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Gaming slang in CS:GO: communicate like an e-sportsman! Glossary of terms in Counter Strike

While playing CS GO, you often heard certain phrases from your teammates that you could not understand. It was these phrases that you let fall on deaf ears due to ignorance. Some of these phrases mean good things :)

Let's go from the most popular.

Global blocking

If you see a similar message in your CS GO, you can delete your account. This blocking is carried out as VAC - forever. Why not VAC? You . You will not be able to remove this ban.
This also leads to the unreliable status. It’s a little better here, there is an opinion that you will be unbanned after 365 days.


GG in cs go means - good game [Good game/Good game].


NS - in KS - Nice shot [Good shot]


hf - in cs:go have fun [Good luck]


A Smurf is a person who plays on an account whose rank is lower than his playing level.


MM in cs go is matchmaking, namely a competitive mode.


Picking in CS:GO means - [Shoot/Check position]


WP - Well played - [Well played]


gh - good half [Good half]. This is written after the end of the first half of the game.


322 - deliberate loss to the opponent.

Star Trek

Star Trek is a weapon add-on that counts the number of kills from it. Kills only count in your hands.

Eco / ECO

Eco (ECO) in cs go allows you to make an economic round. This round you don't shop AT ALL!


Boosting in CS:GO has 2 meanings.
1. Boost your account, i.e. raise your rank in the game
2. Place it somewhere.


Clutch in cs go means that you are left alone against several players and must win the round. If you win the round, it's clutch.


Every schoolchild dreams of making ACE. ACE - when you kill 5 opponents in one round.


The four most common (everyone should know):

gg - good game - good game , or gg wp - good game well played - good game well played(usually said at the end of a game or match, the loser usually speaks first, thereby indicating that he gives up)
gl - good luck - Good luck(to the opponent before the game)
hf - have fun - have some fun(also before the game, often used together or instead of gl - gl&hf)
n1 - nice one or number one - not bad or number one(usually about the frag)

Less frequently used:

Hello, hi, ky, qq - Greetings, hello.
bl - bad luck - bad luck
bg - bad game - bad game (usually written by losing lamaks as an excuse)
gh - good half or good hunt - good half(played well half - 15 rounds per side) or have a good hunting(wish is used less often).
eco - eco-round, zero - round without purchase, is used to save money for the next rounds, in order to save up for more serious weapons.
nk - nice kill - good kill
nt - nice try - nice try
gj - good job - good job
ns - nice shoot - cool shot!
wd - well done - well done - good job(to teammates)
save - save (save)- When a player realizes that he will no longer be able to win the round for his team, he simply runs away and saves the weapon for the next round.
drop - weapon release- that is, your teammate asks to give him a weapon
rdy - ready - ready/ready
sorry, sry - sorry - sorry
hp - Health - health, life

A few more found in chats (not necessarily in games):

afk - away from keyboard - walked away from the keyboard
btw - by the way - by the way, lastly
fu - f..k you - go to...(all clear)
stfu - shut ta f..k up - shut the fuck up(everything is clear here too)
wtf? - what the f.ck? - What the f... am I?
brb - be right back - I'll be back soon
omg - oh my god - Oh my God
omfg - oh my f....g god- (an even cooler statement, usually when something incredible happens in the game, an unreal frag or something like that)
1337 - elite - elite(often used by noobs in clan names)
bb - bye bye - bye bye
kk(k) - ok - OK
сya (cyaz)see you - see you
n.p. - no problem - No problem
lol - laughing out loud - I laugh very loud(denotes laughter)
rofl - rolling on the floor laughing - I'm rolling on the floor laughing(the same)
nvm - nevermind - doesn't matter
imho - in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion
imo - in my opinion - in my opinion
TT - cry(two eyes from which tears flow, used in uppercase)
pls, plz - please - Please
w8 - wait - Wait
gtg - got to go - Need to go
thx, ty - thank you - Thank you
LMAO - laughing my ??? off - I'm laughing so hard my ass is about to fall off

Key terms:

