home · On a note · How to get rid of moths on a wooden floor. How to get rid of moths in the house forever using folk remedies. Types of moths in the apartment

How to get rid of moths on a wooden floor. How to get rid of moths in the house forever using folk remedies. Types of moths in the apartment

Have you noticed a moth in the house? Don’t think for a minute, but get to work before butterflies and larvae ruin your clothes and food supplies. How to get rid of moths in an apartment? Read now!

Cereals, flour and products often harbor larvae that grow into moths. It is not difficult to get rid of them, the main thing is to take preventive measures in time.

  • Step 1: Thoroughly review the contents of your cabinets. If you notice food spoiled by moths, immediately throw it in the trash.
  • Step 2. Dry what was able to survive in a microwave or oven (temperature - 70-80 degrees, time - up to 20 minutes, open the oven door slightly), transfer to clean containers and close with a tight lid.
  • Step 3. Wash all cabinets, shelves and dishes soapy water, and then with a vinegar solution. If there are cracks and crevices, it is better to use a brush. After soaping, leave the cabinets open for several hours.
  • Step 4. Ventilate the room.

Attention! For three days, make sure that the larvae do not appear again.

How to get rid of food moth in the kitchen? Take advantage of our selection of these effective remedies.

Moth herbarium

To combat food moths, wormwood, geranium, lavender, leaves are often used walnut(fresh), sweet clover or tobacco. Geraniums can simply be placed in a flowerpot, and the herbs can be laid out on the shelves. Keep in mind that geranium has a very strong aroma that can cause various allergic reactions.


Moths simply cannot stand the citrus scent. Place lemon, orange, grapefruit or tangerine peels throughout the kitchen. You can also apply some essential oil to a cotton swab and place it on the shelf.

Bay leaf

How to remove moths using bay leaves? Place them around the entire perimeter of the cabinet in which food, cereals or flour are stored.

Essential oils

To remove moths from the kitchen, soak a piece of cotton wool with any of the essential oils:

  • Geranium;
  • Tansy;
  • Fir;
  • Basil;
  • Carnation;
  • Ledum;
  • Rosemary;
  • Camphor (can be replaced with natural camphor).


Young garlic is an excellent remedy for food moths. Peel one head, separate into teeth and throw into jars of cereal. Don't worry about the scent - it will disappear very quickly.

Perfume and cologne

Moths are repelled by any strong odors, so after cleaning, you can spray perfume and cologne in the cabinets.

Video tips:

How to remove moths from wardrobes?

To remove moth larvae from cabinets outerwear, take note of this simple algorithm:

  1. Go through all the clothes and find the nest - it looks like a lump of cobwebs in which the larvae live.
  2. Moth hates Fresh air– feel free to send things outside or on the balcony so that they are well ventilated.
  3. Affected clothing can be placed in a bag and placed in the freezer for about 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure at least 4 times. In the cold, moth larvae die very quickly.
  4. Do it in all closets general cleaning. Vacuum all corners, wipe the shelves with soapy water and diluted table vinegar.
  5. Allow the wardrobe to dry and air for about 3 hours.
  6. Bring in clothes from the street, shaking them first so that the moths fall out of the fur coat, jacket or coat.

Another effective folk recipe:

Preventing moths

Now you know exactly how to remove moths from an apartment, but wouldn’t it be better to prevent this problem? It's very easy to do this:

  • Freshly purchased cereals need to be calcined in the oven, and then poured into a special container made of glass, metal or plastic. It is better to forget about ziplock packaging or regular bags forever;
  • Remember, in a transparent container it is much easier to monitor whether there are moths in the cereals or not;
  • Keep the kitchen in order - regularly clean, ventilate, throw away leftover food and do not leave trash;
  • Review your inventory, especially if you keep it for a very long time;
  • Disassemble all the rubble, stale things and dowry in the form of feather beds, rolled carpets, pillows, scarves and other things. If this is not done, the moth will return to the kitchen;
  • Do not store dirty or worn clothes;
  • Ventilate the apartment almost daily;
  • Treat wool and fur products with anti-moth sprays;
  • Pack things in newspaper wrappers.

