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Fruit midge trap. How to get rid of fruit midges in an apartment: effective ways and methods. Appearance in the apartment

Every housewife has encountered the appearance of flies in the kitchen. Tiny creatures suddenly appear in a whole cloud: yesterday there was no one there, and today the annoying neighbors are leading a cheerful round dance. And they don’t seem to do much harm, but still their presence doesn’t make anyone happy. Today we'll talk about how to get rid of small flies in the kitchen. Of course, first of all, you need to identify the cause of their appearance, and then determine ways to combat them.

Quite often, tiny creatures bother residents of apartments and private houses in the fall and spring. And sometimes there are so many of them that you involuntarily grab your head. Let us hasten to reassure you right away: the Drosophila, also called the fruit fly or fruit midge, is a completely harmless species of insect. These creatures do not bite or carry infection, and are also very gentle. Therefore, having learned how to get rid of small flies in the kitchen, you can easily do it.

There is also bad news. Drosophila reproduces very quickly. Therefore, if you do not take action in time, then you will have hundreds of small flies in your kitchen, very annoying with their presence.

Where to attack from

Before looking for a way to get rid of small flies in the kitchen, let's figure out where they come from. Maybe it’s easier to prevent a problem than to solve it later. In fact, it is difficult to prevent the appearance of these tiny creatures. There are three options in total:

  • Drosophila can fly in from the street. Won't stop them mosquito net. They can be attracted by something. Most often these are vegetables or fruits. Therefore, before learning how to get rid of small flies in the kitchen, you need to carefully check whether anything has fallen behind the table.
  • Midge eggs can “come” to your home along with fresh vegetables and fruits purchased at the market.
  • They can start in a flower pot standing on the windowsill.

Floral or fruity

One more thing. When talking about how to get rid of small flies in the kitchen, we must not forget that they can be different. If insects hover around flower pots, these can be fruits or flower sciarids. Both are quite small, but can be distinguished quite easily. Flower midges are similar to black gnats. They fly in flocks and do not fly far from the pots. Drosophila are not very interested in the ground, so they rarely stay for long near the pot in which they hatched. Today our focus is on these little flies in the kitchen. How to get rid of uninvited guests? Let's look for ways together.

Development with metamorphoses

We are dealing with insects, which means we must take into account the full development cycle. Flying individuals are only half the problem. There are also eggs and voracious larvae. Therefore, the fight against flying insects must be comprehensive, excluding the birth of a new generation. If a flower pot has been chosen as the breeding site, you will have to change the soil to get rid of the laid eggs.

Task No. 1

“Search and destroy” is exactly how it can be formulated. Since you can get rid of a fruit fly in an apartment only by completely stopping its life cycle, you need to look for where it lays eggs. Otherwise, you will only destroy flying individuals, which will be replaced by others. They are known to like to lay eggs in ripe, beginning to decay fruits and vegetables. But not only. Any place where there is food and moisture can attract insects.


  • If you keep compost at home for indoor plants, then you need to take a closer look at it: usually it is an excellent environment for breeding these insects. Many gardeners use this method of preparing fertilizer. In a small box they collect grass growing in pots, tea leaves, eggshells and much more.
  • Garbage container. Even if you regularly throw away the bag, there may be a breeding ground for flies on the sides.
  • Beer and wine Apple vinegar- these liquids attract insects like a magnet. If there is an open bottle lying around somewhere, they will definitely appear.
  • The source of reproduction can be almost any food product. Mushrooms, cereals, dairy products, cheeses, if stored improperly, can easily become the object of attention of fruit flies.
  • Clogged wet sponges and rags, mops - all this is a source of moisture important for midges.
  • If the source was never found, the insects may have arrived from the street. Or in inaccessible place A little nutritious liquid (jam or syrup) was spilled behind the tabletop.

This is the first answer to the question of how to get rid of flies in the kitchen. How to destroy a nest? It’s very simple: we put it in a bag and take it away from the house.

Putting things in order

After the nest has been found, you need to take care of the adult insects. The most important thing now is to deprive fruit flies of a place for reproduction and food. In this case, they will die even without your help. Therefore, we hide all products that may interest them. Carefully cover jam, honey, vegetables and fruits. It is best to put all this in the refrigerator to deprive the fruit flies of their chances of survival.

