home · Appliances · What device is used to measure air humidity? How to choose a device for measuring air humidity. Effective folk methods

What device is used to measure air humidity? How to choose a device for measuring air humidity. Effective folk methods

We regularly monitor the cleanliness of the apartment in which we live, regularly wash the floors, wipe the dust, wash the dishes, but we rarely think about the air humidity in the apartment. After all, this also affects a person’s well-being, the condition depends on it household appliances located in the house. It is extremely important to monitor the indicator in the apartment for favorable conditions life activity.

Determination of air humidity

It is very important to determine the humidity in the room. The degree of this indicator depends on several factors:

  • Climate in the region.
  • State of construction.
  • Operation of the premises.
  • Technogenic impact.

As a rule, for maximum approaching normality or creating comfortable conditions are used special devices, moisturizing the space in the house. In addition, there are special air conditioners that can independently measure the moisture level in a room and automatically maintain its condition.


There are two types of humidity: absolute and relative. Absolute - means the amount of water vapor in a certain volume of air; it is measured in g/m3. Relative humidity is the mass of water vapor in a specific volume of air; measured as a percentage.

You can independently measure the level of humidity in the apartment using special devices, as well as using improvised means. For example, fir cone will help you find out what is the condition of the air in your apartment?. If the room is dry, the scales of the pine cone will open. You can also check this by monitoring the condition of the condensate. If the air is humidified in sufficient quantities, the evaporation process will proceed rather slowly.

Simple method

We can measure the level of moisture using a glass.

The steps are as follows:

Don't forget to time it! It will take approximately ten minutes to observe the behavior of the condensate.

If there is condensation on the walls of your container dries in such a short period of time, this means that the room is quite dry. If the walls of a glass or other dish remain wet, this is a good result, meaning that the air in the room is sufficiently humidified. If drops of condensation flow down the walls of the selected container, this is a sign that the air in the room is too humidified and the amount of water vapor is increased. This method will not give you complete accuracy and specific numbers, but it’s quite possible to see the lack or excess of moisture in this way.

Indoor devices

A device for measuring indoor air humidity is called a hygrometer. It is important to know what a hygrometer measures and how to use it correctly.

There are different types of hygrometer:

At home, electronic, hair and psychometric hygrometers are most often used. One of the easiest to use is a hair hygrometer. The principle of its operation is simple: just look at the arrow indicating the level of humidity, the indicator of which is an ordinary hair. That's why the hygrometer is called a hair hygrometer. This device is highly sensitive and is usually used at home.

The most reliable the measurement method is a psychrometer. The principle of its operation is based on the fact that the presence of moisture in the room lowers the temperature. The thermometer has two thermometers: dry and wet. In order to determine the humidity level, you simply need to find the difference between these two temperatures. The percentage we need is determined by crossing two lines: the temperature measured by a dry bulb thermometer and the difference in readings. Find the temperature difference between dry and damp room can be calculated using a special psychrometric table.

One of the modern determinants of this type is considered to be an electronic or digital hygrometer. Determination occurs by measuring resistance electric current when the electrolyte humidity changes. This hygrometer is quite convenient, but it requires connecting the device to an electrical outlet. Sometimes it runs on batteries.

There are also room humidity meters that can have a built-in hygrometer; the device can measure both humidity and temperature in the room. Now you know what instruments are used to determine air humidity.

Even if you were able to measure an indicator using one of the above methods, you need to know what the optimal indicators are to focus on. For example, a humidity level of 45% will be very comfortable for a living space, but, on average, the indicator may indicate a designation in the range from 30 to 60%. If you do not know how to measure air humidity at home, use the special device described above.

Methods of moisturizing

In order to bring the humidity level in the room closer to normal, you can do the following:

Try one or more of their suggested methods and strive for optimal performance air humidity in the apartment, because this is very important for your health.

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Hygrometer. The dew point is determined using a device called condensation hygrometer. The hygrometer is metal box, the front wall of which is well polished.

The box is surrounded by a polished ring, separated from it by a heat-insulating gasket. The box is connected to a rubber bulb. An easily evaporating liquid - ether - is poured inside the box and a thermometer is inserted.

Blowing air through the box using a blower causes strong evaporation of ether and rapid cooling of the box. The thermometer measures the temperature at which dew droplets appear on the polished surface of the wall. This is the dew point, since the appearance of dew indicates that the water vapor has become saturated.

