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Podura in orchid soil. Podura or springtails: photos of a pest of indoor plants and methods of dealing with tiny insects. Chemicals to the rescue

It’s autumn outside the window, and the time has come to plant winter onion crops: garlic, onions and shallots. In order for autumn sowing to proceed safely and give a guaranteed result, you need to take care of preparing the soil in advance, carefully select and process the seed and comply with all agricultural techniques and recommendations.

Planting before winter is good because it allows you to unload spring work. In addition, during the period of snow melting, the plant can use reserves more economically and rationally. soil moisture. Well, as a rule, the bulb obtained from pre-winter planting is 15-20% larger than the bulb of the same variety, but planted in the spring.

IN Lately Summer residents increasingly began to grow shallots. It can be planted both in spring and before winter, but winter planting of shallots produces earlier greens, and harvesting occurs 2 weeks earlier.

Timing for planting shallots before winter

Optimal timing winter sowing shallots are determined by the fact that about 40 days must pass from the moment of planting to the onset of a period of stable soil freezing. During this time, a good root system is formed, which will ensure successful overwintering. Onions often freeze not because severe frosts and its low resistance to cold, but because it is not sufficiently rooted. If the onion has taken strong roots, it means it will overwinter well, and in the spring it will produce high yields.

In Siberia optimal timing Planting onions before winter is considered to be the period from September 25 to October 10.

It doesn’t matter what the weather conditions are outside your window - whether there will be snow, or the autumn rains will linger, or the belated Indian summer will return.

How to choose shallots for planting before winter

It is very important to choose the right bulbs for winter sowing. Thus, the formation of flowering shoots is influenced by the fraction of planting material. If you choose a large fraction for planting, then the likelihood that the plant will shoot is very high. In addition, a large bulb (60 g and above, 5-7 cm in diameter) forms up to 10-12 buds, so in the spring you will have a large nest of small bulbs.

The small fraction, on the contrary, overwinters well and does not go into the shoot, then forming rich, lush greenery. A small bulb (10-15 g, 2 cm in diameter) is considered an elite planting material. Therefore, choose bulbs of small diameter for winter sowing - in such a fraction there are few rudiments (from 2 to 4), and accordingly there will be few bulbs in the future nest, which means they will be larger.

This way, if a gardener sows a large onion, he will get a nest of small bulbs, and it will be great. planting material on next year, and if he sows a small onion, he will receive large onions - commercial ones, for food. Therefore, it is recommended to have shallot beds on the site both for growing planting material and for commercial onions.

Well, as usual, make sure that the bulbs for planting are healthy and thoroughly dried.

Processing shallots before planting before winter

In case if seed material You don’t have much, I recommend treating it with the peat-humic preparation “Rostok” before planting. Prepare the solution according to the instructions on the package. Planting material is soaked before planting overnight for 12 hours. After such treatment, the root system grows 2 times faster, the seedlings appear more friendly, and as a result, the immune system and onion resistance to disease increases.

Preparing the soil before planting shallots before winter

In order for the harvest to be high, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the soil - plow it a month before planting, thoroughly fertilize and moisten it.

1. Plowing the soil before planting

2. Fertilize the soil before planting

For landing winter crops You can add organic matter - humus or compost at the rate of 5-6 kg per 1 sq. m. It is not recommended to apply fresh manure. It would also be a good idea to add double superphosphate to pre-winter planting at the rate of 60-80 g per 1 square meter. m, you can add more ash to the grooves.

If you don't have enough organic matter, humus can be placed directly into the furrows. But it is better, of course, to apply fertilizer before digging - humus, in addition to nutrition, serves to improve the structure of the soil, it becomes looser, more permeable, and the plants feel very good.

3. Moisten the soil before planting

The soil for planting onions should be well moistened. After all, successful overwintering largely depends on the availability of soil moisture. If there is enough soil moisture, then the process of rooting of planting material occurs quickly, a powerful root system is formed, and the plant overwinters very well. If there is not enough moisture, the root system does not penetrate deep enough, which is why the onion may freeze.

Scheme for planting shallots before winter

To plant shallots, it is necessary to make grooves, and at a distance of 45-50 cm, because it requires a larger feeding area than onions or garlic, for example. Leave about 8-10 cm between the bulbs in the row, because the family onion forms a large nest and large bulbs.

You can deepen the bulbs by 5-6 cm, no more. Because of winter, the soil becomes more compacted, and the bulb may become deformed when planted in depth. It is better to mulch and cover the top well after planting the bulbs.