Store-bought moth repellents

To get rid of moths at home, purchase special traps (Aeroxon or Raptor) in the store. As a rule, they are placed in all kitchen cabinets or on wardrobe shelves. Now you have to wait about 60 days. This is exactly how long it takes for a small larva to turn into a large moth and, attracted by the smell, fly straight into the trap.

Almost everyone has faced the question of how to get rid of moths in an apartment forever, but the answer is not easy. Moths are small insects from the category of butterflies. Mostly common moths are known to spoil fur and woolen items.

Moth larvae at home feed on a horny substance - keratin, which is part of wool, carpet pile, and fur coat hairs. By eating keratin, the caterpillar leaves behind waste products. In a day a larva can make through hole in a fur or wool product. In search of food, moths gnaw different materials: paper, cotton, silk, synthetic materials.

The development of a moth consists of several stages: egg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly. Moths usually mean butterflies, but they are just less dangerous for things. Fur and wool are eaten by caterpillars, so you need to fight them and the larvae that insects lay.

Folk and store remedies against moths

Housewives use different means both folk ones, proven over the years, and modern, purchased ones. Let's figure out what will help get rid of harmful insects faster and will not harm the health of apartment residents.

Folk remedies against moths

To protect things from moths in the apartment, our great-grandmothers used the well-known naphthalene, which effectively repels butterflies, but cannot destroy caterpillars and eggs. Scientists classify naphthalene as a carcinogen that can provoke the development of malignant diseases.

  • Fir and lavender essential oils are natural and safe remedies for moths. Cotton swabs soaked in these oils and dried lavender flowers placed among things in gauze bags will protect fur and wool fabrics from insects.
  • The smell of cedar wood and camphor will repel pests from the closet.
  • A safe folk remedy for fighting insects is vinegar. Heat a few tablespoons of vinegar in a hot frying pan and close it in the cupboard for 10-15 minutes.
  • Caucasian chamomile powder - pyrethrum - will get rid of flying moths. Spread the powder at the rate of 3-4 grams per square meter of area.
  • Tobacco, black pepper, strawberry soap, orange peels, houseplants with a pungent aroma - geranium and coleus. Insects cannot tolerate these odors.

Video tips

Traditional methods fights are safe for health, but the plants are only repellents that repel butterflies. If a moth has settled in things, you can only get rid of it with the help of chemicals.

Purchased remedies for house moths

Traditional and everything known remedy against moths - briquettes and tablets, which contain camphor and naphthalene. They are laid out on the top shelves of cabinets.

The anti-moth effect of naphthalene and camphor is based on the heavy vapors of these substances, which, concentrating below, do not allow butterflies to lay eggs on clothes. The biggest advantage of briquettes and tablets is low price. But high concentrations of camphor and naphthalene can be dangerous to human health. This should be taken into account by people prone to allergic reactions.

There are many pest control products on store shelves.

  1. “Antimol” or “Dezmol” place 3-4 tablets in a cabinet. The duration of action of the drugs is about two weeks.
  2. “Molemor” protects things from insects for six months, but no more than two plates can be used in one room.
  3. Aerosols and sprays – “Suprozol”, “Kapkan”, plates – “Moskitol”, liquid – “Supromit”. Liquid substances The walls of cabinets and clothes are treated, the effect of the treatment lasts for several months.
  4. "Raid anti-mol" can be purchased immediately in the form of a gel, spray and plates.

Manufacturers of insect repellents produce products without an unpleasant odor that destroy butterflies and moth larvae, protecting things from skin beetles, carpet beetles, and ants. The plates are valid for up to six months.

Moth preparations in the form of sections are popular. Simply remove the protective tape and glue the section to the top wall of the cabinet. The sections will fill the closet with the pleasant smell of lavender, chamomile or tangerine. Children's items will be protected by special sensitive sections. Renew the drug in the cabinet every 4-6 months. Despite all the advantages, the product is quite toxic: it should not be stored near food products and in places accessible to children, it is unacceptable to place more than two sections in rooms less than 15 square meters. m.

