home · Lighting · Geyser Ariston fast evo 11.  Ariston geysers: review of models, technical characteristics, malfunctions. No interest is charged when paying by credit card

Geyser Ariston fast evo 11.  Ariston geysers: review of models, technical characteristics, malfunctions. No interest is charged when paying by credit card

The Ariston gas instantaneous water heater is one of the most popular in our country. Numerous customer reviews tell us this. gas Ariston speakers all over the Internet, which are quite different, because any manufacturer has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The world-famous Italian brand has been supplying its products throughout Europe for almost 100 years. The company has earned a good reputation for producing high-quality household appliances: washing and dishwashers, and hoods for the kitchen, as well as: electric and gas, storage and flow.

Today we will take a closer look at gas instantaneous water heaters from this Italian company. Let's look at the main models and prices of Ariston gas water heaters, which can be found in the windows of our stores. Let's look at the functions specifications And internal organization unit according to the operating instructions.

Model range and technical characteristics

Despite the fact that the company itself is based in Italy, Ariston gas water heaters are assembled in China (manufacturing country: Singapore), as well as water heaters. This made it possible to somewhat reduce the cost of water heaters for the end consumer in Russia and the rest of Europe.

However, all models are equipped modern systems safety: “gas control”, traction sensors, water temperature and overheating protection.

Ariston Fast Evo 11 C and 11 B models

The main models that the Italian company promotes on Russian market, are:

— Fast Evo 11 C and 14 C;
— Fast Evo 11 B and 14 B;
— Superlux DGI 10L CF;
— Marco Polo Gi7S and M2 (with closed camera combustion).

1. The most popular and widespread is the series of geysers “ Ariston Fast Evo» .
These models are available with a power of 19 and 24 kW, and a hot water capacity of 11 and 14 l/min, respectively. The performance of a speaker can be understood by looking at its designation, for example, Ariston water heater Fast Evo 11 or 14.

Models of the “B” series are equipped with electric ignition using two batteries, i.e. All water heaters are automatic water heaters. They are characterized by the presence of a tubular copper heat exchanger and a system of smooth flame modulation on the burner to maintain a constant temperature of the water leaving the apparatus.

In addition, devices in this series come in two types:

- type C;
- type B.

Gas water heaters modifications Fast Evo 11 and 14 series “B” have a special temperature switch knob on the control panel. The operation of the “C” series column is controlled using convenient buttons on the front panel, and is controlled using a digital display that shows codes possible errors, as well as parameters for the set water temperature. The Fast Evo 11 and 14 series “C” devices are ignited from a 220 Volt power supply.

2. Geysers Ariston model " Marco Polo Gi7S" And " M2"is a series of turbocharged flow-through gas water heaters. These models do not require a chimney in a private house or apartment.

You just need to buy a special kit for horizontal smoke removal and place it directly through the wall onto the street. Thanks to the turbine (fan) installed in the column, there will be a forced emission of combustion products from the apparatus to the street.

This type of gas water heaters is convenient when the house does not have a stationary chimney and there is no way to assemble it. To install speakers of this type you need special permission from supervisory authorities. The chimney diameter for these speakers is 60 mm, and the price per set is about 3,000 rubles. These geysers are energy dependent, because The fan is powered from a 220 V power supply.

"Ariston Marco Polo Gi7s 11L FFi" and "Ariston M2 10L FF"

The Ariston M2 10L FF model is characterized by a thermal power of 18 kW and a productivity of 10 l/min, which is sufficient for only one water collection point, as well as the presence of a 3-stage gas burner for operating the speaker in different temperature conditions hot water.

The Ariston Marco Polo Gi7S 11L FFI model is a gas water heater with a closed combustion chamber, it is slightly more powerful: 22 kW and produces 11 l/min. Metal body The device gives this speaker a very original and modern appearance. The ignition is automatic electronic, and the column is controlled using buttons on the display.

3. " Ariston DGI 10L CF Superlux"is the most budget-friendly series of speakers assembled in Russia. It is characterized by mechanical control, automatic electric ignition, winter-summer mode and a capacity of 10 l/min. This dispenser has a gas control system, but there is no protection against overheating, but you can buy it at a price of 7,000 rubles.

Ariston geyser device

I propose to disassemble the internal structure of the speakers, using perhaps the best-selling model “Fast Evo B” as an example.

The device of the gas water heater Ariston Fast Evo 14 B

1 — traction stabilizer
2 - frame
3 - copper tubular heat exchanger
4 - gas burner
5 - collector
6 - temperature sensor
7 - gas valve
8 — temperature setting knob
9 - electronic board
10 - settings and fault indicators
11 — ignition unit
12 - flow switch
13 - flame sensor and ignition electrode
14 - overheat sensor
15 - traction sensor
16 - water filter

The diameter of the water and gas pipes is 1/2 inch (15 mm), the chimney diameter for the Fast Evo 11 and 14 models is 113 and 132 mm, respectively.