Violation of the planting pattern is a common mistake due to which summer residents cannot obtain shallots. When planting is thickened, a small onion is formed, because there is not enough space or nutrients for a large nest of family onions.

How to plant shallots before winter

When planting shallots, the orientation of the bulb is very important - it should be placed bottom down. For garlic, for example, the location of the bulb is not so critical - sometimes garlic is planted sideways or “upside down” by mistake, and it straightens out. The shoots, of course, will be twisted and weakened, but the garlic will nevertheless come to the surface. If you plant a shallot with its bottom facing up, it simply won’t come out and won’t overwinter.

Caring for shallots after planting before winter

After the bulbs are planted, it is recommended to lightly sprinkle them with earth or a mulching substance - humus, compost. Additionally, if little snow accumulates on the site, it is recommended to use snow retention techniques. Throw the remains of tops, old dry raspberries, and spruce branches onto the planting site. Some gardeners make shields - wooden floors similar to mini fences, which also contribute to the accumulation of snow. A sufficient amount of snow, as is known, is also the key to a good winter.

Planting shallots before winter (video)

Shallot (lat. Allium ascalonicum), aka Ashkelon onion, shallot, charlotte, onion of the Old Believers, magpie, bush onion, kushchevka, family onion, is herbaceous perennial family Onion. This species comes from onions from Asia Minor, but today it is widespread in the Caucasus, Moldova, Ukraine and Western Europe. Young leaves and small shallot bulbs, which have a pleasant aroma and exquisite taste, are eaten. Shallots are grown from seeds that are sown before winter or spring, and in winter, shallot bulbs are planted for forcing to produce greens. It has also been known for a long time healing properties shallots.

Planting and caring for shallots (in brief)

  • Landing: landing at open ground to get greens in May - in March or April, to get greens in April - before winter, in mid-October.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: loose, fertile, moderately moist, neutral reaction. Optimal soils– humus-sandy or humus loams.
  • Watering: during the growing season - at least three times. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped. In the absence of precipitation, watering is carried out once a week.
  • Feeding: organic and mineral. A month before harvest, fertilizing is stopped.
  • Reproduction: seed and vegetative (sevcom).
  • Pests: onion flies.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew, peronospora (downy mildew), fusarium wilt and neck rot.
  • Properties: is a medicinal and dietary plant.

Read more about growing shallots below.

Shallots - description

Shallots are herbaceous perennial plant, which forms so-called “nests”, for which it is called familial or multi-conceptual. The root system of shallots is weakly branched, fibrous, located in the arable layer. The leaves are tubular, hollow, cone-shaped, thin, tender, and do not become rough for a long time. The color of the feathers can vary from light to dark tones of green, sometimes the leaves are covered with a waxy coating. Slightly elongated shallot bulbs, covered with thin scales, weigh mainly from 20 to 50 g, although some hybrid varieties can form bulbs weighing 90-100 g. The inner scales of shallots are usually white with a purple, pink or greenish tint, the color of the covering scales ranges from white to purple. Shallot bulbs are well stored at home until spring sowing. Shallots grown in warmer climates are usually dark in color and have a semi-sharp flavor; cooler areas tend to produce sharper-tasting shallots.

Shallot inflorescences are a loose umbrella of inconspicuous flowers, located on an arrow up to 1 m long. Shallot seeds, which remain viable for 2-3 years, resemble onion seeds, only smaller in size.

Shallots are propagated mainly by vegetative means, but over time the bulbs lose their varietal qualities and accumulate diseases, which is why the yield gradually decreases. In this case, you need to purchase fresh planting material or grow a set from seeds. When sowing seeds in the first year, a multi-bud bulb is formed, like garlic, breaking up into five bulbs, which, when planted the following spring, will produce nests with even more bulbs.

Planting shallots in open ground

When to plant shallots in open ground

Plant shallots on feathers and turnips. The bulbs are planted in open ground in March or April, when the soil has warmed up well, and then you can expect green leaves already in May, and turnips a month later. To obtain early greens, you can plant shallots before winter, in mid-October, so that they have time to take root, but do not begin to grow. Onions planted in autumn will produce greens in April, and turnips in June.

At home, shallot bulbs are planted for forcing to obtain greens containing vitamins in winter.

Soil for shallots

The site for growing shallots should be sunny, and since shallots easily cross with onions, try not to plant them next to each other.

