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Instructions: How to recognize harassment and what to do next. Definition of the term "harassment" in simple words

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Harassment - About victims of harassment


About victims of harassment

The term “harassment” appeared on the territory of the post-Soviet space not so long ago and is not even familiar to everyone, not to mention the fact that it scares few people. It is in America that citizens, drilled by litigation, flee from him like the devil from incense. In Russia, no one takes harassment seriously as a phenomenon. Just think, harassment. Yes, our citizens’ rights and personal boundaries are violated at every step. And nothing, no one complains.

In fact, harassment refers to any behavior that causes inconvenience or harm, that violates the integrity of privacy faces. This may include direct or indirect verbal abuse or threats, unkind remarks, crude jokes, unwanted letters or calls, display of offensive or humiliating photographs, lustful gestures, unnecessary touching, patting, kissing, pinching, and other similar acts.

To the next department of Olga, the usual office worker, a new boss was appointed. An ordinary, flabby man of the height of Napoleon Bonaparte at the age of 50, nothing outstanding. For some reason, he often visited Olga’s department, and then more and more often began to stop near her desk. At first he was just joking, but every day his jokes became more and more greasy, and he, stopping near Olga, moved closer and closer, resting his sweaty belly on the back of her chair. Olga began to shake as soon as she heard his voice in the corridor. She wanted to hide under the table or just run to the ends of the earth. And the new manager headed straight to her workplace, having prepared another vulgar joke. According to Olga, it was simply unbearable.

Harassment is very different from grooming or flirting. Harassment is clearly aggressive behavior carried out in the form of persecution and with obvious resistance from the other party. In a situation of harassment, you can always trace two roles - the aggressor and the victim.

Injured party

Who suffers from harassment? Please note that the key word is “suffering.” Because not everyone who is subjected to harassment suffers from harassment or discrimination. There is a common misconception that the victims of harassment are women who are too free in their behavior and views, who dress revealingly and who respond to flirting. Nothing like this. Such women either easily rebuff the aggressor, or not only do not suffer from intrusive and unambiguous attention, but also provoke such behavior from the male half of the office. Yes, of course, they loudly declare the “intolerance of sexual persecution,” but again and again they flirt, make advances with the “stalker,” and what’s more, they slam the door irritably if the one whose object of harassment they have become ceases to strive for reciprocity with the same force . This frankly spoils the mood of the ladies and, oddly enough, causes another stream of violent indignation over “harassment.” The “pursuer,” in order to prove that he is not going to “leave the race,” accordingly resumes attempts to seduce the “victim” - the circle closes. In such a situation, it is difficult to discover who exactly is the victim of harassment; most likely there is no victim at all.

Victims of harassment are, as a rule, initially individual victims, or victims. Such women are characterized by indecision, a lack of strong convictions, but at the same time a desire to live strictly according to the rules, because any deviation from the rules causes anxiety. They are unsure of themselves, unsure of those around them, but at the same time, they are trusting like children. Victims are uncommunicative, but they really need contacts. They absorb any kind and affectionate word like a sponge, instantly “getting attached” to someone who treated them warmly. This is why victims suffer from harassment. Because, as mentioned above, harassment, at its core, is an aggressive violation of the victim’s boundaries. For the victim, this is unbearable, but fear and uncertainty that others will support and help fight back the aggressor paralyzes a woman’s will and she often prefers to endure in silence or quit rather than show open resistance.

In war as in war

What to do if you feel that you have become a victim of harassment? To begin with, get rid of the signs of victimization. Remember how you behave when an aggressor approaches? Most likely, you shrink internally, as if you want to disappear, pull your head into your shoulders, “turn to stone,” your palms sweat and your heartbeat quickens. You try to avoid meeting your pursuer, leave the office when he comes in, hide behind a pile of papers, or get lost in a crowd of colleagues. This is typical victim behavior - "run and hide." This behavior only provokes the “predator”, gives him the illusion of impunity and power over you, because you demonstrate to him that he is capable of changing your behavior!