Contra, kstrike, CS, CS- abbreviated names of the game Counter Strike.
Config- a set of parameters that allows you to optimally configure cs for a comfortable game; involves the use of variables together with aliases;
is individual for each player.
Connect- connection to the server.
Ping- speed of exchange (latency) of information with the server (the lower the ping, the better the connection).
TT, Tery- Terrorists (team of terrorists).
CT, CT, Cops, counters- Counter-Terrorists (team of counter-terrorists).
Spectrator- observing the game without participating in it.
Enemy- The enemy.
Teamplay- team game.
Frag- the enemy you kill, the number of frags and deaths is recorded in the table and your place in the team is determined.
Console - command line, called up in the game with the tilde "~" key.
Map, Map, Map- map in Counter Strike.
Demo- the gameplay of an individual player or the entire game recorded in a special file, with its help you can expose cheaters.
Resp, Respawn, respawn- the place where teams of terrorists and counter-terrorists appear.
Father, dad, ????????????- cool player.
Clan- a team consisting of 2 or more players (maximum for the game is 5).
Clan War (clan war), cw- clan war, one team plays against another.
Skill- a player’s gaming skill, which includes all the characteristics characteristic of a professional player, such as: reaction speed, high level possession of weapons, quick assessment of the situation and much more.
Aim- a player’s characteristic that allows him to quickly and accurately aim at any desired place on the enemy’s body (by default, the head) and inflict the maximum possible damage in the minimum possible time.
Cheater- a player who uses specialized programs that give him clear advantages in front of other players.
Aimbot (Aim)- a cheat that gives you incredible accuracy (by default - to the head).
WH, Wallhack- a cheat that allows you to look through walls, is scorched by many servers and anti-cheats, and is not recommended to be used so as not to spoil your reputation.
Anti-Cheats- a program that monitors (prohibits) the use of cheats.
Headshot- hit in the head to death.
Camper- a player who is absent from the active action zone, unrelated to the completion of a team task, plays for himself, does not help anyone, hides behind boxes, walls and other places and kills enemies.
Ears- headphones.
Leaver, Leaver- A player who leaves the game before its logical conclusion. This is usually the name given to people who specifically quit the game when they start losing.
LS (Low Skill)- low level of play.
MS (Middle Skill)- average level of play.
HS (High Skill)- high level of play.
PS (Pro Skill)- Pro game level.
Bots- computer players.
Noob (Noob), lamer (Lamer)- a beginner player who plays poorly.
Meat, Bot, Farsh, bomj (meat, bot, minced meat, bum)- synonyms for the word Noob, but more offensive to the player.
Random- a situation when a person holding the trigger while shooting, i.e. shooting with a clip in very long bursts almost at random, accidentally hitting the enemy’s head.
Check- short-term scanning of the territory for the presence of the enemy.
Rush- fast movement from respawn to a given point. Characterized by complete disregard for enemy actions.
Arkadnik- a player who plays for surprise, i.e. one runs out into the danger zone, which is controlled by enemies.
Def/Hold- defense of the specified area of ​​the map, tactics of the game "from defense" / killing arcade players.
Lag / Bug- poor connection / game (card) errors.
Splash- indirect damage, when the projectile causes damage with a blast wave.
Strafe (strafe), strafe- move sideways, keeping the target in front of your “eyes”.
Up- replanting
Device- one of the accepted designations for weapons in Counter-Strike.
Burst- shooting several rounds.
Plant (Plant), bmb (Bomb)- an explosive device that must be delivered to Bomb Place by terrorists.
Bomb Place, plant- a place for terrorists to plant a bomb on maps of the "de_" type.
HE, HaE- fragmentation grenade.
Fb (flash, flash drive)- blinding grenade.
Smoke (smoke), smoke- smoke grenade.

