home · Lighting · How much higher should the curb be than the road? Road curb. All about borders. Types, characteristics

How much higher should the curb be than the road? Road curb. All about borders. Types, characteristics

Interestingly, the document ( building codes and rules), which should help cyclists overcome curbstone and easy to drive onto sidewalks, designed for the design, construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures accessible to all groups of people with limited mobility. Here the interests of cyclists coincide with the interests of wheelchair users. And since Russia signed the Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the General Assembly in 1975, there are articles in the legislation that are useful to us, cyclists.

3.4 The height of curbs along the edges of pedestrian paths on the site is recommended to be at least 0.05 m. The height of the side stones at the intersection of sidewalks with the roadway, as well as the difference in heights of curbs, side stones along maintained lawns and green areas adjacent to pedestrian traffic routes, should not exceed 0.04 m .

This “SNIP” (building codes and regulations) is included in the international Classification ISO 91.040.01, which provides people with disabilities the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. "Snip" replaced VSN 62-91 * from 1994, in which a similar clause sounded as follows:
"...2.2.2. In places where pedestrian paths intersect with the roadway of streets and roads, the height of the sidewalk edge stones must be at least 2.5 cm and not exceed 4 cm. The use of edge stones with a beveled top edge or ramps narrowing the width of the roadway..."

Thus, as I understand it, there is an organization Rostechnadzor, which should monitor compliance with the Classifier ISO 91.040.01(Construction in general) of the above-mentioned SNiP.

"The Moscow MTU of Rostechnadzor faces the main tasks of exercising powers aimed at implementing legislative and regulatory acts Russian Federation in the field of... construction supervision... in order to prevent accidents, injuries and reduce the likelihood negative impact per person..."

Side stone BR 100.30.15, for separating the roadway of intra-block driveways from sidewalks and lawns GOST 6665-91

Side stone BR 100.20.8, for separating pedestrian paths and sidewalks from lawns GOST 6665-91

And here is the main stone for us cyclists - RAMP
Description by GOST 6665-91
Ramp stone, reference mass - according to the project (i.e. there are no sizes, they make it as it turns out on the spot), purpose - to connect the coatings of bicycle paths and sidewalks with heavy traffic of children's and wheelchairs, etc. with the coating of roadways of streets and roads at intersections

Note. The length of the ramp (la) for paving surfaces made of prefabricated slabs is taken as a multiple of the size of the slabs, and other dimensions depend on the type of stone.

It all starts with marking the territory to lay asphalt only where it is needed. Then it all depends on the purpose of the road, what loads it will experience, in order to determine the composition of the coating and the thickness of the crushed stone base. The road surface itself must be level with the ground, so to lay the base of the road, a so-called trough is dug out. The road base and asphalt are laid in it. Accordingly, the more intense the traffic, the deeper the trough digs.

Laying crushed stone. For an “easy” road, one layer of the middle fraction (20 – 40 mm) is sufficient. If a highway is being built, it is recommended to lay crushed stone in several layers: the first layer is from a coarse fraction (40 - 70 mm), followed by a medium one, and the last one from a fine fraction (5 - 20 mm). The main thing is to roll each layer with a roller.

Even at the stage of laying the base, it is advisable to provide bevels on the sides for water drainage. If curbs are provided, they are also installed before laying the asphalt. This also applies to others preparatory work(carrying out or repairing sewers, raising manholes). Only after this can you take up the asphalting itself. The thickness of the asphalt, like the base, depends on the intended use of the road.

The minimum thickness is 4-5 cm (for courtyard areas, etc.). When traffic intensity is high, asphalt is laid in layers using different grain sizes. The first layer is coarse-grained, fine-grained on top. For greater reliability, add a third surface layer of asphalt chips. In layer-by-layer laying of asphalt important point is the adhesion of the layers to each other. They don’t connect that easily, so before applying each next layer, the previous one is watered with bitumen.

There are two fundamental approaches to laying asphalt: cold and hot laying.