Ideal cleanliness in the kitchen is, in some cases, a sufficient measure so that you no longer have to think about how to get rid of small midges in an apartment or house. Within ten days in the warm season, all individuals, including existing clutches, may die. In winter, the process can last for several months, since the development of the larvae will be delayed.

Bait traps

Nobody wants to share an area with flies for a long time, which is why the question arises of how to quickly get rid of small flies in the kitchen. A trap with bait is great way, which works 100%. The principle is very simple: insects are lured into a container with the help of aromatic bait, but cannot get back out. Leave such a trap in the kitchen in the evening, and in the morning you will find it in it a large number of living and dead insects.

How to make it yourself

Nothing could be simpler. You will need a regular glass jar and a sheet of paper. You need to twist it into a cone and secure the tip with tape. Now place the funnel in the jar, after placing something attractive to insects at the bottom. This could be ripe fruit, a few spoons of jam or apple cider vinegar.

Experts say that a cone works best orange color. Despite the fact that the bait is the same, much more always flies into a jar with colored paper. more insects. This fact can be explained by the similarity color range with orange. Citrus fruits are very unloved by the main enemies of these insects - riders. The proximity of such a fruit suggests relative safety.

How to use traps

Today our goal is to consider the most effective ways. How to get rid of flies in the kitchen? There is nothing simpler: place traps in high-risk areas. This is a sink and a windowsill with flowers. After a couple of hours, without removing the funnel, you need to pour an aqueous solution into the jar to drown the insects. After this, it can be “charged” with bait again and placed in the room.

How to get rid of flying insects

Fruit flies are not very fast. Therefore, hunting them is not particularly difficult. To do this, fill the spray bottle ethyl alcohol and spray directly at the flying flies. They instantly drop dead. Alcohol is a completely safe insecticide. In addition, it will not cause harm if it gets on food (of course, it is better to cover baked goods).

Using a fumigator

If, after leaving for several days, you forgot a few bananas on the table, then when you return, you risk seeing a whole swarm of these little creatures in the kitchen. Since no one wants to waste time catching insects, you can turn on the mosquito fumigator and leave the apartment for a few hours. When you return, ventilate the rooms and sweep the flies off the floor. Aerosols are no less effective. They can be sprayed in midge habitats and easily get rid of them. Adhesive tapes also help a lot. You can buy ordinary ones, from flies, and lubricate them with wine.

Midges in the drain

Kitchen drains often become clogged with food debris. In this case, the water begins to drain slowly, leaving unflooded areas that become spawning grounds for flies. If you see that insects are constantly getting out of the drain hole, then you definitely need to solve this problem. First, call a plumber and clean out the system. After this, pour a bucket of boiling water with soap dissolved in it. The final touch will be the use of alcohol. No more than 100 ml will be required. Just pour it into the drain hole and do not turn on the water for 30 minutes.

Small dark-colored flies appear in any home - these are fruit flies. They are of great interest to scientists, but ordinary people experience discomfort when insects enter the room. Another name for them is fruit flies.

It arose because they appear only when there is spoiled fruit in the house.

Bananas and apples are of greatest interest to fruit flies. Everyone without exception strives to get rid of these small flies, but not everyone knows how to do it quickly and effectively.

To choose the right remedy To combat midges, you need to know what they are. The body of flies of this genus is small - only about 3 mm, and the color is black.

They can be recognized by their large concentration in places with high humidity, next to rotten fruits and berries. They also love sugar. Often flies appear in the kitchen or in flowers.

The development cycle is very short - it is only 10 days, but the egg laying is large. This is why insects develop quickly, and the number of flies in the room increases every day.

They lay eggs in various products, rotten berries and fruits, indoor plants.

The emerging larvae quickly pupate and develop to adult stage. According to scientists' research, one Drosophila (female) can lay life cycle about 1500 eggs.

The appearance of these small flies should not frighten a person - they do not cause much harm. Unlike ordinary fruit flies, fruit flies do not bite and do not carry serious bacteria.

The maximum harm from their presence is gastrointestinal upset. However, this happens extremely rarely, but their constant presence in the field of view irritates everyone without exception.

The appearance of midges in the kitchen can occur for the following reasons:

In the latter case, they fly into the house through a window or window, but this is more relevant for rural areas.

The habitat of fruit flies in an apartment (house) can be bowls with food from pets and trays of indoor plants.

That is why, as soon as flies have been noticed, measures should be taken to clean the premises - simple cleaning using household chemicals.