Violation terms:

Admin (admin)- a player who keeps order in the game.
TK, Team Kill (Team kill) / TA, Team Attack- killing a teammate/attacking a teammate.
Flood- writing meaningless or unreasonably frequently repeated messages using the say and team_say commands, or through voice messages into the microphone
Troublemaking- creating various kinds of problems.
Laming- deviation from completing a task and performing actions not related to the goals of the game.
Lagger- a player with a slow or poor-quality connection, which is why he moves not smoothly, but in jumps.
Kick- Release from the server. Light administrative punishment for minor violations of gaming discipline.
Slay- killing a player by an admin. Punishment.
Slap- kick of the player by the admin. Subtracts from 0 to 100 hp.
Ban- “Heavy” administrative punishment. Kicked from the server with a ban on further entry. Punishable from 1 minute to infinity (permament), based on the severity of the violation (permament is usually issued for cheating).

Radio command terms:

Radio Commands general purpose) - called by the "z" key by default.

1. Cover me- We need cover.
2. You Take the Point- Take this point.
3. Hold this Position- Hold this point.
4. Regroup Team- Regroup.
5. Follow me- Follow me.
6. Taking Fire, Need Assistance- Came under fire, need help.

Group Radio Commands - Called up with the "x" key by default.

1. Go go go!- Forward forward forward!
2. Team, Fall Back- Back!
3. Stick Together Team- Team, let's not disperse!
4. Get in Position and wait for my go- Take this point and wait for my order!
5. Storm the Front- Let's go on the attack!
6. Report in, team- Team, report!

Radio Responses/Reports - Called with the "c" key by default.

1. Affirmative / Roger that- Yes / Got it.
2. Enemy Spotted- I see the enemy.
3. Need Backup- Everyone, come to me, I need help.
4. Sector Clear- Everything is clean here.
5. I"m in position- I'm here.
6. Reporting in- I'm reporting.
7. She"s gonna Blow! Get out there, it"s gonna blow!- Let's run! a bomb is about to blow everything away here!
8. Negative- No / I don’t agree!
9. Enemy down- The enemy is dead.

The dictionary is primarily compiled for CS 1.6 beginners who need an understanding gaming jargon to make it easier to get used to the game. But perhaps this information is also useful for other players. contradictions to terms will seem useful.

  • Noob- a beginner player.
  • Lamer or Bot- a bad player who is no longer a noob, but has never learned to play.
  • Camper- a player who, as a rule, sits in one place and constantly waits for enemies there. Such players do not fulfill the objectives of the map and are very annoying to other gamers on the server.
  • Randomizer- a player holding down the shoot button and shooting almost at random, but often quite accurately.
  • Father or dad- usually a progamer. Very strong player in CS.
  • Terrorists- players of the terrorist team.
  • Counter-Terrorists- players of the counter-terrorist team.
  • Lager- player with weak internet, which may have high ping and as a result, it constantly lags (twitches when moving).
  • Config- this is your settings file for CS 1.6. Each player configures the config in his own way, and for a sample he can take the config of any progamer.
  • Cheats- special programs that introduce an imbalance into the game, giving the owner of the cheat advantages - see through walls, shoot only in the head, not be afraid of blind and smoke grenades, etc.
  • Cheater- a player using cheats.
  • Headshot (Head)- hitting or killing an opponent in the head.
  • Mapa- the map on which the game is played in CS 1.6.
  • Rep.- the place on the map where players appear each time at the beginning of the map. Each team has its own reps.
  • Frag- killing the enemy. “Earn a frag” - add 1 point to your kill counter.
  • Freebie or AFK- a player who has moved away from the computer and on whom you can earn a frag without any resistance.
  • Grena- combat/explosive grenade in the game.
  • Flash- a blinding grenade, which, if you don’t dodge, blinds both your own and others - the screen turns white and you see nothing and no one.
  • Kik- kicking a player from the server. As a rule, this command is only available to server administrators.
  • Ban- another admin command that not only kicks you out of the server, but also prohibits re-entry for a certain time.
  • Bomb Place- bomb planting site by terrorists.
  • Kalash- this is the name of the AK-47 weapon (Kalashnikov assault rifle).
  • Elephant or Kemp- sniper weapon with AWP optical sight. Usually one hit from an elephant is enough to kill an enemy.
  • Mukha (Fly swatter)- a weapon with a Scout optical sight, which is 5 times weaker than the AWP, but the fly is cheaper and you can move around the map faster with it.
  • Settle in with a sponsor- run after a player on your team, waiting for him to be killed, and then pick up his weapon, since you didn’t want to buy your own or didn’t have enough money.
  • Tree - wooden doors on the map.
  • Intestine or anal- a narrow hole on the map (for example, cs_mansion). "Clean the anal" - kill enemies in the intestines.
  • Length- the designation is applicable to some maps (for example, de_dust2) and denotes a long and clearly visible area.
  • spinogryz- a player who constantly kills the enemy from behind.
  • Flood- meaningless messages in the game chat on the CS 1.6 server.
Now, knowing the most popular terms in the game, all you have to do is choose a counter build, for example,