Cold styling asphalt crumbs Most often used when repairing roads. Asphalt gains strength when compressed; the main thing is to compact the surface well. After this installation, the coating is ready and movement can be resumed.

Hot laying of asphalt chips used in the construction of a new road or overhaul old. With this technology, asphalt must be laid hot. The mixture itself is prepared at the factory, from where it must be delivered as quickly as possible to the construction site in special machines. And not just deliver, but unload, evenly distribute and roll before the asphalt cools down. Otherwise high-quality coating will not work. At the same time, accordingly the most important factor is the weather. Oddly enough, but often the construction of a new road or the repair of an old one is delayed precisely for this reason.

Similar to connecting layers, it is necessary to ensure seamless connection stripes between each other. This can only be achieved during continuous work, when the already laid strip has not yet cooled down and the laying of a new one immediately begins. Delivery of the mixture must be carried out in a timely manner so that there is no shortage of hot asphalt. It is not better if a lot of hot mixture is brought at once: the excess has time to cool and becomes unusable.

Asphalt is compacted using special equipment: asphalt pavers, a vibrating plate or a hand roller. To prevent the coating being laid from sticking to the skating rink, it is constantly moistened with water.

After the asphalt has cooled, the road can be used. And always remember that such coating requires constant care.

Side stone, curb stone, curb, curb - these are all names for the same element of road improvement. Among them, a distinction is made between road vibration-pressed and sidewalk vibration-pressed structures used in the construction of road surfaces. These elements serve to: separate the roadway from sidewalks, lawns and public transport stops, as well as separate sidewalks and pedestrian paths from lawns. This is one of mandatory elements paving the road. not only serves as a separator between the roadway and the pedestrian zone, but also gives the road a finished look and serves as a stop when laying paving slabs.

Laying is done using special equipment, which allows achieving high results. In addition, this allows for a more even layout of building materials and, accordingly, high strength of the resulting fence.

  • First, you need to prepare a trench for the future border. A device with which you can dig a trench will help with this. Or use a regular shovel.
  • Secondly, no less important for laying curb stones is a trench compactor. It will make the bottom of the ditch level.
The basis for installation is leveled crushed stone, concrete or sand. Then the base is poured concrete mortar, which must be allowed to harden before installation. In this case, the road elements are installed first, and only then the road surface is laid. Pre-laying the structure creates clear boundaries for the masonry and strengthens it.

Correct installation of the structure is also a disciplinary factor for drivers.

The width of the seam between the stones should not exceed 5 mm. Seams are filled cement mortar composition 1:4, after which they are embroidered with a solution of composition 1:2. The concrete element used when repairing or paving the roadway can be divided into several types:
  • Large. It carries a functional load - separating the road surface from the sidewalk and ensuring the safety of pedestrians;
  • Small border. Most often used to separate one pedestrian area or road from another.

The border is not only a decorative element, but also serves as a separation function: paths, sidewalks, flower beds and fountains. Highways and roads cannot exist without concrete side reinforcements, so it is extremely important that the curb meets all technical standards. GOST 6665-91 for curbstones regulates standards for the characteristics of curbs.

GOST for curb stones

GOST on sidewalk curb describes in detail specifications products. It would take a long time to list all the characteristics; if you are interested, you can study GOST itself. Section 6665-91 lists the following options:

  • Low temperature resistance;
  • Moisture absorption;
  • Strength of concrete for expansion and compression.

During the construction process, it is extremely important that the height of the curb stone according to GOST corresponds to its intended purpose. For example, the height of the curb according to GOST for highways is 450 mm. It is extremely important to choose products that comply with GOST, as this is a guarantee of quality and compliance technical standards. Prices at various manufacturers vary, however high price is not an indicator of high quality.

Border stone is used to improve and separate sidewalks from roads, flower beds from paths, bicycle areas from pedestrian ones. Depending on the purpose, there are various curb stones, and accordingly GOST.

