home · Networks · Craft from plastic bottles turtle. Turtle made from waste material. Craft from a plastic bottle. Butterfly

Craft from plastic bottles turtle. Turtle made from waste material. Craft from a plastic bottle. Butterfly

A do-it-yourself turtle for the garden can be made quickly enough if you have the appropriate skill.

If personal plot decorate garden crafts, it will be more pleasing to the eye and lively.

To create a product can be suitable various materials: cement, clay, pebbles, foam, plastic and even rubber. Before creating, you need to decide on the material and dimensions of the product.

Foam plastic to help

To make a turtle, you need to make a frame from polystyrene foam and tie it tightly with wire.

To make a turtle from foam plastic, you will need the foam itself, wire, cement and paint. The frame is designed from foam plastic, then it should be tied with wire. A cement solution is prepared, which will be applied to the foam. In order for the head to be firmly fixed to the body, it must be driven into the base of the future product with nails before cementing.

To save on cement, you can use expanded clay. Apply it to the surface of the foam and wait for it to dry completely. The craft can be varnished and the colors you like applied to the surface. To decorate the turtle's eyes, you can use different numbers of stones, beads or buttons.

Before the cement has time to dry, all parts of the product must be shaped. To do this, take a wet brush, which removes all the unevenness and blemishes. The head and other parts of the turtle can be formed separately from cement, but this will be more difficult.

You can place some kind of support under your neck so that it is fixed more securely. Roll 2 balls, which will later be used as eyes. Before drying, the shell can be given any design. The final painting and drying will not take long.

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Plastic plate

A cool solution would be a simple plastic plate, which is easy to find at every dacha. A turtle can be made from a plate of any diameter.

A cute turtle can be made from two painted tires, an old basin and a small piece of plywood for the head and tail.


  1. Plate.
  2. Markers/paint.
  3. Stickers or plastic overlays.
  4. Cardboard.

You need to take a plastic plate and slightly trim the edge. The product can include various available tools. Take cardboard that has been pre-cut into pieces and glue it to inner surface turtles using glue or tape.

Form the future limbs of the turtle: tail and head. The latter can be made from a separate piece of cardboard and also using simple paint or beads.

The top of the turtle is covered with paint. Color solutions limited only by imagination.

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Plastic product

The following materials will be required: two-liter bottle; foam balls for legs, neck and head; drill; dye; glue; varnish; iron; artificial eyes; milk bottle cap. The scheme of action is as follows: four holes are drilled in the bottom of the bottle. The edges of the resulting workpiece must be melted with an iron. The next step is this: take the foam balls and cut them in half. Four halves of foam balls are glued to the previously drilled holes. Glue is selected at your discretion. You can use a hot glue gun to speed up the process. Fix securely and wait for drying.

To make paws, you need to cut the tire into four equal parts and insert them into the cuts of another tire.

Half of the small ball must be glued almost to the base of the bottle (the turtle's tail). Next, you need to paint the bottle itself in the color you like and wait for it to dry. Whole foam ball You also need to paint it the color that will be used to paint the paws, tail and head.

Use a milk bottle cap and cut out a paper circle. Along the edge marked on the lid, add glue and glue the lid. Paint the resulting form.

A large number of common products are attached to a small ball glued at the base. The cap from a milk bottle will serve as a hat, and ready-made eyes or beads are glued to the head, and facial expressions are depicted with a marker. The hat is put on the turtle's head and glued.

After which the product must be coated with spray varnish. Use a marker to make appropriate marks and delimit the shell.

The plastic turtle will be a wonderful stand for flowers and gardens.

Turtles, turtles, they are so cute! Today you can make them yourself. Yes, with your own with my own hands. And it will be easy and simple thanks to our detailed instructions With big amount photo. A family of funny turtles made from plastic bottles is waiting for you :)

Look how cute they are. Would you like one of these turtles for yourself? Then let's get started. In the picture above you see a piggy bank turtle, a turtle - musical toy and their friend the sea turtle. Yes, yes, she can swim! You can make all of them, or just one of the little animals.

For production you will need:

  • plastic bottle
  • thick foam cloth
  • thread, needle

Take a plastic bottle and cut off the bottom. A 1.5 liter bottle was used in the picture.

Trace a circle with a pencil, retreating about half a centimeter from the edge. Draw the head, paws and tail.

Cut the workpiece using scissors or a stationery knife. If you are making a musical turtle, fill the contents of the bottle with coins or pebbles.

Secure the plastic bottle by sewing threads around the workpiece. Attention: no need to pierce the plastic! Stitches are made on a foam rubber blank.

For piggy bank turtles make a small cut using scissors. Big enough for a coin to fit through. Otherwise your treasures will fly out :)

Draw a muzzle and toes. For beauty, you can sew a button on top.

For sea ​​turtle that will float make a cut No need, otherwise she won’t be able to swim for long :)

Cool piggy bank turtle from plastic bottle ready!

You can fill the turtle with beautiful pebbles or beads. Then it will become musical and will strum coolly :)

Or you can leave the turtle empty, then it can swim. Kids love to splash around in the bath with this funny toy. Especially when it is made by yourself!

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You can make a huge number of all kinds of crafts from plastic bottles. They can be beautiful, useful, unusual, or all three.

A flight of fancy and a little ingenuity is all you need to make a good craft.

Such material as a plastic bottle is probably found in every home, which means everyone can make good craft, so let's get started.

Craft from a plastic bottle. Butterfly.

You will need:

Transparent plastic bottle (preferably light)

Butterfly stencil

Felt pen or outline for stained glass


Glue (preferably "Moment")

Glass paints

Acrylic paints


1. Cut off part of a plastic bottle, place a butterfly stencil and outline it with a felt-tip pen.

2. Cut along the outline.

3. Color and decorate the butterfly.

4. Bend your wings plastic butterfly. This must be done so that the outline is on top.

6. Using glass paints or acrylic paints, begin decorating the butterfly.

7. Using beads different sizes, you can make the body of a butterfly, and antennae can be made from wire. The glue will help hold it all together.

8. You can decorate the butterfly with sparkles, rhinestones, beads, etc. on top.

This gift can be decorated with gift wrapping or placed on the refrigerator door.

Plastic bottles. DIY crafts. Turtle with candies.

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Velvet paper


Clusters from tablets

White paper


Thick paper or cardboard

1. Cut off bottom part bottles - this part will be used as a shell.

2. Preparing a turtle stencil. Draw a silhouette on cardboard and cut it out.

3. Use a stencil to draw a silhouette of a turtle onto green velvet paper. Cut it out and glue it to the cardboard part.

4. Let's do plastic turtle eyes. Prepare a pill cluster and peel off the foil backing. Next, you need to cut out 2 fragments for the eyes from the cluster.

5. Prepare white paper and use it as a backing, and use black velvet paper to cut out the moving eyes. Next, simply glue the structure together.

6. We collect and glue all the details of the craft. Use glue to attach the turtle's eyes and mouth. Fill the bottom of the bottle with sweets and tape it to the turtle.

Crafts from a plastic bottle (master class). Toy "Catch the ball".

You will need:


Ping pong ball


1. Prepare your flexics orange color and cut out the petals for the flower.

2. Using glue or Double-sided tape, attach petals and thread to the bottle.

3. Attach a table tennis ball to the other end of the thread.

That's it - play by trying to catch the ball in the flower.

How to make a craft from plastic bottles. Vane.

For those who want to know which way the wind blows.

You will need:

Plastic bottle (preferably a pot-bellied one)


1. Prepare a clean bottle and use scissors to cut windows in it. It is desirable that they be approximately similar to the blades of a weather vane.

2. Attach the weather vane in a suitable place - on the balcony. This can be done using an iron pole. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle and put a pole on it.

Now you will always know which direction the wind is blowing.

Crafts from plastic bottles for children. 3D glasses.

You will need:

Transparent plastic bottle

Unnecessary sunglasses

Colored markers


1. Cut two parts from a plastic bottle as shown in the image.

2. Take the glasses out of the glasses and outline them on the cut part of the plastic bottle.

3. Use a red marker to color both sides of the left glass.

4. Color the right glass with a marker Blue colour on one side and green on the other.

5. Insert the glass back and enjoy 3D pictures.

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Frog.

You will need:

2 plastic green bottles (volume 2 liters)

Scissors, knife

Centimeter tape

Felt pen

Needle and thread

Acrylic paint


Traffic jam from wine bottle

1. First you need to wrap plastic bottles with tape at a height of about 7 cm from the bottom. The higher you want to make the frog, the more you need to move away from the bottom, thereby making the box more spacious, but not very proportional. Next, use scissors to cut off the bottoms along the top edge of the tape.

2. Using a measuring tape and a felt-tip pen, make marks for the future seam. You need to mark on both parts at a distance of 5-7 cm from the edge, leaving 1 cm between the marks.

3. Make holes at the marks with an awl. Try piercing the plastic through a napkin after folding it in half, so the bottle will not slide, which will prevent you from getting hurt. When the holes are made, remove the tape.

4. Prepare a zipper and wrap it around one of the parts future crafts. Temporarily attach it with tape to the body.

Sew the fastener with stitches along the holes made with an awl.

When you have sewn the zipper in a circle, remove the tape. Next, tie and secure the ends of the thread and trim off any excess.

Unzip the zipper and sew the other half in the same way.

5. The frog's eyes can be made from a wine bottle cork. You can paint the cork in green color. Once you have glued the eyes to your box frog, leave the glue to dry.

Crafts from a plastic bottle (photo). Bracelets.

Crafts from plastic bottles (photo). Cherry blossom.

Crafts from plastic bottles (instructions). Casket.

Palm tree made from plastic bottles. Option 1.

You will need:

Plastic bottles Brown(1.5-2 liters)

Green plastic bottles (the larger the bottle, the more luxuriant the leaves)

Thick rod (for the base of the trunk)

Awl or drill


1. To make tree bark, you need to prepare brown plastic bottles and cut them into pieces 10-15 cm high.

3. To make palm leaves, you need to cut off the bottoms of green bottles. On one workpiece you need to leave a rigid neck with a lid, since it will play the role of fastening.

4. Start cutting out the leaves - you need to do this so that there is about 5-7 cm left to the edge.

5. Start collecting green blanks, putting them on the same blank with a neck. Screwing the lid will hold everything together and you will have a palm tree crown.

6. Now you need to make connecting holes. Their diameter must match the diameter of the base rod. Such holes can be made using a drill or a hot awl. Make a hole so that the crown of the palm tree does not fall through.

7. We begin to collect the palm tree. When you have strengthened the rod, begin to place blanks of brown plastic bottles on it. The design ends with a green crown.

We have already introduced you to crafts earlier. In this article we would like to introduce you to her new masterpiece, Turtle (from waste materials from a quick fix.) In order to make this cute turtle you will need:

1. Glue gun.
2. scissors.
3. brush for acrylic paint.
Materials: 1. 5 plastic bottles (0.5 liters).
2. body from an old vacuum cleaner.
3. Yellow paint in a can.
4. Acrylic paint different colors(brown, red, blue...)
5. 1 plastic bottle (2 liters)
6. Wire.
7. Small parts to decorate the turtle's face.

Making a turtle:

So, let's start with the body of the turtle - this is the body of an old vacuum cleaner. Glue the legs to the glue gun - 4 floors. liter plastic bottles.

We will paint the resulting body with legs with yellow spray paint, and apply stripes to it with acrylic paint.

We paint both parts and glue the hat to the head. Then we glue the head to the body.
As for the face, you can get creative here... Buttons, paints, Kinder Surprise packaging, old ones Sunglasses. Give free rein to your imagination and your pretty face is ready.

We make an anemone in the turtle’s legs from a half-liter plastic bottle, cut out a chamomile, and paint the petals in all possible colors. Use an awl to make a hole where we insert the wire. Next, insert the wire into a bamboo stick and secure it with a glue gun. Using a glue gun we fasten all the parts...

And... This is such a charming turtle. We hope that this will please both you and your loved ones with its presence on your site.

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