Determining dew point is the most accurate way to measure relative humidity.

The hair hygrometer is designed to measure relative air humidity in the range from 30% to 100%. The hair hygrometer (Fig. 1) consists of a metal frame 1 , along which fat-free human hair is stretched 2 . The free lower end of the hair with a light load is thrown over the pulley 3 , connected to an arrow 4 , which moves along the scale. The frame has a graduated scale 5 , which is used to calculate the relative air humidity as a percentage.

The divisions corresponding to tens are digitized. The value of each scale division corresponds to 1% relative humidity. There is an adjustment screw at the top of the frame 6 , which allows you to set the arrow to any scale division when checking the device. The operating principle of a hair hygrometer is based on the property of defatted human hair to change its length with changes in air humidity.

When air humidity decreases or increases, the length of the hair changes. Under the influence of this change, the pulley turns and the end of the needle moves along the scale, indicating the relative humidity of the air. During the demonstration, the hygrometer is mounted vertically in the leg of a universal tripod or hung on the wall. The device should be at eye level of the person working with it.

The location where the hygrometer is installed should be free of vibrations and sources of heat or cold. Anyone working with a hygrometer must be at a distance from it where the scale marks are normally visible and be careful not to breathe on it during readings. Check the position of the arrow. If the arrow is offset relative to " 0 ", then using the adjusting screw set it to " 0 ».

The relative air humidity is measured as a percentage on a scale. The scale division value corresponds to 1%. When taking readings, the worker’s eye should be at the level of the vertical tangent to the arrow so that the scale mark at the reference point is visible as a straight line.

Psychrometer. The psychrometer consists of two thermometers. The reservoir of one of them remains dry, and the thermometer shows the air temperature. The reservoir of the other is surrounded by a strip of cloth, the end of which is dipped into the water.

The water evaporates, and this cools the thermometer. The more relative humidity, the less intense the evaporation and the smaller the difference in thermometer readings.

At a relative humidity of 100%, water will not evaporate at all and the readings of both thermometers will be the same. Based on the temperature difference between thermometers, using special tables called psychrometric tables (Appendix), you can determine the relative humidity of the air. Psychrometers are usually used in cases where fairly accurate and rapid determination of air humidity is required.


1.4" Natural» air humidity indicators

A brilliant weather forecaster - a frog. Anyone who wants can have one of these " alive» barometer. First you need to make a small wooden ladder. And put it in glass jar with water. Then catch a frog (grass frog, frog frog or lake frog) and put it in a jar.

After some time, when the animal comes to its senses, observations can begin. If a frog climbs the ladder, expect bad weather; if it descends, the weather will be variable; it flounders on the surface of the water - warm, sunny, dry. Predictions are always accurate. The fact is that a frog's skin evaporates moisture very easily.

In a dry atmosphere, the skin quickly dehydrates, so the frog sits in water before dry weather. In damp weather, when it’s about to rain, she crawls to the surface - now she’s not in danger of dehydration.

Many birds are wonderful weather forecasters. Constantly being in the atmosphere, directly experiencing the impact of all changes occurring in the ocean of air, birds over the centuries have acquired a high sensitivity to change atmospheric pressure, to a decrease in illumination (thin, transparent clouds, weakening sunlight, - harbingers of bad weather), to the accumulation of electricity in the atmosphere before a thunderstorm, etc. And, what is especially important, birds react to all meteorological changes in advance. This is reflected in their singing, screaming, behavior and annual arrival times.

Ants and bees signal humans in advance about the approach of rain. The former diligently close the entrances to the anthill, the latter sit in the hives and hum. Flies and wasps tend to fly indoors before bad weather, even into car cabins. Urticaria butterflies anticipate a thunderstorm well.

If in clear weather they seek shelter in places protected from the wind, in bunches of dry branches, hollows of trees, this means that a thunderstorm can be expected in a few hours. But if the grasshoppers are loudly chattering late in the evening, the next morning will be a good day. Mosquitoes and midges hovering in the air in a column usually also portend good, clear weather.

Some insects allow us to predict the weather for a longer period. The higher the ant heaps by autumn, the harsher the winter will be. On cold winter the bees cover the entrance, leaving a barely noticeable hole in it, and warm winter it remains open.