Shallots prefer loose, fertile, moderately moist soils with a neutral reaction, which must be prepared in advance for onions. Most of all, shallots love light humus or moist humus-sandy loams. If you are going to plant shallots in the spring, the soil for planting is cultivated in the fall - cleared of weeds, dug to a depth of 20-25 cm, adding 3-4 kg of compost or humus per m², a teaspoon of superphosphate and urea and 2-3 tablespoons spoons of wood ash. In the spring, 25 g are added to the soil before planting for each m². nitrogen fertilizer. The site is prepared in the summer for the autumn planting of shallots.

After which you can plant shallots

Growing shallots requires crop rotation. The best predecessors for the crop are tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini, cabbage and legumes. Do not plant shallots in areas where sunflowers, corn, beets, garlic and carrots previously grew. But growing carrots next to shallots is a great idea, since the two crops protect each other: the smell of carrots repels shallot pests, and vice versa. It is also good if any types of salads, strawberries, cucumbers or radishes grow next to the shallots.

Plant shallots on same place possible only after three years.

How to plant shallots in open ground

Planting shallots begins with pre-sowing treatment of the sets. First, the planting material is sorted: bulbs with a diameter of 3 cm and a weight of 30 g are considered the best, since they form more bulbs. Smaller bulbs are not as productive and are better used for winter sowing, while bulbs of larger diameter produce many bulbs that are too small.

A week before planting in the ground, in order to prevent downy mildew and other fungal diseases, the seedlings are heated for 8-10 hours in water at a temperature of 40-42 ºC. If you don't have time for this, soak the bulbs for half an hour before planting in a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate.

The bulbs are placed in the furrow at a distance of 10 cm from each other, leaving row spacing 20-30 cm wide for large bulbs, 15-18 cm for medium ones and 8-10 cm for small ones. Bulbs are planted in wet soil, immersing them to such a depth that there is a layer of earth 2-3 cm thick above them. If you plant shallots deeper, this will delay the growth of greenery and reduce the yield, and if planted shallowly, the resulting bulbs will stick out from under the ground. After planting, the area is mulched with humus or peat. If you want to speed up the appearance of greenery, cut the seedlings to the shoulders before planting, but you should know that in this case the yield of both greenery and turnips will be lower.

Planting shallots before winter

The winter planting procedure is carried out in the same order as the spring one, after which the area is mulched with a layer of peat 3.5-4 cm thick. The only difference between autumn and spring planting The problem is that before winter the bulbs are planted a little deeper. Despite the fact that shallots are a cold-resistant and even frost-resistant crop (it can withstand cold snaps down to -20 ºC, retaining vitality even after freezing), winter planting is best done in the southern regions, since in middle lane, in the Urals and Siberia, during winter sowing, up to 50% of the bulbs can die from the cold. At the same time, bulbs that have survived the winter in the soil produce more greenery than those planted in the spring. Green feathers of winter-sown shallots appear as soon as the snow melts.

If you propagate shallots vegetative way long time, this can lead to shredding of the bulbs, the development of diseases and reduced yield. Therefore, once every 10-15 years, planting material is renewed by growing shallots from seeds. Seeds sown in spring will produce onion sets in September. These will be small nests consisting of small bulbs that can be next year use as planting material.

Shallot care

How to Grow Shallots

Growing shallots and caring for them are not at all burdensome and consist of watering, loosening and weeding the beds during active growth, fertilization and protection from diseases and pests. Loosening the soil in the shallot bed is carried out once or twice a week, and regular weed and pest control will help prevent shallots from being damaged by incurable viral infections.

To keep the shallot bulbs large, the seedlings are thinned out in early July. At this time, it is not recommended to apply fertilizers or water, since instead of starting to increase the volume of the bulbs, the onions will continue to form leaves. If arrows begin to appear, break them out before they reach 10 cm.

Watering shallots

On average, shallots are watered at least three times per season, but the most important thing is to ensure soil moisture at the very beginning of the growing season. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped. Main principle The key to moistening a bed of shallots is that the soil should not dry out too much. If the summer is rainy, water the shallots less often; in dry summers, watering should be more frequent. If there is no rainfall in high cloud conditions, water the shallot area once a week.

