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How to disinfect an apartment after the flu. How to disinfect the air in an apartment with the flu using folk remedies? Opinions of service consumers

Damp, darkened corners of walls and ceilings, traces of insect droppings in the bed and on the wallpaper, signs of rodents are good reasons to sanitize your apartment or house or office. The procedure is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora, insects and rodents in the area where a person lives or stays (food, things, etc.). Bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold, as well as cockroaches, fleas, mice and bedbugs, create an environment unfavorable for human life. Neighborhood with pests leads to frequent illnesses children and adults, decreased quality of life and the development of irreversible pathological processes in the body. If you sleep restlessly due to extraneous noise or discomfort in the bed, often get sick, or notice black deposits on the ceiling and walls, you need disinfection or disinfestation of your apartment.

Why are bacteria and mold, bedbugs and mice so dangerous?

As long as the human immune system is able to resist negative factors, the person feels normal. But the slightest weakening of it (illness, physical fatigue and even stress) will provoke the development of related problems if disinfection of the apartment or house has not been carried out. The presence of fungi, mice, mold, insects and bacteria will inevitably lead to:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • ailments of the cardiovascular system;
  • infection with encephalitis, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, or others;
  • dermatitis, severe allergic reactions, eczema;
  • bronchial asthma, body intoxication, etc.

Insects and rodents can cause infection with intractable diseases that do not go away without leaving a trace on the body. According to a number of them, in 76% of cases they give varying degrees of disability. Therefore, disinfection of an apartment or house is the first thing to do when moving to a new place or discovering the slightest traces of the presence of unwanted guests in the house.

When do you need professional disinfection of an apartment: cost and time of work

Execute with high quality sanitization premises can only be done by a professional who uses special means and tools. He knows where and how to treat the premises so that disinfection from insects and mold is successful and solves the problems of the residents. It is also worth remembering that direct work with insecticides may be unsafe for humans. That's why self-disinfection apartments often ends in poisoning.

The answer to the question of how much it costs to disinfect an apartment depends on the area being treated, the method used, and the severity of the problem. Companies perform all types of sanitation. Namely, disinfection, deratization and disinfestation - the price list will tell you the prices of procedures when treating premises of various sizes.

Methods for disinfecting apartments in Moscow and the region

The type of threat determines the method of disinfecting the apartment, the price of the procedure and its duration. Among the technologies:

  • Physical disinsection of an apartment or house.

The method involves the use of ultraviolet light sources, processing of things, furniture, tools, dishes and other things and objects in the zone of infection with hot steam. High-quality disinfection of an apartment begins with wet cleaning of the premises and boiling of objects. The method does not affect bacterial and some fungal spores, but it is effective when the living space is infected with intestinal infections.

Gases, powders and solutions created on the basis of chemicals different spectrum of action. Experienced specialist selects a disinfectant or disinfestation product - prices are listed on our company's website - based on the type of problem and the degree of infection of a person's comfort zone. Both drugs that are dangerous to humans and domestic animals, as well as low-hazard ones, can be used. Therefore, the procedure is carried out with mandatory protection. Deratization is also performed using chemicals - the price list will tell you the cost of the procedure.

The technology for destroying pathogenic microflora involves the use of bacteriophages that are safe for humans. Finding them is relatively difficult, which makes the price of the technology an order of magnitude higher than that of other methods. But you can find out how much it costs to disinfect an apartment biological method from our consultants. Bacteriophages actively devour spores, rods, viruses and other pathogens. The method is used quite rarely, but if there are people with allergies or small children in the house, then it is as justified as possible.

Professional deratization and disinfestation, prices for which can vary greatly depending on the contamination of the area where a person stays, is performed in 97% of cases using a combined method. The specialist examines the contaminated area, assesses the level of danger, and determines the routes and types of infection. In 7 out of 10 cases, in addition to the supposed problem, there are also hidden threats to the health of residents. Professional disinfection of an apartment from insects in Moscow in 92% of cases includes chemical and physical methods pest control.

Should you order home disinfection from professionals?

The maximum cost of deratization, disinfestation or disinfection will be about 7,500 -8,500 rubles. (the indicated prices are approximate, the average area of ​​4 rooms is taken into account). The specialist gives a guarantee of 1.5 to 2 years for the work performed. In this case, the procedure will be performed 100% efficiently and competently. According to estimates, professional disinfection will cost 15-45% less than doing it yourself.

