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How to control fruit flies at home. How to get rid of small flies in the kitchen - effective methods and recommendations. How a fly gets into an apartment

Fly traps are easy to make yourself, and below are instructions for making the simplest and most convenient devices for killing these insects. But in the fight against flies, it is important to take into account their habits and feeding habits, so first we will pay attention to this issue.

A do-it-yourself fly trap is profitable and practical. Homemade traps will significantly save money spent annually on protection from ubiquitous insects. They are easy to make, and they are as effective as store-bought ones.

When making bait traps, you need to take into account that different types flies prefer different foods. There are flies that feed on:

  • Plant foods. They are attracted by the smell of fermented jam, spoiled fruit, honey, kvass, beer, sugar. Such flies often fly in flocks in the garden during fruiting season fruit trees, but they often appear at home. These are different fruit flies and flies, such as fruit flies and honey flies.
  • Animal food and excrement. We are talking about dung and carrion flies. They flock to rotting meat, fish or manure, circle in the meat departments of food markets, and fly into livestock buildings and outdoor toilets.
  • The blood of humans and warm-blooded animals. These are carnivores, horseflies and gadflies. The period of mass flight of these flies is observed in August, at which time they join the main stream of summer midges, joining midges and mosquitoes, and causing extreme discomfort to animals and people.
  • Food of any origin. This is basically synanthropic flies, which are capable of almost all year round live in a human dwelling. The most common representative is the housefly or housefly. She loves sweet foods, meat, dairy products and fish, but does not disdain bread crumbs. It is unable to bite through human skin, but readily licks sweat, particles of dead epidermis and blood from wounds.

It is also important to take into account that flies are very nimble, mobile and do not stay long on any one object. Therefore, the trap must be able to contain or destroy the fly, even if it touches it only for a moment.

Homemade adhesive tape or Velcro for flies

This tape is effective against all types of flies, but it is especially effective against omnivorous and herbivorous species. Other winged insects, including mosquitoes and midges, stick to the tape largely because they choose it as a resting place. Knowing the preferences of flying insects to sit on ceilings and chandeliers, it is better to hang adhesive tapes in the upper part of the rooms.

To make adhesive tape you will need:

  1. Thick paper, cut into long strips 4-6 cm wide. You need to attach a loop to one end of the strip, from which it will be convenient to hang the trap.
  2. Rosin – 200 ml.
  3. Castor oil – 100 ml.
  4. Turpentine – 55 g.
  5. Granulated sugar – 4 tbsp. l.
  6. Water – 4 tbsp. l.

You need to boil syrup from water and sugar, bringing it to a yellowish-brown color. When the syrup has cooled a little, add rosin, turpentine and castor oil to it, mix everything thoroughly. Then soak strips of paper with this mixture and hang traps in places where flies are most concentrated - in the kitchen and veranda, above the entrance to the house and window openings, in the toilet.

The ribbons will attract flies with their smell, as well as the opportunity to sit on a surface that is comfortable from the point of view of insects. These devices remain sticky for a long time, so they need to be changed as they become filled with insects.

The given composition of sticky bait is very effective, but if the only thing you have in your house is sugar, you can get by with sugar syrup. The main thing is to make it so thick that flies stick to it well.

Bottle trap for flies and fruit flies

It is a trap closed type, but it will also attract insects with a sweet smell and catch them with a sticky substance. To make it, use a regular 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle of water or soda.

  1. The upper third of the bottle needs to be cut off, pour 200-300 ml of viscous liquid into the bottom of the lower part. sugar syrup. You can add a little honey, beer or fruit juice or fermented jam to the syrup. The consistency should be viscous enough so that insects quickly drown in it and are unable to escape.
  2. cut top part Insert the bottles into the lower part with the neck down, without a cap. Fasten the two parts with a stapler or tape.
  3. In order for flies and flies to more actively fall into the bottle, its edges should be lightly greased with sweet syrup and placed where insects fly most often.

If you plan to place the trap outside, it is better to add a little white vinegar to it to repel honey bees and thereby protect them from death.

