home · electrical safety · Enclosing structures of multi-storey buildings made of expanded polystyrene concrete. Enclosing structures - the basis of the building

Enclosing structures of multi-storey buildings made of expanded polystyrene concrete. Enclosing structures - the basis of the building

Enclosing its volume, called enclosing structures. These include, say, walls, floors, ceilings, partitions, etc. Enclosing structures can be both external and internal. External perform an important function of protecting the premises from influence various factors environment. Internal are designed to divide the premises into separate sectors.

A feature of the arrangement of such structures is that they can be installed both on site (monolithic) and assembled from imported elements - ready-made blocks, etc. Enclosing structures can consist of either one layer or several. With a multilayer structure, the main layers can be such as insulating, bearing, and also finishing.

The importance of such structural elements of a building can hardly be overestimated. After all, the workers and performance characteristics premises, both residential and industrial. Let's take walls as an example.

The erection of walls must be carried out in compliance with all technological requirements. If this is masonry, it should be neat and correct. Be sure to fill all seams, both vertical and horizontal, cement mortar. Otherwise, moisture can subsequently enter the room through the cracks. In addition, the masonry must be made absolutely in the same plane.

External building envelopes made of prefabricated blocks must also be installed correctly. Particular attention is required to the seams between the plates. For their putty, a high-quality one should be used. There should not be a single gap left between the panels. If they stay, it can lead to such unpleasant consequences as high humidity premises and

Modern requirements to the design of premises and buildings involve the use of new types of enclosing structural elements. To such modern look can be attributed translucent enclosing structures. characterized in that they freely let light into the room. These can be structural elements of buildings such as windows, glass doors, stained glass, etc.

There are types of buildings in which almost all building envelopes can be translucent. Eg winter gardens, pavilions, etc.

Translucent most often mounted on an aluminum frame. Sometimes it can be metal-plastic, wooden or steel. In addition, such enclosing structures can be single or double. In those packages where there are two glazing circuits, they can be located at a small distance from each other (15-30 cm), or they can be “corridor” systems with a distance between glasses of up to 1 m. The second one is much more expensive and we have country is rarely used.

The importance of building envelopes cannot be overestimated. In fact, this is the room itself, the box, that is, its main part.


The construction of buildings using light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC) has become not only an excellent alternative in low-rise construction, but has also confidently entered the field of construction high-rise buildings. Enclosing structures made of LSTC confidently entered the Russian market building materials, significantly displacing traditional methods of public and housing construction. The main advantage of using LSTK enclosing structures was a significant reduction in material and labor costs, while using the technology under consideration, high quality and operational characteristics are maintained. The Polymetal-M company offers LSTK for the organization of external warm enclosing structures in multi-storey buildings with a heavy steel frame or monolithic reinforced concrete fachwerk. The use of LSTC is the most economical alternative to brick, aerated concrete blocks and traditional panel housing construction. There are two possible ways to use LSTK enclosing structures: installation of the frame at the construction site, followed by filling the “pie” of the wall, or installation of prefabricated panels.


Advantages of enclosing structures made of LSTK:

-Increased speed and ease of installation (steel frames"Polymetal-M" are carried out size-to-size, highly qualified personnel are not required, the minimum use of lifting equipment (lifting parts to the floor), assembly of structures from LSTC is carried out at the installation site).

- Extension of the construction season.

- fire resistance(lightweight fire-resistant materials are used).

- Environmental friendliness(steel structures are 100% recyclable; the dew point is moved outside the wall due to the use of a thermal profile; mold and freezing are excluded).

- The embodiment of various architectural and design solutions (use of various finishing materials is possible).

- economy (average cost 1m² of panels 1890 rubles; saving up to 70% of space heating costs; savings on installation up to 30%); reduction in the weight of the walls by 11 times; reducing the load on the foundation; increase in the internal area of ​​buildings by reducing the thickness of the walls with the same thermal characteristics).

- Reliability(enclosing structures made of LSTK manufactured by Polymetal-M fully meet the requirements of SNiP II-03-79*, including in terms of effective heat resistance, vapor permeability and air permeability of the building).

Enclosing structures are divided into:

By appointment:
- to limit the volume of the building (external or external);
- dividing the building into separate rooms(internal).

According to the manufacturing method:
- prefabricated and monolithic;
- single-layer and multi-layer.

The enclosing structure, made according to the LSTC technology, consists of:
- external finishing;
- drywall;
- a heater;
- wind protection (for example: isospan);
- frame LSTK (0.7-2.0 mm).

Frame from LSTK:
- guide profile
- Thermal profile guiding and rack
- Rack profile
- Jumpers from a profile and a thermoprofile

Parameters of enclosing structures made of LSTK produced by Polymetal-M:
- height -  up to 3.0 m;
- length -  up to 6.0 m;
- thickness - from 60-300 mm.