Take the choice of anti-moth medications seriously: do not buy products from dubious manufacturers or with damaged packaging. Chemical substances poor quality can cause harm to health.

How to get rid of food moths forever

In the kitchen

You can get rid of food moths in the kitchen forever only with the help of chemicals described above. Folk remedies are used after complete removal of pests, for prevention.

After removal procedures, be sure to treat the places where it lived. Wash the cabinets where insect-infected products were located with warm soapy water, then clean water. All cracks and grooves are coated with table vinegar using a thin brush. After this, the cabinet remains open until it is completely dry.

To prevent harmful insects from infesting your kitchen, store groceries in bins or containers with tightly closed lids. If you have to store food in plastic bags, they must be well tied.

In cereals

If moths have severely affected cereals, they should not be eaten. If a small amount of food is damaged, you can try sorting it out, then dry it for 15 minutes in the oven at 60 °C or in the microwave.

On cabbage

A common pest worldwide is the cabbage moth. After several bites by the insect, the head of cabbage cannot be stored and begins to quickly deteriorate. The pest infects the plant while still in the beds.

Work to combat insects is carried out in a complex manner.

  1. The remains of the harvest are carefully plowed. Because pupae remain on them and on the weeds for the winter, and after plowing they will not be able to get out.
  2. Make sure that weeds do not spread. If more than 10% of the crop is affected or there are more than 4 caterpillars on one bush, treat with insecticides.
  3. Most effective means against garden pests Entobacterin, Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin.

What to do if no larvae are found?

It is a big misconception to think that moths cause harm to things and that by killing them you can get rid of the problem. We almost always see male moths flying into rooms. At this time, females lay eggs in closets and other secluded places.

Caterpillars soon emerge from larvae and cause damage to products made of fur, wool and other natural materials. It is logical to fight not with butterflies, but to destroy the larvae. If they cannot be found, it is necessary to carry out regular preventive measures to prevent the appearance of the pest.

  1. The first thing caterpillars eat is dirty places on clothes, so before storing items, thoroughly clean them of stains.
  2. Straight lines have a detrimental effect on caterpillars and eggs. Sun rays and fresh air. Periodically dry and ventilate things on the balcony. Half an hour in hot weather is enough for the moth eggs to die. In less sunny weather, double the drying time to achieve the effect.
  3. If possible, carry out quartzing in closets and the room where things are stored.
  4. To radically destroy moth caterpillars, as well as cockroaches, dichlorvos-based products are used.
  5. Larvae die upon exposure low temperatures- freezing and evaporation. It is advisable to use these methods if there is no risk of damaging the product.

Types of house moths

There are more than forty species of moths in nature. Only a few of them can be found in houses and apartments. To choose the most effective method of control, it is necessary to determine their type. The division into species is based on the habitat of the insect: some pests can be called domestic, others agricultural. Among the agricultural moth species, the barley moth, apple moth and cabbage moth. Household pests include fur moths, furniture moths, grain moths and clothes moths. Let's look at the most common types of house moths that plague every housewife.

Fur moth

The fur moth is a shiny brown-yellow or grayish colored butterfly. The wingspan reaches 15-16 mm. On the front wings there are two small dark dots and one large one. Worm-shaped caterpillars white with a brown head and transparent skin. Feeds natural furs, chews through all the hair it comes across on its way.

Clothes moth

Size clothes moth more than a fur coat. The wingspan is about 20-22 mm. The front wings are light yellow in color, with a purple-brown spot at the apex. The insect's head is covered with white fluff. The caterpillar looks the same as the fur moth caterpillar. Having settled in the folds of cloth or drape, the moth eats away the material from the inside, leaving the outside thin layer matter. Therefore, often the defect of an item is not immediately noticeable.

