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Congratulations on baptism. Congratulations on Epiphany in verse. Original congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord


Bright congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord in verse

Epiphany congratulations

Happy Christ Day, holy and bright,
Happy Baptism Day:
The water is blessed!

There are no more reliable remedies for illness,
Evil eye, damage, failures:
Heals any pain
It will calm your every cry!

Happy Epiphany Day!
Let the sacred water
Will wash away all your troubles,
There will always be help!

Epiphany wishes

Congratulations and wish
May you always be lucky!
Since Epiphany comes -
So the time has come

Congratulate you soon
And wish you good luck,
Let her warm you up
So as not to be discouraged at all!

Congratulations with the Baptism of the Lord

I would like to ask for forgiveness
Before the world for everything!
On the bright holiday of Epiphany
It will take you far
The wind is hard and north
The black voice of trouble.
It will probably get warmer
From Epiphany water!
And the red sun will sigh,
The world is huge, loving.
I have a great holiday

Fascinating congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

January a gift in store
Christian people.
Happy Baptism of the Lord to you!
Let's bless the water!

We are waiting for miracles again today,
For the holiday, for Epiphany!
And the Holy Spirit will descend from heaven,
He will grant forgiveness to everyone.

He will fly off in the form of a dove,
Carrying love everywhere
And may he bless you,
Directing your wing towards a miracle!

Congratulations on the Holy Epiphany

Darling, on this wonderful holiday,
Which we call Baptism,
I wish you, the best in the world,
May good luck come to your home.

Be beautiful, honey, and happiness
May it always shine in your eyes!
I wish you, so beautiful,
May she live with a smile on her lips!

Poems about the Baptism of the Lord

I wish you a bright baptism,
May the Lord bless you
Sent you for many years
And protected from various troubles!

For Epiphany bathing
And flesh, and soul, and consciousness
Cleansed from all sins!
From bad thoughts and words
It saved you
And it gave me strength and wisdom...

Epiphany congratulations

Let the Epiphany frosts
Your sorrows will go away.
Let there be only tears of happiness,
Let the good news come.

I want you to laugh more often
And they were never sad!
To be admired by love,
And they were always happy!

The Feast of the Epiphany is one of the most ancient holidays of the Christian Church. Its establishment dates back to the time of the apostles. Ancient name holiday - “Epiphany” - phenomenon, or “Theophany” - Epiphany, it was also called “Feast of Lights”, “Holy Lights” or simply “Lights”. For God comes into the world on this day to show the world the Unapproachable Light.
All four Gospels testify to this.
“And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And when he came out of the water, John immediately saw the heavens opening and the Spirit like a dove descending on Him. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1:9-11).
The word “baptize”, “baptize”, means in Greek “immerse in water.” It is impossible to understand the meaning and importance of baptism without first understanding the symbolic and real meaning of water in Old Testament. Water is the beginning of life. It is from water fertilized by the life-giving Spirit that all living beings will come into being. Where there is no water, there is a desert. But water can both destroy and destroy - just as God filled sins with the water of the great flood and destroyed human evil.
John's baptism was symbolic and meant that just as the body is washed and cleansed with water, so the soul of a person who repents and believes in the Savior will be cleansed from all sins by Christ. John himself exclaimed: “He who is mightier than I is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down to untie; I baptized you with water, and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” (Mark 1:7-8).
And then Jesus from Nazareth comes to him. John, considering himself unworthy to baptize Jesus, began to restrain Him, saying: “I need to be baptized by You, and are YOU coming to me?” But Jesus answered him: “Leave it now; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:14-15).
After the Baptism of Christ, baptism for people is no longer just a symbol of cleansing. Here Jesus revealed Himself to the world as the Christ, the Son of God. “I have seen, I testify: He is God’s Chosen One,” confirms John the Baptist. (“Messiah” in Hebrew is the same as “Christ” in Greek, that is, “God’s Anointed One”). Epiphany revealed to us the great Divine mystery of the Holy Trinity. Now everyone who is baptized joins this mystery, according to Christ’s words to His disciples, “Go and teach all nations, cross them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
Baptism is the beginning of the restoration of the original image of God in fallen man. Great mystery, performed in baptism, does not reach consciousness immediately. Baptism makes us “one branch” with Christ, as if grafting us into Him. In the water of baptism, the source of new life, a person dies to sin and is resurrected to God. But in order to truly fulfill your baptism, that is, to become the image of Christ, you need your whole life.
Epiphany, or Epiphany, is celebrated Orthodox Church January 19, new style. On the eve of the holiday, January 18, a strict fast was established.
In memory of the fact that the Savior sanctified water with His Baptism, there is a blessing of water; On the eve of the holiday, water is consecrated in churches, and on the very feast of Epiphany - in rivers or other places where water is taken. Procession of the Cross A procession to the Jordan is called to consecrate natural reservoirs.

In this article we have selected for you the most touching and beautiful congratulations on your first step into the Christian faith - christening.

Christening: what is baptism

Baptism introduces a person into the church fence, makes him a member of the Church, which means the Church prays for him. At baptism, the baby is given a Guardian Angel.

“I wish you to make your son happy»

May your guardian angels always
Quiet, they fly over your son.
Luck and luck never
Let them not leave him in life.

I wish you to make your son happy,
Let your health be heroic,
And you'll never be lonely
Let sincere people surround you!
“The christening has already taken place!»
I want to congratulate you,
The christening has already taken place!
Today we will praise
We are all our own son,

After all, he was born to you!
May he be lucky
To strive for the best,
Let it grow healthy!
“Let your daughter grow up smart»
Let this day remain in our hearts,
We have a special ritual of christening.
And somewhere in the distance, on the clouds,
Let them write down these name days.

Let your daughter grow up smart
May life give her luck and happiness,
Let her be lucky in whatever she does,
And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.
“Special day – son’s christening»
I really want to wish you
On a special day - my son’s christening,
Always understand each other
There is no reason to be sad.

Let your little boy grow up
A good, strong person,
Let him always move forward
Without forgetting you!
"A real angel»
Your baby looks innocent -
A real angel
Loves mom and dad very much
Let my son grow strong,

May you be healthy and successful
Grows up quickly
You grow up, baby, diligent -
More loyal friends!
“May your son give you only joy»
We wish you on your christening day,
May your son give you only joy.
So that he only respects you,
So that he takes an example from his father.

So that he loves his mother,
To be a worthy son.
And to you, his father and mother,
We wish you to raise strong people!
“I wish you, parents,»
I wish you, parents,
So that the baby grows healthy,
Happy christening day, I congratulate you,
May Christ protect the child!

Well, for you, my dears,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Congratulations, dears!
Happiness and good luck awaits.
“Today your girl was baptized»
Today your girl was baptized,
We want to wish you good luck,
So that she is raised in affection and love,
Always love, pity and understand.

So that your daughter is a worthy person
Ever entered adult life,
So that the Lord rewards her with success,
And he rewarded you for your good deeds!

“On the day of your daughter’s baptism»
On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart. To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

“You baptized your daughter today!»
Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today!
We wish you comfort in your home,
So that your daughter is raised with dignity, So that your baby grows up
And your dreams came true
So that life is not an easy book
It was easy and calm to read!
"We wish you, parents»
We wish you, parents,
Do not offend the child
Do you want it or don't you want it?
We will have to raise him as a worthy member of society,
And put in a lot of effort
So that there is loneliness in life
Never survive.
“Happiness, love and joy to you»
On the day of your child's christening
I want to wish you
Only the best and most important -
You don’t know troubles and sorrows, Happiness, love and joy to you,
So that your family grows,
Life brought sweets,
There were true friends!
“Raise your son worthy»
I wish you, parents,
It is worthy to raise a son,
To become happy while growing up,
He knew how to win in life, so that the Lord rewards him with patience,
So that your son gives you joy,
May God grant you luck -
For good deeds, for new strength!

The angels sang in the sky,
Our baby has been christened!
Sprinkled over the font,
They gave the baby a cross!
The Holy Spirit descended from heaven,
To be with the baby!
To give water and bread
And turn the desert into a garden!

We congratulate you with all our hearts
Congratulations on your baby's baptism!
May fate protect him
And the Lord bless!

Holy water sprinkled
Kindly treated by God - baptized!
Now, with the Light Cross,
He will become a messenger of good!
Let him be meek, honest, pure,
He is growing tall and broad-shouldered!
Let him be cheerful,
And childhood will be sweet!

The sacrament of baptism has been completed -
A wonderful, blissful ritual.
May peace be with you, good luck,
May heaven protect you!

Today is a blessed and sanctified day when a person took his second birth - spiritual. So from now on, let life be easier and happier, because your Guardian Angel will now always be at your side. Spirituality, harmony, peace of mind - everything that is necessary for happiness!

There is excitement and joy in the house. A little man sleeps in the cradle, snoring. His parents are moved when they look at him and thank God for their firstborn. Let the little man grow up healthy, gain strength and bring only joy to his parents. And if there are worries, then only pleasant ones.

The great Russian writer Dostoevsky said: “Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much.” Developing this idea, we can say that with the birth of each child, people’s love for their fellow humans increases. Therefore, I want to wish young parents that they have at least one, or even two more children, so that people’s lives are filled with love. After all, children are wonderful!

January 19 is the great holiday of the Epiphany. Congratulate beautiful congratulations with Baptism in verse and prose of relatives, loved ones, loved ones.

Poems of congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

Let the Epiphany frosts
Along with holy water
Threats will keep you away.
And illness aside
They will definitely bypass you,
There is no doubt about it,
After all, Epiphany water is a miracle
Protects you from all troubles!

Today is Epiphany.
Great holiday.
Grants forgiveness
The Lord is many-faced.

Let things happen
Your thoughts match.
And may he grant you
Lord grace!

Let the Epiphany frosts
Your sorrows will go away.
Let there be only tears of happiness,
Let the good news come.
I want you to laugh more often
And they were never sad!
To be admired by love,
And they were always happy!

They say that on this night the sky opens.
You can even wish for whatever you want.
On the day of the Epiphany the bells will ring,
Everyone will be blessed, from great to small!
Let the water cleanse the soul, resurrect faith in the heart,
And the Lord will hear us all and forgive us our mistakes.

Holy Epiphany
It arrived on a frosty day!
Let blessing come into the house,
Let the shadow of resentment go away,
Holy Jordan water
Let your health be protected!
The bells are ringing from the temple,
Blessing the procession!

The frost is crackling with all its might - January.
And at Epiphany, as of old, -
Plunge into the hole three times,
Stock up on health for the year.
May your body be vigorous
Drink holy water to your heart's content.
The soul itself commanded it -
Blessed be the power of God!

On the bright day of the Lord's Baptism
I wish you all earthly bounties.
May souls and bodies be cleansed
On this day it will come down to you from heaven.

The blessings of earthly and God's grace
I want to wish you now.
Let everything be on time and by the way,
May the Lord protect you.

May everything in life be easy for you.
And may the Epiphany water
What is pouring from everywhere today,
Will wash away all the bad forever!

Jesus once received Baptism,
And on this day the water became holy,
May He grant healing to the sick,
And it brings joy and peace to the house.
May the Holy Spirit be like a white dove,
What once descended upon Christ,
With its warmth and joy it will warm you
On the frosty day of Epiphany everyone always.

On the bright day of Epiphany
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you
Happiness, joy, goodness, health,
May grace descend upon you!

Pure thoughts, warmth and understanding,
Peace and harmony around,
Warmth, love and compassion.
And you will know neither troubles nor separations.

Let faith warm your soul,
Let hope not leave you,
Don’t let your mind stop your heart from listening,
Let sadness not touch your eyes.

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord in prose

I congratulate you on the greatest Orthodox holidays of Epiphany and Epiphany! I wish that a saint would descend upon you God's grace So that the body and soul, washing with consecrated water, are filled with health, lightness, joy, so that pain, annoyance, disappointment, hatred and vices go away, and in their place peace, tranquility and harmony reign in the soul!

May the Baptism of the Lord bring prosperity, tranquility, good luck, many good friends, good impressions, fun moments, confidence in every day and the best health in the world!

On the great day of the Baptism of the Lord, I wish to be cleansed with holy water and remain pure in soul, healthy in spirit and strong in faith. Be happy and loved.

May the Epiphany frosts be the strongest and may your health be the same. Feel free to go into the hole. Baptism! Happy holiday!

The Epiphany of the Lord is one of the most ancient Christian holidays; on this day the soul is cleansed from vanity and sadness, filled with the highest meaning, light, kindness, love, let the Epiphany frosts not cool it down. May the best in people be revealed to you, may peace, beauty, happiness reign in family and business, may a lucky star illuminate your path!

Happy Baptism of the Lord! Let your thoughts be good, your heart filled with warmth and love, your soul serene and calm! Let life be illuminated every day with new wonderful impressions!

On this special day filled with holiness, I would like to wish you harmony, peace of mind, tranquility and idyll. May heaven protect your soul, and may the angels protect your home from evil and troubles. Happy Baptism of the Lord to you, do not lose faith in good things, and it will certainly help in difficult times.

Happy winter holiday. Happy Baptism of the Lord. The bells ring, services are celebrated and the water is blessed. May this holiday be as pure as Epiphany water and give you health and joy.

May all doubts and troubles disappear forever. May joy and peace come to your home. I wish you prosperity, peace, wisdom and good luck. May there be more happy moments in your life. Let severe frost crackles on the street, and the soul will be warmed by kindness and mercy. Good and reliable friends to you.

Congratulations on Orthodox holiday- Epiphany! May the Almighty sanctify your heart with peace, happiness and health. Beautiful spirit, wisdom and patience to your home!

Beautiful short SMS congratulations on Epiphany

Don't forget to wash your face with holy water,
Day of Baptism on earth,
And let your soul open up
I wish you all the best!

Let the baptism water
It will give you vigor throughout the year!
We wish you not to get sick
And grow younger at heart!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord!
And don’t let the frosts scare you!
This day is famous for its consecration,
We are clean, and it’s easier for everyone to breathe!

Happy Epiphany to your entire family,
Never let bad weather touch you,
Let sorrows, troubles, bitterness go away,
The soul will be filled with enormous, bright happiness.

Dive into the hole head first
And let the frost creep over your skin,
I will be with you with all my heart,
I dive mentally too.

Congratulations on Epiphany
I'm sending you an SMS.
I want to wish you fun
Happiness in life and miracles!

Kindness, warmth and light,
Bright days and a lot of summer,
Light, joyful moments!
Congratulations on your Epiphany!

Happy Baptism of the Lord,
On a big, holy day,
Let your heart be warm
Health, faith, strength.

Sparkles in the sun,
White snow sparkles.
Water at Epiphany gives
Health for life!

On this holiday, let the holy water
Transforming my entire soul,
It will open again for you
Pure love for life!

Congratulations to everyone on your Baptism,
With an unprecedented feeling.
With purity and beauty,
What are given by water!

Let the baptism water
The illness will disappear without a trace.
Smile from the heart
And hurry to do good!

Baptism is in the yard,
You can hear singing in the church,
Congratulations to the Orthodox!
I wish you happiness on this day, sister!

Happy Baptism of the Lord!
Receive like a gift from heaven
A sip of water today
And hello all the days!

On the Epiphany of the Lord I wish you:
Let the water take away all troubles,
So that you become freer from difficulties
And healthier for many years.

So as not to lose faith and hope,
May the Lord bless your home.
Be always successful as before.
May you have enough good deeds and strength!

On the day of Epiphany in January
Let the cold water
Wash away sorrows and sorrows
And problems forever!

No matter what happens in life,
May the Lord protect you
Happiness, vigor, health
This holiday will reward you!

May this holiday wash away all sorrows and bring the best to life. Let him give you good health, endless happiness and desired success, and most importantly, become a reason for happy events in the coming year.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord -
The day our Lord was baptized.
And I wish you good health,
Let your luck and income grow.

May Baptism give you happiness
And spiritual pure beauty.
Let all bad weather go away,
And peace and tranquility will come to your home.

I wish only goodness and light
And great and pure love to you.
And live long summers,
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

The bright holiday is coming,
Brings us joy and forgiveness.
We forget about problems
I congratulate you on your Baptism!

Let the house be filled with warmth,
The soul will be humble and pure.
Let all adversity be a dream,
And life is happy and radiant!

Let some water for Epiphany
Brings with it luck.
And let the Epiphany frost
Will save you from unnecessary tears.

And on Epiphany evening
Happiness will come to vice,
Let him come quietly into the house
And it will always arrive in it!

In the crystal silence of winter,
At the cold hole,
We solemnly welcome

Let the water bless you
Grants forgiveness
And may there be happiness for all years
Brings Epiphany.

Health, joy to you,
Prosperity, many years.
May God heed your prayer,
Keeps you out of trouble.

On baptism I wish you
Calm and peace,
Holy water forever
All your troubles have been washed away,
Full of good health,
So that kindness lives in the soul,
Always love and warmth
May your home be filled!

Bell ringing sounds
People rush to the Temple in the morning
After all, today is the day of Epiphany
There is water lighting in the Temple.

We will cleanse the soul from evil,
Let's conquer bad thoughts
And ask the Lord
Let us forgive us for everything.

May the Lord help you,
He blesses for good,
Heals, saves,
And he will save you from earthly troubles.

On this holiday of warmth and light
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you,
To God in secret
He helped us solve all the problems.

Blue and clear sky,
A sea of ​​sun, love and goodness,
And may your guardian angel be magical
Always sheltered me from sadness.

On this bright holiday I wish you -
Let your soul sparkle!
Let the baptism water
Troubles will be washed away without a trace.

I want to believe in a miracle
And meet him everywhere
Reaching heights
Let Epiphany bring!