If these small flies appear in the kitchen or in any other room, then the first thing you need to do to get rid of them is to look for spoiled food and also take out the trash.

The next step is to check the flower pots - it is in the flowers that flies can develop, and in the trays they can feed on organic matter. Basic steps to combat flies:

If there is a large concentration of flies, you can use chemicals, one of which is dichlorvos. It helps get rid of flies, as they cannot tolerate strong odors.

If , then simple chemicals, such as dichlorvos, may not help - the larvae penetrate deep into the pot. In this case, replacing the soil is a necessity.

You can also get rid of fruit flies using folk remedies; for this you should have in the house:

Geranium with its specific smell, eucalyptus and myrtle also help in the fight against fruit flies - the essential oils of these plants work perfectly. Bay oil also repels midges.

Thus, getting rid of the presence of small but annoying flies in the house is quite simple - daily cleaning in the kitchen and other rooms, application special means, such as dichlorvos and breeding indoor plants with unpleasant fruit flies the smell is guaranteed to save a person from an unwanted neighborhood.

Very often, housewives are faced with such a problem as a large number. This phenomenon cannot be called pleasant. Therefore, the question immediately arises: how to get rid of fruit gnats in the kitchen?

Why do insects appear?

It should be immediately noted that fruit flies are not capable of causing significant harm to human health, but they can cause a lot of trouble due to their annoying nature. The annoying midges appear where there is always something to eat, so the kitchen becomes the favorite place. Midges feed on the juice of fruits and vegetables, so as soon as the process of rotting begins in them, they immediately appear. Another characteristic of fruit flies is that they multiply very quickly, and after just a couple of hours the midges become twice as large. If you don’t fight them, they will scatter throughout the room and cause you a lot of trouble.

The question immediately arises: how do midges get into our house? Everything is very simple, they are already present in plant foods, or to be more precise, eggs that were once laid adult, are found on fruits and vegetables. Midges can also appear in flower pots, since their eggs can be found in the soil.

Naturally, having noticed fruit flies in their kitchen, every person asks the question: how to quickly get rid of fruit flies? Let's figure it out.

How to withdraw correctly?

The appearance of midges should under no circumstances be associated with cleanliness in the room. Their presence does not depend on the amount of dust and dirt. To prevent midges from breeding, it is necessary to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before putting them in the refrigerator or putting them on the table. As soon as the products are processed, it is necessary to dry them thoroughly, since when wet they begin to rot very quickly.

In order not to wonder how to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen, you should follow these prevention recommendations:

Folk remedies for getting rid of fruit flies

If you still couldn’t avoid such unpleasant guests as fruit flies, the only option All that remains is to destroy them as quickly as possible. Our great-grandfathers also knew how to get rid of fruit midges using folk remedies. Mandatory spring-cleaning, at the same time, vegetables and fruits that have rotted are thrown away, and the places where they lay are washed well so that not the slightest reminder remains.

Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the bathroom and sink, as fruit flies often lay their eggs in drain holes. Once the basic preparation has been completed, it will be possible to proceed directly to the destruction itself:

Getting rid of it using traps

Today, there are many ways to get rid of fruit flies at home, in addition to folk remedies. For example, in Lately Special traps are very widely used. They represent small containers with a small hole. Inside the container there is a bait that attracts fruit flies so much. This method is excellent, since there are rooms where, for some reason, chemical treatment is prohibited. Let's look at what traps exist:

1. Trap in the form of a jar. Something sweet is placed in a glass container, a paper funnel is inserted inside, through which the midges sink to the bottom. Once inside, they can no longer get out.

2. A sticky trap can be made independently and at home. To do this, you need to boil sugar syrup, pour it into a saucer and place it where midges like to be most. Having arrived to feast, they will stick to the syrup and die.

3. You can buy adhesive tape in the store, the effect is that a special composition is applied to the tape that attracts fruit flies, and when they sit on it, they instantly stick.

How to get rid of fruit and berry midges?

Drosophila also enter the apartment through the window, because under the window there may be fruit tree. The crop falls to the ground and rots, so insects will actively breed there. Naturally, the most in a simple way, how to get rid of fruit midges, in this case, you will constantly collect the crop and not let it rot, but this does not always happen, so the fruit should be collected and thrown away as quickly as possible. It is important to remember that you should never poison them with chemicals on a tree, otherwise you can harm your health.

How effective are aerosols in combat?