Instead of plastic bottle You can use a glass jar and funnel. The principle is the same: pour a little sweet viscous liquid into a jar, insert a funnel into the jar with the end down, and change the bait from time to time.

Trap for flies and midges

Small midges that appear in an apartment in the summer (and sometimes in other seasons) are usually fruit flies and wine flies. They appear in the apartment when food suitable for them appears in it - rotting fruits and vegetables, fermented jam.

The easiest way to make a fly trap at home is:

  1. Take a glass, pour some red wine, kvass, beer or fermented jam into it. For a better effect, you can add a slice of any spoiled fruit.
  2. Cover the top of the container with film - food or plastic film will do. The film must be stretched so that it forms flat surface on the neck of the container. Scotch tape or a rubber band will help secure the film in this position.
  3. Make small holes in the film layer. It is best to pierce them with a toothpick.

The midge trap is ready. Place it in the place where they appear most often, and change the bait as the container fills with insects. Through the holes, the flies will penetrate inside the bait, stick to it and drown, and will not be able to get back out.

Outdoor fly trap

This trap is effective against dung and blood-sucking flies, mosquitoes and other midges. You can place it on local area, Near outdoor toilet, chicken coop, barn.

How to do:

  1. Take a 1-5 liter metal can, for example a paint can. Using a knife or metal scissors, make a large hole in its side in the form of a window, and close this window with fine mesh metal mesh. Secure the mesh with wire.
  2. Attach a low-power light bulb to the lid of the jar and bring the electrical wire outside. Use an extension cord if the outlet is far away.
  3. Prepare a poisonous solution to kill flies: add 3 g of agita or other insecticide for flies to 100 ml of water, a few drops ammonia and lactic acid. Treat the entire body of the trap with this solution, and place a piece of meat inside.

Lactic acid imitates the body odor of humans and animals, thereby attracting flies. After some time, meat that has spoiled will also emit an odor attractive to flies. And the agita contains substances that attract flies - pheromones.

The light bulb will additionally attract insects at dusk. They will land on the body of the trap and receive a lethal dose of poison.

Trap from a jar and an ultraviolet flashlight

This remedy is relatively effective against all types of flying insects.

To make it you will need:

  • scotch;
  • glass jar;
  • a small ultraviolet flashlight, for example, in the form of a keychain.

You can wrap the jar with tape with the adhesive side facing out, or you can transfer the adhesive layer to the surface of the jar itself.

In the second case outside The jars should first be wiped with a cloth soaked in alcohol, vodka or cologne to degrease the surface. After this, you need to wrap the jar with tape with the adhesive side inward, without touching it with your fingers. glass surface, and expose to the sun for 2-4 hours. After this time, the tape must be carefully removed. The adhesive layer will remain on the jar. The first option is, of course, simpler, but the second is more effective.

Place a UV flashlight in the prepared trap and place the trap in the area where flies fly most often. Insects attracted by the light will land on the surface of the jar and stick to its surface.

How to make your traps more effective

The likelihood of flies disappearing soon will increase if you use traps different types. To catch more flies, it is better to make several traps and place them in different places apartment (or garden).

Important: flies should not have the opportunity to intercept a piece of food outside the trap. The effect will be much greater if the fly bait food is the only one available. Therefore, all food products must be put away in cupboards and the refrigerator, and fruit drops, if we are talking about a garden, must be taken outside the garden and buried.

The Drosophila fly is a small flying insect, the length of which in most adults is no more than three millimeters. Basically, these flies appear in private houses, in city apartments or in country houses, if there are slightly spoiled or already rotting fruits in the room. In addition, the fruit fly happily eats all kinds of plant debris in which decay processes occur, as well as the moisture of various indoor plants. ornamental plants that grow on window sills in pots.

When such flies appear in the living space of an apartment or house, it is quite difficult to get rid of them. However, if you approach this event wisely and use comprehensive control methods (especially in the kitchen), then it is quite possible to remove insects from your apartment. This can be done even in a short time, without spending much money. financially– for example, contact traditional methods! The main thing is that before you begin the process, you should carefully study all the recommendations on how to deal with fruit flies and be patient.

