the contents of the intestine - this is a bowel movement. Normally, in humans, the process of excretion of feces should occur about once a day, but this is individual. Going to the toilet, we daily cleanse the body of poisons, toxins and all kinds of bacteria that have accumulated in the process of life. That is, there is an act of rejuvenation and healing of the body as a whole. Two postures are commonly used for defecation:

● Squatting posture (earth toilets).

● Sitting posture (toilet).

What is the correct way to sit on the toilet? This question worries many.

Cons of the usual "sitting" toilet

For bowel movements, a toilet with a toilet bowl and a sitting posture at a 90 degree angle are usually used. Over time, from an incorrect sitting position, manifestations of the following diseases are possible:

● Hemorrhoids ( varicose veins rectal veins).

● Diverticulosis (protrusions appear on the walls of the rectum) small size- diverticula).

● Colonic obstruction (constipation and no stool at all).

● Such a toilet provokes an exacerbation of age-related diseases.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to properly sit on the toilet, because human health directly depends on this.

The psychology of emptying

Go to the toilet, relax your muscles and start the process of defecation - this is the process healthy emptying intestines. All other difficulties of the body in this process are discomfort and a huge number of complications. With the advent of a convenient toilet bowl, the possibility of properly getting rid of the products of the functioning of the body disappeared, since a modern toilet bowl is an extremely inconvenient device for natural defecation. When sitting, the intestines are located at an unnecessary angle, the small pelvis (its puborectal muscles) remains motionless. Such an incorrect position of emptying significantly increases the risk of a hernia, which further provokes the development of many diseases. Modern high toilets only worsen the situation.

Squatting cleansing

The most natural and anatomical in nature is the squatting position. In our body (namely, in the pelvis) there is a strong muscle that presses the rectum, which, when vertical position a person is able to hold feces. The muscle is slightly relaxed when sitting. But if you approach low to the ground (squatting), then it completely relaxes, aligning the rectum.

So what is the right way to sit on the toilet? More on that below.

Habitual toilet

To properly sit on a conventional toilet, you need to pull your legs up high, maintaining a 30-degree angle between your body and hips. To do this, you will either have to stand with your feet on the edges of the toilet, which can provoke a traumatic situation, or put your feet on a bench, the release of which has already begun to be established by some plumbing companies. It is recommended at home to substitute a low bench next to the toilet, which is easy to make with your own hands. The toilet is an intimate, calm place where lovers of glossy magazines and crossword puzzles often like to sit. But there is an opinion among doctors that a long stay on the toilet is unhealthy. Emptying is straining, which entails an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, which also suggests the development of unpleasant diseases.

We talked about how to properly sit on the toilet. Now let's see why this is required.

Why do you need the right posture?

Regular and complete bowel movements keep the intestines healthy and stimulate their function.

Correct posture first of all:

● Protects the nerves that are responsible for the bladder and, in principle, for the important sexual function of a person.

● Prevents fecal retention in the intestines, which over time can lead to bowel cancer.

● Helps to empty the bowels easily and quickly.

● Protects the controlling nerves of the uterus.

Exercises to control bowel movements

In order for a bowel movement to bring only comfort and satisfaction, you can use simple rules. Learn to feel your body, tighten and loosen the pelvic muscles. Ideally, sitting on the toilet, you need to discard all unnecessary thoughts (especially newspapers, magazines and books) and focus only on what is to happen in the very near future. No need to press hard or constantly push. It is important to feel the contact between the anus and feces, to move them along the passage, to learn how to properly control the emptying process. Here's how to sit on the toilet properly.

Emptying hygiene

For a healthy trip to the toilet, you must adhere to proper nutrition, consume fresh vegetables, fruits and a lot of greens that normalize digestion. It is recommended to drink as much as possible more liquid It removes toxins and prevents constipation. Naturally, defecation hygiene is unthinkable without toilet paper, which does not need to be wiped intensively, but rather gently blotted. But ideally, after each trip to the toilet, it is best to wash with running water! Therefore, if the issue of the toilet is taken seriously, then defecation will not only preserve health, but also bring positive emotions. In this article, we answered the question of how to properly sit on the toilet.

The habit of spending for a long time in the restroom there are many people. However, not everyone thinks that it can be harmful to the body. Proctologists advise to abandon such "pastime" for the sake of maintaining intestinal health.

Why is it bad to sit on the toilet for a long time?

The act of defecation is a process that involves straining. It is based on an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, which leads to a number of biological effects, for example, to a change in the state of the veins in the rectum.

A short rise in pressure is physiological process, the vessels of the organ are adapted to it. However, with a long stay in a state of straining, an excessive load is placed on the veins. If this process becomes a habit and persists for a long time, then vascular disorders may occur. These include, including thrombosis of altered veins.

Many people say that when they stay in the toilet for a long time, they do not push, but "just read." However, these words are not always true. Our body reflexively reacts to the usual situation, and muscle tone still remains elevated, even if the patient does not independently stimulate this process.

What to do if the bowel movement is prolonged?