If midges appear on fruit (we are now finding out how to get rid of it), then, of course, in this case it is worth resorting to chemical treatment using aerosols. Today there are quite a lot of such products, so purchasing them in a store will not be difficult.

Naturally, such substances should be used infrequently, since they have quite a bad smell and can affect the health of not only midges, but also people themselves. Using aerosols, the entire surface in the kitchen or in the place where insects love to be is treated, after which it is necessary to ventilate the room.

How to get rid of midges using oils?

Drosophila do not like strong odors very much, so one of the most effective means is to use essential oils. If you are thinking about how to get rid of fruit gnats in an apartment forever, then it is worth remembering that oil cannot kill them, it will simply scare them away for a while, so this method is not always suitable, but this type of control will not cause any harm to human health .

How to deal with midges using a vacuum cleaner?

It is very easy to get fruit flies, but getting them out is not so easy. You can consider another way to get rid of fruit midges. For example, it is quite logical to use something like this household appliances like a vacuum cleaner. Some people think this method of fighting is stupid, but in fact it may well be effective. If all the reasons for further reproduction of fruit flies have been eliminated before, then you can simply suck the midges into a vacuum cleaner and shake out the garbage bag well.

Other ways to get rid of midges

Drosophila don't really like the smell of orange and cloves, so if you have orange peel and a spice like cloves in your house, they can be used in the fight against midges. It is enough to boil a little peel together with cloves, such an aroma will quickly scare away annoying flies. You can also use vinegar with soapy water. Having diluted everything in one container, place it in places where there is a large concentration of fruit flies, the smell will attract them, and they will begin to drown in the trap you set.

Preventive measures

In order not to rack your brains about how to get rid of fruit flies or how to remove annoying fruit flies, it is enough to adhere to the usual preventive measures. After all, if midges start to appear, they will then begin to multiply quickly and will soon fly throughout the apartment. To prevent this from happening, you need to do this:

  1. Always remove trash from the premises on time.
  2. Clean the drainage areas, using chemicals or even occasionally pouring boiling water over them.
  3. The trash can, even if you use special bags, should be cleaned at least once a week.
  4. Products that have begun to deteriorate, even slightly, must be thrown away immediately.

If you follow the above tips, midges can disappear from your life forever and will not irritate you with their presence in the kitchen. When using any methods, folk or modern, it is possible to never encounter such a problem again.

Due to their small size, the Drosophila is called a midge, but they are flies, are 2 - 3 mm in length and have many subspecies. It lives almost everywhere where it is warm. There are especially many fruit flies in humid tropical climates. He lives in the apartment even in winter, if there is a power source.

Little flies love sweets

The main food of small flies consists of sugar and alcohol. She lays eggs on rotten food. The larvae can be completely immersed in the liquid and only swim to the surface before turning into an adult fly.

Drosophila flies do not bite. But their appearance in the kitchen is unpleasant. They rise in a cloud above the trash can, cover the bitten apple, desperately rush into the owner’s food and die in it. After such a meal with unnoticed small midges, a person experiences an upset stomach, and intestinal diseases may appear. It is especially difficult for children to tolerate nutritional supplements in the form of fruit flies and their testicles.

There are places where flies are specially bred. Considering their size and fertility, this is an excellent food for aquarium fish and home anthills.

Drosophila - excellent food for fish

Scientists have been studying Drosophila for over a hundred years. It is of interest to geneticists because it is the only insect that has 8 chromosomes. This allows the mutation to be investigated. Virologists test the reaction of flies to various microorganisms and drugs. The agreement between the results and the human body is very high. It is easy to breed experimental creatures and they do not take up much space.

Narcologists were interested in the ability of Drosophila to resist the effects of alkaloids. After all, it feeds on fermentation products and sugar-containing alcoholic beverages. The fly has taste buds and perfectly distinguishes between types of beer and understands its quality.

A distinctive feature of Drosophila is its 24-hour activity. She never sleeps, constantly eats a lot and reproduces. Already on the second day, after turning into a fly, the Drosophila reaches reproductive age. After 2 days it begins to lay eggs, from 40 to 90 eggs every day.

During the warm season, fruit flies live outside. Their closest garden relative prefers to spoil fresh vegetables. The food house midge prefers sweet fruits and berries, and does not disdain pet feces and sweat. Places of its accumulation:

  • garbage dumps;
  • basements;
  • fruit bases;
  • animal habitats;
  • pots with indoor plants;
  • store warehouses.