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You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Where do these insects come from?

In the process of fighting absolutely any insects unacceptable for living quarters, optimal solution is to eliminate the original source - that is, the reasons for their appearance. This is a much more effective approach than dealing with several individuals that will visit your home again and again every day. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand the question “Where do flies come from?” After all, often even in that kitchen, which is the domain of a super-neat housewife, these annoying and, most importantly, harmful “uninvited guests” suddenly appear. Of course, the first thing that the owner of the premises should do in this case is to conquer her own territory. What needs to be done for this? First of all, you need to work on creating conditions that are most unsuitable for insects such as fruit flies. This approach will make it possible to significantly reduce their numbers in the shortest possible period of time and gradually get rid of them altogether.

Fruit flies are known to be fruit/wine gnats that cannot bite. Nevertheless, their presence in the kitchen, and even more so when there is Small child, not very pleasant. The most common reason these little flies come from is the presence of spoiled fruit in the house with a characteristic aroma of fermentation. This aroma is quite unpleasant for humans, but it attracts fruit flies. This happens because the adult individual of such an insect and its larva happily use the pulp of any fruit (or vegetable) that has rotted as food.

In addition, they like the juice of spoiled fruits, which contains sugar, which causes fermentation. That is, it is the presence of such food in the kitchen that represents the most favorable conditions for the appearance of midges in the house. In this regard, the most effective techniques fights that allow you to get rid of such insects, as a rule, are based precisely on this predilection.

Fighting methods

The easiest way is to hang adhesive tape in the area where these annoying flies accumulate. Remember that you first need to remove the cause of their appearance and minimize access to moisture. For example, if they “swarm” at your sink, then hang a tape next to it, and keep the surface of the countertop and the sink itself dry, rags for wiping the table, sponges - wring them out and keep them dry if possible, wash used dishes immediately. Difficulties can only arise with the purchase of these trap tapes out of season, for example, in winter.

A good way that provides the opportunity to get rid of each adult similar plan is self-production special traps and their proper placement. It is necessary to place such traps in those places where the most insects are observed. But there are several methods by which traps can be made.

Method No. 1

You should cut off a piece of an overripe (or better yet, slightly spoiled) apple or some other fruit and place it in a small glass jar. After this, you can begin making a paper cone: you should roll a paper sheet in such a shape that the base of the cone is extremely small and secure the paper with tape or glue. Then you should lower the cone into the container glass jar so that the sharp end is inside it. The resulting design of the trap will operate as follows: the fly will fly into the jar at the smell of rotten fruit through a narrow hole in the paper cone, and it will not be able to crawl back out - it simply will not be able to find a way out.

Method No. 2

You need to add a small amount to the fruit syrup cold water and pour 1 teaspoon liquid soap. Then this resulting mixture must be poured into a glass bottle - it will act as a bait for insects, thanks to the aroma of fruit syrup, to which they will 100% react and fly inside the bottle. But the slippery soap that is part of the mixture will ensure that all exits from the bottle to the outside are blocked - because of it, the flies will not be able to get back out.

Method No. 3

You need to prepare a solution of some fruit juice and ground black pepper, and then pour it into any flat containers, such as pallets or old trays. Such baits should be installed in those places where fruit flies accumulate the most. This technique is guaranteed to help get rid of these insects, since even a small amount of black pepper is a real poison for them.

Method No. 4

Pour a little fruit juice into a small plastic glass or place a piece of ripe (slightly rotten) fruit. Then you need to take regular cling film and cover it plastic cup chick and using a thick (“gypsy”) needle make holes in the film. When it gets into the container through them big number insects and flies, the glass should be disposed of, i.e. taken outside the apartment/house - for example, thrown into a trash container on the street.

