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How to create a mod for Minecraft in different ways. ModEZ application - we create mods for Minecraft PE ourselves


Check the Internet for modifications to the game. The fact is that different engines react differently to the creation of amateur ones: for example, the legendary Source has hundreds, if not thousands of amateur modifications. This is due precisely to the fact that Valve’s product is a very flexible and accessible tool for the user, and mastering it is not as difficult as it seems. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to find mods for Bioshok, because the game is very closed in nature, and it is quite difficult to change or add anything in it. That is why the number of add-ons for games on the Internet directly characterizes the complexity of their production.

Explore built-in and custom tools. The easiest way to produce mods is using an editor. Most often, they are present in strategies such as “map editors”: one of the most powerful, for example, is considered the editor for the game Warcraft 3. It gives almost unlimited possibilities, thanks to which entire new genres were born on this engine. If there is no official editor, then perhaps there is an unofficial editing tool, which is also very, very convenient for user creativity. For Source, for example, this is Garry's Mod.

Explore forums on using editors. Practice shows that if you try to learn something on your own, you are unlikely to achieve much success - add-ons for different types of games can differ significantly from each other. On the Internet you can find a huge number of video tutorials on editing maps, characters, locations and scripts for any popular game– by carefully looking at at least a few of them, you will quickly understand the basic principles of working in the program.

Modification can be done simply by replacing files. If you want to replace models or a set of sounds for a game, then most likely you will not need any editors. Having made a model in 3Dmax, take care of its compatibility with the game - and by simply replacing the original file with a new one, you will “connect” your own add-on. A similar system is used when creating mods for early GTA, for example.


Before posting new mod on the Internet, make sure that no one has done a similar project before you.


  • how to make mods for games
  • Video on how to make a mod for minecraft

There are many different mods, patches and other things for the game GTA San Andreas additional material, which improves gaming functionality, including a mod that is installed on the computer in a special way.

You will need

  • - Internet connection.


Close the game. Download the CLEO 3 library from the official website of the GTA San Andreas game (http://www.gta.ru/sanandreas/files/13860/). This necessary condition to install the mod you need. Complete the installation following the menu instructions. Launch and close GTA again. In the game directory, create a folder cleo, if the system has not done this before, you will copy the downloaded parkour mod into it.

Open your browser. Search the Internet for the mod you need. Please note that there has been an increase in fraud related to this request. Many people offer to download a certain file (in particular, this applies to various non-gaming forums) that will install a parkour mod for the game GTA San Andreas on your computer. After downloading to unpack the archive or for some other purpose, you will be asked to enter your phone number or send an SMS, under no circumstances do this even if there are reviews about this mod in the discussions.

A huge variety of modifications have already been written that expand the capabilities of “pure” Minecraft. But since human imagination is limitless, there is a chance that you will come up with some kind of mod that other Minecrafters have not yet implemented. To make your idea a reality, it is not at all necessary to delve into the complexities of programming - after all, there is a very convenient ModEZ application, specially created for easy development of your own mods.

A user-friendly interface allows you to very quickly configure changes made to the game. Try adding new food to give Steve special treats, or develop unique weapons that can take you to the extreme. new level effectiveness of battles with monsters. Create tools, mechanisms, vehicles and in general anything that seems interesting and useful to you.

Mods will not necessarily simplify the gameplay - they can add new options, but often you need to make an effort to implement them. For example, having entered a new object into the ModEZ program, come up with a suitable crafting recipe for it on a workbench or processing in a furnace. This will make the game even more interesting!

ModEZ will require from you not only creative efforts, but also good knowledge of English. It is in this language that the application menu is written. It’s good that Minecrafters perceive such situations not as an obstacle, but as a chance for self-development.


Custom modification computer games- this is a fairly common phenomenon, which is a change and addition of game files to obtain more content, variety of gameplay and so on. Sometimes mods can be small, adding only a couple of items or features. And sometimes you can find global fashion, which almost completely change the gameplay. For Minecraft, one of the most popular computer games of our time, gamers make quite a lot of different mods. Therefore, you can learn how to create a mod for Minecraft - it’s actually easier than it seems, but in any case it will take you quite a lot of time.

Mods for Minecraft

So, if you seriously decide to figure out how to create a mod for Minecraft, then you need to understand what exactly can be modified there. In fact, there are incredibly many possibilities - there are many more mods for this game than for all others. This is due to the fact that Minecraft looks quite simple - accordingly, it is easier to change something in it or add certain functions to it than to a top project on which hundreds of professionals have worked for several years. Now there are already mods such as “Industrial Craft” or “Taumcraft”, which can easily be considered global, as they add an incredible amount of content to the game - the first one takes Minecraft into the industrial era, adding hundreds of new recipes and items. The second one adds magic and everything that comes with it to the game. Naturally, you should start with simpler projects, but in the end you can also create something serious. But first, you need to learn how to create a mod for Minecraft.

Creating a pure mod

If you want to learn how to create a mod for Minecraft, then you need to immediately understand that it can be done with two completely different methods- with or without API. First you need to figure out how to create a pure mod that does not require additional software. In this case, you need to be well versed in the mechanics of the game and have certain design skills, as well as the ability to program in high level. Then you will be able to introduce something new into the game, as well as change certain items, functions and much more. As a result, you will be able to create a unique and unusual mod, but it is likely that it will be limited in use by other gamers, since it will not be standardized - accordingly, some gamers may have problems with launching and compatibility, regardless of what mode was this Minecraft modification created - survival or creative?

Creating mods using the API

API is a special software interface that already contains many functions from the game itself, as well as textures, skins and much more. This way, instead of writing all the code from scratch, you can already use ready-made solutions, which can be combined with each other, creating something new. Exists a large number of There are a variety of interfaces, and choosing something specific among them can be a challenge. Here you need to take into account the specifics of the mod, for example, in relation to the Minecraft mode - survival, hardcore, creative, and so on. But if you are just starting to make mods, and also want your modification to be available to as many people as possible, then you need to use Minecraft Forge. This is the most common API that currently exists - at the same time, it is the most functional, extensive and in demand. Therefore, if you are going to add new mods to Minecraft, pay attention to this first.

Features of using Minecraft Forge

Many gamers who create or use mods wonder why Forge is needed at all. After all, this is so inconvenient - you definitely need to install the API itself in order to be able to then launch the modification. Is it really impossible to make pure mods that do not require anything additional to play? In fact, Forge has many more advantages than disadvantages (by the way, there is only one, which is the need to pre-install the API to run the mod). Firstly, the process of creating a mod is simplified, and secondly, you have many more features that do not require any effort to use. But the most important thing is that your mod becomes universal. If you make a modification without an API, as mentioned above, there is a high probability that many gamers will not be able to install it. If you used Forge, then any gamer with the API installed will be able to install your mod without the slightest problem.

Features of use

The most important rule of modification, no matter which option you choose, is to not modify the source files. For example, you decide to do for Minecraft mod on cars - it is better to add new objects rather than correct those that are in the game to avoid conflicts.

Popularity Minecraft games It’s only growing every year, partly contributed to by the players themselves by developing mods and adding new texture packs. Even an inexperienced user will be able to create his own modification if he uses special programs. In this article, we have selected for you several of the most suitable representatives of such software.

First, let's look at the most popular program for creating mods and textures. The interface is made very convenient, each function is located in a corresponding tab and has its own editor with a set of specific tools. In addition, you can connect additional software, which you will need to download in advance.

As for functionality, MCreator has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, there is a basic set of tools, several operating modes, and on the other hand, the user can configure only a few parameters without creating anything new. To change the game globally, you need to go to the source code and change it in the appropriate editor, but this requires special knowledge.

Linkseyi's Mod Maker

Linkseyi`s Mod Maker is a less popular program, but it provides users with significantly more options than its previous representative. Working in this software is implemented in such a way that you need to select certain parameters from pop-up menus and upload your own images - this only makes the program more convenient and simpler.

You can create a new character, mob, material, block and even biome. All this is combined into one mod, after which it is loaded into the game itself. In addition, there is a built-in model editor. Linkseyi`s Mod Maker is distributed free of charge and is available for download on the official website of the developers. Please note that there is no Russian language in the settings, but even without knowledge of English, it will be very easy to master Mod Maker.

Deathly's Mod Editor

Deathly`s Mod Editor is very similar in functionality to its previous representative. There are also several tabs in which a character, tool, block, mob or biome is created. The mod itself is formed into a separate folder with its component directories, which you can see on the left in the main window.

One of the main advantages of this program is considered convenient system adding texture images. You don't need to draw the model in 3D, you just need to load images of a certain size into the appropriate rows. In addition, there is a built-in modification testing function that allows you to detect errors that could not be identified manually.

There weren’t many programs on the list, but the representatives present perfectly cope with their tasks and provide the user with everything they need when creating their own modification for the game Minecraft.