A bowel movement that lasts longer than the prescribed time cannot be considered normal. This condition is associated with a violation of intestinal peristalsis. The patient is diagnosed, which can be provoked various factors. These include both obvious causes (insufficient fluid intake, overeating) and some intestinal pathologies.

The danger of this condition lies in the fact that usually the patient does not pay attention to the symptom for a very long time. Many people do not attribute constipation to possible diseases digestive tract. It is easier for them to attribute this condition to dietary errors.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

  • prolonged lack of bowel movements;
  • permanent (chronic) constipation (see);
  • violation of the nature of the chair;
  • the appearance of pathological impurities in the feces - blood,

Having successfully completed the complex, lengthy and labor-intensive repairs in the restroom that you did with your own hands, you can enjoy the comfort and cleanliness with every visit to the toilet with a sense of complete satisfaction. However, do you know how to properly sit on the toilet?

Despite the seeming naivety of the question, non-observance of some simple rules not only makes it difficult to defecate, but can also lead to serious health problems. Instructions on how to behave in the toilet are presented below.

Rules for using the toilet - comfort or health?

Procedure for going to the toilet

Before you figure out why it is harmful to sit on the toilet for a long time, it would be useful to learn about right order use of this achievement of engineering thought. After all, if you follow certain rules, you will be able to empty your intestines more efficiently and quickly, and also avoid quite serious problems with health.

The organism is conceived by nature in such a way that in order to perform an act of defecation, it is necessary to take a squatting position (crouching and bending your knees as much as possible), thereby placing your fifth point as close to the ground as possible.

In the photo - the position of a person on the toilet during defecation

The man himself, trying to make his life more comfortable, invents various devices that, although they provide more convenience, are not always useful from the point of view of medicine.

Indeed, at the time when the first convenient plumbing fixture appeared, no one was interested in the consequences long sitting on the toilet. Certain research in this area began to be carried out only in the last century.

On the other hand, it would be at least stupid to completely refuse the benefits of civilization. But this is not necessary, it is enough just to take the correct posture while sitting on the toilet.

The bottom line is this:

  • sitting on the toilet, you need to tilt the upper part of the body slightly forward so that the rectum is bent at a minimum angle;
  • this position of the internal organs allows the feces to come out with minimal resistance;
  • legs should be understood higher (for this you can use a special stand or bench);
  • when the lower extremities are in the position described above, the puborectalis muscle, clasping the large intestine, relaxes and does not interfere with the act of defecation.

The correct posture you take when visiting public toilet, which is equipped with a toilet built into the floor.
Approximately the same position must be taken in the home restroom.
The only point is to provide comfortable support for your legs: put a bench or something like that in front of the toilet.
There are also special toilet seats on sale, which, however, are more expensive than classic toilet seats.

What is the danger of sitting on the toilet for a long time?

Of course, it is necessary to improve your level of education by rereading Crime and Punishment, or to get acquainted with the current political situation in the world by browsing news sites. But is it harmful to health?

According to medical experts who, in order to answer the question of whether it is possible to sit on the toilet for a long time, conducted quite lengthy and serious studies, using the toilet for purposes other than bowel movements is unnecessary and dangerous. You can acquire many health problems.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. During the act of defecation, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the abdominal cavity, due to which the waste of human life moves through the large intestine to the anus.
  2. Muscle tension, in turn, increases blood flow, causing the veins that run through the rectum to increase in volume.
  3. If you spend a longer period of time on the toilet than is necessary for the process of emptying the intestines, the blood in the veins will stagnate, which negatively affects health.

Having decided on this, let's figure out what kind of diseases can occur in a person who prefers to get acquainted with the latest press or the works of the classics in his closet:

  1. Thrombosis. This is a dense bump that appears inside the blood vessels and clogs them, preventing the normal circulation of blood inside the human body.
  2. Haemorrhoids. Appears due to the prolapse of the so-called hemorrhoids. This disease is a direct consequence of the expansion of the veins of the rectum. It is characterized by very unpleasant and painful symptoms, in an advanced stage - anal bleeding.

In order not to suffer from the very painful symptoms inherent in the diseases listed above, it is recommended not to sit in the toilet for 30-40 minutes, but to empty the intestines as soon as possible.

Rules for choosing toilet paper

Regardless of the design and design of the toilet, used toilet bowls and lids for them, toilet paper is an essential attribute of any restroom. And although few people think about it, the convenience of observing hygiene procedures after going to the toilet and the health of the rectum largely depend on it.

Modern industry produces a huge number of varieties of the mentioned hygiene item.

You need to choose it very carefully, paying attention to the following features:

  1. Softness. Toilet paper is in contact with fairly delicate areas of the body, so its surface must be soft so as not to injure the skin.
  2. Relief. The complex texture and perforation present on the surface of the paper increase its absorbent properties.
  3. Environmental friendliness. The paper must be made from raw materials that are safe for humans, as well as under the action of special substances (the necessary information is indicated on the packaging).
  4. break line. It is better to buy toilet paper that has a special tear line.


Compliance with the rules of visiting the restroom undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on human health and prevents the development of dangerous diseases. But in order to be as comfortable as possible on the toilet, you need to choose the right plumbing device and the lid for it. See the video in this article for more details.