Getting rid of insects with special chemicals

Probably the oldest, but at the same time quite effective way to combat any insects is Dichlorvos. For modern options This product is no longer characterized by the presence of an overly pungent odor, which is very unpleasant for both humans and domestic animals. Moreover, as the manufacturers of this special product now claim, its composition now also contains significantly fewer toxic substances. At the same time, modern “Dichlorvos” works no less effectively than its analogues from 20 years ago. In addition, you can get rid of insects such as fruit flies using Hexachloran and Chlorophos.

Of course, it should be remembered that the use of these drugs in an apartment or house must be done as carefully and very carefully as possible!

You must adhere to this throughout the process. certain rules, namely:

  • all the dishes and food products while rooms or kitchens are being treated with chemicals of this kind, they should be hidden in tightly closed cabinets or taken out of the room altogether;
  • all work related to chemical preparations should be carried out only if there is protective mask(or gauze in several layers);
  • after the room has been treated, you should leave it for at least 30–60 minutes (it is best to leave the apartment or house altogether for this time);
  • Upon returning to the room, be sure to ventilate it well, creating drafts.

We must pay tribute to this method - the fight against fruit flies, flies, ants, bees, wasps and other insects using chemicals special drugs, is really quite effective. As a rule, to completely get rid of insects, just one treatment of an apartment, cottage or private house is enough.

I would also like to talk about where they come from and how you can get rid of fruit flies that have settled in flowers? IN indoor plants An attractive factor for them is the presence of damp soil and rotting leaves. Often, soil purchased in a store is already contaminated with the larvae of these insects. Therefore, when there are suspicions about the quality of the purchased soil or for preventive purposes, the soil should be disinfected by simply calcining it in the oven before use. In addition, to prevent the appearance of indoor flowers fruit flies should try not to overfill them with water, and also immediately get rid of fallen leaves and inflorescences.

To remove insects from your home, it is recommended not only to treat them with various chemicals and other means, but also to eliminate the cause of their appearance. The Drosophila fly, also known as fruit fly or wine fly, finds many attractive things in human habitation: rotten fruits, wet soil house plants, etc. For this reason, you should decide how to get rid of fruit flies in the apartment so that they do not bother the residents with their presence.

You can most often meet these insects in close proximity to a person’s home, as well as on garden trees. This is explained eating habits Drosophila They prefer rotting fruits, as well as sources of sugar: sweetened water and other sweet liquids, sour juice, flower nectar.

Deciding how to get rid of fruit gnats in an apartment, you need to know that they also live near plants. Insects are attracted to moist soil, evaporation, and, to a greater extent, rotting foliage.

The body length of fruit flies is small - up to 2 mm, and the female can be distinguished by its pointed abdomen and larger size in comparison with males. These flies have a light brown, yellowish body and red eyes. The lifespan of fruit flies is up to 3 months, however, in a short period of time they manage to increase the population many times over. This is due to the fact that the incubation period of insects is 3-5 days, after which the female begins to lay eggs almost immediately (on the second day). This means that the offspring become sexually mature very quickly.

One clutch can contain from 40 to 90 eggs. Considering high speed reproduction, you should quickly find a solution to the problem of how to get rid of fruit flies in the apartment. Typically, females lay eggs on plant leaves and rotten fruits. Larvae require a liquid or semi-liquid medium for development. Insects appear in an apartment in different ways: along with soil, fruits, vegetables, through windows, ventilation shafts.

Important: Drosophila are not dangerous to humans and animals: they do not bite or transmit pathogenic microbes, however, the constant presence of a large number of insects in the air brings discomfort.

Preventive measures

To avoid a significant increase in the Drosophila population, it is recommended, in addition to the use chemicals and other means, eliminate the probable causes of their occurrence:

  • Spoiled fruits should be thrown away immediately.
  • Soil for planting should not be taken in open areas, as in this case there is a high probability that it is contaminated with insect eggs. When deciding how to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment, you should purchase soil from specialized retail outlets.
  • There is no need to over-moisten the soil, as this creates favorable conditions for fruit flies. Houseplants should be watered frequently, but moderately.
  • If rotting leaves and flowers are found, they are removed.
  • When deciding how to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen, first of all you need to transfer fruits and dairy products to the refrigerator. On the table in the public domain, fruits and liquid media promote the reproduction of flies.
  • The apartment should be regularly spring-cleaning, you should also wash and disinfect your trash can more often.
  • If a problem arises, how to permanently get rid of fruit flies in an apartment, you should not allow leftover pet food to stagnate at home.
  • The kitchen trash can should be emptied daily.