Why? It's simple. When disinsection or deratization of rodents is carried out independently, the price of work will include the cost of:

Complete processing depends on the size of the infected object. On average, sanitation takes from 30 (1 room sq.) to 80 (4 room sq.) minutes. We also carry out work using hot and cold fog, and install barrier protection. Professional approach- one-time procedure. At independent decision Problems will have to be processed at least 2-4 times. Therefore, it will be more economically profitable to contact us for advice.

It is quite possible to perform a complete and high-quality disinfection of the apartment with your own hands. To do this, you will need to carry out general cleaning using available funds effective disinfection and cleaning. You can understand how and, most importantly, using what means to do this, by understanding in more detail the reasons that prompted you to carry out this procedure.

Choosing disinfectants and cleaning products

Store products

It is advisable to choose a product used in medicine as the main solution for disinfection. Among those available in any pharmacy, one can name Dezaktin. Despite the fact that this product contains chlorine, the smell of chlorine is moderate and disappears quickly, so it can be used both for reliable disinfection of the bathroom and for treating children's toys. You should first bring all surfaces clean using household or folk cleaning products, and then finally treat them with Dezaktin solution. Subsequent wet cleaning clean water will eliminate any residual disinfectant.

You can also disinfect using a hydrogen peroxide solution. However, there are a number of limitations. Peroxide can have a detrimental effect on the appearance of things, discoloring some types of dyes.

People's solutions

Disinfection with folk remedies involves the use of improvised means such as:

  • acetic acid;
  • ammonia;
  • saturated solution of table salt;
  • linseed oil.

The latter is a natural antiseptic. When processing wooden and varnished parts, it is absorbed into the material and will provide long-term protection against bacteria. At the same time it gives the surface an aesthetic appearance.

Acetic acid is usually combined with salt to increase the cleaning effect. This product is also added when cleaning surfaces with linseed oil.

Ammonia is most often used in the kitchen, when it is necessary to get rid of old and burnt-out places in the oven. You can also use a solution of ammonia to get rid of the corrosive smell of cigarettes.

Use for disinfection ethanol I don't recommend it. After all, it can have a detrimental effect on appearance many types of material. Moreover, it is unacceptable to combine alcohol with chlorine-containing disinfectants and cleaning agents.

Disinfection procedure

When wondering how to disinfect an apartment with your own hands, you should not forget about personal protection eyes, skin surface and respiratory tract during this event. Be sure to buy a respirator, gloves and safety glasses.

The apartment is disinfected in a generally similar way. spring cleaning, only on a larger scale. You should start from the back rooms, ending with the bathroom and kitchen. All things that can be washed or washed should be removed from the selected room. Curtains, curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths are washed thoroughly, several times if this does not damage the material.

Soft toys or thick bedspreads and carpets can be cleaned with a soap solution. Clean items are disinfected. To do this, the disinfectant solution is applied using a sprayer.

It is advisable to pack all clean items in clean plastic bags until the room is disinfected. After that, just return everything to its place.

The floor, walls and ceiling in the room are cleaned of dirt and also sprayed with a disinfectant solution. Heavy furniture must be moved and the places where they were located and the walls behind them must be thoroughly cleaned. Furniture is also cleaned and sanitized.

There may be several nuances:

  • If there is fungus on the walls, you will need to purchase special antiseptic agents to treat them. Usually such products are not particularly expensive.
  • To remove stubborn unpleasant odors can be distributed around the room containers with ammonia and close the room for a day, after which thoroughly rinse all surfaces and ventilate the room.

In any case, to completely disinfect the room, you need to carry out ultraviolet treatment using quartz bactericidal lamps. It is enough to close the room with the lamp on for 4 hours. The lamp must be placed in a place where it will maximum distribution rays.

We've all been there - you or a member of your family is battling an illness, and with great awareness of how germs spread from one person to another in living spaces, the question arises: how to disinfect an apartment after an illness?

Disinfection of an apartment after illness

You will have to follow the principle of “divide and conquer” during and after illness so that you can rely on a healthy environment your apartment.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil deserves special attention, which is especially effective if one of the family members is sick in the house, since it is a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, cleanses and refreshes without any chemical additives.

Here are some solutions to help you use tea tree oil to disinfect your apartment:

Vacuum cleaner disinfection

Use a few cotton balls with a few drops of undiluted tea tree oil on them and place the cotton balls in the dust container of your vacuum cleaner.