It would seem how to overcome that fear, that disgust that overwhelms you when you see your tormentor, and is it possible... Possible! To begin with, it would be nice to find among your colleagues those who would take your side, even if not openly. Those who can simply support you. Believe me, most people are inclined to help others and abhor any kind of violence. Drink coffee with colleagues, chat, open up to others. Predators attack individuals and rarely attack those who are in close contact with colleagues.

The next step: make your body “work” - it is this body that sends signals to others about your status - a victim or a winner. Force yourself to straighten your shoulders at the sight of the aggressor, not to run away, but to continue calmly going about your business, and to breathe deeply. Try to imagine that you are “growing” and the pursuer is “shrinking”. Look the aggressor in the eye. Victims always hide their gaze, winners always look directly and openly. When he tries to do something unpleasant for you, say it directly: “I feel unpleasant. I demand that this stop." Speak about your dissatisfaction calmly, but in a tone that does not tolerate objections. This will be confusing at the very least.

If the aggressor continues to persistently and more actively pursue you, warn that you will be forced to contact higher management or law enforcement agencies. Moreover, if the pursuer does not calm down, do so. Because only you yourself can stop violence against yourself and find peace.

In Russia, the concept of sexual harassment is not legally enshrined, so problems arise with its interpretation. We are talking about unwanted attention of a sexual nature that puts the victim in an awkward position. These are not only attempts at rape, but also dubious jokes, gestures, sounds that can offend and humiliate.

In the legal field, the term “harassment” is applied to relationships in which there is a hierarchy: a person shows inappropriate attention to a person who is dependent on him. We are talking about hints of sex for promotion from a boss to a subordinate, a promise of a good grade from a teacher to a student, and similar situations.

The victim is placed in obviously unfavorable conditions: either she agrees to the demands of the aggressor, or falls under “sanctions.”

It’s not just Hollywood stars who face harassment, as in the story of Harvey Weinstein. Questionable situations can arise in any company with a hierarchy. Both sexes are victims, although women are more likely to be sexually harassed. According to Sex Discrimination And Sexual Harassment International women's rights organization Catalyst, only 17.5% of harassment complaints come from men. True, in 80% of cases the aggressors are also men.

How is sexual harassment different from ordinary rudeness?

Whistling and obscene sounds after a girl you like, pinching on public transport, vulgar jokes and other dubious advances are offensive and unpleasant. But it is society that condemns them, not specially trained people in robes. Such sexual attention is not a violation of the law, but simply a sign of bad upbringing of the aggressor.

Sexual harassment in the legal sense includes the same dubious hints, pinching, direct conversations about sex or rewards for sexual intercourse - any unacceptable actions if they are addressed to a person dependent on the aggressor.

That is, if someone whistles meaningfully after an attractive woman on the street, then he is simply a boor. If he makes these dubious sounds towards his subordinate, we are definitely talking about harassment (but this does not stop the aggressor from being a boor).

What causes sexual harassment?

The aggressor's goal is often more than just sex. A higher position gives him the opportunity to control another person with impunity, to find out how quickly the victim will break. The attacker revels in his sense of superiority. Therefore, cases of harassment are rarely stories only about sex.

Is sexual harassment punishable by law?

In Russia, this area is regulated by Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Compulsion to actions of a sexual nature.” Responsibility is provided for inducement to sexual intercourse or other actions of a sexual nature through blackmail, threats of destruction, damage or confiscation of property, or using the financial or other dependence of the victim.

Punishment includes a fine, forced or compulsory labor.

For similar actions against a minor, forced labor and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions are provided.

In reality, cases under Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are rarely considered. According to Statistics. Criminal proceedings Legal Information Agency, in 2015, only seven people were convicted of harassment of adults. Even in the absence of official statistics in this area, it is difficult to believe that only seven bosses in the country showed inappropriate attention to their subordinates.

What conditions are conducive to sexual harassment?

Psychologist Ellen Hendriksen has identified conditions that contribute to harassment:

  • "dark triad";
  • alienation of moral responsibility;
  • working in areas traditionally reserved for men;
  • militant sexism.

What is meant by the “dark triad”?

Hendriksen notes three personality traits that make harassment easier: narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.

This is excessive narcissism and inflated self-esteem, combined with a lack of empathy. Narcissists don't care if others like them, but they need them to shine. Such people justify sexual harassment by saying that they deserve this sexual experience. Narcissists simply cannot handle the fact that someone refuses to communicate with them.

For them, the world revolves around fearless dominance and aggressive impulsiveness. They are ready to fake any feelings in order to exploit their victims. They harass simply because they can, no other reason is required.

Machiavellianism - public policy, built on the cult of brute force. Separated from legal terms, it means attempts to control others through available levers.

Taken together, these three traits create a dangerous cocktail of manipulation, deception, and exploitation coupled with disregard for other people's feelings.

What does alienation of moral responsibility give to the aggressor?

It happens that people create their own version of reality, where traditional moral principles do not apply to them and their actions are easy to justify. First, they model the conditions under which harassment can be considered acceptable.

For example, Harvey Weinstein explained the harassment of actresses by saying that he “grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the rules of conduct in the workplace were different.”

Secondly, the aggressor substitutes concepts. Actor Bill Cosby, who was accused of raping more than 60 women, called his meetings with victims dates. Although the victims stated that he gave them pills.

Thirdly, the criminal transfers responsibility from himself to external circumstances. As an illustration, the same case with Weinstein, who stated the pressure on him from the culture of that time.

Fourth, the offender minimizes the harm caused to the victim, dehumanizes and blames the victim. Thus, TV host Bill O'Reilly, fired from the Fox News channel for sexual harassment, once said about a woman raped and murdered in New York that it was her fault. The victim was wearing a miniskirt and top because “every predator would take advantage of this.”

All these excuses allow the abuser to sleep peacefully at night.

Why is a male team dangerous?

Sexual harassment has been found to be more common in industries with a predominantly male workforce. We are talking about the army, police, surgical departments of hospitals, financial institutions, high technology companies.

What does militant sexism have to do with it?

In the 1980s, researchers believed that those accused of sexual assault had no idea that they were committing illegal acts and thereby abusing their victims.

In 2012, scientists from Germany were able to establish that harassment can be caused by for various reasons. One of them is the desire for quick sex. The second is mixed with aggressive sexism. In this case, the aggressor is not only determined to have a quick love affair, but also tries to dominate and control. And he will oppress his victim on both fronts.

What should a victim of harassment do?

You shouldn’t let things take their course: the aggressor will become more active with each meeting, testing the boundaries.

First, succinctly and clearly tell the harasser that his behavior is unacceptable. Perhaps he really considers his actions a manifestation of interest and a kind of compliment, and after a serious conversation he will reconsider his behavior.

Secondly, record cases of harassment. Record dirty hints on a voice recorder, record harassment in other ways. Even if the police do not take this evidence seriously, the reputation of the aggressor could be damaged.

Thirdly, contact management, the trade union - somewhere where there is leverage over the harasser.

Fourth, be prepared to quit. The problem of harassment in local conditions is extremely difficult to solve. Fundamental changes in culture and ethics are required. There is a risk that everyone you turn to for help will answer: “What’s wrong?” Therefore, the option should not be excluded.

Persons by stalking (phone calls, letters, surveillance, etc.), annoying pestering, harassment. It is usually done with sexual motives.

Big legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .

See what "CHARASSMENT" is in other dictionaries:

    Harassment, harassment m. Sexual harassment at work (usually by a boss towards a subordinate). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Noun, number of synonyms: 2 harassment (9) pestering (19) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    harassment- in US law, a crime that violates the privacy of a person by stalking (telephone calls, letters, surveillance, etc.), intrusive advances, harassment. Usually done with sexual motives... Large legal dictionary

    Harassment is behavior that causes inconvenience or harm and violates a person's privacy. Such behavior may consist of direct or indirect verbal insults or threats, unkind remarks, rude jokes... ... Wikipedia

    Harassment is behavior that causes inconvenience or harm and violates a person's privacy. Such behavior may consist of direct or indirect verbal insults or threats, unkind remarks, rude jokes... ... Wikipedia

    Harassment is behavior that causes inconvenience or harm and violates a person's privacy. Such behavior may consist of direct or indirect verbal insults or threats, unkind remarks, rude jokes... ... Wikipedia

    See requirement... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. harassment, effort, demand; claim, desire, pursuit Dictionary Russian ... Synonym dictionary

    Sticking, grazing, abutting, steering, burning, stalling, stalling, annoyance, annoyance, charming, halting, sticking, mooring, begging, brain-chewing Dictionary of Russian synonyms. molestation noun, count... ... Synonym dictionary


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IN Lately In the vastness of the Internet you can increasingly come across the word “harassment”. Many people who are not familiar with English terminology ask the same question: “What does this word mean?” If you also belong to such people, then don’t worry! The meaning of the word “harassment” is as simple as 5 kopecks, and even a person who is not a linguist will understand it. We have written an entire publication especially for you, which fully covers this topic.

Harassment. What is it?

As you may already understand, harassment is a purely foreign term that came to the media space of the CIS countries from the West. It began to be used especially actively in RuNet and the media in 2017. WITH in English The word "harassment" is translated as "harassment." Actually, the translation of this word fully reflects the meaning of the term of the same name. The word harassment most often means sexual harassment of members of the opposite or same sex. Read more about this below.

What is sexual harassment?

Harassment is a very complex and confusing topic with many pitfalls. Many men and women who decide to delve into this problem, ask the same question about what actions can be classified as sexual harassment. To fully answer this question, we decided to compile a list of the types of harassment that victims most often face:

  1. Insults. If someone makes offensive comments towards a person (or group of people) that makes fun of their biological sex, then this is harassment. These include obscene remarks (for example, obscene epithets, “all women think about only one thing,” etc.), obscene jokes towards the opposite sex, as well as obscene inscriptions in in public places(for example, drawings of male or female reproductive organs on the walls).
  2. An offer to engage in sexual intercourse. It can be abusive or coercive. Examples: repeated invitations to dinner, which involve not only eating at some catering establishment; direct coercion to sex; calls, SMS, text messages in social networks with a proposal to engage in carnal pleasures.
  3. Promises. They are made in order to persuade a person to have sexual intercourse. For better understanding Let's imagine the following picture: the head of the company wanted to enter into intimate contact with one of his employees. She constantly refuses her boss, which is why he tries to buy her with a salary increase or a new lucrative position. These kinds of promises are harassment.
  4. Forcing sex through blackmail or threats. This type harassment differs from the previous ones in that here there is already direct aggression towards the victim. For example, the previously mentioned boss begins to threaten his subordinate with dismissal or demotion if she does not have sexual intercourse with him.
  5. Touching. This could be groping, squeezing in the elevator, stroking, etc.
  6. Other. Examples: invasion of a person's personal space, lewd compliments about his appearance, negative comments about his clothes and appearance.

According to professional sexologist Dmitry Novikov, on the territory Russian Federation The term “harassment” is often synonymous with office romance. D. Novikov and his colleague Katerina Shatskaya assure that this kind of relationship, as a rule, ultimately leads to nothing. Even if the connection between partners is mutual, over time this can still cause serious problems At work.

More important factor is that such affairs are often carried out by adults who are already married. For them, a partner on the side is just temporary fun, which they will get rid of sooner or later.

Punishment for harassment

Is harassment punishable by law? This question is also very popular among many people. It is clear that in the Russian Criminal Code there is no “Law on Harassment”, but in it you can find its analogue, namely Article 133, which involves forcibly inducing a person to If the person’s guilt is proven, then he faces correctional labor, prohibitions and restrictions , Related labor activity, or several years in prison.

How to punish the culprit

What does harassment mean? We think we were able to give a detailed and complete answer to this question. But how to punish a person guilty of sexual harassment? Well, we'll just have to figure this out.

In Russia and former countries Soviet Union It is very difficult to convince law enforcement officials that this or that person has sexually harassed you. To punish the culprit to the fullest extent of the law, one thing is needed - evidence. These include video recordings depicting moments of harassment, audio recordings of the same nature, photographs, witness statements, medical indications(in the event that there was violence against the victim). It is precisely because of the lack of evidence that many victims decide to put up with harassment from colleagues and not take any action.

It is important to understand that harassment is something that cannot be left unpunished (especially when there are direct threats to mental and physical health). If a person continues to remain silent, then this will ultimately not lead to anything good.

Known cases of harassment

“Kommersant”, “Arguments and Facts”, Komsomolskaya Pravda” and many other representatives of the media (both print and audio-visual) broke the news about sexual harassment in Hollywood at the end of 2017. It all started with accusations of actresses and models against the producer Harvey Wenstein, who had previously been accused of harassing women, launched a chain of accusations against famous actors, musicians and politicians, which is still ongoing at the time of writing.

Now you know about the meaning of harassment, as well as its examples from real life. We hope that this article was interesting to you and you learned a lot of useful information from it.

In Russia, the concept of sexual harassment is not legally enshrined, so problems arise with its interpretation. We are talking about unwanted attention of a sexual nature that puts the victim in an awkward position. These are not only attempts at rape, but also dubious jokes, gestures, sounds that can offend and humiliate.

In the legal field, the term “harassment” is applied to relationships in which there is a hierarchy: a person shows inappropriate attention to a person who is dependent on him. We are talking about hints of sex for promotion from a boss to a subordinate, a promise of a good grade from a teacher to a student, and similar situations.

The victim is placed in obviously unfavorable conditions: either she agrees to the demands of the aggressor, or falls under “sanctions.”

It’s not just Hollywood stars who face harassment, as in the story of Harvey Weinstein. Questionable situations can arise in any company with a hierarchy. Both sexes are victims, although women are more likely to be sexually harassed. According to Sex Discrimination And Sexual Harassment International women's rights organization Catalyst, only 17.5% of harassment complaints come from men. True, in 80% of cases the aggressors are also men.

How is sexual harassment different from ordinary rudeness?

Whistling and obscene sounds after a girl you like, pinching on public transport, vulgar jokes and other dubious advances are offensive and unpleasant. But it is society that condemns them, not specially trained people in robes. Such sexual attention is not a violation of the law, but simply a sign of bad upbringing of the aggressor.

Sexual harassment in the legal sense includes the same dubious hints, pinching, direct conversations about sex or rewards for sexual intercourse - any unacceptable actions if they are addressed to a person dependent on the aggressor.

That is, if someone whistles meaningfully after an attractive woman on the street, then he is simply a boor. If he makes these dubious sounds towards his subordinate, we are definitely talking about harassment (but this does not stop the aggressor from being a boor).

What causes sexual harassment?

The aggressor's goal is often more than just sex. A higher position gives him the opportunity to control another person with impunity, to find out how quickly the victim will break. The attacker revels in his sense of superiority. Therefore, cases of harassment are rarely stories only about sex.

Is sexual harassment punishable by law?

In Russia, this area is regulated by Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Compulsion to actions of a sexual nature.” Responsibility is provided for inducement to sexual intercourse or other actions of a sexual nature through blackmail, threats of destruction, damage or confiscation of property, or using the financial or other dependence of the victim.

Punishment includes a fine, forced or compulsory labor.

For similar actions against a minor, forced labor and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions are provided.

In reality, cases under Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are rarely considered. According to Statistics. Criminal proceedings Legal Information Agency, in 2015, only seven people were convicted of harassment of adults. Even in the absence of official statistics in this area, it is difficult to believe that only seven bosses in the country showed inappropriate attention to their subordinates.

What conditions are conducive to sexual harassment?

Psychologist Ellen Hendriksen has identified conditions that contribute to harassment:

  • "dark triad";
  • alienation of moral responsibility;
  • working in areas traditionally reserved for men;
  • militant sexism.

What is meant by the “dark triad”?

Hendriksen notes three personality traits that make harassment easier: narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.

This is excessive narcissism and inflated self-esteem, combined with a lack of empathy. Narcissists don't care if others like them, but they need them to shine. Such people justify sexual harassment by saying that they deserve this sexual experience. Narcissists simply cannot handle the fact that someone refuses to communicate with them.

For them, the world revolves around fearless dominance and aggressive impulsiveness. They are ready to fake any feelings in order to exploit their victims. They harass simply because they can, no other reason is required.

Machiavellianism is a state policy built on the cult of brute force. Separated from legal terms, it means attempts to control others through available levers.

Taken together, these three traits create a dangerous cocktail of manipulation, deception, and exploitation coupled with disregard for other people's feelings.

What does alienation of moral responsibility give to the aggressor?

It happens that people create their own version of reality, where traditional moral principles do not apply to them and their actions are easy to justify. First, they model the conditions under which harassment can be considered acceptable.

For example, Harvey Weinstein explained the harassment of actresses by saying that he “grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the rules of conduct in the workplace were different.”

Secondly, the aggressor substitutes concepts. Actor Bill Cosby, who was accused of raping more than 60 women, called his meetings with victims dates. Although the victims stated that he gave them pills.

Thirdly, the criminal transfers responsibility from himself to external circumstances. As an illustration, the same case with Weinstein, who stated the pressure on him from the culture of that time.

Fourth, the offender minimizes the harm caused to the victim, dehumanizes and blames the victim. Thus, TV host Bill O'Reilly, fired from the Fox News channel for sexual harassment, once said about a woman raped and murdered in New York that it was her fault. The victim was wearing a miniskirt and top because “every predator would take advantage of this.”

All these excuses allow the abuser to sleep peacefully at night.

Why is a male team dangerous?

Sexual harassment has been found to be more common in industries with a predominantly male workforce. We are talking about the army, police, surgical departments of hospitals, financial organizations, and high-tech companies.

What does militant sexism have to do with it?

In the 1980s, researchers believed that those accused of sexual assault had no idea that they were committing illegal acts and thereby abusing their victims.

In 2012, scientists from Germany were able to establish that harassment can be caused by various reasons. One of them is the desire for quick sex. The second is mixed with aggressive sexism. In this case, the aggressor is not only determined to have a quick love affair, but also tries to dominate and control. And he will oppress his victim on both fronts.

What should a victim of harassment do?

You shouldn’t let things take their course: the aggressor will become more active with each meeting, testing the boundaries.

First, succinctly and clearly tell the harasser that his behavior is unacceptable. Perhaps he really considers his actions a manifestation of interest and a kind of compliment, and after a serious conversation he will reconsider his behavior.

Secondly, record cases of harassment. Record dirty hints on a voice recorder, record harassment in other ways. Even if the police do not take this evidence seriously, the reputation of the aggressor could be damaged.

Thirdly, contact management, the trade union - somewhere where there is leverage over the harasser.

Fourth, be prepared to quit. The problem of harassment in local conditions is extremely difficult to solve. Fundamental changes in culture and ethics are required. There is a risk that everyone you turn to for help will answer: “What’s wrong?” Therefore, the option should not be excluded.