Plants are also sensitive to changes in air humidity and temperature. Thus, thanks to human observation, it has been established: if the birch tree throws out its leaves before the alder, it will be a rainy summer, and if the alder blooms first, the cold and rain will be tormenting. If golden-yellow flowers of primroses (primroses) and rams bloom in meadows, forest clearings and among bushes in the first half of April, then you need to wait for the first warm days.

The white caps of honey-bearing rowan flowers are an accurate harbinger of a change in weather towards reliable warmth. The establishment of warm weather is also indicated by spring sap flow in birch, maple and other trees.

The appearance on the surface of water in ponds, lakes and wide rivers green leaves white water lily marks the end of frost. The abundant release of droplets of liquid on the wide blades of horse chestnut leaves usually heralds the onset of a long rainy period.

There are an unlimited number of such barometer plants in nature. Add to this hundreds of unique plants - hygrometers, temperature indicators, weather vanes, compasses, hundreds of wonderful weather forecasters - birds, fish, insects.

Mentally enter this world of living instrumental meteorology, and you will see thousands of original mechanisms masterfully created by nature, sensitively responding to various changes in nature.

If you do not want to encounter troubles associated with humidity in the house, then you need to constantly monitor its level. The air, which is dusty and dry, contains a huge number of antigens (causing allergic reactions) that have negative consequences. Air that is damp can become a source of chronic diseases in humans. How to measure air humidity in an apartment? Which moisture meter is best to buy? This article will be able to answer this and other questions that may arise.

To carry out constant monitoring, it is necessary to measure humidity using a special device. And such a device exists today. This is a hygrometer. Today there are several varieties of this device, which will be discussed in detail.

Today there are several types household appliance for measuring air humidity in rooms or apartments. How is air humidity in rooms measured and determined? Let's take a closer look at all types of hygrometers.


Air humidity can be measured using a thermohygrometer. Let's look at his work. He has complex system, so it determines not only the moisture level, but also the temperature inside the room. Also, in addition, this device records the values ​​of the moisture state and temperature values ​​​​at various points. That is, he compares the state of two indicators in the place where he is at this moment and in the previous room.

A device for determining air humidity synchronizes the values ​​it received at different points in the building. According to these readings, the thermo-hygrometer gives an overall result of the humidity and temperature values. What technical characteristics does it have?

Let's consider specifications thermohygrometer. The length of the wire is 150 centimeters. Indicators are displayed as percentages, the range of which is from 0 to 90. You can also purchase thermohygrometer models in stores that are wireless.

These models have additional function: when the moisture level in the room is critical, the measuring device gives a signal that notifies the owner of the poor air condition. It is convenient to use this device(s) or meter when measuring humidity in an apartment.

With this hygrometer you can measure temperature and humidity. You will literally be involved in changing the “weather” at home.


This room apparatus is called in full - a psychrometric hygrometer. How to determine the air humidity in an apartment using a psychrometer? They have two thermometers. One thermometer is called “dry”, which does the standard job of measuring room temperature.

The other thermometer is a wet thermometer because it is inside a water vessel and is wrapped with a cloth wick. It gives an indication of the temperature of the wick, which is wet. The value of this temperature is obtained due to the evaporation of moisture. If the humidity level is low, then evaporation occurs much faster. And vice versa.

Thanks to a psychrometer, you can get the necessary information about the state of your room, that is, determine the air humidity. Today, a psychrometer is often used to control moisture content.

A hair device for measuring indoor air humidity is quite easy to construct. Why is it called that? This type of hygrometer works on the basis of synthetic hair, which is fat-free. How to find out the air humidity on it? How to measure air humidity in an apartment using a hair device?

Due to changes in the air condition, this synthetic low-fat hair also changes its length. It is stretched between the spring and the pointer end. Due to the oscillation of synthetic hair, the arrow moves along the plate with divisions (dial), which gives general values moisture level in the room. Let's discuss the “insides” of the device.

This device for measuring air humidity has a wide range of values ​​- from 0 to 100. Therefore, status information air flow will be the most accurate. main feature his is the simplicity of his work. They are easy to handle so you won't struggle with it while using it. This meter can be placed on the wall in the room - it’s quite convenient. Measure and find out information about the condition of the apartment, which will always be before your eyes.