When players log into the CS and see sudden changes in FPS, especially when everything was working as it should yesterday, most often the cause is high var. Initially, its value ranges from 1 to 1.5, so any indicators greater than this number will greatly affect the feeling of the game. There is often a drop in FPS, decreasing with each new round. Therefore, if the frame rate jumps from 250-300 to 50-80 after 2-3 rounds, then the solution to this problem is to lower var. Let's look at what this parameter means and how to lower var in CS GO for a comfortable game.

What is var in CS GO and why does it increase

Many players do not fully understand what is var inC.S. GO and why it might change. Most often, it is customary to pay attention only to FPS and pnig, while other parameters mean little. However, even with quite normal level frame rate, with high var the game will slow down. The decrease in FPS will occur gradually, from round to round, especially if there are many people on the server.

var itself is a kind of counter that determines whether there are differences in the FPS indicator. Even with a high frame rate, players report that var jumped from 2 to 5, making the game almost impossible. Fine maximum rate should not exceed 1.5 units.

How to lower var: the very first steps

If you see that the sv and var indicators are red in the game, then first you need to do a number of basic manipulations, namely:

  • Check for updates;
  • Look in the system settings and disable all processes that load the memory and video card;
  • Check your PC for viruses.

Most often, this is already enough to reduce var if the reason was in the PC itself.

How to remove delay and reduce var using settings

Among the main reasons why var may become higher than usual, the most common are hardware problems. To reduce it, set all settings to minimum. Next, go into the game, create more bots or go into regular matchmaking and look at the smoothness. If the drawdowns have disappeared and this has led to a stable low var, then this decision was successful.

if you love beautiful picture and don’t want to play with minimal settings, then you need to experiment with each item separately. First of all, we remove detail, anti-aliasing, shadows, shaders and effects.

What to do if var jumps: console commands and FPS settings

Now let's look at the most radical and effective ways that can guarantee to correct the situation with increased var. You should switch to them only when you have tried all the previous options and no longer know what to do if var is raised inC.S. GO .

First of all, you need to fix the FPS. Often var is affected by the frame rate being too high, so normalizing this parameter can help. To do this, go to a densely populated server and fix the minimum FPS. It's best to check it where a large number of effects, explosions, smoke and gunshots. If it is difficult to find a full server, then create a map with the maximum number of bots.

Next, use the command “fps _max N”, where instead of N there will be the minimum FPS + 30% of the current value. In general, there will be a slight decrease in numbers, but in terms of smoothness and performance of the game, the situation will improve. If this was not enough to solve the problem, then the “mat_queue_mode” command will definitely help. Use a range of values ​​from 5 to -5 to find var and FPS that you are comfortable with. Usually, the default value is set to 2 in the client.

gg - good game - good game, or gg wp - good game well played - good game well played (usually said at the end of a game or match, the loser usually speaks first, thereby indicating that he gives up)
gl - good luck - good luck (said to the opponent before the game)
hf - have fun - have fun (also before the game, often used together or instead of gl - gl&hf)
n1 - nice one or number one - not bad or number one (usually about the frag)

Second most important:

Hello, hi, ky, qq - Greeting, hello.
bl - bad luck - unlucky
bg - bad game - bad game (usually written by losers as an excuse)
gh - good half or good hunt - good half (half played well - 15 rounds for one side) or a successful hunt (the wish is used less often).
eco - eco-round, zero - round without purchase, used to save money for the next rounds, in order to save up for more serious weapons.
nk - nice kill - good kill
nt - nice try - nice try
gj - good job - good job
ns - nice shoot - cool shot!
wd - well done - well done - good job (to teammates)
save - save (save) - When a player realizes that he can no longer win the round for his team, he simply runs away and saves the weapon for the next round.
drop - weapon release - that is, your teammate asks to give him a weapon
rdy - ready - ready/ready
sorry, sry - sorry - sorry
hp - Health - health, life

Spoken English in CS GO:

afk - away from keyboard - moved away from the keyboard
btw - by the way - by the way, finally
fu - f..k you - go to ... (everything is clear)
stfu - shut ta f..k up - shut the fuck up (everything is clear here too)
wtf? - what the f.ck? - what the f... am I?
brb - be right back - I'll be back soon
omg - oh my god - oh my god
omfg - oh my f….g god - (an even cooler statement, usually when something incredible happens in the game, an unreal frag or something like that)
1337 - elite - elite (often used by noobs in clan names)
bb - bye bye - bye bye
kk (k) - ok - okay
сya (cyaz) – see you - see you
np - no problem - no problem
lol - laughing out loud - laughing very loudly (indicates laughter)
rofl - rollin on the floor laughing - rolling on the floor laughing (same thing)
nvm - nevermind - it doesn’t matter
imho - in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion
imo - in my opinion - in my opinion
TT - crying (two eyes from which tears flow, used in uppercase)
pls, plz - please - please
w8 - wait - wait
gtg - got to go - need to go
thx, ty - thank you - thank you
LMAO - laughing my ??? off - I'm laughing so hard my ass is about to fall off

Key terms:

Contra, kstrike, KS, CS are abbreviated names for the game Counter Strike.
Config - a set of parameters that allows you to optimally configure cs for a comfortable game; involves the use of variables together with aliases;
is individual for each player.
Connect - connection to the server.
Ping - the speed of exchange (latency) of information with the server (the lower the ping, the better the connection).
TT, Tera - Terrorists (team of terrorists).
CT, CT, Cops, counters - Counter-Terrorists (team of counter-terrorists).
Spectrator - watching the game without participating in it.
Enemy - Enemy.
Teamplay (teamplay) is a team game.
Frag is an enemy you killed; the number of frags and deaths is recorded in a table and your place in the team is determined.
Console is a command line called up in the game with the tilde “~” key.
Map, Mapa, Map - map in Counter Strike.
Demo (Demo) is the gameplay of an individual player or the entire game recorded in a special file, with its help you can expose cheaters.
Resp, Respawn, respawn - the place where teams of terrorists and counter-terrorists appear.
Father, dad, ???????????? - cool player.
Clan (clan) - a team consisting of 2 or more players (maximum for the game 5).
Clan War (clan war), cw - war of clans, one team plays against another.
Skill is a player’s game skill, which includes all the characteristics characteristic of a professional player, such as: reaction speed, high level of weapon proficiency, quick assessment of the situation and much more.
Aim is a player’s characteristic that allows him to quickly and accurately aim at any desired place on the enemy’s body (by default, the head) and inflict the maximum possible damage in the shortest possible time.
Cheater is a player who uses specialized programs that give him clear advantages over other players.
Aimbot (Aim) is a cheat that gives you incredible accuracy (by default - to the head).
WH, Wallhack - a cheat that allows you to look through walls, is scorched by many servers and anti-cheats, it is not recommended to use it so as not to spoil your reputation.
Anti-Cheats is a program that monitors (prohibits) the use of cheats.
Headshot (headshot) - hit in the head to death.
Camper (camper) - a player who is absent from the active action area outside of connection with the completion of a team task, plays for himself, does not help anyone, hides behind boxes, walls and other places and kills enemies.
Ears are headphones.
Leaver, Leaver - A player who leaves the game before its logical conclusion. This is usually the name given to people who specifically quit the game when they start losing.
LS (Low Skill) - low level of play.
MS (Middle Skill) - average level of play.
HS (Hight Skill) - high level of play.
PS (Pro Skill) - Pro game level.
Bots (bots) - computer players.
Noob (Noob), lamer (Lamer) - a novice player who plays poorly.
Meat, Bot, Farsh, bomj (meat, bot, minced meat, bum) - synonyms for the word Noob, but more offensive to the player.
Random (random) - a situation when a person holding the trigger when shooting, i.e. shooting with a clip in very long bursts almost at random, accidentally hitting the enemy’s head.
Check - briefly scanning the territory for the presence of the enemy.
Rush (rush) - fast movement from respawn to a given point. Characterized by complete disregard for enemy actions.
Arcade player is a player who plays for surprise, i.e. one runs out into the danger zone, which is controlled by enemies.
Def/Hold - defense of a specified area of ​​the map, tactics of the game “from defense” / killing arcade players.
Lag / Bug - bad connection / game (map) errors.
Splash - indirect damage when a projectile causes damage with a blast wave.
Strafe (strafe), strafe - move sideways, keeping the target in front of the “eyes”.
Up - replanting
Device is one of the accepted designations for weapons in Counter-Strike.
Burst - shooting multiple rounds.
Plant (Plant), bmb (Bomb) - an explosive device that must be delivered to Bomb Place by terrorists.
Bomb Place (Bomb Place), plant (plant) - a place for planting a bomb by terrorists on maps of the “de_” type.
HE, HaE - fragmentation grenade.
Fb (flash, flash drive) - blinding grenade.
Smoke (smoke), smoke - smoke grenade.