LCD display of geyser Ariston Fast Evo 11 C

Ariston geyser malfunctions

About malfunctions in the operation of this gas instantaneous water heater indicated by the indicators on the control display of the device.

1. If the light is constantly on, it means it’s time to replace the batteries.

2. If the indicator flashes once, this indicates that the microswitches of the column are faulty.

3. The indicator flashes twice - the water temperature sensor needs to be replaced.

4. Three flashes of the indicator indicate that there is no flame when igniting the column; it is necessary to check the ignition electrode and the flame control sensor.

5. The indicator flashes 4 times in a row - the gas valve is faulty.

6. If there are 5 flashes in a row, it means the device is overheating, check the condition of the chimney.

Advantages of Ariston geysers:

modern design
modern technologies
- low noise level
- copper heat exchanger in all models
- prestigious brand

Disadvantages of Ariston brand geysers:

- Asian assembly
high prices for parts
- does not work well at low water pressure

We have reviewed geysers Ariston based on consumer reviews based on the operating instructions. We compared the technical characteristics of various models, disassembled frequent malfunctions and errors during operation. Let's watch the video.

If you do not take into account the price of about 15,000 rubles, the device is made of much better quality than speakers from Chinese manufacturers. But, on the other hand, for this money you can already buy a European-assembled gas water heater from other well-known manufacturers.

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Rating 5

Advantages: 1. After installing the column and mandatory adjustment by a specialist, there is always hot water. You don't need to do anything with the column. It ignites and extinguishes itself. There is no need to change batteries - the electronics are powered from the mains. I rarely go to the water pump, only if for some reason I need water at a different temperature.
2. There is no need to regulate the supply of gas and water to obtain desired temperature. This column does not display thermometer readings, but the desired water temperature set by the user. Using the buttons, I set the required temperature on the display, and the automation itself will select the required gas supply. If I’m washing in the shower, and someone turned on the faucet in the kitchen, or flushed the toilet, or for some other reason the water pressure or flow rate or gas pressure changed, then I don’t need to run to the water pump and adjust anything there. You just need to wait a little - the automation itself will select the flame power so that the water temperature returns to the value previously set on the display.
3. The column works reliably even with very low water pressure.
4. A properly configured speaker is very quiet.

Disadvantages: 1. The water temperature does not stabilize instantly, but fluctuates for some time above and below the set value. You will have to get used to this drawback. If the column is configured correctly, the oscillations quickly die out and the temperature is maintained with high accuracy.
2. Powering electronics from the mains eliminates the need to change batteries, but requires electrical outlet near the column. Without electricity, the speaker does not work.

Comment: To maintain the warranty, commissioning of the column must be carried out by an authorized specialist service center Ariston. For proper operation he must configure the columns and write four parameters into the memory of the control unit:
1. Type of gas used.
2. Maximum power(so as not to overheat the radiator).
3. Minimum power (at which the burner burns stably and does not go out).
4. Smooth ignition power (such that the gas ignites reliably, but smoothly - without popping).
The instructions tell you how to correctly set these parameters by monitoring the pressure at the outlet of the gas valve using a pressure gauge.
A certified “specialist” came to me without a pressure gauge, who had never seen such a column before, nor instructions for setting it up. Therefore, after warranty documents commissioning marks appeared, I had to do the setup myself.
Setting it up without a pressure gauge was not so quick, but the result is pleasing. For those interested in details with specific numbers, see them in the discussion:

Order by phone You can clarify any details and place an order through our managers by phone. Call the sales department at +7(495)777-67-22, our specialists will definitely help you with your choice and place an order for you. Quick order The easiest way to order a product is to place an order in one click! Next to the product price, click the button Quick order, enter your phone number and press Checkout and your order will be processed. In a few minutes the manager will call you back to clarify the details of delivery of the goods. Ordering through a shopping cart If you want to purchase several products at once, use the classic shopping cart. Next to the product price, click the button Buy. Do this for all the products you want to purchase. After that, go to the cart by clicking the button Basket in the back right corner of the site. In the cart, check the order contents and its amount. After this, fill in the fields of the contact form, select a delivery method and click Checkout, and your order will be processed. In a few minutes the manager will call you back to clarify the details of delivery of the goods. Order via mail email you can send a list of products you are interested in. Even if you did not find the product on our website, we will do it for you. Send specifications, plans, calculations - we consider all letters from our clients.
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Delivery in Moscow and Moscow Region You can be sure: our own delivery service will deliver the goods with all necessary documents straight to your home. Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road - 500 rubles, outside the Moscow Ring Road - 40 rubles/kilometer. Delivery within Russia We will send the goods for you to any point in Russia through your chosen transport company. The cost of such delivery depends on the region, dimensions and weight of the goods. Detailed information You can always check with our managers about delivery within Russia. Pickup Our office is located in the Rumyantsevo business park on Kievskoe highway. Just 500 meters from the Moscow Ring Road, free parking, walking distance metro. You can pay for the goods in the office and pick them up at the warehouse. Before arriving, call us to check product availability and order a pass to the business park.
How to pay for goods?
Cash to the courier Upon receipt of the order, pay the goods in cash to the courier. Cashless payment For legal entities we offer cashless payment.