There is another type of hygrometer - a film one. How to check the air humidity in an apartment using it? The film hygrometer is constructed differently, and therefore the operating principle is different from the hair hygrometer. home distinctive feature A film hygrometer is the presence of an element that is sensitive. This component in the device is an organic film. The principle of operation is that the organic film can stretch, or vice versa, shrink - this depends on the state of air humidity in the house. The humidity value is also displayed on the dial.

If there are relatively low temperatures in a certain humid room, then it is recommended to use hair or film hygrometers. Other devices are simply not suitable for determining the level of humidity in a room; they are practically not used.

Device selection

Before purchasing a particular hygrometer, you need to find out information about it. There are measuring instruments for determining air humidity. There are also varieties. Let's consider measuring instruments (hygrometers):

  • wall mounted appliance;
  • benchtop moisture meter;
  • mechanical device;
  • digital device.

Which devices to choose? The choice of one type of device or another depends on the consumer himself. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the device and some nuances. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Decide how important measurement accuracy is to you. Because different devices give different meanings. Some hygrometers will give exact values, while others will give approximate values. But this does not mean that these are “bad” devices. Most buyers are content to purchase hygrometers that provide “inaccurate” readings.
  • Next, you need to immediately decide on the future location of the device, since not all types and types of devices used can be installed anywhere in your home. For example, not all devices can be located on walls. Although it is recommended to purchase wall hygrometers, using them for monitoring.
  • We check that the measuring device has the required configuration. Indicators and a psychrometric table must be available. If this is available, then you are purchasing a humidity level detector High Quality. It will measure the relative humidity of the air accurately.

These are the main three points to which you need to pay attention. Before purchasing, it is best to find out the information from the product seller, who will help you choose the right device, subject to all requests and conditions.

Increased moisture

The air humidity in the apartment is measured so as not to encounter the difficulties of dry air and increased moisture levels. Some people think it's not that big of a deal serious problem, so installing a hygrometer is pointless. But this attitude needs to be changed, since there will be negative consequences if the level of humidity in the apartment is not controlled.

Relatively increased level air moisture at home is a source of microscopic fungi on surfaces. Also, such conditions are a favorable environment for the development of fungus, which can adversely affect human health. Mold can cause a person to develop allergies.

Dampness that appears due to humid air, will increase the growth of mold.

But do not forget that allergies are just one of the diseases that mold can cause in humans. The fungus can become a source of a variety of infectious diseases.

Mold spores may end up in your food. A person and his entire body may begin to suffer foodborne illnesses. This is dangerous for all the people who live in this house.

To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. Ventilation should take place regardless of the temperature outside the window and at any time of the year.

Ventilation should be carried out at least twice a day. This is the minimum amount, preferably more. Thanks to this, you will be able to make much less moisture. Protect your apartment or rooms (rooms) that have high moisture and enjoy the air!

You will be able to enjoy favorable home conditions due to the fact that the moisture will always be normal.

Bottom line

By controlling the level of humidity in the room, you will help eliminate the possibility of mold or mildew developing in the room. different surfaces. It will also keep your body healthy. That's why a hygrometer was created that will make your task easier. There is a fairly wide range of these devices in stores, which allows you to choose the right hygrometer for yourself.

When choosing, look at the accuracy of the device's values. Not everyone needs instruments (meters) that display ultra-precise readings of relative air humidity levels. Most of buyers are also satisfied with approximate values ​​when determining. The air humidity in the room and the accuracy of the readings depend on the technical component of the meter.

First, compare the technical characteristics of a particular type of moisture detector. A device that is chosen at random will cause a lot of frustration during use and will not meet all the requirements. You will only ruin your nerves and mood and waste your cash wasted.

Therefore, after purchasing a determinant, keep the receipt for it so as not to encounter future troubles. Thanks to the receipt, the hygrometer can be returned to the store if it does not meet your requirements. Buy a quality determinant to protect your room! You will be able to maintain home coziness and comfort.

Indoors, especially where the child lives. After all, his health depends on it. There are too many allergens in the dry, dusty air of apartments, and a damp room can cause your baby to develop chronic diseases. But how to spend it indoors? This is what we will talk about today.