Violation terms:

Admin (admin) - a player who keeps order in the game.
TK, Team Kill (Team kill) / TA, Team Attack - killing a teammate / attacking a teammate.
Flood - writing meaningless or unreasonably frequently repeated messages using the say and team_say commands, or through voice messages into the microphone
Troublemaking - creating various kinds of problems.
Laming (laming) - deviation from completing a task and carrying out actions not related to the goals of the game.
Lagger - a player with a slow or poor-quality connection, which is why he moves not smoothly, but in jumps.
Kick (kick) - Ejection from the server. Light administrative punishment for minor violations of gaming discipline.
Slay - killing a player by an admin. Punishment.
Slap - a kick to a player by an admin. Subtracts from 0 to 100 hp.
Ban (Ban) - “Heavy” administrative punishment. Kicked from the server with a ban on further entry. Punishable from 1 minute to infinity (permament), based on the severity of the violation (permament is usually issued for cheating).

Radio command terms:

Radio Commands - These are called up with the "z" key by default.

1. Cover me - Need cover.
2. You Take the Point - Take this point.
3. Hold this Position - Hold this point.
4. Regroup Team - Regroup.
5. Follow me - Follow me.
6. Taking Fire, Need Assistance - Came under fire and needs help.

Group Radio Commands - Called up with the "x" key by default.

1. Go go go! - Forward forward forward!
2. Team, Fall Back - Back!
3. Stick Together Team - Team, let's not disperse!
4. Get in Position and wait for my go - Take this point and wait for my order!
5. Storm the Front - Let's go on the attack!
6. Report in, team - Team, report!

Radio Responses/Reports - Called with the "c" key by default.

1. Affirmative / Roger that - Yes / Got it.
2. Enemy Spotted - I see the enemy.
3. Need Backup - Everyone, come to me, I need help.
4. Sector Clear - Everything is clean here.
5. I’m in position - I’m in place.
6. Reporting in - I am reporting.
7. She's gonna blow! Get out there, it's gonna blow! - Let's run! a bomb is about to blow everything away here!
8. Negative - No / disagree!
9. Enemy down - The enemy is dead.