The main advantage of the new Fast Evo C and Fast Evo B geysers is the ability to set the exact temperature. The user simply sets the desired parameters using the control panel, and the device automatically adjusts its power to ensure consistent heating in all conditions.

Depending on the power, the devices will provide the consumer with 11 or 14 liters of hot water per minute. This is enough for one family member to take a shower while the other washes the dishes at the same time. Power does not affect the dimensions, so the device is suitable for installation even in small rooms without compromising space.

Modifications Fast Evo B - column with open camera combustion, ignited by batteries. They are distinguished by amazingly simple and reliable operation. This is done using just one knob on the front panel.

The safety of all models is ensured by a multi-stage protection system that monitors faults: for example, lack of flame or sufficient air draft, overheating of the heat exchanger. In case of incorrect operation, the installation is immediately switched off. The devices operate reliably at a minimum pressure of 0.1 bar.

Questions and answers

What is hydroignition? I want to take Bosch speaker WRD 13-2G. Am I right.

ANSWER: Good afternoon!
With this system, ignition occurs automatically when the water is turned on, without batteries. But such a system is not very reliable; we recommend purchasing a column with automatic ignition from batteries

What is the warranty period and which components are covered? and is it necessary to carry out regular maintenance to maintain the warranty?

ANSWER: Good afternoon!
The warranty on Electrolux speakers is 2 years from the date of installation. To extend the warranty for a second year, it is necessary to carry out maintenance one year after installation - this is a requirement for all geysers.

Hello! Electrolux 14 liter failed. Worked for 15 years. What column do you recommend as a replacement? Extra bells and whistles are not needed. I was choosing between Electrolux and Bosch. Maybe something else should be considered? Thank you

ANSWER: Good afternoon! Electrolux still remains good option. At Bosch Lately a lot of complaints - immediately after warranty period The heat exchanger begins to leak. And as an alternative, you can consider Baltgaz/Neva - no one can compare with them in terms of warranty period

Good afternoon Who answers the questions? Manager or engineer? If it's a manager, there are no questions. If I'm an engineer, then I have 2 questions.
1) the passport for the gas column states “capacity 6 l/min”, what does this mean? That at any input pressure (volume of passing water) only 6 liters of water will pass through the water block or that the heating specified in the documentation, for example, by 50 degrees, will be provided only to this volume (if it increases, the heating of the water will be less at constant power combustion, when it decreases, the heating increases)?
2) In the Neva Transit series of gas pumps (made in China), the minimum is indicated. water pressure for start-up 0.02 bar. It's not a mistake? Maybe MPa, not bars? Why is this value so low? For all manufacturers, this value is no less than 0.1-0.15 bar (=0.01-0.015 mPa=almost 0.1-0.15 atm).

ANSWER: Good afternoon!
1) This means that in a minute the column will output 6 liters of water heated 25 degrees higher cold water. If you want to heat water by 50 degrees, then the productivity will be 3 l/min.
2) Yes, an error. Minimum pressure 0.2 bar. Thank you for writing about this and fixing it.

Please help me choose a RELIABLE gas water heater for the apartment, enough for 2 points of consumption, taking into account the low pressure in the water supply (2-2.5 atm in a system with the taps turned off).

ANSWER: Good afternoon! Our speakers are best suited: BaltGaz Comfort 13 or 15, or Neva 5514. If you are interested in imported ones, then Electrolux 14.

I've heard a lot about mora top speakers being the best. Is it so? and which one would you recommend if not the 13 liter mora?

ANSWER: Good afternoon! Mora speakers are really good, but they have problems with the availability of components and their cost. In this regard, we recommend Neva/BaltGaz and Electrolux gas water heaters, which have no problems with this and are reliable - they have a warranty of up to 5 years.


Hello! I have a great desire to buy a geyser Neva 4508 at liquefied gas, in connection with this, where can I buy it in Moscow?