Keep a spray bottle handy

The best means to combat bedbugs

Fill a diffuser with two teaspoons of tea tree oil to two glasses of water and keep it on hand to diffuse into the air for disinfection and a fresh, pleasant scent. You can also use this solution (add a few drops liquid soap, in this case) for cleaning kitchen surfaces (test the product for small area, first) and in the bathroom. It is also a fantastic solution for cleaning floors.

Disinfecting frequently used surfaces

Remember, computer keyboards, toys, door handles and railings are one of the things that you and your family touch extremely often, hence they need to be disinfected regularly. Also remember that treatment requires a toothbrush once the illness is over. You can soak it in hydrogen peroxide to kill any germs.

Note: It is also important to boost the immune systems of all your roommates after illness. Eating foods with probiotic properties, including live culture yogurt, immune-boosting drinks and many other foods, is an ideal addition to your diet, along with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Just because you or close person are sick, don't assume you've lost the battle with germs. You can carry out deep disinfection and sterilization of premises and provide a fresh, clean environment for your stay, you just need to follow the tips given above.

Exist different ways how to disinfect an apartment. There is a need to perform this operation after a long illness or a long absence from home. The process of carrying out preventive procedures will not only help refresh your home, but also rid the room of unwanted germs and insects. There are many various methods prevention. Some of them can be done independently, while others require special equipment.

Prevention process at home

Disinfection is an event aimed at destroying pathogens of harmful diseases and destroying toxins and their residues on environmental objects. To clear the house of harmful bacteria in a simple way, you need:

  • special clothing;
  • rubber gloves;
  • mask for the face;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • 80 g monochloramine.

Please review the following carefully before you begin:

  • Every week a person vacuums carpets, washes floors, and so on.

The prevention procedure is easier to carry out if various detergents. They all emit derivatives of chlorine and oxygen, which, in turn, cause them to die pests. However, the chlorine residue from which most cleaning products are made is harmful to people.

  • If disinfection is necessary, first consult a specialist. Study the composition of the powders very carefully and make sure that you are not allergic to any components.
  • Typically, monochloramine is used for the prevention of any premises.

This substance can be used to clean the sink and toilet, wash clothes and other items. At wet cleaning Dissolve 80 g of monochloramine well in 25 liters of water.

  • Bleach is very good remedy for the cleaning. Toilets and baths are treated with it. Also bleaching powder has the property of bleaching laundry.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is used to disinfect linen. For this purpose we are preparing special solution: stir 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. peroxide.

Let's resort to the help of devices

Sometimes, in addition to folk remedies, special equipment is needed for cleaning. So, UV lamp has long been used in medicine. It is both cheap and effective method get rid of viruses in the air.

You can use a portable UV lamp at home. It is important that the place where you want to use the device is completely empty. All occupants of the room must remain outside the room. The whole procedure takes a total of 15-20 minutes.

A bactericidal recirculator allows you to clean an apartment with an average area of ​​up to 50 m². This device passes contaminated air through itself, purifying it ultraviolet rays. Its main advantage is that adults and children can be in the room while working.

Cleaning technique

Before you start disinfecting your living space by any means, you should carefully prepare. First, learn the safety precautions for carrying out the procedure.

The most important thing is to protect your eyes and hands.

Most substances are very harmful and can leave behind burns on the skin and cause eye pain.

Thick gloves and goggles will be indispensable items for this task. You should also not forget about the respirator, since many substances are filled with chemicals that have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Please remember to keep children and pets away from the room during all procedures.

Disinfection of an apartment is very similar to general cleaning:

  1. 1 Start cleaning all corners first, wiping down every surface with diligence.
  2. 2 Finally, prevention is carried out in the kitchen and bathroom. If necessary, change the water several times.
  3. 3 Pay special attention to carpets, curtains and different furniture. They are the ones who absorb dust and harmful microbes.
  4. 4 A special spray bottle, which can easily be found in a hardware store, is perfect for cleaning toys and souvenirs.

The disinfection process covers not only the room itself, but also all the objects that are in it:

  • all items should be washed with powder in warm water;
  • plastic products are treated with special disinfectant cleaners;
  • All small objects and toys can be cleaned using an ultraviolet lamp.

To finish cleaning, you need to ventilate the room. Children should not be inside during this procedure. The duration of ventilation should take about 4 hours.

This procedure can be carried out not only after serious illnesses. Experts recommend carrying out such major cleanings several times a year. They make the house cleaner and protect against pathogenic bacteria.