Feeding shallots

Caring for shallots involves adding fertilizer to the soil. The crop responds well to fertilizing with bird droppings diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15 or a solution of one part mullein infusion in 10 parts water. Can be added to the soil and complex mineral fertilizer, dissolving 40 g in 10 liters of water. A month before harvesting, stop fertilizing, otherwise the onions will continue to produce feathers instead of growing bulbs. To make the turnips larger, after the nests have already formed, you need to carefully rake off the soil and break off the smallest bulbs along with the feather. They can be used as food or frozen.

Pests and diseases of shallots

In cold, damp weather, shallots can be affected by the fungal diseases powdery mildew, peronospora or downy mildew, fusarium wilt and neck rot. Sick plants should be removed immediately, and healthy ones should be sprayed with a solution of Quadris, Mikosan or Pentofag. However, keep in mind that after treatment with a pesticide, you cannot eat shallots for some time - the duration of action of toxic substances must be indicated in the instructions for use of the drug. To avoid infection of shallots with fungi, before planting, the sets are pickled for 30 minutes in a solution of the drug Maxim. It is also advisable to treat the seed that you are going to use next year with Maxim before storing it.

One of the pests that plagues shallots onion fly, appearing at the time of flowering of dandelion and cherry. Plants affected by the fly rot and wither. You can destroy the pest by dusting the shallots and the soil underneath them wood ash. If you find worms on your onions, the best remedy To combat them, treat the shallot leaves with a solution of a glass of salt in 10 liters of water.

The onion nematode, which bends the bottom of the mother bulb, can cause great harm to shallots. If a bulb infected with nematodes gets into the garden bed, it can infect healthy plants. You can use such a bulb for planting if you place it in a thermos with water at a temperature of 45 ºC for an hour or pickle it for several minutes in a four percent solution of Formalin.

Green shallot feathers are loved by garden aphids, the uncontrolled reproduction of which can create serious problem. There are many folk remedies against aphids, for example, decoctions of pepper, potato peels or chamomile. Among acaricidal drugs, Verticillin has proven itself well in the fight against aphids on shallots.

You cannot delay harvesting the bulbs, because they may germinate. Shallot nests are removed from the soil when more than half of the leaves have dried. The bulbs are removed from the ground and dried in the shade for several days, after which the dry leaves are cut off, the nests are disassembled into bulbs, placed in boxes, boxes or nets and stored in a cool, dry place. You can not cut the leaves, but weave braids from them. In such conditions, shallots are stored for five to seven months, but you need to regularly check the condition of the bulbs, identify and remove rotting ones.

You can also store shallots in peeled form: remove the covering scales from the bulbs, cut them, lightly moisten them, freeze them, then put them in plastic containers and keep it in the freezer. You can freeze onion feathers in the same way. Frozen shallots retain their properties.

Types and varieties of shallots

There are quite a few varieties of family onions, and they are divided into early, mid-season and late, as well as semi-sharp, spicy and sweet. Shallot varieties also differ in the color of the covering scales and the number of bulbs in the nest.

Early ripening varieties of shallots include the following:

  • Emerald– a variety with rounded bulbs in a pinkish-brown husk, weighing 20-30 g. In a nest there are up to 5 bulbs with white flesh of a semi-sharp taste;
  • Snowball– a variety characterized by high keeping quality with ovoid dense bulbs weighing up to 32 g with juicy white scales of a pungent taste;
  • Sprint– one of the best early varieties, resistant to downy mildew, with large bulbs of a pungent taste weighing up to 40 g. Up to 10 bulbs are formed in a nest;
  • Belozerets 94– a productive, long-lasting variety with round or round-oval bulbs of a sharp taste weighing 21-27 g with light lilac husk with a yellow tint and juicy purple flesh with a lilac tint;
  • Cascade- a productive, very shelf-stable variety with a sharp taste with a broad-ovoid bulb weighing up to 35 g. Both husks and juicy scales Pink colour;
  • Family– a disease-resistant variety of semi-sharp taste with rounded bulbs weighing up to 22 g with yellow-brown husk with a purple tint and white flesh. There can be 3-4 bulbs in one nest;
  • SIR-7- a long-lasting, productive variety with a sharp taste with bulbs weighing up to 32 g. One nest can contain from 4 to 7 bulbs.

In addition to those described, such early varieties shallots, like Zvezdochka, Off-season, Siberian yellow and others.

Mid-season shallots are represented by the following varieties:

  • Albik– a consistently productive semi-sharp variety, whose round-flat bulbs weighing 20-30 g are distinguished by good keeping quality. From 4 to 8 bulbs can form in a nest;
  • Kuban yellow– semi-sharp, productive variety with 3-4 round-flat bulbs weighing 25-30 g in one nest. Covering scales are yellow-brown, succulent - greenish or white;
  • Koinarsky– semi-sharp, highly productive variety with brownish-pink bulbs weighing up to 25 g with soft lilac pulp with a white tint;
  • Guran– semi-sharp variety with rounded bulbs weighing up to 26 g in light brown covering scales with a gray tint. There may be 4-5 bulbs in a nest;
  • Firebird– semi-sharp variety with rounded flat bulbs weighing 25-30 g in yellow-brown husk.

Mid-season shallot varieties Chapaevsky, Uralsky 40, Ural Violet, Garant, Gornyak, Afonya, Adreyka, Krupnolukovichny, Kushchevka Kharkovskaya, Seryozhka, Sophocles, hybrids Atlas, Bonilla and others are also popular.

The most famous varieties late onion are:

  • Kunak– semi-sharp variety with round or round-flat bulbs in yellow covering scales. There may be 3-4 rudiments in one nest of this variety;
  • Sturdy– semi-sharp, rot and bolting resistant variety with 4-5 bulbs weighing from 23 to 52 g with dry pink scales and reddish juicy scales;
  • Siberian amber– a variety with round-flat bulbs in yellow husks with white juicy scales. The mass of the bulbs, of which there are 6-7 pieces in a nest, is 28-30 g;
  • Merneuli (Bargalinsky)– a highly productive variety with large oval-elongated bulbs weighing from 50 to 90 g with pink-yellow dry scales and juicy white scales. There can be from 4 to 6 such bulbs in a nest;
  • Vonsky– a variety resistant to pests, diseases and unfavorable growing conditions with 3-4 bulbs weighing from 30 to 70 g with red outer and white juicy scales.

Properties of shallots - harm and benefit

Useful properties of shallots

The composition of shallots is not much different from the composition of onions. Shallot leaves and bulbs contain essential oil, B vitamins, carotenoids, phytoncides, however minerals, there is more ascorbic acid and sugars in shallots than in onions. The composition of shallots includes salts of phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, as well as cobalt, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, silicon, vanadium, titanium and germanium.

IN folk medicine Shallots have long been used to treat stomach and eye diseases.

Leaves and young shallot bulbs are used in cooking, both fresh and pickled. The taste, more subtle than that of onions, has made shallots a valuable ingredient in French cuisine - they are added to sauces and soups to add flavor to dishes, and also added to poultry and game delicacies.

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The family onion, or shallot as Europeans call it, is a type of onion. The plant was named because of its ability to grow in families; not just one grows, but forms several bulbs at once. Although they are small in size, shallots are loved by many gardeners. Planting family onions before winter is not a difficult task; the main thing is to choose high-quality planting material, follow the terms and rules of planting.

Is it possible to plant family onions before winter?

In regions with short and rainy summer Most onion varieties do not have time to ripen in time. Therefore, to grow onions for feathers and turnips, family onions are suitable, which can be planted before winter.

Planting before winter allows you to get early feathers and increase productivity. This is due to the fact that when the snow melts, the onion accumulates moisture and distributes it throughout the plant. nutrients. Due to the increase in each head, the yield increases by 25%.

Family onions are early ripening varieties. The ripening period is 60 days. But before it begins to grow, the plant hibernates for a long time.

When to plant heirloom onions before winter

Family onions are planted in the fall, 1.5 months before the onset of stable frosts. In order for the seed to feel comfortable, the daytime temperature should be 0 - +5 degrees, the night temperature can drop to -3 degrees.

With such temperature indicators the soil remains warm and the onions have time to take root before the snow falls.

Important! Family onions are cold-resistant only if they have a strong, developed root system.

How to plant family onions before winter

Before planting shallots before winter, you need to select and prepare planting material and prepare the soil for planting.

Before winter you can plant seeds and sets. Seeds must not be expired. At correct landing Shoots appear in mid-autumn, quickly take root and winter well even in regions with an unstable climate.

To get a large and healthy harvest, the choice of seedlings must be taken with full responsibility:

  • large bulbs (5-7 cm in diameter) shoot arrows in the spring, form numerous families of small heads - the crop ripens with low commercial quality;
  • bulbs 2 cm in diameter are ideal for planting before winter - when proper care the plant will produce about 10 large juicy heads.