If fruit flies have already been eliminated, then the listed preventive measures will reduce the risk of re-infection of the apartment with these insects to a minimum.

Review of effective means of control

When figuring out how to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen, you can consider different methods: chemicals, odor exposure and cultivation of carnivorous plants. It is possible to destroy a large population of insects using comprehensive measures.


The market offers many products based on various substances that can be used to destroy fruit flies. Among the popular ones are Dichlorvos, Combat, Hexachloran, Raptor. The substance is sprayed in the apartment. To destroy fruit flies, it is enough for the product to remain in the air for half an hour, after which the room is checked. You can purchase analogues, but in any case you must follow the instructions for use, which are given on the aerosol container.


When deciding how to remove fruit flies in an apartment, you can use both specialized products purchased in the store and homemade traps. The Raptor trap is popular. Its operating principle is as follows: insects fly to the smell emitted by a container of liquid and stick to the underside of the upper platform.

To use this product, it must be collected. First of all, the lid is removed from the cylinder, and platforms with the sticky side, which should be directed downward, are installed on top of it.

When choosing how to deal with fruit flies in an apartment or in a house, you can use self-prepared traps:

Important: When using a glass trap, you need to make holes large enough for midges to get inside, however, their diameter should not exceed the size of the insects.

Exposure to low temperatures and odors

If you leave it in the apartment overnight open window, the fruit flies will die. They don't tolerate it well cold air. In addition, fruit flies feel better in a humid environment, which is formed by putrefactive fumes. Insects do not tolerate fresh air well.

You can also use plants, then the midges will be repelled specific smell. Elderberry is best suited for this purpose. It is enough to spread the leaves of the plant around the apartment for the fruit flies to disappear.

Carnivorous plants

These are insectivorous plants that also feed on fruit flies. Fruit flies are attracted to the aroma, which is a lure. They pose no danger to humans. In appearance, they are not much different from most others: small in height, easy to care for. In addition to fruit flies, mosquitoes and other insects fall into their traps.


How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment? These very annoying little creatures cause a lot of inconvenience. They flicker before your eyes and end up in food and drinks. And in general, the presence of any insects in the house is always unpleasant.

All control measures are divided into 4 types:

  • scaring
  • traps
  • poison
  • prevention

An integrated approach will help get rid of fruit flies in your apartment forever. Now we will analyze each method in detail.

How to drive fruit flies out of an apartment

Fruit flies don't like certain smells. For example, laurel oil added to clean water for washing floors, door frames, and window sills perfectly repels fruit flies. You can also add a tablespoon of kerosene or turpentine to the water. The effect will be similar.

Fresh leaves or pieces of horseradish placed in several places are also not to the taste of midges. You can even grate the fresh root into a jar and close it with an airtight lid. When fruit flies appear, the jar needs to be opened and placed in places where they accumulate. The insects retreat very quickly.

If the most common geranium or eucalyptus grows on the windowsills, then there will be no flies nearby. The aroma of these plants is very unpleasant to small pests.

An electric fumigator with any fly or mosquito plate copes well with ordinary flies. In extreme heat, you can even just lay the record on straight Sun rays. It will begin to emit an odor and rest assured that you will definitely not find any insects nearby.

Advice. Ventilate your apartment more often. Drosophila don't like clean air and drafts.

Fly traps

Today the industry offers special traps. They are very easy to use. All detailed information written on the packaging.

The only thing that can be added is the need to install such a structure away from drafts. Otherwise, the drug will quickly disappear.

Some people catch fruit flies with a vacuum cleaner, others run around with a newspaper. Why these difficulties? Drosophila are very primitive in terms of intelligence. They themselves fly towards alluring smells. The basis of self-made traps is almost always plastic bag, can, bottle, plastic container. You need to put one of the baits on the bottom:

  • browned banana
  • potatoes with wet rot
  • piece of kombucha
  • slice of apple, pear
  • watermelon, tangerine, melon slice

Place cling film on top of the container. For reliability, it is secured with an elastic band or tape. A thick needle is used to make several small holes in the film. Now all this needs to be placed near the fruit fly habitat. In the morning you will be very convinced by the number of insects that have flown in to feast on you.

Some sources recommend throwing the container in the trash along with the insects. A bag or a plastic cup - please. But you can’t have enough glass jars. The solution is very simple. The entire structure is placed in the freezer for 10 minutes. And then they simply shake out the dead fruit flies. The jar is used many times. They only periodically change the bait to a new one.

Another version of traps offers a slightly different design. One of the following liquids is poured into the bottom of the bottle or jar:

The neck is covered with a paper funnel, but a small hole is left. The midges will definitely come to the smell, but they won’t be able to get out.

Disposing of insects is very easy. They, along with the liquid, must be poured into the toilet. Or put it in a tight bag and then throw it away.

Advice. For traps you can use most berries, fruits and vegetables, and sweet drinks. It is advisable that they have already begun to deteriorate or ferment.

Drosophila stick remarkably well to classic fly tape with a sticky layer. It should be placed where the most insects are observed. After heavy contamination with dead midges, the tape is replaced with a new one.

How to poison midges

Sometimes the number of annoying guests in an apartment exceeds all imaginable limits. Then you will have to use heavy artillery. Traps and scaring are not enough here. Hordes of nasty little creatures can be poisoned.

For example, use a long-known chemical agent in the form of an aerosol. Be sure to remove all food and food first, and remove pets and household members. Then spray the poison in the center of the room and leave yourself. Close doors and windows tightly.

It will be enough to be absent for only 30 minutes. Now you can return to thoroughly ventilate the room, at least for 20 minutes. And, naturally, to remove the corpses of fruit flies.

Those who are against the use of chemicals in the home can recommend homemade poison. The principle is the same for all options. First, a special mixture is prepared. Then scraps of cotton fabric or gauze wipes. Then they are laid out on plates, which are placed near the habitats of the midges.

Recipes for poisonous liquids:

  • 200 ml milk, 2 tsp each. ground black pepper and regular granulated sugar.
  • 2 crushed saccharin tablets, 1 tbsp. l. clean water and honey.
  • 150 ml milk, 1 tsp. baking soda and sugar, 1 tbsp. l. crumbs of rye bread.

Drosophila will not fail to fly to the bait. After tasting the treat, the insects quickly fold back their legs and wings. All you have to do is periodically soak the rags in the poison and throw out the dead midges.

Prevention is the best remedy

Let's tell you a terrible secret. Drosophila breed where untidy hosts live. Sour food in pets' bowls, leftover food or drinks on the table, rotting or spoiled fruits, vegetables, berries. All this is a provoking factor for the appearance of flies in the apartment. They fly towards similar smells from the street. By the way, mosquito net on the windows is not at all a hindrance to the entry of small reptiles. They easily crawl through the cells.

What needs to be done to prevent fruit flies from getting into the house? Take away:

  • Take out the trash can in a timely manner.
  • Do not leave food or drinks on the table.
  • Discard any leftovers from pets' bowls and wash them thoroughly every day.
  • Store fruits, vegetables and berries in the refrigerator.
  • Do not create dampness under the sink and bathtub.
  • Frequently sort through vegetables stored in cabinets. Throw away spoiled ones immediately.

After all, even a piece of fruit lying under the table can be a decent bait for midges from the street. A person won’t notice, but an insect will definitely find it. Or wet tea bag. Or potato skins. The list could take a long time. But the point comes down to one thing: clean the apartment and especially the kitchen. Then the flies will not appear at all.