Drosophila can get into an apartment in various ways:

  • with fruit from the store, especially spoiled and leaking ones;
  • fly through the ventilation;
  • live in a trash can;
  • come with pets;
  • with soil for flowers;
  • fly into the door and window.

Most often, the fly appears in the form of testicles, the size of which is 0.5 mm, on bananas, grapes, strawberries, and apples.

Fly testicles can be brought into the house along with apples or other fruits

Like fruit flies, Drosophila primarily follows the smell of sweets. But getting it out is more difficult. She quickly scatters, lays many eggs in different places, not limited in movement.

The fly can live in flower pots, feeding on succulent leaves. It actively settles on plants without a pungent odor that are abundantly watered. Doesn't like the smell of geranium.

How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment forever. First it must be destroyed, then preventive measures not to let her settle again.

Fruit fly doesn't like Fresh air. It is enough to open the window, especially in sunny weather, and the number of midges will be significantly reduced within an hour. At temperatures below 10 degrees, the fruit fly will simply die. But its numerous testicles and larvae will remain.

It is necessary to deprive the fly of food:

  1. Throw away all rotten food.
  2. Put the rest in the refrigerator.
  3. Wash store-bought fruits immediately and pour boiling water over them, rinse off the eggs attached to their surface.
  4. Always take out the trash, wash the bin and cover it with a lid.
  5. Do not leave food on the table.
  6. Disinfect pets' litter trays and throw away anything they haven't finished eating.
  7. Make sure that water does not accumulate in the flower trays. Wash plants regularly by watering them with a spray bottle containing mite repellent.
  8. Buy ready-made, treated soil for planting indoor plants. Do not take it in the front garden or in the country.
  9. Keep the kitchen clean.

Keep your kitchen clean

Gradually, the fruit fly will die without food. It can live up to 3 months, depending on temperature and conditions. Therefore, you will have to wait a long time. We need to get rid of midges in other ways.

Do not forget that the persistent midge will fly to the smell of wine and beer through the ventilation and open window. She is easy to kill because she has poor vision, is almost blind, and uses her scent to pave her way. The small size allows you to get through everywhere and remain invisible in small quantities.

We must remember that Drosophila is a fly. Her immunity against poisonous substances is much weaker than that of her winged sisters. Any means are suitable for getting rid of midges.

You can additionally glue a small piece of rotten banana onto the adhesive tape, or add a drop of apple cider vinegar. Determine the location of the greatest concentration of midges. Remove all food items from there. If it hangs over the sink, wash and dry it. Hang Velcro over this place as bait. Most of flies will stick overnight. Change the adhesive tape regularly until the midges become so few that they are difficult to notice.

You can buy any aerosols for domestic insects, especially flies. It is enough to spray a little product in the air and ventilate after an hour. The midges will disappear. Repeat this periodically with the new generation until the small flies are completely exterminated.

Drosophila are killed by mosquito repellents

Drosophila dies from the smell of plates and mosquito liquids. It is enough to plug in the fumigator and the midge will die. On a clear day, the record can simply be placed on the windowsill. Sun rays will heat it up and kill the flies.

The advantages of traps are their environmental safety. They do not emit volatile substances. Most often used:

  • Raptor store Velcro;
  • a jar with a cone;
  • low glass and film;
  • wine vinegar with dishwashing detergent.

The Raptor, which says it is fruit gnat repellent, is a piece of cardboard with a sticky side. Taking off protective film, the trap is assembled like a house. A balloon with liquid is placed inside to attract fruit flies. They fly to the smell and stick:

  • the device has an aesthetic appearance;
  • the corpses of annoying midges do not irritate the eyes because they are inside;
  • There is no need to deliberately spoil the bait products.

You can purchase Raptor against flies in the store

You don’t have to spend money on a purchase and make a trap yourself.

A bait made from a piece of overripe banana or grape is placed at the bottom of the jar. An inverted cone of thick paper like a funnel with a hole at the narrow end. Drosophila do not see; they follow the smell through a narrow passage. They can't get back out.

Pour some bait, such as malt beer, into a low glass. Cover the top with cling film. Then take a thick needle, called a gypsy needle, or an awl, and make several holes. The holes should be up to 1 mm. Then the fly will get into the glass and will not be able to get out. Can be used disposable tableware and throw it in the trash. A transparent glass allows you to see how many victims have accumulated there. For a fly, light doesn't matter.

