home · Installation · DIY fly swatter. Operating principle and operating features of an electric fly swatter. Instructions for the electric fly swatter

DIY fly swatter. Operating principle and operating features of an electric fly swatter. Instructions for the electric fly swatter

How to escape from annoying insects during a picnic or in the apartment? There are many recipes and methods, but not all of them are simple and convenient.

An electric fly swatter is an innovative device that allows you to quickly and easily special effort destroy mosquitoes, flies, horseflies, wasps and other “troublemakers.”

What is an electric fly swatter and how does it work?

An effective device for combating flying aggressors looks like a regular badminton racket. The main difference is that instead of the usual strong fishing line on plastic case a metal mesh is stretched.

This material is there for a reason. It passes through thin twigs electrical discharge, killing insects. Electric field, created above the surface of the racket, leaves no chance for a fly, a mosquito, or even a bumblebee.

There is an LED flashlight on the handle. The backlight helps you hunt for insects in the dark.

How to use the device

There is nothing complicated. Here's what to do:

  1. Press the button located on the handle, turn on the device and touch the mesh with the stick. Do you hear a characteristic crackling sound? Everything is fine, the miracle racket works.
  2. If there is insufficient lighting outside or in the room, immediately turn on the flashlight using another button.
  3. Make a few strokes of the racket in the place where you notice the insect. Perhaps you can’t see it well, you can only hear a nasty squeak? No problem, wave boldly and the mosquitoes will fall into the trap.
  4. When a fly or other insect gets stuck in the mesh, press the special button. Immediately on metal surface a discharge is given, small insects die. and the bumblebees are only stunned and fall to the ground. You will easily destroy them.

You see how easy and simple everything is! Not even one tiny insect will not escape the miracle racket.

The device will not cause harm to humans or pets. Of course, you need to protect the electric fly swatter from the attention of small children who strive to taste all the objects.

Customer Reviews

Many people have already purchased this simple and effective device. What do buyers think about the electric fly swatter?

Anya, Moscow

“I read the description of the new device on the Internet and immediately thought that this was another publicity stunt. I asked my husband for advice. He said that the process described in the instructions is quite realistic.

I bought a miracle racket. Works great. You sit, wave at her, and the mosquitoes “fry” without any problems. A good thing. I recommend."

Andrey, Ekaterinburg

“I saw this thing at my neighbors’ place. They said it copes well with flies. I bought it and gave it to my wife. It turned out to be a really effective device. If there are a lot of midges, you don’t have to give a shock every time. Press the button immediately and swing the racket. The grid will be constantly energized.”

Ivan Arkadievich, Tula

“In the summer I live at the dacha. Insects sometimes get to you. My daughter brought me a device that resembled a simple badminton racket.

Now I don’t know grief. In the evening, in the gazebo, I swing a racket, fortunately it is very light, mosquitoes die instantly. I'm glad that regular AA batteries are required for power supply. The electric fly swatter is charged from 220 V.”

Elena Andreevna

Is it possible to make a miracle fly swatter yourself?

Some home craftsmen disassemble a device that destroys insects using electrical discharges and try to create a similar one. homemade device from improvised means. Parts from old TVs, power supplies, electrodes and other parts are used.

An inquisitive mind is a great thing, but in the case of an electric fly swatter, experimentation is inappropriate. They can end badly.

Some would-be experimenters try to give advice on how to make an electric fly swatter with your own hands. But at the end of the description of their experiments they always add: “Do not repeat this experiment! Potentially life threatening! Useful thing though to catch a lonely one annoying fly It’s not that easy – you’ll have to jump. You also need to be careful not to grab the fly swatter wet hands, and during the fishing process it is better that no one hangs around.
Question. Is it safe to use a fly swatter for people with an implanted pacemaker?

I work in a cafe, and we have electric fly swatters hanging in our kitchen. This:
firstly, it’s convenient (adhesive tapes are a thing of the past, they ruin the whole appearance kitchen);
secondly, it is hygienic. The likelihood that the corpses dead insects will fall out from there is zero.
I can’t imagine how craftsmen manage to make such things from improvised means, and why? The market offers big choice for every taste and budget.

An electric fly swatter can be called an innovative device on our market. With small but sure steps, this device is replacing aerosols, adhesive tape traps, baits and even the good old newspaper rolled into a tube. Externally, the device resembles a badminton racket with a comfortable long handle. Only the mesh is woven not from fishing line, but from thin metal wire. This is the working surface of the electric fly swatter.

Principle of operation. The pseudo-racket is designed according to the sandwich rule: a positively charged fine grid in the center of the device is surrounded on both sides by coarse-mesh grids with a negative charge. The insect falls into the hole and is trapped. By touching the “core”, a fly or mosquito provokes an electric discharge and themselves becomes victims of the current.

Specifications. Tension inside work surface(grid) reaches 2000-3000 volts (depending on the model). A blocking generator is built into the electric fly swatter, converting a modest voltage AA batteries in such a powerful indicator.

Despite high voltage, the current strength is much less - it is barely enough to kill small insects (flies and mosquitoes), and the device only stuns large specimens, such as hornets and bumblebees.