Planting material must be well dried, healthy, without damage or rot.

Not all varieties of heirloom onions are suitable for planting before winter. Most suitable:

  1. Sprint – grade with early ripening and pungent taste. The plant produces up to 9 bulbs weighing 35 g. Sprint is one of the best varieties for early harvest.
  2. Catkin – the plant forms 7 large heads with a very pungent taste.
  3. Garant is a mid-season variety. During the growth process, onions produce a lot of greenery, up to 200 g per bush. Productivity is high, up to 11 large flat heads of bright yellow color.
  4. Ural purple– mid-season variety. The rhombic bulb is large, the scales are colored red-violet. Ripening – 90%, shelf life – up to six months.
  5. Krepysh is a medium-late variety, ripening occurs 70 days after rooting. The oval bulb is large, weighing up to 50 g. The variety is frost-resistant and can grow in all regions of Russia.

Soil preparation

To grow a rich harvest, heirloom onions are planted in an open, sunny place. A month before sowing, the soil is dug up and fertilizers are applied. Per sq. m add 6 kg of humus and 80 g of double superphosphate. Wood ash is used as phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Important! Before planting, check the acidity of the soil. If it is high, then add lime.

For better rooting, it is necessary to carry out regular watering: from the moment of planting until the first snow falls. A large number of water will allow the plant to accumulate moisture for the winter and quickly grow roots.

Preparation of planting material

Preparing the seedlings for planting begins with drying them. This process consists of 2 stages:

  • The planting material is kept for 2-3 weeks at a temperature of +20 degrees;
  • then the sets are heated for 9 hours at a temperature of +30 degrees.

To prevent diseases from occurring, the seeds are soaked in weak solution potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 liters of water). For better rooting, they are treated with a growth stimulator or kept in water at a temperature of +50 degrees. After 15 minutes, it is removed and immersed in cold water for 10 minutes.

Planting by seeds

Landing rules:

  1. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water with a growth stimulator solution.
  2. Seeds are sown in dug up beds in rows, with an interval of 20 cm from each other, to a depth of 1 cm.
  3. After sowing, the soil is compacted, watered and mulched.

When sowing seeds in the second half of August, the first shoots will appear in mid-September. At this time, the seeds form a set, which takes root and grows root system, which gives high winter hardiness and good harvest in the middle of July.

Advice! Deformed heads grow from buried seeds.

To obtain a large harvest, it is necessary to observe the interval between plantings and adhere to simple rules care

Planting seedlings


  1. Before planting, the seedlings are disinfected and treated with a growth stimulator. Thanks to this, family onions will be less susceptible to diseases, and germination will occur 2 weeks earlier.
  2. Family onions need to be planted in rows, at a distance of 25 cm and deepened by 3-4 cm. It must be remembered that family onions form up to 11 heads, so thickened planting affects the yield.
  3. After planting, the ridges are watered and mulched. Mulch will provide additional nutrition, retain moisture and prevent weeds from growing. Straw, dry leaves or humus are used as mulch.
  4. With the arrival of spring, the mulch is removed. This must be done so that the seedlings do not wither and the earth begins to warm up under the rays of the spring sun. Spring frosts There is no need to be alarmed, as the bulb will grow a root system over the winter and will be able to withstand a slight drop in temperature well.

In the Northern regions, with the arrival of the first snow, they protect against freezing (the beds are covered with snow). To form a snow cap, you can make a canopy of shields that will trap snow on the bed, as a result of which the crops will not be able to freeze.

Care after landing

Care family bow simple. The main thing is to follow the necessary recommendations in time:

  1. In spring, winter mulch is removed.
  2. Watering is carried out as the soil dries, per square meter. m – 2 buckets of water.
  3. After germination, new mulch of straw or sawdust is laid.
  4. Loosening is neat, to a shallow depth.
  5. If the onion is grown for the head, the feather is not cut off.
  6. To obtain large bulbs, thinning is necessary. It is carried out several times per season, ultimately leaving 3-5 bulbs.
  7. Watering is stopped 14 days before harvest.
  8. When the feathers turn yellow and lodge, harvesting is carried out.
  9. The harvested crops are dried, the feather is cut 3 cm from the bulb.
  10. Store in a dry, ventilated area.


Planting heirloom onions before winter has a number of advantages: early, high yield, minimal labor costs, fresh herbs at the beginning of summer. Despite small size heads, shallots are very popular throughout Russia.