DIY fruit fly trap

Pour wine vinegar into the bottom of a disposable plate. Lubricate the sides with dishwashing detergent. The bait is ready. Change more often.

To combat fruit flies, poisons made from home remedies are used.

  1. A mixture of ground pepper and sweet juice is poured into flat trays. The drug is placed in places where flies accumulate. Black pepper is poisonous to fruit flies.
  2. Dissolve the same amount of honey in a tablespoon of water. Crush 2 tablets of saccharin and mix everything. Replace the flies' regular food with treats.
  3. A tablespoon of small crumbs rye bread, sugar and baking soda pour into a glass of milk.
  4. You can add sugar and ground pepper to the milk.

The poison can be placed in a shallow, wide bowl, or rags of thick fabric can be soaked in it and placed closer to where midges accumulate.

Getting rid of Drosophila also includes the use of substances with a pungent odor that is unpleasant for midges.

Geranium will help get rid of annoying midges

You can place geraniums on the windowsill in the kitchen. A fly will leave the apartment if you spread out the leaves:

  • horseradish;
  • tomato;
  • bay leaf;
  • eucalyptus.

Horseradish can be prepared as a reserve in case of unexpected guests. Grate its root on a coarse grater, put it in a jar and close it. When midges appear, place it next to their favorite place and open the lid.

When cleaning, add to the water you use to wash floors, windows, tiles, a little kerosene or turpentine. One tablespoon of the substance is enough for a bucket of water. The person will not hear the smell, but the flies will leave the apartment.

It is good to wipe countertops, cabinet shelves and trash cans with water and a few drops of bay oil.

Ground pepper, bay leaves and geraniums placed in the microwave for a few minutes will drive away the fruit fly. A strong smell will spread throughout the apartment, forcing small flies to leave your home.

Tiny Drosophila flies do not bite at home and cannot tolerate dangerous diseases, do not chew clothes and furniture, but irritate their owners with their presence. As soon as you leave a piece of apple or pie on the table, after half an hour you can already see insects scurrying around on it.

How do fruit flies get into apartments? How to make a midge trap with your own hands? Let's figure it out.

Reasons for appearance

The Drosophila fly most often flies around the apartment when it gets warmer. The abundance of food and favorable living conditions allow fruit flies to actively reproduce, and the number of insects increases sharply.

Routes of penetration:

  • with vegetables and fruits from the supermarket or from the garden (inside peaches, apples, cucumbers, larvae enter the home);
  • through open windows;
  • with soil taken from summer cottage for planting indoor plants;
  • on animal fur. When food often rots in a cat's or dog's bowl, Drosophila larvae receive enough food and multiply quickly.

The risk of invasion of annoying midges increases several times when the following factors are identified:

  • poor home hygiene, piles of dirty dishes in the sink;
  • the habit of leaving leftover food on the plate and not immediately wiping the table;
  • old tea leaves left in the teapot also attracts fruit flies, giving them a lot of food and a breeding area;
  • accumulation of bottles of sweet soda, juice, leftover wine and beer in containers that were not thrown away on time;
  • excessive watering of indoor plants, water not only in the flowerpot, but also in the tray;
  • addiction to traditional methods fertilizers for plants, for example, for watering with dormant tea leaves. The tea leaves rot and attract tiny insects;
  • if at home perfect order, the kitchen is sparkling clean, then midges fly onto the fruits, beautifully laid out on the plate;
  • the likelihood of an invasion of small flies increases if the housewife is accustomed to keeping bunches of grapes, bananas or fragrant peaches outside the refrigerator;
  • a trash bin that was not taken out on time, a rotten apple peel, potato peelings, tomato peels, sour borscht are the favorite food of fruit flies.

How to recognize

Drosophila also has other names - vinegar fly or wine fly. Insects are common on all continents except the coldest regions. The ubiquitous insect of the order Diptera resembles an ordinary fly, only very small (body length does not exceed 3 mm).

Drosophila love rotten fruits and vegetables, rotted plant debris. Tiny insects are attracted to the wine smell. Fruit fly larvae often feed on microorganisms.

It is difficult to confuse fruit flies and other insects: flies swarm over rotten vegetables and fruits, scurry along the ground flower pot, circling over the plants. Midges always fly in a “cloud” in their habitat; it is almost impossible to encounter a single fruit fly. If one fly gets into an apartment with an abundance of food, soon there will be other brothers there.

How to get rid of it: effective methods

Drosophila give food an unattractive appearance, scurry around inside the bread bin, crawl on plates, fruits and vegetables, and constantly get into your eyes and mouth. Tiny insects appear from somewhere in a “closed” grocery bag. This kind of “neighborhood” quickly gets boring. The owners are ready to do anything to get rid of fruit flies.

Exterminators advise not to rush to the household chemicals store for a can of toxic aerosol. Midges will disappear if you simply change some habits. Most often, active reproduction of wine midges occurs due to the fault of the hosts.

Fruit midges penetrate many apartments, but do not remain everywhere. How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment? Get rid of flies favorable conditions for habitat and feeding - the main task of the owners.

Basic Rules:

  • find, examine the habitat of insects, understand what attracted the annoying midge;
  • eliminate conditions for the life of fruit flies: put food in the refrigerator, throw away garbage, stop storing dirty dishes, avoid excessive watering of plants;
  • destroy the midges that were caught;
  • think about how to prevent the reappearance of fruit flies (prevention measures are described at the end of the article).

Advice! Exterminators do not recommend using chemicals best optionhomemade traps. Without food, insects will not be able to live at home and will quickly disappear. You can poison fruit flies with Dichlorvos only in as a last resort, with an abundance of insects. But this method is harmful to the health of residents; it is advisable to make do with catch containers and natural compounds.

DIY traps

Most fixtures are easy to make in 10-15 minutes. You will need items and products that are always available at home.

Popular options for fruit fly traps:

  • from a plastic cup. Wash the yogurt container, dry it, put the wet one inside tea bag, pieces of fruit or pour beer/compote. Pull from above cling film, make a dozen holes with a thick needle, place a glass with bait in the area where midges accumulate;
  • from a plastic bag. The easiest way to catch fruit flies. Fill the bag with apple cores, rotten tomatoes or peaches, cover, and place the trap on the table. In half an hour, there will be many people inside the bag who want to feast on the rotting remains. The owners will have to show dexterity: quickly tie the bag and take it to the trash bin. You should not put a bag with caught midges in the trash: often, inexplicably, tiny insects get out;
  • from glass jar. A simple method is effective for large concentrations of midges. Fill the container with juice, fruit or compote. Roll a cone out of thick paper, be sure to cut off a small piece from the sharp end with scissors. Insert the funnel inside the glass jar with an angle downward, tape the joint so that insects cannot escape. Place the container in areas where midges accumulate and wait until “clouds” of tiny fruit flies gather inside.

Traditional methods

You can “smoke out” insects from your home using aromatic substances and pungent odors that midges cannot tolerate. When combined with traps, the method shows high efficiency.

Find out how to properly poison and what to use on your own.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever? Effective methods destruction are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about how to deal with red ants in your apartment.

Repels fruit flies:

  • the smell of heated camphor;
  • essential oils poured into an aroma lamp. Insects do not like the aroma of pine needles, incense, lavender, citrus;
  • wormwood, lavender, tansy will quickly drive insects out of an apartment or house. Place bouquets of dried plants throughout all rooms;
  • a candle with a spicy or pine scent. Light a candle, slowly carry it through the rooms, put it in the kitchen, let it burn out.

Preventive measures

Compliance simple rules will make you forget what fruit flies look like. The house should be in order, vegetables and fruits should be stored in the refrigerator, and the risk of annoying midges breeding in the home will be minimized.

Other important rules:

  • wash dishes regularly, do not accumulate glasses, spoons, plates on the table or in the sink;
  • dispose of garbage in a timely manner, especially in warm time years when there is a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • It is good to wring out rags in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • do not store rotten foods at home, especially grapes, peaches, bananas, apples, melons;
  • water the plants as needed, do not create dampness in the flowerpot and the plate under it;
  • When using tea leaves as fertilizer, replace the layer in the pot in time. Rotting tea leaves on the background high humidity– an ideal habitat for annoying midges;
  • The cat's litter box should always be clean, as should pet feeding bowls. Drosophila, deprived of food, will definitely leave an inhospitable home;
  • When identifying annoying “neighbors”, do not postpone the fight against insects. It is important to remember: midges always stay in flocks, and when there is an abundance of food, they quickly flock to the smell.

The appearance of Drosophila flies at home can be prevented if you keep order and care for your plants correctly and on time. In case of invasion of tiny insects, homemade traps and folk recipes will help.

Video - review of how to get rid of fruit flies in the house: