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Easter games for children and adults. Easter games. Competition for the most unusual, beautiful egg

Easter is a holiday with its own customs and interesting traditions. Each of us is familiar with some of them: the tradition of painting and beating eggs is one of the most favorite children's pastimes.

But it turns out that this is not all the traditional entertainment that our children should be introduced to.

In general, the role of family traditions is difficult to overestimate. They are the ones who help to instill confidence, determination, and courage in a child, because every tradition, even the smallest one, is a building block in the foundation of his personality.

This holiday has religious roots, but even if you do not consider yourself a believer, this is not a reason to ignore this holiday. Easter is a warm spring holiday with interesting traditions and games that are closely related to the main symbol of Easter - the egg.

Initially, the egg, the main attribute of the Easter holiday, is a symbol of prosperity, spring, and also a kind of amulet.

This is what prompted me to create a special family tradition to celebrate Easter and introduce your child to it. It's amazing how many fun things you can do with eggs! Here I have collected 9 interesting Easter ideas that every child will enjoy. Even the one who lives inside each of us ;-)

9 bright Easter games:

1. Traditional dyeing

The brightest and most popular activity for Easter is coloring eggs. It is the most exciting, creative and loved by children. And here I don’t mean the traditional dipping of boiled eggs in colored water - everything is much more interesting. The egg will be a canvas and how it will turn out in the end depends only on us.

I suggest getting rid of templates and trying to make real works of art out of eggs. Last year we tried it (and this is only what a child aged 1.5-2 years can do). Maybe we'll try something new this year)

According to Old Russian traditions, it is customary to paint eggs on the Monday and Tuesday preceding Easter. It's a little early, lest the eggs go rotten ;-)

2. Easter quest

In other words, a search game.

  • The simplest and traditional version: hide N number of eggs around the house and invite the child to find them. If there are several children, then you can include a competitive moment in the game.
  • The second option is using thread. Particularly interesting for those who love labyrinths. To each testicle or a small gift tie a rope/thread and stretch it around the apartment. We give the other end to the baby and invite him to find a surprise along the thread.

This option has a “subtlety”: it is better to choose a thicker thread, for example yarn, and it is better to initially fasten it on a stationary object next to the gift, because a child can pull a rope, for example.

  • Third option: quest. We hide empty eggs around the house with hints on where to look for the next one. In each hiding place, the baby can have puzzle pieces, a sticker or another small surprise. It is better to select the number of such points personally, focusing on the age and perseverance of each individual child.

3. Egg race

Traditional Easter entertainment.

Cardboard slide + colorful eggs = children's wild delight. Cooking small colored eggs different colors. These can be simple chicken ones (but then the mound should be quite impressive in size) or you can make small ones, for example, from salt dough.

One egg of each color is placed on the table. The goal of the game is to roll the eggs down the hill to knock your opponents’ eggs off the table and leave as many of your own eggs on the table as possible. By the way, this great way practice counting)

4. Easter target

Draw a large target and place it on the floor. Place a white egg in the center of the target. We give different colored eggs to other players and ask them to roll them as close as possible to the white egg without knocking it over. Whose egg is closest wins)

5. Steel eggs

Don’t forget about the traditional Easter fun, in which everyone chooses an egg to their liking and can measure the strength of their “chosen ones” with others.

The one whose egg turned out to be the most persistent will be the most well-fed, because the eggs won will have to be eaten)

6. Hard-boiled eggs

The game is similar to the previous one, only instead of beating eggs you need to spin them.

All participants spin their eggs at the same time, and whose egg spins the longest wins. This game develops dexterity and the notorious motor skills. In other words: it’s amazing how good she is.

Important! The eggs must be cooked equally, because... boiled egg spins faster and longer.

7. What do we bake Easter cakes from?

A cheerful, playful poem about what we use to bake Easter cakes. The kids’ task is to choose those ingredients that can be put into the Easter cake (we shout “yes!”), and “not to put” those that will ruin the dish (we shout “no!”).

Photo taken from the culinary blog andychef.ru. I haven’t learned how to cook like this yet, but I really hope that my photo will be here soon.

I put cinnamon in the cake,

Honey will flow there too,

Vanillin powder

And a big bag of oats.

I'll pour some cucumbers

And here is my grandmother

I poured flour there,

And the guys have an egg.

Easter cake needs water,

Chalk is always put there

And also raisins, candied fruits,

Nails, hammers, shovels.

Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,

And also Kristinka ours,

Salt and sugar and cement.

And the cake is ready in no time!

To make it easier for your baby, bake a real cake with him the day before and then this poem will seem even funnier to him. Correct and incorrect answers can be distinguished by intonation.

8. Easter catcher

The game is similar to a cat and mouse game. There are eggs with strings tied to them on the table. The ends of these ropes are held by the players. The presenter takes a glass/cup and must catch these eggs. The players, in turn, must prevent this and, by pulling the strings, “run away” from the catcher.

9. Toffee

This game requires a lot of space, but it's worth it.

One player stands against the wall, and the leader places an egg at some distance from him. The player is blindfolded, after which he must eyes closed calculate the number of steps “to the goal”. When he walks this number of steps, the bandage can be removed.

Now comes the most interesting part: you need to reach the egg from a standing position without lifting your feet from the place where the player stopped.

The game can be slightly modified, leaving only the goal - to reach the egg. The presenter places the egg at some distance from the players, and the players’ task is to reach it first, without leaving their place.

The game develops the eye very well, but, unfortunately, not all apartments allow you to start such large-scale games.

This selection can be supplemented with various thematic sets, of which there are now a lot.

Some of these games are traditionally Easter games. Some came to us from other countries. But for a child, it doesn’t matter where we learned about these games. The opportunity to play with mom and dad is important to them. IN joint games the child understands that he is loved.

So let's give love to our children!!!Have fun with your games!

There are special games that in the old days were played on Easter and Easter week by young men and women, children and adults. Let us also remember them and have a lot of fun.

“Where are you floating coki?”

The guys lay out the eggs they brought on the table and cover them with hats. There are also hats on the table with nothing under them. Then the hats are moved along the table. One of the participants in the game is in another room at this time. They call him and ask: “Where are you soaring the coki?” The driver, and if there are dyes there, takes them for himself. The game continues until all the colors are taken apart. Whoever is luckier has the most eggs


They compete to see whose egg will spin the longest. On command, the children simultaneously spin their paints. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

"Easter Egg Rolling"

The facilitator assembles two teams of five people. Each person is given one Easter colored egg. A chair is placed at a distance of 4-5 meters from each team.

Each participant must carefully, without breaking the egg, roll it with his hands to the chair, walk around the chair and, returning back, pass the egg to the next team member. The team whose members roll the egg first wins.

"Egg Rolling"

There are trays with grooves on the tables. You need to roll the colored eggs along these grooves. As you roll your egg along the groove, try to break other eggs. The winner is the one whose egg remains intact.

"Egg Rolling"

The players sit next to the walls of the room opposite each other and roll paints. Krashenki collide. Whose egg breaks, he gives it to his opponent.

"Egg Rolling"

"Egg Rolling"

A wooden or cardboard “skating rink” was installed. The principle of the game is the same. And around it a flat place was cleared, on which painted eggs, toys, and simple souvenirs were laid out. The playing children approached the “skating rink” one by one and each rolled their eggs along the inclined grooves. The prize was the object that the egg touched.

"Bowling in Russian"

Prizes are placed along the perimeter of the table: whistles, gingerbread cookies, sweets, soldiers, nesting dolls, dolls, and kinder surprises. The task of the players is to use their egg to knock out the thing they like. You have to take turns riding. Each player receives the prize that he knocked off the table with his egg. The game continues until all the prizes are won.

"Easter Gifts"

Various small gifts and souvenirs are placed on the floor. Everyone is welcome to participate. The host gives the participant an Easter egg. You need to roll it across the floor, knocking down any gift - this is the prize.

Competition for the most unusual, beautiful egg

Offer children boiled, blown or plastic eggs, food and inorganic dyes, leaves and blades of grass, stickers, etc. everything that (you think) will help children fulfill their creative ideas. On this day, let the children give their egg to whomever they want and say the words “Christ is risen.” Thus, they will learn one of the Easter rituals.

"Decorate the Easter Egg"

Two people participate, each of whom is given one balloon and sets of Easter stickers. In a minute they must decorate their ball - “egg” with stickers. The one who sticks them more than his opponent wins.

"Easter Egg Search"

Children gathered for Easter loved to look for eggs in the apartment or in the garden. One of the elders hid cardboard, paper or plastic eggs with surprises in advance. To get a surprise, you had to find the egg. If there were a lot of children, they were divided into “teams”, and each team tried to win by finding as many eggs as possible in the allotted time.
Notes in which you indicate (allegorically) the place where the next egg is hidden will help children look for eggs. In total, the team needs to collect, for example, 4 eggs. This means there should be 4 clue notes, each of which is revealed with a newly found egg. Which team will be smarter and faster?

Fight with paints

The players shout: “One, two, three! My egg, get stronger! Ready to fight!" Players hit paints with any side, usually sharp. Whose egg breaks or cracks is the loser.

Knock and I won

Two people each take one egg and hit it with the sharp ends. Whoever breaks it loses, and the winner gets a point. Of all the couples, who will be the winner?

Relay race "Easter table"

2 teams are participating. Depending on the number of participants, determine and come up with stages of the relay. For example.

1st stage
The first participant runs to the table (5-6 meters away). He needs to peel the egg, boiled for Easter and painted, eat it (put salt, warm tea so that he can wash it down), put the shell in Matchbox, close it and come back with it.

2nd stage
The second participant, having reached the table, must carefully cut the Easter cake and place it in pieces on a plate.

Stage 3
The third participant prepares Easter from the proposed set of products: cottage cheese, butter, raisins, cream.

Stage 4
The fourth participant is given a spoon and an egg. He must roll an egg along a paper path to the “Easter table” with a spoon. And the fifth participant must roll the egg with his nose.. You can continue the number of stages of the relay yourself.

"Merry round dance"

On Easter it was customary to sing funny songs and dance in circles. Now we will try to restore this tradition.

All guests stand in a large circle, in the center of which is the host with a basket of Easter eggs. He is blindfolded. Any cheerful folk music sounds. The round dance moves clockwise, and the leader spins in place counterclockwise.

The music suddenly turns off. The leader and the round dance stops. Whoever the presenter stops opposite must complete any simple task that the presenter suggests, and for this he receives an Easter egg.

"Easter Bell"

During the Easter holiday in Rus', bells rang in all churches.
Several people participate in the game. Everyone chooses a piece of paper proposed by the presenter with the name of the song, for example, “Evening Ringing”, “Bell”, “Walking Along the Don” or any other melodic Russian folk songs.

You don’t need to sing the chosen song, but portray bell ringing, saying “Bom-bom-bom” or “Ding-ding-ding” instead of the words. The one who fulfills the motive more accurately and makes it interesting and fun wins.

Holidays, Christmas and others.

Easter is one of the oldest Christian holidays, which is celebrated with family and closest relatives. Preparation for the holiday has always been accompanied by special care and scrupulousness. Easter is quite a serious event, so children often get bored during it. This is not surprising, because at their age every child wants to participate in fun games and competitions. Given this nuance, you should worry about entertainment program for this day. Children will be incredibly happy and excited to take part in exciting games and competitions. It is worth providing and making their dreams come true, because such bright moments remain in the memory of children for life. The main attribute in many competitions is the Easter egg, which is a symbol of this holiday. Below are the most interesting and fun contests and games for Easter.

Competition "Fanta"
To conduct this competition, the presenter needs to prepare the simplest tasks in advance. Next, he gathers all the children, possibly adults, who dance together in a round dance. The leader, in turn, stands in the center of the resulting circle and begins to spin counterclockwise. Cheerful Easter music is turned on and the competition begins. Then the presenter suddenly stops, and in front of the person who stopped, hands him a forfeit, that is, a simple task that the participant must complete. You should not come up with conditions that will be difficult for the child to fulfill. Simply reciting a poem or singing a song will be enough. The winners are necessarily awarded prizes in the form of Easter eggs or a symbolic toy of this holiday.

Competition "Summer resident-lucky"
At least three children can take part in this competition, to whom the presenter must first ask one important question and then distribute one egg each. The question will be: “For what purpose and why did the ancient Slavs roll colored eggs on the ground at Easter?” Only after the participants give the correct answer does the competition begin. Parents and adults cannot be given any hints; let the children figure it out themselves. After this, all participants need to roll the egg on the ground, but without using their hands. How to do it? Everything is very simple, you need to roll with your nose to a certain mark. The winner will be the one who completes the task much faster and at the same time completes everything according to the rules. As a reward, the presenter should be given a badge with the inscription “Lucky Summer Resident”.

Competition “What do they put in Easter cake?”
Easter cake is the most favorite delicacy of all children, and this competition is associated with it. The presenter selects several participants and gives them one blank sheet of paper and a pen. Their task is that they must try to write down the ingredients of this delicious pastry. Almost since childhood, we have been watching our mothers bake it, so for some children it will not be difficult at all. The competition is not only interesting, but also good for the child's development. The participant who can write as many ingredients as possible will win. The prize will, of course, be a large and delicious Easter cake.

Competition "Yula"
The funny competition “Yula” will be exciting not only for children, but also for adults. The rules are the simplest and easiest. Several volunteers come out and are given one colored egg by the presenter. Their task is that they need to promote this attribute. The competition should be fun and accompanied by music. The winner will be the one whose colored egg spins the longest. Children will receive a huge amount of positive emotions and positivity from participation. To add a little excitement and intrigue, you can hold the competition again, only with the participation of adults. The winner will receive a colored egg from the loser.

Competition "The most unusual egg"
In this competition, children will have to creative work, in which they can use their imagination to create the most beautiful colors. The presenter places boiled eggs and various decorative elements for decorating paint. The assistant turns on cheerful children's music, and the children begin to make crafts. They will carry out a wide variety of ideas and plans without the help of their parents. After the children’s colored eggs are ready, they can give them to anyone they want with the words “Christ is risen.” Thus, painting the main symbol of Easter will bring them great pleasure, and they will also be able to master the Easter ritual even better.

Game "Easter egg rolling"
It’s simply beyond words how much fun children will get from this game. It is this competition that brings a little spirit of competition into the mood of every child. All children take part, whom the leader divides into two equal teams. A chair is placed not far from each group. Then he gives the first team members one egg each. The task is that each participant must roll the attribute to a chair, walk around it and back, without breaking the egg. In order not to lose, you should perform actions carefully, and most importantly, take your time. The team that can quickly complete the task and complete everything in accordance with the rules will win.

Game "Egg Rolling"
In this game, participants need to choose a pair for themselves, and then sit on the floor opposite each other. The presenter gives each one one colored easter egg. Cheerful music turns on, and the couples begin to roll paintballs. No doubt they will run into each other along the way. Whoever's egg broke or cracked lost. The whole game continues according to this principle. Each winner of the pair plays with the other winner. It will be no less fun and interesting.

Game "Rolling eggs downhill"
Another game in which participants must roll eggs. This time they have to do it downhill. At the command of the leader, the children lower their paints from the slide and watch them ride. The one who has the egg to roll away the longest wins. As a reward for winning, he takes the dyes of the losing participants in the game.

Game "Easter Gifts"
This game will not leave even adults indifferent, because taking part in it will be a pleasure. The presenter lays out various small gifts. These can be candies, souvenirs, etc. After which each participant in the game, in turn, begins to knock down souvenirs using a colored egg. All gifts knocked down by the child remain as a prize. Children will experience incredible emotions and admiration from this game, and parents, in turn, will be curious and very pleased to watch their child.

Game "Easter Bell"
Since ancient times there have been traditions of dancing, playing and singing on Easter. However modern world improved in many ways that many began to forget the customs of Easter rituals. This game will be able to remind all guests of the holiday about traditions. The presenter must make in advance the best selection of folk songs that no one will perform. Why? Because in Rus' on this day the bells rang loudly. So it is in this game. Several people can take part, each of whom chooses their own song. His task is that he must perform a well-known composition without words. Instead of choruses and choruses, he melodiously says “Ding-ding-ding.” The winner will be determined by the audience, but it must be the one who can perform the song more accurately to the tune while being very interesting and fun.

Game "Blow the Egg"
Another one exciting game, in which all participants should be divided into two teams. The presenter must prepare a raw egg in advance without all the contents inside. You can make it empty using a needle. Next, both teams sit at the same table opposite each other. The prepared attribute must be placed in the middle of the table. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to blow the egg with all their might towards the opposite side of the table. The team that is the first to complete the task will win.

Game "Find the Hare"
Chocolate, toys and various souvenirs have always been among children's favorite accessories and delicacies. In this game they can get it all. The competition can be held both outdoors and indoors. The presenter must hide a certain amount of sweets, toys and chocolate bunnies in advance. Next, gather all the children and explain the rules. The conditions are that the participants, upon the leader’s command, must find all the hidden elements. You need to look everywhere. The winner is the one who manages to find as many accessories and treats as possible. As a reward, the child will be given all the things and chocolates that he found. It will be incredibly fun and interesting to watch how children with great curiosity are in search of their favorite sweets and toys.

Happy holiday: Easter

The Holy Resurrection of Christ is one of the favorite holidays for which it is customary to prepare in advance. Some mothers want to make this bright day special and memorable. Therefore it is worth thinking about competitive game program for children and adults on

Egg rolling

You can come up with a whole range of different ideas that kids will love. It is worth remembering such fun as rolling eggs. In addition, this one can have many different variations.

If you spend time outside, it’s fun to roll paints down the hill. Whose egg is farthest from the rest will be the winner.

All participants are divided into teams with 4-5 participants. A chair is placed in front of each group of players at some distance. At the leader’s signal, the first member of each team must begin to gently roll the egg with their hands. It is necessary to circle it around the chair, return back, passing the baton to the next player. You not only need to roll the egg faster than the other team, but also not damage it.

IN small room Everyone sits down near the walls and rolls paints so that they collide. Whoever is damaged the least is declared the winner.

Other Easter competitions for children

You can organize a treasure hunt, and this game can be played both outdoors and at home. Should be hidden in advance different places dyes, sweets, souvenirs. Children must find them using a number of clues and directions, or they can also draw a map.

Nowadays, on many holidays, events are organized in educational and educational institutions. If the celebration is held at school, then you also need to take care of Easter competitions for children and adults.

You can offer the children the game “Yula”, because any number of players can take part in it. At the presenter's signal, everyone must spin the egg and whoever stops last will receive a prize.

Also a competition for children can be a quiz with riddles about Easter and everything connected with it. The most active participants should be solemnly awarded prizes.

Easter games and fun

Easter traditions in Rus' are very rich and interesting. The celebration of Easter in Russia has always included not only a solemn service in the temple, which evokes a feeling of participation in a miracle, but also many folk games and round dances, customs and beliefs. They include both the widespread and widespread congratulation that has survived to this day - the christening: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly he is risen” (pronounced three times and people kissed three times, congratulating each other), as well as games for children and youth, which, unfortunately, are very rare in modern families.

Previously, not only the Easter holiday, but also the entire Easter week that followed it, was filled with entertainment: they danced in circles, swung on swings, walked through the streets singing songs, and went around houses with congratulations. Main entertainment Easter week there were games with colored eggs: rolling from a tray, beating, hiding and guessing eggs. And this is no coincidence - after all, for many peoples, the egg is a symbol of life, the awakening of nature, the earth, the sun. Some of the blessed eggs were kept throughout the year and used as a talisman against fire or as a talisman for crops against hail. They used to believe that a person who won a colored egg in a game would ensure health and wealth for the whole year ahead!

These are unique games, truly educational, entertaining, training ingenuity, sensorimotor coordination, spatial orientation and many other vital skills. important qualities and skills.

Egg twisting.

This game can be played either alone or in a large group. All players spin their eggs at the same time. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner. He takes the loser's egg.

Rolling eggs towards you.

Playing in pairs. Each player stands against the wall of the room. One says: “Christ is Risen!” The second one answers him: “Truly he is risen!” After this, the players roll the eggs along the floor towards each other. The goal is for the eggs to meet and collide. Whoever's egg breaks in this case gives it to the winner.

You can play this game with a large group. Then one team stands at one wall, and the other at the other wall. Each pair rolls their eggs towards each other. The task is to roll so that the eggs meet. If this happens, then the couple hugs (christens).

Game "Grandfather Horn"

Children stand in a circle, the child reads a rhyme and calculates:

By God's dew,

Along the priest's lane

There are cones, nuts,

Honey, sugar

Get out, Grandpa Rozhok!

Grandfather Rozhok sits in a corner with a willow twig, the children go to him, pronouncing words.

Children: Oh, Grandpa Rozhok,

Burnt a hole in my shoulder!

D. Rozhok: Who is afraid of me?

Children: Nobody!

The children run to their places, Grandfather Rozhok catches up with them, touching them with a willow twig.

Egg rolling game. (“Katochki”)

Place the colored eggs in a row at a distance of approximately 8-10 cm from each other.

Move 10, or better yet 20 steps away from them.

Take a small soft ball (patchwork, felt, leather) and roll or throw it. If the ball hits the egg, you win and take this egg for yourself, and your egg remains with you. Then you make the next move.

If your ball does not hit a single egg, then you pass the move to another player. And your egg remains in the general game.

The goal is to collect as many eggs as possible.

Usually on Easter day the sun always shines and it shines in a special way; people say that it “plays”.

Do you want to play with the sun? Stand in a circle.

Game "The Sun is Red"

Children stand in a circle and say:

The sun is red,

burn, burn clearly!

Fly into the sky like a bird,

Light up our land

So that gardens and vegetable gardens

To turn green, to bloom, to grow.

The sunshine child walks around in a circle, at the end of the words he stops and says “Hot!”

“Sunny” and the child stand with their backs to each other and run in different directions, trying to take an empty space in the circle forward. The remaining one becomes the “sun”.

Egg rolling
Eggs are rolled onto a wooden tray flat surface, where before the game starts, players place their eggs in a random or predetermined order. The goal of the game is to hit your opponents' eggs. If a player touches someone else’s egg with his egg, he has the right to pick it up and continue the game until he misses. If a player misses, his egg remains on the line, and the turn passes to the next player.

Game "Take the egg"

a child left without an egg dances to the music.

Game "Blow off an egg."

This is one of the most fun children's games for Easter. A raw egg you need to pierce it with a needle in advance and empty it of its contents. Having divided the game participants into two teams, each is seated at a table opposite each other. The prepared egg should be placed in the middle of the table. At the same time, the participants in the game begin to blow on the egg, trying to blow it away to the opposite end of the table. The winner is the team that manages to blow the egg off the table.
Relay race.
Participants need to be divided into two groups and given each one 1 tablespoon, on which an egg is placed. At the command of the leader, a player from each group must run with a spoon in his teeth to the designated place, return and pass the spoon to the next player without dropping the egg. The team that completes the task first wins. If the egg falls, the player stops the relay for 30 seconds.

Game "Chasing Two Hares"

We put two dyes next to each other. You need to hit the third one so that they roll in different directions.

hiding eggs.

The game requires ingenuity and the ability to navigate in space. The game is similar to blind man's buff.

How to play:

1. On the ground (or in modern version an egg is placed on the floor, on a table, on a chair.

2. One girl is blindfolded and taken away from the place where the egg lies. The first time, girls rarely remember the “road”, later they themselves figure out that they need to count steps and remember turns in order to understand where they took you and where the egg is from you.

3. A girl blindfolded goes to the egg. She walks until she decides that she has already approached the egg (no one tells her and no one stops her).

Russian folk game“The sun is a bucket”

They choose a driver - “Sunny”, the rest of the children - “Sleeping”. They are singing:

The sun burns brighter -
Summer will be hotter
And the winter is warmer
And spring is nicer.

The players dance in a round dance to the first two lines. For the next two, they turn to each other and bow. Then they come closer to the “Sun”. It says, “It’s hot,” then catches up with the kids. The “Sun”, having caught up with the “Sleeper”, touches him. He “Wakes Up” (leaves the game).

Kids are playing .