Furniture moth

Furniture moths are distinguished by their brilliant light yellow color. The head of the insect is rusty-yellow, the wings are brown at the base. Caterpillars eat the hair upholstery of furniture, and before the formation of a pupa, they feed on wood, gnawing paths, following the pattern of the wood. The moth lays eggs on the bottom and corners of furniture, in crevices of wood, and nests of white cocoons accumulate here. The caterpillar completes development in two months in summer and about five in winter. Furniture moths begin to pupate in February, the first years in the spring months, and the second years of butterflies in July and August.

The clothes moth has excellent taste: in any season, it prefers expensive cashmere, natural silk, pure wool, feathers, furs and cotton. The food moth has simpler needs: it will be satisfied with everything that can be found in the kitchen. If you value your wardrobe, you should take steps to protect it without waiting for the first holes. And if moths have already begun to feast on your kitchen cabinet, then it’s time for decisive action.

How to get rid of clothes moths

Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren/flickr.com

1. Do some spring cleaning

Moths like to hide in secluded warm corners, so first of all, take everything out of the wardrobe, vacuum every shelf and drawer, and then wipe everything internal surfaces with a cloth soaked in any detergent.

It also doesn’t hurt to vacuum carpets and hard-to-reach places where dust usually accumulates: behind furniture, in the corners of dresser drawers, behind radiators. Finally, wash all clothes, as well as curtains, bedspreads, blankets and furniture covers.

2. Freeze your clothes

In winter, you can take your clothes out onto the balcony, and the rest of the time, use the freezer. Moth larvae die at sub-zero temperatures, so put your clothes in bags and put everything that will fit in the freezer.

3. Take your clothes out into the sun

Bright sunlight affects moth larvae in the same way as frost. For the insects to die, it is enough to keep the clothes in the sun for a couple of hours.

4. Wash your clothes often

Moths love particles of dried sweat, so do not put anything in a newly disinfected closet that needs to be washed first, especially if it is knitted items.

5. Store woolen items in covers

As the weather warms up, put your favorite winter sweaters, dresses and scarves in covers or ziplock bags and add moth repellent to each one. Lifehacker will tell you below what best repels moths.

6. Quarantine for old times

Vintage wardrobe items, inherited from a great-grandmother or bought at a flea market, must be hung in the closet first and only then. Even if at first glance things do not cause suspicion, moth larvae can easily live in the seams.

7. Buy cedar hangers

Moths cannot stand the smell of cedar, so hangers made from this wood will reliably protect your clothes from voracious pests.

8. Stay vigilant

Check your clothes from time to time, and regularly ventilate rooms and closets. Don't keep things you don't wear: either throw them away or donate them. Moths most often appear on clothes that have not been taken out of the closet for a long time, and almost never on clothes that are worn constantly.

9. Use natural repellents to repel moths.

Most effective natural remedy for moths - it's lavender. Cloves also work well (not a flower, but a seasoning), but it has a rather strong smell, which will inevitably be absorbed into clothes, and not everyone likes it.

10. Use aerosols to kill moths

If you are determined to eradicate moths using chemicals, the most radical and in an effective way Contaminated items and storage areas will be treated with aerosols containing powerful insecticides. In addition to the usual dichlorvos, products based on permethrin, pyrethrins and pyrethroids are produced.

However, do not forget that many of them are very toxic, which means they are not applicable in all situations and can cause a severe allergic reaction. Before spraying the aerosol, carefully read the instructions on the package, especially the part about safety precautions.

How to get rid of food moths

1. Throw away any contaminated food

Check all cans and bags of cereals, animal feed, dried fruits, seeds, tea and others bulk products. This also applies to unopened packages. Moth eggs, similar to sticky semolina, larvae and characteristic cobwebs may be found in contaminated products. If you see any of this, throw the whole pack away.

Moths can live not only inside kitchen cabinets, but also on and behind them. Sometimes it is even found behind the edges of the wallpaper, under the base of a chandelier or behind the ceiling plinth.

Vacuum and wash cabinets and other moth habitats. When washing, it is recommended to add laundry soap to the water and then wipe the surfaces with a vinegar solution. Be sure to let the cabinets dry before putting supplies back in them.

The containers in which the food was stored should also be thoroughly rinsed and dried, and kept in the freezer for a day.

3. Process remaining food

The cereals can be sorted and kept in the freezer for 4-5 days, or heated in the oven for at least half an hour at a temperature of 60 degrees. Then pour the cereal into containers with tight lids.

4. Use pheromone traps to catch male moths

The males themselves are harmless, since they do not even have mouthparts. However, they fertilize females, which lay eggs.

5. Use bay leaf and lavender

You can place lavender sprigs, dried cloves and bay leaves on the cabinet shelves - this will repel moths. Some housewives put Bay leaf directly into containers with cereals, however, this method is suitable only for those who have nothing against the faint aroma of this spice in cereals and side dishes.

6. Go without supplies

Try not to buy cereals for future use and for longer than a couple of months. And if you decide to stock up, then keep the purchased products in the cold for several days.

7. Don’t forget to ventilate

This applies not only to the kitchen itself, but also to the kitchen cabinets. Moths do not like fresh air.

Do you know a proven remedy for moths? Tell us about it in the comments.

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    Walkthroughs How to get rid of pests yourself. We develop our guides based on scientific research and the opinions of award-winning biologists.

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Our guides are based on scientific research and the opinions of biologists. For example, during our research we found that Ultrasonic repellents do not work against mosquitoes. This is bad for manufacturers of such devices. But the fundamental theme for us is Truth. We strive to provide you with reliable and useful information which will help you get rid of your problem.

When from wardrobe or small pale butterflies fly out of the kitchen, this does not bode well. The apartment owners are faced with the question: how to get rid of moths in the most efficient way? effective way to save clothes, carpets and food supplies that have not yet been touched by the pest.

But before you get rid of moths in your apartment, you need to figure out what kind of pest attacked the living space. All, simply put, are divided into two groups, popularly called food and food. You need to fight them using different means.

It is important to understand that some drugs are intended only to repel moths, which is not always effective, especially for enclosed spaces. There are also means for instantly or gradually removing it from the apartment. So let's take a closer look Various types moth repellents and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.

Methods and means for getting rid of clothes moths

The entire range of means for getting rid of house moths can be divided into the following groups:

  • Insecticidal aerosols. With their help you can quickly, literally in 1 day, get rid of moths in your apartment, but some of them have bad smell And high price. In addition, you will have to breathe the aerosol (even when using a respirator), which can be a serious problem for people prone to allergies.
  • Fumigators against moths. They are used to slowly but surely remove moths from the room. Like aerosols, fumigators are capable of destroying other harmful insects in the apartment - for example, mosquitoes and flies.
  • Mothproof sections. The main job of such products is to deter. If there are a lot of insects, you won’t be able to get rid of moths with their help.
  • Sticky tapes and traps. They are used to catch moths, but do not harm the larvae. They can be considered as an additional enhancing means of combat, while being absolutely safe for human health.
  • Folk remedies for pest control. They will help to repel and eventually even completely get rid of moths in the house. It is only important to choose the right folk remedy for your case and use it in the right way.

Aerosols against clothes moths

Aerosols allow you to quickly get rid of moths in your apartment. They are a solution of an insecticide in a spray bottle, and their principle of action is based on the fact that the particles toxic substance enter with air Airways insects and their chitinous cover, which ultimately causes poisoning.

The following drugs are widely used and recognized by consumers today:

  • Antimol
  • Armol
  • Raptor "Protection from moths"
  • Mosquitall
  • Dezmol
  • Phoxide.

If there are clothes moths in your house, then in order to be sure to get rid of them using an aerosol, you should first go through all the closets, shake out the carpets and clothes. After this, it is necessary to carry out an aerosol treatment: all fabric and fur surfaces, corners of furniture, as well as possible pest breeding sites must be sprayed, the room must be left to “leaven” for several hours, and then a general cleaning of the apartment must be carried out. This is quite troublesome, but it gives a quick effect.

It is difficult to get rid of food moths using such means, since it is impossible to process cereals and food products that insects love so much. You can spray insecticide inside the cabinets, but only after getting rid of the contaminated food.

Dr. Klaus Antimol is one of the very effective aerosol moth repellents. With its help, you can get rid of moths in the closet, as well as, for example, in suitcases and mezzanines, without fear of leaving stains on clothes.

The active ingredient of the aerosol is the insecticide permethrin (0.25%), which quickly and effectively destroys both adult moths - butterflies and their larvae. In addition, the drug has a long-term repellent effect.

The average price of the drug for a 300 ml bottle is approximately 170 rubles.

“This Doctor Klaus anti-moth is an excellent remedy, inexpensive and effective. My grandmother suffered with moths all her life, she laid out lavender everywhere, then she had to clean it up when it was dried out and crumbled. And here the same effect and no hassle, we managed to get rid of moth larvae and butterflies. I use it myself and bring it to my grandmother regularly.”

Irina, Yaroslavl


This aerosol preparation is aimed at disinfecting fur and wool products. Armol smells pleasantly of lavender and does not leave any marks on fabrics. It can be used to treat bed linen, curtains, carpets and even leather, as the product guarantees getting rid of not only moths, but also skin beetles.

Armol and Armol Expert are commercially available, and the latter is odorless and therefore suitable for disinfecting textiles and fur at exhibitions and in sales areas. The drug is packaged in 165 ml cylinders.

Simple Armol costs about 60 rubles, and Armol Expert costs about 70 rubles.

Raptor "Protection from moths"

If there are moths in your apartment, you can get rid of them using one 175 ml bottle, the price of which is about 90 rubles. The insecticidal substance has a prolonged effect, extending until the next washing of items or up to 12 months on furniture.

Mosquitall (Moskitol)

Mosquitall is an aerosol product from a company that specializes in the production of insecticidal preparations for household use. The composition and effect of the drug is similar to Antimol.

The bottle contains 200 ml of the substance, for which you will have to pay about 100 rubles.

Taiga Antimol - relatively new effective drug, which will help get rid of moths in closets, and its effect also extends to the skin beetle (the so-called clothes beetle, which spoils Leather Products). In general, Taiga Antimol aerosol can be characterized as a fairly strong insecticide with instant action.

“This is the first and only moth repellent I have ever used and it has been very effective. The aerosol was recommended by a salesperson in a store, who said that this is what people buy most often. I liked that it works instantly and there are no difficulties in application.”

Matvey, Khabarovsk


Aerosol Extramit acts similarly to Taiga, and allows you to quickly get rid of moths in the house. It is only important to do it correctly, in in the right places and quantities to spray the drug. Destroys larvae and butterflies within the range of action.

Fumigators against moths

A fumigator is a combination of electrical apparatus and an insecticidal agent for long-term indoor use. Various manufacturers They guarantee that with the help of a fumigator you can get rid of moths forever in just a few days to two weeks.

The most effective and common are the following fumigators:

  • Raid.
  • Mosquitall.
  • Raptor.

A plate with insecticide is inserted inside the fumigator. After being plugged into the outlet, the substance heats up and evaporates, spreading throughout the room. Its concentration in the air is sufficient to kill butterflies and larvae, but is safe for people and animals.

On a note

Some fumigators are quite toxic and therefore should only be turned on for 1-2 hours every day in residential areas. Typically these requirements are indicated on the packaging.

The disadvantage of such products is the need to connect to an outlet: this makes it difficult to use in the absence of electricity, and also does not allow creating an increased concentration of insecticide in cabinets.

Fumigator Raid is plastic device with electric plug, can work with plates or a bottle of liquid. Energy consumption is minimal, since the fumigator power does not exceed 4.5 W. Although Raid Fumigator is positioned as a mosquito repellent, it is also effective against moths.

The cost of the device along with 10 plates is about 120 rubles. Effectively helps get rid of moth caterpillars and butterflies, equally effective against clothes and food moths.

Kristina, Moscow

Fumigator Mosquitall

The operating principle of Mosquitall is similar to that of the previous fumigator. The only difference: the manufacturer specifies the affected area - up to 30 square meters per device. This is usually enough to stain one living room.

The product is effective against both mosquitoes and moths.

Fumigator Raptor

There are Raptor fumigators for plates and liquids. The fumigator itself, according to the manufacturer, is equipped with an improved ceramic plate, which eliminates the occurrence of unpleasant odors.

The principle of operation is similar to the previous devices described above.

Moth sections

Another popular remedy is moth sections, which, unlike the previously described preparations, do not contain insecticidal components. The operating principle of the sections is based on the repellent effect of the essential oils used in them. True, they do not kill moths, but they allow you to get rid of them by scaring off adult moths. It is important to consider that although butterflies are sensitive to the action of sections, caterpillars essential oils practically no harm.

There are many types of moth sections on the market, but Mosquitall and Raptor are recognized as the most popular and effective.

Mosquitall sections

These moth sections are available in 2 forms: plates for hanging between clothes, and blocks with perfume attached to the wall.

The cost varies between 50-120 rubles. Mosquitall preparations emit a pleasant aroma and effectively repel moths.

Raptor sections

There are many varieties of Raptor sections available with different pleasant aromas, ranging from traditional lavender to citrus. The effect of one plate is designed for half square meter for up to 4 months.

“Very convenient sections, just what you need for cabinets. I've been using it for over a year now and change it once a season. Since then I haven’t seen a single butterfly and all my clothes are intact.”

Elizaveta Petrovna, Moscow

Folk remedies for moth control

Practice shows that when the average apartment owner decides how to get rid of moths in an apartment, folk remedies are usually the first to come to mind: this includes lavender, orange peels, tobacco and geranium. Sometimes also laundry soap.

But it is important to understand that the main weapon of all these substances is an unpleasant, but not fatal odor for moths. The principle of operation of such remedies is similar to sections against moths, however, the price is significantly lower, which explains the popularity of folk remedies.


Sometimes, to get rid of moths in an apartment, it is enough to place dried lavender in the cabinets (preferably in a woven bag), the smell of which is very unpleasant for butterflies. The plant can be replaced with lavender fragrance or oil, but this will cost more.

The less infested the premises, the higher the effectiveness of this product. If your apartment is heavily infested, you should not count on success; it is advisable to immediately take on highly effective insecticides in order to prevent the moths from multiplying even more.

Orange peels

If it is infested in your apartment, you can get rid of it with the help of orange peels, which need to be placed in cupboards with food. As long as the crusts emit a noticeable aroma, moths will avoid such cabinets and will not lay their eggs in the food.

The disadvantage of this is the need to frequently replace orange peels with fresh ones, but the advantage is that it is cheap, accessible and safe to use.


The smell of tobacco is just as unpleasant to moths as the smell of lavender. When dried, it is recommended to scatter the tobacco into bags and place them in drawers and cabinets.

It is considered equally effective to keep live fragrant tobacco in your apartment as a houseplant.


Moths really don’t like the strong smell of geranium, so next to the closet or dressing room you can just put this flower in a pot.

How to get rid of moths in the kitchen

Getting rid of moths in the kitchen is often not as easy as getting rid of clothes moths (in closets with clothes). The reason is that the caterpillars attack food that cannot be treated with insecticides, and sometimes it is difficult to even determine whether the product is actually infested with moths.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a thorough audit of all food supplies in the kitchen, sift cereals and inspect dried fruits. When all the nests of the pest are destroyed, it is useful to put them in kitchen cabinets means to repel butterflies (they can hide in the corners of the room). For additional protection Sticky tapes are also effective against adult moths.

Preventing apartment moth infestation

Here best methods prevention:

  • Hanging sticky tape and traps.
  • Use of folk remedies: geranium on the windowsill, orange peels or lavender in the closet.