Types of borders

Depending on the purpose there are different kinds border: for example, for decorating a flower bed or highway fencing. Accordingly, the length of the curb stone according to GOST, the dimensions of the curb stone according to GOST also differ. Operational Features curbstone is designated by the letters “BR”, the numbers after it mean the following: the first number is the length, the second is the height and the third is the width. Thus, GOST regulates the following types side stone:

  • GOST for highway curb stones - BR100.45.18. Such a curb is used for road construction, to fence the edge of the road to prevent cars from running off. This type curbs cope well with intense loads.
  • GOST for curb stones for sidewalks - BR100.20.8 is used in combination with paving slabs, these sizes are sufficient to perform decorative, fencing and strengthening functions.
  • GOST for road curbs - BR100.22.15 (used to fence roads, but the size of the curb allows a car to move off it) and BR100.30.15 (separates roads and sidewalks).

The small sizes of border stones according to GOST are intended for the design of flower beds and fountains. Such curbs are made using the vibration casting method.

GOST for installation of curb stones

The rules for installing curb stones are also regulated by GOST. The algorithm for installing the curb is as follows:

  • A trench is dug (manually or using special equipment);
  • Then the sand base is poured, after which it is poured concrete mixture, which will hold the curb stone and also become the base;
  • Next, the curb stone is installed;
  • The next step is to sand the protrusions and sand the seams to prevent cracks and also to prevent shrinkage.
  • The curb is laid 2/3 of the way into the trench; according to GOST, the height of the curb stone on the surface should be 150-200 mm.

Proper installation of curb stones ensures the stability of the road surface and also ensures the safety of pedestrians and vehicles. A decorative border prevents the soil from eroding (in flower beds) and gives strength around the edges.

Hello, Anastasia!

Let's start with the fact that this incident is an accident - a traffic accident. Usually, traffic police officers classify it as hitting an obstacle.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 (as amended on October 24, 2014) “On Traffic Rules”:

“Road accident” is an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused.

Thus, you had to call the traffic police so that the employees recorded the circumstances of this incident, including the height of the curb and damage to the car.

At the same time, traffic police officers are required to identify conditions accompanying road accidents. For example, unsatisfactory road conditions, the so-called low road conditions (potholes, lack of lighting, etc.). If detected, the traffic police is obliged to establish responsible person, that is, the one who is responsible for road safety in this area, issue an order to eliminate it and, if it is not eliminated, bring the perpetrator to justice.

Thus, if you called the traffic police, then most work, on recording and collecting the necessary information, in particular, to identify the persons responsible for a given territory, specially trained people with the necessary powers - traffic police officers - would establish for you.

If your car is currently at the scene of the accident and you wrote to us on the website immediately after the incident, you can call the traffic police and report the incident, if not, then it’s worse, but still possible. You need to report the accident, upon arrival of the traffic police officers, show the curb, invite witnesses, and present the car.

Then you need to apply for independent assessment cost of restoration.

Next, after the employees make a decision on your application (any), familiarize yourself with it. You are interested in the defendant, that is, the culprit. Draw up and send a claim to the culprit, and if it is not satisfied, file a lawsuit.

It should be taken into account that in court it will be difficult to prove that it is the actions of the culprit, and not yours, that are the cause of the accident. The defendant will defend himself, referring to clause 10.1 of the traffic rules:

10.1. The driver must drive the vehicle at a speed not exceeding the established limit, taking into account the intensity of traffic, the characteristics and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular visibility in the direction of travel. The speed must provide the driver with the ability to constantly control the movement of the vehicle to comply with the requirements of the Rules.

If there is a danger to traffic, which the driver is able to detect, he must take possible measures to reduce the speed until the vehicle stops.

I have especially highlighted what needs to be proven to you. Namely, that you could not detect this obstacle. That is, you knew that a curb that complies with GOST is not a hindrance to your Car, but it is impossible to determine the height of the curb in the mirror or from the driver’s seat, so you expected that it met the necessary requirements, but this turned out not to be the case, as a result of which you damaged your vehicle .

It will be difficult to prove, but it is possible.

Good luck.
Best regards, S. Sergeev