ANSWER: Good afternoon! You can buy from us, for example))

Good afternoon. The gas water heater is AEG 11 ERN. It suddenly broke down - when you turned on the water tap, it stopped giving a spark to the burner (the battery was changed). Is there a possibility of repair? If not, which one should I replace with Bosch 10 - 2V or Bosch 13 -2V at the lowest cost (chimney, etc.)? Thank you.

ANSWER: Good afternoon! AEG speakers have not been sold in Russia for a long time. And you are unlikely to find spare parts for it.
We advise you to change not to Bosch, but to a higher quality speaker - for example, Electrolux. In terms of displacement, I think 12 liters will suit you.

Alexey Anatolyevich Mikhailov

Good afternoon
I have Electrolux GWH 265 ERN NanoPlus (5 years). I suspect a malfunction of the water unit (water is oozing presumably from under the gaskets). Question: is it worth replacing the entire column? And if so, what is it worth? The same for another five years - somehow it doesn’t warm the soul. Does it make sense to consider Bosch W 10 KB or Electrolux GWH 10 NanoPlus 2.0 as an alternative? Will they be more reliable? The house has problems with water pressure (extremely low, even suites only work with the water flow tap turned up to the maximum and are regulated only by gas) and there are no problems with gas and draft.

ANSWER: Good afternoon! Most likely, replacing the unit will cost almost the same as a new column. Between Bosch and Electrolux, choose Electrolux. Bosch 10 KB performed poorly in contrast to Electrolux. The model you indicated is correct - Electrolux GWH 10 NanoPlus 2.0, it should work normally if the water pressure is poor.

Good evening. Please tell me what metal the heat exchanger for Electrolux geysers is made of?

ANSWER: Good evening! Electrolux, like many other manufacturers, has a copper heat exchanger

Vladimir Alekseevich

How do BaltGaz Comfort 13 - 15 dispensers differ from Neva 5514 structurally (heat exchanger, ignition, materials used, functionality, etc.)? Thank you.

ANSWER: Good afternoon! The Comfort series speakers have a digital display that shows the water temperature and battery charge level. Otherwise there are no differences

Do you have a Vaillant MAG gas water heater?
(it says that it is discontinued, but the price is worth it)

ANSWER: Good afternoon! The speakers are indeed discontinued, we no longer have any leftovers.

We bought and connected a Bosch Therm 4000 O WR 13-2 G speaker. A day later we noticed that from inside The heat exchanger drips hot water approximately every 1-3 minutes. Sometimes a hissing sound is heard, as if a drop of water is dripping onto a hot surface, possibly onto a burner. Water drips only when the column is running. When turned off, the water does not flow, although the column remains under water pressure (the tap is closed at the outlet).
Does this mean the heat exchanger is faulty? Is it necessary to do something in such a situation, or can it go away on its own with time?

ANSWER: Good afternoon! Most likely condensation is falling, there is nothing wrong with that.

What do you recommend to buy? Geyser...innovita 14i or Baltgaz comfort? Which is more reliable? Yuri

ANSWER: Good afternoon! We would recommend Baltgaz Comfort. They have a 5-year warranty, all components are Russian, good quality. It is also easier and cheaper to find components from Baltgaz in case of post-warranty repairs.

Hello, we decided on this product, the Bosch WR 13-2 B geyser with automatic ignition, but the question remained: “Is it possible to regulate the water temperature not on the column itself, but by opening an additional tap with cold water"Thanks in advance for your answer.

ANSWER: Good afternoon! This can be done, but it is not advisable - in this case the column will serve you less.

Who is the manufacturer

ANSWER: Hello, the country of origin of all Bosch speakers is Portugal.

how much does it cost to install a Bosch WRD 13-2 geyser?

ANSWER: Hello, usually installing a gas water heater costs 2,500 rubles. Materials are paid separately. It is better to check in detail with the manager or installer by calling the numbers on the website.

TAMARA Konstantinovna

Hello! Neva 3208 is hanging. I want to install Bosch WR13-2P. How much will a replacement cost? Thank you.

ANSWER: Hello, usually installing a gas water heater costs 2,500 rubles, dismantling an old one costs 350 rubles. Materials are paid separately. It is better to check in detail with the manager or installer by calling the numbers on the website.

Thank you, I received an answer to my question.
I have one more question. Is it possible to replace the Neva Lux 5013 water heater with a Bosch Therm 4000 O WR 13-2 B gas water heater and how much will it cost? Thank you.

ANSWER: Good afternoon! Of course you can. Dismantling old column costs 350 rubles, installation of a new one - 2500.

the cost of a Neva Lux 5013 (5025) gas water heater, which water heater can be replaced with the least labor and material costs

ANSWER: Good afternoon! Consider 5514.