Accordingly, if a person accidentally touches the metal mesh, he will only feel a sensitive tingling sensation, nothing more (remember the birds sitting on the wires). However, to get to the “core”, you will have to remove two protective meshes on the sides, so contact with the high voltage zone is almost impossible.

Cordless electric fly swatter

Instructions for the electric fly swatter

  1. Turn on the device by pressing the button located on the handle. The indicator light will light up to indicate that the electric fly swatter is ready for use.
  2. If you hunt annoying “guests” in the dark, use the built-in flashlight (some models have several modes).
  3. In order for an insect to fall into a trap, it is not necessary to deliver “precision strikes”: one swing of the “racket” - and the enemy is defeated. The troublemaker dies immediately as soon as he comes into contact with metal mesh through which electricity passes. Large individuals, for example, hornets or bumblebees, are simply stunned by the current discharge.
  4. After use, turn off the device. Remove insects remaining on the surface of the grill with a regular brush.
There is no need to strike, just “drive” the insect into the work area

The benefits and harms of electric fly swatters


  • The electric fly swatter runs on a pair of AA batteries or a more capacious battery. Charging time most often varies from 8 to 10 hours. Charger operates from a standard network (voltage 220 V).
  • The device functions with equal success in an apartment, in a country house, in country house, in a tent and outdoors.
  • Unlike traditional poppers, after use electrical appliance There are no unsightly stains left on walls, furniture or curtains.
  • The device copes with both small midges (mosquitoes, midges, moths) and larger individuals: wasps, flies, hornets. In one swing you can deal with a small swarm.
  • The electric fly swatter is environmentally friendly and does not emit odor or toxins such as aerosols or smoke bombs and spirals.


  • Inconvenient, bulky design: to kill an insect, it needs to be driven between two nets.
  • The victim often gets stuck in the fly swatter, and the corpse has to be pulled out.
  • Inexpensive models, due to poor build quality, can literally fall apart into components in your hands.
  • Expensive devices do not “lose” spare parts, but they also cost much higher than average.
  • While chasing a fly, you can accidentally break glass or a vase.

Safety precautions. To ensure that the device serves you faithfully, follow basic precautions:

  • Do not use water to remove insects from the grate surface. Protect your device from rain.
  • Do not touch the work surface while the appliance is turned on.
  • Refrain from killing insects near flammable substances.
  • After use, “remove” the residual charge from the grid metal object with insulated handle.
  • Despite the fact that the applied current is lethal only to insects, do not allow children or pets to play with the device. Keep the device out of reach.

DIY electric fly swatter

Craftsmen have already tested methods for constructing analogues of factory-made fly swatters at home. The videos, which you can find on the Internet if you wish, describe and show in detail what can be used as a working base, how to properly insulate the handle, and what the electrical circuit is.

Everyone is familiar with a regular fly swatter, and especially with the stains it leaves on clean walls and ceilings. Sometimes because of this you don’t even want to touch those annoying insects. But finally, the Chinese thought of making a device for killing mosquitoes, where everything happens cleanly and efficiently - an electric fly swatter. The principle of operation is simple, you press and hold the button in the center of the handle, after which you just need to hit or simply touch the flying insect with the net. A discharge flashes with a bang, destroying flies, mosquitoes, wasps and other flying insects. An electric fly swatter looks like a regular tennis racket. Comfortable handle and a flashlight. AA batteries are installed inside, tensioned metal fishing line in the form of a grid, when you press a button, high voltage is applied to this network, sweep it with a racket - the insect is killed on the fly.

Application Guide

  1. Set the switch to the “work” position;
  2. Press the button on the handle of the racket (the indicator will glow red) and, while holding the button, swing the racket so that the insect hits the surface and touches the net. Falling between the racket nets, charged with different potentials, the insect burns. After killing an insect, release the button and shake it off;
  3. If necessary, turn the switch to the “flashlight” position and use the fly swatter as a flashlight;
  4. Set the switch to the "charging" position and plug the cable into electrical network 220 V - the green LED indicator will light up.

Technical characteristics of one of the models

  • Dimensions 50x20x3 cm
  • Power supply battery 400 mAh, 4.2 V
  • Charging the battery 220V AC
  • Charging time 8-10 hours
  • Grid voltage 2000 V DC

Description of the fly swatter

  • Good electrical discharge power for insects.
  • Capacious rechargeable battery. It is very economical and convenient.
  • When the device is turned on, the indicator lights up, making operation safer. Another indicator turns on when charging.
  • Availability of built-in LED flashlight allows you to use the racket even in the dark.
  • A special three-layer mesh is used, which insects easily penetrate.

How the device works

The working area of ​​the fly swatter is a three-layer mesh made of metal wires under voltage. All you need to do is a few swings of the racket in the air. Depending on the model, an LED flashlight may be built into the handle, which can be used either as part of an electric fly swatter or separately. The principle of operation of the device is when a flying insect hits the work surface metal grating an electrical discharge occurs, sufficient to destroy the insect, but safe for humans.

The circuit may vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, but its essence does not change - as a high-voltage part of the converter, from 5-6 volt batteries to several thousand volts. Don’t let this figure scare you, the current there is small, just like that of an electric lighter, so it won’t cause any harm even if you accidentally touch the grid. In different models, power is supplied either from rechargeable batteries or from AA batteries. In the first case, the circuit contains a block of the simplest transformerless charger.

Video of an electric fly swatter in action


Advantages: perfectly kills insects on the fly, has a compact size, independent power supply from rechargeable batteries, high efficiency insect control, no chemicals or odors.

Flaws: the probability of receiving an electric shock by accidentally touching a metal mesh.

Electric fly swatter- a worthy replacement for outdated fly swatters, which will bring pleasure when hunting for harmful flying insects.

This device is designed for effective and quick control of domestic insects.
The store product (A), as a rule, is a handle and a working surface attached to it rectangular shape. They come from different materials. The simplest is all plastic. Sometimes there are rubber ones with a metal rod in the handle.

It works simply. We take the handle in our hand and use the working surface to hit the fly, mosquito, cockroach, centipede, bedbug and other uninvited insects.
The most interesting homemade fly swatter (B) is a handle, 10-15 mm in diameter, made from a straight tree branch (1) and a rubber striking surface cut from a car inner tube (2), round or rectangular in shape with a tail like this (3).
The branch is split (4) and this tail is inserted into the gap. The top is wrapped with (5) thread, twine, rope.
Everything would be fine, it works, but there are difficulties.

The fact is (C) that the solid, working surface of the flapper, when approaching the surface of the wall, along with the air, literally pushes out the insect (D). This especially applies to mosquitoes. Therefore, you have to hit the insect very hard. As a result, a smeared spot remains on the wall, ceiling or furniture, which spoils the surface, for example, a crushed corpse is simply absorbed into the ceiling. And if the mosquito was “bloody”, drunk and swollen with blood, it leaves a stain that is difficult to wash off.
I thought for a long time about how to make a fly swatter free of these shortcomings. I remembered how, as a child, in the garden, I came up with the idea of ​​​​fighting white butterflies, pests of cabbage. I found a thick branch without leaves and knocked down butterflies right in the air. The air whizzed through the dense interweaving of twigs, but the insect did not. But a fly or mosquito needs a very thick branch, and there are no such branches.
What if I made a work surface from a fine mesh, it dawned on me recently? Well, that is, I have seen industrial fly swatters with holes in the working surface, but there were very few holes, or they had a relatively small surface.

I hastily made the first prototype (6).
Here I also took a branch (7) of an apple tree. I bent the frame (8) from steel wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Covered it with metal, mosquito net(9). In such a way that the mesh protrudes somewhat (10). I simply turned up the edges of the mesh until it holds, although it is pricked by wires; ideally, fasten it with thin wire.
The frame itself was tied to the branch with fishing line.
I was delighted when the first swat on the mosquito was a success. Works! It’s so nice when an invented device immediately justifies the time and effort spent!
You don’t have to hit it too hard with this cotton swab; I rarely fly mosquitoes out from under it. There are practically no stains left. You can even get the hang of shooting down insects in flight!
Actually, it can probably be improved. For example, use a frame made of insulated wire or a plastic rod. Try installing a nylon mesh itself. If I get around to it, I’ll do it and publish it.
Exclusively dedicated to the livejournal.com service.

Today I want to tell you about how you can make a fly swatter at home with the function of shooting insects.

To begin with, I suggest you watch a video on how to make this device.

In this article, I will show you how to make a homemade fly swatter with a shot function. Why is there a shot function here? Well, for example, if the same fly that gives you discomfort climbed into a place where you physically cannot climb to kill the pest. You can shoot from our device and thus kill a fly in a place inaccessible to the fly swatter itself. Also, the “advantages” of our homemade product include the fact that this homemade product is reusable, universal and compact.

We will need an umbrella that is out of order or simply broken. Or rather, we need the “rod” of the umbrella itself.

So, we carefully attach a stationery clip to the end of this rod with a handle as shown in the photo.

Next we will attach it to the clamp. different types surface that can kill an insect: this can be thick material (for sharper and medium-sized insects):

Or a mesh “killer” (for small and “ordinary” insects):

Well, for large and sharp insects that are difficult to kill, we will clamp the slippers with a clamp.

With the help of a slipper you can apply very quickly, sharply and swipe and don’t leave the insect a single chance.

This concerns killing insects with your own efforts, and now I will tell you about this “shooting function”.

So, you need to take an elastic band (you can take it like an ordinary elastic band, but it’s better, of course, to take a thicker one) and carefully pull it as shown in the photo (by the way, you can pull several elastic bands so that there are several “shots”).

After you have pulled the elastic bands that will act as cartridges and see your target, you just need to aim and press the button to open the umbrella.

Due to the fact that by pressing the button you lower the lever down, you suddenly release the elastic from the tension and it quickly flies to the target, thereby causing damage to your insect.

The fly swatter is quite compact; we tighten the slipper and the rod with an elastic band and store the fly swatter. And you can practically store the “attachments” with which you kill targets in the sneaker itself.