On the vastness of the mighty Internet, you can find advice on planting any insectivorous plant at home. They praise it, they say, and take up little space, are unpretentious in care, and bring great benefits. No doubt, carnivorous plants do their job perfectly. True, there are several but. Firstly, the flower pot should be placed in places where fruit flies accumulate. Secondly, when the trap slams shut, it needs some time to digest the insect. This process takes about a week. During this time, so many fruit flies will hatch that a whole forest of predators will be needed. Thirdly, all insectivorous plants are extremely difficult to care for.

Or do the advisers think that the flower will flap its trap like a dog hunting flies in the summer? If the doors slam shut in vain, they will open only the next day. By the way, when the midges disappear, you will have to periodically feed the plant with live food. If you don't do this, it will die in a month or two.

In general, this is absolutely not a method of getting rid of fruit flies in an apartment. This extra hassle for plant care.

By the way, about home flowers. When purchasing new ones, be sure to replant them in another soil, having first disinfected it. This can be done by placing the soil in the freezer for a day. Or bake in the oven, setting the temperature no higher than +115°C. It will be very good if the soil is thoroughly watered with a strong, hot (+80°C) solution of potassium permanganate before planting.

The fact is that store soil is often contaminated with fruit fly larvae. A high humidity in a pot and part of a plant is the most suitable environment for the development of flies. Be sure to remove fallen leaves and promptly treat rotting plants.

If you neglect these simple rules care, then at some unfortunate moment you will have to use approved insecticides. Because traps won't work here anymore. The difficulty is that all your tricks only work on adults. And completely safe for larvae and pupae. The systemic fight should continue regularly for at least a couple of weeks. Then your products will also work on subsequent generations of insects.

Otherwise, some comrades will bring out adult flies and calm down. And after a few days, new individuals hatch. Then angry comments begin online: the methods don’t work, the fruit flies have won, what to do, nothing helps... It’s their own fault. More diligence and everything will work out as planned.

How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment? It’s easier to prevent their appearance by thoroughly cleaning your home. But, if there are already uninvited guests, then dealing with them will not be difficult or impossible. Methodically and regularly using the methods described above, you can evict insects from your home forever.

Video: how to get rid of fruit flies

There is so much chemistry in our lives that we don’t want to use toxic drugs again, especially if there is a harmless alternative. A popular life hack is a DIY fly trap. This simple device is replete with many modifications; it can be made in 5 minutes from scrap materials, and most importantly, quickly and efficiently. large quantities“catches” annoying and unceremonious insects. So, at least, say those who use homemade flytraps. Let's try to figure it out impartially,

What do you need to know about flies to catch them in a trap?

To prevent a homemade fly trap from being a waste of time, it is advisable to know the basic habits and instincts of insects. Only in this case will it be possible to outwit them, lure them and destroy them. A little from the life of flies, point by point.

  1. The senseless, as we think, circling of a fly around the room is, in fact, an incessant search for food. She will definitely bite on edible bait, the main thing is to guess the taste and smell.
  2. Meat, especially “flavored” meat, has a hypnotic power over voracious insects. The category of favorite products also includes jam, honey, and sweet overripe fruits.
  3. The second direction of the constant search for flies is where to breed offspring. The best place for egg laying in a residential area - spoiled food, decaying garbage, feces. Given the insect's delicate sense of smell, this factor must be taken into account when choosing a place to place traps.
  4. Most people are familiar with the situation of how difficult it is to catch a fly in a room. It is difficult to take an insect by surprise, since due to the special structure of the eye, it perceives the slightest flicker and has a visual angle of 180⁰. But he calmly sits down where his relatives are already there, for example, on adhesive tape.

This is interesting! To understand how developed the sense of smell is in flies, Swiss scientists conducted an experiment, luring them to the aroma of different foods. It turned out that the maximum distance from which flies can smell meat is 3 km.

Types of simple traps

The whole variety of homemade flycatchers can be conditionally combined into 3 groups.