How to measure humidity with a glass

Of course, if you don’t have a special device, you can use the old method. To do this, a glass filled with water must be placed in the refrigerator until the water cools to a temperature of -5°C (these are average values ​​for refrigeration chamber). Then put this homemade device to measure in a room away from the battery and observe it. The walls of the glass will fog up, but if after five minutes they turn out to be dry, the room insufficient humidity. If after this time they still become foggy, the indicators are normal. But water flowing down the walls in streams signals that the room is too damp.

But you understand that such indicators are too approximate. In order to establish accurate numbers, a hygrometer is needed. There are several types of these devices.

Device for measuring air humidity: thermohygrometer

This is a rather complex device that measures not only humidity, but also temperature in the room. In addition, the thermohygrometer demonstrates indicators measured at different ends of the room: where the sensor is attached, and at the installation site of the device itself.

The cable of the digital thermohygrometer has a length of 1.5 m, and the range of indicators is from 0 to 90%. Wireless devices, among other things, are also equipped with an alarm function in case of critical humidity in the room.

Working principle of hair and film hygrometer

Hair hygrometer created on the basis of synthetic fat-free hair, or rather its ability to change its length depending on the air condition. It is stretched between the end of the arrow and the spring. Fluctuations in its length cause the hand to move around the dial. This device for measuring air humidity is capable of determining it over a wide range (from 0 to 100%), it is easy to use, and can be mounted on a wall.

A film hygrometer has a sensing element made of organic film. It stretches or contracts with changes in humidity. Changes in the position of its center are transmitted to the arrow.

Under low temperature conditions, these two kinds of hygrometer are the main instruments for measuring humidity levels.

How to make the right choice

It is up to the buyer to decide which hygrometer to choose: wall-mounted, table-top, mechanical or digital. But when purchasing, you must follow several rules.

  • First of all, decide how accurate the data you need, because there are models that can measure absolute indicators, and those that demonstrate relative results.
  • Think about where you will place or hang your air humidity meter.
  • Check its contents: a quality device must have indicators and a psychometric table.
  • Don't forget the receipt. This way you can always return low-quality goods.

Important indicators that determine the microclimate of an apartment, house or any other room include temperature and moisture content in the air. And if the temperature can be approximately guessed by sensations, then for the second parameter you will need a special device to determine air humidity.

If there is too much vapor in the air or, conversely, not enough, this greatly affects the immune system. To avoid health problems, special devices are used to measure humidity.

In this video you will learn what a psychrometer is

There are two types of humidity:

  1. Absolute. Shows the amount of water in g/mᶟ.
  2. Relative. To calculate its value, you need to divide the current humidity by the maximum possible, then multiply the resulting value by 100. Relative humidity is measured as a percentage. To obtain exact value, you need a device to determine the relative humidity of the air.

Lack and excess of moisture

For people, animals, plants and even some materials, excess moisture is just as destructive as its lack. If there is a lot of moisture in the room, then the first thing you can notice is on the glass of the window, which begins to sweat a lot. From such excess moisture, the air and things acquire a damp smell, and mold forms on the walls. It provokes various allergic reactions that reduce the body's immune defense.

Lack of moisture can lead to dehydration, as sweating increases indoors. In addition, the amount of dust in the air sharply increases, and this can cause allergies.

Measuring instruments

The accuracy of the readings depends on which device is used to determine air humidity. Exist different types devices:

  1. Hygrometer. You can most often find a hygrometer on store shelves. electronic type, it is ideal for simple monitoring and is inexpensive. But there is a significant drawback - low accuracy of readings; on average, its error can reach 20%. It is considered more accurate mechanical device, but it will cost several times more. You can find hair and film hygrometers. The peculiarity of these two varieties is that both will give accurate readings only when low temperatures, and in the hot season you shouldn’t expect accuracy from them.
  2. Psychrometer. According to experts, this particular device is considered accurate. The operating principle of the device is as follows: the psychrometer has two thermometers and a special table. On one of the thermometers there is a can of liquid, which should be wrapped in a rag. One end of the rag should always be in a cup of water. To obtain the result, the difference between these thermometers is taken for calculation and the relative humidity is determined using a psychrometric table. The psychrometer is very convenient to use, as it allows you to monitor two indicators in a room at the same time.

A thermometer can measure air humidity

Of the two types, each person must choose for himself which device is right for him. Perhaps someone will choose a more accurate one, while others will choose a device that is more convenient to use.