  • With edible bait, when an insect gets into a confined space, but does not die, but simply cannot get out.
  • With poisonous bait. The fly dies after eating something “sweet.”
  • Sticky flycatchers. Stuck in the sticky substance, the insect dies of starvation.

There are craftsmen who make homemade “electric shockers” for flies, but this device can hardly be made without certain professional skills.

From a plastic bottle

The easiest way to make a primitive fly trap is from an ordinary plastic bottle. The essence of the device is that the design allows the insect to move in only one direction - inside the container. Reverse No. And so that the fly wants to penetrate there, they prepare bait with an attractive smell.

The bottle must be cut in half. Bottom part– container for bait. The upper inverted half is a funnel through the narrow neck of which the insect enters the trap. The ratio of the height of the lower and upper parts is 2:1, the funnel must be tightly secured with tape or a stapler.

Advice! The funnel itself should not come into contact with the bait, or contain drops of sweet liquid or other food, otherwise the insect will have no reason to climb inside; it will “have lunch” on approach.

How to catch and guide a fly into a trap placed in a certain part of the room? For this, the following compositions are used.

  • Sweet liquid - rare jam, sugar syrup, honey, Coca-Cola.
  • Fermented liquid. It is easy to obtain if you add a drop of dry yeast to the sweet filling.
  • Flies fly well on red wine and beer.
  • If you add ground pepper (black) or a granular insecticide, such as Agita, to a sweet liquid, the insects will not only be trapped, but will also die.

Advice! It is better to use meat or fish as bait outdoors. Flies and I have different ideas about pleasant smells - what they like irritates our sense of smell.

The final touch is to place the traps in the places most attractive to insects. On the windowsills - flies strive for the light, kitchen table, next to the trash can, toilet.

From a glass jar

You can make a fly trap with your own hands from a glass jar and a funnel of a suitable size.

Overripe fruits with a sweet taste are placed at the bottom of the dish - apples, bananas, peaches, apricots. It’s good if they start to rot and wander. Instead of a lid, insert a funnel, securely fasten it so that there are no gaps between it and the wall of the jar - wrap the trap around the circumference of the neck with tape or tape.

From a plastic container

To make a small neat flytrap, take any transparent container - a glass, Plastic container. Place a little honey, sweet fruits, jam on the bottom, cover cling film, in which 1–3 small holes are made. The operating principle of the device is the same as described above.

Advice! Taking advantage homemade trap, do not forget to dispose of any insects you encounter from time to time, wash the container, and renew the bait. Don't let the flytrap become a source of unsanitary conditions.

Duct tape

Another type of do-it-yourself fly trap - homemade adhesive tape. Numerous videos on how to make a sticky substance from honey and sugar do not stand up to criticism. This coating will dry quickly, God willing, if you manage to catch a few insects. To get Velcro similar to store-bought ones, use the following composition.

  • 2 parts pine resin (rosin), melted on a burner or water bath;
  • 1 part castor or flaxseed oil;
  • a little (“for taste”) honey, sugar syrup.

The result is a truly sticky substance that maintains a viscous consistency for a long time. Ribbons are cut from durable kraft paper, parchment, and oilcloth.

Advice! If you have ALT glue, which is used for small rodent control, you can use it for sticky tape.

Homemade traps: pros and cons

Having looked at how you can make a fly trap from a plastic bottle or other transparent container, let’s analyze whether the device is worth the time spent.

Arguments for":

  • safe, environmentally friendly device;
  • easy and quick to do;
  • available materials;
  • several flies fall into the trap per day;
  • no need to pay money.

Disadvantages of a homemade device:

  • does not provide a 100% guarantee of insect destruction;
  • does not always look aesthetically pleasing;

Conclusion. There are still more advantages. It definitely has an effect if there are few flies. The game is worth the candle if other options (fumigator, insecticides) are unavailable for some reason.

We wouldn't bother with homemade adhesive tape unless absolutely necessary. It is inexpensive, in addition, the purchased analogue has an undeniable advantage - the sticky substance contains an attractant - a pheromone, which attracts insects.

Insect trap from a bottle: